nn-: bek: omaha. .wkdnkspay. October 27, iood. u J. ' ' A We can For 1 LI i OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriter Laatlaaed. 6 k F.CON D hand typewriter sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1WJ7 Firnm. nVFUTTHTNO In typewriter; u-t a f of our bargains: Rebuilt No. 2 .Smith i i'f'mler, 931; No- I Oliver. .) r.o. Kein " n Ktun machine shipped on approval: i, rtepoMt required. TIFEWKll r.n r.wt ir aiu.s i vw., tog 8. 12th St. Itim mm Olker Maslcal Udrinfatt i '".FOR two eartr birds. ftn; talk-o'phone ll.i; $12 50 Colum JL :d It Win. disk records. bia and 10-ln. disk rccorr-s. $1.00. both as :ood an new; play any disk record made: , rfturn and g't your money bsok If not ; satisfactory. 1'lano I'layer Co., Old boston Si ore. Mlarellaneoas. "C0AL AT CUT PRICES. We save you from SOu to 11. Ml on everv ton and Klve better coal. V guarantee correct welnht. Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. DKITOS at cut price, freight paid on aft 110 order; catalogue free. Shermaa McCanneb Drug Co.. Oman. Neb. T IIMUKTi Try O. C. Iilmmock Hons. liUiuuuu South Omaha, for lumber. GARLAND STOVES tb- famous Garland stoves. Not being in i high rent district we can save you oi.ey on stoves U. H. MliT&K, Zivj eavenworin. Hardware and Stove Dealer. Second-Hand Boilers We will aell two Holler that have been In use at the Bee bulidlJig. They are eacn 175 horsepower return tubular boiler, 78 lnch diameter by Is feet long. They have Its C. 1. tube i tnche by 1 feet. Work in; pressure lf pound per square Inch. Heat aurlace lit.oou auuar feet. Urate aiva UK so,uar feet W e are very anxious to dispose of these boilers Immediately and will aell at a bur gain If taken at once. THE iiliE BL'lUJINO COM PANT. 17th and Karnam 6ts. Omaha, Xeb. WORTH SKEINO. f. MUST MLLL hl'OVKg. Used only one season, for storage charge. Also furniture. 1113 Dodge St, Doug. 4ki. Come early1 for your choice. FUtt SAK Two roll-top and one flat ton desks and three office chairs; all In si d condition and new last May. 413 Bee HJ FOR BALE One f0-H. P. horizontal fire tube boiler complete; good as new; used less than sU months. Fairmont Creamery Co., Omaha,' Neb. w And second-hand. 1110 Faro. WE HAVi ivk llAVt; on hand a number of Ink l arrel which we Will aell at Mo eaoh. The, IVe fin for rain water or aahea Call ai ressrom Be Publishing Co. FOR SAL. New and Zd-hand billard and pool table. W lead the world In cheap bar fixtures, easy payment. Brunswick-Balk Collendr. 407 eV Bt rr r Publlo Market Special. d-R, UUAU, Best value In Omaha. . PartMdge-Thonipson Co.. lti Harney. D. BM2 H ftfl A T v It's good; Yukon egg or lump, f ( so, bt for price, try 1L HARMON A Wk-KTH. Both phones. FOR SALU A good self adding cash register; will sell oa easy payments. Ad diesa P 471. Bee. WRITE m before buying a piano. I ran save yuu money. Addreaa L 661, care Bee. HALi.. - i-atvs. new, 24-beod. Mil Farnam. OAS RANGE CHEAP. .4170 Cass Street NEED money quick. Will sell my upright piano fof fc.0.00. T 18 Bee. ONE four-roller- cvllnder bretm: rIho on .tony cylinder. Jurkley Printing Co. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON JNilT..K4U.J.. Y. WTel. De 164. Dr. Kathryn Nicholas, 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. PATENTS D. O. DARNELL, Paxton B)k. Tel. Iled 7117. HUFFMAN, 81S Neville Bldg. Book free. PERSONAL 1 I "cleaned, mad Into fall style. si m ii it i clv.. wki in. in. fVkAT. Andover, L'tg, Lump, $6.60. R. H. WAU Morehouse Co.. W. 8105, B.2145. STRICTLY private home during confine munla; excellent care; babies adopted; trained nurse. 8618 Davenport St. pprj vyo Your corn comes out or your ViVl.il kJ quarter ioiiui back when you ue Corn Jelly. HaOnea Drue Co. Far. MAGNETIC sriTO .uf 'SSrd'SKS: JAME3 RUBY can get Insurance money hjy writing John or Charley. A HOllS for women during confinement. find home tor Daoies wnare moinur nnot care for them. Bablea boarded. or tar ma. address Mrs. Martha A. Lee, 401 ltanei vU . t, umaiia, ssuo. i none uoug laa iit.hr kwE KENT and repair all makes of sew llr maaiiinea. 'Phones: llld. A lw3: Doug. ItiuS. Neb. Cycle Co., coruer 16th aud Har ney PRIVATK home during confinement; babies (or adoption; Oood Samaritan Kan liorluin, 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. DR. EOQER3, private confinement home, lf.lti Martha 8t. Tel. Douglas ttfJU. TliE.tamous Velvetlna Toilet Goods. For sule L all druggists or pnouo Douglas Mua. THE SALVATION ARMY ollolt caatoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not ueed. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for coal of collection to the worthy poor.. Call phone Douglas- 4135 end wagon will call. . , 7 I Ci 3 " toupees for men. ORIFF1TH. 