Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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ILL) i
L ii
High Praise from an
Authoritative Source
ONE of the leading figures in America's musical life, is
Andreas Dippel, Administrative Manager of the Metropolitan
Opera Company of New York.
In a recent letter Mr. Dippel says in commenting on
' "My own high opinion of the Weber I find is confirmed by
the individual artists of the Opera Company, who have frequently
expressed to me their appreciation of your magnificent instru
ments. "I cannot conceive of any higher endorsement of a Piano than
to be selected and used by an organization composed of such dis
tinguished artists as is the Metropolitan Opera Company. When
I hear the Weber played, I do not wonder that it has been the
choice of this great company for. ten years."
Are you hesitating about which Piano you would prefer to
have in your drawing roomt We invite you to visit our establish
ment and let us show you the Piano that the foremost musicians
of the world prefer to any other The Weber.
Antonio SoottL world famous baritone of the Metropolitan
Opera Co., appearing at the Auditorium Evening of October 30th,
has selected for his accompaniment tHa famous Weber Piano. -
chmoller & Mueller
Showing a full line of Weber concert, parlor grands and uprights.
Reduced Prices to Club Members.
Daughter of Lata Senator Van Wyck
.Complaini of No Support"
Kfftbt Years A Waehlnartoa, Mae
Jniy prV Out of Nuptial Bond at
AltaV Jail Before They
j t Were Perforated.
Irs. Theodora Benner, daughter of former
t'nlted Slates Senator Van Wyck, hai filed
a petition In dirtrlct court seeking a dl
vorc?. Mm. Dinner was Mies Happy Theodora
Van WyoK. She wai born In Washington,
though moat of her life has bee passed In
Otoe county, Nebraska. She was born on
! the flrFt day of the year, which la reflected
In the Uma "Happy Theodora." On her
dlvcroi petition her Identity Is hidden In
the name "Theodora Benner."
Mrs. Benner will (be remembered for hay
Ing ehcirlfled the whole country about
eight years ago when at a prominent Wash
ington shurcii she fled from the altar lust
the lnstajit before the clergyman would
have married her and not long after mar
ried Ftrnando Benner.
Mr. Benner, her petition says, has not
supported, her. Ehe charges that he made
'W ,rcome but Pent it selfishly oh
hJuVrelf. More than that he with plausible
siateraent 'and coaxing ways Induced her
i to aHt him considerable of her money. .
- But yet ha "showed coldness and a lack
C-(fectlon,,."whlch finally made her leave
ram. "4Ier father and 'mother had died, the
tjpeMtlon recites, and his treatment of her
became unbearable.
Mrs. Benner says she has considerable
properly, left her by her father, the late
Yilted States Senator Van "Wyck of Ne
braska, but this 'property Is encumbered by
reason of the fact that Benner did not sup
port her and the money which he got from
er. Mrs. Uenner says she has been tem
porarily living In Omaha for the last six
ti necessary "
To keep body and brain
n. In uerfect condition
i -A-A. a a . ,
CStTl-exercise are , required, and
must be taken with regularity.
Wi scientific food.
Grape Nuts
makes this rebuilding ' process
simple and easy. ,91"'
IT contains the "vHal" phos
phates and other food essentials
for certainly renewing worn-out
tissues in Nerves and Brain.
"There's a Reason"
Read the famous lltle book.
The Road to Wellvllle," In every
1 9
fctfrti pkg.
Poetum Cereal C., Ltd.
Rattle Creek, Mich.
months because her homestead burned end
that the has never established a residence
during her married life because she and her
husband were continually traveling.
Mrs. Benner in her girlhood days was
well known In Omaha, where she has been
a frequent visitor. She . has one . son, " a
boy of about ft. Her husband lives in New
York and a summons has been issued on
him there. If the case Is contested it prob
ably will be on a jurisdictional ground.
Have Boo mat n.
fcsyn, photo, removed to If th Howard
fclataart, Vhotographer, isth Tar nam.
Chambers' Bohool ef Saaotag open.
Bong salesmaa required for Iowa. Ad
dress t US. cars Bee.
Waits Walters at ftaUlits Oafs Quick
service , and courteous treatment.
E.ttltaie Ufa Policies sight drafts at
maturity. 1L 1. Neely. mNiager. Omaha.
