TTTE BEE: OMAIIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1009. BODWELL ENTERS A DENIAL Nebraska Nebraska C to) d p si a ki Given Away Absolutely Free In order to make room for onr fall stock we will Bell, regardless of cost, fifteen practice pianos, regular prices $100, $110, $120 and up, at $15, $25, $35 and up, on terras 60c to $1.00 per week. One piano will be Riven away absolutely free between the hour of 8 and 4 p. m., Saturday, October 30th. The only condition being that you present this ad to our floor manager. The first piano was awarded to N. U. Aldrlch, 2010 Webster , Street. , The second piano was awarded to Mr. Ossen Styles, 1121 Georgia Avenue. , We rent new pianos, $3 per month and up. Also do expert piano moving by experienced and careful drivers, and store pianos at lowest rates. Our storage facilities are not equalled by any house In the city. V Free estimates furnished for repairing and refinlshlng your old piano. Telephone your tuning or moving order to Douglas 1625 or Independent A-1625. SCIir.lOLlER 6 KUELIER PIAIIO CO. -Exclusive representatives for Stelnway & Sons and the Weber PlanoU Pianos. . ... 131 11313 Farnam Street. Established 1 659. tZ font Pianola Plnnnn and nther Plonn tf lowest rates. " sw - - Mi 'J MORE 'I ROUBLE AT ASYLUM Superintendent Aiki to Hare Account ant Check Up the Books. z Nebraska Good and Batten Have Conference Democratic Candidate for Judge is Closeted with, Anti-Saloon Worker. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. (Special) rudge B. Good, who. Ib a candidate on the demo cratic ticket for supreme Judge and who has .been trying fori both the saloon and the anti-saloon Nebraska, took up' his headquarters 1n the private office of Governor Shallenberger this afternoon and held some important conferences. . Among-those, who oalled at the office of the governor while Judge Good was hold ; lng forth waa Rev. Bamuel Zane Batten, "pastor of the First Baptist church of this city and energetic In anti-saloon agitation. After the conference Rev. Mr. Batten was . asked If ha had seen Judge Good. "I "he In town?", waa the answer. When assured that Judge good was In the city and that he and Rev. Mr. Batten . had -been together Hi the office of the ' governor. Mr. Batten said he had seen r Judge Good at a 'distance. "Did you discuss turning over to Judge Good the anti-saloon vote of the state?" 'was asked. - " "Did you not know that the temperance people" decided yesterday that they would make no endorsements officially? A per , son has 'ilKht to. support whoever he pleases as an Individual, has he not?" said rljrlr.. Batten., -,,,. f4 IvgiedtateiK qr5lRt 4r. ettes eft tiiitilfft o' ti fcoferntor, 'Dr. Hall, nemo. ci alio national committeeman, was called ' over the telephone, and asked to come to ' the governor's off toe as, son as possible. ,VPn his' arrival Dr. Hall was ushered vlnto the private office of the chief execu tive for a conferenos with the nonpartl son democratic judicial candidate. Having secured -the endorsement of a Bohemian papsr as a liberal candidate and also the .endorsement of a Polki county paper as a prohibitionist, this conference today in the governor's office Is taken to mean that Judge Good intends to bring to bear every possible pressure to secure the untWrAloon vote, without permitting the other side "to know It. It was, of course, Impossible to discover Just what proposi tion was made to Judge Good or what sug gestions he made. Nebraska his last campaign, by some means he In gratiated himself with the temperance and church element and secured endorsements from the clergy and officials of temperance organizations, and In Butler and Saunders counties, where there were large Bohemian and German settlements, he was one of the boys who liked personal liberty, and re ceived the endorsement of voters who are against county , option. Mr. Good gained a reputation that he was one of the smoothest politicians in the dis trict, catering to both factions and credit must be given him that he worked the game most successfully while running for the office of district Judge In this district. HOGS BRING , FANCY