Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
-roes to tho homes read by tho
women veils food for advertisers.
For Nebraska Ornernlly fair.
For Iowa Fair and warmer.
For weather report sen pare 3.
John D. Rockefeller Makes Big Gift
to Eradicate the Southern
War on the Malady to Be Directed
by Commission of Scientists.'
Catholics Take
Steps to Win
Out in France
Archbishop Makes Declaration tf
War Against Public Schools
State Takes Notice.
Bail of Convicted Chicago Banker
and ' Promoter Extended by
Appellate Court.
Judge Says There is No Reason for
Unusual Action.
Lads Who Aided in Capture of
Alleged Train Robbers Give
Damaging Testimony.
fivsmm ksw i 'urn
Preliminary Steps Are Taken Con
ference in New York Tuesday.,
Toll . a. ir.i - I
- - " - ar u a v-r h ia i aarn i ru ua
People of All Classes Letter
Written by Oil Kins; Out
lining Ills Wishes.
NEW TORK. Oct. 2S. A Rift of $1,000,000
by John D. Rockefeller to fight the Hook
worm disease" wan announced at the office
or the Standard OH company here late to
day. A dozen wrll known educators and scien
tists, selected, in large part from Institution!-
of learning In the south, where the
parasite la prevalent, were called In con
ference with Mr. t ckefeller's representa
tives at the Standard Oil company's offices
last Tuesday, utnl it that meeting Mr.
Rockefeller's desire o organise a commls--nlon
to carry on a campaign against the
malady was discussed. As a result of this
discussion of the situation, the Rockefeller
Commission for the Eradication of the
Hook Worm Disease waa organized.
' Members of Commission.
The members of this, commission, aa se
lected by Mr. Rockefeller. Include Dr. Wil
liam 11. Welch, professor of pathology In
Johns Hopkins university; President of
the American Medical . Association Dr.
Simon Flcxner; Dr. Charles W. Stiles, chtej
of the division of sdology, United States
public health and marine hospital service,
and discoverer of the American species of
hook worm and the prevalence of the dis
ease In America, and Mr. Starr J. Murphy,
Mr, Rockefeller's counsel, and John D.
Rockefeller, Jr.
In calling these gentlemen together for
Tuesday's conference, Mr. Rockefeller ad
dressed to each a letter pointing out his
The members of the commission. In fram
ing a reply to Mr. Rockefeller's offer of
U.W.OOO, declared that the proposition met
with their heartiest approval.
"Two millions of our people are Infected
with this parasite," they added. "It Is
by no means confined to one class;. It
takes its toll of suffering and death from
the Intelligent and well-to-do as well as
from the less fortunate."
Mr. Rockefeller wrote to the conferees:
Letter from Rockefeller.'
"NEJiV . YORK. Oct.2. "Gentlemen: For,
. many months my representatives have
been Inquiring Into the nature and preva
lence of 'hook worm disease, and consid
ering plana for mitigating Its evils. I have
delayed action In this matter only until
the facts as to the extent of the disease
could be verified and the effectiveness of
Its cure and prevention demonstrated.
"The wide distribution and the serious
effects of this malady, particularly In the
rural districts of our southern states, first
pointed out by Dr. Charles Wardell Stiles
of the United States Public Health and
Marine Hospital service, have now been
confirmed by Independent observations of
other distinguished Investigators and phy
sicians, as well as by educators and pub
lic men nf the south. '
"Knowing your Interest In all that per
tains to the well-being of your .tellowmen
and your acquaintances with this subject,
I have invited you to a conference in the
hope that it may lead to the adoption of
well considered plana for co-operative
movement of the medical profession, pub
lic h(Sl h officials, board of trade, churches
schools, the press and other agencies for
. the cure anil prevention of this disease.
;"lf you deem. It wise to undertake this
' commission, 1 shall be glad to be permitted
to work with you to that end and you m:iy
call upon me from time to time for such
urns us mny be needed during the next
five years for carrying on an aggressive
cumpalpn, up to a total of one million dol
lars Ul.OcO.CW). While it wou:d be a privi
lege to uct 'in any movement which offers
xsur-incc of relieving human Buffering, It
a pe -ullar pie mine to me to feel that
the principal activities of your board will
be among the people of our southern states.
