Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    the omatta runpay bee: October 24. mo.
1 I
Omaha Boys on
q 13. 1 6-IS So. ICMh Street.
Debating Squad
Democratic Officeholders Must Work
f. 1 1
1 1
as Well at Paj Up.
rrohlblHon Candidate for Snprrme
Jadse Withdraws and JSotlcee
An Brat Oat to Coantr
'. v Clerks.
'" 'From' Staff Correspondent.)
'LINCOLN. Oct. 23. (Special. )Not only
have the democratic employes of the state
been called upon to come across with a
portion of their wares to be spent by the
democratic state committee In converting
republicans to the democratic ticket under
the guise of a nonpartisan judiciary, but
the men themselves are now compelled to
Bet out and hustle.
Lr Matthews, thief , clerk In the office
of ."Javernr Shallenberger, has been away
fiom'- hls desk so Ions; that his ovn most
i Intimate friends would hardly recognize
I hlrnahould he return suddenly.
The records I nthe office of the state
I audi tie show that Mr. Matthews drew his
I warrant for his September salary, but has
I not been here to draw any since. He Is
i said to be on a vacation by the people In
the governor's office or a member of his
force, but as a matter of fact the last
heard from Mr. Matthews was at Colum
I bus,-jerking-like a beaver In the demo-
f cratlc headquarters.
It w a. sine work that Mr. Matthews did
. In the democratic headquarters a year ago
that ogt htm his job with the governor
and It Is the same kind of work that Is
holding his job for him now.
Whether Governor Shallenberger will pay
Mr. Matthews his monthly stipend of $125
out of state funds while he Is working
for the democratio state committee Is
question about which ( here Is little doubt
There Is no doubt that the chief clerk will
file a. voucher sworn to that he has earned
the' $125 during October by working for
the state, notwithstanding he la being kept
at Columbus looking after the governor's
Interest, as well as contributing his knowl-
edind work to the cause of the demo
craUo. judicial candidates.
Judge B. F. Oood, democratio candidate
for' supreme judge, whose friends expect
him ..tOu. reap a. good vote among the. fol
lowers of Rev. Samuel Zane Batten, called
at ithe executive office this afternoon and
resorted that he had been 'making an ex
teitSlve campaign, though .laid up for eight
daya fr.m the effects of drinking Omaha
Wttlpr. .
5 No Prohibition Jadaea.
H I. Staple, candidate for supreme judge,
has notified Secretary of State Junkln that
he'.declines the nomination at the hands of
the: prohibition party and asks that his
name be left off the oflcial ballot. As the
deellnatlon of A. O. Wolfenbarger, another
prohibition candidate, had already been
received, this leaves the prohibitionists to
: vols for the candidates of some other party
for-Bupreme Judge. Secretary Junkln se,nt
outi letters this afternoon to the various
coiioty clerks, notifying them not to print
tw5 samea on the ballots.
tj State May Lose Tkouasa,
Tfie State Board of Publ'o lands and
buildings Is trying to find out whether It
has- been dona out of $1,000 due from the
confeacjtor .who was -to -eonstructhe. .build-;
lngs a the Norfolk insane asylum. The
contractor boarded his men at the Insti
tution and promised to pay when the work
was alone. lie fell down on the work and
the fcoard took over the unfinished build
ing, ,-ut . failed to take over that board
money. '..So now It Is figuring to see
whether the contractor's bondsmen - are
respoi-ible for the amount due.
Centenarian.' Dies at Havelock.
James- Hartshorn of Havelock, 100 years
old. died yesterday at his home. He was
born In-; England August 1 1809. Until a.
few months ago he was In perfect health
an&rthtn began to fall, though his death
was .unexpected. Mr. Hartshorn had been
an extensive traveler and was present at
the" coronation of Queen Victoria. He
came to America In 18X7. He leaves six
sons, four daughters having died.
- School Children Exposed.
Parents of children attending the Everett
school, have been thrown Into a panic over
the. discovery that two children of C. W.
Robinson, a teller In the First National
bank, had died of diphtheria. Sisters and
brothers of the- dead children attended
school until yesterday. The children were
Bf nk'e, aged 11, and Donald, aged 12.
