THK OMAHA SUNDAY 1JKK: OCTOBER 24, WOO. A TOPICS OT TI1E DAY OF REST W. C. T U Dtlegitei Will Occupy Pulpit Sunday Morning. CHURCHES CLOSE IN THE EVERINQ ' ' ' : ' Will Join la thf TiTf(l Maes Meetlnar at ' the Andltsrlnns, Which Is tn Glv Imetas W. C. T. V. Werk. Womwi sttendlng the national ' conven tion of the Womrn'i Chrlstlen Temperance union will occupy pulpits In evangelical churches throughout the city Sunday morn Inn, and Sunday evening these churches will dispense with their service to enable their pastor and people to attend the large mass meeting at the Auditorium. Here are the assignments: HAITI ST. First Mrs. Frances K. Bauchamp of Kentucky.. Calvary Mrs. Rose wood Allen Chap man of New York. Orace Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley of Indiana. , Olivet Mrs. Helen 1 Bullock of. New York. , CONQRKnATIONAH First Mies Ellen M. Stone of Turkey. 8t. Mary's Avenue Mrs. Nelle O. Berger of Missouri. riymouth Mrs. A. C. P.ehner of Texas. Saratoga Mrs. Anna Simmons of South Iakota. Cherry Hill Mrs. Mary E. Kuhl of Illinois. Farkvale Mrs. M. M. Allen of New York. CHRISTIAN. North Side Mrs. Florence E. Atkins of Tennessee. METHODIST EPISCOPAU Seward Street Mrs. E. U Calkins of Michigan. Walnut Hill Madame Layyah Barakat of Hurmah. Pearl Memorial Mrs. Emma J. Bourns Of New Jersey. Benson Mrs. Hester T. Griffith of Cali fornia. Colored Mrs. E. C. Peterson of Texas, 10:30 a. m; to be supplied. 7:30 p. m. . ... PRESBYTERIAN. ' First-Mrs. Ella A- Bools of New York. North Mrs. C. J.' Vsyhllo-er of Indiana. Westminster Mrs. 8.' M. D. Fry of Illinois.. . , - , - Lowe Avenue Miss E. W. Greenwood of New York. ; Church of the Covenant Mrs; Frances Ensign of Ohio. . Clifton Hill Dr. E. O, Janney of Mary land. First TTnlted" Presbvterlan Mrs. Emma O. Del rick of New .York. " . Third Mrs. Nannie Curtis of Texas. "' Benson Mrs. Helen B. Harford of Oro- gon. Union Gospel Mission Mrs. Elisabeth Haughton. 7:46 p. m County Jail Mrs. R. J. Trego, 12:15 p. m. - City Jail To be supplied, 4 p. m. . First Methodist Episcopal: Morning serv ice at 10:30 o'clock. Sermon by pastor. Rev. Frank L. Ixtveland. on subject, "A Fallen Capital." Instead of the regular evening services the church will unite In a mars meeting to be held at the Auditorium under the auspices of the national conven tion of the Women's Christian Temperance union.. Miss Jennie Smith, railroad evangelist, will speak at the People's church Sunday morning at 10:30. She was formerly helpless cripple and asserts she was di vinely healed. She will tell the story of her healing In her address Sunday morn ing. She is an evangelist of national repu tation. A prayer meeting will be held Monday at noon for ail men at the Young Men's Christian association. The meeting will last a half hour. The meetings will be rununuea every Aionaay at tne same hour and place preparatory to the evangelistic "meetings November 7. .- . Rev. J. II. Bound of. Lincoln will preach at Diets Memorial . church. Tenth and Pleroe streets, Sunday morning. , Ml.eell.aeoa. Announcements, Seeond Church of Christ, Scientist, Nine teenth and Farnam Lyrlo Theaters-Sunday school at :46 a. m., service at 11 a, m. niskea life a burden, as thousands of suffering men and women know. Food does little good. There Is no energy for business or pleasure. Headache, sleeplessness, yellow skin, coated tongue Indicate that the liver U not doing Us work and the bile is not being carried off. . Now Works 10 Hours a Day. ' "This Is to certify' that I have been troubled with my liver for several months past, and after trying many different remedies I read your adver tisement in the Dally News ' of this city. I Immediately wrote for a sam ple bottle and can truthfully .say that I have been benefited very, materially. I shall continue taking your medicine and feel sure that In" a very few weeks' time I shall be completely re covered from my trouble which caused headache arid! sleeplessness. My skin was quite yellow, but It is now clear ing up. I am. able, to put in my