Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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extensive eastern trip, after which they
' I'll! W
y.-tnfn- - tit- :V-. h
- . t-... i r
Di3ijnei by Roseawald & Weil, Chicago.
u To Young Men.
You'll soon realize, if you don't already, that Clothes
- 'are'ifripdrtant.
The man whose attire indicates good taste has
business and social advantages denied to his careless
Suits,' Raincoats and Overcoats made by Rosenwald &
Weil of Chicago express this good taste idea.
The styles are original and distinctive; fabrics ex
clusive and the length of service is insured by reliable
, materials and expert tailoring.
' t' r
"CCtW Clothes are ready-to-wear and the prices
are' "just right?
' $15.00 to $35.00
. ,' Sold by leading dealers everywhere.
Brandeis Stores
. . . Are Agents In Omaha for
RosciuvaJd H Weil's Clothes
Gebhardt Said
to Be Another
Kuiderer of Anna X-utner , is . Sus
pected of Two Other
, Similar Crime,
r . ;
NEW fcOBJcJ: Oct M. Frederick Oeh
hardt, alias Mueller, the self-confessed
Isllp, murderer, may have a claim on the
title "bluebaard," according1 to a statement
mad tonight by Captain 'Couglan of the
Brooklyn detective force.
Two other mysterious murders of women
are to be investigated before the prisoner
is put on trial for tils life "and in favor of
h''f uncertain matrimonial career, the po
lio believe two and possibly three addl-
The Woman's
Shoe That Fits
Not only fits yrhen you buy
them, but remains a good fit
ting shoe while wearing them.
'. V '
They erk the one line of
ladles' footwear that holds its
original fenfire until they are
worn but,. ; 'J '
Made, they are, in all the
shapes of women's, feet, fit
ting is niadft easy.
The shape of your shoes Is
more important than the size.
The good qualities of a shoe
are remembered long after
the price is forgotten.
riAVK WILCOX, Manager
I 203 3outh Fifteenth Street
.! .t :
j .t'VrV'
tlonal cases where women mysteriously dis
appeared will be cleared up.
It was reported today the prisoner con
fessed to the coroner that he killed two
other women, but this could not be con
firmed. Captain Coughlan said:
"Gebhardt admitted enough to put several
new clues at our command and we hope to
get further admissions from him as soon
as we have followed these clues up."
According to the police, Gebhardt served
nine years in Sing Sing for swindling a
New Tork woman out of $340 on a promise
of marriage. He went to prtson under the
name of Scharferleln in 1S96 and was re
leased In 1906. At the time of his trial for
this offense It was shown that he already
had a wife In New Tork and at least one
wife living in Germany,
The prisoner is said to have operated
under six aliases, while other marriages
as yet not proved absolutely figure In his
record. His career particularly since his
release from prison la being looked Into
by detectives.
The lnquei over the body of Anna
Luther, the German girl whom he admits
having shot, will be concluded on Friday.
Greets His Son,
Then Falls Dead
"Good Morning," Says William
Hooper of Crete, and Death
1 Claims Him.
William Ilaoptr arose from his bed
Thursday to reply to the "Good morning"
greeting of his son, W. F. . Hooper, and
dropped to the floor of his bed room, dead.
The agtd man had retired the nlcht be
fore In good health and spirits after a day
seeing Omaha with his son. A physician
pronounced heart disease the cause of
Mr. Hooper was a wealthy retired farmer
living at Crete. He had lived in Crete
since lSitt, when he removed from Jersey
ville. III., where he had been engaged In
extensive farming projects. His life in
Crete was one of quiet retirement, but even
up to his death Mr. Hooper was able to
care for his Investments personally.
He was born in Devonshire, England,
and came to the United States with his
parents at the age of years.
Mr. Hooprr Is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Susan Hooper,' a daughter. Miss Grace
Hooper, who teaches school at' Nelson,
Neb., and his son. W. F. Hooper, an ac
countant for the Falrmount Creamery com
pany of Omaha. The son lives at 3010
Miami street.
The funeral will be held at Medora, III.,
near the old family home , '
Foley's Huney and Tar ctears the air
passages, slops the IrrliaUoa tn th throat.
soothes tba Inflamed membranes, and tb
most obstinate cougtt disappears. Sor
, Inflamed lungs are healed and sirangtV
j ne. andstli cold i exp!k:d froip la
I system, lief us any but th genuine la
J it ysllow package. Sold by all druggUta
Beats Atlantic City and Milwaukee
for Next Convention.