Toothful Couple Ess Consent A youth
ful Iowa couple made their appearance In
the marriage license bureau. They .were
Earl Of. Qose and Oolda Pomeroy of Lin
den, but they were not elopers, although years of age each. Goue had the
Written consent of his parents to the
'. Bo Improvement la Bams Miss Mary
Kuncrwlcs of South Omaha has a difficult
name, but she is not bettering matters In
this respect, for she Is going to marry
Stanislaw Stasklewlcs. Another license is
sued IS to Selma Nelson and August Wed
berg, both of Fremont. The groom is 48,
Just twice the age of the girl.
Booker T. Washlngtoa Speaks in Omaha
Booker T. Washington will deliver an
address In the Auditorium November 6 on
the subject of the "Race Problem."
bishop Grant of the African Methodist
Episcopal church will Introduce the dis
tinguished advocate of the Afro-American
Xiaurl j. Quinbjr on "Jean Taljtan."
Laurie J. Qulnby will address the Omaha
Philosophical society Sunday at I o'clock
p. n. in Barlght hall, Nineteenth and Far
nam streets, on "Jean Valjean." Meetings
free. 4
. SW Jswelry Company The G. W. Ryan
te Sons company has been Incorporated for
J6.000.- Tl: Incorporators are Nellie W.
Ryan, Elisabeth Ryan and Mary E. Reese.
Tht company will do a wholesale and retail
Jewelery business.
Assailant of Orlppla Is asd Frank
Slnuns and Luther Coleman, arrested for
au!t on George Lewson, a crippled pen
cil redcller, Hrlday night at Fourteenth and
Douglas streets, appeared before Judge
Ci aw ford in police court. Simms was the
Sggressur and was fined f 15. while his
Companion was. discharged.
rnneral of ratrlok Coyne The funeral
Of Patrick Coyne, who died of apoplexy
Wednesday following an attack which over
took him while riding on a street car, will
be held Monday morning from St. John's
church. Burial win be in Holy Sepulchre
cemetery. Mrs. Coyne arrived from Hot
Springs Saturday.
tree Car Tlotlm Dies Ray Harden
brook. II years old. who was run down by
street car at Thirteenth and Dominion
streets Thursday evening, died Friday night
St St. Joseph's hospital. After an investi
gation of the case Coroner Heafey has de
cided that an Inquest Is not necessary.
Tlie buy's legs ware crushed and he sus
tained Internal Injuries. The boy lived at
1130 Dominion slrett. His father, Roy Har
cenbrook. Is a street car man.' The body
will ba taken to Fremont for burial.
Xsrssrt Quick slpeaka ea the Kivsr
tlerbert Quirk, the short story writer anj
novelist, at present associate editor of La
Follette's Magazine and editor of Farm
and Fireside, will be one of the speakers
St the Missouri River Navigation congress.
Mr. Quick gained a practical knowledge of
the Missouri river when he lived at Sioux
City and has added to his fund of Informa
tion in preparation for his book on "The
Inland Waterways," which mill soon be
Issued by Putnama. The Missouri river
cotid.tlons are trrawd at ' considerable
luugih In the
Edmundson of Idaho Great at Middle
After Wlaalaa- th Half Mile taam
ploashlp, Ha la Sala ta Have
Brakes the C-00-Yarel
World's Record.
The season's campaign In the far west,
even If It served no other purpose, brought
te light the champion middle distance run
ner of the year and perhaps the fastest
man ever seen on American soil. This crack
Is Clarence Edmundson of the University
of Idaho, who won the national half mile
title at SeattLs by about eight yards from
Harry Glssing of th New York Athletic
club, and incidentally equalled th cham
pionship record of 1 minute, 6S4 seconds.
A tall, lean racer, the Idaho man went
about his work with plenty of confidence,
and from th orack of th pistol showed
that he wan out to win. In the draw for
position he chanced to get the pole and
aligned out In the order named were Mil
ler, Olympic club; Glssing, New York Alh
letlo club; Ramey, Chicago Athletic asso
ciation and Glarner, Olymplo club.
After - they broke away there was a bit
of a scramble for the lead, but at the first
turn Edmundson had It, and he went down
the backstretch at a fearful clip and drew
right out from the field. Passing by the
qaarter post he was leading by six or
seven yards. The time there was 0:63 Vi,
the fastest fltst quarter ever run in a fast
half. When Kllpatrlck made the record of
1:63S In the international meeting of 1896
the first quarter was don In 0.64, and
then he was not quite up with the leaders.
