The Omaha Daily Bee THE OMAHA DEE goes to th homM la read by tha omea sella goods for advertisers. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair. For low a Fair. For wratlier rpport see rape 2. VOL. XXXIX NO. 115. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOIiNINd, OCTOBER 28, 1K)9-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. TAFT DELAYED BY SANDBARS Executive Get Pra . i Nation of Needs of Deeper cnajiiiel for the Mississippi. Conservation Society Opens New York Office STATE FUNERAL W.C.T. U.ENDS BUSTSESSION Thirty- Sixth Annual Convention Closes With Enthusiastic Night Meeting and Women leave. DEMANDS BALLOT FOR WOMEN FOR PRINCE IT0 1r AU 5 MIT M ! J Body Which is Under Guard at Dairen Will Be Brought to Tokio on Battleship. rrmu Under Leadership of Dr. Eliot Sys tematic Efforts Will Be Car ried On for Cause. FOUR HOURS IN MEMWHIS CEREMONIES SET FOR NOV. 4 Trip Over City Followed By Address, at Auditorium. HOW WILL RIVER BE USED Business Interests of City Asked Pointed Questions By Executive. WHITE HOUSE LATCH STRING OUT I'mldtnt, at Diner Attended by Got ernom, Invites Them All to the White Home Once F.nch Teas. MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Oct. r. President Taft and his party were delayed on the river during ths night, owing to the low stage of the water and numerous sand bars and d'd not resch Memphis until nearly 11 o'clock. When the flotilla did appear with the Oleander, bearing the president and his personal retinue, 300 yards In advance of the long column flanked On either side by the tiny torpedo boats, the populace shouted a greeting, which echoed and re-echoed across the river. Mayor James Malone welcomed the presi dent and said the attitude of President Taft towards the southern states presaged nothing but good for the south during the 'Taft administration. L president Taft's reply was brief and to ' la, point. He had, on previous occasions, declared hlmsilf upon the waterways prop osition and today he repeated his declara tions. Following the welcoming exercises the president, and the otherv members of his party entered automobiles and were driven along the stresta of the city. The presi dent and his personal escort lsft the main body of the automobile procession tem porarily to go to the Toung Men's Chris tian association's new building, the dedica tion of which had been postponed for the president to perform. Addreas-of President. On reaching ' the auditorium where the principal address of the day was delivered by ths president, the chief executive was given a tremendous ovation, which lasted for several minutes. ' Replying to Governor Patterson's wel come, President Taft said: "I must ask you to keep as quiet as you can so that you can hear me, for my voice Is Just recovering from, a Texas norther." The president said he was proud to be welcomed by the governor, whom he had known as a member of congress and whose father he had also known when the latter was in ttmgres. -- -j;1- He said he felt at home in Memphis, hav - lug occupied the federal bench here. He added: "I had one of your delightful citlsens serving with me In the tropics, where we ate and slept and labored together and en Joyed working for ths Inhabitants of the Philippines, the island of the sea. I was proud and happy to shake General Wright's hand this morning when I landed at the wharf. "I have also drawn upon you for another man, who Is now serving as secretary of war, 'Mack' Dickinson. .You people down here have a way of calling your men by names, which the congressional records do not disclose. It was a long time before I learned td call the secretary of war 'Mack.' "Tour city has grown and thrived In a manner which la truly wonderful. It has come well since there are no people from Houston, Tex. about, I may safely say li the greatest Inland cotton market In the world, Rivers and Railroads. "Now what has made It such? Not be- cause of your river facilities, but because you are situated In the keystone position to three states and are fed by them. I Wish to Impress upon you most emphati cally that you have grown, not by reason of your river facilities, but by reason of your railroad facilities. "And now that Is why we are here. We are here to see If we cannot add to your river facilities so that In the same length of time you may again double your growth by Increasing your river facilities, and as you can see we are a preny iunmu body. - "We did not come down that river of yours simply for the enjoyment of It. We came down that river because we believe we are now entering upon an epoch of In land waterway Improvements. By coming down that river and by arousing the peo ple we hope to Increase the rive facilities of this cliy and every one in the great Mississippi valley. "I do not believe there was any one on any