12 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1909. rssi 1KIAVDE.S JIAYOEHi S FRIDAY i p ? . lirTifninrn mm: TMC SILIASUI STOMS tmc aauaaLS svo 8? SONS Friday's real-Sale OF ODD LOTS AND mm Tim enormous sales of the inst few fU,- ife left ns with great tinntltie of odl lots and remnants of fine goods. Friday we offer them at bargains that will cause a great sensation. IMPORTERS' SAMPLE PIECES DRESS TRIMMINGS These are all high class novelties In Jetted and spangled effects gold, silver and' crystal beaded trimmings silk embroidered bands crochet and Venlse effects Insertions, bands, appliques, medallions end allovers one-third to three-fourths yards In piece on bargain squares 10c, 15c, 25c .o50c ft ..2V2c-5c Remnants and Odd Lots of Laces and In sertions worth up to 12VaC yard, at French nnd Gorman val. laces and insertions, cluny cur tain laces, linen torchon laces, plat val. laces, black chan tilly edges,' etc. I Fine Embroidered Turnover Collars and Stocks Manufacturers' samples all kinds endless variety C many worth up to 20c, at, each 1 JL FRIDAY'S SILK REMHAHTS ' 24-inch dress silks in all plain shades of Peau de Cupid nnd Messaline, regular price 75c and 85c yard Friday, yard 35c $1 FANCY DRESS SILKS AT 49c YARD These Bilks sold up to $1 a yard many of them 27 inches wide. All new weaves such as Jacquard Mes saline and Peau de Cachemere, striped and checked taffeta and satin Directoire, yard 49c DRESS GOODS REMNANTS All the heavy suitings, 41 to 54 inches wide, coatings, storm serges, covert cloths, meltons, rough weaves, diagonal suitings, worth as high as $1.25, at, yard .' 39c DESIRABLE COTTON GOODS for FALL Odd Lots and Remnants in Our Basement 40c SATEENS AT 15c YARD Black and colors. Even-body wonders why we sell such a ' fine quality at such a low price. A new lot for If i . Friday best grade sateens ever sold at, yard. NEW SHIPMENTS OF FLANNELS AT 10c YARD Buy flannels Friday. A new shipment just received well known Duckling fleece flannels for kimonos and dressing sacques in Persian, floral, chick, bird and but- . A ,terfly patterns, yard , 11 C Cotton . suitings, worsted styles, .very desirable for children a wear long length, worth 12V4C yard, at, yard , Thousands . o t piece ticking, denims, sateens lengths for laundry bags, pillow coverings, ' etc, worth 26o and 3&o . yard, each piece 5c 10c Persian cotton challles 1 for comfort covering long lengths at, yard Scotch and chambray ginghams very de sirable for children's wear, skirts, men's shirts, at, yard. . . . 3ic l ve a sa l O 71c Fine quality light and ' dark 36-inch dress percale the 12 He graae, at, yard Extra heavy mottled blue and gray flan nels, also cream Shak er flannels 10c grade, at, yard . . , 7ic 61c 8 Tllili 8 A. M. One lot of printed Silko- line, yard wide long lengths, yard . , . ... r - 21c O TILL 11 A.M. Vari ous grades short lengths lining sateens will be sold at, yard. . . . 21c Beginning Friday Af ternoon Short mill lengths Swansdown flannels, y1 worth 12c 7i yd., at, yd... 'ZV 4 REMNANTS OF LINENS IN BASEMENT Remnants of all qual ities of table damask and odd M dozen lots of napkins at greatly reduced prices. Remnants ' o f cotton toweling, 5c grade, at yard 2c Drummers' samples of table 'damask all large pieces, at, each, 6c and 10 Fancy linen pieces, hemstitched and stamped, worth 25c, at each 51 Large hemstitched ta ble c'otbs all pure linen, regular $2 val ues, each ... .