THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1900. 1 Y i 'Council Bluffs Minor Mention jrfea OnuU Bluffs Offlo of tt OmiU U at 15 Koott Strati Both kN . Council Bluffs j Ma Jest io rangra. p. C. Ds Vol Hdw. Co. . NVoodrtnf Undertaking company. Tel. 23. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Ftiohe IT. FAU8T BEIOti AT ROUE PIS' BUFFET. CUARKft V.ARBEK SHOP. FIRST NATIONAL. I-.-.XK. When you i . . reliable want ad adver tising, use Tlie' .-Ju. Mr. P. M. t'.'jfftnan of S17. Fifth avenue la reported to t.c on the tick list. Pictures aw. .v. i pottery for weddlna; Sifts. Alexand- ' Art .Store. S33 Broadway. Balrd A BoU . .. undertakers. 'Phone llfi- Expert plana -uuinc Hosps. 'Phone 544. t Pearl street. rtouth Main. Up-to-date Art Department and Picture Framing, borwlek, 211 Bouth Main street. For good patnUng Walter Nlcholalsun 4c Co., 11 South Main sireeu 'Phone Inde pendent 416 Red. OR R 4, NT TWO ROOMS. BAPP uUX'K. I.NUUIKE fi. A. VVIOUIAM. to 8COTT STRS.KT. THONGS 48S. Exceptional piano bargain thin week a, A. Hoepe '., til Pearl fct., 28 B. Main H., Counoll Wuffs, la. fcesy payments. Li. F. Oraee, a former teacher In the lilKl. school, arrlveit In the city taut evening frcm rianta Maria, Cal., accompanied b his wife. ', Wanted On, carrier In south part of town and one carrier In central iiftrt of town to carry Tha Bee. Apply Dee of fice, IS Scott fc't. Ernest Myers of 'Aoatln, Minn., and Miss Kate Uloes of this city were married yes terday morning by Rev. James M. Wil liams at the ' liroadu ay Methodist church jarsonaja, Mrs. John ' McKorloy, wife of John Mo Sorley. a South Main street grocer, was placed irt Ht'. "Bernard's hospltttl yesterday afternoon. A recent Illness resulted, It la said. In mental derangement. Mayor Maloney, City Physician Tubb and City Health Officer Bower went yes terday to Des Moines to attend the annual conference botween the State Board o. Health and municipal health officers. Roy A. Swett of Lewis. la., and Mis.-. Matilda C. Field of Newman Grove, la., wers married yesterday afternoon by Rev Marcus P. McClure of the First Presby terian church, at the horn of ii. S. Camp bell, 623 Sixth avenue. Lydia Stephens, a young woman resldlm: with her parents at Crercent, la., ira placed In BU Barnard's hospital y enteral, pending an examination today before ti ' I.' wnlssioners on Insanity. An Inforniauu :)ng her with being insane was f 1 1 by tha father, 8. L. Stephens. Tha funeral of Mrs. Mary Mlthen, an o'.' settler of Council Bluffs, was held yestei day morning from tit. Francis Xavicr . church, with a requiem hltth mass. Buria waa In St. Joseph's cemetery, the following Serving as pallbearers: Patrick Donahoy, James Wlckham, Martin Hughes, W. C. Unthank, 8. G. Underwood and L.. A. Bergman. -' . Roy Pollock of Omaha and Leota Strlnsei of Sldell, 111., were refused a mnrrlftx license yesterday In this city because in. young man's mother got busy with the telephone and notified Clerk Brown of Uh district court that her son was not yet ol age. When they left the court house Pol lock and the young woman declared their Intention of trying elsewhere. Mr. John Egan, aged TS years, died last evening at her home, 810 Fifth avenue. Besides her husband she leaves four daugh ters. Miss Margaret Kuan, living at home; Mrs. T. boian of Aberdeen, fi. D., and Mrs. Kate McAvoy and Mrs. William Keeley of Forrest, 111., and three sons, Patrick and John Egan of Carroll, la., and Thomus Egan of this olty. Arrangements for the funeral have pot been completed. WEST ENDERS ARE WROTil Think Council Should Take Positive Action on Street Car Franchise. TALK OF STARTING ACTION Council Bluffs Assert that It "naarbnn Fraaohlsa Is Valid Company Has Rights la streets of City for Thirty , Bight Tears ta Coaae. Thirty test da of The failure of the Council Bluffs city council to take