one of those boats which came down the river this morning, who will be able to watch the caving banks of this side of the river and see the snags and swamps across the river, who can tell us how these great problems are to be solved. We must first stir ui the people and then rive to the problems that serious consideration and thought and study which they de mand. Problem of Improvement. "And now we have reached the next step. How are we going to do It? If you have the river and It Is not used, then there Is no use in pouring millions Into It to Im prove It "This proposition of a fourteen-foot chan nel requires much serious thought and study. The entire river must be studied by experts. And then when we are de termining upon methods to be used In making a good flow of water at all places the year round, we must create terminal facilities as well. Terminal facilities are of as much vital Importance as Is a deep channel from the lakes to the gulf. "You men of Memphis, the business men and munufaclurers, are now shipping your cotton and your goods by railroads even when you have ate river at your door and you are not going to ship your cotton and goods by river even when you have a deep waterway from the lakes to the gulf unless you know that It will be of profit for you to do so. You have simply got to mako lh rivr transportation worth v. hi-" , lit Hoirtl Milti -. . president.!. ... iroia Hickman, v. . to Memphis was without plCeatlnued on Second Page) .'EW TORK. Oct. 27.-Natton-wlde In Its scope and backed with the enthusiastic endorsement of Prc'dent Taft, a syste matic movem of the United .f In preserving p " country was jj" V. The Nation! S with offices h ' carry on the . until the lead Eliot, president 5, T verslty. This . admtnlatrativs I ' 3 by the. federal , "i vation principle of the United I ppeal to the people for concerted action ral resources of the here today, rvatlon association, in Washington will vigorous campaign f Dr. Charles W. 0 of Harvard unl m Is to advocate by the states and mt of the conaer by the governors f their conference with President Roosevelt at the White house In May; 1908, The association includes among its friends and membership some of the most promin ent men of affairs in the country. Offi ces were opened today In the Fifth ave nue building In this city where It was announced the association had Its organi sation well under way and that applica tions for membership were pouring In from all parts of the country. It is expected that as the work of the organization ad vances, branch offices will be established In different sections. Dr. Eliot la person ally directing the work of the association and the membership, which is open to every American cltlxen la expected to reach Into the hundreds of thousands. The officers are: President Dr. Charles W. Eliot of Cam bridge, Mass. Vice-President Walter ' I Fisher of Chicago. Secretary Thomas R. Shlpp of Indian apolis. Ind. The latter was secretary of the White house conference of governors and secre tary of the National Conservation Com mission. The chairman of the executive committee is John F. Bass of Chicago, and the execu tive director is Royal L. Mele.idy, also of Chicago. ' Among the most Important measures ad vocated by the association in the general convention scheme, which Includes the forests, waters, lands and minerals. Is that relating to water power rights. The as sociation also declares that It desires to further all legislation designed to diminish sickness, prevent aocldents and premature death, and Increase the comfort and Joy of American life, believing that human efficiency, health and happiness are natural resources as Important as forests, waters, lands and minerals. Fight Goes On Without Letup Mayoralty Candidates Test Limit of Endurance in " Progress of - New York Campaign. NEW YORK, Oct. 27. With the battle over the official ballot decided by the courts and the printing of the 2,000,000 bal lots well under way, ths candidates in New Torks three-cornered mayoralty campaign prepared today for the final stages of next Tuesday's contest. All along the line ths big artillery , of the contesting forces Is to be kept In constant play from now on, the mayoralty candidates themselves limiting their endeavors only by the bounds of their physical condition and abilities. William R. Hearst, after a day of rest, resumed hlB active campaign today and tonight will appear with several candl dates on the fusion ticket' at Carnegie hall. Upper Manhattan and In the Bronx. William J. Caynor, the democratic 'can didate, with the Tammany endorsement, spoke last night In Staten Island and Is scheduled to speak today several times, as Is Otto T Bannard. the republican noml nee, some of whose engagements are In the republican strongholds on the Upper West Side. The "white