12 TTIE ttEE: OMAHA, THUKSDAY, OCITMER 23, 1900. WM Thursday Specials MM For Men! Tnvnrn s w 1 rrf 25c Embroideries Oc 0) i . .ur. V n an n a. a si ay . a - - i - I I SPECIAL SALE And Demonstration of the Famous Heatherbloom Petticoats LONG I1LACK COATS Women's Long Coats, in all new style features smart and practical, at . . . $10 TWO SPECIALS WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS With lone coats and Pleated skirts good styles worth f 10, at . . . . $5.98 ; MILLINERY SPECIALS A special group of women's trimmed hats goes on sale Thursday. New fall styles in large or small ef- (P 'Z9S fects, right up to date and worth up to $10, at Women's Trimmed Hats in Basement Good new styles, all colors, large or small shapes your choice QlO of hundreds, at Fancy wings for trimmings a lot, at : '. New Veilings at 15c a Yard 18-inch Veilings, fancy mesh, fish mesh, cross barred effects, plain and chenille dots, black and colors reg- f C ularly 25c and 39c yard, at, yard iJC UNION SUITS, SPECIAL at 49c "Women's fine white Jersey ribbed fleeced Union Suits regular and out sizes, each ; . Thursday is HALLOWE'EN CHOCOLATE SALE Italian Bitter Sweets, the chocolates with the egg shell J crock, with those delicious, mellow cream centers, flavored I with pure" crushed fruits and chopped nuts our regular . . in - 11. 1 I J 11 V m price uc 10. uuy now iui Thursday only,' lb HALLOYE'EN Just the cleverest things for decorations, favors and hal lowe'en parties. Thousands of them in Sweetland, East Arcade. Lanterns, pumpkins, ctrull lanlomo nntn liond Inn. terns, devil's etc., etc., in for candles. Pumpkin Lanterns, at 5c; 10c, 25o, 50c and up to. i .$3.45 Pumpkin Paper Caps, at, doz., 75c Pumpkin Torches, each . ...',,. .10c Pumpkin Hotns, at, each;. , . 5c -.BRAHBH8& OMAHA i - Looks Like Fine Silk and Wears Twice As Long. The most practical of all petti coats all bade of fine Heather bloom taffeta pretty embroidered flounces, shirred and hemstitched with deep rruffles. All colors and black, Including light evening shades. Special Heatherbloom Petticoats, awt.nh.,l:50 .98c Special Heatherbloom Petticoats. :r.v2:00.. : $1.50 Special Heatherbloom Petticoats, worth $2.25 $1.75 at Special Heatherbloom Petticoats, a7nh. ,2:50" $1.98 Special Heatherbloom Petticoats, T9300.7. $2.50 Special Heatherbloom Petticoats, It Ith. .7. .$2.98 The New Linen Tailored Waist All new style effects for wear with thenew tallored5Q 982 SMART WINTER CLOAKS Made with the side and hip pleats or plain tailored clever C C : new styles, at .S'' IN BASEMENT WOMEN'S SKniTS New pleated ideas black and colors special at . $2.98 special 29c 49. Our Special 25c nunuvvc eu I NOVELTIES head lanterns, all sizes, fitted Black Oats, the' newest hallowe'en novelty, at 5c, 10c and .... . 25c Snappy Bon Bons, with paper caps and mottos, dozen, from 35c to $1.25 In Sweetland East Arcade. I watch the eastern shoe styles then I duplicate 'em in QNIMODS I select my own idea of leathers and up hold quality in QNIMODS I fit men's feet as carefully as I would my own, with QNIMODS I charge S2.50 and $3.50 per pair, the popular prices, lor QNIMODS IB THAT'S the way MEN'S ONIMOD SHOES have become so VERY well known. Dob Haaker" REGENT SHOE CO. 205 Son'.h 151b Street LOOK OVER YOUR OLD OVERCOAT Maybe it can 'be cleaned and repaired so It will do you another season. t Brink- or send It to us and we Will telT you what' It will cost to clean It and put 1n a new lining, put on a new collar and fix It up so It will be about aa good as new. ' 1 , s It Is surprising: 'what we can do for an old overcoat If the outside Is good. Our prices are very " reasonable and all work guaranteed first clans In every respect. Try us. The Pantorium "Good Cleaners and Dyers." 