some action looking toward terminating what rights. If any, the Omaha Council Bluffs fftreet Railway company had under the franchise granted the Council Bluffs, Lake Manawa It East Omaha Construction company In 1897 Is not at all pleasing to the resident of the western part of the city, who were rt sponsible for Attorney General Byers and City Solicitor Kimball Investigating the natter of the statu of the company's charter rights on the streets of Council 3luffs. The Instructions given to City Solicitor Kimball and the Judiciary committee to "take up" the matter of this particular franchise, they contend, Is en tirely too Indefinite. They Insist that ex plicit directions should have been given the city attorney and the committee to take the necessary steps to have the courts determine whether or not this franchise was still In force. Attorney General Byers gave It as his opinion that the street rail way company had long ago forfeited any rights Under this charter, which Is Com monly known as the Suburban franchise, and under which It is generally supposed the street railway company Is now operat ing In Council Bluffs. Ho Use to Delay Aetloa. "There Is no use In delaying matters," said one of the officers of the West Council Bluffs Improvement club yesterday. "In the face of the opinion of the attorney central that the 1897 franchise, better :nown as the Suburban charter, Ik huli .Mid void, and has been for a number ot ears, it behooves the city council to de jimlne by action in the courts If neces sity Just what rights the company Jias on he streets of the city, and how long these l ights will continue. "Mr. Kimball gave It as his opinion that .he question of the validity ot this 1S97 franchise could alone be determined by the courts, and If this )s the cass what I the use of delaying matters. It Is not likely that the street railway company will concede that this franchise Is of no ac count, and If the city council desires tc have this question settled before the ex piration of the 1886 franchise, In October, 1911, it ought to get busy at once, and havi Its legal representative take the necessary steps to have the question settled, by the courts." v The failure of the council to Instruct the city solicitor to take the matter Into court. It is understood, will result In the organism tton of citizens of the western part ot the city who are determined to employ counsel and bring suit to have - the 181 franchise declared Invalid. Until this fran chlse Is declared by the courts to be In valid the street railway company can, they contend, claim rights on the streets of the city until 1947. value to the federal officials Ip running the members of the gang to earth. Dobbins was missing from his usual haunts In Council Bluffs about the time the federal grand Jury In this city returned the blanket Indictment against the Mabray gang. He was out on bonds In the sura of tc.000 for the cases Irt the district oourt. His bond under the federal indictment here was plaoed at 11.600 and under that re turned by the federal grand Jury In Omaha at $11,000. He found that he could not give additional bonds in thee Amounts so he tobk to the tall timber to remain In hid ing, although It was stated by federal of ficials that no particular effort had been made since to locate Mm. Dobbins' at torneys have, however,, assured County At torney Hess that their client will be on hand when his case ' la called for trial In the district court. ys Quaker Oats every day, will do more than make you feel well. It will prove ' to you that it's' the best strength maker. c M I LLKIlT'STE W AKT & BEATON BiTI BECtJJtZD AT A , GREAT SACBXTICS ' TWO CARLOAfS OF BRASS AND W IRON BEDS. " Vre secured by prompt action and ready cash one of the greatest furniture bar Munc of the season. Ws purchased at about half- tha-reirular price the entire