$ 1.10 Large mercerized nap kins, very fine Qual ity, worth $1, at, a dozen 600 ADVANCE NOTICE. Hen's 7cc! and Flannel Shirts All Manufacturer's Sumples Worth up to $3 ! on wale Sat. urday 98c Hallowo'on Hovcltios Just the thing for little Hal lowe'en parties cleverest little novelties ever seen here. Black cats, pumpkins, witches, skulls, etc. at very moderate prices In Sweetland, East Arcade. - ' Every woman in Omaha who vanta to retain or secure grace ful lint's of her figure should see Miss Cunningham at our Corset Counter this week and let her explain about THE REIIOYJHED HO CCFSETS . The bcit features about Nemo Corsets are) patented specialties thai 'can be found in no other make. BRANDEiS STORES (Oh Two Dollars rlnys a fine flrat quality pair of gold filled cuff buttons. Bobby up-to-date styles. Spend a few minutes. la our Ure. Look for the name. S.'V. Lindsay, Jeweler ISIS XHtarlaa tre Pure Whiskies Full Quarts 80c, $1.00, $1.25. and Fine Wines 35c, 50c, 75c per Bottle Best for the Home. ' SPECIALS $ 1. 2R seven year old Cedar Brook. Bmirhon or Guckenhelmer, QKr full quarts irus, $1.00 quarts Blackberry ftQc for 75c quarts Best California fiKf Port Wine for $T2R quarts Golden Eagle 78C $1.25 quarts Old Willow Brook ne. Bottled In Bond Whiskey If it comes from HILLER'S It must be good. The Modal raially Liquor Store 1309 Farnam St. Prompt Delivery. Both rfconei. Bend for Frice list. V DIAMONDS ThA Diamond stands In a a f class by itself, both In its 1 . unchanging popularity and j f in the fact that it is, net to I . cash in value, as a medium ft of exchange. The person with a diamond always has V i "ready money." We will at any time with in one year, refund the pur chase price of any diamond purchased from us, less 10. 1 -S A L E- WE ARE SELLING OUT at about one-tenth of former prices the finest stock of Wall Paper That ever came to this city. Come in and look them over at 2008 Farnam Fftilfi FOR Weak and nervous men SJJU lUft who find their power to NFRVES work :nd youthful vigor v gone as a result of over work or mental exertion should take ORAY'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will malts you eat and sleep and be a man again. 1 Box; 3 boxes $2.60 by mail. SKXBMAH Jt lloCOKSIILL D1UO CO Cor. 16th and Dodge Streets. OWL DKUO COMVAHT, Cor, 16th and Harney sta., Omaha, Xfeb. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. The Bee Reaches All Classes. HOTELS. UtrftlWlimjtott liW TCrK UTV ."ja . rv'fl a ur t . . y i and Refinement Seventh Avenue at 55th Street Near Tamous Central Park Absolutely Fireproof Adjoining Carnegie Hall, near the Art Institute, and within Ave minutes walk of the leading theatres and shopping district; the location is ideal. A rare attention to details that lend to the home atmosphere Is responsible for our many enthusiastic patrons. The Welllngton'a delightful lounging rooms, handsome dining rooms and English grill room will appeal to your . sense of the appropriate. Hotel Wellington PRE-EMINENTLY THE CHOICE Or DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE Rooms, with Bath, 12.00 upward Parlor. Bedroom and Bath, 120. weekly and upward Send for Illustrated booklet J. F. CHAMPLIN Manafer v Seventh A v. at S5th St. New York City When in Detroit STOP AT 5 Hotel Tuller Booms and Bath tor SI. 60 ay. EUROFLAN FLAN No better rooms, culsins or service c be hud at double our price. Let us prove It to you. M. A. FHAW, Mgr. SCHOOLS AND COLLUUfeS. COLLEGE tor wmmm trtsM la eUaicriL practical arbooL 0f HACUUb4 Vt- nsstuct. ho isUuont is sUbIoM COBIMIss th Wt ilUMisj, Ir Writ I of ifMscaiu suU ct Hit iationMuasjy I UWOOtH BUtlHISsl OOCLtCt T3)T?RMT7'Pr av lf)MilMMJi ) fBia ncrrnE framk sale sATritDAY.! If Jy I SKE SIXTE.NTII 8THEKT WINDOW. Friday Sale Extraordinary Entire Harney Street Aisle Filled With 5,000 Fine Mod Greatest accumulation of short ends we ever had in a