PRICES JI'DGB GOOD AS DOUBLE DEALER Plays Temperance la York and Liberal In Other Coaatles. YORK. Neb., Oct. 28. (Special.) The many .acquaintances of B. F. Good, demo cratic nominee for' Judge of the supreme . court of Nebraska, here In York county are acquainted with the various kinds of ward politics that he uses to secure his election. In the first place when making his cam paigns for district - Judge-of this district he has used every. means to secure votes and In several campaigns semed to Ignore Ms runnlngmatet on. the same ticket. Here In York, a. temperance city, when he made Sattoa Breeders Have aa Aaetloa Bale , of Da rocs. SUTTON, Neb., Oct. 28.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The sale of Duroo Jerseys held by Gilbert Van Patten & Sons waa a success. The entire offering of forty head sold for $4,350. The trade in young males was un usually good. The weather was ideal and a large number of breeders and farmers were present. Colonel Callahan did the selling In a very efficient manner.' 1 J. E. Rowe, Stockham, Neb (kso.00 2 J. L. McLaughlin, Norman, Okla.. 60.00 J. L. McLaughlin, Norman, Okla.. 42 .50 4 Ed. P. Trltsh. Platts mouth. Neb.. 47 50 6 Arthur Smith, Lexington, Neb 35.00 6 P. Real, Grafton, Neb 21.00 7 Arthur Smith, Lexington, Neb 67.50 8 Elmer E. and U. T. Young. Lex- lnton. Neb 75.00 ft-V. Peters. Sutton. Neb 86.00 10 P. Real, Grafton. Neb 21.00 u ruenraska Experiment station. Lin coln, Neb 65.00 12 J. L. Ferryman, Fairfield, Neb.... 29.00 13 J. M. Klien, Sutton. Neb 200 14 P. Real. Grafton .Neb 2.uo 1; J. L. McLaughlin, Norman, Okla. 40.00 liW. -Thomas, Seward, Neb....i. ...... 60.00 -lra Sapp, Coon Rapids. la,... ,k... 66.00 18 A. T. Cross. Guide Creek, Neb 130.00 19 Arthur Tickler. Inland. Neb 70.00 20 Mat Moser, Sutton, Neb 89.00 zi it. L. Brachlin, Reynolds, Neb 86.00 22 Arthur Smith. Lexington, Neb 40.00 23 Prlchard Bros,, Sutton, Neb 40.00 ay a. ixoiae, Button, Neo 36.00 25 A. Nodle, Sutton, Neb 35.00 20 -. Issler, Button, Neb 44.00 27 Ed. Weston, Sutton, Neb 87.50 2 O. 8. Benson, Saronvllle, Neb 60.00 29 J. Chrlstensen, Mlnden, Neb 43.00 3U-T. M. Shey, Hastings. Neb 82.60 31 E. J. Brown. Osceola. Nab as m 32 J. M. Klein, Sutton, Neb 27.50 w-wmer iu ana u. L. young. Lex ington. Neb Art i 34 Ed. Weston, Sutton, . Neb 80.00 35 P. H. Ulaslnger. Plattsmouth Neb.. X no 36 Ed. Weston, Sutton, Neb 30.00 37 W. A. Stewart, Lexington, Neb.... 40.00 3S C. L. McLeod, Dannebrog, Neb.... 47.00 39 August Hoofman, Sutton. Neb 20.00 40 Elmer E. and U. T. Young, Lex ington, Neb. 33.00 Yoaa Has Commits Balclde. LEXINGTON. Neb.. Oct. 28.-(Speclal Telegram.) On Monday evening about ( o'clock, Charles Boales, a young man liv ing north of Cosad, committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid. The young man was 21 years old and had been living alone on his farm. He was to have been married on the day following his death. Friends can give no reason for the deed. The body was sent to Friend, Neb., his old home, for Interment. Fall colds ai qulcn.) wured kjr Foley's Honey snd Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. The genuine contains no barm ful drugs. Bold bv all druggist. :. rria&y is a. ureal D&.ra.ii uay o.r UASEMfcN 1 ILU XUi MOTION tie r BOYS' CLOTHING SPECIALLY PRICED rh 75e Knickerbocker Pant. Special at 39c fx fiV Stows You can only realize what these pants are by coming -down and seeing them. Good, honest, strong fab i rics the kind that boys need for rough wear. Buy these pants now, at, pair 391 Coys' $2.50 Eeefers (small size) at 98c Only ages 3 to 6 years Not very many, come Quick. Dark patterns, fancy emblem on sleeve, 9 2.6 value, at . . . $8e d( Boys' $3.50 School Overcoats at $2.50 A long cut, fancy cheviot overcoat for boys, ages 7 to 15 years, for school wear. Others ask. I ft1? ft f Kit an4 ti flft V at T COYS' $1 an! $5 EMCKES30CKE2 SUITS at $2.50 1 Odda and endji. short lot of many all wool sulu that positively sold "P t0 5 w,ltn Btr'8ht and knlcker panU. at $3.50 ' Br&ndeis Stores- AID RICH OUT FOE GOVERNOR Senator Anaoaares Platform oa Ma lea II Will Appeal to Repab llcaa Voters at Primaries Neat Year. (From a Ftaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. 