However, as Edmundson tore along the
wise ones predicted he would blow up on
the homestretch, but they were wrong, and
though he was tiring he crossed the line in
pretty fair shape.
Gisslng's time was 1:56, which can be
put down as a first rate performance when
it is considered that he had a weak leg
and had not time enough to rest after the
long Journey to Seattle. In discussing the
merits of the performance subesquently
the critics were of the opinion that Ed
mundson's figures were as good as the
record allowing for the difference In con
dition. Kllpatrlck had a perfeot day and
a perfect track, and while the Seattle
track could be improved, the runners were
surely hampered by a strong wind on the
home stretch, and worse still, It was sur
charged with a White, dustlike lime, which
blew into the eyes and mouths of the
Whether the wind and dust would
amount to 1 Seconds cannot now be ac
curately determined, but it Is certain that
Edmundson Is a great man and on a fast
track In favorable weather should surely
take a fall out of Kllpatrlck'a mark. Ed
mundson represented the Seattle Athletic
club, but on his shirt be sported the winged
I, the emblem of the Idaho seat of learn
ing. About a week after the champion
ship he was reported to have run the 600
yards in the world's record time ofl:10H.
but so far it Is unknown whether or not
the timing and other conditions of a record
breaking performance were correct. That
Edmundson Is also fast for a quarter mile
there Is no doubt, for he ran a fine race in
the last 40 yards of th -mile relay cham
pionship and after the half mile had been
taken out of him. He did 60H seconds, a
feat which did its share toward winning
the race for the Seattle Athletic club.
But If Edmundson proved the sensation,
the real curiosity, of the championship
meet was Harry McLean, ' a .Navajo In
dian, from Phoenix, Ariz., who managed
to capture the gold medal for the five miles,
and Into the bargain defeated- F. G. Bellars
of the New York Athletic club, last year's
winner. The advent of the Navajo on th
path was more of an accident than a
hankering after athletic glory. A few
weeks prior to the championships the Elks
club of Phoenix held an athletic carnival
and McLean ran away from everything In
the distance race and, most Wonderful of
all, he hoofed' It along In his bare feet.
Then and 'there the Elks decided that he
was good enough to try for national honors
and he was sent to Seattle. Meantime he
had learned that spiked shoes were an ad
vantage in traveling afoot, though It was
hard to persuade him that the spikes would
not hold him to the ground.
Only four men went to the starting line,
but the grind developed into a duel be
tween Bellars and the Indian. They took
turns at the pace-making, and whenever
the Indian led the crowd set up a yell like
a million wolves. That th screaming
pleased the redskin was evident, for as he
came around in front of the stand his wiry
black hair seemed to stick higher in the
breeze and there was more life to his lope,
For with a lope he sped along like a
brave on a hot trail after a paleface. Up
to four and a half miles It was a ding dong
affair between the pair and then Bellars
tried to shake off the Navajo. His effort
was in vain, for though the New Yorker
sprinted in the last lap the Indian shot
by him on the home stretch and won by
ten yards. A great crowd surged around
the Indian on his way to the dressing
room to offer their congratulations, but
It was all Greek to him and he answered
the huzzahs with only a grunt. He could
not speak a word of English. ,
The week, following the championships
there was an invitation meet at Frisbo
given by the Olympic club, and a three
mile special event was put on so that
McLean and Bellars could fight their
battle over again. There was a new
comer in the race in the person of Joseph
BaUard of the Boston A. A., whe won the
mile at Seattle and who has In him stamina
enough for any distance from one to five
miles. Previous to the three miles Ballard
had won the mile in slow time and there
was some surprise when he toed the mark
alongside of Bellars and the Indian. As
the race progressed It was apparent that
the two palefaces were using their brain
against the redskin. The pace was slow
and McLean was not wise enough to forco
It. Ballard and Bellars were waiting for
the final sprint and it came when the bell
sung out the last lap. Both, tore by the
Indian and on the backstretch Ballard
pulled away from Bellars. The speed of
the miller told at the critical time and the
Boston runner won as he liked. The In
dian let forth a loud series of grunts after
be finished, for then It dawned on him
that he was fooled.