Estate Nrnr SI. I.oaU Valaed at Fifty
Thousand Dollar la. Given as x
Mfnoilal to Ilia Wife by
"... Ferris.
Baltimore .''ll entertain the next annual
convention o. the National Women'
Christian Temperance union. This was de
cided at the meeting of" the executive board
of the union, held In the aitsembly room
of the Young Women' Christian aesocia
tion. Atlantic City and Milwaukee had
extended Invitations and each received
few favorable votes. Belated Invitations
were received from Mobile Ala., Toledo,
Ohio and University Place, Mo.
An Important action of the board was the
setting of the convention dates after the
fall election. In the future Instead of be
fore, as the women who are taking In the
fall campaigns are prevented from attend
ing the conventions, to It was deemed best
to fix the dates for future conventions
after the fall election.
A gift of an estate near St. Louis, valued
at $50,000, has been tendered to the na
tional organization by H. B. Ferris of St.
Louis, as a memorial to his wife. It Is
his desire that this place be made a, home
for "Women's Chrlstlon Temperance union
workers who have grown old In faithful
service and have no other place to spend
their declining ytars, and that It be called
the Addle Ferris Memorial home. The
matter was referred to a representative
committee Including the general officers
and the Missouri members of the execu
tive board.
Chance Time of World's School.
It was also voted to memorialise the
World's Sunday School association and to
change the world's temperance Sunday
from the last Sunday In November to the
second or third Sunday of October. This
will ' bring It before the fall elections In
this country and will, the women believe,
aid in Influencing voters.
A supplement to the Frances Wlllard
memorial program observed February X7
each year by all unions was recommended
by the board In the form of a medal con
test. The program will be sent out by the
national committee and will be made up of
extracts and songs from Miss Wlllard's
own writings and a sketch of her life. The
proceeds of all such contests will go to
the Frances Wlllard memorial fund for
the extension of temperance work.
The committee continued Its session dur
ing the afternoon. The general officers
left last evening for national head
quarters at Evanston, 111., where they will
hold their first executive session for the
new term.
Wedding Bells
Omxnmsg Biaf tot BapPT
Ooaplea Xmowm ta Oaaaha aad Aa
aomaoaataats ( fttkars Axe Xada.
A pretty wedding of the autumn was that
of Miss Irene Cole, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. David Cole, to Mr. Charles Henry
Wright, which was celebrated last even
ing at th First Methodist Church at 8
o'clock. Rev. E. Comble Smith of Kansas
City officiated, assisted by Rev. ' R. U
Loveland. It was a yellow chrysanthemum
wedding, the church being prettily beco
rated with these flowers and wth palms
and farns.
A pretty feature of the oeremony was
the muslo, with Mr. Thomas J. Kelly at
the organ. The robed choir entered first
singing the bridal chorus from Lohengrin.
The ushers, Messrs. Walter Coleman, Sam
uel Rees, jr., Fred E. Ryner and-Harry
Steel came next and stretched the ribbons.
Little Miss Kathryn Smith, In a dainty
frock of yellow chiffon over messaline,
carried the ring In a yellow chrysanthe
mum. The little flower girls were tiutn
Anderson and Lulu Mae Coe. They were
gowned alike In white marquisette over
white silk, and carried basket of yellow
blossoms. Preceding the bride was her
cousin, the maid of honor. Miss Viola Cole
of Chicago, who wore an attractive gown
of yellow liberty satin made princess, with
sleeves and yoke of gold lace. She carried
a large arm bouquet of yellow chrysanthe
mums. The bride walked with her father,
and was beautiful In her wedding gown of
white crepe de meteor, with stole front
and back of hand embroidered chiffon. The
sleeves and the yoke had a trimming of
duchess lace, and the long tulle veil was
held In place with a wreath of lilies of the
valley. She carried an old fashioned bou
quet of bride's roses and lilies of the
valley. Mr. Joel Wright,' brother of the
groom was best man.
Following the ceremony, a reception was
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cole,
1812 Wirt street. The rooms were abloom
with yellow chrysanthemums. Assisting Mr.
and Mrs. Wright in receiving the guests
were the maid of honor and the best man.
Mrs. Cole, mother of the bride, wore an
attractive gown of pale yellow silk poplin.
Assisting through the rooms wer Mrs. E.