It lias been my pleasure of late to spend a
portion of each year in the south and I
iiave come to know and respect greatly
that part of our country and to enjoy the
society and friendship of many of Its warm
hearted people, It will therefore be an
added gratification to me If In this way I
may In some measure express appreciation
of their many kindnesses and hospitalities.
"Very truly, v
C ause of Anemia,
The "hook worm," achording to New
York medical authorities, is a hair-like par
asite to which is charged a form of
anemia prevalent especially among the
poor people of the south. It was not until
recent years that members of the medlcul
profession recognized that a parasite
caused the malady.
In December, lJ02,ir. Charles Wardell
Stiles, then a luologist In the bureau of
unlinal Industry at Washington, who had
been study intestinal parasites, announced
to the Pan-American Sanitary congress his
conviction that the so-called "laziness"
and "fhtftlcssness" widely observed In cer
tain poi lions of the south was a specific
disease, due to the "hook worm." Many
members of the congress expressed sur
prise at the announcement and up to the
present the disease has been a matter of
some controversy.
fcAcMeiuent In taster.
SARGENT. Neb, Oct- ffl.Speclal.)
The liveliest political times since Gov
ernor Garber set off such a generous ex
panse for Custer county are being experi
enced. If the election falls to give divi
sion there is talk of making an effort to
have elht townships annexed to Loup
county, as Taylor, the county seat of Loup
county, is near the south border of the
county and only eleven miles from Sargent.
Taylor Is on the North Loup river and
Sargent on the Middle Loup, and as Sar
gent has Taylor's nearest railroad the two
towns have been meeting each other this
summer lu making a fine wagon road be
: tw,f; the two places. Taylor Is an en
terprising place and la located Id one of
the best alfalfa sections of the ttte.
FARI8, Oct 28. A new and Interesting
situation has been created by the French
Episcopate's declaration of war against
the pubi; -' its of France and the open
attempt 1 by Archbishop Germain
of Toulo 't r rally the Catholic voters
at the g i. y tectlons of 1310 In support
of candldt 3. rf hinltted to the defense of
church Int T
Archbtsh naln has formed an as
sociation o 5 11c voters, the object of
which is tl i rrlbed:
"We derm re-establlshment of re
ligious peaci " by a direct entente be
tween the at and the pontiff or by
new leglslat. " eptable to the latter
assuring full .uf to the church; and
second, the re-establlshment of complete
liberty of education."
The archbishop says the situation of
French Catholics Is Intolerable and they
must adopt the attitude of their Irish
brethren in the days of Daniel O'Connell
and their German brethren as assumed
against Bismarck's "kulturekampf."
M. DOumergue, mlnlgter of education
this afternoon Issued a circular to schoo
teachers Instructing them to disregard the.
demand of the clergy and Catholic parent
for the withdrawal of text books placed
under the ban by the Episcopate. The
circular further announce that children
who systematically refused to attend the
classes and to use text books regularly
approved by the government will be sub
jected to disciplinary measure.
College Women
Well Equipped
for the Fireside
Statistics Reveal, While They Marry
Later in Life, They Raise Larger
Families Than Others.
CINCINNATI, O.. Oct. 2S.-The college
woman Is the better equipped to serve in
the home and for the uplift of humanity,
according to opinion shown in the discus
sions in the annual convention of the asso
ciation of collegiate alumnae, in session
here. '
Miss M. Cary Thomas, president of Bryn
Mawr college, chairman of a committee
that has taken statistics on college wome:.
In the United States, reports that whe
men and woman . are educated togettu.
there is ao greater number of marriage,
than when the sexes are educated sepa
rately; that 778 out of 1,000 college women
enjoy excellent health; only eight college
women out of 1.O0 have 111 health; that
the health of women Improves while Jn col
lege; that college women In general have
better health than ' women who do not
attend college; that college women marry
stronger men. and they choose more wlselv
and one-third of the husbands of college
women have higher salaries on the aver
age than the husbands of women wh:
have never attended college.
As to bearing children Miss Thomas de
clared college women had an average nf
3 2-S children, while non-college women hid
3 5-10, so college women were In the lead
slightly, although they married later in
life than women who never attended c d-
Lovett Heads
Southern Pacific
Directors Elect Him to Succeed Hani
man Mahl Elected Vice Presi- '
dent from Comptroller.
NEW YORK. Ocy. 28. Robert 8. Lovett
was today elected president of the South
ern Pacific to succeed the late E. II.