28. (Special.) At last blowoff Is aboutt o come at the Insane asylum at Lincoln. Superintendent Wood srd has asked for the state accountant to examine the books and records at the In stitution. This request, coming after six or elpht months of war between the su perintendent and the bookkeeper, means one of two things either Felix Newton, the bookkeeper. Is to be fired or the governor Intends to throw the harpoon Into the su perintendent. Bright and early this morning Superin tendent Woodard came to the state house snd made his demand for the state ac countant to at once come to the asylum and Investigate It, snd a few moments after he left Felix Newton rushed Into the governor's office for a private conference with Secretary Furse. Whether the steward, Horace Bishop. Is going to be dragged Into the controversy remains to be seen, but It has been re ported at the state house that the steward and the bookkeeper are at outs and he may also come In for a checking up during the blowoff. State Accountant Tulleys refused to go out and Investigate the Institution at the Invitation of the superintendent until Au ditor Barton had given him orders to do so. Inasmuch as the vouchers'for the Insti tution have not yet been-filed with ; the secretary of state. It is taken to mean that Superintendent Wdodard Intends to dis charge a number of employes, but he does not want the fact. to become known until after election. In fact there Is evidence to Indicate that he has already requested the resignation of Newton, though the bookkeeper this morning would not con firm that repqrt. Superintendent Woodard has engaged in a policy of. not taking the public Into his confidence regarding affairs at the insti tution and every time a news story leaks out of the institution It stirs the superin tendent to serious activity. Recently . he called the employes on the carpet and at tempted to discover the party who was giving out the news. He even went so far, an employe Bald, as to call on the painters working on the building and demanded to know of them If they had given out any news of the Institution. In order' to stop Information leaking out of the institution to ' the taxpayers Dr. Woodard has fre quently complained of the employes, and for that reason or some other he has dis charged many of them. Felix Newton had his head under the axe several weeks ago, but no one around the asylum was brave enough to drop the axe. That was when Newton refused to sign a receipt for a car of coal which he said had not been delivered to the Insti tution. Superintendent Woodard and Steward Bishop both tried to get the re ceipt from Newton and the claim of the coal company was held up for several months, until finally the superintendent hlmstilf prevailed upon the board to allow it. The fact that the superintendent failed to discharge Newton at that time gave rise to considerable speculation. Aldrlch Oat for Governor. Senator C. H. Aldrlch announces him self as a candidate for governor, subject to the approval of the republican primaries to be held In August 1910, and submits for consideration the following personal views The republican party should adopt. In the convention or 110, a platform as progres sive as that of UKM. As a result of its fulfill ment we got the benefit of the splendid laws or the legislature of lwj. I stand for the impartial enforcement of law. No class or business should be' favored above ajiy other class or business and all mustt ob justly dealt wr.n. Labor should have its just-recompense of reward. . Corporations should have adequate pro tection from unjust assaults, snd should pay their fair share of taxation. In the strife between employees and pub Ho service corporations, I bellev; that tho public should be protected by compulsory arDltratlon. I firmly believe In the principle of coun ty option as a means of regulating the liquor traffic and shall use my Influence for the enactment and enforcement of such a law, believing It to be In the Interests of sobriety and economy and In accordance with the American principle or the mi Jorlty rule. I believe that