I HE .Bee.- PART TWO EDITORIAL PAGEA 1 TO 10. ADVERTISE IN THE OMAHA DEE BEST IN THE WE3T A. VOL. XXXIX-NO. 11). OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 11XW. SINGLE COrY FIVE CENTS. - Omaha Sunday r ? Great Stocks and Great Scllinn FALL SUITS Big business comes only from having goods people want and when they want tb?ra. N we start the week with all suit lines replenished with new lota right from New York. In all the season we have had no better assortments than we show tomorrow. Whatever your price, you'll find us catering to It surprisingly well. $15.00, SI 9. GO, $25.00, $29.50, $32.50 Ml A , Will mm Striking New Models Long Coats Doesn't cost much to feel the sat isfaction of being tastefully dressed. These coats are fashion ed on beautiful lines, cut to fit snugly and to reach almost to the bottom of the dress, nicely pleated too, have them j tan coverts, at Something New Too, In. Wool Dresses Superb styles, perfect fitting models In panamas, serges and diagonals, some strictly tailored, others with lace yokes and nicely trimmed, at $25 & $29.50 Furs Are Ready ; Complete new stock, 1910 styles,; all choice well selected skins from furriers of wide reputation. Monday these specials: Coney Collar and Throw Scarfs, black or brown $3.99 Pillow Muff to (natch, 93.95. Large Coney Shawl Scarf, tall trimming, black or brown, at f 5.00 Large Rug Muff to match, 15.00. Genuine Belgian Hare Black Shawl Collar, head and tall trlmmnlg, at..... 97.60 Large Muff to match, $7. SO. New Scarfs and Muffs In black racooon, opossum, fox and lynx; also Jap mink, brook mink and northern mink; prices from 97-60 to $75.00 Silk Petticoats Jllsh grade taffeta, shirred nnd tucked flounces; In steel, smoke, raisin. Ca tawba, reseda, arti choke snd all staple shades S4.95 1' I i III FREE Any 16c Ladles' Home Journal Tat J JJ I trm with the Fall Style Rook, at , 20t LULMIMILIi ikA) Dearskln Coats Pretty white curly Hearskln garment, all fresh and new Just unpacked very sp'elal values, too, at S2.95 Important News from the MILLEN E MTY From the Ashley & Bailey Co. Peremptory Sale AUCTION SILKS , ' : 1 Mall orders so-! lirlted and orders' filled promptly as long as lots last. We advise im mediate correspondence. One of the big, important events of the week at Bennett's is the sale of several hundred pieces of new silks from the Ashley-Bailey auction commencing tomorrow. ' By our order our New York representatives. The J. E. Mauls Co., attended the sale and secured for us big lots of the choicost silks shown on our counters thi season The prices paid Were 33 H to 60 per cent less than prevailing market v1hp .mm! gives promise of fine bargains The silks are excellently assorted. Omaha women have learned the importance of these yearly sales. Many are waiting for this announcement. We say candidly, big as rormer saies uuyw wm, we expect to ecupso all records this week for values were never so attractive as now. r if f it i A I . i i : r ' wrw w 80-inch Cashmere de Sole Exquisite $1.60 and $2.00 silks in large range of shades for evening and dinner gowns. Year's most; desirable and most tpi wanted silk fabric sale, price, yard... tytJ Rich Silk 'Coatings Including 36-lnch black Moire A handsome $1.60 quality, also 36-inch, heavy Bengaline coating, real value $2.00 a yard Choice n of either line, at 1OC BlaokTaffeta, 86 Inch, heavv. luiitrous, guaran teed $1.25 quality; jqfl sale price Colored Taffetas. 65 pieces, every shade, all Bilk, 75c grade, for petticoats, CC. walats, etc., yrd 'M' Orepe de Chine, SO pieces, plain shade and fancies, beautiful, 7 5c and $1.00 qualities, yd...VC Black Pean de Sole, 86 Inch, only 10 pieces; positively great bargains, $1.50 ' QB. and $1.89 values..... 70C Plaids for Military Capes Heavy English 66-lhch coatings, very new and stylish, yd j $2.00 Flaids for Children's Wear And waists, beautiful range of new, bright patterns, plaids are popular 75 $1 $1.25 .-a.zj.r .v-'V nr.