Harrlman. The director at their meeting
here also elected William Mahl, comp
troller of the Southern Pacific company,
as vice-president, to succeed Judge Lovett,
Mr. Mahl serving In addition to the three
other vice-presidents, John C. Stubbs,
Julius Kruttschnltt and E. E. Calvin.
General Land Office Affirms Derision
Holding Nebraska Land Entry
for Cancellation.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2S. iSpeclal Tele
gramsThe secretary of the Interior has
affirmed the decision of the commissioner
of the general land office In holding for
cancellation the homestead of J. F. Gasley
In the Valentine, Neb., . land district.
The postmaster at Manchester, la., has
been allowed one additional letter career
to begin service November L
Jennie Limbo has been appointed pact
master at Bonetla Springs. Meade count
South Dakota, vice D. French, resigned.
House of Bowman Falls
After Many Days of Siege
The house of Bowman has fallen..
The stern hand of the law has ejected
the last survivor of the line and the little
cottage, which for nearly sixty years shel
tered Miss Annie Bowman at Tenth and
Dodge streets, is tottering under the as
sault of ruthless workmen.
Commercialism knows no traditions and
reveres no landmarks.
The brave spinster has given up the
struggle of defense and the spot so long
sacred to her with all the meaning em
bodied In that one word "home," will, be
fore long be covered by a warehouse.
For days Miss Bowman resisted the ef
forts of officers to serve writs of restitu
tion, which meant that she must go. That
the title to the property handed down to
her by her father, the late Captain Bow
man, a pioneer of lote, was lost through
technical processes' of law which she did
not understand, meant nothing to her.
Doors and windows barricaded, the cottage
presented a problem to the officers. Miss
Bowman remained silent within.
The stronghold stood against the be
Five Secret Service Men Camping on
Trail of Financier. '
Court Holds that Government May
Ask for I Bet-ease in A mount
of Ball, Should It So
CHICAGO. Oct. 2S.-John R. Walsh,
whose conviction of misuse of the funds
of the Chicago National bank was recently
affy-mrd by the United States appellate
court, may remain at liberty under bond;!
pending an attempt to appeal his case to
the supreme court of the United States.
The decision making this possible u
rendered In the" appellate court t d ly when
Judge Urosscup denied the petition of the
government to have the Walsh bond of
M.0O0 cancelled. Mr. WalAi, hitherto al
lowed to travel about the county must
now, however, remain In Chicago.
The government's petition set forth that
Walsh, with a sentence of five years Im
prisonment confronting him, ' and with
plenty of money at his command, could
well afford to leave the country, repaying
his bondsmen.
Answering counsel for the defendant
among other things, pledged Mr. Walsh's
word that he would not attempt to leave
the United States and. that should his
petition for a rehearing by the appellate
court" be denied, and the supreme court
go against him, he would at once surrender
Court Satttrests Larger Bond.
Judge Grosscup said: ,
"Nothing 1b brought to our attention In
the petition that shows any likelihood that
the plaintiff In error will not remain In
the Jurisdiction of . the court to answer to
the final order of the court, than ordinarily
exists In criminal cases at this stage of
the proceedings.
"To sustain, therefore, the prayer of this
petition would be to say ihat no convicted
man, whose conviction has been affirmed,
shall be ajlowed to be out on ball, pending
a petition for rehearing, or an application
to the supreme court for writ of certiorari.
"This act does not, however, preclude
the government from keeping plaintiff In
error-under such -"surveillance" na It may
deem proper, nor for asking for increased
ball. The matter of Increased ball is not
before us on this petition."
Mr. Walsh Is said to have been placed
under constant scrutiny of five govern
ment agents last night.
Assassin is
Korean Editor
Man Who Killed Prince Ito Proves
One of Band Who Took Oath
to Do Deed.
HARBIN, Manchuria, Oct. 28. The as
sassin of Prince Ito was identified today as
Inchan Angan, a former editor of a news
paper at Seoul. He sold that he was one
of the twenty Koreans who had taken an
oath that they would kill the Japanese
statesman. The assasln used dumdum
bullets, which has been poisoned with
Men Chosen to Represent Dadarera In
Annnnl Collegiate Contest
In December.