TlW ooy died Friday morning and the little
girl this morning. No physician was called
io see me cniiuren until me rlrst one
died. ' , . - : .
When the facts became known school
was dismissed, the rooms In which four
of the children of the Robinson family at
tended school were closed and fumigated.
The city physician and other physicians
are-nw examining every pupil who has
been attending school with the Robinson
children to see If they have become af
fected with the disease, and every precau
tloa' has been taken to prevent It spread
Coroner Matthews ordered the body of
the little dead boy to be held until he de
cided, whether to hold an inquest, but late
this afternoon concluded to wait for some
mave on the part of the City Health de
partment before taking any further steps.
Like a
Beam of
hi, .
Across the Breakfast table
; and Cream
i A wholesome
5 Economical, comforting
3 ood that wins
Spontaneous praise ,
f Oy old and young.
d 'JThe Memorjr Lingers '
3 J - . .
"Poltum Cereal Company, Limited
S I Battle Creek. Mich.
Ben Cherring-ton and Herbert Potter
Chosen on Team Representing
University of Nebraska.
LINCOLN. Oct. 23. (Special ) Two of
the sixteen members of the University of
Nebraska debating squad selected this week
are Omaha boys. They are Ben M. Cher
rlngton, 1911, and Herbert W. Potter. 1310.
Cherrlngton Is a graduate of the Omaha
High school. He was Declaration Day ora
tor In his senior, year and represented the
school In Interscholastlc debate for two
years. While director of athletics at Wes
leyan university In 1S0G he represented Wes
leyan In Intercollegiate debating and won
the Durham prise for oratory. Last year
he taught at the Omaha High school and
had charge of athletics. He Is a member
of the Phi Kappa Psl fraternity.
Potter graduated from the Omaha High
school In 190ft. He represented Omaha in de
bate with West Des Moines High school
and also In the Nebraska Interscholastlc
debate In 1906. He was also commencement
Last year he was business manager of
Nebraska's debates with Illinois and Wis
consin and was alternate on the team that
debated Wisconsin. He Is a member of the
Alpha Theta Chi and Phi Alpha Tau.
the latter being a debating fraternity.
The other members of the debating squad
are Byrne C. Marcellus of Lincoln, Clif
ford L Hein of Loup City, John L. Rice of
McCook, David M. Rogers of Randolph,
Joseph T. Votaxa of Edholm, Allen E.
Warren of Superior, Horace B. English of
Lincoln, George N. Foster of Sterling, Paul
J. Halldorson of Lincoln, James E. Law
rence of Beatrice, George Russell Mann of
Ord, Clarence L,. Clark of Lincoln, Stuart
P. Dobbs of Beatrice and Calvin A Emery
of Beatrloe.
Nebraska will take part In two debates
this year meeting Iowa at Lincoln and
Minnesota at Minneapolis.
Election Day In Caster to Be Liveliest
One In leers.
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. Oct. 23.-(Spe-clal.)
During the latter part of the
campaign, the all absorbing toplo seems to
be county division. In all parts of the
county the subject Is being studied and
discussed with an earnestness never be
fore displayed. The people are much In
terested In the auditor's report of the
county bonds that the various counties of
Nebraska have had since the organization
of the state. It has been demonstrated
that not a county as small as the proposed
couny of Higglns has ever escaped without
bonds. Higglns Is the name of one of the
proposed new counties to be set off from
Custer at the coming election. Many who
have made a study of the question are
urftng that county division will greatly
Increase the taxes and farmers living at a
distance from the towns, which expect
to become county seats will, as a rule,
strongly oppose division.
Another feature they are seriously con
sidering Is th salailes of four sets of
county officers and the additional expense
of maintaining four counties, which will
cost from $16,000 to $20,000 more under
division than it does now. Also the
transcribing of the records and the build
ing of new court houses Is another addi
tional expense; this Item alone figuring
up to over $100,000.
Custer county has never been bonded and
It looks as If It was Impossible to get
along without bonds In each of the new
counties. If division carries. Election day
will probably see one of the hottest county
fights ever held In the state.