-.; V; A delayed shipment of New York hats that we expected in for Saturday iruauivo7 u i vu vv aw av mwov v week's selling', so we put them oat for j Monday throngs. We bought them to retail at our well known' popular prices and believe you'll say with us that they ara about ; the prettiest we hava shown. They ara marked ' Embroideries A great Monday opportunity fine Swiss and Nainsook edges and Insertions, some up to 24 inches wide. choice lots and uncommonly good bar gains, at 1. . . . 10c Peninsular Stoves Are Best These are attractively aaderprioed. Coma in and let us talk it over. Smoke consum ing hot blast coal heater Kmpire Penin sular Basa Burner $17.50 $35.00 Best quality l$o Stove Pipe for lOo Best quality 46c Russia Plpe.850 Best (to Oalv. Wash Tubs at..S9o Beat 79a Oalv. Wash Tubs, at. .490 Slightly damaged Wash Boilers, only a little dented..... Frioe Steve polish, Black Eagle or Black Jack, can (and 10 stumps) ... loo Waffle Irene,' low stand, for..S6 Xanndry Stores two hole, $4 value $3.00 No. 400 Penin sular Base Burner. $44.00 stove S38.00 Waffle Irons, high stand, for.. 98a Wilson 25c Bread Toasters for 16o Savory Roasters, enameled, . at 91-38 Savory Keasters, full enameled. for 91.60 Coal (cutties, all at prices up ffora .M..30o And 10 Stamps. Oil Cloth Binding..,, ,...10o Monday Another Big Blanket Day Ones Mors X.et TJs Call Tour Atten tion To Our Great Sale DeLuxe Books From. Its ' Incflptlon It has been a Success, even beyond ouf expecta tions. So heavy have sales been that a number of Hems have been sold out, but re-orders have been sent In and new shipments are" enroute to us. Examine these genuine de Luxe editions; compare them with any ever offesed you by agents or any other store. You'll understand why sell ing has been ao brisk. Sample sets of the entire Una are on the counters. We guarantee deliv eries In a few days of any authors now sold out. Remember, these are not ordinary trade sets sold everywhere, but gen uine de I,uxe bargains offered ex clusively by us In Omaha. Bennett's Sal Frloes ONXiT ABOUT 86C OM THS 91 $5, $7.50, 10, $15 Few milliners would , or cowld mark them so reasonably. , We buy them In such quan tities eastern manufacturers cater to us, and make inside prices to get the business. Monday shoppers are particularly fortunata to have so splendid an assortment spread ba-v fore them. Have You Laid in Your x Capitol Coal We specify "Opitorr eoal for there is none other that quit so thoroughly satisfies. Years of sell ing has taught us how good it Is, and hundreds of Omaha families swear by it. It burns up clean and gives the greatest amount of heat and Is most lasting. The price $0 per ton remains the Jfclj same for the present... . . Vy-r There's a sample sack' ready , for you to try If you do; not know "Capitol" coal. We deliver one anywhere in Omaha or suburbs for ..r...30 we have other and cheaper soft coals if you want them. . Prompt deliveries to Omaha, South Omaha, Dundea, Florenc and Benson. wt want a orowd tomorrow In the Domestlo seotion. Want yon to know how for yon. To bring yon la we hold out Inducements that are really worth while. Why Bleached Sheets, 9-4 size, standard muslin, 75c sheet; special 69o Comforters, cotton filled, 72x78, best $1.25 quality .... .980 Gray -Cotton Blankets, nice weight for bed pads, 10-4 else, usually 59c, pair 390 Gray Tan and White Blankets, 10-4 slxa, nice soft quality, 690 usually, pair... 490 Heavy Felted Blankets, look like all Wool, 11-4. size,' launders fine, $2.00 value 91.79 Wool Blankets, 'll-4 slse; in plaids, gray, - tan -and white, worth $4.78; pair... 93.98 '' Bleached' Sheets, 8-4 slse, a splendid 60o V sheet, with seam We N ' - , : Feather Pillows, 'all feathers, 4 lbs to pair; our $$.00 line for ...93.00 Ai m usin couBTTxa. Table Damask,- 84 Inches, all linen, reg ularly 65c, for. 60o rood a Una of bedding we have provided not save the difference? All linen Napkins, fast edges, worth $1.75. dozen ... 91.39 Huck Towels, 18x34 inch, heavy lie tow els, for so v . . . Bed Spreads, full size, 11.25 MarSelKss ' pattern r-91.00 Toweling, all linen, lto kind, -plain or red border loo r DENNETT'S DIG GROCERY Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound 88o and 0 Green Bennett's Challenge Coffee, pound 18o and 15, Green Bennett's Teas, assorted, pound 68o and 0 Green Bennett's Teas, assorted, pound 48o and 60, Green Tea Slftlngs, per pound 150 and 5 Green New Cleaned Currants, best 10c quality, 3 pounds ..t, Seeded Raisins, pound package UVaO and 10 Green Best We Have Black Cherries, large can . . ............ t .... . . Yacht Club Salad Dressing, bottle .86o and 10 Green Bennett's Capitol Maple' Pyrap, : H gaU.tr .. .T6o and HQ Green Bennett's Capitol .Bnklng PoiKler, I lk. can.. 84o and 20 Green - .Bennett's Capitol. WheoT or. Oats, pkg lie. and 10 , Green ,'. Best 'We Have Pork and Beans, large can 8o and 20 Greeh A French Cut Loaf Sugar, package 85o and 10 Green ' Paragon Choice Plums, l!Ho quality, at 3 cans for .Cream Cheese, finest quallTy, lb .800 and 10 Green Virginia Swiss Cheese, pound -BSo and 10 Green Bennett's Bargain Soap, 10 bars ' Stamps Htamps Stamps Stamps is tamps 850 Stamps . . .. 18 Stamps Htamps Stamps stamps Stamps Stamps . . .850 Stamps Stamps .....860 Housekeepers of Omaha Vitally concerned in our Most un usual bargains 6n furniture we ever made Whether you need a single piece of furniture, furnishings for a room or for an entire house you owe it to yourself to come liere this week- tomorrow if possible.' In all our furniture experience we dont remember having more attractive opportunities. All through the furniture stock bargains run riot. Brass Beds are cheaper now than we ever knew before; thanks to the fight of the brass bed makers last summer. Over 60 distinct styles of Parlor Suites, the market samples of a big Chicago factory, are here at average savings of 25 per cent. Dressers, Chiffoniers, Dining Room Furniture, Rockers, etc., will be underpriced in a most irresistible manner. Other lines, too many to enumerate, will be fairly clamoring for your attention. It will be a sale of dependable furniture built for years of service. The importance of this sale, to you, cannot be overestimated. You are absolutely certain of uncommon bar gains and double S. & II. Green Stamps besides, on all you buy. Dining Tables Like Cut Solid quarter sawed oak tables (no ' veneers. no Imitations) either In golden oak or waxed Early Kngllsh. The table Is equipped with the new duoatyla r oca wnicn aiiows me muie 10, be opened Independent of pedes tal ana top can oe locaea wiui extra leaves . added. A hand, some well proportioned table snd a real bargain. 8 foot size, $21.50. foot size m ---' - awjaussa $19.50 ?-Y.rV 7.291 Chiffonier Folding Collapsible Go-Carta We. have many popular styles and we believe the most prac tical and handsomest. While we specialize on them we par ticularly ask your attention to one Illustrated. We have It In three colors; folds up com pactly and Is of CA solid construction . sjlletlv Buys this Colonial style to match dresser ad vertised on opposite side; has four large t drawers and two small ones, bevelled, French plate mirror. 14x18 Inch; top Is 33x1 inches. excellent $11 value. Chiffonier Special Ho. OS10 Gulden ak, serpentine front; ii Inches wide; heavy French plate mirror, 12xlS; five drawers; construction and fin lsh unexcelled; shapely claw feet; 117.50 Is a very fair price for this piece of furni ture. Our price now. All Parlor, Suites on the Floor at One-Quarter Off A sweeping; statement, yes, but absolutely true. All three-piece sul ta in all finishes and all styles of upholstering. Lack of space forbids details. From the least, expensive to ine im'hi- me reduction w xo if r enc See This Suite in the Window 3Q 0 jl A Striking Example j Jut Tim. parior. $49.00 i 1 r w U s. Double & H. " Stamps with the Suite THE SUIT. ILLUSTRATED is a remarkably beautiful and dainty one.' It is upholstered in a rich shade oi luxurious green silk plush. The frame Is birch mahogany, graceful in outline, and very firm in construction. An ex quisite equipment 'for parlor or tea room. It is actually a $75.00 value. This suite we offer at one-third off, at, suite '. f) $49 $3.29 S9.98 Sanitary Couch for $2.50 Guaranteed to be as perfect in construction and finish as any $5 couch. Not the cheap undesirable couch one usually sees. Ask for number 4 TA G265 advertised - j4l.sW Combination Sanitary Couch with pad at ..