MADISON, Wis.. Oct. 28. (Special.) The
following will compose the Wisconsin In
tercollegiate teams which will meet the
teams of the Universities of Illinois and
Minnesota, December 18: Thomas Sander
son, Cambria; Hal R. Martin, Madison;
W. E. Witte, Watertown; E. A. Meyers,
Evansville. J. L. Chllds, Eau Claire, George
Blanchard, Colby. This Is the last year of
the qulntangular league comprising Illinois,
Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and Wisconsin.
Wisconsin at present being the head of
the percentage column with four victories
and two defeats. The Illinois debate will
take place In Madison and the Minnesota
contest at Minneapolis. The question which
all the universities will debate on the same
night, one team of each having the affirm
ative and one the negative, Is: "Resolved,
That a graduated Income tax with an
exemption of incomes below 13,000 per
annum would be a preferable modification
of the present system of federal taxation."
siegers for three days. Deputy sheriffs
cume and went, relieving each other in
their vltfll. but In vain.
. Determined at last to gain possession,
Sheriff Bralley. accompanied by Deputies
Ira Flannlgan and W. A. Foster, made
their final attack. A hour of violent rap
ping again proved futile. Then Uiey tried
the back door and it gave way, so sud
denly that a deputy fell sprawling over
the floor within. Frightened,- he picked
himself up and looked about. All mas
allent, but the siege was broken. The eno
of the struggle had come.
Miss Bowman had little to say to the
officers, but quietly accepted the service
of the papers, She is now looking for so
other house to call borne, and as soon as
she has secured accommodations will move.
This agreement was made with the officers
when they called to serve the writ.
Miss Bowman demanded that she be
moved by process of law that she might
not lose any rights In the property for
which the Is still contesting.
Be Careful,
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Omaha? Well Represented in List
Dragon at Aberdeen.
Superintendent Witten Still Adheres
to Decision that He II ns For
feited Rlitbt by Ills
Later Filings.
Omaha and Vicinity.
144 rred W. Oaeblsr, Sonth Omaha.
638 Michael Morris, Omaha.'
787 Miss B. J. Johnston, Omaha.
43 William , W. Arnold, Omaha.
10S6 John Hurley, Omaha.
10S1 John Blakewell. Benson.
1123 Bodle Badmond, South Omaha.
1321 Louis Giatssn, Omaha. -1428
Qeorge Killtr, South Omaha.
1639 Qeorge A. Marvin, Omaha.
SOS9 Jerry Mahoney, Omaha.
8040 Xiouls Colin, South Omaha.
8130 Bay B. Seaman, Omaha, . ,
3118 Jams A. Bnrks, South, Omaha.
4039 Ethelda Xatch, Omaha. ...
4728 Edward.- la. Sohleken, South
6129 C. A. Brloson, Omaha.
6330 William J. Healey, Omaha. ' .
6S06 John C- X.ynch, Omaha. '
8606 Boh Sullivan, Omaha.
6124 Ed Colo, Omaha. ' ' '
ABERDEEN, 8. D.,' Oct. SS. Speclol.)
At the clore of the second day's drawing
for farms In the Standing Rock nnd Chey
enne Indian reservations 'over S.100 names
had b en picked from the S1.009- envelopes
piled on the wire-screened ptatform. Judge
Witten, after looking up the authorities
at hand, still Insists William J. Engel, the
Butte, Neb., man who drew first, has- for
feited his rlghta by a subsequent 'filing on
a claim In Tripp county made three days
before the drawing. . -
The drawing of the first 10.000 names In
the Cheyenne River and Standing Rock
Indian land was completed at 2 o'clock
today. This finishes the number actually
required to file on all claims to be opened
for settlement. An additional 10,000 names
will, be drawn, however, to cover any
possible deficiencies which may occur wien
those whose names have already been
drawn fall to file on claims.
Eng-el's One Brief Honr.
BUTTE. Neh., Oct. 28. William D. Engel,
who drew claim No. 1 In the South Dakota
land lottery at Aberdeen, was husking corn
for his brother, four miles west of town,
when Informed of his good fortune.
Joy gave way to fear lest he be Ineligible
to take the claim because of the fact that
only four days ago Engel went to Gregory
and filed on a quarter section of land In
Tilpj) county four miles from Rosedale.
It cost him $:.0 to make the trip to rierre
to register for a chance In the drawing
and he has been kicking himself ever since
for spending that money. He never had
any hopo of drawing a claim, for he says
he never had been lucky In such things.