1613 Jones St. Both rtaones. Special S&le This Week Only BOTTLED IN BOND Livingston Rye, Full Qts., Regular Price $1.25. Sale Price .05 Golden Raven Bbn., Full Qts., Regular Price 11.00, Sale Price 80 C. Schlank l Co. 1307 DOUGLAS Rollablo Dentistry AT Tail's Dental Rooms Quality Is Our Guide "K' " " "Z&JTh rO Tea Garden Preserves, assorted I I (VSk - 71 !fl kinds, quantty limited, reg- QQ( I I pgil mm$$$i keep : Aemfii : YOUR I Y; SuMs. FEET UPDIKEHtlUIIQ WARM PMAHA.NEB. fe Qrdcr Buster m " ' Gm' " uuoiui y g .. y PLEASES THE MOST CRITICAL UlUsfll Ul WttU 1I K It is pure, wholesome 'l and clean. It is sealed nil yl"OCGlS r!' t the'oven in wax pa- C vwxrf i, . per wrappers. Ask your ' l UFDrXJi aOLLINO COMANT, OMUU Y K'ocer for It 4 6 I' ,, ..Wni,, j 5C T ro,;,Tg",i'i,.f.Nir-i -n-lliiU" i U. P. STEAM h tj a r run nr u THE SHl'TTLK One of the most widely read books of recent years, now 49 Clothe the Boys In Style Here's Helping Yu Do It Cheaply nOYS1 WINTER SUITS Make It convenient to bring thv boys In Thursday the clothing man has arranged for a day of real surprises In the boys' Bectlon. Stylish all wool suits In best patterns and serviceable materials, plain double breasted two-piece styles, many with an extra pair or knicker pants; also ' smart Russian and Norfolk T) suits size range from 3 to . 15 years rare value at . . . . NOimV OVERCOATS In Oxford and green mel tons and brown and gray stripes, flannel lined. in 3 to 10-year sizes; also Oxford Overcoats, long full cut In stylish . s tripos with roll .or protector collar slies 7 to 16 years-'-on sale for. . The Dennett Store Paves the Way To Greater Economies - SKINNER. SATIN LINED TAILORED SUITS $ FOR WOMEN Pleniyof superb models in again rounding out, a splendidly complete display of late New York styles. Suits of high grade worsteds with fine long 46-Inch coats made with that touch of Individuality and good taste that shows plainly the handiwork of expert man tailors. These suits are lined with genuine Skinner satin lining, with the trade mark label in each garment. This one feature adds several dollars to. the yalue of a suit. Yet we alone in Omaha supply it In suits at $25 New !ludson-Fihor Capes Today 64-lnch broadcloth garments with a smart military touch, gilt buttons ana stars Diack, navy, green, toupe, gray, etc. $16.50 l $10.50 Silk Petticoats Made of best taffeta, flounce shirred and pin tucked, twenty good shades, for ..