Ao to Falls from Bridge.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) John Ballerman, a young farmer re
siding ten miles southwest of this city,
started for home last evening accompanied
by his mother. They were In an automo
bile and when at the edge of the city and
crossing a bridge met a team. Ballerman
tried to turn aside for the team and lost
control of his machine, which broke
through the railing of the bridge and
plunged down the embankment, a fall of
twenty feet. The fall threw the mother
out onto a pile of brush, thus saving her
life, and the machine turned over and
rolled down the bank with Ballerman. He
had one arm broken In three places, one
hand waa mashed, he was badly cut about
the face and It Is feared was Injured In
ternally. The machine continued down
the forty-foot embankment and Is a total
Farmer Injared la Rnnaway.
UNION, Neb.. Oct. (Special Tele
gram.) H. W. Lloyd, a prosperous farmer
residing southwest of Union, was severely
Injured in a runaway last evening. In
company with Maplon Applegate he was
driving a team which became frightened
at an auto. The team ran for some dis
tance and In turning a corner the wagon
was upset, throwing both out. Mr. Ap
plegate received a broken hip and was
badly bruised and Mr. Lloyd received a
painful injury to his arm.
Aaed Man oa Trip.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Oct. 21 (Spe
cial.) John M. Phtpps, who claims to be
over B8 years of age, was in the city last
evening enroute to Farragut, la., on a
visit with his son. He haa been making
his home with his daughter In Richardson
county. He was born February 11, 1811, In
Virginia and came to Iowa aeventy years
ago. He engaged In the live stock busi
ness and has led an active life until lately.
Nebraska News Notes.
I TURK The Alumnae association of Tork
High School will put ou .the play, "The
college wiuow.
BISATRICI'; Farmers In this section are
gathering their corn crop, and a good
yield U reported in many localities.
HEATRICE The Beatrice Commercial
club will hold lia annual banquet next Mon
day night. Two hundred tickets for the
attalr have been sold.
KEARNEY A bad accident occurred at
Miller, this county, when W. A. Osborne,
ex-county commlHsioner, lost his lelt hand
In a corn shredder.
KEARNEY A marriage license was Is
sued Friday afternoon to Miss Bessie
Krlha and Mr. Ueorge Pokorny and Judge
Hallo ell performed the ceremony,
BEATRICE Mrs. Minerva Do Ran was
called to Lincoln yesterday by a telettram,
stating that her little grandson, Merrill Do
Han, waa seriously 111 of diphtheria.
B 'CAT RICE Robbers entered the store of
W. I). Dalkers Co.. at Hanover, Kan.,
the other night and carried away liM worth
of Jewelry. There is no clue to the thieves.
BEATRICE Mrs. W. Z. Warner was
called to Minneapolis, Minn,, yeuterday by
a telegram announcing the serious illness
of hti husband, who formerly resided at
this ;lace.
BEATRICE Word was received here
yesterday announcing the death of H. H.
Studley, a former resident of this place,
which occurred at Wenalchee, Wash, lie
waa TO ears of age.
BEATRICE The Wymore and Blue
Springs foot ball teams played a tie game
yesterday, t to 4, si Wymore. This is the
second game of this kind the clubs have
played this season.
BEATRICE Major Phelps Inspected
Compwny U of Wymore hut evening. Only
Sayeo , members ..of the .rcvuutaujr Were
Dining Table (like Illustra
tion), heavy colonial ped
estal base, top Is 48 in.
In diameter, quarter saw
ed white oak. polished
golden finish, fitted with
patent locking device
Spnclnl 924.00
Bound Top Table Amer
ican quarter sawed oak,
round top. 4 2 In. In diam
eter, pedestal base, has
carved claw feet Spe
cial 110 00
Dining Table Colonial
pattern, round top, 44 In.
In diameter. octagonal
pedestal quarter sawed
effect, highly polished
golden finish, six foot ex
tension Special . .R17.00
China Cabinet An un
usually large assortment
of pretty China Cabinets,
golden oak polished fin
ish with bent glass ends,
tia, $14, S315.7B, S18.75
and np.