Tuesday was the busiest day the local
telegraph office ever had. In the afternoon
Engel received a half bushel basketful of
messages from all parts of the country.
Many newspapers wired and the Milwaukee
railroad sent him a 3u0-word message offer
ing to locate him frje of charge.
The Nebraska List.
Nebrasksns who drew claims today ure:
1 William J. Engel. Butte.
31-P. C. Wleger. Moscow.
Eli Charles Defts. Chalco.
1Bi'-M. L. Dlehl, York.
209 H. II. Barker, Brewster.
Sfl F". A. Russell. Meadow Grove.
274 Harry Tremmer, Lyons.
813 L. L. McGovern, Dixon.
323 J. a. McConnell, Albion.
41'ft Beatrice Hoi gland. Oakland.
626 F. F. Dnhse, Spencer.
654 George I'hllpot, Wagner.
634 Oeorne Grable, Bloomfleld.
6il Fred Moaman. Falls City.
til4 August Jahmke, Millard.
62 W. Jollle. Santee.
6i2 H. C. Statts. Idller.
722 Anders Anderson. Arcadla.
724 J. K. Daniels, Rennet.
75 Henry Afrauk. West Point.
7t2 William Thornton. Nebraska City.
7s:i Paul Spiel, Emerson.
Si It. L. Mathien. Greeley.
Sli A. Shlppy, I'Hirdyce.
'1 Julius Schrempp. Hartlngton.
&!' Fred Gilbert, Stella.
!I03 Charles Pearson, New Castle.
ltMl Anbtrt Vamievegt. Cedar Rapids.
li:u Alfred Williams, Hay Springs.
l!MVlllam Zulauf. Pierce.
1220 Ernest Straube. Burr.
1232 H. K. Fende, Meadow Grove,
l.iia W. F. Darek, Dwigtit. .
1374 John G. Graf. Beatrice.
1421 A. J. Kenton. Nebraska City.
IDS: J. Price, Ponca.
104 Andrew Beihschelder, Hebron.
H'l-A. H. P.oneschke. llavelock.
A3. C. Fletcher, Beatrice.
Is7y Alfred Aldich. Auburn.
l'S7 George E. Richardson. Madison.
IMa-Julin H. Leake, Aii.iley.
20Vt-juhn A. Goodwin. Wynot.
2"!o 4. E. Taylor, Fremont.
2124 Joseph Michael, Rennet.
21M (icorgi Martens, Tilden.
T.'t K. A. Krahx. Stella.
2Xr Mllo Vrooinan, Orchard.
2.-.;u John J. Mitchell, Hubbard.
27 Henry N. Miller, Wahoo.
2415 J. B. Gallagher, Palmer.
4M Wir.ter SKow. Claras.
2;M William G. Krause, Ponca.
Sarah L. Bisher. Taylor.
2S7'i Mis. Sadie Rogers, Emerson.
6S2S Henry Voss. Laurel.
26-. 1 Furman Beat, bloc sham.
2vi Geoige Walthonse. I'tica.
J7;'2 Fred Keebler. Adams.
27fiO Frank A. K ranks, Weston.
2-7&J6 David E. Virgin, Utlca.
Z781-Frederick H. Lens, Valparaiso.
2o3 Carl G. Schnept-1. Ilarblue.
J&JU& Arthur T. Rlnlyan. Osceola.
(Continued on Second Page.)
Uncle! You Know "What Comes of
Nurses to Sell
Stamps in War
Against Plague
Little Christmas "Stickers" Will
Bring in Pennies to Fight
Five hundred thousand Christmas stamps,
selling at 1 cent each, will be placed upon
sale in Nebraska by the National Red
Cross society, the receipts to be used In
waging the crusade against the white
plague. If all the stamps are sold $4,000
will be appropriated for the state of Ne
braska In its campaign against tuberculo
sis, the remaining $1,000 going to the
national society.
At the fourth annual convention Wed
nesday afternoon In tho Methodist hospital
of the Nebraska State assoclat'on of Grad
uate Nurses plans were made for the sale
of the stamps in the state. Mrs. Albert
Edholm, secretary of the State Tubercu
losis society, outlined the work and the
nurses volunteered their services in dispos
ing of the stamps In the Antelope state.