single sale. All the short pieces from the year's best fabrics such as Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Uaists, Linings, Flannelettes, Etc. Preparations have been going on for two weeks for this great remnant occasion. Entire stock offered Friday, regardless of former prices, mm EXTRA LUCKY FOR YOU A: V H!iDffllf mm All goods are plainly marked, you take half off. No inflated val ues, no misrepresentations. SALE OPENS PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK EXTRA SALES PEOPLE TO WAIT ON YOU NO GOODS RESERVED, AND NONE EXCHANGED All Kinds of Silk Remnants Black Silks In Ifesealbies, Peau da Sole, Peau da Cxrne, Taffetas all widths and colors, Fancy Silks, Poulards, Crepe de Chine, Silk Boarflnge, Moires in all colors, Bengalinss, Cashmlrs de Sole, Klntona Silks and other dress nnd waist styles Wonderful Collection Dress Goods Ends Imported Broadoloths, a?l wool Panamas, Cheviots, new Diagonals, Suitings, Voiles, Wool Taffetas, Wool Armures, Coating's, Challles, Serges, Worsteds, Silk and Wool Plaids, Astrachans, Cream Serges and Blaok Dress ratrios Keatherhloom Zoning- Velvets Sateens, blaok and oolors Fancy Velvets Percales VeWeteens Spun Glass Wash Groods Moire Skirtings . Eiderdowns Flannelettes Danish Cloths Madras Poplins Olnghams, Zto- Here's How Low the Values Go $1.00 Silks for SOoioOc Challles 3 80 1 Be Cambrics SHo $1. 00 Lining Satins ..6O0 86c Heatherbloom, 17Ho 7Hc AmoBeags ,,,3H $1.60 Broadcloths . .780 25c Sateens 13Vi0 1 1J 40 Olnghams ... .V4o Vdmen's Long Heavy IVinterXoats A Fyl(lrtralfl of one hundred aplen-tld garVnents nevsxiiKie ana aouoie oreaniea styles, with nigu nniiwry or noicn couar, materials are sturdy tweeds ami dark ' mixtures $12.00 coats tor " 'ill it ifs, 11 '7.50 Lymansvlllo Worsted Man Tailored Suits Vnmanla Wanraa SO t An Wail.la mt m ! oa.Q ars strictly pure wuui imv y aim oiner snaies, 46-inch satin lined coats your pick for . $15 U EXTRA 1 VA LUCKY 7 Vifor you rf Fnr Sets Brown and black Coney Neck I'iece and large Pillow Muff, with head trimming, per set . .S7.60 Bearskin Coats for children 2 to 6 years, white only, at S3.50 Girls' Coats, 6 to 12-year sizes, heavy mlxturea and plain meltons, all best colors, values to $7.60, at $3.95 Sweater Coats, regular coat length, 'sy ui wmie , V1J15 Muslin tfnderwear Soiled garments we have culled all the mussed and turn .Men ivmri Luvcia aim umwerB irum our ioc ana ii lines and offer mtk Friday at . OUO A Friday Opportunity for Men raincoats szn TOPCOATS VpIiOU REGUIiAM $ 18, $20, $22 AND $25 COATS A sale of all the small lots from our early season purchases. Lines with but one to four coats In all are Included. The Cravenettes are good all wool materials In plain and fancy weaves and new shades, cut full and long, with either regular or nrotector 1 collar. The Ton. Coats are the new knee length mod els In diagonals and Scotch effects. Absolutely ' correct styles, all of them. , Sizes 34 to 42 In the assortment. Buy any one Friday for $12.60. i 1 Mt"r" Via E I CVTD A I 1 U LUCKY J - yVoR you WHITE GOODS BSmTAVTS A final clean up solied and mussed WalstlngH, liulla Ltnons, Long cloth, etc., worth to 19c at ...7Vo TABLE BAM A8X Bleached Iamask, 64-lnch, for Fri day our 30c quality 190 BXSDIHO 10-4 Gray Cotton lilankets, 65c kind for 49c S-4 Bleached Sheets, regularly Di'o, for ..1 390 Silkollnes, new styles, usual 12 He goods loo Dlnnerware Stocks must be re duced, need room for holiday goods and toys. 20 Discount On Dinnerware This applies to all open stock patterns shown on our tables. DEfwF3ETTfS BIG GROCERY I DOU1L1 QKIEN STAMPS OS QKAKUI.ATES STQAJS nennetfs Kest Coffee, 1 IhH. 91 and 100 Oreen Bennett's H't Coffee, 1 lb., 35o and 30 Oreen Viennett's ChallenKe. Cof., 1 lb., 18e and 10 Oreen Bennett's TeaH., asst. kinds, lb. 7Sc and 80 Ur. Bennett's Teas, asst. kinds, lb., 6bo ind 70 Clr. Hennett a Tea Sifting, lb lSoandlSOr. Bennett's Kxcelslor Klour, k., $1.75 and 60 Gr. liennett'a Capitol Flour, Hack, $1.65 and 60 Ur. Uennetfa Capitol Ituking Powder 5-pound can $1.00 nd 100 Or. Rent Cream Cheese, pr pound. aOoandlOUr. Vlrjrinia Swi-ot Cheese, pound. 