Comble Smith, Mrs. Leonora Diets Nelson,
Mrs. Mol Uhl, Miss Estelle Brown, Miss
Cora Faulkener of Lincoln and Miss Cor
lnne Paulson. At the punch bowl were
Misses Edna Sweeley and Margaret Phll
lippl. About 200 guests were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright have gone east on
a wedding trip, and will be at home' after
January 1, at the Majestic, where they
have taken apartments.
A wedding of Interest In Omaha was that
of Miss Julia Newberry Hlgglnxon of Chi
cago, formerly of Omaha, daughter of
Mrs. Selma B. Melkle, to Mr. Richard
Hamlin Hollen, which was celebrated
Tuesday evening at th home of the
bride's sitter, Mrs. Frank and Dr.
Linch, 14M) Fifty-first street. Chicago, Rev.
Hi rman Page officiating.
The bride wore a handsome gown of
white satin charmeuse, heavily embroid
ered in cream Bilk. The yoke and sleeves
were of rose point lace. Her tulle veil
was draped with orange blossoms and she
carried a shower bouquet of lilies of th
valley. The bride lived In Omaha all het
life until the last two years, when she and
her mother moved to Chicago. She made
her debut here several seasons ago.
Mrs. Harley Moorhead of Omaha was
matron of honor. She wore a beautiful
gown of white chiffon over green satin and
carried a shower bouquet of white
chrysanthemums. MUs Louise Scott of
Memphis, Tenn., maid of honor, wore an
exquisite costume of shaded green mar
quisette. ' This was fashioned In draped
princess style and trimmed with crystals.
She carried a bouquet of white chrysan
themums. a
Richard Boaler served a best man and
the ushers were Edwin Potter, Philip Reed,
Andrew Playter and John Clark.
The house was decorated with green and
white, the sorority color of the bride, who
Is a member of the Alpha Delta Phi soror
ity at National Park seminary, Washing
ton, D. C, where she attended school.
Mr. Hollen's gift to the bride was a dia
mond banquet ring.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollen hav gon for an
will be at home In Chicago at 5334 Hlhbard
A pretty home wedding was that of Miss
Marie Edith Houthard, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Southard, to Mr. Charles
Scott Smith, which took place Wednesday
evening at t o'clock at the home of the
bride's parents, MO Harney street. Rev.
Mr. Houseman of the Castellar Presbyter
Ian church, officiating.
The bride wore a white lingerie gown ot
Irish lace, made princess, over white silk.
She carried a shbwer bouquet of bride's
roses and her veil was held in place with
orange blossoms. Her only Jewel was a
diamond pendant, the gift of the groom.
Miss Elda May Wills of Valley Junction,
la., was the bridesmaid and wore a whits
lingerie gown and carried pink roses. Mr.
Alfred Mortenson of Council Bluffs was
best man. The wedding party entered the
living room, where the ceremony wns per
formed, to the strains of the Mendelssohn
wedding march, played by Miss Mildred
Wills. A pathway of white ribbons and
smllax was made from the foot of the
stairs to a bower of ferns and roses. On
the dining able was a low mound of white
roses and maidenhair ferns. The guests
at th wedding Included only close friends
and relatives. Following the ceremony
there was an Informal reception. Mrs.
Southard was assisted by Mrs. J. H. Wills,
Miss Mildred Wills of Valley Junction, la.,
and Mrs. R. T. Johnson of Havelock, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith left for a western
trip, and will be at horn after November
IS, at 1020 South Forty-sixth street.
Among the church weddings last evening
was that of Miss Aurora Wllhetmlne Kort
lang, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kort
lang, to Mr. Roland Herman Springer,
which took place at I O'clock at the
Kountse Memorial church, th Rev, Mr.
Hummon, pastor of th church, perform
ing the ceremony. Th church had a
decoration of ferns, palms and white car
nations. The ribbons were stretched by
Miss Hermina Lehlelter and Miss Helen
Frandson. They were gowned alike in pale
green messaline. Master Richard Koch
was ring bearer and carried the ring in
a rose.
Miss Maude Louise Cole was flower girl.
She carried a basket of rose petals which
she showered In the pathway of the bride.
The bride wore a gown of white messa
line, with trimming of baby Irish lace.
The veil was held In place by a wreath
of roses and pearls. '
Miss Florence Bruett was maid of honor
and wore a gown of green messaline made
empire, with trimming of chiffon, and car
ried a shower of white carnations.
