n 1 a VJf 2 .Vn.lia-inTiiTnri THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 24, 1009. J w ON TflE TRAIL OF BIG GAME Theodore Boosevelt'i Story of the Hunt in Africa. CEE TAD? DANGERS OF THE CHASE Mil Aalmals la Abgadiarr aad the Itlaka a Ilantrr nana Mertlaa; ! a lAom Boer aad BrHon. Tha dangerous game of Africa are the lion, buffalo, elephant, rhinoceros and leop ard. The hunter who follow any of these animals always does so at a certain rink to Ufa or limb; a risk which It Is his business to minimize by coolness, caution, Rood Judgment and stratum shooting. The leopard Is In point of pluck and ferocity mora than the equal of the other four; but Ills small size always renders It likely that ha will merely maul, and not kill, a man. My friend. Carl Akely of Chlckago, actu ally killed barehanded a leopard which sprang on him. He had already wounded the beast twice, crippling it In one front and one hind paw, whereupon It charged, followed him as he tried to dodge the chare. and struck him full Just as he turned. It bit him In one arm, biting again and again as It worked up the arm from the wrist to the elbow; but Akely threw It. holding Its throat with the other hand, and flinging Its body to one side. It luckily fell on Its side with Its two wounded legs uppermost, so that It could not tear him. Ha fell forward with It and crushed In Its chest with his knees until he distinctly felt one of Its rlhs crack; this, said Akely, was the first moment when he .felt he might conquer. Redoubling his efforts, with knees, and hand, he actually choked and crushed the life out of It, although his arm was badly bitten. A leopard will charfcs at least as readily as one of the hig beasts, and Is rather more apt to get his charge home, but the rUk Is less to life than to limb. There are other animals often or occa sionally dangerous to human Ufa which are, nevertheless, not dangerous to the hunter. Crocodiles are far greater pests, and far more often man-eaters, than lions or leop ards; tut their shooting Is not accompanied by the smallest element of risk. Poisonous snakes are fruitful sources of accident, but they are actuated only by fear, and the an ger born for fear. . The hippopotamus some times destroys beats and kills those In them; but again there Is no risk In hunt ing him. Finally, the hyena, too cowardly ever to oe a source of danger to the hunter, Is some-times a dreadful curse to the weak and helpless. Game ia Abundance. tt la hard for one who has not himself een It to realise the immense quantities of game to be found on the Kapltl plains and Athl plains and the hills that bound them. xne common game of the plains, the anl male of which I aaw most while at Kltanga nd In the neighborhood, were the sebra. wlldebeeste, hartebeest, Grant's gaielle, and "Tommies" or Thompson's gaselle; the sebra, and the hartebeest, usually known by the Swahlll name of kongonl. being by far . the most plentiful. Then there were impalla. mountain reedbuck, duyker, stein' buck and diminutive dlkdlk. As we trav elled and hunted we were hardly ever out or sight of game; and on Pease's farm it elf there were many thousand head; and so tnere were on Slatter's. If wealthy men who desire sport of the most varied and Interesting kind would purchase farms like tnese they could get, fcr much less money, many times the Interest and enjoyment a deer-forest or grouse-moor can afford. Unless there was something special on. like a llon-or-rhlnoceruus-hunt,' I usually rode off followed only bv mv nin nn,i gun-bearers. I cannot describe the beauty and the unceasing Inttrcst of these tides, through the teeming herds of game. It was like retracing the steps of time for sixty or seventy years, and being back in the days of Cornwallla, Harris and Goidon Cummlng, In the palmy tlmfs of the great fauna of South Africa big game. On Pease's own farm one day I passed through scores of herds of the beautiful and won derful wild creatures I have spoken of above; all told there were several thou . sands of them. With tho exception of the wlldebeeste, mobt of them wore not s!y. and I could have tak,en scores of shots at a distanco of a couple of hundred yards or thereabout. Of course. I did not shoot at anything