$12.50 n (Like cut) Made weathered f i u - ish; a handy and useful article j t f Bpecial Dook Racks of solid oak, iSiiii''!' 1 ' smnr i '. w i , i , . I '.$1.29 Jardiniere Stand Has a 12-Inch top and stands 24 inches high. Made of solid oak, weathered finish large lot on sale just like cut, at Kitchen Cabinets Two special lots, one third and one-fourth re ductions. 116.00 Cabinets 812.00 112.00 Cabinets $s!48 The Sale of Iron Beds Judge the stock by these two items. Handsome Iron ' beds in white, green and Vernis Martin, full size beds, with 5-foot, 6-inch head and foot boards. Heavy orna ' mental chills and ball bear ding casters. Very fine value, white and green, at 84.29 Vernis Martin, at ..$4,48 Iron Bed No. G245 is a pretty little bed, head board Is 4 ft., 4 Inches high and has six-Inch decorated panel in head and foot. Comes in white and Vernis Martin, worth , hurrying for . , t j 3q $4.98 U $7.50 Mission Finished Library Table $4.69 Dining Chairs Special Box seat dining chair. Solid quarter sawed whtte oak, rim screwed to seat,, mortised legs, hand polished; best a KQ fS chair, for .... w.lO Here Is value supreme. It's a solid oak table, sixe 24x82 Inches, with shelf and drawer; lH-inch square legs fitted with casters: cut snows style exactly. compare it witn sts.uo and $10.00 tables. Our price XJbrary Table go. O300 Solid white quarter cawed oak, Karly English fin ish; slse 26x40 inches, 18-inch drawer with cupper' bronxe pull, three-Inch legs extending above ex tension top brass casters; equal to $16.00 tables .... Mission XJbrary Table Mo. G314 Is 24 X 3-inch. fitted with a concealed or se cret fireproof and burglar proof safe wun combination iock. Our price complete is $198 $10 $15 "Dennett's Special" Mattress A splendid' 45-pound mat tress filled with layer upon layer of pure, wholesome snow white felted cotton, very elastic and resilient; covering Is high grade tick ing, welted seams, and tuft ed with wool. Our regular price Is $9.00 sale price . . This mattress Is In every respect-as satisfactory as the muchly advertised brands sell ing at twice the price. Oak Stools October r 51 89c Special v 16 inches long, 10 inches. ' wide. 13 Inches high; mads of best quarter sawed white oak, fine early English fin ish; put together with screws mortised Joints; a real snap, at gj) i if Mission Table (Like Cut.) Solid oak, round top, 24 Inches wide; we have a' quantity of a sn them. Special u. I J Bed Spring Special -Sp-fings for iron or brass bads; a very durable and comfort- , able spring, worth $6 sale price . This Rocker Just as shown, Is large, roomy and comfortable; It is well made and fin ished; a showy rocker and a "real bargain enough for everybody. . There are also about 85 other Stickers in the sale, every one sharply under priced. We have them in oak, mahogany and elm, be sides some beautiful hand carved rockers. Practically every one on our floor tells a story of good savings. Brass Bed (Like cut.) $37.50 value., This full dou ble bed comes In bright and satin fin ishes. Has two inch posts, large corner ball mounts, and nine one-Inch fillers i n . head and foot; a handsome Colonial Dresser (Like cut.) Golden oak with dull wax finish, and wood knobs, new plain effect, mir ror 20x24, top 2Qjc40 inches; it's big $15 value. We have a quantity of them $8.29 Dressers He. oaoa Golden oak finish with four drawers, 16x4- inch beveled French plate mir ror. Has shaped claw feet, ser pentine front, solid quarter saw ed oak; br's handles; construction nnd fin ish superb; )16 -alue. ..$9.48 Dressers Ho. O303 Similar In style to No. 202; this dresser has a 24x30-lnch mirror and li larger generally; a beautiful piece of furniture that will com pare creditably with 118 and )20 dressers shown In Omilia $11.48 lmi $25 bed, massive In and of high grade construction. You can't match it under $37.50, sale price appearance ..:..$25 brass Bed - $4.98 1989 ntiTnf! This is an entire ly new design In brass beds, mis sion posts and heavy double top rail with seven fillers; size 4 ft. 4 in. only; cholc of either satin or bright finish; material and con struction, abso lutely high grade a quantity oa .sale at , $19.89 5