The little stamps are in the form of lit
tle seals or "stickers" of the Santa Claus
and mistletoe variety, used in sealing
Christmas packages. They will be placed
on sale immediately in Omaha.
Officers for the ensuing year were elected
by the nurses as follows: President, Mis.
Nan Dorsey; secretary. Miss Lillian Slut,
of Lincoln; treasurer. Miss Mary Deuker of
Omaha. - ,
Meetings' of the association will hereafter
be held quarterly Instead of monthly, the
next session to be held In January at the
Bailey sanitarium in Lincoln.
W. J. Connors, f harsred with Heine;
Member of Gang;, Taken at
Oakland. Cnl.
OAKLAND, Cal., Oct. 28. William J.
Conners. alias William Carson, a member
of the Maybray band of alleged swindlers,
was arrested here today at the request of
the postal authorities. Conners, accom
panied by R. B. Harrlman, F.' W. Brown
and E. C. Moore, who were arrested a few
weeks ago in San Jose, will be taken be
fore United States Commissioner E. A.
Heacock Monday for examination.
A Tale of Two Letters
One Shows How a Nonpartisan Democratic Candidate for
Supreme Judge Goes Fishing for Corporation Retainers Other
Admits His "Corporate Affiliations" Are Without Palliation.
Solicits the Job.
OMAHA, June 21 Gentlemen: On April
3, 1!09. the legislature of Nebraska passed
an act, with the emergency clause at
tached, requiring all corporations, both for
eign and dcmrs'.lc, doing business In Ne
braska, to pay by July 1 of each year an
occupation tax based upon the amount of
Its capital stock. A schedule of said taxes
Is hereto attached.
It Is proposed to test the validity of this
law In the belief that It Is unjust. In
equitable, unconstitutional, and should not
stand. In order that the contest may be
conducted at the least possible expense to
all concerned and that those most vitally
Interested may bear only their fair share
of the costs, It has been suggested that
the necessary funds be raised as follows:
Arsess each corporation that will assist
In bilnslng'an action to test the validity
of this law, one-tenth (1-10) of the amount
of Its first annual tax. as fixed by schedule
of fe s attached; said one-tenth (1-10) to
be paid now to the undersigned, and to
be used In defraying necessary court ex
penses. If the law is declared Invalid, a
further sum equivalent to twenty-five (2G)
per cent of one annual tax shall be paid
by each corporation co-operating In this
contest. This to be the total expense.
The tax for the year 1909 becomes due
July 1, and delinquent September 1. We
advise against paying the tax at this time.
Should ihls suit be successful It will bene
fit all corporations doing business In Ne
braska, and tha cost to each corporation
contributing will be small compared with
the amount to be paid In taxes In future
years, should the law remain uncontested.
The action will be brought and man
aged by Judge John J. Sullivan, Judge W.
W. Blabaagh and John W. Battln, asso
ciates. Will yea be kind enough to Indi
cate whether or not you will join In this
action, and If yon desire farther Informa
tion before deciding, either ef the above
attorney! will be glad to confer with yout
I If a sufficient number of corporations
will co-operate with us, an action to test
the validity of this corporation tax will
be brought at once. Please mall chock
for ' one-tenth (1-10) of your first annual
tax. based on schedule of fees attached.
Payment by your corporation of this
amount will be an acceptance of this prop
osition. Reply should he addressed to John W.
Battln, 925 New York Life building, Omaha.
Respectfully, JOHN W. BATT1N.
Sixteenth Infantry Goes from Fort
Crook to Alaska.
Headquarters Band nnd Two Dnt
tnllona Now In the Philip
pines Will .Replace the
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2S. A wholesale
shifting of United States troops In the
Philippines, Alaska, and several stations
In the country proper was announced at
the war department today. It was neces
sitated largely by tho annual transfer of
troops to and from the Philippines. It will
require more than ten months to accom
plish the changes ordered after the shift
begins next January.
The fo lowing organizations are ordered
to embark for the 'Philippines for the
two years' service:
The Sixth Infantry, stationed at Fort
William H. Harrison and Fort Missoula,
both in Montana and Fort Lincoln, North
Dakota on January 5, 11)10.
The Nineteenth Infantry now at Fort
Bliss and fort Mcintosh, Texas and Fort
Mackenzie, Wyoming. February 6.
The Ninth infantry at Fort Sam Houston,
Texas, April 6.