ample stock of KIKlaLL and CK1P PXX.I., conceded to be one of the best manufacturers of brass and Iron beds. These goods will be on display next Mon day , at our store. In the iu iv busenient tore room, recently re modi I oil fir this liurposc. ' OWES HER LIFE TO Lydia E. PinkhanVs vegetable Compound f laniwi. W. Va, "I feel that lew ths last ten yeart of my life to I.ydla tiniham V eg- BiiLDinas FOR FfUI IT SHOW Eleven yeiri ago waa a walMuf shadow. Ihftdbeea under the doctor'! carebutgotnorilief. Mjr husband per sunded m' to try Lydia E. IlnkhiAi'l VtRetable, Coin- ttound and it worked like a charm. It re llered all rnr taint tod misery. I ad rise all ufTering women to tare Lyoia nngnarn a Vegetable) Compound, aim. &tukA Wbleatott. Vienna, W. Va, . ' Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- I pound,, made from native roots and With Temporary Itropfares, Drntil Cromde Sasply, . , The work of erecting the temporary ad ditional buildings for the National Horti cultural congress was bscUn In earnest yesterday, when a large force of carpen ters commenced fencing In the large open spaoe at tha Inter seat Ion of Washington avenue and Bryant and Main streets, known as The Plane. The entire apace In front of the Auditorium to about twenty feet south of t new 'bridge will be herbi, contain no narcotics or harm, enclosed and roofed. This will bring the ftil Artier, and tn-dar holds .hB recbrd main entrance to the fruit exposition for the lartrest number of actual cures close to the Main street bridge. BDace of female cliinases or anT Slml ar meal. will be left on the' west half of the new cine in the countrr. and thousands tf fire station sufficient to allow the taking voluntary testimonials are on file io ta and out of the combination chemical the Pinaham laboratory at .Lynn. and hose wagon. ' I Mass,, from women who hare been On tha around immrAiataiv inntk n h. cured - from almost -wTerr form ox fira station a t.i.4 ui v. ..t. remaie comuiauus. innammauon, Bl and another wi;. pitched on Waahing- ttauon,fUsyiacemnianproia tumors, ton ayenue and connect WHh the Audi torium on the north side. Ths latter tent will be Used to house the government ex hibits. The tent on .rWant street will contain the premium exhibits. , The addi tional space io be. roofed in will oonsume I Ui.DOO feet of lumber for the flooring alone. Beveral shipments of fruit from differ ent parts of the collntry have already reached here, ant) hare been placed In cold storage.- Applications tor spaoe are received almost dally . by . Superintendent ! Read, and It Is now a question whether all con be accommodated. e.sB aaia J of Obstructing Work of Court Copper ilafukU 8entcace& . to ..Tea Dtyi ia rHiea and to Pay, ; lne ot $250. irresularltles, periodic pains, backache, Lidlg-estlbn and nervous prostration. Stery such sulienng woman owes it to T.vdla V.. Pinkham'a Vwtabh Compound a trial -- - If voa would like special ftdrice About yonr cae writ a confident Cial letter to hits, rintnara, ai UJUU, lllHITflt A l niw w mm vvt and always lielpfuL I WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL DlfcS UDDE.ILi AT BIS WORK Bids .Opened for Construction of the , Pabllo Balldtna- at Lead, . . . ' Sooth Dakota. llio most desirable style j made, aAd will orrered at one-hair regular prieeM. We offer the $12 60 brass trimmed Iron bed for 17. On, $18.60 brass trimmed Iron bed for 1 1 0.00. $.'0.00 brass trimmed Iron bed for $10.50. $14.60 bras trimmed Iron bed for $S.OO. and many other sy's of fered at the same reductions In price. This sale should Interest any orw who Is In need of a bns or Iron bed. and we would SUKEVSt earlv elactlun hfnr llrt,. ji . , - . . .... .... . are broken w iu ini.iiu iuui in udi ys it- Th Cale Begins Monday at A. M. I tle ,f(1 account book, which proved of such PRKPARINO . FOR .DOBBINS CASK Larceny