full ton hours each day which I have to do at the factory where I work. . "I can cheerfully recommend your medicine to anyone who has similar troubles to those which I have men tioned above." . Elmer Whipple, 11 Colfax St., Grand Rapids, Mich. r's Safe Cure which Is purely a vegetable com pound. Is an absolutely safe and per manent cure for all Inflammatory and other diseases of the liver. It cor rects 'the functional trouble by in creasing the flow of bile into the bowels, to a healthy stanlard and keeping It so. . It aids In removing the waste material that obstructs the circulation of the "liver, and by ltd tontc and purifying properties brings to a condition of perfect harmony all the organs of the body. , WARNER'S SAFE PILLS, sugar-' coated, absolutely free from injurious substances, a perfect laxative, will cure Indigestion, Biliousness, Torpid Liver, and Constipation. Do not gripe . WARNER'S 8AFB CURE is put up la two sties and Is sold by all drug gists at 60 CENTS and SI. 00 A BOT TLE. Refuse . substitutes containing harmful drugs which injure the sys tern. .. ' . . SAMPLE .BOTTLE FREE Samnle bottle of WARNER'S SAFE CURIi will be sent postpaid to any one who will write WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO., ROCHESTER. N. Y.. and mention having seen this liberal of fer la The Omaha Sunday Bee. Subject lesson-sermon, "Probation After Death." Oak Street Mission Sunday school. J000 South Twentieth street at p. m. Flee Methodist. Eleventh and Center Preaching services at 11 e clock. Joseph I Riley, pastor. The Friends. O. M. Fraser, Pastor Meet ing for worship, 11:00; Haright hall, Nine teenth and Farnam streets. Hethany Branch. First Pnrtlst. 3.3 Leav enworth Sunday school at I o'clock. gospel meeting f nuay evening at 7:45 o clock. I'nlty, Seventeenth and Cass. Rev. New ton Mann, Minister Service at ), ser mon. "What Must the Modem kUn Think of Jesus?" Sunday school at noon. Hirst Memorial Methodist Fnlnennal Thirty-fourth and Lsrlmore Avenue Key. William J. Hrlent. Pastor Morning, "Our Forward Movement;" evening, "The Great Invitation." People's. Charles W. Savldce. Pastor- Morning address by Jennie Smith, rational railroad; evening, "The Rum Rebellion;" seventy-fivo stereoptlcon views with lecture. Dundee Presbyterian Services -In Dundee hall, Fiftieth street and Underwood ave nue. Rev. J. J. Lamps, D. II., will preach at 10:80 and 7:30. . Sunday school at IS:) and Christian Endeavor at 6.30. ' First. Presbyterian, Dodge and Seven teenth," Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, D. 1)., Pastor Morning service at 10:30, evening service at,7y, Christian Endeavor meet ing at (.30, Sunday school at noon. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Twenty Fifth and Farnam (Chambers Hulldlng) Sunday school at 9:45 a. in., Sunday serv ices at 11 a. m. and X p. m. Subject of lesson-sermon, "Probation After Death." McCaba Meth6dlkl Episcopal, Farnam and Forleth The pastor. Rev. . John Grant Shlck, will preach at both services. Morn ing theiher "The Record ' of the Books;" evening, "Courage for Life's Duties." Lowe Avenue Presbyterian, Fortieth and Nicholas, Rev. Nathaniel McGiffln, D. D., Minister Morning worship, 10:30; subject sermon, "You and God;" no 'evening serv ice on account oti temoerance meeting at Auditorium. Trinity Methodist Episcopal, G. W. Ab bott. Fastor--Fieachlng at 10:S0 and 7:30; morning subject, ''The Value of Life;" evening subject, "The Meaning- of a Busi ness Life;" Sunday School at 12:00 and Ep worth League, 7:30. ' All Saint' .Church1 (Episcopal), f Twenty Sixth and Dewey Avenue rloly communion 7:30 a. m., church School and kindergarten 9:46 a. m., morning prayer and sermon by the rector 11 a. m., subject of the sermon, "The Cleansing of the Temple." Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Twenty-first, near Paul, Rev. John Albert Wil liams, D. I)., Priest Holy communion, 7:30; matins and eucharist (harvest home serv ices), 11; Sunday school and catechism, 12.30; choral evensong and sermon, 8., First Congregational, Nineteenth and Davenport At the morning service Miss Ellen M. Stone, who was kidnaped bv Turkish brigands several years ago, will speak. No evening service, congregation uniting In union service atAuditorium. St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twentieth and Burdette, L. Groh, Pastor Services Sunday: 11:45 a. m.. "God Loves Families, but Loves Church More;" 7:30 p. m., "All Admire the Herols; Few Have It." Sunday school at noon, young people 6:46 "p. tn. Norwegian and Danish Methodist, Twenty fifth and Decatur At 11 a. m., a delegate of the Women's 'Christian Temperance union convention irom Worcester, Mass., will speak. At 8 p. tn., preaching by the pastor. Young People's meeting at 7 p. in. St. Paul's German Lutheran, Twenty eighth and Parker, Rev. E. T. Otto, Pas torService at 10; evening service In Eng lish at 7:46; subject, "The Lutheran Re formation;" young people's meeting on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 8 p. m. First Baptist, Twenty-ninth Avenue and Harney Street, Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D., Pastor Services 10.30, address by a dele gate of the Women's Christian Temperance union convention. This church will unite with the mass meeting at the Auditorium In the evening. Hillside Congregational, Rev. W. 8. Hampton, Pastor Morning service, 10:30. A representative from the Women's Chris tian Temperance union will speak on temperance. Anthem, by choir; solo, Mr. E. C. Howell; organist. Miss Maud Grebe; musical director. Miss Mable Manning. Plymouth Congregational, Twentieth and Spencer, John P. Clyde, Minister-Morning worship, 10:30. Mrs. A. C. Zehner of Texas Women's Christian Temperance union, will apeak. . Sunday school, 12. Christian En deavor, 8:S0. Evening service dismissed to her Ex-Governor Glenn at the Auditorium. ' Frrst United Brethren, Nineteenth and Lothrop, Rev. M. O. McLaughlin, Pastor Sunday school and morning worship at 10:30; theme, "Almost Is. but to Fall;" evening service at 7:30; theme, "The Old Way;" workers meetings Wednesday at I P. m. ; Hallowe'en social Thursday at 8 p. m. Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal, Dr. Thomas C. Hinkle, Pastor Preaching by the pastor at 10:46 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning theme, "The Kingdom of Heaven Defined;" evening, "A Story With a Moral." Sunday school at noon. Epworth league at 8:80 p. m. C. P. Daniels, choir master. Union Gospel Mission, 1321 Douglas Gos pel service at the mission at 7:46 o'clock. One of the prominent workers attending the Women's Christian Temperance union convention will speak. There will be spe cial singing. Noonday prayer meeting will be held daily during the week from 12:15 to 1 o'clock. Westminster Presbyterian. Twervty-nlnth and Mason Service at 10:30 and 7.20, Rev. D. B. Jenkins, D. D., will have charge of the servloe; Mrs. Fry of Illinois, one of the delegates to the Women's Christian Temperance union will speak at the morn ing service; Sabbath school at noon; Isard Street Sabbath school at 3:30. Rountxe Memorial Lutheran. Twenty- sixth and Farnam, Rev. John E. Hammon, Fas tdr Service, 10:30. Prof. Robertson of the Imperial university, Tien Tsln, China, will speak; subject. "The Progress of Christianity Among the Higher Classes of China." No evening service on account of the meeting at the Auditorium. Central United Presbyterian. Twenty- fourth and Dodge, K. 1). A. MoBrlde. D. D., Paetor Morning worship at 10:30. An address will be given by a repre sentative of the Women's Christian Tem perance union convention. The evening service will be given up on account of the mass meeting at the Auditorium. Hanccom Park Methodist Episcopal. Twentieth and Woolworth Avenue, Rev, R. Scott Hyde, D. D., Pastor The paetor will preach at 10:30, theme, "God With Us." Special muslo by a largo chorus choir, Lee G. Krata, director. No evening preaching service on account of the temperance meet ing at the Auditorium. Euworth league at 6:30. First Presbyterian. Seventeenth