Bos Spring Speolal Made
of best tempered steel
springs with 20 pounds of
cotton felt tufted on top
of eprings. and all cover
ed in beautiful shade of
art ticking, special 916.00
Dining- Chair (like Illustra
tion), made of quarter
sawed white oak, full box
frame, leather seat, carv
ed claw feet, a very pret
ty pattern, special, each,
$17.50 weathered oak table, with leather top. Special
$12.50 weathered rocker, leather cushion seat
$24.00 arm chair, weathered oak, Spanish leather loose cushion seat
$35.00 large arm chair, weathered oak. Spanish leather cushion seat
$50 00 very large, luxurious weathered oak arm chair, Spanish leather
back '
$0.00 settee,-, loose leather cushion seat
present, and it Is said the turnout was a
great aisappointmein. iu ull".v"
skow, wife of Paul Esterskow. while car
ing for a friend who had been Injured in
a runaway and had been brought to her
home, dropped dead of heart fealure.
VALENTINE Grading and cement work
on the big bridge in course oi wiimiuvuv.
here will soon be done. Train loads of steel
are coming in now every day. It will De
one of the largest bridges in the west.
BEATRICE Samuel Wilson, a veteran of
the civil war and for twenty years a
resident of Beatrice, died last evenings
aged 65 years. He is survived by his wite
and two children, a son and daughter. ;
YORK A few Atlantic, la., farmers have
discovered that York county is one of the
best counties in Nebraska and are selling
their land there and buying York county
farms, for which they are paying J116 to
$136 per acre.
KEARNEY Councilman William H.
KnaKKS killed a snake In his back yard
Thursday evening that measured six feet
eight inches In length. It was perhaps
one of the snakes that got loose from the
carnival company.
PONCA The severest electrical storm of
this year occurred here today at noon. It
rained a little and then hall fell till ths
ground waa well covered. This storm was
as unusual as the recent freeie which
ruined all the winter apples.
YORK S. A. Hitchcock, a merchant of
Scotia, and Mrs. Eliza Atkinson were mar
ried at the brldes home In this city. The
wedding was intended to be a private affair,
but unknown to the parties, they were'
greeted by a large crowd of friends.
VALENTINE Several large prairie fires
have been burning north of here and one
of the fires burned over a large territory
and burned up several thousand tons of
hay. It started on the reservation and
burned south till It reached the railroad.
PONCA After an Illness of only four
days Mrs. G. B. Francis died Thursday
evening. If she had lived until December
she would have been 70 years of agi Her
son, A. B. Francis, will take the body to
New York to be laid beside her husband
and only daughter.
BROKEN BOW Fire yesterday after
noon completely destroyed the new stable
bulldiiiKS on the fair grounds, about one
mile east of town. Fortunately, no live
stock was In. the buildings at the time.
The fire la supposed to have originated
from a locomotive spark.
YORK A double wedding occurred at
the residence of the bride's parents In this
city. Mi. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. The prin
cipals were Margaret Smith and Ben Price,
a business man at Thayer, and Mihs
Iiollle Smith and J. Severn, son of W.
Severn, banker at Surprise.
YORK The wedding of Gustave Peter
son and MIsb Magdellne Ocarheart oc
curred at the First Presbyterian church
in the presence of a large number of
friends. Both are most popular young
people of this city. Mr. Peterson Is one of
the active young business men.
VALENTINE There have been about a
dozen new residences built and two new
stone business building are going up.
Several more buildings are to be enlarged
In the spring, which, with a new water
works and electric light plant that the city
Is to build at once, will greatly Improve
BEATRICE Funeral services over the
re.nuliiH of the late Mrs. Frank Spear, who
was killed near here Thursday morning
in an auto accident, were held today from
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Vaught,
conducted by Rev. Knauer of Edgar and
Rev. Boyer of IMller. Interment was In
Evergreen Home cemetery.
NEBRASKA CITY-Thls city Is suffering
from a cement famine and many of the
large c .niractors have been compelled to
lay all of their help off on that account.
There Is not a sack or barrel of cement
In this city and the railroads will not give
any assurance when they will be able to
deliver the many cars which have been or
dered for some time.
NEBRASKA C1TY-E. D. Marnell, An
ton Zimmerer, John M. Wlllman, John
V. Steinhart and J. Hyde Sweet have
been appointed delegates to represent this
city at the Lakes to the Gulf conven
tion, which meets at New Orieana on the
' 3oth. The deieKatlun leaves St. Louis
Monday on a strainer and will make the
trip to New Orleans via w ater.