Charge the First Oae to Be Tried. County Attorney Hess announced yester day after consultation with Attorney Gen eral Byers It had been decided that of the two Indictments returned against John R. Dobbins, alleged steerer for the Mabray "Iblg store" gang. In the district court, the one charging larceny of 130.000 from T. W. Ballew, the banker and lumber dealer of Princeton, Mo., shall be first tried. The other Indictment against Dobbins was on the charge of conspiracy to rob andvsteal. The state has the right to elect which of the two cases shall be first taken up and It waa decided to try the larceny charge as this Is regarded as the stronger of the two. As Dobbins will be the first of the Ma bray gang to be brought to trial the case will naturally be somewhat of a rest one and the outcome will be watched with con siderable Interest. Dobbins' trial In the district court Is set for November 1$, while that of J. C. Mabray In the federal . court will net be held until December T. The state has served notice on the de fense that it Intends to Introduce the testi mony of several witnesses who have al ready been sunpoenaed by which It la ex pected to show that Dobbins secured part of the $M,(W0 out of which Banker Ballew claimed he was robbed or swindled. Dob bins Is said to have received $7. COO as his share of the plunder In the Ballew case. It was the rule of the "big store syndicate," as shown by the memoranda found In Ma bray's trunk after the latter's arrest In Little Rock. Ark., to give the "steerer'' who brought the victim Into the clutches of the gang. B0 per oent of what tha Mike was fleeced out of.. W. H. Martin is said to have also acted as "steerer" In the Ballew case and the $16,000 which represented the stecrer's share of the banker's money was d' ided between Dobbins and Mirtln. ac- Botfy of Kinsley Cllnkenbeard Foansl by His Sen. ' Emelay CUnkenbeard, who had a grading contract ih Rohrer's park addition where considerable work Is being done at pres ent, dropped dead yesterday afternoon from heart trouble while loosening the dirt in. a high bank. He was Uono at the time, but It was only a short while after that his desd body was found by his son. wno was driving one of the. wagons In which the dirt from the bank Was being hauled to fill a lot place nearby. uunkenbeard s sudden death occurred during the Interval between the departure of one wagon and the arrival of the on on which his son was. He had assisted In loading one wagon and while awaiting the arrival - of that on which his son was, CUnkenbeard started to shovel the dirt down from the. top of the bank, when at tacked. Poennne Tnvnnr nn Vitn mI1aJI . . VBa w ,.B Mu.i.t.i, w I r"i i ai r-r s I ' the body removed to Cutler's undertaking FUNcnAL establishment. Pr. Trey hor. stated that an Inquest would not be necessary as death was-undoubtedly due to heart trouble. CUnkenbeard was 65 years of age and Is survived by his wife, three sons and three daughters. The family - only removed to Council Bluffs from Chlllicothe, Mo., about three weeks ago, and resided at 1818 Ave nue A. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. (8peolat Tele gram.) Bids were opened at the Treasury department, today for . the construction of the publlo building at I -d. 8. D. tha low est bidder was J. W. i.llller ot Bl. Paul. Minn,, at $C0.7u9. Other bidders were J. H. Wclsse, Bouth Omaha, $05,477; Newport Construction and Engineering .. company, Newport News. -Va., $64,236. Rural- carriers appointed: Nebraska Howell,, route 1. Charlie K. Warner,: car rier; no substitute. Iowa Luther, route t Emit J. Johnson, carrier; no substitute. Og den, route 4, ' Albert L. Helphrey, carrier; Myrtle Helphrey, substitute, Bouth- Dakota Ward, - route 1, George J. Apeenmacher, carrier; Emll W. Kruschke. substitute.'