'uuo U and 14 Frenaer Bik. MAGNETIC Treatment. Emmerlln Biolt. XJia p. lth tit. Doug. UM. ANYONE knowing the present where abouts of James C. Ballard, who resided In Doug la county In 167, or any of hut relatives, win piease comiuuiucute with H t-3, care uqiana rtee, uuiana, mo. Private1! confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King. 13J4 N. 81th, Tel., Web, 2ii. Ind. B-liO;i. OMAHA Stammerers' In.. Ramge Bldg. MRS. KITTEN HOUSE, vibratory nia SHgti and elect lie baths. R. 4th floor Old Boston store Bldg., 16th and Douglas. Aiicne de Voy. Manicuring and ma-nage, Co S. lulh Su Flat S. Phone D. 7&- j Mine Allen of Chicago, salt glow, maiiiio V I tic and massage treatments, 207 is'. 17th St. " V.I:iKiillM Ssnitd to rent l L1EBENS. 1 UttltlUa EUH- 1410 Howard. D. 4L- ! A NEW BOOK, the "Underworld Sewer." f Josie Washburn; price. $1 M. Sold by t bAtiirts ft McKelvey, lc S. Ulh L. between Douglas and Dodge. ) TO the unsigned. ' letter and as tated t received. Ih.uiks. Who shall 1 give credit? . . ioiun, la. PRINTING 'PHO? 5NE IND. A-20 for good printing tad Printing Co.. lCiu tt Capliol Ave. Lng HYATT LONOAI'KK. litlNTFKd 1703 Ltavenwortn St. Tel. !.,Ug. W7. ' REAL ESTATE KKiL esrtn: uealkhm. Ft FKIV A BJTRACT tX. Fst. ni on.tl ffJ; get eui- prices. Lie Farnam St. UANGESTAD. 04 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 37. PAYNE I.NV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. BKNJAMIN'r. E. CO., 477 Hran.b is Itldtf. !'" L ETATK TITI K-TRI'ST CO CHA. . V 1 LLl.Vil liteld-ut. Si REAL ESTATE CITT rHDPIIRTI t-OH IALBi (Continued.) IMPROVED ACRE TRACT IN FLORENCE t3 20fl for ten acre fnrlng east on Calhoun road In Flor ence HiiKhts. only If. minutes' walk from end of ftreet car line. N't-rf six-room house, newly painted and pap. red tl roughout; new chicken house, fine well water, young frull of all kinds. even acres In cultivation. An Ideal loca tion for fruit and chicken farm or c-jiintry home. Account be ins on main traveled road north out of Omaha. I.imd lay high and slKhily. Acre tmcts of this size near city conveniences and well located ate. difficult to find. Owner leaving for California and If neeesi-ary would take good four or five-room cottage at lis cash value worth not to exceed tl.&U as pmt payment. George & Co., Exclusive Agents. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 756. NEW BUNGALOW South of Field Club At 2.1:8 3. 34th St.. In Crelnhton's First addition, with new houses all around It, we have a new five-room bungalow, mod ern throughout except heit, riose to car, well built, double floors, fine combination fixtures (mission style), open plumbing, fine pantry, fine largo cellar with cement floor and coal bine; floored attic, white enameled bath room, fine oak floors In llvlngi-ooms; large lot, Wxl.tt, all level and sodoXfl; cement walks; house la open today for' your innpectlon. or we will show It Monday, price J:!0; only 00 down and H0 per month. Including interest. PAYKR. BOSTWICK CO.. Sole Agents, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. West Farnam Home Must Be Sold Owner leaving Omaha offers beautiful home on 3lid rt., between Dodge and Far nam. Practically new and with every mod ern convenience. First floor In oak, second floor white enamel. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, library, mimic room, butler's pantry and kitchen, first floor; 4 good sized bed rooms, second floor; finished basement with billiard room. Walls throughout are canvassed and ar tistically decorated, built-in bookcases, buffet, beamed ceiling, etc. Fine lot 60x140. This Is a (gem and must be seen to be appreciated, Poe us at once lor special price and further particulars. Benson & Myers Co., Phone D. 746. 412 N. T. Life Bldg. 3517 Jackson St Good 6-room house with bath, hot and cold water; on grade, fine shade and fruit, paved streets, cement walks, excellent neighborhood. Owner leaving city and will sell property fur $2,500. Here Is a bargain Payne, Bostvvick &Co. Sole Agents Main Floor, N. Y. Life. WALNUT HILL BARGAIN. For quiuk sale we offer the southwest corner of 4d and Lafayette 1 Ave., with house of six rooms and hall; modern ex cept heat. Elegant lot, Mxl."0, with nice shade, In choice neighborhood; pretty utreet. House consists of hall, parlor, din ing room and kitchen downstairs, three bedrooms and bath ,room up stairs; all rooms good size and nicely papered. Cis tern at rear of house. The price la only $z.7b0, ir sold soon. This is an exceptional opportunity to buy a good home cheap. Cash or terms. Ask to see It at once. Hhlmer & Chaae Co., sole agents. 309 S. 17th M. 100; Feet $3,000 60 fronting Hanscom Park and DO front ing 83rd St. We know of nothing better, Harrison & Morton Property Owners Take Notice If you have for sale any houses from 5 rooms up to 10, located In est Farnam, Hanscom Park or Walnut Hill districts, list them with us quick. We have buyers for good property In all of these localities. S1ILMER & CHASE CO., Both Phones. 309 8. 