2GouncllOOr. Yai'it Club talad Pressing, bot., 35o und 2 0 Ur. Heinj Vinegar, cider mall and pickling, I h,, tle asoandlOGr. Bsnnetfa Capitol Mince Meat, three packages 950 and 10 Gr. Bennett'a Capitol Oats, 2-pound package Bennett's Capitol Kxtract. bottle Yankee Hose Tollot Soap, 3 packagoa riirl New Cleanser, .3 packaRi-s Snider' Chili Sauce, large bottle gmall Olives, quart Jar H J lleins Sweet Mixed Tickles, quart New' Horseradish, per bottle Orange City Rusk, per package Biiider'S .Pork, and Beans, large can p"' t 1 rtrrn all L 1 r. A I M U I I m ft I'm J V V 10 Green SO Ureen ') Ureen 30 Green 20 Ureen 10 Ureen Sins St pa. SlUt V a LUCKY .n. WOR YOUi Htns. . . . . llo and . . . .ISO and . . . . 35c ami .... 85o and , , . .350 and . . . . So and , . . .350 and . . . .luo and . . . . 10o ami SCO and 20 Ureen 10 Ureen 10 Ureen 20 Ureen Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Htampa Slumps Stamps rBISIITB BALB large quan llty Tea Uardeu brand Preserves, assorted, pure fruit and sugar goods". Our regular 0c Jars, per Jar a COOKXB SALE Vanilla Bars, fresh made, very delicious, Ine quality, pound .....loo A complete line of Kebkuehen Juat received direct from Germany. Bennett'a y,pitol Purs Maplo Syrup, BJCS Jap Klee, a regular 10c qual ity, special, luclU'llug SO stamps , st pounds, SCO 112 Mm U 1 P1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 LJdb'Judli IN OUR TA1M0US DOMESTIC ROOM 50,000 ynrda of Mill Ends and Ifoinnanta of Flnnnolottes, Outing Flannol, Swansdown, Prints,' OingUajins, Percales, Linens, all kinds of .White (Hoods; also by the yard Poplins, Pongees, etc., all will be placed on large counters in G lots, at LOT 1 Yard. SVLOT 3 Yard. .7V&c;LOT 5 Yard. . 10c LOT 2 Yard . . SclLOT 4 Yard . . SViC'L0T 6 Yard . lSViC Also B.OOO yards of Sheetings, yard wide; Towellngs, Muslins, in short lengths, at about half tht- regular price. Other drives on goods not advertised. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Two - piece suit In wool, half wool and cotton, plain or leece backs, Talaea o $1.60 f)S' 75 1 49t 3t)f MEN'S UNION SUITS Ribbed "Wool and Fleeced, all sizes, regular values to $2 on pale, at $1.50 98c 40c OVERSHIRTS Worth to $1, Dress or Work Shirts with soft collar or collar banda'. on sale, 50 490 390 Hero's Silk Bargains Worth While Short Lengths and Odd Pieces of Plain and Fancy Silks, worth to $1.25 yard, left over from our recent big purchase, on sale in two big lots, Friday, at 38c and 48c $1.25 Black Peau delcyTK Yard for Black Chiffon Soie, 36 inches wide, A J Dress Taffeta, 3G in Friday, at yard " dies wide, $1.25 value. WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Values up to $1.50, fine or heavy rib bed wool or cotton, in all sizes, on sale at, 98c and 49(? WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Vests or Pants, reg ular value up to $ I, fine and beaver rib bed, on sale at ' 49 and 250 Misses' dren's Veets ribbed winter ues up sale, at and Chil- Underwear and Pants, and fleeced, 50c, on 25c-19c Remnants of Wool Dross Goods Tailor Suitings: Broadcloths, Henriettes, Serges, Pana mas, Novelties, Evening Shades, Black Goods, Brilliantines. and a great many