. Daisy Bi Wood has been appointed post master at Klmbro, Stanley county, 8. D., Vloe SI. Ji Klmbro reslmed. OF -BISHOP HARE Serviaa ia. Held ,1a .Philadelphia.: and Body Started for Sloaz Falls) . Bonth Dakota. Real Estate Transfers. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 27. Attended by six- bishops, more than a half hundred clergymen am) many laymen, ths funeral service for the Rt. Rev. William Hobart Hare," D. "D", blsho0 of the missionary dis trict of Bouth Dakota,-' was held here to- NEW TORK Op. r.-Arthur P. Helhlet associated with Ms brother. E. Augustus Helnse, In the affair Of the United Ceplrt company, came pretty hear landing la the Tombs lor a ten dys. sentenoe thla alter noon, tmt the ilurt aioment Judge WSfd. in th. rnitart Btatsa circuit ceurt. srraMed a stay of esecuUen.and Heinse's teiialu J under tl.SO bond pending the ftlln of a 1 application tor 'ft writ of error ' Helnse was convicted some time- ego I advising .a .witness to evade "the eel-vie, of a grand Juror subpoena at a time when the government wss attempting to get hold of th books of ths United Copper Com pany. Acting on this conviction, jungs Ray. In the United States circuit court, sentenced him to pay a fine of $iW and to arrv tort days In prison. In passing sentence Judge Ray said thai the offense of - which Helnse stood o6n vlcted was a willful deliberate sfli pre meditates bbtruoloft of the admlnlst ration Of Justice. "You advised the covering Ms and hldlnaT fit evidence and furnished the money for witnesses) to leave the Jurisdic tion ot the court," he said, "and toe ad ministration of the law must be resseoted." Then ha feronodnced sentenee. ' V ' These transfers Wfn reported to The Bee aay he .Protestant Episcopal ehuroh of October 28 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: D. J. Hutchinson to John t Wilcox. lots In Oakfleld add., w. d $ Mary V. Macrae and husband to 8. Shyker. lot 6, block 22, Beers' Sub- dlv., w. d.. , 350 George w. Robards and wlfs to J. F. Wilcox, blocks lit, 20, tl. 22. 23 and 24, Manawa Park, w. d... 1,791 r: . j. Jjay ana wire to j. f. Wilcox, same, w. d .- 208 Tom 8. lf ins worth and wife to Charles A. Bailey, lot L Auditor's subdlv. of sublot 10 In lot 48, original plat, w. d 1,200 Minnie Melons and husband to John . Myers, lots 30 and 21, block 4, Web ster s 1st add., w. d 22R William f urooks and wife to Anton Venot, lots 4, 6, 6 and 7, block 28, Railroad add., w. d 350 A inert j. prown and -wire to Llnnle M. Prouty, lot 11, block 3, Highland Place, w. d. 7,000 nenry eoniuetcr ana- wits to Ann Hlldubi-and lot 1. Auditor's subdlv. In neH nw' and lot t, Auditor's subdlv. In nwH ne4 1S-7B-40, w. d.. 5,000 aiara ua winiams ana wire to Mary V. Macrae, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 11, umann tiari., w. q , mime. js. retter sn 1. x. Lenocktr, lot r block , Oaklahd, W. d 700 rarair jarrett to AI A. Lenocker, lot Zi block , Oakland, w. d A60 Total, twelve transfers,.. $19,123 Marrlaae Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. j. j. nucKiey, uenTrai uny, web 1 lone Cunlngham, Central City, Neb la Roy A. Swett, Lewis. la 26 Matilda C. Kleld, Newmans Grove, la...', to Bt Luke and the Epiphany. After the aerv- Ice, accompanied by members of bis fam ily, the body was taken on the Pennsyl- 530 vanla railroad to Sioux 'Palls for Inter ment. Oil Companies frinfeil in Tcxds Eereral BtafidJird Corporation! Plead Guilty to Violatinff SUt Trmt Law. AUSTIN, Tex., Ont.: 27. The Standard Oil company of Indiana was today fined $G4.000 in the district eourt here for vlbh tlon of the Texas anil-trust law. - '' The Security OH' company and ' th Navarro Refining oompany today eonfMsaH to having entered Into a combination th violation of the Texas anti-trust laws and judgments amounting to about $175,000 wars entered against' the companies by Judlt Calhoun." Forfeitures of charters, permits