10 TITE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 100D, H TUESDAY SPECIAL argain Day Brandeis Stores Every Tuesday's specials are important. Tomorrow's bargains will be more amazing than ever. 75c DRESS SILKS AT 39c A YARD Pine 24-inch Peau de Cupid dress silks in all shades regularly sells at 75c a yard Tuesday special at, yard :5c 15c NEW PATTERN COTTON SUITING AT 15c A YARD 10,000 yards of these desirable new worsted style fall suit ings specially priced for Tuesday all in dark colorings like the new wool fabrics 1 y C very special, at, yard . . . . V. 40c SATEEN AT 15c A YARD Never before have we offered such fine sateens at so low a price black and colors special new lot fl 40 inches wide sold from the bolt; bargain 11 square, at, yard ' '. . Women's, New Style SWEATER COATS j Big lots of these warm and practical Knit Coata $, fm for womin one big 1 lot at..., Women's Silk and Wool FALL DRESSES All new styles this season New pleated Skirt Dresses all colors, at $10 bilk and JNet Waists in dressy styles for $98 fall V Women's Walking Skirts; all new styles, $93 at vl SPECIAL WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR AT 39c Women's fine white ribbed, fleece lined vests and 9Q pants, in all sizes; on bargain square, each OvL MEN'S AND BOYS' SHIRTS AT 19c Negligees in neat stripes and plain colors samples and broken lots basement, at, each 19c 22 and 27-lnch fine French ba tiste embroidered flouncings, finest hand loom needle work, In dainty EngllBh eyelet, hex agon, Madeira worth up to 1.60 a yard at, V -Tard 18-incJi new silk embroid ered allovers dainty de signs for yokes and waists -$1.50 values, Q fi at, yard .UU jp-opn mi lHHHlJI..,a fflHABaS&l -J . OMAHA Howe Ventilator zf3Pk. ! if fl FITS LIKE A GLOVE That Is The Universal Opinion. The Snappiest, Handsomest line of new fall shoes for women ever shown. Every shoe made on an In dividual last made to conform to the foot as it should. When we tell you the maker's name you will know the shoe. The famous Arm strong, whose reputation as mak er of women's shoes is interna tional. We now have In stock the high arch, high heel, wide stub toe, in button, gun metal and pat ent colt. This is the most hand some and up-todate style shown this season $4.00 THE PAIR. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnan Strict. RcIiabEo Dentistry AT Taft's Dental Rooms yWJM'll,IHJIJ iimiinm.ni , ,, hiiib t.i... .,,., .,.., m.i) n.J Swap - The Largest Base Burner in (he World Weighs 800 pounds and has the heating power of a furnace. Will heal an tight-room house up and down stairs and keep it warm day and night with hall the fuel a furnace will take. It is made la six parts so that one uou i-au boi ii up, uu it. uowu niiu move n. iuo immense size if noi lue feature of the- stove. The feature is the double base, double heating, circi .atlng and venttlatlng system on one stove. It takes the foul air from tl room and brings in fresh air, or, in other words, it makes the atmosphere in your rooms as fresh in January as it is in June. It has a ball-bearing grate that shakes so easily that a child can shake it. Mr. Selhelm, 2517 Parker street, says: "When I bought the Howe last fall I somewhat doubted that it would do all you claim for it. but it seems to do mora than you claim for it. It is a wonderful stove and we can't recommend it too highly." We sell it at a cut price for cash or on small monthly payments. 714 South Sixteenth Street. Exchange what you have, and don't want, for some thing you have not and do want. Some one if they know about it will be glad to trade with you. You can get something you can use for what you don't want Your home, no doubt, con tains many things which are not used, and are simply tak ing up space in attic and basement. Perhaps it is a gun, bicycle, trunk, ice-chest, overcoat, etc." There are a great many things which you want and haven't the ready cash to buy. The best way to do it is through a Bee Want Ad By advertising under the head of "Barter and Ex change" you will make a good trade for something you can use. You can usually get more in this way than if you sold for cash. To show what can be done in this way we are making A special price for "Swaps" 50c for times for an nil like this for a week 3 ines, or 18 words. 