There were six bridesmaids, gowned alike
In white. Each carried a basket of ferns
tied with white tulle. The bridesmaids
were Miss Helga Rasmussen, Miss Mamie
Munsoh, Miss Marie Waldemath, Miss
Irene Tetard, Miss Inei Bloom and Miss
Beatrice Colo. Mr. Emll Conrad was best
The ushers were Messrs.' August Ras
mussen, George Rasmussen, Alvln Bloom,
William Kortlang, Walter Springer, Carl
Kornmesaer. Preceding the ceremony Mr.
Williams sang "To the End of the World
with Thee." and the Lohengrin march was
played by Mr. Gooc"man.
The ceremony was followed by a recep
tion and supper In the church parlors.
The guests, numbering 300, were seated
at supper at one long table and a num
ber of small tables.
, Mr. and Mrs. Springer have gone for a
southern wedding Journey and on their re
turn will be at home at 1514 Spring street.
Both the bride and groom w-er members
of "the Kountxv Memorial church choir.
The marriage of Miss , Elisabeth K.
Parker to Mr. Alexander. M. Jeffrey took
place Wednesday afternoon at the , resi
dence of the bride's brother, . Mr. E. S.
Parker and Mrs. Parker of 2701 Bristol
street, the Rev T. J. Mackay of All
Saints' performing the ceremony. The
bride wore her traveling gown of brown,
with hat to match. Mrs. Lulu Strain, was
matron of shonor, and Mr. Alexander B.
Rutherford was best man. v
The ceremony was followed by a lunch
eon, at which the guests were a few Inti
mate friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs.
Jeffrey have gone for an extended wed
ding Journey to New Orleans, thence to
San Francisco, from where they will sail
for Honolulu. They expect to return about
January 1, next year.
Mr. Jeffrey Is a member of the firm of
Carton Jeffrey, brokers. His home
has been at the Omaha club for a num
ber of years.
, Th wedding Is something of a surprise
to th many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Jeffrey, although the engagement was of
long standing.
The wedding of Miss Alice E. Bolton,
daughter of Mrs. Thella Bolton, to Mr.
Edwin W. Bedford took place yesterday
afternoon, at half past two o'clock, at
the home of the bride's mother, 1312 North
Twenty-third street, the Rev. Mr. Conley
of the First Baptist church performing the
The bride wore a white silk mull gown,
made princess, with trimmings of Val
enciennes lace and a semi-wreath of lilies
of the valley in her hair. She carried a
shower boquet of lilies of the valley.
Mr. Lesseur Bedford was beet man. The
wedding party entered the reception hall
where the ceremony was performed to the
strains of the Lohengrin wedding march,
played by Miss Elsie Evans. . Following
the ceremony there was a very informal
reception for the Immediate friends and
Mr. and Mrs. Bedford left for an eastern
wedding trip, and will be at home after
November 15, at 3402 North Twenty-eighth
Personal Gossip
vrsars th People Ara, Wha
Vhsy Ar Oolag aad Wbn
Thay Expect to Batora Horn.
Mrs. eott of Topeka, Kan., Is the guest
of Mrs. M. Glacominl.
Mr. J. O. Slford left today for a week's
stay In Des Moines, la.
Mrs. Davis Donovan of St. Paul, Minn.,
is the guext of Mrs. John Ross, Jr.
Mrs. Henry Magee of Chicago, Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Nelson have returned
from a trip to New Orleans and the south.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bradford and Leslie
King left Tuesdey for New York, to be
gone three weeks.
Mrs. Hattle L. Easton returned today
from a week's visit with friends in
Chicago and Milwaukee.
Mrs. K. C. Morehouse Is spending a few
days at the Paxton hotel, and will move
next week with her son, Mr. R. H. More
house and family, to their horn on South
Thirty-eighth avenue.
For the Future
Svsat of latarast That Ac Oa
the X.ocU Beclal Calaadai That
Promts Mack ot Flsasare.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Ualdrlg will
entertain at dinner this evening at their
Sells Furniture 20
home on South Thirty-ninth street, in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Wllhelm,
who will leave the latter part of the week
for a four months trip abroad.
Mrs. Jerome Magee will be hostess Mon
day afternoon at the meeting of the
Sewing club.
Pleasures Past
octal Zvssta of JTot at Waioa
Ooaganlal Feople Meet and Bn
joy Tsamselvas te th TJtmest.