NEBRASKA CITY J. Howard Shupp of
Buffalo, Wyo., came here to visit his
mother, who has been ailing for some
time, and yesterday died suddenly. He
was not thought ill, but was Indisposed,
and was about the house. An autopsy re
vealed the fact that bs was suffering from
Rug Sale Extraordinary Monday
Thousands of Beautiful Rugs
The mills at the end of their season sort and lay aside all patterns that they
decide to drop from their regular line. We, as large wholesale dealers are
invited by the manufacturers to choose from this stock fully three weeks
before they are thrown on the open market. Wc. therefore have first choice
and on this occasion purchased unusually heavy. Our large, output ena
bles us to handle more of these rugs than any other western concern and
our purchases embrace only the choicest of patterns. These rugs are
perfectly matched, of the same quality and grade as regular stock,ito be
sacrificed Monday as follows:
$2.50 27x54 Smith Velvet Rug,
special, nt ,
$2.50 27x54 Smith Axminster,
Rug, special, at
$4.50 3x6 Axminster Rug,
special, at
$14.00 8-8x11-3 Brussels Rug,
special, at
$14.50 8-3x10-6 Brussels Rug,
special, at
Our Entire
Stove Comfort and Luxury
The Round Oak Base Burner heats evenly all parts of the room. They have so many good fea
tures that we would like to show them to you and explain wherein they excel. Round Oaks are
made in three sizes, at ,...$60.00 $65.00 and $70.00
ROUND OAK CHIEF Steel Ranges. Just a little better than the rest, with a dozen or more
good points that other ranges do not have. Prices $50.00 to $60.00
In our Stove Department you will find stoves and ranges of all kinds and at all prices. We are
agents for the best known makes and guarantee each and every stove.
Infection Invittd.
of the remaining floor samples of weathered and fumed oak Mission furniture. These are all spec
ially good bargains. "We name a few of the items:
cancer of the stomach. His body was
taken to Naponee, Neb., for interment
YORK The York county corn contest
promises to be one of the big events and
commences November 23 and ending No
vember 28. No business house or building
could be secured that was large enough
to hold the displays and an effort will te
made to secure the court house. The
Commercial club made a canvass among
county officials for room and every one ex
piesstd wlilingnesB to give one and some two
rooms, asking that only enough room be
left for a dusk to care for the Dusiness
that week.
iEtRASKA CITY Miss Sarah Justice,
after an illness lasting nearly three months,
died at Elmwood yesterday and was
brought to this city today fo Interment
by the aide of her deceased parents. She
waa one of the pioneers of this section,
coming to this city In 1S56, and recently
went to Elmwood to visit with her sister,
where she was taken 111. She la survived
by three brothers, Georue of this city, Wll
lle.m and Robert of Hagemann, Idaho, and
three sisters, Mrs. A. B. Owen of Elm.
wood and Misses Jennie and Hulda Jus
tice of this city.
NEBRASKA CITY Frank Thomas and
his large force of graders have been or
dered to Barney, where they will move
the main line of the Burlington railway
back to the bluffs. This company has
experienced considerable trouble from the
river of late, because of the washing
away of track. Two years ago this track
was moved back nearly half a mile from
the river, but since then the river has
been cutting In quite rapidly. The big
elevator at that point has had to be
moved twice within the last few years to
prevent It from being carried away.
Not to be outdone in extending the hand
of welcome to the visiting Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union, some of the
German societies by their officers have
addressed the following to the members of
the convention now In session here to re
mind them that temperance and prohibition
are not necessarily the same:
We, the undersigned German societies of
Nebraska, Oiu ou welcome. With six
separate organizations, and a membership
of over 3,uuu, we consider ourselves to be
representative of the many thousands oi
German-Americans of tula state, and as
such proclaim our ardent support of the
cause of true temperance, temperance not
only In drink, but temperance in thought,
speech and action, and temperance also in
relation to proposed restrictions of personal
we welcome you as co-workers In the
cause of temperance, and know that people
of your superior intelligence and sincerity
will not confound true temperance
political prohibition and asceticism. While
we German-Americans preach and practice
temperance, we are opposed to legislative
acts, and to agitation tor legislative acts,
attempting to prescribe undue restrictions
of Individual freedom In personal habits.