17th St. NEW COTTAGE Corner 9th and Arbor THREE LOTS $1,700 W. H. GATES, Room 617 N. Y. Life. Phone Douglas 1294. TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. Tim nil new modern residence with recep tion ball, parlor, dining room and stair way finished In oak, large plate glass door and windows, inree gooa-stzea Dea rooms, bath room and linen closet on second floor, rood cement basement uuder whole house. with good furnace; both electric and gas fixture. This house has been built from the very best or material throughout. L.o rated on the southeast corner of 2Hth and Hamilton streets. Price, HIM. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO Tel. D. G10S or A-2023 S3 N. Y. L. Bldg, BRAND NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE Strictly modern, large lot, paved street. oornar, near car. ONLY $250 CASH Balance monthly, semi-annually or an pually show you. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. CHOICE BUSINESS LOT, $1,400. Located near northwest corner ltith and Locust Sts., Just north of Salisbury's Hardware store. Size 274x124. This Is the only lot left In this very desirable business district. Shinier ft Chase Co., sole agents, SuO S. 17th St. Close-in Bargain 517 No. 30th St., new I-room house, strictly modern, oak finish, combination fixtures, fine location, one-half block to Harney car; high and sightly. Owner left city and Is sacrificing his home; price. $r.-06. Immed iate possession. Payne. Bostwick 8c Co. Sole Agents Main Floor, N. Y. Life. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $il.250 Eight-room house, oak. floors, birch flrilt-h through whole house, hot water heat, every convenience for a home, corner lot, east front. See US and we will show you Uirough. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 4:n) Brandets Bldg. Omaha. Neb. $50 CASH Buys 1V acres, located hitih and sightly, one mile west of Benton and in flourishing settlement. Balance $s per month. Free abstract; warranty deed. It's cheap; better be. the owner. Payne, Investment Company, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Phones Douglas 17M. Jiulepeiiduut A-11SS. LEAVING CITY MUST SELL Elegant corner Wiisi. best part. Council Bluffs; ull street li'ipioveinenls; good -room house; will avil for value of lot; lo cated mar Baylits Park. Address U 610, Bee. HANSCOM PARK HOME room, nearly new, all modern, with HOT WATKR HEATING, paving paid. Owner leaving city; will take $a.6o0. TERMS. OLOVEK KFi.LT Y SYNDICATE. Uruuad Floor, N. t. IM I WANT an offer on lot I. blocs 20. origi nal plat of the city of Omaha, with two houses. am! D.l California str Lvi. feet '! tl lMAS BRENNAN. New Yoik Life Bui dins. REAL ESTATE ; CITY rmu'KRTV FOR IALB, (Continued. A Man From Vancouver Is still In town to sell 613 and (15 So. th street, nearly opposite All Paint's Church. Will rent for ".08 pr month, no better location for flats In Omaha, and the houses bring good revenue now as they stand. They are going to paint the north house and fix foundation. Can make fairly easy terms. Thla property must be sold at once. A. P. Tukey .& Son. 445 Board of Trade Blilg. Tel., It. 2181. $425 V For a nice bulldim? lot In the south part of tho city on Frederick St. between 16th and l'ith Kts.. with city water, gas, cement walks, on grade, a splertdid place to build a cottage home. It's a bargain. Payne, Bostwick &Co. Sole Agents Main Floor, N. Y. Life. FOR SALE fine new 6-room house, big lot. Frank Sevlch, 10th and Dominion St. 1 CITY PROPERTY FOR 8 ALB BRAND NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE Modern, except heat, large lot. paved street, near car finely finished. ONLY $250 CASH ' Balance monthly, semi-annually or an nually. Let us show you. NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1509 Frederick St Brand new bungalow, five nice living rooms, potior and dining room, mission finish with mission electric combination fixtures, two bedrooms and bath room. Floors all finished for rugs, good cellar, large attic, cement walks all around house. odded lawn. All ready to occupy. Price $2,000 $500 or $00 down, balance monthly. Payne, Bostwick & Co Sole Agents Main Floor, N. Y. Life. Very Unusual Ever hear of an easier and better prop osition than this? We will sell you a choice lot in one of the best suburban localities, two blocks from car, stores, etc., and build a 4. 5 or 6-room modern house to your oraer on a ,t or fiuo cash payment and balance In rental sums. If the total cost Is not less than that at which you can build or buy elsewhere we don't want you to purchase. Come in at once and figure with us. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 43$ Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. INVESTMENT Two 8t Louie flats, built 1 year, monthly rental $!; corner lot. paving paid In full both streets, first class location; BIGGEST SNAP IN OMAHA; fcl.SOO. "Could handle with (3.506 cash. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, iiuund Floor, N. Y. Lifa. BEMIS PARK New house, I rooms and large reception hall, oak finish, hot water heating, nice south front lot; snap at $5,600. TERMS. O LOVER REALTY SYNDI CATE. Ground Floor. N. Y. Life. FOR quick returns, list your real estate for sale and exchange wltn me, no aale, no pay. W. W. Mitchell. Board of Trade Bidg., Omaha Neb. 2612 Corby St A new IT-room' cottage." well built, with bath, gas and electric light, combination fixtures, good cellar, with furnace, nice at tic; cement walks, fence, south front, price only tZH.m It sold this month. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sole Agents Main Floor, N. Y. Life. A choice building lot, "Hillsdale." $1.00 cash, $1 a week. Prices $100 to $; no in terest, no taxes. See us. HASTING- - HEYDEN. $614 Harney Bt REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH I.AMU FOR SALK Colorado, FOR SALE or trade 960 acre farm, well improved; 11 miles from county seat, 4 miles from railroad station. For particu lars aaareBS I'naries Miehous, Holyoke, Colo., P. O. Box 274. Florida. Important Notice Last call on Keystcne Park, Florida's most famous fruit and vegetable colony. We have lens than three dozen of the choice Jen-acre tracts left. Do you want one? 'A great many sold In this territory and every mart who has visited the colony pronounces It one bf the greatest onnor. tunitles ever offered In that state. While they last at the uniform price of 2f an acre on terms of $1 an acre cash and 60 cents month. Tampa Bay Land Co. Temple Court Bldg., Chicago, 111. Kansas. NORTHEASTERN Kansas farms for sale, near St. Joseph. Atchison, Leaven worth and Topeka. Come and see. F. T. Lehman, Nortonvllle, Kan. BflBi-esoia. FOR SALE OR RENT. A choice Minnesota grain and stock farm of 920 acres; gocd buildings; 700 acre in field; balanoo hay and pasture; 40 acres heavy timber near buildings; cieik in pasture; good well at house; 300 acre seeded to timothy and clover; auo acrea plowed ready for spring crop; possession at oi.ee; will rent on shares or sell for cash; or on crop payment; all good, smooth land and a bagaln. Apply to W. D. Creglow Itenisen, la. ' Oklabo la. OKLAHOMA Land $5 Per Acre No. 2H9 1.320 acres timber and glazing land, on Illinois river, in Adair county nearly all black oak timber, will make from two to four railroad tie to the tree; some white oak aaw timber. ome white pine. 16 to 24 Inches In diameter and 80 to luO feet high; j0 to 400 acrea of this land can be cultivated; about 60 acres now under cultivation; ten miles of Westvillo and new railroad now building within three miles of land; the timber alone ou&iit to pay more than we ask for the land. Price acre. No. 642 S.E20 acrea timber and grass land In Cherokee and Adair counties, at $5 per acre. No. 546 :a acrea timber land within three miles of Peggs, Cherokee county, at $6 per arre. No. 37580 acres of good upland prairie 0 acres In cultivation, good black soil, a flna chance for oil, three-fourth miles of the city limits of Nowata. Price, $u per acre. No. 4Js 180 acrea of Lest grade creek bottom land; 130 acre in cultivation. Good house, barn and outbuildings; two mile from Nowata county seat. Price, $40 per acre. You might get an oil well with this laud. Let u show you. Nu WAT A LAND A LOT CO.. Suite 4 N. Y. Life Bldg. It IkrMk. v FOR SALE By owner. $40 acres of fine farm land on mil from good Iowa town of B.OnO: 17 acres under plow, balance tame hay and pasture; good improvements, with inception of bain. A bargain at $6 per .ere. Address box fcs, Alien, Neb. REAL ESTATE (ARM AD KACH .AM FOR BALI Nebraa-a ( natlwaed. FARM BARGAIN Mi.t be sold on ac count ni owner health; well Improved . Jo-acre farm, seven and a quarter miles .mm tow n; pi Ice, $3! per Sere; easy term. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield. Neb. ONE SECTION of land In Lincoln county Neb., 2o0 acres tillable land. Cuts 100 tons fine hay. Small frame house anil barn, some other building, at $16 per acre. A great bargain. Two telephone lines within 2 miles of place. Can have phone any time desired. 10 miles from Curtis. Come and see to know real value. Will take good property for part pay. Write what you have to trade to Box 318 Curtla, Neb. QUARTER section land worth $20 per acre. Will take automobile in good re pair or Income property in part payment. Address Box 21S, Spalding, Neb. Tea as. TEXAS. This Is the story of our Irrigated land In the Rio Grande valley of Texas. Following In the very lowest estimate, Mime of the land will more than double this Income: COST. Planting one acre for six years, per annum $ 4.50 Cultivation and labor ..' 6.00 Irrigation 6.00 Harvesting and hauling 30.00 Manufacturing, $1.60 per ton 60.00 Total $106.50 RETURNS. Forty tons, yielding 8,000 pounds of sugar, at 4c $".20.00 Deducting cost $106. 50 Profit per acre $213.50 Will sell you land that will do this year In and year out for $7R to $1W per acre. NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and home build er, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. No commission. W. H. THOMAS, 503 First National Bank Bldg. tini) tn till n(M) ia.nl. nrnmtillv F TV Wea.l Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN-Payi.e Inv. stment Co WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St. PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO.. N. Y. Life. Private money, $500 to $5,000; low rate. LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandels Bldg. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Rooma 417-1S First National Bank Bldg. Bell phone Douglas 2318. GARVIN BROS.. 818 N. Y. Life. $600 to $200,000 on Improved property. No delay. 6 FARM and city loans; optional pay ment; no delay. I. Slbbernsen. Omaha. .".00 to $5,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-21E2. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 6, ( and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property for you, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., ' Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. SWAPS FOR SALE or exchange For clear land ftork of clothing, located In eastern Ne braska. Will invoice about $l0,00u. For particulars address J. R. Collins. 42S Main street, r remoni, iNeD. HIG grade piano for good residence lot, yill pay difference. Bee, Y 17. WANTED TO BUY,., BEST price paid for second-hand furnl ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Teh Diug. 37L BEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture, stoves, clothing. W. Rosenblatt. Tel. D. 5401. HIGHEST prices for furniture, etc. BELL'S Furn. Store, 1406 Dodge. Red 3531. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best price 2d-hand furniture, clothes, eto. D. 42'B. WANT 2d-hand shoes and clothes. D. 27S5. WANTED to buy, alL-or part of furniture for four room apartment. Must be high grade. Give particulars. Address Y 70, care Bee. WANTED Any 1909 Dun or Bradstrect reference book; give date, states covered and price. Address Y 71, care Bee WANTEDTO RENT WANTED Room and board in a private ramiiy for man and wire; good location, Address O 605, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young man, place to work for board while atleodlug Buylua college. Beth phonea. WANTED Position In drug and Jewelry store by an experienced man, In both lines. Address Y 66. care of Omaha Bee. LADY with several treats' business train Ing desires position Sdllln either In city or will travel. Al references. Address W 507. car. Be a. lVil nnrl Wnnd R- H. Morehouse Co. ioai ana ooa w 810B ,lia B2245 WANTED Situation by piano player for evenings. Address H 599. Bee. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Arthur C. Chiistensen to Huns John son, Ir., lot 19, blook Ifi, Halcyon Heights $ 600 John Y. Noble and wife to Jennie Lurson, lot 12. block 25, Benson 1,200 Maiden Investment Co. to William Gould, jr., trustee, lot 7, block 3, Hillsdale 230 Same to same, lot 7, block 8, Hillsdale 250 Ralston Townslte Co. to R. C. Beav ers, lot 2. block 47, Ralston 175 W. K. F. Vila et al to Security Land A Trust Co., lot 20, 30, 31, Stiirgla place 700 Security Iind A Trust Co. to Cather ine Kennedy, same 700 Theodore Stelihlns and wife to E. B'. Brain, south 44 ft. lot 5, block 173. ' Omaha i A. S. Billings and wife to same, un divided H Interest In same ' 2 Mary J. Stebblns et a) to same, un- -divided w. Interest in same 10 Orle Batenien ' Ud wife to Ida M, Reld. lot 17. block 4. Ames Place .. 1,500 County Treasurer to Annie Wuerth, part lot 2. block 2, Campbell's .... .... Elizabeth M. Dlmick et al to Eliza beth A. Dimick, w lot 6. block 24, and south 4S fu of e Vi lot 7, block 23. Omaha Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co. to A. L. Wigton, west 33li ft., lot 20. Millard 2,100 Joseph Halanda et al to Vaclav Kor Inck, part s 4. se 24-10-12 1 John T. Twiss and wife to John M. M:iark. east 33 ft. lot 3, block 8, Parker's addition 2,600 Mary Butterfleld to W. L. McClIn- ' tock, lot 15. block 5. Maxwell's 2d.. $00 Louis M. Tarsley and wife to W. L. " McCUnlock, lot 9. block 5. Maxwell's 2d 1,500 John Hlmichsen and wife to Brown Park Mineral Springs Co.. part lot 2. and all lot 3 and n H lot 4, block 7. Brown Park 20,000 L. W. Watklns to same, part lot J ' and 2, block K3. South Omaha too Samuel W. Suddaby and wife Mary Sampson, lot , block 1, Bogga A Hills addition 2 200 F. C. Welch and wife et al to Michael Koslna, lot 24, block L Morrison s addition 250 W. W. Johnson and wife to W. G. I're, lot 17. block 11, Druid Hill .... 2.250 Lizzie Persons to C. G. Root, part lots 1 and 2. blook 24, South Omaha 4,500 Reictna Marrow and husband U Thomas tleaiy, lot 2, block 4, Bur lington Place 00 Annie and John M. Kuykendall el ai REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Continued.) to Thomas Uearv, lota I and S. block 4. South Omaha 1,0 Herman Beal and wife to John K. George, lot 11. block M, Sotlth Omaha 2 John E. George to George A Co., same 1 N. P. Dodge. Jr. and wlf to Eliza beth Erlewine, lot 24, Dodges sub as Totals .. $49,208 Grace Morris to Jennie Vompton, south part of 1.5 acres in nw swfc U-16-0 1 1 O. C. Redlck to J. B. Go.d, lot , block X. Clark Redlck s aoolilon.... 