slavery" Issue Is being kept well to the front by ths anti-Tam many campaigners. Astor Divorce Case Under Way Absolute Secrecy Maintained About Suit that Sets All Gotham Agog. NEW YORK, Oct. Hearings, It is understood, have already been begun before Charles H. Young who Is said to have been appointed by Supreme Court Justice Isaac N. Mills as referee in an action by Mrs. John Jacob Astoi for a separation from her husband, with the expectation that the testimony In the form of affi davits will all be taken and the referee'b report presented within a month. The attorneys mentioned In the connec tion, however, have so far maintained silence regarding the matter and this morn ing there were no' Indications that any statements from them would be forthcom ing during the day. Judge Mills la a Judge in the Judicial district In which the Astor country place at Rhlnebeck is situated. The Justice, It was learned today. Is on a hunting trip in Maine. - Mrs. Astor Is said to be represented by John H. Cadallader, of the firm of Strong A 'Cadallader, and Mr. Aster's, attorney is said to be Lewis Ledyard. UNVERSALISTS ON VOTE DEFEAT CENTRALIZATION Convention Refnses to Elect Perma nent President of Ornaalsatloa to Hold TkNigh Tear. DKTROIT, Mich., Oct H.-The biennial general convention - of . tha Universallst church closed here today after being In ses sion since last Friday. Delegates from every section of tae United States were In attendance. The proposal to centralise the organisa tion of the church under a permanent president who would succeed the president of tlve tiventlon was defeated by a close vote. The debate showed that the lines were sharply drawn. The Question will, doubtless, be brought up at the Springfield, Mass., convention In 1S11 ' Honor Such as Are Rarely Paid Ex cept to Princes of the Blod. KOREAN POLICY UNCHANGED Rumors of Annexation of Kingdom Are Officially Denied. WORLD MOURNS WITH JAPAN rabies-rams roar Into Fore Is; a Office From Kvery Nation or the Globe Foethamona Honors for' Dead Statesmaa. TOKOI. Oct. 27. The body of Prince Ito, tha murdered elder statesman of Japan, will be taken aboard the Japanese warship Iwato, at Dalren and will be brought to Japan accompanied by a full suite repre senting the entire nation. The body lay today In a hotel at Dalren, the coffin cov ered by a simple white pall. Guards sur rounded the hotel and only the prince's personal staff was admitted. Throughout the day telegrams poured into Toklo from every country or the world, and the officials of the foreign of fices are busily engaged In answering them. Those closest to the throne say that the emperor Is deeply affected by the assassination of the prince. He has asked for every detail and apparently is unable to understand why the murder was com mitted. In view of the evident 'popularity of Frlnee Ito. But when Informed of ail the facts so far as they have been learned here, the emperor ordered that there must be no change In the policy toward Korea. The emperor of Korea has cabled his sympathy to the emperor of Japan as well as to Princess Ito at Olso. The assassin probably will be, tried at Dalren. The al leged accomplices have been arretted and It Is believed that the investigation will show that the plot was hatched at Seoul. The Japanese authorities are determined to unearth the source because the assassina tion of Prince Ito Is believed' to have been planned by the same persons who planned the murder of Durham White Stevens, the former diplomatic advisor to the Korean government at San Francisco In 1908. The newspapers here comment on the escape of one of the associates of the convicted murderer of Mr. Stevens. The leading statesmen of Japan, who have been Interviewed on the subject as sert that the death ofPrince Ito will not affect the' avowed policies at home and abroad. While Prince Ito was powerful and pop ular, the general policy of the Japanese government today Is not-dictated by the elder statemen but; by the active politi cians; who are determined to follow peace ful development. An imperial ordinance directs that a state funeral, such as, with three exceptions, ha ' never been given for other than a prince of the blood, be held on November 4. As a, posthumous honor Prince Ito Is advanced from Junior to the first grade Inthe court rank. Woman Flies in Aeroplane Wilbur Wright Takes Mrs. Ralph H. Van Deman for Short Trip Over the Treetops. COLLEGE PARK, Md., Oct. 27.