We point with pride to a lecent editorial
In Collier's as follows: "Various young
men have asked why we think the study
of German so important. The reason is,
that the Germans are leaders In many
very important departments of modern
thought, and much of the most valuable
contemporary material In science, history,
philosophy and economics is accessible only
to those able to read the German lan
guage." We know you do not belong to, or uphold,
those who in their misguided seal have
caused Innocent children, too small to
think or act for themselves, to march In
so-called temperance but In reality prohi
bition parades, with Inscribed banners, the
meaning of which they could not compre
hend. You would not be guilty of making
a little boy carry, as but recently occuired.
a banner, reading: "My father Is a drunk
ard," when the father, a very respectable
and temperate traveling man, having Just
returned home. Incidentally viewed the
parade, only to see himself thua defamed
and his child most shamefully Imposed
We are told that you Intend holding a
temperance parade, and ai we, the German-Americans
of thl. s'.ate, also advo
cate true temperance and are In sympathy
with your noble work, we would appreciate
to be given an opportunity to participate In
your parade. We lh to demonstrate to
you and our fellow citizens In geaeral, our
anxiety to take a prominent part lu the
$16.00 9x12 Brussels Rug,
special, at
$25.00 9x12 Velvet Rug,
special, at
$32.50 9x12 Wilton Rug,
specinl, at
$25.00 9x12
special, at
Second Floor Devoted
Extra Salespeople1
and back, $24
cushion seat and .
' $30.00
, t sJ
) i
cr ' - . . :J
Mis vv: &
Milton ILogers .
promotion of true temperance, provided,
of course, you will give us sufficient time
to make the necessary arrangements, and
also that you will permit us to carry ban
ners Inscribed thus:
"True temperance In speech, thought and
"True temperance does not mean total
"Prohibition la the greatest foe to real
temperance," etc.
We know you will gladly avail yourselves
of thla assistance to the good cause, and
will appoint a time and place where a
committee of our ladles may wait upon you
to arrange for the details of owr proposal.
You will be glad, we feel confident, to ac
cept this opportunity to Inform the public
that temperance means moderation, as
defined In our dictionaries, while political
prohibition Is a mere form of Intolerance,
the antithesis of Christian doctrine.
We welcome you to Nebraska, a state
blessed with what Is generally conceded
to be one of the best license laws In the
United States; a law which the misguided
efforts of the prohibitionists would dis
place with a prohibition statute, and would
thus exchange the well regulated, legal
sale for the unregulated surreptitious
traffic, which In all prohibition territory
haa proven so disastrous to real temperance
and good morals.
We know that you are too Intelligent to
endorse such prohibition fallacies, which
have never yet and never will promote
the cause of true temperance, the cardinal
virtue to whose support you are pledged.
Ws welcome you again, with our con
fidence that your deliberations while In
our midst will be guided by wisdom and
true Christian temperate thought, and that
ymi will reach no conclusions that would
necessitate a change of the name of your
glorious Institution to "Prohibition I'nlon."
Awaiting your reply, we remain with our
highest regards,
By Omaha Maennerchor, Peter I.aux,
President; Leutscher Landowhr Veielu
$26.50 9x12 extra quality Velvet t I 7 C
Rug, special, at IO D
Axminster Rug,
. .'
to This Sale
$15.00 arm chair, fumed oak, Spanish leather seat $10.00
$80.00 davenport, Spanish leather loose cushion seat with 2 pillows for the back, $63
$30.00 chair, loose leather seat, upholstered with leather back $10.75
$46.00 fumed oak library table with writing desk top in the upper drawer . . .$32!oO
$48.00 library table, weathered oak, '54 Inches long $37.50
$18.50 weathered oak library table with two under shelves $13.00
Stoves and Ranges
Have name nnd reputation for Ii1r! rlinrttrter post,
tlvely uneouallod a reputation achieved right here
in Omaha by hundreds of these stoves sold by us that
have been in actual use for years.
