THE BEE: OMAHA, Fill PAY. OCTOBER 2f. 1P0P. .rr r - i I OFFERED FOR SALE . Trfwi""1 riti. PRAND Nf!W FULL FKRPKWTISE HHKI.I, FRONT. gUAUTKltSAWKn ? GOLDEN (UK I Rr".SSEU AT LESS THAN t-fol.IoatAI.K l'H ICE. T. vi;u hkhhkjc, r.n dodge. Typewriters. Typewriters All Makes Sold nnd Rented Kent Applied If Purchased AM h standard make Prima 14 to H manufacturer'. Rent A ma chine. Int It. If right buv It Oliver. Underwood. L. C. Smith. Remingtons, etc. Broad I year' fuarentee with each one mild .xamlnn our tork ,r write for bar tain Hat before buying. B. F. Swanson Co., 417 So St.. Omaha. Nab. SECOND hand typewriter aold. repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1H)J Karnam. " EVKITHIN'G In typewriter; Just a few of our bargains: Rebuilt No. Z Smith Premier. $31; No. 1 Oliver, 135; No. ( Rem ington. ."J; machine ahlpped on approval; no deposit teijtilred. TYPEWRITER EQUIPMENT CO., M . 12th 81. ' pthnna and Other Maalal laitrimrx. FOR two early bird. $10; talk-o'phone and 58 10-ln. disk record. ir Colmn 7 Mft And 8 10-ln. disk reeon's. $0.50, both a I g'od aa new; piny any disk record made; return nnd get your money buck If not satisfactory l'lano Flayer Co., Old Boston Store. r Mla.-rllaneoae. COAU AT CUT PRICES. ave you from 60o ta SI. 60 on evcrv ton and rive Xetter coal. We. guarantee correct weights : Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. t , imuns at ct it tirl ne. frelffhk nalit nn tit . tlO orders; -catalogue free. Shermaa . McCe-nneii Drag C.. Omaha. Nab. TJTMHF.Ii Trv - c- Dlmmock & Rons. . . . . Bouth Omaha, for lumber. 'garland STOVES the famous Garland stovea. Not being In nt high rent district we can aave you Biouey on slove. , Q. H. MEYER, 2709 Leavonworth. Hardware and love Dealer. Sedond-Hand Boilers . We will ail two Oonei thai have beeu iu ,ua at the - Bee 1 ney are eaun 17& lioravpoep. retuio luhular boilers, 78 lnck diameter by It feet lon. 'J hey nave I,, tube t Inches by U feet. Work- - in vt.'iaaui e I'd) puun4s per juar Inch. J iioai. sui lace llt,VM aguara feeL Urate aiou Wt ' square feet We are very ailioua to. dispose of theae boilers Immediately and will sell at a bar gain 1( taken at once. THE UKK UVILOINa COM PANT. ,,pth mod .i-'arpam bla. ', . , Omaha. Neb. WORTH 6aEINU-. MUBT SELL 300 STOVES, ttaed only one ai-aaon, for atovagc charge. . Also furniture. 1414 Podge H. Poug. 4i7. Come tally lor your choioe, . KOK SALE One 50-H. P. horizontal fire '. tube boiler complete- good as new; used ' leas than six montha: 'a('mont Creamery Co., Omaha, Neb. " SAFES, uew and second-hand. 1110 Farn m 1. WE HAVE on hand a lumber of Ink barrels whlrh we will aell at Mo each. The; T m-e fine for raJn water 01 aauea. Call at pressroom Bee- Publishing Uo. FOR SALE-New and W-hand blllard and pool tablea. Yve led the world la '--cheap bar tixturea, eaay payments. Uruna-wluk-Oalka Coilendar. .401 S. 0ih St. fnliT. Publlo Market Bpeclal, K Beat value in Omaha. VJ tartrldge-Thompson Co.. 1'iiU Harney. D. 5642 - ; CCt XT J" food; Yukon eg;; or lump. f O jJJli-i itf best for price, try It. ' HAltMON A WkETH, Both phones. ,., FOR 8 A LRvrA, , Cpod, gelf . adding . caah register; will aell on ,ei .easy payments. Ad- dreas I' 471. Bee. WRITE me before buying a piano. I can lave you money. Addrana L tol, care Bee. 1 lAi. !..- afa, new. Sd-hand. 11 Farnam. OAS RANGE CHEAP. 4170 Caas Street. NEED money quick. Will sell my upright piano for $M).V0. Y Id Bee. ONE four-roller cylinder preaa; also one pony cylinder. Burkley Printing Co. SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col lege for sale at dlsoount. Addreea P 608, Be. - FOR SALE Ona computing scale; cost, - $''6.00. Ued three month. Price, low. Phone P. HJ7S. CAs1i:1rUrGisTE-BurgesB-aranden Co., 15U Howard atreet. OSTEOPATHY OHNSON INST., 418 N. Y-.L. Tel. P. 1604. I ' Pr:.Kathryn Nlchola. 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. '' r 77 PATENTS p. O BAJINBLU P.xton Blk..Ttl. Red 7117 HUFFMAN,; am.JJevllle BlUg- Book free. PERSONAL 11 inv cleaned, made Into fall style. IXAXQ sjuhmarse'a Hat Fcty.. tWi N. la. k t Andovar. Ek. Lump. ft. 60. R. H. A-'aL, Morehoua Co., W. 1106. B.3245. STRICTLY -private home during confine-tni-iivaj emcellent care; babies adopted, imid nurae. Hill Pavenporl at. - FARMkiHl- ANU GARDEN OWNERS Vlaiturluii alla half iter cont of nitrogen to the auil. Mix the manure with Jleyl a Concentrauid .Nilrugttn Producer (Composite if armogeriii) ; will produce lt per cent of Dltrotten more than other fertiliser; money ri turned It crop increase 1 not at least &0 . l-vi cult, teamiile bottle, fifty cent In , htmni. Htuiiuaru Aiuottn 1. 0., n moan 'way. New York. . JOHN CANE Ib In town, i Now Is the time to titin treia, trelllaes, grape vines Tel- Red lift. Inu. A-St4V, Red 6446. 1M0 Cunjng t',. 1101 tj. Xtlt Ave. r,OT?'V5 Yoor corn comes out or your v.Jivri3 auartar cornea back when you ... ,.... lf..- Ll.ln.. hrn. l1. 1I.1U h.r lii" V. 1 1 1 II wwf w-- l t l KT lnlf treattneat. Mm Smith Al.A 1.1 J11.1V tjj tn 8(.. ih'rtl f.imr JAMES RC BY can get Insurance money by ntlng John or naney. A Hull E for women during oonlinement We find homes' tor babies where mother cannot caie fur them. Habits boarded. lor term, addieas Mr. Martha A. Lee, 401 HuniT, ft St., Omaha. NU. fhon Poug las 1.2L - WK i'.K.N t aiu1 repair all ruakea of aew- Irg niaoi.lnu. 