-84.05 - BTAJrCB WOTICB Great1 Sale 3,000 Picture Frames Saturday See "llth street window, values up to' 4.00. Frame your Christmas now.u-;;...:.:-iocto60c .. .. .. THREE DAYS MOKK OP OUR BEST-OP-ALL . - . . October Furniture Sales ' Coins; to set up housekeeplrs;? Isn't there a dining room or living room or .some other part of the house you expect to refurnish? Isn't there, a. pJriKle furniture need you have in mind? Let these last three days of-Mr October sale give you all the benefits of our exceptional buy ing and radically reduced prices. A still further incentive to have you come Is Mir offer of ; , DOUBLE S. & H. GRKEX STAMPS WITH EACH PURCHASE ..A Few Examples of the Splendid Bargains on the Floor: i (40.00 Braes Beds , ...935.00 130.00 Braes Ked,.j ;..1.78 .00 lforf Beds ..r. S4-8 (6.00 Bed Spring fc-t-U $3.60 Santary Couches 12.60 $10.00 Mattresses for 97.60 fciEfSJIVJElTT'S BIG GKOCERY OOOTLB 0EH TmAOIirO ITAKFI OX OBASVUTI9 BVOAM COFFEE Ju8t ror Thursday Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, , can, (Including 60 stamps) for Bennett's Capitol Klour, sack . .91.85 and Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, S packages for ....85a and BennettK Teas, aosurted, pound 68o and Tea Slftings, pound . .. .18o and Kwamdown Shredded Oodflah, 3 packages aso and Helnz's Seet Mixed Pickles, quart SSo and Mignonette Peas, three cans .360 and Royal Tomatoes, two cans for SSo and Yacht Club Salad Dressing 8 So and Bennett's Capitol Maple Kyrup, ty gallon for 76o and Bennett s Capitol Oats or Wheat Pickles, ' assorted, bottle Bnlder's Chili Sauce, large bottle timall Olives, quart Jar t ream Cheese, best quality, pound Virginia 8w1bs Cheese, pound Sntder's Pork and Beans, can TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER One Dollar a Year. HOTELS. Hotel Rome EUKOPEAJT ,s r . ' 1ST AID jAOxaow TTnezcelied Yot It's Beauty aad Ifodern Appolntsaenta. ROIVld MILLER tZ AJv) and Melton ..S3 Mol.air Waists in black and navy, made In pleated tailored style, excellent garments for office or store wer, . . $2.75 and $3.75 SniElTUl must lcaxn WAT FOB HOLIStT OOOSM an TOTS 20 Per Cent Discount on Dinnerware This applies on every openstock pattern shown. $10.00 Qo-Carts for ....96. SO $15.00 Library Tables for . ...9i0.oU $21.00 Dining Tables for 1.60 $8.25 Box beat Chairs for ...... 99.49 $20.00 Oak Dressers for 9H.6S $16.00 Oak Dressers for 98.89 2 lb. 48c 60 green stamps 10 green stamps 60 green stamps 15 green stamps 10 green stamps 20 green stamps 10 green stamps 20 green stamps 10 green stamps 20 green Stamps 1 i CI I Ho and 10 green stamps ' 10o and ..26o -and 10 green stamps 20 green stamps 10 sreen atamna g6o and flOo and 10 green stamps So and 10 areen stamna 16o and 10 green stamps CSAOKES IAL1 Iten's famous Tourist and Graham Crackers fresh from the ery delicious (Including 10 1An Our Cushion Comfort Shoes are so constructed that coldr cannot penetrate them and the feet are always warm. They are the only, cushion Bole shoes that are real comfort every Inch of them. People who have worn them say bo. Every pair handsewed, flexible and very easy on the feet. They are made one size smaller in the instep and two sizes wider In the sole this enables the foot to rest In its natural position. Just Ima gine the comfort. For Women For Men ' $5.00 Drexel Shoe Co. Ill) Far nan street. IN CALIFORNIA Bat rrult. Alfalfa ana mors Oruwloi SMllaa. Klrh. 1MP oH irrlt.i. Er rT uni. Writ tor Sooixi. IHUIOATKO UND CO. Crvcaer !!., Sa rrasgUoe. MONKY rwlAKINO L I TTLE F-A. RMS SUITS- MADE TO YOUR lev; Ladies' Tailoring Department Individuality of design, superior workmanship, al most unlimited assortments of materials, and withal most moderate prices, are some of the attractions which are making this department very popular. COME. See for Yourself. WE'LL WELCOME YOU. SKIRTS' SPECIAL OFFERINGS At Fax Less Price Than You'd Expect to Pay. Beautiful Trimmed Hats, worth regularly to $10, ostrich plume, novelty feather, and other high class trimmings, remark able bargains at our sale prices . . .