Mrs. E. A. Cudahy entertained at a beau
tifully appointed bridge luncheon today at
her home on South Thirty-seventh street,
in honor of Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, who leaves
this week for Europe and for Mrs!" Clark of
Manila, P. I., "who is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Tousalln. The guests included the
members of th Monday Bridge Luncheon
club, of which Mrs. Wllhelm Is a member.
The guests were seated at one large table
for luncheon. A mound of Killarney rosea
formed an attractive centerpiece for the
table and covers were placed for Mrs.
Clark. Mrs. Wllhelm, Mrs. A. L. Reed,
Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall, Mrs. J. L. Baldwin,
Mrs. C. C. Chase, Mrs. J. E. Baum, Mrs.
J. A. McShane, Mr. J. R. Scoble, Mrs.
Q. W. Wattles, Mrs. J. S. Brady and Mrs.
A delightful bridge luncheon party was
given this afternoon at the Rome hotel by
Mrs. D. Schleslnger, Mrs. Ferdinand Adler,
Mrs. Theodora Mayer and Mrs. Charles
Rosewater. Th guests were seated at
small tables which had attractive center
pieces of pink carnations and ferns. Lunch-
eon was served at 1 o'clock and bridge
was played during the afternoon. Covers
were placed for sixty guests.
The Misses Alexander .were hostesses to
day at an enjoyable bridge party, at their
home, on South Thirtieth street. A- eolor
scheme of yellow and green was used In
the appointments and a profusion of yel
low chrysanthemums decorated the rooms
Th score cards matched the decorations
and eleven tables were placed for the game
of bridge.
Plead with Them to Lay Proper Foun
dation In the Children's,
Mothers and teachers gathered at the
First Presbyterian church Thursday morn
ing and afternoon to listen to the advice
and experiences of those engaged In purity
work. The conference was held under the
direction of Mrs. Rose Woodallen Chap
man of Brooklyn, daughter of Mrs. Mary
Woodallen, president of the world's purity
work. The daughter, has taken up the
work begun by the mother and la president
of the purity department of the Woman's
Christian Temperance union.
Mrs. Sena Hartseil Wallace, national or
ganiser and lecturer for the Woman's
Christian Temperance union, suggested
that the best way to reach the children In
the purity work was to instruct the moth
ers and fathers on the subjects of the ori
gin of life. She pleaded for a father who
would put his arm around his son and talk
to him rather than scold him from a dis
tance. Mrs. L. B. Smith, national superintendent
of recruit work for the Woman's Christian
Temperance union, led the discussion of
the purity -work a she came in touch with
It from her. work of rescue.
Dr. Carolyn E. Oelsel, from the surgical
staff of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, who
has been an operator for twenty years and
who has been a Chautauqua lecturer for
fourteen years, was moved forward on the
program, as she had to leave early to catch
a boat at New oYrk for England.
"Poor food, lack of physical exercise,
wrong clothing, are some of the founda
tions of the cause of social unrest which
makes for impurity," said Dr. Gelsel, who
r.lso spike of the possibilities of legislation
to supply the demands for physical foun
dation for purity. She advocated children's
playgrounds as a grand place for physical
exercise, where the play of chllden would
have some guidance.
"Mothers too often shy when they hear
we are to deliver a lecture. on the subject
of urlty," said Mrs. Chapman, who is
also a lecturer for th American Society
of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis. "The
principal trouble we have Is In getting
mothers to our meetings, but when we
once get them there It 1 an easy matter to
Mi rrrlar X
IT, ""3
Royal Acorn jiPPiP
ase Burner
Quick Meal
Acorn Ranges
Stoves Sold
Interest them In the work wo have In
Mrs. Chapman tries to make mothers rea
lize the moral dangers which threaten their
children In the public schools and explains
to them the phyi;lcf.l effects of Immorality,
and points out what mothers can do to
protect their children from these dangers.
She tells In simple words the story of the
origin of life as a mother may explain It
to her child.
Steals Money to
Get to Sweetheart
North Dakota Young1 M?.n Lands in
Omaha Tail Contrite and
The closing days of the courtship of Ed
Norrls, a young farm hand from York
N. D. were rudely Interrupted when he
was arrexted at the Windsor hotel Thurs
day afternoon, to answer charge of em
bezzling money from his employer.
' Norrls was dejected and silent As the
police stripped him of his money, Jewelry
and love letters at the station.
"Please let me wear this ring I haven't
taken It off for years," he begged, when
an officer started to pull It from his
Detective Dempsey glanced over to the
pile of love letters and then back at the
sorrowful young man.