'I hoi.ra: lud, A ltl; Poug. , l vb. Cycle Co., corner Lull and Har ney. v I'KIVATE home during confinement; Dite for. adoption Good Samaritan San I'.orluuT, ? lai Council lliuf fa, la. IK. FUCEUd. private confinement home lUu Martha St. Tel. pouglaa tiJO. THE famous Velvetlna Toilet Oood. For tale by aljli ugjdsta or phone Pouglus SiQ3. 4 THE SALVATION ARMY solicit caatoff tiuiiuiia. -, ")imii(7M ao not need. Wa conecl, repair and aell at li4 N. 11th Ht, for cost of collection to the worthy p.-io.v t.aJ phone Douglas 4U5 and wagon will eail.' .... . , .-...-.0. iiuid wi preaent where about of jainr c. Ballard, who resided Ai.i'uBa vouiiiT in wo or any of hi .latl lva, will ii.a. cvmmumrat with - ft J-. car Omaha r'ee, Omaha, Neb. MRal. IIITTEMIOI AK. vibratory maa re and elecnc laths. R. ton th fhot Old Beatbifbiiir H1 . 16th and Pougloa. Private oj.f uxment home. Mr. Pr. King., FvR BALE fn new room house, big U- H. $4iu, l...Yo, ud. B io). tlot. Frank feevlcU. Will and Pomlulon eu PERSONAL (Com mued. OMAHA Stammerer In., IUron Bldg. Arlene de Voy. Manicuring and massage. 620 S. HJth St. Flat 8. Phone D. 7'&. Mme Allen of Chieaso. salt glow, magnt tlo and massage treatmunts, 20? N. Vih St. Masque Suits to rent at LIF.DKN'S, H10 Howard. D. 4115. A NEW ROOK, the "Underworld Sewer," by Joule Washhutn, price. $1.50. Sold by Snarlx , Mi'KeUfV. 10V S. lfith St.. bolween ' Pougia and Podge. TO the unsigned, letter and aa atated received. Thank. Who shall I give credit? J. II. Patt. Creston, la. PRINTING PHONE IN1. A-2i;i!0 for good printing. Lvngntad Printing Co., 16th A Capitol Ave. HYATT A U1XOACKK, PRINTERS. 1703 Leavenworth St. Tel. pug. 2647. REAL ESTATE IIBAI, ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Ft. 156; prompt service; get our prlcea. 1710 Farnam 8t. QANOESTAD. 404 Roe. Bldg. Tel. P. 3367. PAYNE INV. CO.. flrt floor N. T. Life. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Branded Bldg. RAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. . CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON, President REAL. ESTATE C11Y PROPERTY FOR IALE. WEST FARNAM HOME Undoubtedly the beat value In this dis trict I the 9-roora houee at 33d and Far nam, with white oak flnteh, hot water heating, tiled bath room and vestibule; 6 bedroom; full basement, laundry and toilet. If sold thla week, 1,000. on VERY EASY TERMS. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Floor. N. Y. Life. Lot, $1,150 Near Mr. Joslyn's- reaiUence. Harrison & Morton TWO SNAPS -Room modern house; 5 large bedroom. Lot 00x11)1; cloae In on south etde. Reduced from $3,500 to $3,300 for quick aale. S-Room modern house. Reduced from $3,7&) to $3,600 to sell at once. SEE ADAMS WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., 411 Karbach Block. -Both 'Phone. BRAND NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE Strictly modern, large lot, paved -street, corner, near car. ONLY $250 CASH Balance monthly, semi-annually or an nually. Let us show you. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Uldg. $3,000 New 6-room house, fully modern; hot and cold water, gas, electric light, fur nace, full cement basement and . walks, laundry In basement, floored attic; finely located, close to oar and school. 2118 Sara toga St. Investigate. Whipple. 701 N. Y, Life Bldg. Phono Poug. Ml. NEW COTTAGE Corner 9th and Arbor , THREE LOTS $1,700 W. H. GATES, : Room 617 N. Y. Life. Phone Douglas 1294. 100 Feet $3,000 50 fronting Hanscom Park and SO front ing 3Jid M. We know of nothing better. Harrison & Morton BUILT FOR A HOME but la being put on the market at actual cost. A - s-room modern house, uat fin ished, parlor, dining room, reception hall and ataira fln'Bhed in oak; oeveled plat arlaaa UBed In the window and doorai go buaement under whole house. The beat of material used throughout and Is a bargain at S3,7fiO; located on the southeast corner of 2Nth and Hamilton St. VV. J. DERMODY INV. CO., Tel. D. 5108 or A 2033. 83 N. Y. I Bldg I WANT an offer on lot 2, block 20. origl- nul plat of the city of Omaha, with two houaes, iwi and IS 11 California atreet. lt. Wxl33 feet. THOMAS BRENNAN. New York Life Budding. Field Club Seven rooms, all modern, built this year, best white oak floor, east front, one block weat of West 81de car; $8,000. Termi. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE 00 1001 N. Y. Life. Poug. or A IU.2. A START FOR A HOME ANOTILER OPPORTUNITY FOR SOME ONE IS OFFFREP AT 2750 FRANKLIN ST., 3-ROOM HOUSE. WELL BUILT, OX LOT 30x13. PAVED ST.. ALL PAID FOR. SKWEK, WATER AND GAS OX LOT. JUST THE PI.ACE FOR SOME YOUNG COUPLE WHO WANT TO START A HOME; HOUSE CAN BE AI'HEH TO IN FRONT AND WITH SMALL EX PENSE MAKE FINK COTTAGE. SEE IT AT ONCE AS IT WILL BE SOLD SoOX. ONLY I'M). EASY TERMS. R. II. LANDERYOU, 'Phone Doug. 1151. 