our state supreme court should have original and exclusive juris diction In passing upon the validity of state law with power of appeal provided direct to the United States supreme court. I stand for the most rigid economv In the administration of the . state's affairs consistent with good government, to the end that taxation may be reduced to the minimum and the blessings of prosperity -n loved by all. I believe that some adequate wav should e provided to better secure depositors for he r money left in hanks. I emphatically believe In the primary lection plan of nominating public officials and shall use my best enneavors to enm Inate the vicious feature from the present law and to so amend It a to make It meet the requirements of the people of Vebraska. More Grief for McGraw. Joseph McOraw, former adjutant at the soldiers' home at Grand Island, who was forced to resign because he criticised the management of Commander Ell Barnes, has recetvel another hot poke in the ribs from the superintendent. Mr. McOraw In his claims against the state filed an Item for $5 for horse hire from September IS to .10 and for hauling his furniture and house hold goods away from the Institution, 17. Through these two Items Commander Barnes drew his blue pencil and in a let ter he aald he knew nothing about them. He did place his approval on a claim of J75 for salary. So,' notwithstanding he bucked the machine and was thrown out of the Institution because of it, Mr. Mc Oraw's penalties have not all been paid. Street Hallway Still Delays. The Lincoln Traction company has not yet filed Its report with the State Rail way commission and unless this Is done forthwith the commission Intends to appeal to the courts to find out the reason of the delay and force a compliance with the law. The excuse this morning given by the sec retary, was that President McDonald re lused to sign the report. Mr. McDonald said the secretary, informed him that Vice President Sharpe would do the signing. Late this afternoon Mr. Sharpe, who ex pects to make himself president of the company, had not affixed his signature to the report. In the meantime the attorney general said the railway commission had no discretion In the matter of corporation.) filing reports but It must see to It that they are filed by the first of August. Capital Briefs. The state Board of Publ'.e Lands and Buildings this afternoon let the rcntraot for the construction of an elevated tank at the Girls' Industrial home at Ml lord. The contract was let to the Des Molnea Bridge Iron works for (2.08b. Tht tank I will hold 2S.A00 gallons and will be used for fir protection and to supply the In- stlutlon. Miss Net Msrks, who has been employed In the state house for a number of years ss a stenographer, left tonight for Billings, Mont., where she has secured a position aa a stenogrspher. Eben Lt - g of Omaha. 82 years old, has made application to the secretary of state for a commission as a notary. So far as a hasty Investigation of the records show, Mr. Long is the oldest app leant now on the list. Societies Unite For Anti-License Plan is to Pat Six Men Into the Field to Keep the Work Moving Along;. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 28.-(Speclal Telegram.) The Anti-Saloon league and the Nebraska Temperance union were merged more closely today when the Board of Trustees of the league Invited the governing board of the union to meet with them. Out of the forces present, the officers of the Anti-Saloon League of America, Department of Ne braska, were elected. The following are the officers elected: S. K. Warrick, presi dent; J. L. MeBrlen, vice president; Rev. Samuel Z. Batten, secretary; J. M. Guile, treasurer. The headquarters committee, which Is to be the executive committee of the league s: S. K. Warrick, Alliance; S. Z. Batten, Lincoln; C. B. Anderson, Crete; B. F. Fellmsn, Omaha; Mrs. F. B. Heald, Osce ola; W. R. Patrick, South Omaha; U. 8 Rohrer, Hastings; T.. M. Wlmberly. Unl verslty Place; W. P. Alysworth, Bethany It was decided to immeamtely divide the state Into four dlstrldts, the northern dls trict with office at Norfolk, southern dls trlct with