"Yes, go along, lad," he assented.
The telegram o'di ring the arrest of Norrl.i
states that he Is accused of taking loCO. The
young man Tun confessed to having $15)
belonging to Edward Jam'", a farmer,
for whom he had been working. He pays
that he was g M -n $fO to pay a lumber bill
while In town with a string of wheat
wagons.' He told the detectives that he
sold the wheat and pocketed the money.
The tcmptitlon of a sweetheart in Okla
homa was too great.
A warrant is held by C. H. Troger, chief
of police at ' York. Norrls was arrested
by Frank Murphy, detective. He had
!T tn bills when arrested.
Dyspepsia Cured
::-:... . -v -V
: ... . '. ., ; ::. , : v. ;. . -v ,.. . .y,
' ' ' ' ' " - v - - .. .... v x.. ... -
atable, and agreeable to tbe most sensitive stomach. I certainly am a friend
of yours for the benefits derived from your medicine and heartily recom
mend it to all." Mrs. Sara E. Scott, 502 N. 6th St., Camden, N. J.
Duffv's Purs Llalft Wh.str.eir
If you wish to keep young, strong
tbe glow of perfect health, take Duf
fy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, ac
cording to directions. It tones and
strengthens the heart action and puri
fies the entire system. It la recog
nlted as a family medicine everywhere.
CADTIOM Wh you ask your drug
gist, grocsr or dealer for Daffy's rare
sCUt Whiskey, be sure you get the gen
uine. It's the only absolutely pure wed
l'lnal wait whiskey and is sold la sealed
bottles only never la balk. Fries $1.00.
r.ook for tbe trade-mark, tits "Old Cnem
1st," on the label, and wake sure the seal
over tbe cork Is unbroken. Write Medio!
eartmen .The Dofy Malt Whiskey Co.,
aVocbester, If. Y., for a free illustrated
saedleai booklet aad free advice.
i .I '"
r T T Haiii'
on Payments
Mary Anderson Warner
Exhibit of Parisian Gowns. Sulti 6 Bhustt
Friday and Saturday at
Andren Mnnacelln Puts a Conntryanan
I'nder Dond to Keen the
' Giovanni BaUista Gotto halls from Sunny
It. He Is also under (100 bond to keep the
peace. Andrea Mauscella ' ecks the pro
tection of the American l:iws. He appeared
befora Justice William Altstadt with five
knife wounds In his anatomy and a story
ui nil truiu mici in m. iuvui UU9JJ111&I inut
came pcrlloiXly near resulting In a tragedy.
"PleeBe Meester 'Morlcan,' beseeched the
conn lalnunt. "I auk you wait and see
what ho do. He goln' after mo. He CUtu
me five time sconce I am comn' here. I
want you help."
Andre then told the story of the cutting.
He asserts that after he had been taken to
the hospital, suffering from knife wounds,
his , foe called at thj Institution and, under
the guise of a friendly caller, soURht out his
victim and attempted his life. A tragedy
was averted, he asserts, by the presence
of nurues and attendunts.
Justice Alts'.adt Issued the peace bond
and ordered the appearance of Giovanni be
fore the court next Wednesday morning.
There Is no dauuer from croup , when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used.
B a tiding; Permits. ,
Douglas Security Co., 1742 South Thlrty
seeond, brick veneer dwelling, 15,000, and
172S South Thirty-second, cement covered
dwelling, 6,000; K. 8. Rood and Thomas
Crune, H4 South Thirty-eighth, , brick
apartment building, 110,000; A. T Gow, 131
South Thirty-fifth, frame dwelling, JS.OOO;
Paul Bououet, 2010 Nicholas, brick storage
building. 11.600; Thomas H.' ' Kelley, - 2628
Maple, frame dwelling, 12,000. ',
A well-known woman of Camden,
N. J., writes an interesting letter
praising Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey for relieving her hus
band and herself of serious stom
ach troubles.
"Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has done
me and my husband a great deal of
good. At times when 1 could not eat
or retain anything on ray stomach a
tablesiioonful of Duffy's ' Pure Malt
Whiskey would give me strength and
relieve mo of that tired nervous feel
ing. "My husband had stomach trouble
and indigestion from childhood. It be
came so bad, he had o quit work-. He
began taking Duffy'a Pure Malt Whis
key, a tublespoonful before meals and
at bed-time. He was soon able to go
to work, and eat a hearty meal.
"Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is pal
and vigorous and have on your cheeks
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