442 Board of Trade. Best Bargains in Omaha t-room cottage, all modern except heat, thoroughly well built, electrlo lights, gas, sewer, elegant plumbing; walking distance; lllj South 27th St. Price only t2."v0. small payment down, balance practically same a rent. C. G. Carlberg, 11 NEW YORK LIFE BLPG. 40x66, $2,100 In hearr of eity. Harrison & Morton HANSCOM PARK HO 5 K I room, nearly new. all modern. wUb iloT WATER HEATING, pavmg pair! Ownef leaving city; will take lo.froo. TERMS. GI-OVErl K F.ALT If INDICATE. Uruucd Floor. N. Ufe REAL ESTATE city rHuricRtt for salh (Continued.) HERE'S SOMETHING GOOD I have to offer, for a ohort time, a 1'4 story house, finished In southern pine, modem in alt excipt heat, new plumbing. Located at 2,r23 Templntoa a beautlfjl street. Lot Mx132, grape, eherrle. peache and small fruit. Only 22.350.00. $-vA00 cash. balance 1-1 15 per month. Geo. I). Perrine, Sole Agent, Phone Pougla 7S01 331-332 Paxton Block. West Farnam Home Must Be Sold Owner leaving Omaha off era beautiful home on 33d St., between Podge and Far nam. Practically new and with every mod ern convenience. Flret floor In oak. second floor white enamel. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, library, music room, butler' pantry and kitchen, firt floor; 4 good led bed room, second floor; finished baoement with billiard room. Wall throughout are canvaaaed and ar tist if ally decorated, btiilt-ln boukraaen. buffet, beamed celling, etc. Fine lot 60x140. Thin Is a getn and must be seen to be a()reclted. See ua at once for special price and further particulars. Benson 8c Myers Co., Phone D. 746. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. New Cottages I2.S00 Buy a brand new, modern 6-room cottage; corner lot, south front; room all large and nicely arranged; combination lighting- fixtures, $4i0 caah. $2.4:0 Buys a nw. modern 6-room cot tage; South front lot; combination lighting fixture. $600 caah will nandl 1L J. W. Rasp Co, tf Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 1663 and A-26C3. 20 Acres West Dodge St Road M mUes from Omaha's bunlness center. Fine location for country home, fruit or duliy farm; 2tl grapes, 40 fruit trees of vsr.ous varieties, 309 maple and 20 spruce treis already set out and growing. This beau.Kul tract Is about mile went of the Claus Slevers place, which recently sold at $6tl0 an acre. Unimproved land In the Immediate vicinity of this acreuge Is held at 4200 and $j09 an acre. We are of fering this place for a few days only at tlDO an acre. BENSON & MYERS CO., Sole Agent. Phone P. 746. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. TAKE NOTICE of thene terms and prices $10 to $28 per month; j0 to $260 cash. Good 4-room cottage, city water, lot xi3U, near UMn and Grant. t0. Five-room cottage, beat repair, closet, eewer, paved street, gas, etc., near 24th and Leavenworth. $1,860. Neat 6-room modern cottage, valuable location, near 16th and Locust, 2.100. Four-room cottage, full lot, near 21st and uancroit, fJM. Six-room houae, city water, large barn, lot 33x160, near 6th and Woolworth Ave.. $2,000. Good 6-room cottage, newly repaired, full lot, near 26th and Sprague. 11.C60. Save further rent money by taking one of these easy term bargain. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 llamge Bldg. 16th and Harney. OWNER WIRES me to sell hi 8-room modern house and lot, 60xK'.0 feet, 89th and Cass Sts.; fine neighborhood. Hi price IS, M0, but look at it ana make me an offer. Can make term. J. W. Robbins, , Bole Agent.' 1802 FARNAM ST. , TELE. DOUO. 629. Cheap Lots Close to School $65 to $200 We have some good lota left In Lincoln Height addition, on Maple, Blnney and Wirt, between StUh and 42d atreet, that we are still offering on the very easy terms oi $5 DOWN, $5 A MONTH NO INTEREST, NO TAXES If we can only get you to go out to look over this addition, we are sure you will say thene are the best bargains offered In Omaha today at such low price and easy term. Get the savings habit and buy one of these lots, you cannot lose. Peaf Insti tute car line only a few blocks to these lota. Call us up by phone and we will have one of our salesmen go out and show you the unsold lots. HASTING S & HEYDEN, , 1614 Harney Street. Conservative Bldg. INVESTMENT Ona of the best Investment in the city, located In the Hanscom Park district; a brand new BRICK TERRACE of four apart ment, ftnlahed In oak, built-in bookcasea In library, tiled bath rooms; In fact, modern In every way; corner lot, facing three streets. Price. J20.0U0; Income, 12.620. Will take vaoant, close In property on part. P. 0, Nielsen & Co., 703 N. Y. Life. Both 'Phone. 5 Rooms, $2,000 Lot 60x160 (almost new), water and gas; good cellar. Dice aurroundlnga. (1736 Van Camp Ave.) Harrison & Morton BUILT BY DAY LABOR NOW COMPLETED that Bungalow houae at Georgia Ave. and Hickory St , one block of Hanscom park; full two atorlea and attic finished; four nice bed rooms; oak finish first floor; large living room; bookcasea built In; nice dimiig room with oak plate rail and panelled. Lot 60x160 eaat front, paving paid. See the houae and you will appreclata the value. Would consider smaller houae or good lot In exchange. OPPORTUNITY IS HERE to get a good home at actual cost. GET BUSY ' GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Floor, N. Y. Life. 2612 Corby St. A new (-room cottage, well built, with bath, gas and electric light, combination fixtures, good cellar, with furnace, nice at tic: cement walks, fence, south front, price only $2,600, If sold this month. Payne, Bos t wick & Co. Sol Agent Main Floor. N. Y. Life. BRAND NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE Modern, except heat, large lot, paved treei, near car finely finished. ONLY $250 CASH Balance monthly, aemi-annually or an nually. Let ua ahow you. NOWATA LAND Jk LOT CO, k-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. REAL ESTATE - CITY FkurkHTT MIR 94LI (Continued.) DUNDEE HOMES I4.4O0 for a new. un-to- . dte, well corf trtirted, attractive bungalow, located on Capllo! Ave . between 31t and 6.M St. Five room and t.. . ba;h on first floor, one large bed room on sec ond floor. Living room and dining room fin Ixhed In best quarter sawed white oak. Bal ance) of the houae fin ished In pumwood. Large fireplace In liv ing room. Full ' cement basoment. Furnace heat. A complete home at a .price that Is right. Only $1,200 cash down. Balance monthly. S4SG4. 