office at Hastings, eastern dls trlct with office at Lincoln, and the Omaha district with an office at Omaha. Lincoln Is to continue to be the state headquarteds. This plan will put six men In the field. Including the two who are already there, who will devote their entire time to the work. An effort will be made to raise a campaign fund of (60,000. Chappcll Men Hurt Under Auto Tom Johnson and John Wamherg Caught Under Car that Turned Turtle on Prairie. SIDNEY, Neb., Oct. St. (Special Tele gram.) Tom Johnson, president or the Commercial bank of Chappell, and John Wamberg, m real estate agent of that vll- age, were speeding along in an auto at a fifty-mile gait near tha St. George ranch, four miles cast f here, when, In trying to avoid a wagon in the road, the wheels skidded' along the rough sod for over 100 feet and the car turned turtle, throwing them both under the car and Injuring them severely. The car waa demolished. John son and Wamberg were taken back to Chappell and will be laid up for some time. ' L '. Repabltcaas Peas at Alma. k ALMA, Neb., Oct 28-(Speclal.) The ladles' and gentlemen's Taft-clubs of Alma gave a republican banquet in the armory this evening free to all members and friends of the party. E. Overman of Red Cloud was the principal speaker. Pormer County School Superintendent Testifies in Paul Case. DENIES EVERY CHARGE MADE Admits GolnsT to Florence and He- Ins Told by Paal of Ills Iatea tlon to Name Him la Di vorce Salt. K. J. Bodwell of Bestrlce took the stand In the Paul divorce hearing this morning to deny the charges which have linked his name with that of Mrs. Paul. The former Douglas county superintendent of schools entered denial In whole and In detail of the allegations of the plaintiff and of the evidence given against himself. "Were you ever In any room at the Mil lard hotel, or at any other hotel, with Mrs. Paul?" he was asked. ' "I never was." "Did you ever meet her In any place ex cept her home?" "I never did," replied the witness. After questions with regard to meeting Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Nichols In front of cer tain stores the witness was asked: "Were you ever alone with Mrs. Paul at any time In your life?" "I was not." said Bodwell. Ills Visit to Paal. Cross-examination had to do with a visit of his to Florence, March 22, this year. He testified that he called on Paul then and that Paul then told him there would be a suit and that Bodwell would be a Party. 3 "You knew," asked A. W. Jefferls, "that I was Paul's attorney?" "Yes." "You knew also that I had been a friend of your for years?" "Yes." "Then why did you not come to see me?" "I was conscious," answered Bodwell, "that there was nothing In this and I thought that If there were any Intention to try to involve me that you would come to see me." , "You expected me," asked the lawyer, "to come and hunt you up?" Bodwe'.l repeated his former answer. Bodwell Falters Briefly. One question on cross-examination made the witness, who was perceptibly nervous, falter for the smallest part of a second. This was when Jefferls asked him why he had gone to Florence that day. But he answered that he "had wanted to take a street car ride with his niece and had wished to see the pump station." Ed H. Walker's examination was not through when the court rose at noon. His testimony concerned Itself so far with the meeting of Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Nichols In Council Bluffs. Mrs. Paul ended her fourth day's ap pearance on the stand before Bodwell was called. Her last testimony was with re gard to a "widow's veil," which Mrs. Gunn said she wore down to Omaha several times before she and Paul separated." Mrs. Paul explained this as not a widow's veil, "but a little chiffon affair" which she had borrowed to furbish up a shabby hat Nebraska News Notes. BEATRICE The New Home Telephone company yesterday finished Its leng dis tance line between Beatrice ana Marys- vllle. Kan. J SARGENT Two exoerlenced ' roasters came up on the evening train Tuesday to take charge of the ox for Thursday's barbecue. BEATRICE Announcement was received here yesterday of the marriage of