-A division of more than ordinary Interest from the daily flights here was furnished today by Wilbur Wright at the government aero drome. Mr. Wright had for a passenger a woman aviation enthusiast in person of Airs. . Van Deman, wife of Captain Ralph H. Van Deman, if the Twenty-first in fantry. Mrs. Vandman was the first woman to fly In a heavler-than-air machine In the United States. Mr. Wright and his brother Orvllle, both have had women as pas sengers in their aeroplane abroad, and. Mrs. Nicholas Longworth at Fort Meyer recently wished to make a trip In the aero plane, btX the Wright brothers refused. COURT CENSURES PLAN . TO RETAIN CUSTOMS MEN Jodsf Holt Criticises Determination to Keep Dishonest Weighers la the Service. NEW YORK. Oct. 27. Antonio Musics, who( with his son, Phillip, has been oh trial in the United States circuit court here, was today found not guilty on the charge against him of alleged frauds In obtaining underweights on cheese Importations. Phillip Mustca, who yesterday pleaded guilty to one of the eounts In the Indict ment, was remanded to flie Tombs for sentence. Young Muslca, on the witness stand, testified that his father was In poor health and had not been an active hand In the buslnesa for several years. In remarks following the verdict Judge Holt criticised the announced decision of the government to retain In the cuHtomn service the weighers, who, during the trial, had confessed to frauds by which they and the Musicas had profited. GENERAL C0PPINGER IS ILL Former Coaaaader of This Depart ment SaffrrlBa" From Paeomonla. WASHINGTON. Oct. 27.-Brtgadler Gen eral John Copplnger, U. S. A... retired, son-in-law of the late Jamea O. Blaine, Is se riously 111 with pneumonia at his residence In this city and, owing to his advanced age, his friends are alarmed. General Copplnger was commander of the Department of the Missouri at ths outbreak of the Spanish-American war. He was re tired shortly after, being too old and also suffered too much from wounds received In the civil war, to assume active field duty. He baa seen service In the British and Papal armies and came to this coun try to serve the north during the civil war. He la pleasantly remembered here aa a most g ratal gentleman From the Philadelphia Inquirer. SEVEN POINT OUT BANDITS Wods ando Torsreuson Positively Identified By Many Witneses. STRONG EVIDENCE AGAINST PAIR t Poatal Clerks Corey and Eastman Add Their Word to That of Hs Who Testified Tnrsday. The positive Identification of Woods and Torgenson as the principal actors In the Overland Limited mail robbery, as given by Engineer v Melkeljohn, Firemen Prowl and Wright, Postal clerks Whltmore, and Rush was corroborated by the further Iden tification of the two men by Postal Clerks William Corey and Frederick . Eastman .at the trial yesterday afternoon. Poatal . Clerks William C, Ryan. Arthur J. Ntles. Arthur L. . DreDsrt and William Sears were not able positively to identify the accused men, as shelr positions- In the hold-up line were not such that they could get a good look at the) men, and they were not disposed to swear to the Identity of the men upon the evidence of their voices alone. . Frederick Eastman stated that he had noticed the men closely during the' hold-up, from the fact that he wished to be able to give, a description of the men to the police. He was certain of his Identification of Woods and Torgenson, and was reason ably certain of his identification of Grig ware as the third man. . William Sears was one of the last men to leave the car, and his activity in so doing was suggested when he looked out the car window and when one of the bandits fired a shot through the car win dow, the bullet passing close to his head and striking a piece of casting In tho car, breaking It off. This piece of casting was Introduced In evidence. All of the postal clerks testified that there were four men engaged In the hold up, and that while they were lined up after Whltmore and the alleged Woods went Into the car, the man In charge -of them, who has been Identified aa Torgenson, told them If any harm came to "that man In the car" that he would kill avery one of them. It was this same man who fired atrthe conductor and brakeman and who also fired In the car window at Sears. , With the testimony of Postal Clerk Dre- bert the examination of the postal clerks closed. William T. Canada, superintendent of the secret service for the Unl t Pacific . Rail road company, followed the postal clerks. The first word he had of the holdup wus shortly after midnight the night of May 22. After dressing he notified Captain Mostyn and with two or three other offi cers went out to the scene of the robbery In an automobile. - They succeeded In re covering a part of a destroyed mall sack and a glove near the north end of the Forty-second street viaduct. He went out again Monday and found the remains of the signal fire, at which were some pieces of charred newspaper, the fiagments showing some of them to have been Spokane, Wash., papers. ' ' Another Important find was a piece of envelope near the scene of the holdup, bearing a Texas postmark, and addressed to one of the men now under arrest. Mr. Canada was still on the stand when