4! California St.. good 8-room, two story hou.e, all mod ern mantel and grate In reception hall, four large bed room, out side sleeping porch, full cemented baement. House built 'or a home. Owner ha left town and must sell at once. Make u an offer on thl property. Key at our office. $5,300 for a new 8 ' room modern home, al most complete, one block from car line, facing south, on very easy terms. See u about thl. NORTH SIDE HOME p. 750. 2016 Maple St. Two-story, modern square house with six rooms and reception hall, oak mantel and Hs grate, full cement basement, furnace heat, llullt for a home about ' four years ago, and In good condition. Pesir able location. Easy terms. Recently re duced from $4,000 for Immediate sale. Any reasonable offer con sidered for quick sale. George & Co., 1601 Farnam St. 6 COTTAGES All within $ block of 20th and Lake. All modern, except heat, price 81,800 to $2 300 REASONABLE TERMS McEACHRON REALTY CO., 1924 Lake St. Webster KSL $400 LOT With water, sewer and sidewalks, on grade, 46 foot front, located on 28th avenue, between Corby ad Maple, only 1 block from Podge car line and large new school. A splenuld place to build a cot tage home. See u quickly abeut thl. Its a bargain. . Hasting A Heyden, 1614 Harney Street. INVESTMENT Two St. Lout flat, built 1 year, monthly rental. $102; corner lot. paving paid In full both street, first class location; BIGGEST SNAP IN vMAHA; $9,600. Could handle with $3,501 caah. OLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, nuund Floor, N. Y. Life. A choice building lot. "Hllladale." . $1.0$ cash, fl a week. Price $100 to $i0; no In terest, no tax. Be u. - HASTINGb 4k HF.YPKN. 1614 Harney 8t FOR quick returna. list your real eatat for aale and exchange with me, bo aale, no pay. W. W. Mt'.cbell. Board of Trad Bidr., Omaha Neb. "BEMIS PARK New house. $ rooms and large reoeptlon hall, oak finish, hot water heating, nice south front lot; snap at $6,500. TERMS. OLOVER REALTY SYNDI CATE. Ground Floor. N. Y., Life. REMEMBER It only takes a atrok or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aw the ad In The Bee- REAL ESTAT. . FARM A R CALK Colorado.. FOR SALE or trade 9 a4e farm, well Improved; 11 mile from county eat, 4 miles from railroad station. -Fur particu lars address Charlea Niehous, - Holyok, Colo., P. O. Box 274. .' laws. $12 PER ACRE VV. buy 4S0 acre of rich bottom land In "Har rison county, la.; about 100 acres In culti vation, balance little timber, pasture and brush; fenced and small improvements. This is owned by an eastern party and if jou are looking for a snap com and see us. Over 100 acres of good alfalfa land on the farm. J. R. ADKINS.l Room 4, First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Co. Bluffs. Ia. Oklaama. OKLAHOMA . Land $5 Per Acre No. l 1.320 acres Umber aud graslng land, on llllnol river, in Adair county; nearly all black oak timber, will make from two to four railroad ilea to the tree; otne white oak saw timber, aome white pine, 16 to 24 Inches in diameter and M to 100 feet high; JoO to 400 acres of this land can be cultivated; about HO acre now under cultivation; ten miles of Weatville, and new railroad now building within three miles of land, the timber atone ought to pay more than we aak for the land. Price, ij acre. No. 642 1.620 acres timber and grass land In Cherokee and Adair counties, at $i per acre. No. $46130 acres timber land within three mile of Pegga, Cherokee county, at $6 per acre. No. 87680 acrea of good upland prairie. (0 acrea in cultivation, good black soil, a fin chance for oil. three-fourth mile of the city limits of Nowata. Price, $40 per acre. ' No. 438160 acre of beet grade creek bottom land; 1J0 acres in cultivation. Good houae. barn and outbuildlnga; two mile from Nowata county aeau Price, $40 per acre, you nugnt get an on wan wun tula land. Let us ahow you. NovVATA LAND & LOT CO.,. Suite U24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Farms 300 choice farms for sale located In most beautiful and fertile counties of eastern Oklahoma; low prices; eay terms; perfect tillea. Agents wanted. Alao (arms for rent and trade. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO.; Home office. Vlnlta. Okla Branch office, Pryor Creek and Nowata, Okla. When writing io advertiser remember i nmy takea a atrohe or two of the pea to mention the fact that you saw lb ad n The lier- ALFALFA FARM FOR SALE In Kansas; 1m) acrea, well improved, near school; plenty fruit, water; no atone; $60 per acre. I). C. Howell, Owner, SSis Lock ndee Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Boa tfc Dakota. FOR SALE Fine 4s0-ocre farm S mil from town, 1 mile from Jame rlvar. Brown county. S. p. All In cultivation but 20 acre; good Improvement; chool house on farm. E. W. Daniel, Aberdeen S. P. Xearaaata. IDEAL FOR FRUIT FARM 34 acrea only 46 minute ride from Omaha on main line of Burlington, several trains dally to Omaha or Lincoln; far 60c. Land alrauat level; soil, loose black loam; ad join station; Increasing In value very fast. Owner needing caah at once makes price $160 per acre. Bargain. ERNEST SWEET, till N. Y. L. Bldg. Omaha. Neb FARM BARGAIN Must be sold an ac count uf owner'a health; well Improved a-acre farm, seven and a iuarter mile from town; price, $3 per acre; easy term. J. T. Campbell. Litchfield. Neb REAL ESTATE FARM ANU HA.MII I. AMIS. .Nehraaka Continued. Iflfl acre western Nebraska, good Swedish Settlement, crimp for raeh. nil iiH'd land. P. O. Box 17.1, Council Hluff. la. I'O acres four mile routh of 1;X, NeO., In NlmbHil county, every :,rte ran be cul tivated. 110 prr acre. J 11. Ron. Council t. luffs. la.. !2 Sh'ikait Blot k. Phone Ml NEBRASKA SNAPS Wc have the following land sale, su jer t In prior sale or change in price u it b- h- urn nonce: Brown Co f.40 aires at $6 30 H 'W ; 10 16 14 Laiiner Co t H actca at 14 Lluine Co 3J0 acres at f4 ( heyenne Co H4i acrefi at H t'hase Co !C".l acres at V Custer Co HO acres at Jo Pan en Co 40 acres at $ Peuel Co t40 acre at .i pundy Co 4 a -re at $' Mayea Co X acres at $ Hitchcock Co Hi arte at $ Holt Co 4m a re at (4 Holt Co 1,44" acres at $i Kimball Co 140 acres at $4 Keith Co tin acrea at $6 f'lihA l'o :t'il an eA at .1 .W '.0 .15 .60 l o'an Co 1.2n0 acres at 6 I.lni'nln t'u Ill;) ni-ro at S4 ) I MM l.oup Co l'X) acres at IS Hock Co 3.0 acre lit Perkins Co 4-0 acres at 5 M. U. DARLING. 441 ttrauilclR Bids., Omaha, Neb. .16 I FOR SALE OR TRADE. S?0 acres of good Improved land, 80 ncr?a panture, balance In crop; house, bain. gianatirs, etc., In good repair: 2 imhs from giiod town. Would pretcr to nell for cash, but will take up to $1C..(J0 In ge'ieial nidse., carry 110,000 on land and baiance cash: Jltio per acre. J. M. Carlisle, l'ul- lerton, Neb. FARM HOME Unexcelled; W aires. very foot the very beat cf land; hlgli, lthtly, nearly level; 2 000 fru't trees, fur nishing abundance of fruit; barn 38x50; 8 room house, 2.000-bushel granary; occupied and Improved by owner for thirty year in Sarpy county; a nice 25-mtle drive from On.aha. F. P. Wead. 1M)1 Farnam St. Texa. TEXAS. This Is the story of our Irrigated land In the Rio Grande valley of Texas. Following la the very lowest estimate, some of the land will more thin t'ouble this Income: COST. Planting one acre for six years, per annum $ 4.60 Cultivation and labor 6.00 Irrigation $.00 Harvesting and hauling 80.01 Manufacturing, $1.60 per ton 60.0J Total $108.60 RETURNS. Forty tons, yielding 8,000 pound of augar, at 4c $320.09 Deducting cost SUM. SO Profit per acre $213.60 Will aell you land that will do this year In and year out for $76 to $160 per acre. NOWATA LAND 4c LOT CO., $24 N. Y. Life Bldg. LAND 12 section. 7,680 acre, solid body. Joining the city of Midland on the south ern plains of west Texas, (at th end of main business street) will agree to deed In 80-ncre tracts, 10 year' time, i per cent Intel eat. Wholesale deal; write us for full description and particulars. W. J. Moran V Co. (Owners), Midland, Texas. ONE SECTION of land in Lincoln county Neb., 2U acres tillable land. Cuts 100 tons fin hay. Small frame houa and barn, some other buildings, at $16 per .acre. A freat bargain. Two telephone line within mile of place. Can have phone any time desired. 10 miles from Cortis. Come and see to know real value. Will take good property for part pay. Write what you have to trade to Box 318 Curtis, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owner and home build er, with privilege of making partial pay. ment aemi-annually. No commlsalon. W. 11. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. P. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnum. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS LRENNAN, Room L New York Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Pay r. Investment Ca. WANTED City loans. Peters Truit Co. WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith tt Co.. 1320 Farnam St, PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO., N. Y. Llf. Private money, $500 to $5,000; low rate. LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandeis Bldg. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18 First National Bank Bldg. Bell phone Douglaa 2318. GARVIN BROS., $18 N. Y. Life. $600 to $200,000 on Improved property. No delay. 5 FARM and city loans; optional pay ment; no delay. I. Sibbernsen. Omaha. $500 to $5,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Lite. Poug. or A-2162. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 5, C and 7-room houses. If price are right we can sell your property for you, NOWATA UNU AND LOT CO.. Suit 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. SWAPS TOR SALE or exchange For clear land, stock of clothing, located In eastern Ne braska. Will Invoice about llO.OOo. For particular, address J. R. Collin. 