Miss fioy KJnnamon or this city ana r reo. Radtke. in Denver. BEATRICE The threshing outfit belong ing to John Long went through a small bridge eight miles northwest of the city yesterday. Nobody waa Injured. BEATRICE Superintendent Brlnkerhoft of the southern division of the Union Paclflo was In the city yesterday on a tour of inspection of the company s lines. BEATRICE The marriage of Hubert L. Sparks and Miss Margaret Barry was solemnised last evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Barry, six miles south of this city. Rev. U. O. Brown officiating. SARGENT A. H. Brooks, a miller at Sargent, has offered the choice of the hand-painted plates In his store as a prise for the best loaf of bread brought In elec tion day made from hla flour. The bread will be given to the Methodist ladles for their election day dinner. BEATRICE The body of Mrs. Amelia Gtfford, a former resident of this city who died Monday at Superior, Neb., waa brought here yesterday for Interment. She was an old resident of Highland townshlD snd was seventy-three years of age. She Is survived by a family. of seven children. FAIRBURY John, the 15-vear-old son nf Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Clarey, living three miles east of this city, was accidentally shot through the palm of the left hand while preparing to go hunting yesterdav afternoon. He had hold of the barrel of the rifle and went into the pantry to get some more shells, not knowing the gun was loaded, when lt was accidentally dis charged. " Q0YERN0R HADLEY TO COME WITH GRAIN MEN Missouri Execatlve Will Attend Cora Show and Speak oa . . , December 16. the If you have anything to sell or trade and want quick action, advertise It In The Bee Want Ad columns. Governor Herbert Hadley, Congressman Ellis of Kansas City and P. D. Carroll, president of the Kansas City Grain ex change, with two carloads of Kansas City grain men, are coming to Omaha, Decem ber 18, which Is grain dealers' day at the National Corn exposition. A telegram from Will A Campbell, who is now In Kansas City was received by T. F. Sturgess of the exposition stating that he had secured the promise from Congressman Ellis and Mr. Carroll and that they had promised to bring Governor Hadley with them. Mr. Ellis and Governor Hadley are en thusiastic river navigation men and they will both speak at the meeting of the Mis souri River Navigation congress. Plans are now forming for an elaborate entertainment for the grain men December 16. Delegations are expected from all the prominent grain centers In the country. St. Louts promises to send twice as many as came last year. Buffalo is expected to send a special car. Chicago, Minneapolis, St Paul and Milwaukee will also furnish large delegations. One of the events of the day will be the awarding of the Colorado oat trophy worth (1,600 by Governor Shafroth of that state. The trophy will go to the exhibitor who shows the best peck of oats at the exposition. Nobody Is Too Old to learn that the sure way to cure cough or cold 'is with Dr. King's New Discovery. GOo and (1.00. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Bee Want Ads are Business Boosters. The Weather. For Nebraska Generally fair Friday; rising temperature. For lo-a Generally fair and warmer Friday. "-p"'neratures at Omaha yesterday; Hour. Deg. 6 a. m 33 8 a. m 33 Grcai Chance to Save Shoe Money As previously announced we are going to confine our men's shoe prices to (2 60. 3.60 and (4.80 with one exception Burt A Pack ard's guaranteed patent leathers, at (4 00. Our boys' shoe prices to (1.60, (2.00 and (2.60. In consequence of this derision we now offer the following bona fide reduc tions, which we advise you to take advantage of. All SS.OO, SB.60 and (I CQ .00 men's shoes. All 4 shoes, emesrt avt CA guaranteed pa teats forW.T?..",,.0.....$2-50 fm YMBOD Txa iohs or qvaxztt clotxbs Next time you buy flour don't just order "a sack of flour" be particular tell the grocer to send you a sack of Sunkist The Flour of Perfect Purity r-sTHE FLOUR "1 I I THE FLOURS OF PERFECT! r-"l'3s PURITY mm MoiuiiMillinqfa w 1 OMAHA. NEB Sunkist Flour is made from plump, sweet wheat berries from the very pick of Nebraska's wealth of sun-ripened golden wheat That's what gives Sun kist its rich creamy color and its fine wheaten flavor. 