Of all the big cities In America none
possesses a finer climate for track and
field sports than San Francisco. There an
athlete could train all the year round, or at
least he could keep In trim all the time,
there being no oft season with frost or
sno'jr to stop his practise. A proof that
winter and summer Is much alike la seen
In the New Year's Day swim of th Olym
pic club members at Ocean beach. It U
an annual cusipra to walk out to the
Golden Gate park and afterward take a
dtp In the ocean. Whatever has been done
around Frisco toward the advancement of
track and field sports Is to the credit of
the Olympic club with a history as old a
any club in America, but it has the tough
est sort of a Job for there is not much
athletic enthuslsm around Frisco.
The presenoe of another big club In the
town as a possible rival to the Olympic
1 S 1 O '
'-jr ' is io
The New Distinguished Styles and Fabrics
Tailored SuItsP
Coats and Dresses
Will Attract the Admiration ol Womei Appreciative ! Artlstte Attaiamett la Fashions
DRESSY TAILORED SUITS $45.00 to $125.00
Exclusive new models, exquisitely tailored, possessing all the elegance that can
possibly be embodied In a tailored suit. Garments that will give you all the satis
faction that yon would get if you would have your suit made to order by the best
tailors In the country; and the cost is much leas, besides having a variety of styles
to choose from aad the advantage of seeing how each style becomes you. .
Each suit has an individuality of Its own; made in the plain tailored, braided
or embroidered effects, of broadcloths or fine imported rough weave materials.
rj (
$45.00, $50.00, $55.00, $59.50 up to $125.00
STYLISH TAILORED SUITS $25.00 to $39.50.
This great variety of styles will appeal to every woman. All the desirable, new
models In all lengths will be found In this showing of beautifully trimmed garments.
Tailored effects In fancy cuts, and severely plain tailored suits. All have that dis
tinctive style touch of Orklns'. Prices
$25.00, $20.75, $35.00 and $39.50.
NEW COATS $19.50 to $65.00.
A woman's right to Individuality has been given due consideration in our enor
mous selection of new coats. In our popular priced garments there are cnly a few
of each style, and In our higher priced coats there is but one of each. All are made
In the very latest and most exclusive effects, in plain tailored, tight and semi-fitting
models, and a great variety of trimmed styles. They come in fine broadcloths,
cheviots, diagonal and fancy materials In black and all colors. Prices- '
$19.50, $25.00, $29.75, $35.00 up to $G5.00
BEAUTIFUL CAPES $15.00 to $53.50.
Capes are very fashionable and we are showing them In a great variety of de
signs, and in all the staple and evening shades, lined throughout with satin or peau
de cygne lining. Prices
$15.00, $19.50, $25.00, $29.75, $35.00 up to $59.50
DRESSES AND GOWNS $19.50 to $75.00.
We are showing beautiful, new evening dresses, made of crepe de chine, crepe
meteors and chiffons; in light, medium and dark shades. Also stylish, new models
for street wear, In pretty braided designs and plainly tailored effects, with unusually
good lines. Prices , '
j $19.50, $25.00, $29.75, $35.00 up to $75.00
We are showing new waist models that
reveal the season's latest style tendencies.
Our range of styles equals every demand,
and the special values increase interest
In our showing. " Prices
$3.75, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00
to $22.50
Stylish walking skirts new, tailored
models of finest worsted, serges, diag
onal cloths and French voile, beautifully
trimmed in braided or embroidered de
signs, and plain tailored styles. . Prices'
$5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50
to $25.00
I.J w-?
U it f It V'i
fL,, i - W V
a S4,r!,k t j -. -':r--- -m,L -
might stir matters, especially If there was
a series of dual meets which would event
ually win the attention of the public Not
long ago a now club was organized, called
the Alliance Athletic club, and y went off
with a good boom at the start anu drew a
fine membership, but It was soon overrun
with a squad of semi-professional boxers
and foot ball players. It was rapidly going
down hill when W. H. Kerrigan became
chairman of the advisory committee and
gave the back door to the professional ele
ment. Just now the club Is In a fair way
to cut some figure in athletics. There is
an Irish A. A. C. in 'Frisco, but iti aim la
the propagation of Gaelic hurling and foot
ball and other Celtlo sports.