unlets we were cut of meat or needed the skin for the collection; and when we toolt the skin we almost always took the meat too, for the porters, although they had their rations of rice, depended for much of their well-being on our tuc cess with the rifle. Hooterelt's First Lion. At this moment my tl.:ck rals, Blmba, cftr.ie running up to me and took hold of the bridle; he had seen (he eliase from the line of march and had cut across to Join me. There was no other ssls or gun-bearer anywhere near, and his action was plucky, for he was lha only mm afoot, with the lion at bay. Ltdy Pease had also ridden up and was an Interested spectator only soma fifty yards behind me. Now, an elderly man with a varied past which Includes rheumatism does not vault lightly Into the saddle; as his sons, for in stance, can; and I had already made up mv mind that In the event of the lion's charg ing It would be wise for me to trust to straight powder rather than to try to scramble Into the saddle and get undti way In time. The arrival of my two com panions settled matters. I was not sure of the apeed of Lady Tease's horae; and llmba was on foot, and It was of course u: of the question for me to leave him. 5o I said, "Uood, Simba, now we'll see this '.hing through," and gentle mannerod ilmba smiled a shy appreciation of my With the approach .of the 1910 Auto seasonja great many motor enthusiasts are buying the newer models. This places on the market many -good cars that have been used butva short time, that can be bought far below their actual worth. On today's want pages, under the classification automobiles, can be found a number of such bargains. tone, though he could not understand the words. 1 could still not see the Hon when I knelt, but he was now standing up, look ing first at one group of horses and then at the other, his tail lashing to and fro, his head held low and his Hps dropped over his mouth in peculiar fashion, while his harsh and savage growling rolled thunderously over the plain. Peeing Bimba and me on foot, he turned' toward us, his tall lashing quicker and quicker. Resting my elbow on Slmba's bent shoulder, 1 took steady aim and pressed the trigger; the bullet went in between the neck and shoulder, and the lion fell over on his side, one foreleg In the air; He recovered In a moment and stood up, evidently very sick, and once ' more faced me, growling hoarsely. I think he was on the eve of charging. I fired again at once, and this bullet broke his back Just behind the shoulders; and with the next I killed him outright, after we had gathered round him. Boer and Brltan. It was pleasant to see the good terms on which Roer and Briton met. Many of the English settlers whose guest I was. or with whom I hunted the Hills, Captain Blatter, Heatley, Judd had fought the South African war; and so had all the Boers I met. The latter had been for the most part members of various particularly hard flghtlng commandos; when the war closed they felt very bitterly, and wished to avoid living under the British flag. Borne moved west and some east; those I met were among the many hundreds. Indeed thous ands, who traveled northward a few over land, most of them by water to German East Africa. But In tho part In which they happened to settle they were deci mated by fever, and their stock perished of cattle sickness; and most of them had again moved northward, and once more found themselves under the British flag. They were being treated precisely on an equality with the British settlers; and every well-wisher to his kind, and above all every well-wisher to Africa, must hope that the men who in South Africa fought so valiantly against one another, each for the right as he saw It, will speedily grow Into a companionship of mutual respect, regard and consideration such as that which, for our Inestimable good fortune, now knits closely together In our own land the men who wore the blue and the men who wore the gray and their descendants. There could be no. better and manlier peo ple than those, both. English and Dutch, who are at this moment engaged In the great and difficult task of adding East Africa to the domain of civilization; their work is bound to be hard enough anyhow; and it