675 James Conley to James Sevick and wire, lot 10, block 1. Nicholsons ad dition 1,860 J. C. Wharton and wife to D. V. Sholes company, lot 19, block 1, Potter's addition 400 John R. Webster company to same. lot 2", block 2, same i. B. S. Davles and wife to same, lot 22, block 2, same 850 Provident Real Estate company to ame, lot 17, block 2, same 750 Ella B. Potter and husband to same, lot 16 and 18, block 2. same 1.950 George & Company to same, Vi lot 19, block 2, same 350 Emma Morand and husband to Annie P. Sype, lot 22, block 88, Dundee place 1 S. H. Howard and wife to Elkhorn Valley Drainage company, right-of-way over se ne4 and ney se!4 12-15-9 76 Gould Diets and wife to B. W. Cot ton, north 60 ft. lot 2, block 8, West Omaha 2,400 Florence, company to E. T. Heyden, tract adjoining lots 18 and 19, Flor ence Heights 1,600 Corrlnna G. Goodman and husband to E. F. Shanahan, Lot 16, block 2. Saun ders & Hlmebaugh's addition to Walnut Hill 1 E. F. Shanahan to F. B. Fulton, et al, same $00 Thomas Crelgh to O. F. Davis com pany, lots 11 and 12, block 3, Lake view 1 Zelda Robinson to Lettle E. Smith, part lot 6. block 6, Park place 576 E. A. Snell et al to J. P. Nelson, part lot 4. block S2. Florence 2,100 Paxton Real Estate company to Elea nor B. Hamilton, lot 3, Keystone ad dition 1,600 Minna Wlrth to Fred Boye, lot 11 and and 12. Wlrth's subdivision 150 Fred Boye and wife to Adolph Han sen, same 150 H. Hoagland and wife to John Swln lasskt and wife, lot $ and part lot 2, block 2?, South Omaha 1 1,250 Douglas Security company to Oscar Kronstedt, lot 4, block 2, Virginia place 1,360 Catherine Van Fredericks and hus band to Austin Van Fredericks, lot 11, Westerfleld addition 1.225 Clarke Land & Loan company to Annie S. Gould, part lot 4' block 21, West Omaha 126 Morlt Kretschmer et al to Mike Van das et al nH lot 10. block 1. Im provement Association addition 2,400 C. P. Traver to J. W. Elwood, wH lot 7, block 1, west end 2 R. J. Kellv and wife to C. F. Kelner, lots 27, 28, 29. block "A," Saunders & Himebaughs addition 2.250 J. A. Helstrom and wife to E. B., Brain, n4 of south 88 ft, lot 6, block 173. Omaha 2,500 G. T. Mills et all to J. P. Jackson, lots 23 and 24. block 8, Deer park.... 800 Homestead company to Frank Golda, - lot 171 and 172, Homeslte 335 Same to D. S. Hendricks, lot 4a8. Homestead 100 William Davis et al to W. J. Hlslop. nH lot 4. block 3. Armstrong's first.. 7,000 Ahlgall J. Kewell et al to D. V. Sholes comDanv lot 17. block 2. Potter's 100 Clarke Land A Loan company to Annie S. Gould, part lot 4, block 21. West Omaha 1 F. T. Emerson and wife to Elizabeth M. Shahan. lot 1. block 3. Sheridan place 10 Sheriff to Ellznbcth M. Shahan. lot L block S, Sheridan place 35 Total .' $36,878 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CLABI'I 13TH AK-TJAI. CB Vil aa rsb. 5 to April II H iO THE ORIENT By ft. Grosser Xarfoerst TMitr-thrM dart. In-udlng twnu-tour " la Koirtouro) coating o It S400.M an up. Includlni nor iiluiiiui,.. ' Barlll. AlKter. Mll, Conita nllnopU, Athena, Hom, tha Hlvlara, an. Tlckat food te atop ever in Europe, t Includs paulon pla r. ato. CRUISE AFOUNQ THE WORLD Pet. 5 A few vacanclos yet. Similar . . l.A J T.. l i . , , 0fM Cruise UCl. IO, iw, win reu. a n. faou up. Fine series Eturops-Obsranuuergau Tours, mnnnn-n Send for urograms tnlease SDeclfvl. FRANK C-C-ARK. Time Bidf., Naw York. W. K. BOCK, 24 Farnam SU. Omkha, Nak. CANADIAN fAClylO WEEKLY SAILINOS BITWIIN WONTRIAU QOCBBC AND LIVltHPOOU Mthln ba'.Ur en tk Atlaall than our Emp erualaas all ataamers. C.B. BBNJAaUM. O. A. Ml to. lrk St.. Cklatsa, tU. Wright Makes Successful Glide Aviator Stops Motor at Height of 150 Feet and Lands in Fifteen Seconds. COLLEGE PARK. Md., Oct. 25.-In a fllBht at dusk today Wilbur Wright dem onstrated his ability to glide to earth In his aeroplane after shutting oft his motor. The performance was for the edification of his pupils, Lieutenants Lahm, Foulers and Humphrey, each of whom had accom panied Mr. Wright on previous flights. The hifih wind which had prevailed throughout the day had spent Its force at 4 o'clock and shortly afterward the ma chine was taken out to tho sterling track. Following a false start the aeroplane got away with Mr. Wright operating ft, and Lieutenant Foulers In the passengers seat. The start was made at 4:21 and the ma chine waa aljft for 13 minutes and SO seconds. This flight was made with the object of testing the motor, which was run at three-fourths speed. In trie next fliht Lieutenant Humph rey went with Mr. Wright and operated the aeroplane for most of the ten minutes and 25 seconds that the machine swung atout the field. Lieutenant Lahm then relieved Lieutenant Humphrey and a flight of 18 minutes and 15 seconds was made. It was after this flight had been made that Mr. Wright started off unaccom panied. He shut off the motor when he had reached a helRht of ir feet and glided to earth in approximately IS eeconds. He landed without mishap. MALL0Y DIES OF INJURIES Head Strike Brldirr tilrder While He I Leaning Datward from far. John F. Malloy of Council Bluffs, who was Injured several days ago by being struck on the head by an Iron girder on the street car bridge, died at 2:30 o'clock at St. Joseph hospital yesterday. He was riding on a street car and while leaning far out, a girder on the bridge struck him. He suffered a concussion of the brain that occasional a cerebral he morale that could not be checked. His body was taken to Council Bluffs to be prepared for burial. A Brnla ikaatt I not to have Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure burns, sores, piles, outs, wounds and Ulcers. c. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Quick Action for Jour Money Tou get that by using The Bee advertising columns PERFECTS NEW CARBURETOR W. R. McKeen Invents Automobile Device of Great Value. MAY REVOLUTIONIZE MOTOR CARS Does Away with Atom Islns; Jet prny and Instead I ttlliea rrlarlple of Mlslasx l;aallne with Air Trial Cireat aeeeaa. W. R. McKeen, Jr., has perfected a new carburetor which threatens to revolutionise automobiles and to dispel most of the trials and troubles which now worry owners and drivers. This new carburetor te gu iranteed to work at all times, needs no adjusting, works as well in cold weather as warm, and. In fact, promises to do more for su tomoblllng than any other Invention of late years. Mr. McKeen has had his new carburetor at work for some time on the large motor cars, manufactured by the McKeen Motor Car company, but did not try it on an au tomobile until Tuesday, when.lt was found that it would work Just as well there as on the larger car. This carburetor will use 60-proof gasoline Just the same as an ordinary carburetor does 72 proof. It gives an explosive mix ture Independent of the speed of the en gine, an attribute that Is of great value, es pecially In cities with hills where slow speed must be maintained to conform with the laws and where an engine must still maintain enough power to help the car up the hill and out of the rood of street cars. This new Invention gives power no matter how slow the car goes. It takes a down feed instead of an up-feed. Mr. McKeen has done away with the atomizing Jet spray nozzle and is using the evaporation principle of mixing gasoline with air instead of the mechanical mixture obtained in most carburetors by the Jot nozzle. The new device was tested by Mr. Mc Keen and some of the experts of the Mc Keen Motor company and tho Union Pa clflo shops. It was found to work splen didly and the bucking of the engine so common on ordinary starts, was done awfcy with. It was found that the engine was fed Just as well climbing a hill as going down hill, and that power could be de veloped while the car was still going at a slow speed. L. N. Gonden Dies in Rawlins, Wyo. Omahan is Victim of Fneumonia While Visiting Son Body Will Be Brought Here. L. N. Gonden of Omaha died early this morning In Rawlins. Wyo., of pneumonia. A telegram to this effect was received her shortly after his daughter, Mrs. Charles E. Slefken, had started west in response to a message saying he was very 111. Mr. Oonden was tn Rawlins on bust ness and to visit his son Harry, who is running a hotel there. He had been In Rawlins about ten days when taken sick. He was well known in Omaha political circles. He was at one time a member of the Park board and had been a candidate recently for county treasurer. H. J. Oonden, another son, is editor of Public Service in Chicago. The body will arrive In Omaha at 6:30 this evening, on the Union Pacific, for burial. She Was Pleasantry sarpr-raed. Miss H. E. Bell, Wa'.au. Wis., writes "Before I commence?, to take Foley's Kidney Pills I had severe pains in my back, could not sleeep, and was greatly troubled with headnche. Th first few doses of Foley's Kidney Pills gave me re lief, and two bottles cured me. Th quick results surprised me, and I can honestly recommend them." Sold by all druggists. Promoter Files Damage Suits y Boston Man Charges Libel in Petition Filed in Mining Case at Pierre, S. D. BOSTON, Oct. 25. Seven suits, each ag gregating $10,000, were filed In courts of Norfolk and Suffolk counties today by counsel for Charles S. Cummlnga, who Is under arrest in connection with the Farm- Ingham, Mass., town lots forgery case. All of those sued are stockholders of the Boston and Oaxaca Mining company of Mexico, a South Dakota corporation. Cum mlngs brought the suits because of alleged libelous statements made by them as mi nority stockholders In a petition filed at Pierre, S. D., last January, asking that a receiver be appointed for the company and charging mismanagement and an attempt by Cummlngs to wreck the company. As a result of that petition, C. C. Bennett of South Dakota was appointed receiver for the corporHtlon. OUT-OF-TOWN SPEAKERS FOR MISSOURI RIVER CONGRESS "Boosters Merlins Will Be Ad. reaarrf by Men from Kanaasd City and ioo City. Speaker from outside of Omaha