and ousters from the state will at onoe be prepared by the court. . fr,'j The suits against' the Standard Oil ccttt pany of New. Jersey and the National Transit, company were dismissed Without prejudice. The -Union Tank Line oompahfc was fined for the value of sUty-rive tank cars of oil, which' are now in possessing of the stale- i When the state rested its case counsel for the defendant companies at once confessed Judgment. TO ASSESSS STOCKHOLDER Owner of .' befaaet Institution in OUlahotna City Mast Dl Vt ",' - ;M0O,OO. ... .;,. i 1 GUTHRIH, OKL, Oct. 27. Bank ComnilS loner Toung .tonight announced his. deoi? sjon to assess - the. stockholders of the closed Oklahoma Bank and Trust eompahy at Oklahoma . City in order to get funds 'to complete the Uauldatlon of the bank. He will assets the stockholders doybls the amount of (luilr holdings, as provided. By the law 'covering oases where the assets df a bank are Insufficient to settle Its affalfi Mr. Ycung.sal0.he ekpecud to raise (300,008 bv this means. : , , ' , It was announced, . at the time the ; Co lumbia hank failed, that the assessment .on state Banks 'fordvided by the Oklahoma guaranty law . would afford enough addi tional funds to adjust all claims. Tha erft- clals have refused all along to give cat I detailed statement '.Of the bank's condltltd Quick Action for Your Money Tnu get that by using The Bee advertising columns. - To Die en the Scaffold ' la painless,1 .compared with the weak, -lathe back kidney trouble causes. Electric Bit ters Is the remedy. 10c Sold by 'BSatek Drug Co. , ' 1 - . , . M , . I I, J Indictments ' in Sugar ; Combine Cases Quashe 1'. m4mW.-4.?.wi mm I MV i"' . -at Invalid Chairs Batteries Elastic Stockings Trusses . Crutches Supporters - pr .f V ml . ! 1,1 .ml Hot Water Bottles. Fountain Syringes. Deformity Braces H.J. PEN FOLD & CO. The Larjesi lavalii and Hospital Supply Boose 1110-12 Barney Street Tire Thpee.Graccs Of the grocery and meat world are. Quality, price n.nd service. Our quality is always THIS Hh.jjT. service prompt, and the following prlcea speak for them selves. t i No. 1 Pot Roast per lb So I New Peas, per doa. cans SI. 10 Ko. i.iioil(Bg ue par lb. 60 1 No. I 'lour. per aoxk no. 1 baoov m rorrwD iey THK HOMK OP QUALITT. SZ. E. WELCH TWENTV-r-OlUTH INI) FA K NAM 8THEKTS. 1'buneat 1W11. luuglas tSll( Indepadrat, A-i511. JOB GOES TO CURTIS' MAN Kansas Senator Sacessfally Protests XAcalnst Appointment of Man En dorsed by Governor Stabba. TOPKKA, Kan.. Oct. 17.--Arthur J. Me Cabe, a Toprka lawyer, is occupying a place as assistant to Attorney General Wlckersham, aoeordlng to art announce ment tonight by L. H. Greenwood, Me Cube's (aw partner. This is the place for whloh President Tafi asked Governor fltubbs to choose a man. Tl-e ' governor chose Robert Stone of Topeka. Later Berator Curtis headed a delegation that protested to the president and the appointment order was revoked. McCabe was appointed about two weeks ago, but the matter, It Is raid, here, waa kept secret both In Topeka and Washington. NEW YORK. Oct. 7. A Judlolan opinion whlah appears likely to overthrow the government's entire criminal case under the anti-trust law against the American Sugar Refining company and Its directors, was handed down by Justice Holt of the United State clroult court here today.