7 t0 cents. WILL, EXCHANGE Jewel Cas ranee with oven, almost new, for bd room furniture or sofa. Tel. Harney 0000. Want Ad Depl., Omaha Dally Bee HOTKI.S. m II L ir TralNT I mi Hit li's 1 I M fl r If P BEE Any 16c Ladles' Home Journal pattern with the Tall style book, at BOo Opening the Fur Season WITH A DECIDEDLY IMPORTANT OFFERING OF 50 BLACK FliENCHLYNX FUR. SETS mese Bets you $10 $15 First lot on sale Tuesday morning. Set comprised of a fine shawl collar and large rug muff, both lined with Skinner satin lining and finished with tall trimming. The fur Is a long, rich silk pelt that will be sure to please. Blnck furs will be very much In vogue this winter. In these sets you find a correct portrayal of the best styles, both In color and design. Both the scarf and muff for WOMEN'S LONG BLACK COATS A smart new model full 64 Inches long and pleated, made of heavy kersey 'Presto" Raincoats for Women In gray or black; has a combination collar regular and high protector collara new Btyllsh C1Q C A coat at plJJJ Continuing the Sale of the Ashley & Bailey Co. AUCTION SILKS A collection of highly desirable and most wanted Silks, all made for this season's sailing;. 7,000 pieces were offered In the auction la Hew Tors. City, Oot. 14th. Oar representatives at the sale seoured several hundred pleoes, most of which are on the counters now at a third to half. It's the year's best silk opportunity. 3C-inch Black Moire and Bengallne, rich new coatings worth $2.00 yard, are Black Teau de Sole, 36-ln., fine i Crepe de Chine, many plain shades $1.50 and $1.89 quality, ClQ and fancy patterns, offered at JOG 75c and $1 goods JJG SO-inch Cashmlre de Sole, large assortment shades, no finer, $1.50 and $2 qualities, yard. 98c $1.29 Colored Taffetas, all all silk goods, for shades, 75c ...55c Black Taffeta, 3C-ln., heavy; and brilliant, splendid $1.25 7Q fabric JC BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Bennett's Reliable Coffee, pound 30o and 30 Green Stamps Bennett's ChnllenRe Coffee, pound 180 and 10 Green Stands Bennett's Teas, assorted kinds, pound 68o and 60 Green Stamps Tea KlftinRS, pound ISo and 20 Green Stamps Mignonette Peas, three cans 8So and 10 Green Stamps Snlder's Pork and Beans, can 15o and 15 Green Stamps Bennett's Capitol Pancake Flour, package lie and 10 Green Stamps Royal Tomatoes, two cans 3 So and 20 Green Stamps H. J. . Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles, quart BSo and 20 Green Stamps Snlder's Chill Sauce, large bottle 850 and 20 Green Stamps Yacht Club Salad Dressing, bottle 85o and 10 Green Stamps Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can ;.94o and 20 Green Stamps KICE BAXE 1,000 pounds Jap Hlce, best 10c qual ity, four pounds for S5o and 20 Green Stamps Bennett's Capitol Oats or Wheat. 2-lb. pkg. llo and 10 Green Stamps French Cut Loaf Sugar, package .' 85o and 10 Green Stamps Cream Cheese,' finest quality, pound 200 and 10 Green Stamps Virginia Swiss Cheese, pound ....B5o and 10 Green Stamps Small Olives, quart Jar BSo and 10 Green Stamps Rex Lye. three cans BSo and 10 Green Stamps Hartley's Imported Marmalade, 10c Jars Bo Bishop s Kruitate, port or sherry flavor, usual price BOc; special 30o ft?? Womev Of Taste The WonrJerful Waters of Colfai Come to Colfax. Let these greaf waters cure you. ' Ihe curative effects of these great mineral waters are remark- l'l In the extreme. The old ,I c anU Muiio Siting waters have aii Immediate cathartic and diuretic action and are conceded to bo equal . nut auyvriur iu me great loreiua 1 .vat-rs. Colfa Water Cures Bhenmatlam ! iht wonuertui waters arw po sesbeil of a remarkable inedlclnui I alu and are a tomieiful cure lor ! nil forms of Jftheomatlam, Oboslty I Coustlpwtlou, 4iid It J a my and MU&l ucr truubles. The New Hotel Colfax j lias been bulit at these world fam- I uus springs. The accomodation I are uuauipased. A grtat featur 1 of the hotel Is Its magnificent ! bath. Besides the Mlneial Water Cure In all Its forms tneru ure tho : Kleclrlc. the Turkish aud the Nau- holm System Baths. Batea amcrlcas Flia. 1 str tty ess ! Colfax Is on the main line of the ! Hock. Inland L.lne, .3 liilln east of Lies Moinea. Hourly Interurban t,rvlce between les Idolnes ai.il Colfax. Take electrlo car direct from dupot lo hotel. Write for Illustrated booklet. (7k E1BBT W. SOKE K a, Mgr. Kotel Colfax Oolfax. Iowa SHOES $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 What ought a lady shoe to be? It ought to be light and beautiful It should be strongly made. And it muSt be fitted with the utmost accuracy to that mo& delicate part of the body the human foot. j This is exactly what the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe jj is and does. No other shoe so scrupulously pro- h tedts