428 Mali) atreer. Fremont. Neb. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for second-band furni ture, carpet, clothing and ho. Tel. Doug. 3S71. BEST price pld for Id-hand furniture ;ov(, clo'hlng. W. Rosenblatt Tel. P. 6401 HIGHEbT price for furniture, etc BKI L'S Furn. Store, 1406 Dodge. Red $31. BALTIMORE 2d-hand More pay bst price Jd-hand furniture, cfolhes, etc. D. 4206. WANT 2d-hand shoe and clothe. D. 2785. WANTED to buy, all or part of furniture for four ruom apartment. Must be high grade. Give particulars. Address Y To, care Bee. WANTED Any 1'J09 Pun or Bradatreet reference book; give date, atatea covered and price. Addres Y 71. care Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Room and board by gentle man; vicinity 4Jd and Hamilton. Addres B-669 Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young nun, place to work for board while allaudiug Buylaa college, Beth phone. LADY with aeveral year" bulna train ing ueairea poailtoa eoUm either in oily ok' will travel. Al rsfereccea. Addrsaa W 50;. car Be. fTuil nnfl Wnnrl R- IJ Morehou Co. POSITION WANTED By flrat-clusa clu-t and waitress In hotel. In or out of city. GOVERNMENT NOTICES P'CPOT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb., October 28, l.-JM. Sealed pro posal In triplicate will be received here un til 11 a. m., November 27. 109. and then publicly opened for construction of brick pavements, gutter, retaining wall, etc., at Omaha depot. Information furnished on application. United States reserves right to reject or accept all proposals, or any part thereof. Envelope containing propoaal ahould be Indoraed "I'ropoaala for Brick Pavement. Gutter. Etc., at Omaha De pot, " and addrenaod to Captain J. L. Hlne, Quartermaster. O -30 N 1-2-25-2 GOVERNMENT NOTICES tcomlitucd.) OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QI'ARTER maater. Fort I- venm orlli. Kansas. Octe-l-er a;. IA. Sealed proposal, In triplicate Will be received here until 11 a. in., cen tral time, iVovemher in. lxo, and then cpencd in the presence of attending bid ders for the construction of eewer enl water coiiiii'C.lona ami drains at Fort L'.av rnwMith, Kansas. lull information nnd blank forms of proposals furnished upon application. Plans and so rif Icatuma tuny he seen here, at office chief quartermaster and Builders' Exchange, ,t. Paul; thef quartermaster, Omnha at d Ma-trr 1 til;.h rs pgehange, Kansas City. Mo. t.'nltrd S at. s reserve the right to accept or reject any or all proposal. Knvelojies to bo marked "Froposals for Sewer and Water Connec tions nn I Drains." nnd addressed to Cap tain Wlllinm P. Pavls, yuarternisster. O 230-31 N 1-8-9 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING Qt'AP.TER tnaster, Fort Leavenworth. Kansas, Octo ber L'o, 1Ssi9. Sealfd prnpcaal In Will be ivcolvid here- until 11 ft. m. rentral time November IS. V.oiP. and then opened for the construction of ro id. walks, etc . at Fort T.eavrnworih. Kan. Full Inform, t on arid blank forma of proposal furulaliel on application. Plan and speclflcitiotn may be seen hero, alKo at office Chief Quartermastrr, Omaha, and Maptor Build era Exchange. Kansas City. Mo. The I'nltel States reserves the r'Kht to accep'. or reject any or all bids. Envelope to he mirYrA "Proposal t'T Rod. W'lks, Etc.." and addressed to Captain William P. Pvts. Qtiarterrra'Pter. O2S, N 11-12. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS jthiiio T. Ashley and hiit-lai.d to T. C. ttoKS. lot 21, b.ock 2, Hastings & Heyaen second addition $ 1 lieku M. C. VVonuraley to C. D. Searson. lot 6. block 4. Orchard Hul SOv. 2. 'i. linaey and wife to Samuel N orris, tr. east 44 ft. lot 4, block 162. Omaha 1 Gould Pietx and wife to Cuarle Brown, lot 8 and 9, and eaat 46 ft. lot 7. Gould Dittx's eevotid addition 1 Itigeborg Hansen to Loretta ltuby, lot II, block 1, Campbell addi tion 600 W. B. Waddell and wife to O. F. Pavls company, lots 11 and 12, block 8, Lakeview 1 C. 1. Uowe and wife to D. P. Abbott, wis lot 6. block 8, A. S.'a ad dition 1.000 South Omaha Land company to Edw. McGrath, nWi lot u. block 3o6, South Omaha 22i Edw. McGrath and wife to Stanco Bender and wife, lot 5, block 336, South Omaha 1,125 Soren Nielsen to J. P. Hansen and wife, lot in, Sholes' ubdl vision .... 2,600 Paxton Reel Estate company to 6arah E. Itaber et al, lot 61, Key stone park l,9oS Ellen B. Slabaugh and husband to W. F. Rayner, lots 23 and 24, block 96, Dundee place 6.000 C. P. Schultx and wife to St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran church, south 88 ft. lot 17, Franklin square 2 Aug. Dlckmau and wife to M. T. Mullane, lot 12, Westerfleld'i addi tion 1,000 W. Farnam Smith, trustee, to G. S. Hayden et al., west 7 3 arrea of east 14.6 acres of nH of ne4 of ne Vi section 6. township 16. range 13 1,750 J. J. Fitzgerald and wife to Victoria Hogan, lot 8, block 40, Albright's Choice 250 Elixa B. Patrick and wife to O. W. Woodward, lot L block 1, Patrick's place 1 Jennie M. Lowe and husband to Mary Moran, lot 2, block 6, Patrick sec ond Saratoga 1,000 Dwtght Willlama and wife to C. D. Sturtevant, tract adj. lot 7, block 6, Alamo Plaza 6,600 Mary Nelson to Grace Cltne, west Sfl ft. lot 18, block 10, Patrick a second addition 950 John A. Crelghton Real Estate and Trust company to Henry Carlson, lot 19, block 9. Crelghton' first addi tion 450 Mary E. Robertson and husband to Annie C. Rasmussen, north 101 ft. lot 8, block 8, Armstrong's second addition 676 M Mackey and husband to A. M. Johnson, lot 17. Kensington 1,000 C. G. Carlberg and wife to Mary E. Long, lot 6. Carlberg place 3,100 Sheriff to H. W. Pennock. trustee, east 44 ft. lot 7, block 93. Omaha .. 