and Dodae. Edwin Hart Jenks. D. D.. Pastor- Morning service, 10:30. Pulpit to be filled by Miss Gordon from Women a-Christian Temperance union convention. Evening service omitted in Interest of the union meeting at Auditorium. Christian En deavor society at 6:15. Sunday school at noun. North Presbvterlan. Nineteenth and Ohio. M. V. Hlgbee, D. D., Pastor Morning worship at 10:30. Sabbath school at 12 m. School at I30ti North Twenty-fourth at 12 m., nimeentn ana Lake and East Omaha at 8 p. in. Young People's Society Chris tian Endeavor at 6:30. Evenina service at 7: JO. Prayer meeting at 8. Wednesday evening. Castellar Presbyterla.i. Sixteenth and Cas- tellar, Ralph H. Houseman, Minister Pub lic worship and sermon 10:30, "The Evan gellsllo Church;" Bible school at noon; 3 p. m., Park Forest chapel school; 6:30. young people's meeting; no evening serv ice owing to the Auu.tcrlum temperance meeting; Monday, 7:45. mission and personal workers' classes: Wednesday, 7:46, "Revive U's Again." Grace Lutheran. 1328 South Twenty-sixth. Rev. M. L Mellck. Pastor At the 10:46 a. m. service Rev. Luther M. Kuhns will preach the sermon; Sunday school at 12:15 and Luther league at 6:30 p. m. ; topic, "Our Church Literature;" at 7:30 this church will attend a union meeting In the Auditorium to be addressed by Governor Glen of Northa Carolina; prayer meeting on Wednesday night. Third Presbyterian. Twentieth and Leav enworth. Rev. William E. Todd. Pastor Sunday School at V:30; family service with sermon at 10:46; Junior Endeavor at 3 0J; Senior Endeavor at 6:30. The night service may be adjourned so that the people may hear Governor Glen at the Auditorium. The morning address here will be given by Mrs. Nannie Webb Curtis of Sherman, Tex. Miss Ruth Fonvills of Mexico, Mo., will also be present and give a cornet solo. Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Fortv-flfth and Grant, Thomas U. Greenlee. Minister A delegate to the National Women's Chris tian Temperance - union convention will speak at the morning service at 10.30. In the evening the congregation will attend the convention meeting at the Auditorium. Sunday school st noun. Junior Christian Endeavor at I 30 p. ni. Adult Bible class. Tuesday, 8 p. m . at Mr. Roderick Robens' residence. 4247 Ersklne street. Mid-week meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. Calvary Baptist. Twenty-Fifth and Ham ilton. Rev. K. R. Curry, Pastor Sunday rorn'r' servtco at 10 0 ''-"' by Mrs. xtai'v Wood Alien ChnDinao. The evening . Vr r I ej 1 fwjeVfsV- mj. CONSIDKU thow outfits from tho standpoint of economy and you'd readily recognize them as the most desirable outfits shown by any Omaha mer chant today.- Tnke for example our splendid 4-room outfits at $(59.75. We have found it to be equal to the outfits of other stores selling at $1)0.00. Our 5-room furnishings at $95.00 measure up in every particular to the outfits for which other stores ask $115.00. Our larger outfits are priced accordingly. So ve say that for economy these offerings of ours are decidedly the best to be found anywhere. ORIGINALITY SHOWN IN THESE HOME EQUIPMENTS As for originality and distinctiveness;" you'll find nothing elsewhere that approaches these outfits. They show character. Every outfit carries out some definite idea. Furniture of the. periods and furniture of modern conception, with a harmony of design and finish, showing much thought and great knowledge, both well directed. And with this economy ot pries and the greater degree of refined elegance In the furnishings should be considered the convenience of our splendid partial payment credit plan, which we place at your service. v ih i , - " real ili Guaranteed Steel Range S267i fflSS' nr.xLr,,v. vj' f Ji- Positively the largest and best Steel' Range ever sold In Omaha at anywhere near the Top has six 8 Inch holes. unusually large It Is price. large oven Is and extra durable, a handsome i range elaborately trimmed with nickel. The range Is made of heavy gauge steel rlvlted as solidly as a