- Jus tice Holt, In dismissing the Indictments against Gustav E. Kissel and Thomas B. Harned, two of the men accused with the sugar company of conspiracy In restraint of trade, declares that the operation of the statute of limitations Invalidates -arty ao tlon against them. Inasmuch as the of fense for Which they were Indicted Was committed more than three years ago. In addition to the men cleared by to day's decision, there were Included In the eftme Indictment the following: The American Sugar Refining company, Washington; B. T. Thomas, president; Ar thur Donner, treasurer, and John E. Par sons, George H. 1-raer, jonn Mayor ana Charles II. Senff, directors. Harned and Kissel, however, were the only ones who filed demurrera. The opinion Is a far-reaching one, ac cording to the government attorneys, and, If upheld, la likely to prove a serious set back to the government hi many cases brought ' under the law prohibiting con spiracy in restraint of trade. The indictments were brought In con nection with the closing of the, Pennsyl vania Sugar Refining company's Independ ent plant In Wi. Klssol and - Harned pltaded that the plant was closed down and the entire transaction for which they NIGHT RIDERS BURN BARN Meat Virginia Planter Wk Refased to Pool Crop gaffers Heavy Loss. HlTv'TINGTON, W. Va.. Oct. I7.-The fust outbreak of night riders In the south western section of West Virginia for more than a year past occurred last night in the eastern part of Cabell county, when the large tobacco barn ot Everett Blake, con taining his entire crop of several thou sand pounds of tobacco, was completely destroyed by fire.- Blake had refused to pool his tobacco. The -officers have Insti tuted an Investigation but no arrests have Deen made. . f Don't be afraid to arvt Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to your children. It la per fectly safe. were indlcUd was .completed before' iH- uery 4, 1906. Therefore, they sald. tBe Indictment filed more than flv years la ter was barred andsr the statute of limita tions, which Sets a. limit of three yeirt for prosecution Of "crimes not capital.".: .Ths government .attorneys, on the ether hand, pleaded that ' the erlme charged against Kissel, and. Jnarned was a. "con tinuing offense," and .that as long ad ihS conspiracy . continued And the plant ot th Pennsylvania,, company remained closed through th action of the American Sugar Refining company, the three-year perlbd of the statute ot limitations should not begin to run. Justice , Holt's opinion, overruling th contention of th government attorneys, is In part as follows:; v. "Statutes, of limitations are beneficial statutes. The Interests of the community and justice to persona charged with crime require, that offense be promptly prose cuted. . Statutes of ' limitation should be given a plain, and sensible construction Their effort should not be frittered Swejy by a strained Interpretation, based on sub tle and refined reasoning. The govern ment has' waited before bringing this prosecution for five )ars snd a half after the alleged offense was complete, and, . In my opinion,' the statute of limitations 1 a bar to this Indictment." In conclusion, Justice Holt declares that the demurrer by the government attor neys to the plea of Kissel and Harned Is overruled, ' "add judgment dismissing the Indictment as to said defendants "ms,y be .ntered." ' ' The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomach A man who has a week end impaired ttomsch and who doe not properly digest hi food will toon find that hi blood ha, beooaae weak and impoverished, snd that his whole body is improperly and insufficiently nourished. Dr. PIERCES GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERT makes tit mtommek tttooi. promofea (A fw of , dlftlvw arfces. reafOM the sf tppctttp, (bases tiaslmllatlea perfect, Inrttorattm th lirw mod purine mail marleht fke blood. It la thm f ref mlood-mmkir, tUmh-buUtlmr mud f6tmfmUtr sierra fA)fc It mm mm mtromi la bmdy, mctlvm Im mlmd mod la mdtemeat. . tliis " Disoovery "is a Dure, glyeerio extract of American medical roots, absolutely free from alcohol and all iajurioaS, habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients sre printed on It wrapper, ll ha no relationship with secret nostrums. Its every ingredient is endorsed bf the leader ia all the school ot medicine. Don't aooept a secret nostrum as S (ubstitute lor thie tiste-provea) remedy or snown composition, Ai voua nbiohsoss. ' Ihey must knew of many cure mJe by it during pail 40 years, rifbt ta your ewa aei(hborhood. World' Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pisroa, free., Buffalo, N. Y. oys' S5.00i Fall Suits With extra pair Efctcktrkcatrs-.