1,670 Total LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT By virtue of resolution uf the undersigned Board of Directors, the Chad ron Electrlo Light & Power Company will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for caah, on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER. 16. 1K09, AT 10 o'clock a. ra.. AT THE OFFICE OF 8AID CORPORATION, CORNER SEC OND AND EGAN STREETS, CHADRON. NEBRASKA, all the property of the slid Chadron Electrlo Light ft Power Company, a a going concern, and conalstlng of Lot I, Ib Block 4, City of Chadron. Nebraska, and power house thereon. It coal house and office and power house furniture and fixture, and supplies on hand, and per sonal property of every character; also all It contracta for street lighting and al of light and power to citizens or Chadron, and all It customer. It franchise, ail It polos, wire, lines, dynamos, transformers, en gine and machinery of every description, all tta street lights, and other lights, wher ever located and on hand. Thla property I In mokt prosperou and perfect condition alnce It opening; the ser ice is perfect and th demand for light and power, from It present and prospective customers, Is greater than Its preaent enlarged capacity; an increase of the plant and It capacity I actually needed at thl time. An entirely aufflcient reason for thl sale will b given to any inquiring purchaser. Dated, October 14. 1909. WILLIAM ELLIS, J. F. MOTE. BYRON L. SCOVF.L, 018toN14 Director. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION 10TM MAKOX Union Pacific Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 7:20 am all M pm China and Japan Mall.. a 4.00 pin a 9:30 am Oregon and Washington Limited al! 01 am a ( IHm Lo Angeles Limited.. . .a!?' pm 8:50 pm Portland Special al2:5 pm a 5:45 pm Colorado Special a 1:45 am a 3 45 am North Platte Iocal...,,.a 815 am a 4:45 pm Colorado Ex preaa a 3:50 pm a 5:00 pm Grand Island Local a 6:23 pm al0:30am Lincoln-Beatrice$:40 pm b 1.20 pm Valparaiso and Central City bl2 :40 pm b 1:20 pm Chicago Great Wetter Chicago Limited a 816 am a 1:80 pm Tvln City Limited a 8:15 am a$:30pm Chicago Ex preaa e8:S0pm Clarion Local a (:00 pm Twin City Expreas a 9:00 pm a 9:00 am Wabaah St. Loui Expreaa a 6:30 Dm a 9:25 am St. Loul (from Council Bluffs a (;00am all;16 pm stanDerry iocai tirom Council Bluffs). ...b (:09 pm blO lSam llllaol Central Chicago Express Chicago Limited Mlnn.-St. Paul Exp.. ..a 7:15 am a 3:4s pm ..a 6 00 pm a 7:15 am ..b 7:10 am Minn. -St. 1'aul Ltd... .a 6 eO pm a 7:15 am Omaha-Ft. Podge Local. b 4 16 pra b 11. Jo am Lkieago 4t aarUwcittr . Colorado-Chicago a 4 00 am a 1:30 am Chicago Paylight Spl....a 7:00 am all:35am Omaha-Chicago Local. .al2.0u pin all:85pin Colorado-Chicago a 6:20 pm a 3:2a pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a S ui pin a7:U0ani Pactlio Coaat-Chlcago...a -0o pin a 3:28 pin Lo Angelea-Portland Limited a 9:10 pm al2:05 pm Overland Limited 12:16ain a 7.05 am Carroll Local a ' am a9.56piu Faat Local Cedar Kaplds-Omuhu a 3 36 pro NORTHWESTERN LINE-NORTH. Twin City and Pakota Paylight a 7:46 am 411:20 pm Minnesota and Dakota. .a 7 :l4f pin Twin City Limited a 9.00 pm a 7.10 am Sioux City Local a 2.46 pm a 3:2s piu Pakota-Sioux City Omaha ' a 910 am Mirneaola-Sloux City- Oniaha alt os am NORTHWESTERN LINE WEST. Norfolk-Boneateel a 7 50 am a 10 80 pm Llncoln-Ixing pine a 7 50 am ail t"0am Norfolk-South Platte. ..b 2:16 pm b 6 20 pm Haailnga Superior b 2 15 pm b I 20 pm Peadwoud-Hot aprlnga a ( 55 pm a 6 20 pm Caaper-Lander a I 56 pra all 00 am Freuiout-Albloi) b i:'M piu b 1.16 ptu RAILWAY TIME JCARD Mlaaaarl Pacific K. C. and St L. Kg... .a arm 144 a4 K. C. and St. L. Ex. (W. Sat. li p. m all :16pm al.MfcsJ I alcana, Mllwaaaea - ra Overland Limited. ...... .all 11 am $ $ aia) Overland Spe-lal Wan) iI Mm Chicago-Omaha Special. a I ant illiu Colo. -California ' K1...1.1 to pm 1 I It poa Prrry-Otnaha Local b$:Uam bU4aaj Chicago, Hack lalaateV ratfla EAST. jr.. Rocky Mountain L l d..alI 4Mn alt $0 pm Iowa local a. 8 40 am ai H;a Th Mountaineer a 7 41 am a i. 68 an lie Moln-a Local .. 140pm all.Mpia Iowa Local bl0:tk am 1 b 8.M pm Chicago-Eastern Ex a 4 0 pm a 1:10 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a .o pm 4 8.06 am WEST. ' ' The Mountaineer a 10: 40 pro a 7:8$ am Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln .....a 8 30 am a $ 47 pm Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1 20 pin (Nm okla. and Texa Ex. ...a 4 40 pm a 1 00 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd... all: 12 pm all 80 am lit It 1.1 GTON BT . 1 oTII " II A SUM nnrllngton Iieava. Denver and Callforla..a 4.10 pm I'uget Sound Ex.., a 4:10 pm IJiack 1M1 .a 4:10 pm Northwest F.x all) phi v,.k,,Lt 1 '.it n I m. k 2ll M in Arrlva. 8:43 pm a $10 pm a 4 it) pm a 7:10 am 6:10 pn. alijo pm a (10 pm 901 am a I 60 bin blO am a 1.60 am a 1:40 pm a 1.10 am all:S6 pm a ( 68 pm a $.00 am all IJ am 11.3') am a-ti:4a am . a .lv put 8 20 am Lincoln Fart Mail..., Nebraska Ex Llnrolu Local t.