steel boiler. Top of Range ;-nd wail of oven are guaranteed not to warp. It Is extra heavy, weighing 81S pounds. Will last for generations. it. i ii i in 1 1 ii i win, mi i m i i it ) ii i I i in 9x12 Utopia Brussels Rugs luallty, priced OUI an Alnatlngly low figure. They are mnde TheseRuRs are of exceptional at of the bent worsted materials, made with out miter seams, and are of first Quality. absolutely perfect In every detail. Coloring re most beautiful and thoroughly guaranteed. Special this week $1089 :L .m m-:- r Lincoln Base-Burner S22i! Her la a Pas Burner rt extra site. It's a perfect self-feeder, has ' large ' coal magaalne, and patented air-tight cover. Has large radiat ing surface, a most powerful double heater It has many Improved features,' and. . Very economical; Is beauti fully mamented, with nickel trimmings, and will prove an ornament to any home. Large brass urn on top. ' It's a tremendous value at the price and cannot be duplicated In Omaha at anywhere near the money. t lips Axminster Rugs, 9x12 Ft. Look where you will and you cannot find an Axminster Rug on sale In Omaha at anywhere near th price or this one. And remember It's only one special in a Rug taken from so many. These Rugs are of A-l quality. Not seconds or damaged, they are of the highest character. We urge you to see them. Special , $19" Massive Solid Oak Dresser . . Made of quarter sawed .oak,, highly . polished throughout. Have serpen tine fronts and shaped corner posts and wood drawer pulls. -trgeFrenrh plate mirror, nnoc beveled edge. - alK"'' Sale price ,M i - Combination Kitchen Cabinet Made of solid oak, has two drawers for cut lery, and two flour or meal bins; also a large eliding bread board. A very useful article to have around sri4E the kitchen. ltO Special VJ Extension Table Made of solid oak. It has round top, fitted with Hartman's easy running slides. Extends to IS feet. Has massive base and carved feet. Biggest Extension Table bargain in Omaha, Special $10" Credit to People Everywhere China Closet Made of quarter-sawed oak, bent ends, elaborate carv ing and carved claw feet. "Ad justajle shelves, groov ed for stand ing plates specially pric ed for this sale t Nantucket Leather Rocker TJpholstered In guaranteed Nantnrket leather, which has the wearing, . qualities of genuine leather. Full spring seat and broad comfortable back. Frame la very massive and of American ffJlQC quartered oak. Richly d4 carved. Special Catalog Free to out of town People Three-Piece Parlor Suit, Upholstered in Silk Plush One of the handsomest Suits we've ever rffered at the price. Each piece Is large and roomy, and has a beautiful piano pollao. Made or mahogany veneeT, upholstered In Imported Silk Plush. A thoroughly high-grade Parlor Suit. Specially reduced to ; $28" 22 GREAT iTdRCt THROUGHOUT TH8 U. . iivSilMMy) 1414-16-18 Douglas St. Oak Cheffonier Five large, roomy draw ers, made of solid oak, nice ly polished braes drawer pulls. Laminated construct ion thorougly guar a n t e e d. Well worth double the price asked. Spe . ' " '''I' r ..i S4'J meeting will be omitted on account of the Woman's Christian Temperance nlon meeting at the Auditorium. Sunday school at noon, mid-week devotional Wednesday evening at 1, young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sunday. Calvalry Baptist branch, Thirty-fourth and Seward: Uible- school Sunday at 8:30 p. m., devotional meeting1 Friday night at 8. T . North Sid Christian, Twenty-second and Locust. H. J. Klrschsteln, Minister The pastor returned Saturday from the Centennial convention of the Christian church at Pittsburg and at 1080 In the morning will give a rejiort from the con vention. The chorus choir will render ap propriate selections at this service. ' Bible School at noon; Christian Kndeavor, :li; In the evening at 7:30 a representative of the Women's Christian Temperance union will occupy the pulpit and the men's chorus will render several selections. Mr. James Knight will sing a special number at this service. V. W. C A. Notes. The house