different kinds of Wool Dress Goods up to $2.50 a yard, Placed in 6 lots: .;". LOT 1 Yard. .25cL0T 3 Yard. .49clL0T 5 Yard,.75c LOT 2 Yard. ,39cL0T 4 Yard. .59cL0T 6 Yard. .98c Remnants of Fine Linens Remnants of Irish, French, German, Scotch and Aus trian Linens, in 2 to 4 yard pieces, .in lots according to value. Goods worth from 75c to $1.50 yard: LOT 1 Yard 25c LOT 2 Yard 39c LOT 3 Yard 49c ' LOT 4 Yard 59c Grand Blanket Sale Cotton Blankets, 25c each to pair, at $1.50 Wool Knapp Blankets, $1 pair to, Pr S2.50 All wool Blankets, pair, from l-25 to ...$25.00 Comforters, B9c each to $12.50 Home made Comfortables, each, from $1.98 to $5.00 Cotton llatu, 6c, 714 c, 10c, 12V4o. 15c up to, each $1.00 Finest yard wide t SllkolTne, no remnants, best made, yd., XO(5 Quilting Material, yard, from 6o t0 S5 Ready-to-Vear Garment Bargain IN OUR BUSY DOMESTIC ROOM FRIDAY Ladies' Black Underskirts- Regular values to $1.25," at each 69c Ladies' Fleece Lined Wrap pers Values to $1.50, at, choice 69c Women's Dress Skirts Val ues to $3.00, choice $1.69 Children's Bearskin Coats Sizes 2 to 6 years, regular $3.00 values, choice $1.95 Women's Winter Coats Worth to $10, sizes to 41, on sale, at .$5.98 Children's Hoods . .-.25c up Furs Up from 69c READ THIS FOR FRIDAY Za Oroosrlss Hardens, ths Greatest Market in ths Wast for Qrocsrlss, But ter, Cheese, Oraokera, Fresh Veg-etables and Trait. 6 lbs. choice Japan Ktce 26c 7 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal, at 25c 6 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca, 8ago or Barley 26 The best White or Yellow Cornracal, sack 16c 24-lb. sack best High Patent Flour, at 75c 48-lb. sack best High Patent Flour, at $1.40 lbs. bet Wheat Farina 25c Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per package IVto The best Domestic Macaroni, per package 8MiC The best Corn -itarrh, pkg 4c Tall cam Alaska Halmon 10c Oil or Mustard Har. lines, per can UVio Peanut Butter, per pound lie IHnmond C or Diamond H Mince Meat, per package 84o 2-lh. pkg. best Self Rising Pancake Flour 8c All kinds Com Flakes, pkg 7 toe Quaker Wheat Flakes, pkg 7V4o The CrUp Preticla or Ginger Snaps, per pound gc Fancy Art Cookies, per lb 10c Batter, Butterlne and Cheese Bale Fancy Dairy Table Butter, per lb. -Tft Fancy Co'intry Creaiinry gutter, pnf pound 28o Oood Table TtiitterinSi' 1 lbi. for 26c Fancy Table Butterlne, 2 lbs. for 85o 1-lb. brick Equal to Creamery. 26c See our dernouMtratl 3n f Butterlne. The largest In the flty. Full Cream While or Colored Cheese, per pound 2i)c Full Cream Brick .or Llmberger Cheese, per pound 20c Pap Hugo Cheen. each ......... 7 MiO Neufchutel Cheese, each Sc The Greatest Market la O in aha fori Fresh Vegetables V Monday's prices on all fresh vege tables, fruits, groceries. butter, cheese, crackers, teas, f Cffees and nuts. THE BAXAZTCB OT XXIFTEK TEAMS TO OO OUT SAX.B FB.IDAT 20 STICKS SUGAR CANDY, in our busy Candy Department, Friday, for 5cj FORUM qt. ran 40 o and 2U Ureen stamps 1DTTES Bennett s Capitol Cream ery Butter, full weight pound brl ks at 1 1 $V. H ( Jewelry Bepatrlng eSt-itsMJSSmr 1 I ''ftf:ggvvATCMKS, OIAMONDS I TRY UAYDEtlS FIRST HAYDEUs PATS" ALL DAY SATURDAY TMC MLIASUt CTOM f ALL DAY MONDAY Special Display and Sale Gordon Furgcson Furs The Special Display of the sample line of this immense St. Paul Fur House will vwill give you an opportunity of Belection from the largest and choicest stock shown anywhere in the land. , , , WATCH FRIDAY EVENING PAPERS for FURTHER PARTICULARS of. SALE Repair Watches sad llrerware. MAWHINNEY & RYAN CO., 15th and Douglas Streets j . ' p - - . . - . , . , rt , The Bee fop Rll the Sportlng. News