the hour for adjournment arrived. Mr. Fleharty was asked If the defendants would be placed on the stand to testify during the trial. "I do not know," he said. "The government will have to produce some evidence that my clttnt Is In any ay connected with the affair first." Judge T. C. Munger has ruled that most wltnesHes for both sides must be excluded from the court room during the trial while any special witness is on the stand. Exception was made In the cases of Mr. Grlgware, the father of one of the de fendants; United States Marshal Warner, Postofflce Inspectors Perkins, Thompson and Grogan; Detectives William Canada of the Union Pacific, Sheriff C. W. Dyer of Idaho and Deputy Sheriff Eugene May of Idaho. Conductor M. C. Wallace of the Overland Limited testified briefly regarding his ex perience in the holdup. He was In the third sleeper from the forward end and when ths train stopped at Mud Cut, he got out of the car to see what was up. He was net near enough to recognise any of the men engaged In the holdup, nor could he tell whether they were masked or not, but thought they were. John Cries, the brakeman on the Overland Limited, told of his getting off the observa- (Continued on Becond page.) SO SAY ALL OF US. Lifeboat Blown Away from Coast; Twenty Drowned Efforts of Life Savers Are Futile at Wreck of Hestia Only Six Are Saved. ST. JOHN, Oct. 27. In the hope of being able to pick up some of the crew of the v recked Donaldson line steamer, Hestia, several tugs and other craft put out from this port early today for Seal Cove, Grand Mancn Island,, where the Hestia ran upon a ledge early yesterday morning and where more than a score of persons are believed to have perished, V The volunteer rercuera . are anxious to know tho fate of one 'little lifeboat, whichi overcrowded with men, was the last to leave the Hestia. ' When last observed, tha occupants of the frail craft were struggling In the heavy sea. . The wind at the time of the accident was blowing a gale off srjore and today, Although it had diminished con siderably, it still blew from the land and It was the opinion that the lifeboat had been carried out to sea. The Hestia sliuck the ledge at 1:10 a. m. yeBterday,. according . to Third Mate Stewart, one of the men rescued by th; .Seal Cove life savers. The condition of the six men rescued was pitiable. Left on tlu wrecked vessel, with the last boal gont they were in a condition of exhaustion when taken off . by the life savers. Third Mate Stewart broke down and cried when taken Into the life boat, and It was a long time before any Information could be ob tained from him. ... A heavy northeasterly gale Is pelleved to have been responsible for the Hestla's fate, although It Is supposed that a mis take of the man at the wheel in believ ing he had picked up Gannet Rock light while really discerning the gleams of the lighthouse on Machtaa Seal Island, several miles southwest, carried the ship many miles off Its course. The sailors of the midnight' watch had been out uf their bunkd an hour, and all others except the navigating officer, were stowed in bunks or hammocks when the crash came, an hour after midnight. In the belief that he was leaving Grand Mansn on the port tack, and following the usual course to St. John, the navigat ing officer sought the ' distinguishing marks of that route. But they were not to be seen. Instead, . the steamer was heading for Seal Cove, between Gannett Rock and Machlas seal Island, over seas which barely covered a treacherous bot tom of shoals. It was on one of these, Just Inside Old Proprietor's ledge that the vessel's nose became impaled. The Hestia .was a steel craft built at Sunderland in 1890, and was formerly the Mary Beyts. It registered l.iSi tons net and hailed from Glasgow. Widow-Bride Heroine in One of Life's Tragedies It is Just one of the tragedies of eyery day life oie of the heartrending evenu which mince sorrow and .gladness In this world. It is the sad story of death whlcu for some unknown, unexplalnable reason, has left a lovely young bride to struggle alone against adversity because her hus band has been taken from her. When the Union Pacific Chicago special pulled Into the Union station at an early hour In the morning a young woman was the first to alight. She was dressed . In sombre black. One could guess her errand as she hastened alongside the long train toward the baggage car ahead. She was young and pretty, but her tear-swollen eyes and her pale, tired appearance be spoke of a sleepless night aboard the Pull man. The door of the baggage car slid open. A truck was standing ready for Its freight. In another moment two sleepy baggage men tenderly laid a long pine box on the truck. In that sepulcher of pine was a casket and within Its white walls lay all that was mortal of a man who had tried and