the foot from over-crowding. BENNETT' The Bee for All tine Sporting News 8KB THE XEW CKOWN .1F.WKL Sl ITS S25.00 pn A Afl H I I r. I as THE RELIABLE STORE Vch forVUie IIIr Bale of LADIKS WIXTKTl COATS The Third Day of Our Bigf 10 Days' Sale of Women's Outer Garments. Every Day Will See New and Most Interesting Bargain Offerings. $18.00 and $20.00 ONE-PIECE-DRESSES All- most clover new styles, in plain nnd fancy silks, Messalinos, serges, broadcloths, fancies, pleated skirts, trimmed with self-tone braids and appli- " ques splendid assortment of rich colorings; liOO of i them in the lot. secured bv onr buver nt n fraction of their worth $18.00 and $'20.00 values, at .' . . . $1.50 House Dresses All sizes; Tuesday, choice 79c $35.00 Coney Fur Coats; remark able bargains, at $25.00 Ladies' Wool Union Suits All sizes; choice bargains Tuesday, while they Q 150 last, at 01 Ladies' Wool or Silk and Wool Undergarments iQ 0 p worth to $2; Tuesday .uOC Odd lots from regular stock. Regular Values Up To $2 Yard On Sale at. Yard 68c, 58c, 38c 36-in. Messalines, 27-in. Plain and Fancy Silks, 30-in. and 36 in. Blnck Taffetas, Beautiful Evening Brocades, etc., from tho Ashley-Bailey Auction Purchase, the choicest values ever offered. Sale Tuesday and Wednesday. Children's Wool Union Suits, all sizes, winter weight, reg ular $1.50 values, big QOp assortment, at, choice .UUu Ladies Vests and Pants in Swiss ribbed garments, all sizes; on sale Tues- Qn day, at, choice iuu Val. Laces, Torchon Laces, Zion City and Elyria Laces, Oriental and Cluny Laces " On sale Tuesday at about Half 2ic, 3icf 5c, 7ic, 10c, 12ic You'll find them worth much more than the prices. Extra Specials Tuesday in Our Famous Domestic Room BLANKET SALE Cotton Blankets, 11-4, extra heavy and large, 75c, 85c, fl.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and np. Wool Blankets $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00 and up. Comforters 9c, 75c, $1.00, $1.23, $1.50 and up. Home Made Comforters $1.08, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 and up. Cotton Batta 5c, 7Mc, 8J, 10c, 12 He and up to $1.00. Sllkoline Cretonne, sateen and all kinds of comforter material, from 5c, 7Jicv 8 He, 10c, 12 He and 15c. Skirts r.Hado to Ordor Select any cloth at our dress goods counter, and the work will cost $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 According to style and finish. Perfect fit guaranteed. Call at dress goods counter for particulars. IN OUR FAMILY LIQUOR DEPARTMENT Tennessee White Corn and Maryland Rye Whiskey $1.00 values, 6 years old, full quarts; special 75c Everything in Wines and Liquors at Lowest Prices. i-iotel Rome xtrOFEAir 1CTX US JACKSOH rnrzcalled tor It's Ueauly and '1rrn Appointments. ROME MILLER Special Homeseekers Rates SOUTHWEST To Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado Tickets on sale every first and third Tuesdays In each month. Permit stopovers en route. Al low long return limit and offer diverse routes. . THOtt. F. OOnFREV, Tasaenger and Ticket Agent, 1423 Farnam Street, Oauhs. SSEfiSD Quality Is Our Guide S FLOUR i'- ic UPDIKE MCLllNffCOJ - OMAIIA.NED. i( CtsiTr5l-,--v'.';f r. .... rJz PLEASES THE MOST CRITICAL At all grocers UFDnOD MILAJN3 COsfPANT. OHAJUL lffTTWWimfflr"'lT,i A.Tt lJi"UI",llMltA ' Another Gar of Extra Fancy Colorado EIDsrta P eachss Shipped Us on Consignment The peaches are finest kind grown for canning. They are shipped to us direct by a private grower In car loads to sell for him. and as long as this car lasts, we will sell them, per case 85 Italian Blue Plums, per 4 basket crate, at $1.15 Our second carload of Kleffer Pears will arrive Tuesday. Nothing finer for canning. DON'T FORGET Special Flour Sale for Tuesday Flour has advanced 10c per sack, but we are going to make this a banner sale. The flour is made from the fin est wheat grown, and we want you to try a sack. Every sack guaranteed. For this sale only, per -18 lb. sack. at 81.40 Monday's prices on all fresh vegetables, fruits, groceries,, butter, cheese, crackers, teas, coffees and nuts. W IT PAYO TRY MYDEN'S FIRST SB-SEES CLUBBING OFFERS Daily and Sunday Bee $6.00 1 Qyp Pfjgg Woman's Home Companion 1.50 ONLY Regular price for both one year. .$7.50. 650 Daily Bee (without Sunday) $4.00" McClure's Magazine 1-50 Regular price for both one year. .$5.50 . Our Price ONLY $4.60 Daily and Sunday Bee. . . . McClure's Magazine .$6,001 On Pili.A 150 V ' ONLY Regular price for both one year . . $7.50 J 5 0 THE OMAHA BEE OMAHA, NED. V X f I t I-