4 Sunkist is worth 25 cents a sack more than ordinary .flour, yet it costs you no more. . Maney Milling Co., Omaha BS5SE RIB DETAILS OF ASTOR CASE ARE WITHHELD Attorney C. H. Yoaaar. Referee la Bait, Will loos Be Able to Re port to Coart. NEW YORK, Oct. ZS.-A1I information concerning the action for a legal separa tion which Mrs. John Jacob Astor Is re ported to have brought against her hus band, Colonel Astor, Is being carefully withheld from the public, though It was stated today that Lawyer C. H. Toung would soon be able to submit his report as referee to the court. It Is further stated that In lieu ef alimony, should the sep aration be granted. Colonel Astor will make a division of hla property for the benefit of Mrs. Astor. So far as can be learned, Mrs. Astor has given do testimony before the refers. To 7 a. m 8 a. m 9 a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 12 m 1 p. m 2 p. m S p. m 4 p. m 5 p. m 7 p. m '., S p. m S p. m Littlo Soldiers In your blood are the millions V eorpuoclos that defend you against disease. To make and keep these little soldiers healthy and strong, is simply to make end keep the blood of the right quality end quantity. Thu is just what Rood's Sarsaparille Joes it helps the little soldiers in your blood to fight disease for you. It cures scrofula, ec tenia, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous n"as, dyspepsia, general debility, sod w ilds up the whole system. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA, Oct. 2$. Official record of tem perature and precipitation,' compared with the corresponding period of the last three 'earf: i0. 1W8. 1907. 19t. Maximum temperature.... 67 2 CI 62 Minimum temperature.... 32 37 31 32 Mean temperature 44 60 41 42 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1. and compared with the last two years- Normal temperature 4 Excess for the day .'!!!!!."."." 4 Total deficiency since March 1 "!"l&8 Normal precipitation 07 Inch Deficiency for the day 07 Inch lo'ai rainfall ulnce March 1 ... .24 ti'i Inches Deficiency since March 1 2.S9 Inches jenciency ror cor. period. 1H. . S.K Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1!W7.. 7.46 inches Reports froat Stations at T P. M. Station and State Temp. Mai. Raln- of Weather. J p. ni. Temp. fail. Bismarck, clear 44 64 .0J Cheyenne, cloudy 64 70 !o Chicago, clear 42 42 OJ Davenport, clear 40 44 .0) Denver, part cloudy tW 7a .00 Havre, clear 60 72 .00 Helena, clear 66 66 ,00 Huron, clear 48 62 .00 Kansas City, clear 64 82 .00 North Platte, clear 64 72 .00 Omaha, clear 60 M .0) Rapid City, clear 64 7 .00 8t. Douts, clear 48 60 .0 Ht. Paul, clear 38 42 .00 halt Lake, cloudy 68 72 .00 alentlne, clear 68 72 .00 Wllllston, cloudy 00 60 .OJ "T" indicates trace of precipitation. 1 I A. wk"-" EIV TRAIN TO COLORADO VIA 1 i iu i Leaves Omaha, . , .7:30 P. F.l. Arrives Lincoln, . 0:20 P. Arrives Col. Sp'gs, 11:40 A. CI. Arrives Denver, .12:15 P. Arrives Pueblo, . .1:00 P. Effective . Sunday. October 31st Through Pullman equipment with chair car and din ing car service No. 17, Oklahoma tnd Texas' Express, will leave Hmaha 4:05 Instead 4t40 P. M. ; G. S. PEHTECOST, D. P. A. I4ih and Farnam Sis., OMAHA, KEB. Bee Building OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE NOV. 1ST Room No. 406 has a south and west front, is 19y2x26y2 feet in dimension, and is so partitioned as to make three offices. There is a large sized fireproof vault in connec tion with this room. Rent $50.00 per month. Room No. 413 is an inside court room, lSVfcxUVfe feet, and has fireproof vault. Rents for $18.00 per month. Room No. 623 is close to the elevator. I414x26 feet. Has a vault in connection, and rents for $25.00 per month. Trackage Property! We offer for rent the building located at 914 Farnam street, which is a one story and basement building. This is in the wholesale district, being convenient to car line. For further particulars call - ' The Dee Building Go. Sbob Bonflas S3S Xaoopaaasat A-12JS. 17th and Farn&xa St