would be a lamentable calamity to render It more difficult by keeping alive a bitterness which has lost all point and Justification, or by falling to recognize the fundamental virtues, the fundamental charlcterlstlcs. In which the men of the two stocks are In reality so much alike. Theodore Roosevelt In Scrlbner's Magazine. FIGURED, PICTURE OF LONDON Some SiadatlcV Showing the Vastneas of the "VVorld'a Bttfffest' Clty. The volume of 600 pages dealing with the administrative county of London con tains a mass of statistics, which naturally suggests. In ' connection with a population of more than 7.000.000 people, the thought of Immensity. And this thought will be deepened when the figures here quoted are compared with the corresponding sta tistics of our own city. In general the figures relate to the year 1308-09, though in some Instances the facts ae not avail able for a later year than 1908 or 1907. The population of Greater London in 1910 is estimated at 7,637,196. In 1907 the number of marriages solemnized was 40.5j1. Of these 25,993 were in the Estab lished church, and ,864 In registers' of fices; 1.S22 were In Nonconformist and 1,596 in Catholic churches. Jewish weddings numbered 1,471 and Quakers 14. On January 1. 1908, the numbers of pau pers was 148.644; vagranU, 1,157. During tho year 2,632 tons of meat and foodstuffs, exclusive of 10,000 rabbits, were Betzed as unsound. On January 1, 1908. there were 28,798 cer tified lunatics, pauper, private and crim inal, being 81.4 In 10,000-of tho populution. a steady increase being shown since 1832, when they numbered 45.6 In 10,000. The largest proportion of cases is attributed to alcoholism and heredity. In the city and the metropolitan bor roughs there are M51 miles of streets, of which 127 miles are laid with tram lines. Elttht thousand two hundred and eighty vessels entered the port of London from foreign countries during 1907, being 39.3 per cent of the United Kingdom. The value of the articles Imported was 209, 672.562, as compared with 199,407,311 In 1906. The value of the exports of home prcduce and manufactures was 74.768,238, as against 69,632,023 In 1905. and of for eign and colonial merchandise 48,772,802, as against 45,721.520. The alien passen gers landed at the port of London num bered 03,129 and those embarked numbered 56 947. The extent to which London cares for the pleasure and creature comforts of Its people Is seen by the statistics of its parks, theaters and public houses taverns. At present the council maintains parks and open spaces with an area of 6.006 acres, the capital expenditure on which is 1,702,837 and the annual ccst of mainte nance 111.514. The city corporations own and maintain 6.491 acres and the Metro politan Borough councils 325 acres. The number of theaters licensed for the performance of stage playa was fifty-two. wun an approximate seating accommoda lion of C0.Ji2. In addition there are fifty- rour music halls with a seating accommo dation of 64 851. In all there were 300 prom ises licensed for public eniertalnment. London haa 4.823 publio houses, or house licensed to sell wine, spirits and beer; 1,718 beer houses where no spirits or wine may be sold and Ii2 hotels and restaurants. The total strength of l:ie metropolitan police Is 17.913 and of the city police 1.144. During 1W 67.637 articles were found In public carriages and deposited lth the metropolitan police by drivers and conduc tors. Of these 23,000 were umbrellas and 174 were watches. The number of persons for trial at the courts of assize and quar ter sessions In London In 19OT was J.543. Of these 4S3 were acquitted and 107 not tried. Four were sentenced to death. The estimated net cost of the administration' of police and Justloe falling on the admin istrative county In 1907-8 waa 2,100.000. ' The strength of the London fire brigade ia 1.424. and there were 1.828 calls (Includ ing false alarms) received in 1XH. As a re sult of the fires 4 persona were Injured and 93 killed. On the rolls of efficient schools on March 31. ISOs. there were 750.121 children, being 14.8 per cent of the number scheduled. The cost of elementary education in London was for the year 4.318.240, of which 1.J1.5S9 came from government grants