-nenln 1 .oral ..b 1.20 pul ..a .15 am Lincoln Ixcal ..a 7:36 pm ,.b 3:05 pm ,.a I U am ..all. ptn ..all.5u pm ..a i .2-1 am ..a 4:20 pm ..a :3) pin ..a 9:16 am P,htiv!i -I-Mntt 11 outb Pla'.lKinouth-lowa ... Bellevue-Plattamouth Colorado Limited ... r-hlt-nen Limited Ch'caao Ex Chicago Flyer Iowa Local St. Ixiuls Eg IA1UIS I.. .tu yu Konsai C'ty A St. Joe.alU.4fii pit Kansae City & St. Joe.. a 8.15 an Kansas City & St. Joe a 4.40 pm .TU fill St. Joe.alU.46. pm it WEBSTER STA. lOTH t WEllTER Missouri Pacific ' " ' Auburn Local b 8:60 pm bll:S0 am a T I M . I. tlntlir O , , .1 - .. M- .1. . day only, d Dally except Saturday. Omaha-Carroll Local. ..a 8:4& pm a 9.H0 am (bloat O) t. Paul, Mlameapolla A Omaha Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Express.... b 2;0 pm bll:4o am Omaha Local , o 6:20 pm Sioux City Passenger. ........ b 9-1)0 pm Twin City Paaaei ger..vb 6:30. am aioux i-ity iocaj .....e a:o am . Emerson Local b. 3.65 pro bll;80 am SCHOOL SUPPLY AND KRAMER & CHANDLER TO BUILD Two Concern Will Erect New Home at Fourteenth and Joaea Sfreeta. ... . u ' The Omaha School Supply company and Kramer Chandler, printer, will. 'erect a now building on the northeast corner of Fourteenth and Jonc atreet for a perma nent home for both Institution. Plans ar now being prepared, but It 1 still unde cided whether to make It two or three stories high, the upper floor depending on the securing of a tenant. .: . -' The elope of Jones atreet eastward will enable them to have street level entrance for both the first and "the sedond stories. The printing concern will occupy the first floor, with an entrance near the east end and the School Supply company 'will hava the second floor, with a street level en trance at the west end of the building. The plan now Is If a tenant la gprruted to oonstruct the third story, with an of fle on the street level. The building will coat about $15,000, but the wall will be ao eonetrueted thatj additional torle can tie added 'hi at any time In the future, Th building- will be lxty-Bix by eighty feet.. i Tho Omaha School Supply, company hae recently become a strictly Omaha Jobbing hous. It tiowf carries Its stock here In stead of ordering goods fronv'ChloagO, and this ha necessitated It ' securing' more room. i. JAPANESE CONSULS COMING Leading Commercial Agent f Japan to Be la Omnha aa Gaeeta " November 13. ' K. Matsubara, Japanese conaul at Chicago with Jurisdiction extending over Omaha, will be here November 18, the day the Honor ary Japanese Commerolal Commission Is to be entertained. Thla Information w aa received by Commissioner Guild of tha Commercial club In a letter from the con sul. II will Join the party before It reaoheg here and remain with It until ! after It leave Omaha. The most- prominent' of the Japanese consuls In the United 'State will be In Omaha with the party and their presence considered one of the Important features of the vlait. The consul ar the commercial agents of the government i here and on their reports the Japaneaa buslnea -Interests depend more or leas for their Infor mation about business conditions. - Among the consuls who will be with the party 'are K. Mldxuno of New York,' con sul general, T. Tanaka, of Seattle. Y. Numano of Portland and . Acting; Conaul General N. Nagal of San Francisco. LARGE JEWELS AND A WIFE Both of These Haa jantowlo I.op Mlaa Golden. Hare Get . Mnrrled. Antonio Lopex. an IUllan with a Span ish name, I the possessor of two diamonds big a walnut and by how-- charming wife. ' He had both diamonds and wffe-to-be w hen he arrived at the marriage 'Ucenaa bureau. On account of Lopex' Inability to speak EngUah the wife-to-be, who seemed of much . executive ability anyhow, took charge of proceedniga. She Informed the clerk that her name Wa M. Evelyn Mat thews and that she came from "that dear state," Tennessee. She admitted ' having been divorced, but It was over two year ago. Her age fche gave as 27 and ' Signor Lopes' aa 47. Polh tamo here from 'Den ver. Stanley Osesek of Chicago I to tpurry golden-haired Golden Hare.- Miss J I or ll from Kansas City. ' Mi. F G. Fiitz. fjiivuni. N. Y writes; 'My little girl was greatly benefited by taking Foley's Orlno Laxative, and I think It is the best remedy for constipation and liver tioubia." Foley's Orlno Laxative mild, pleasant and effective, and - cure nabltual conatlpatlon. Bold by all drug li . OMAHA MAN IS ASPHYXIATED Charles Brown Found Dead In Bed In Chicago aad Believed t Llva Here. ' " The Omaha detective department ha been notified thaf a "man said to be Charlea Brown of Ouiaha wa,a asphyxiated by ga In a rooi:i:;ig linuae aA . Lii , Canal Atreet, Chicago, III. The Chicago officer have asked that . re)alK .tier' be lo cated. Petectlvee lvmraey, acting chief, has. found that there are thirty-five Charlea Brow ns In Omaha. - - The description of the dead man In Chi cago gives hlni -a a man five foet and nine Inches tall, welching , 175 pounda, smooth thaven and , with a dark, com plexion. He wore dark clothing and a mili tary shirt. The dead man wux about 21 year old. . . ' Use Chamberlain's Cougni Remedy for coughs, colds; croup and whooping cough.