will be securrd fof the "boosters" meeting of the Nebraska Branch of the Missouri R ver congrrss to he held next week. At the meeting of the general-"commlttee on ar rangements held at the Commercial club, It was decided to get one or two prominent navlgatlonlsts from other points on the river to come and he'p boost for the con gress to be held here December 14, IB and 15 Speaker will be invited from Kunsas City, SlouxT City or probably from both. The day and time of the meeting will de pend on the convenience of the speakers These committee were appointed at the meeting: Speaker Will A. Campbell, W. W. Sla baugh and Ed T. Swobc. Place of Meeting Clement Chase, T. Q. Stevens, William Baxter. Sioux City will send a big delegation to the M'ssourt River Navigation congress ac cording to reports from there received by the secretary. Mr. Campbell. Howard Kennedy, district Judge, has Writ ten to tell of his Interest In the forthcom ing congr-sa "I feel confident," he says, "that the next meeting will be a grand success and assure you that If I ran aid you In any way In connection with this matter I shall be glad to do so." A medicine need not be disagreeable to be effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is pleasaiit to take and always cures. I'd Like io Sec the Liver of a Fat Man TV.Is li the i ii .-Mien ef a medK al nam who aid that the liver of a lit mnn must present a wonderful siKbt wken that man Is alive, and perfo'tnlnK hi i-ritul.ir ilulios. The liver Is the Inricest ot gnn In the hu man boilv. The stomach calls on the liver sin! so does the blo. If the liver gives to the digestive ajipirstus Improper Juices then the digestion Is wrong. This Is what makes pecple f,U. The liver Is not right. )n popular demand we hate made the fam ous Marinola Prescription Into Tablets which are eaten after meals Just like food ind they digest that fond as II should be digested. They remove fat already accu mulated at the rate of from 12 to IS ounces per day and leave no wrinkle or flabby skin. Carry one In your vest pocket or purse when you dine out and eat what you will. Fasting, diet and exercise will not reduce fat. You only starve the body and by tearing down other organs you bring the fat with the rest of the destruc tion. Martnoln tablets are sold by all druggists and in greater quantity than all the other so-called fat reducers combined. There must be merit In them or their sale could not be growing hi rarer every month. Ask any drugBlst or If you jnefer send "S rts. to The Marinola Company, IWpt. fill:!. i-ciroii, Alien., and they will send you a large case of MarmoU Tablets In a plain mikv oy mail. MUCH PLEASED are the Officers and Directors of the OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING x ASSOCIATION .. Southeast Tor. 10th, IVmIro 8t. BecauHO so many of na depositors and borrowers are recommending the Omaha Loan & Uuildlng Association to their friends as a safe place to deposit their money and get six per cent in terest, and also a good place to borrow money, where one has sufficient se curity. The growth of the Omaha Loan & Building Association enlarges its usefulness. Its assets are over f 2,900, 000.00. ' Your patronage solicited. Call or write for booklets showing how money is received and loaned. Q. W. IOomls. Pres. G. M. Xat linger, Sec. & Treas. AV. It. Adair, Ass't, Sec'y. Assets 2,D0O,00O Reserve $00,000 Special Homeseekers Rates SOUTHWEST To Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado Tickets on sale every first and third Tuesdays in each month. Permit stopovers en route. Al low long return limit and offer diverse routes. THOS. F. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent, 1423 Farnam Street, Omaha. Lysu Toolhachs Gum not onlr cares toothache instant ly, but cleans the cavity .remove ail odor, and prevent decay. Keeoauo- A imtU Affair, piy. nii tavemaay a dentist bill. Thenars Imitation, fine that yon get wai l i ouinii-k, uum, At all dniitKiiu 16 rttits, or by maU. C. S. U-NT CO., 87 Lome St.. Detroit, Mich. This is the mllk you have heard so much about rrlce 13 Ho pes t. Distributed only by ' TH ALAMITO SANITARY DAIRY CO. lbia Farnam Bt. Phones. Coug. 411 A 4411 F'flOn FOR Wek and nervous men JJU I tt wtlu tlllJ thelr power t(J NERVES ,vork nd yuthful vigor " gone as a re.-Hiit of over work or mental exertion should taka GHAV'd N E 11 V H FOuK P1LLK. They win nuke you eut and sleep and be a uiait again. tl Box; 3 boxes $1 50 by mall. ISIXHU1I Ik KcCOMNCLL DUU CO, Cor. lGta and Dodrfe Streets. OWL SkUO COuIPAMT, Cor. 16th and Harney Sts., Omaha, XT. SCHOOLS AU tOLIKliKI. Send For Our Big Free Book I vbMhi IIM4. -oWu.1-at l,t yi. OrlualM tMkm hi-heu rank. TS uloort), mo beMrr ultaautfc m wnrt a IMXM T rj.Ul.Itr UVI fr, W have tnatrtr u:tii with hih sUau-iM lor our tf U tram fru. fttM. Wm toe fcac if pruap.tiua. I LINCOLN BUStMCtt OOlLIC v ith Ltnsl .... n !?.NCcLfi ft TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tk Best Par i Paper,