committee has arranged for the usual tnonthlv noon program for women In the auditorium next Thursday from 12:13 to 1. ReadlnKS will be given by Mrs. W. A Challia, solos by Mrs. John Shary and piano solos by Miss Grace Hancock. The lectures to be given at the associa tion next week are: Thursday, "Our Lan guage as a Means of KxpreHslon In Sing ing," Thomas J. Kelly; "The Reaction From the Knthusiasm of the Romantic Age of Poetry," Miss Kate A. MuHugh, Friday evening. The lunch committee has arranged to serve afternoon tea in the association club room every day. All of the women of the city are at liberty to take advantage of such an opportunity as a rest hour while hopping and make the building a meeting place for friends. The In Ills Name circle will hold Its first regular meeting next Monday evening. Supper may be had In the cafeteria at 6:30. The meeting is called for 7 o'cloek. Miva Theodate P. Wilson, religious work di rector, will speak to the circle on "The World's Young Women's Christian Associa tion." For the convenience of delegates attend ing the Women's Christian Temperance union convention the lunch committee has arranged to serve a light lunch Sunday evening at 6 In the cafeteria. Delegates are Invited to use the rest rooms of ths building between the afternoon meeting and the lunch hour. The Bible department has 'secured Prof. Charles Foster Kent, professor of Biblical literature In Yale university, for two lec tures on November t, one at 1 and the o'her at :15 o'clock. Prof. Kent is the author of sevi ral modern lilble study out lines, among them being the text book used bv Mrs. Hyers' classes. The building w ill be open as usual from , 1 to 7 o'clock next Kuiutny, but there will I be no ve t I' vti'tice. The mtmbeis of tlw I association and those who attend the Pun da. y vesper service sre Invited to attend the mass meeting under the auspices of the .National women s l hrixtian Temperance union to be held In the City Auditorium at it o'clock. Take Chamberlain's CougTi Kemedy when you have a cold and you will be delighted with It. Building- 1'ermtta. W. I. McGee. Twenty-elphth and Cass streets, frame dwelling, 12.500; W. L. Mc Cee. Twenty-eighth and Cass streets, frame dwelling, $2.510; C. W. Robertson, altera tions to Hanson cafe. $5.0u0; Oeorge E. Cobb company, Twenty-fourth street and Orartd avenue, frame office and coal sheds, fTMOr Louise Owens. AIM Parker street, frame dwelling, 12,000; F.dward Hrown, 2220 Plnkney street, frame dwelling, $4,000. At the Theaters . Caffeine in. coffee is a direct poi3on to the nerve centers qf many highly or ganized persons. It produces all sorts of disorder from stomach troubles, palpitation of the heart, kidney affection, etc., up to more intricate nervous troubles, such as paralysis. The way to keep well is to leave off coffee and use Postum, which is a direct re builder of the nerve centers. , "There's a Reason." Sure and well defined im provement in health will fol low this course, as can easily be proven by any person who values health enough to make a trial. "'Ike Uui and Betty" at the Boyd. Marie Cahlll and company In a mus'cal play In three acts; books and lyrics by Ueorge V. Hobart; music by Silvio Heln; adapted from the French play, "La Papillon," by Rebe Peter and Robert Danceny, There Is a difference an Important dif ferencebetween Marie Cahlll and some other comediennes who are like her In a certain physical attribute. Her method Is more delicate, and hor touch lighter and more certain. Also a certain coarseness which the discriminating perceive In these others Is wholly absent from Miss Cahlll's comedy. But she is not less funny rather more so. She and a wholly excellent company gave the first of three performances last nltjht of a play, a musical comedy, or a comedy with music, as you like, and there was drawn to see her an audience of a kind which was particularly suitable to the play and which was very well suited by the play. Appreciation was. In fact, enthusiastic not only of the singing and