and ,00l,61 from the rate Philadelphia Ledger. One of the Finest Show Rooms on 7 . INTERIOR VIEW OF THE H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTOMOBILE COMPANY GARAGE COMPLETED LAST WEEK. Along Auto Row The 1910 Models Are Arriving and the Bow la a Very Busy Part of Oman Just at Present The fourth annual automobile races at Waterloo, Neb., scheduled for October 21, have been postponed indefinitely. Several Omaha dealers had entered cars, among them Freeland Bros, and Ashley, with three Masons. It Is understood that lack of Interest In that section was the cause of the races to be declared off. Last season the races at Waterloo were Inter esting. Witnessed by a throng of more than 500,000 people, the Fairmont Park road race on October 9 at Philadelphia proved to be one of the leading automobile events of the year and brought out one of the largest entry lists of world-famous racing men brought together this season. There were twenty-three starters, twelve of them having from sixty-horse power to ninety horse power, and the average speed of the winner, George Robertson, In a ninety horse power Simplex was fifty-five miles per hour. The sensation of the race, how ever, was the performance of the Chalmers-Detroit Forty, which finished a close second, defeating eleven . cars ' rated at sixty-horse power or more, and being awarded without dispute the consistency prize for running the entire 200 miles with out a single stop, not even for gasoline or water. The last half of the event would have been a runaway rather than a race If it had not been for the Chalmers, which crowded the winner to the east and made any trouble to the Simplex Impos sible If It was to win.. People marveled that this car, selling - at less than half the price and developing less than half the horse power, should be Robertson's only competitor and defeat such a large field of large machines, and the eastern press gives these facts more space than any other feature of. the race. The W. L. Huffman Automobile company haa rcoelved a large shipment of 1910 Re gals. These are thirty-horse-power cars and will sell for S1.250. This order Is much larger than that of 1909. These cars are on exhibition at Huffman's garage,. 2025 Farnam street and are attracting a great deal of attention. President Taft is a golf enthusiast; Charlie Taft is going in for boxing; Miss Helen Taft, choosing a happy medium- one befitting the daughter of the nation's executive has adopted motoring as a recre ation. Miss Taft learned to drive her mother's Baker electric while spending the summer at Beverly, where she motored daily, frequently taking long trips through the surrounding country. This winter while in Washington for the holidays she will rcsumo her motoring and is looking for ward with keen anticipation to many de lightful drives In and about the capital. i Henry H. Van Brunt, who has been tour ing Europe, accompanied by Mrs. Van Biunt and Mr. and Mrs. Logl of Council Bluffs, returned last week, Mr. Van Brunt visited Holland, the home of his father, and spent three weeks there travel ing from place to place in an automobile. The roads were particularly fine, which made the trip Interesting and pleasant. Throughout the trip the party used auto mobiles. Mr. Van Brunt thought that while the foreign cars go along, they lack the power of American cars and he says that he will not tour Europe again without his own car, the Pope Hartford. On the re turn tome interesting trips were planned around London, but the fogs became so heavy along about that time that they were abandoned. These days when the whole country seems pulsing with interest on the sub ject of the automobile and new companies for their manufacture are springing, mushr room-like, all over the pountry, it Is pleasing to read the announcement of the old, reliable pioneers in this great Indus try, such as we carry In today's paper for the Jackson Automobile company of Jackson, Mich. It costs quite a little bit i ' njoney to buy an automobile, and there- fore one Is Justified in demanding facts. rather than theories and experiments, when buying a car. When you come to place $1,000 to $4,000 in a motor car you want to feel sure the Investment Is relia