At the present tlm the Olymplo club
occupies temporary quarters on the site
of the club house which was destroyed by
the quake In 1906. Additional land has
been purchased and It is the intention of
the members that there shall be a bigger
and better building than the old one Inside
of a couple of years. On the club's roster
today are some first rate athletes, Ralph
Pose and Alfred Plaw being the two fore
most. Thpn there Is Dave Martin, a top
notcher at the running high Jump. In the
national championships at Seattle he
gained second to Erlckson and In the In
vitation meet at 'Frisco he won. clearing
six feet one-half Inch. Another good one
Is J. O. Miller, a middle distance runner,
who any day can 'do the half mile In 1:R7.
He was a good third and won the half at
the 'Frisco meet, though the time mae slow.
Lizzie Wendt's Fortune Taken
by Man She Befriended.
Chlcaaro Mis Proposes to Give Lead
lord a Has far His
1 Lenses.
Did you ever try to rent a flat In which
to live with your family and have the
owner refuse to accept you as a tenant
because you had been blessed with chil
dren? And, If so, did you ever storm around
with sensations of an outraged parent and
rail landlords heartless things and ask
what folks were going to do who had chil
dren? If so, you have within your mem
ory a picture of a scene that occurred at
the home of Rolla R. Longenocker In
Chicago. He had lived In a flat four
years, and was Informed last summer that
his lease, which expired October 1, would
not be renewed because he had two little
ones, Donald, aged B years, and Iela
Florence, 3 years old.
He was angered, he says, and so ?
Mrs. Longeneckcr. It rankled and rankled
until when Mr. Longeneckcr, who Is a
Fon of the late Joel M. Longenecker, once
a judge and later state's attorney of Cook
county, remembered a recently passed
state law making It a misdemeanor for a
landlord to do such a thing and he swore
out an Information for the owner of the
building and also for his agent.
Attorney Longenecker discussed the case
In his downtown office. He pointed out
that the anti-race suicide law directed
at landlords was passed at the last ses
sion of the legislature and went Into ef
fect July L
Mr. Jongenecker Is now engaged in the
organization of a protective alliance to
prevent the "race suicide" property own
ers from dUobeylng the new law and to
obtain for tenants other rights. Chicago
Washerwoman Kept T,6T1 in Bex,
bat Thossht It Was Only
,SOO New Haa Meaey
la the Bank.
To have money stolen and returned with
interest is an experience few people enjay,
but what seems the equivalent of this hns
com to Mrs. Lisste Wendt, 2415 South
Twentieth street. She lost, she thought,
$6,300, and ehe recovered 17. 971.
William Eschle, 61 years of age, a track
man for the street railway company, took
tho money, he confesses, from the
woman's room while she was In his room
doing some washing for him, and dc
tectlves found It burled under some kind
ling in a shed back of the house where
the people reside. '
"I don't know how much tlere la," said
And, to prove It. the officers said th
boxes In which the currency was kept had
not keen untied or opened. The woman,
who washes for a Jiving, reported that
there was $6,300, and" the officers found
Mrs. Wendt was so elated at th recovery
of her life's savings that she generously
offered the detectives $5.
"Here, take this, you boys and go buy
you some beer," she said to Detective
Donahue, tendering htm a 15 bill.
Bat Ther Decline It.
"No, thank you, we are only too glad
to be able to get your money back for
you," was the reply, "and w hope next
time you will place It in the bank wher
It won't be stolen."
And forthwith she started for a bank
a ith her boxes of coin.
"And I don't want to prosecute Eschle,
either, she said In her state of mag
nanimity, but the law officers are not
quite as certain of their desires. Deputy
County Attorney Maguey baa ordered him
held for the present.
"Vou might as well tett where that
money Is and let the old woman have It,"
raid Detective Donahue. ho was examin
ing Eschle at the police station. "You are
J an old man and you will never live to get
out or prison ana get the money anyway.
Eschle thought long over the situation,
'.hen confessed, on tho promise of Mrs.
A endt that she would not prosecute.
"It Is the first misstep I never did any
thing 'like It before." he said, sadly.
don't know what made me do It."
Eschle was arrested Friday night at th'
home of his daughter. Mrs. Frank R.
llerlng. 19U North Eighteenth street. South
Mis Mistake.
The vender of Images, who had Just
been thrown out of a large office bulls.
lug. wept blitmly as he looked at his torn
cluthet and bi n:rn wares.