failed, for he had sacrificed his young life to his work and the young girl who faced the world with him. The few sleepy passengers at the sta tion were deeply touched by the scene that followed. The young woman fairly flew to the truck and, placing her tear-wet face against the cold planking of the coffin, was seised with a violent paroxysm of weeping. Surely her heart was breait- SKETCH OF JUDGE SEDGWICK Judicial Experience Especially Fits Him for Supreme Judge. LONG EESIDENCE IN NEBRASKA Record at Homo as Dra;anlser,-Bnllder Up and Friend of Prog, ress Work on Bench. Judge Samuel Hopkins Sedgwick was born March 12, 184S, on a farm near Bloom Ingdale, 111., twenty-five miles west from Chicago. . There were eight boys and six girls In the family, Samuel was the sixth son and the eleventh child. The three brothers next older enUsted and went to the war in 1861. Samuel was, at that time, 13 years old, and with his two younger brothers to assist him- wras left In tharge--of the farm, the father being a practicing physician. .- When young Sedgwick was 17 years old the family ' moved, into the town of Wheaton, where Wheaton college was and Is now located. At this Institution he was educated by that slow process peculiar to those, early days, when young men were educated more or less on their own re sources. Like most of the boys of the ime young Sedgwick was obliged to teach chool from time to time to help himself long. He graduated at Wheaton college in 1870 md entered Ann Arbor law school In 1S71. "oming from Ann Arbor . he went to Aharon. Wis., where he was principal of the Sharon academy for two years. While teaching he continued his study of law and afterwards studied with his brother, G. G. Sedgwick, at Fort Washington, Wis., and was admitted to the bar at Oreen Bay in 1S74. At this time he went Into partnership with his brother In the law practice at Kewaneo, Wis. Coming to Ne braska In 187S he settled at York, where he has since resided. Lines i with Progress. Judge Sedgwick Is a man of quiet tem perament, of industrious luiblts and steady purposes, of a practical turn and always Interested In tfle substantial progress of his own community. He has been an or ganizer and bullder-up of some of the prominent business Interests of his town. When the waterworks, In the early days of York, were In a faltering and uncer tain condition, Judge Sedgwick was Instru mental in organising the water plant and putting it on a successful basis. A student of electricity, he was compe tent to ssslst'ln the organization of the lighting at York, and his knowledge and business skill in these enterprises has been a part of their success. He is a trustee of the Congregational church and Is recog nized as a generous and practical patron of church and public affairs. (Continued an Second Page.) "Oh, John, John, why should it be so? Why were you taken from me? Oh, I shall die; I shall die; I know this will kill me." Her violent sobbing smothered further words. A kind woman placed her arm about the waist of the swaying girl. "There, there my child; be brave. Let me help you," she said. Tha two strolled Into the women's retir ing room. Sympathy quieted the weeping girl and she opened her heart to her new companion. "We were only mairied last June," she said. We wre Just out of college, In the same class at Illinois. John was given a fine position with a large power company In Colorado. Everything looked so bright until the accident, and we were so happy. It happened near Glenwood. A premature explosion hurled him to eternity. They brought him home all mangled." There was another outburst of weeping. "Oh, It's horrible, horrible. I want to die," cried the girl. The clatter of a truck caused both women to glance through the window. Tears of love gushed from the eyes of the girl. Tears of sympathy showed In the eyes of the older woman. The casket was being lifted aboard an Illinois Central train bound for Chicago. The girl and her lover were going back to Illlnul. i Meeting Puts Itself on Record on Question of Suffrage. WANTS STATE TO TEST PLAN Action Taken on Recommendation of Superintendent of Department. MOVE FOR REFORM LIBRARY This and Rapldir lacreaslna- Office Force Pica for More Money Money Wlae at (hires Baa ranteat Deplored. After a successful sesnlon lasting over week the thirty-sixth national convention of the Women's Christian Temptrance un ion adjourned last night. The final hours of the convention were taken up with miscellaneous business and with the program arranged by the presi dents of the various states. The meeting abounded In enthusiast. and did not ad journ until a late hour. Today the final business will be tran sacted by the executive committee which will go Into session at 9 o'clock and proba bly remain In session during the entire day. The committee