ble, and it is on this distinctive merit that the Jackson car appeals. The Jack son was right In design and manufacture in ins Deginning. There has been no necessity to change, but there has been the continual process of progressive refine ment, until the 1010 Jackson Is an ideal automobile, with power, speed, endurance, silence, and all for a very common price. There is the unfading record of stven years' proven worth, tested merit, satisfactory tervlce b:hlnd the Jackson ear of 1910 and its prestige as an automobile of absolute reliability is established In every Btate in the union. Charles Mers, who is one of the members of the Standard Automobile company re cently organized here to sel) the Standard Six and the National, will begin trying out his National on the New York track thia week so that he will be ready for the Vaneterbtlt races on the tuth. Mers is only 21 years of ago, but la considered one of the greatest racing men in the country. He was in the international races in Savannah last season and made a record there. He f I made a record In the WllkeBbarre hill climb. In the Indianapolis races he won several times. It was at Indianapolis that he Jumped the bridge, killing his mechnician and two spectators, and burying himself under the fragments of his own car, all In Bight of his partner, Wilcox, who Is here now In Omaha. The other evening when Mers left for the New York races Wilcox accom panied him to the train and placed this In junction upon him, "Don't you come back here. Charlie, until you can come back here alive." ' Ernest Sweet has plans for a garage for the Sweet-Edwards Automobile company, which will begin business on Farnam street the first of December, that are novel and will attract a great deal of attention. The showroom will be somewhat larger than the usual showroom and will be ele vated a foot above the main aisle, and will be provided with a brass ratling. On this floor the Moon and American cars will be shown. The garage will be In the heart of automobile row and will be on the north side of Farnam. The ground work for the Maxwell-Brls-coe company's Omaha garage Is progressing rapidly and will be completed within, the coming sixty days. Manager Doty said yesterday. The building will be two stories with plate glass Bhow windows on the street above and below. It Is designed after some of the best appointed automobile bousea In thla country. Local automobile enthusiasts expressed wonderment when a remarkable record of tire efficiency was told In latest reports of the recent races at Santa Ana and Mt. Baldy, Cat. In the five and twenty-ftve-mllo races at Santa Ana the Bulck car, using the same Goodyear tires which had borne the racer under the wire In second place In the 200 mile contest at Santa Monica waa victor In two terrific flnlshea. Thia feat was extraordinary, In view of the numerous tire changes that are usually made necessary by the tremendous wear and tear during the grind of tire-destroying automobile races. Another Buick, a tourist, a Ford and Royal tourist cars, in the same race meeting, were equipped with the same brand of tires that the victorious car used. In the thrilling Mt. Baldy race the vic torious Pope-Hartford laid Its success to the fact that during the tense moments towards the end of the fierce grind Its Goodyear tires stood the strain admirably, this being one ' of the factors which con tributed to the victory. William H. Wallace returned from the Stearns factory at Cleveland a few days ago, where he spent a week getting out a shipment of Stearns cars. This car has never been handled In Omaha, but several are owned here and in Council Bluffs, among them George Joslyn and Charles Hanan of Council Bluffs, the latter being cashier of the City National bank. The Stearns people make every piece of their cars and each car Is painted to suit the purchaser. The firjt Stearns car, made twelve years ago in a barn, is still running and is said even now to be oae of the best pieces of automobile construction shown. From the barn in which the first car was built has grown a factory a large factory, con structed as the business developed. It is If You Have Not Folly Investigated the Hudson You Don't Know How Good an