Headquarters, First battalion, and bat
teries A and B. First fie d artillery at Fort
-15117 Oklahoma, Barch 5.
Battery C, Second field artillery at Fort
D. A. Russell, Wyoming. .Tune R.
Batterp C. Second field artillery at Fort
Hill, October 5.
The Thlrtiih" company, coast artlTlfery
corps. Fort Monroe, Virginia, March 5.
The organisations to bo relieved from
duty In the Philippines and their assign
ments In the United States will be as fol
ows: " ' . J
Fourteenth Infantry will sail on Febru
ary 13, the. headquarters band and one
battalion going to. Fort Wllllnm H. Harri
son, one battalion to Fort Missoula, and
one battalion to Fort Lincoln.
Twenty-third infantry, March 115, head
quarters band and one battalion coing to
Fort Bliss; one battalion to Fort Mclntosi
and one battalion to Fort Huachuca, Arl
sona. Fourth Infantry, May 4, headquarters
hand and two battalions going to Fort
Crook, and one battalion to Fort Logan
H. Root, Arkansas. .
Headquarters Flrt's battalon and bat
teries A and B First field artl lery, April
15, to the Presidio, San Francisco.
Battery D, Second field artillery, July
15, to Vancouver, barracks, Washington.
(Continued on Second Page.)
It la Without Palliation.
OMAHA, , Sept. 8 -Mr. Edgar Howard,
Columbus, Neb. Dear Howard: I am In
receipt of your letter of yesterday, enclos
ing clippings from the editorial columns
of democratic newspapers relatlng'to the
suit recently brought to test the validity
of the legislation Imposing an occupation
tax on corporations. I observe that these
editorials are caustic, threatening, and In
some instances distinctly hostile. I agree
with you that from the standpoint' of po
litical expediency the situation is perhaps
unfortunate, but I do not concur In your
suggestion that something ought to be raid
In justification of my position.
The thing is impossible. There Is noth
ing to be said; there Is no explanation to
be made; there Is no extenuation to be of
fered. The feats are there) they speak ' for
themselves. Let them stand without
palliation) let them exert their legitimate
I can afford to lose, but I cannot afford
to v. In by false pretense. I would take the
case, without hesitation, If I were not a
candidate, and I could not, without loss
of self-respect, refuse It because I am a
candidate. I do not want any misunder
standing about my attitude toward corpor
ations; and I do not want to" win the elec
tion by votes given on the assumption that
I have any leaning, inclination or predilec
tion against corporations, or In favor of
them, that might in the sllfthtcst degree
be reflected In my decisions as a judge.
I find no fault at all with those demo
cratic editors who criticise me for acting
as counsel In the tax suit. It Indicates that
they no longer regard the party label as
a paramount Issue, or as conclusive evi
dence of the fitness and worth of the can
didate. This, on our side, Is a nonpartisan
campaign, and . it Is not only the privilege
of democrats, but a duty Imposed by the
party platform to support tho candidates
they conceive to' be the most deserving.
If my corporate affiliations give ground
for distrust, there Is satisfaction In las
thought that no purblind partisanship
need now prevent demooratlo voters from
turning to some one of the candidates on
the republican ticket whose professional
and judicial records are more assuring.
Very truly yours. JOHN J. SULLIVAN.
Accused Men Wince as Juveniles Tell
Their Straightforward Stories.
Stories of Eventful Night Agree in
Every Detail of the Occurences.
Witnesses Tell of Arrest of Woods,
Torsreimon mill (irlffnare nt the
Robbers' Den and of Eaenpe
of n Fourth Kan.
The mills of the god grind slowly,
But they grind exceeding fine.
Never has this apliuiisiu bei:n more com
pletely proven than In the trial of the al
leged bandits now being conducted in tho
I'nltcd States district court In Omaha, who
nave life sentences, facing them for robbing
the Overland Limited train on the I'mou
Pacific, should they be convicted of the
crime charged against them.
Slowly, but relentlessly, the government
is weaving a net about the five men from
which there sceniB to bo but llttlo possibil
ity of escape. The accused men Beem to re
alize this themselves and watch with keen
interest every Item of evidence against
them, wincing now and then when the un
shaken testimony of the school children of
Brown Park school forges more securely
the links In the chain of evidence.
"The testimony of Thursday afternoon was
even stronger than that of the morning,
and cross-examinations seemed only to
strengthen direct testimony.