acting, but the fanhlonable folk who filled the theater were quite well qualified to pass upon the modish gowns worn In profusion upon the stage. As for the play: It Is the story of Betty Barbeau, birth American, habitat France, and a hunband also Gallic. The husband Is musi -al, selfish and a cultivator of the artistic temperament. More briefly, be Is a cad and a rotter. Dramatically the first and second acts are better than the third for the method of disposing of the troublesome spouse Is not altogether convincing. Miss Cahlll plays Betty quite seriously at times when the progress ot the play demands it, but she does not pitch these scenes in too strenuous a key and lets things down with a laugh every time. On the other hand a situation which Is actually serious Is not spoiled thereby, because the laughter Is produced by droll or dry Irony and satire. At espreaslng exceedingly delicate Irony, Miss Cahlll Is a grand past mistress and here as elsewhere her efforts are never forced. She produces the maximum of fun with the minimum of ef fort. There Is a quartet of art loving youths always In Betty's train and while all four men In these parts were clever, Luclon Kesney stood shoulders above the others. Wallace McCutcheon, a baritone singer, helped to score one of the biggest successes of the evening, when he and Miss Cahlll took off a man and woman supposed to be sitting in a box at the Metropolitan Opera house. W. 3. Stewart played an American, a southerner, and. did not over drawl or over-soften his "r's" which Is a stage miracle. Of the supporting women Miss Anne Mooney has the principal singing role, bhe Is pretty. - She sings correctly, sweetly and has a voice ot some power. Miss Hattye Fox was an attractlvve southern girl. The staging as respect costumes Is by far the handsomest In a play of the kind here this year and the scenic Investment Is absolutely lovely. Acquire the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and save anxiety. There la nothing better tor croup. GUEST SENT INTO WRONG PEW Feminine Lingerie Not Wte . f Room of Man from the Shot ' tirass Country. ;.,n.i.'. "I may be In the right church,' but you put me In the wrong pew," said E. AllUon, a man from the thort grass region In Kan sas as he appeared at the desk of one of the popular hotels last night. "I went, In that room and found 'a lot of female ling erie and several other articles that wouhl Indicate female occupants. Further than that there were several hats elaborately trimmed that I tan't wear. I think that women are In the room," he continued. Mr. Allison was puffing like a fire liMre that had been- making a long run... but took things good naturedly. He was. .as signed another room. : storm Headed Eastward. 'Mi WASHINGTON. Oct. 2i-'ie Okk) "val ley this morning is the center of the storm which last night was over Ht. .la moving eastward and has Increased Mn energy. VT7' Strong Healthy Women U a woman is stronf and healthy in a womanly way, moth erhood means to ber but little suffering. The trouble ties in ths (act that ths many women sufler from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted lor motherhood. This csn bs remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cures ths weaknesses mad disorders of woman It sots directly est ths delicate and important organs coneerned In motherhood, making then . healthy, strouf, vigorous, virile and clastic. - "Fsvorits Prescription" banishes the indisposition ol ths period of expeotanoy and makes haby's advent eaiy and . almost painless. It quickens and vitalizes ths feminins organs, and insures s healthy and robust baby. Thousands testified to Its snsrvelous merits. It Maket Weak Women Strong. It Maka Sick Womea WelU Honest druggists do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon you as as good." Accept no secret nostrum in pises of this mou-ttcrtt remedy. contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming or injuriJ drugs. Is a pur glyceric extract ol healing, saliva American roots. m of women hv)r.