WHY EXPERIMENT when you can get, with abso
lute certainty, the BEST stove made, from the
oldest and best hardware and stove firm in the city,
at prices that challenge comparison? Do not fail to
examine these. They are better now than ever before.
Laundry Stoves,
von Omaha, E. Koenlg. Secretary; South
Omaha Hermann Lodge, Henry Geest,
President; South Omaha Plattdeutscher
Vereen, William Ahlers. A. F. Martens,
William Voss: Omaha Plattdeutscher
Vereen, F. A. Klenke, ecretary; Orpheus
Singing Society, August Meermann, Presi
dent. The parade to which this statement re
fers has been dispensed with.
Possibility of Live Stock Production
Beyond t'alcalatloa.
Wall Street Journal.
Within the last year two developments
have set people thinking about the future
of cur meat supplies. One of these events
Is the rapidly advancing price of live stock
at home, owing largely to the Induction In
the supply of cattle and swine. The other
Is the advent on a large scale of American
meat producing companies Into the Argen
tine export trade. Meanwhile the advance
In the prices of this class of foodstuffs
has brought up the question of the possi
bility of the United States changing from
an exporting to an Importing country In
the world's meat trade.
Stranger things have come to pass. It
would, not be surprising If within a half
decade we were to find our large meat
trusts in Argentina delivering carcasses of
refrigerated beef from that country at
the ports of the I'nlted 8tates. Ons reason
for such a possibility lies la the rapid
rate at which ranch lands for forage and
JTew snowing new line of
fancy odd rockers, all the
latest and most attractive
designs In the popular
woods and finishes at pop
ular prices.
KOCKEm fllks eut),'eomes
In quarter sawed white
oak and genuine mahog
any, oolonial arms, bas
slip seat, leather uphol
stered, very gTaoefol
lines, oak looker, golden
polished lnlsh, regular
Talus 917.80, speolal price
at 10.78
Genuine mahogany, drill
finish, regnlar value 20,
speolal prlos 813.80
ES. The celebrated pat
ent alastlo tufted mat
tress, fall BO-lb. weight,
delivered anywhere at,
saoa $15.00
XJf ET. The new Xooaler
Bpeolal is made of - seleot
oak. golden flnJsn, lias
sanitary flour bin, with
slftor, alumlnnm slidlns;
top, oolonial class ooffeo,
tea an solo canisters,
new Improved bread and
cake boa, tog-ether with
many other ronTenlenoss,
special 537.CO
Brass Bed. Heavy S-lnoh
poet brass bed, best Eng
lish lacquer, plain rich
design, has six heavy lnl
cral rod filling In heml
and foot, special , .$15,70
Other patterns of Brass
UimIb, up from ....$14.83
Brass Bed (like Illustra
tion) exept It bin five
rod fillings In bead and
foot, Instead of six. at
cut shows, heavy 2-lnrh
continuous post, cornea
either In '.ho satin or
bright finish, brat Kngllsh.
lacquer electrically ap
plied and thoroughly sub
stantial and servlceHble
be J, each $33.60
v.Wftis ttir- - f, j,
Sons Co.
pasture are being converted Into farms In
the west,
A continuous period of high prices for
meats will no doubt have one or two con
sequences. It will either put a premium on
the growing of live slock through the
east, west and aouth or It will have the
effect of reducing the consumption of meat
as a component part of the food -of tho
people. Hitherto after the breaking up of
the range system of cattle production there
has always come a period of shortage re
corded In higher prices. A newer live stock-
economy has gradually come into vogue
causing a return to lower prices In due
time. But with rapid strides of population
a more complete readjustment Is again
Whatever else that change may Involve
It will require that the farms of the coun
try Incorporate the fattening of swine and
cattle as a larger part of their business.
There are nearly 7,000,000 farms in the
United States, and their live stock possibili
ties, In the majority of cases, are barely
begun. There Is no doubt that at a given
price the country can have all the meat
it wants.
May Worry Sot
New York Post. '"
A railroad president expresses the fear
that ml.sgulded lawmakers may begin again '
to "make a target of the corporations."
But the great sharpshooter la now In Afri
ca, where, he confesses, he misses a great
many of bis shots.
r1'. I