"Who did IMr'" Inquired the friendly
cop. "I 1) pinch 'em, If ycu say the
"No, it waa my fault," aald the victim,
gatherinT up the remains of a plaster
lmna "I Insisted on trying to sell a bust
of Noah Webster to a meeting of simpli
fied spellers." Denver Republican.
Children like Chamvertaln's Cough
Remedy and It la prompt In effect as well
as pleaaant to take.
Negro Binds and
Robs a Woman
Holdi Her Up in Her Boom at Muj
cle of Revolver and ia Caught
by Detectires.
Bertha Kline, who runa a rooming house
at 208 South Thirteenth street, was held
up at the muixle of a revolver, bound and
robbed by a negro to whom she had rented
a room early Saturday morning. The rob
ber stripped the womaa of the Jswelry she
wore and, while she stood struggling with
her bonds, searched th drawers of her
dressing table and took M in cash. A
necklace with a valuable diamond locket
wss taken from the woman.
Detectives Murphy and Ring arrested Ed
urke and. a woman, giving the name ef
Viva Burke, at 120s Cass street, their home,
and lodged them in jail, charged with the
robbery or eompliclty in It.
Uncle saw as road builder
Fin Specimens of Workmanship In
' Connection with Reclamation
' Experts of many countries are marvelling
at the great roads which the United States
government has constructed and Is now
constructing on the reclamation projects In
th far western states and ' territories.
More than 000 miles of the most excellent
highways that it Is possible for man to pro
duce have been completed and are In dally
uA These, of course, do not Include the
byroads leading to many farms or the
many other roads being used for the time
being until the macadamized kind can bo
bullti ' . ,
The dry farmers have had good horses
and vehicles since the reclamation work be
gan seven years ago, and these good roads
are enabling them to haul . their products to
the towns and railroad stations and to
send their children to school. They regard
them a th most important of all aids to
progress and prosperity.. Many, of these
pioneers own automobiles, and it is no un
usual sight to see, on Saturdays or Sun
days, a dosen or more motor cars of the
latest designs In any of tho towns of the
older projects. It Is Interesting to note
that Uncle 8am has only fairly begun tho
building of roads In this newly developed
country, and that In a very few years the
mileage will be reckoned In thousands
where It Is now counted In hundreds. Van
Norden's Magazine.
Skinned from Head to Heel
was Ben Pool, Threet, Ala., when dragged
over a gravel roadway,, but Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve cured him. c. Sold by Beaton
Drug Co.
Says Pc-ru-na is
44 Worth its Weight in Gold."
John Paul hi, fcr, Says; -Peruna Cured My Catarrh." .
Paulln, Sr., a pioneer of Port Washington, Wis., ll'j Franklin St. I
is It esteem by the residents of that place. He ia one of the oldest f
Mr. John
ia held in high
cltlsena. In a recent letter he says
"I sa Vernaa with good results for coughs aad oolda which troubled
tae every fall aad wlater. It has also oared my catarrh, which always beoame
worse wha affects! with a slight cold. Z air. recommsnaiur lcruna because
It is worth Its weight la gold." Mr. John Paalln, l?ort Waihlagtoa, wis.
SislSiSiiaiais.iaiaaiaiaanaaaaaaaa -- sJVfVJV-yV-af-j-iji n HJ1
Prtj-n Is Catarrhal Tonic Espec
ially Adapted to the Declining
Powers p OM Ae,
Itale and hearty old age means simply
healthy organs and healthy functions re
tained beyond the usual time.
As a rule, at the age of 60 or 70 years,
the functions begin to wane and the
various organs to lose their natural
This need not occur. At least not In all
cases. Many a man and woman have re
tained their health and vigor much later
In life.
We have en file several letters from
octogenarians who have found Peruna of
f rlceless value to them as their declln
ng years advanced.
Has Reached Fpnr Score Years and
Weielis J 50 Pounds,
Mr. Levi Kegg, Raineburg,' -Pa., writes:
''Your medicine has done me so much
good 1 Intend to. keep it en hand all the
"I had all the symptoms of systemic ca
tarrh. My eyes were, re.l and Inflamed,
my throat, stomach and bowels troubled
me, was nervous, had nervuui haadachea.
I am now entirely cured by peruna.
"1 am eighty years old, and I never
weighed mora than ltd, out now J weigh
lit pounds.-