Graphic Story of Arrests.
The gist of the evidence of the afternoon
was the story of the arrest of Woods,
Torgenson and Urlgwara at the Brown
Park school house, und the positive assur
ance that a fourth, and probably a fifth,
man was, was enlaced lit tho search for
the unns, musks and other equipment
which the bandits hud hidden In the hol
low near the school house. Their plunder,
however, was discovered several hours
earlier by schoolboys,
Ffauk Kudrua was recalled at the open
ing of the afternoon session of court and
told of seeing four men prowling about
the school house searching In the hollow
for their plunder. It was he who gave
the first intelligence of Woods coming to
the school house to meet his pals. He told
of the arrest of Woods at U o'clock that
night, and pf the subsequent apprehension
of Grigwaro and TorgeiiKon. Kudrna and
John Bclek, another youth, held guard over
Woods at. ihe school housu until Officer
TurnqueBt came, id, the' veBcue...,' i. .
Little Children on Gourd.
Four little children who kept all-night
watch with these young men were equally
alert, and it was through tliern that Grig
ware (Gordon) and Torgenson were trapped
and taken into custody by South Omaha
police. Then the courageous Utile fellows
kept up tho sleepless wut3i until 4 o'clock
the next morning for the fourth man, but
he' had escaped.
Other witnesses of the afternoon were
John Swohodka, 13 years old, xvhp found a
revelvore and a handkerchief "full of cart
ridges" near 'the point who: i the other
weapons and flashlight had keen found.
Joseph Tc-snohildek, U yean old, told of
seeln;? three strange men walking up the
gully near tho school houss and no'Iced the
leading one (Woods), moving a ong In a
stooping position, beckoning to the others,
whom he recognized as Woods, Torgenson
and Grlgware.
John Bclek, 19 years old, co'rohcrat 5d
the testimony of Frank Kudrna in every
particular. Ha saw four men and Identi
fied three of them as Woods, Torgenson
and Grlgware.
James lielek saw four men and witnessed
the arrest of three and saw the fourth
man csci4o and disappear toward Aibi Igiit.
He recognized Woods, Torgenson and Grlg
ware In the court room as the three men
Important Testimony Given.
Anton Kubal, 14 ytars old, av un Im
portant bit of testimony In I'.itlng fiat
he saw Woods, Torger.son, Gricwaro and
Shelton and a fifth man passing through
a small park ncur the river Snnlay after
noon, the day following the robbery, tils
attention was called to the five strange
men by Harry Carter, one of his com
In cross examination young K ibat said
that ho recognlbed the flvo m?n and wag
positive In his identification if Gtlgware,
Shelton, Woods and T i-X'Jnson. He was
not asked to Identify or describe the fifth
There was a perceptible fluttering of In
terest when tho name of Stanley Per 'nt,
the flrstof tho Brown Park, school boys
was called. He gave his age as 11 years.
He was first nsktd If he knew the penalty
of any untruth told under oath. v
"Yes. I will go to Jail," he replied.
He told of playing In the hollow near
the school house about noon of the 26'.h of
May and flnJIng a brown strap protruding
from under a telephone pole lying In the
hollow, and, In pulling It out, found It to
I bo attached to u bundhi, the wrapping of
which was a bluo handkerchief and slouch
hat, and on examining tho bundle found It
to contuln un automatic pistol, with U
number of cartridges, loose and In metal
inugazlne. Young John Krollk waa with
Mm. Both were schoolmates, and they in .
formed Ihelr teacher, Miss Hays, of their
find. He Identified the pistol, cartridges
and hat shown as government exhibits as
the same that he had found.
Describes Wood as the Man.
Under a redirect examination he waa
asked If he had seen any one about the
school house later In the evening. Ho re
plied that he hud aeon four men there, one
of whom he described as Woods, ant)
whom he had previously identified in the
preliminary hearing before United State
CominlKsiouer Anderson In June.
His further Idt utlficution of '.he four
men will be left until a later stsue In the
trial. ,
John Krollk, aged 12 years, another of
the school boys, was with pi ilna when :he
first find was made and corroborated him
In every detail.
Krollk was one of the six boys who
camped that night on the rear porch of the
Kudrna residence, overlooking tho hollow
where the guns and masks were found. Th
parly consisted of John Kudrna, Frank