$5 and $3.95 Trimmed Hats, worth to $5, large assortment for selection, one day only, Thursday, choice $1.98 New Velvet Shapes, 10 new styles for your selection, sold elsewhere at $3.00, here, for. $1.98 Don't Miss These Timely Magnificent Bargain Offerings. EXTRA SPECIALS for THURSDAY IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM Dreamland Sheets, 81x90. a rood 98o Sheet, made of Lakewood 9-4 Sheet- , ins, Thursday .700 19c Beng-allne, all colors, on sola.. 86o 19a Pongee, all colors, on sale aso JOo Dark Percales . 74o Uttc White Lingerie Cloth 8Ho 1160 Canton Klanel, worth 7Ho....6o 1161 Canton Flannel, worth lOo. ,7Ho 116 Canton Flanel, worth UHc.100 1201 Shaker Flannel, worth 7He. . . .So 1166 Shaker Flannel, worth 8H0. .Vio Dig Linoleum Sale OUR LAST CAR KEIFFER PEARS FOR THIS SEASON Is now on sale. Don't watt until they are all gone, buy now. This car will close out quickly. The Kelffer Pears are the finest kind for canning and less than one-half the price of Dartletts or any other kind. As long as the car lasts, we will continue to sell them at the following prices: Large market baskets 50 Bushel basket $1.35 Per barrel $3.7o The Greatest Market In Omaha for Fresh Vegetables, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Groceries and Meats , Monday's prices on all fresh vegetables, fruits, gcoeorles, butter, cheeao, Crackers, teas, coffees and nuts. -- FAMILY LIQUOR DEPARTMENT SPECIAL Rye or Bourbon Whiskey, 8 years old, i M03 fx full quarts, for vY'rrA! We'll supply your wants at lowest prices. DON'T FORGET TRY I1AYDENS FIRST announces (Ae removal Hi ycni SOS $A,nxim teet o 4603 hrnam lyect 2001. Pounds to the Ton. WOMAII'S HOME COMPANION I . . . . . M a i ns greatest wuuiau mofta.iu, . kindred topics, regular price i.ou a year, whu mn i wt..vut-Ji.ii ( KM ttti FARMJJK. regular price $1.00 a year ... A ONLY )..OU hUK UOIh s 'TWENTIETH CENTVKY FA II ME It, OMAHA, NEIUtASRvJ' Embroideries and Inscrtins, Swiss, Nainsook nnd Cambric IN ALL WIDTHS FROM THE DAINTY BABY SETS, TO THE i WIDE SKIRT FLOUNCINGS The same goods displayed in our lGth street windows the past few days, the greatest bar gain wc ever se cured, and, we believe, the best values you were ever offered, all 15c to 25c val (ol ues, nt, yard COATS MEASURE IN OUR WAISTS III MODISH .1ILLII.ERY 1171 fine all wool Blankets, wrtn S. 60 pair, on sale at, pair $8.74 1170 best 11-4 Blanket made, worth $2.26, on sale at, pair $1.60 Frankfort 11-4 Blanket, worth 81. SB, on sale at, pair $1.00 1162 plaid Blankets, vorth 86... $3-50 10c LI. Muslin, unbleached at, yd. 7Uo No. 1252 8&e Comfortables 6So 1264 $1.60 Comfortables SSo 1260 82 Comfortables $1.4 A great many other specials not ad vertised. i 1 Monday iff mm ') Par gal IT PAYS' : . : ; i : lonilcr In art Hj..nii..n fn,.v u... .u ..ibluio, ihuiuu, uu JW g SSS22S . ) V