has much work to clear up before the members lesve Omaha and a busy meeting la promised. Many of the delegates did not wait for the session lam night, but carried their packed suit cases to the afternoon session and hurried to late trains after adjourn ment. Trains leaving Omaha were com fortably filled with women, who on ac count of the long distance they hava to travel took an early start. On Record (or Snffraare. "Woman's ballot for the King's business" Is the expressive motto adopted by the convention upon recommendation of Its franchise department and in this action the National Women's Christian Temperance union puts Itself on record regarding wo man suffrage. Rev. Mecca Varney of Michigan, superintendent of the depart ment, explained that the ballot was asked not through any selfish motive, but that through it women might be privileged to register their opinions In the name of Christ. "We do not aspire to be a great politi cal body," she said, "but rather a mighty force In the world for righteousness." She further advocated as an experimental sta tion, some strong Woman's Christian Tem perance union state, where women might be enfranchised according to the ideas of the union. Numerous awarda were made for pro gress in work it several' branches, and numerous boquets were passed to, the ros trum In appreciation of services of offK cers and others who have helped make tho convention a success. ( Reference Reform Library. . A complete reference reform library is one of the Important things contemplated that will necessitate the proposed S10.00O addition to the national headquarters at Evanston, III. Mrs. S. M. Fry of Evanston explained this to the convention and also that the rapidly growing office force now numbering twenty, will also have to be provided for. Contributions to this build ing fund were asked by Mrs. Stevens, and It Is hoped to raise the entire amount in this way. Several resolutions were paused during the afternoon, one deploring the use of fer mented wine in th church sacrament. An other advocated that instead . of the term "White sluvo traffic" the term "traffic In women" be used, as other than white women are Included In that truffle. An other expressed appreciation of tha Just and evpeditious rulings of the presiding officer, Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, and a four pledged the convention to work for the removal of saloons and other places of questionable character from the neighbor hood of army posts,, soldiers' homes and like places. Fat Purees Raised The convention adjourned with tha com fortable assurance that It has funds suf ficient at least for Its Immediate needs, and pledges for more that will materially ease its financial condition during the year. One entire session was devoted largely to raising nionsy, the Frances Wlllard me morial fund belr.g the special object. An amendment had been proposed to the con stitution increasing the dues of local clubs In the national union from 10 to 16 cents. Upon suggestion of Mrs. Stevsns, national president, this was not offered, and In Its stead she proposed that February 17, the date of Miss Wlllard's death and now rec ognized as memorial day, be observed by every unionln the national with a special program and ths contribution of at least 12 to the Frances Willard memorial fund used for the extension and strengthening of thu work. Mrs. Stevens reminded the convention that it was necessary every year for the National Women's Christian Temperance union to borrow money to carry on Its work until pledges, dues and other Bourcss of Income have all come in and that tn ci eased dues. If asked at all, might better be applied on the necessities of running txpenbts. One Pledge for Whole State. The response uf the delegates was prompt and generous. Scores of individual pledges of I-, ST), 110 and 1-6 were mud and every delegation present made pledges tor Its state. A representative from Connecticut pledged $2 from evtry local union of his state and, tn case they did not meet the pledge, to pjy It personally. Muny other equally generous pledges were made and scores were paid In cash. It could not be ascertained what the total pledge will amount to, but it will mure than meet im mediate necessities. The convention was brimming with en thusiasm and repeatedly reports of organ izers and others were greeted with lul.y songs from delegations especially con cerned. One enthusiastic recital of the work In Missouri the lust year brought fottl) a' chorus sung by the state delegation to the tune. "Bringing In the Fheaven:" Missouri's going dry, . Missouri's going dry.. Pass aiong the watch word, Missouri's going dry.. Missouri had hardly finished when the big Nebraska delegation took It up with a will, singing for Nebiuska, and then the 'Iowa delegation, 100 strung, tajig It b4k