-SpecUl it $3.95 TWe stylish, neat and serviceable Uoin Suits would usually be sold at ifS Ihh they'll really be splendid values at ihat price. : They're made In the newest (all and w-ifater styles, colors and weights for boys' ef every age and sue ' - The materials are all wool cheviots, telourt and casaimeres of excellent I quality and exceptionally "handsome patterns. ... : Hiese suits are extra strong) Hnedv trinimed and sewed, and will stand the toughest usage and hardest ..wear of tArdy healthy boys. . ' iliunday and Friday we offer those $5 suits and extra knickerbockers Special fit - ' ' : . : v;-;::03.0cB:::7 ' finer Beys' Salts at $195 to $12,45 Boys' Furoiishins Specials Roys' Cladet Blouse Waists aad EhlrU. ijr slsas t W IS years; tOo valse, at OPC Boys' Derby Ribbed Merino Combination AfZt Suits, elies 10 to IB years, 75c . luC Boya good quality two-piece Underwear, S5e valna: i V Boys' "Druramer fco'y" Hose.'slies 6 to 10 years, at ..... v ........... Boys' lto Hose, glees ( to 8, special at ........ v...'.' 0 (f k V',i ft 12 ic ...6c rjMlfUL 'Tht House of itl$h Merit.; . a ...... . , c Nov you &n toTexa get Wc took off a whole business day from the sche dule between Kansas City and Texas when we put on: . ( . The Katy Limited This limited train of unlimited comforts makes the trip from . ' . - , . Kansas City to Texas in a Night Something no other train ever before accom- plished. - - ."- l ' It is a night of fast tfavcling over wonderfully smooth track in !. . Chair Cart brighter, more attractive and more comfortable than you have. seen, eepera that the bfcst , future Pullmans will be jiatterned after for s6tte time to come. Cafe Car with tempting menu service a la" carte. How you can do it Morning- trains froqt. Omaha, ' make good connection in Kansas City with the Katy Limittd which leaves Kansas City Union Station at 8:20 p. m.(St. Louis 10:05 a.m.) snd knives, with Katy punctuality, at Oklthoma City 7:00 a. m., Denison 6:10 a.m., pallai 9:15 a.m.. Ft. Worth 9:35 a. m., Waco 12:55 p. rri., Austin 5:10 p. m., San Antonio 8:15 p. mM Houitoiv 9:50 p. m. Through sleepers and. chair cars Kansas City to Okla homa and Texas. Cafe cr Kansas City to Parsons. North bound, the schedule ia equally favorable. The Katy Limited is 1 new train and with the Katy Flyer Rives the Katv double daily fast ser vice from Kansas City and' St. Louis to Texas and Oklahoma. "In planning a trip to the, Southwest all you need, say to your local agent is otje little word "Katy", Full informidoQ retarding shy trip Southwest . . . . . cot of ticket, ehedule. etc., will fld!y be furnished by. .. ?. Ceo. A. McNutt, District Passenger Agent " 80S Walnut St Kaa City 11t: mvvwvvwvvyw Bee Building . ; . OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE NOV. 1ST iloom No. 06 has a south find. west front, is 1912x261i . feet in dimension, and is ao partitioned as to make three officQs. There is a large sized fireproof vault in connec tion with this room. Rent $50.00 per month. Boom No. 413 is an inside court room, 13Vixl7J4 feet, arid.has fireproof vault,, Bents for $18.00 per month. ..' Itooni No. 623 is close to the elevator. 14Vix26 feet. Has a vault in connection, and r ents for $25.00 per month. . Trackage Property! . ' ' ' We offer for rent the building located at 914 Farnam' street, which is a one story an'bnscmcnt building. .This is in the wholesale district, being convenient to car line. For further particulars call The Dee Building Co. hoa Boaa-laa tSS as-iasi iaaa. 17th and Farnam Sts