Automobile Can be Bonght for $900 No other car on the market at this price can compare with the Hudson in power, room, quality and effective con struction. Let us give you a convincing demonstration over coun try roads and you will do as all others have done pro nounce this the greatest value on the market and a sur prise to you. A few immediate deliveries can be made to those who act quickly. II. E. Fredrickson Automobile Co. 2m -46-48 FARNAM ST. You are invited to visit our new salesroom and inspect the Chalmers-Detroit, Thomas Flyer and Pierce Arrow. Farnam Street . V ii - a unique structure of architectural patch work. At present the company Is erecting a new factory four stories high and one of the est appointed in every way in the country. Guy L. Smith spent last week In Indian apolis hurrying up a large order of Frank lins. President Herring of the Atlantic Auto mobile company, Atlantic, la., spent several days lait week In Omaha and Council Bluffs. While here he looked over Auto Row and expects to open a garage In Omaha this season to display the Reo, Ford and Premier. William Drummond made a trip of several day Into western Nebraska last week, ac companied by Manager Peck of the au tomobile department. He is showing now the white gasoline cars which are at tracting a great deal of attention. Drummond A Co., received last week a large stock of Diamond tires. This Is one of the popular tires In Omaha. Omaha Automobile company received i ti big 46 last week, which Is attracting i great deal of attention. This ia the larges Auburn ever shown In Omaha. H. E. Wilcox of the Standard Automobile company ran into a manhole on Harney street last week, smashing a pair of tires The Standard Automobile company hat added the Traveler, a car of $1,250 and will display it in Omaha during the next few days. The Marmon 1910 shown by Louk IS considered one of the prettiest cars on Farnam street. A. Edgecomb, manager, Updike Milling company is driving one of the lata models now. George Relm, manager for Kimball, spent several days In Iowa last week. 0IAPM.D TIRES AroCood Tires And Sold by A Good Man III) MM ON Either Office Either Phone CASINGS and TUBES L J Omaha DIR EGTORY Of Automobiles and Accessories W. L. Huffman & Go. 2025 Farnam Straat BRUSH RUNABOUT etroit-Electric n Q O II C rrA,lrinlAfin A nf WJad II. r. Bl Kill I Is r sS El II HIIIIJIIIijIIIIg Mil. r,erce, Kap,d, t044-4t-4 eriglii Automobile Co. Henry H. Van minm IVJurphy Did HORSE 8KOEINQ - ffl. K. nikwVA, vmmrtm, rtmm. Standard Automobile Co. H.E.WILCOX. OMAHA, StER. CHAS. MERZ INTER-STATE""' Chalmers-Detroit n n jj a lis q n Coit Automobile tut n a VTfifi hitpmiti 1 nn automobiles 111. rfAIUi4"liIllblll.LL bU. Doug. 7281 FRANKLIN GUY lPrd Rn EIMDAI I Stavens-Duryea, Cadillac, Stanley Steamer. 111 mlflUHLL. DADCOCK ELECTRIC . tOt Parasol Straat. iAE.ER ELECTRIC BHS?kr ATLANTIC AUTOMOBILE CO., Atlantic and Council Bluffs, Iowa. AIIOIIOM ScSSSZSaSift RIDER LEWIS f HUUUitM MUX ALLADAY L jpei7Sin "Z. Central Tire fk Rubber Co. 1J OMAHA'S RXCLURIVI TIRR HOURS OTLnlU 0 Wren nns1 Vollo Automobilo Co. UaLaU L 1902 Farnam Street. JOHN BRRRR PLOW Kompor, Hemphill & 14 R 1A4a Taiaaaa TH E, bees Inter-State SI 750; De Timb'.e 5650; Hupmobilc $750. A MARVEL OF WORKMANSHIP T. G. KORTHWALL CO. 914J9QU Si. pisS co- rinnlfln V.HITE STEMER rlKRTrin DRUMMOND MUUMIU 2024 Firoai SL nm nh.ln On . Thomas, Hudson, Chalmers-Detroit FARNAM TRERT Sfoddard-Cajton, Wiwlj, Leilogtoa, 1814-16 FirainSt Brunt OvorlanJ, Pops Hartford - 4 Council Bluffs. Iiwi. The easiest riding car in the world, C. T. LOUK, 1808 Farnam Street, v State Agent. It" AUTO WAQN BUILDINQ Garage and Repairs Standard SI & National 753 Folly Equipped -4 CyL. 40 H. P. HUFFMAI & CO.. 2325 Farias St Distrlbators Thomas, Hudson, Pierce, Sapid H. E. FBEOaXUOl .3 TO C3. 2C4445-43 Farni St. . ' Detroit El&ctrlo picst" jtl.""""- Go. Rambler, Mitchell. 2209 Farnam St Storage and Repairs 2318 Harney Ctreet. -A-2011 MIDLAND MASON CS03. & ASHLEY, 1102 Ftrata SI. L. SMITH, 2207 FARNAM ST. -f REO, FORD, PREMIER. ATLANTIC AUTOMOBILE CO., Atlantic and Council Bluffs, lawa ,T R. R. KIMBALL, 2026 Farnam St 4 CvllnS.r S P. Ma :aata AUTOMOILE CO., 216 S. 19. In its class without a peer. C. F. LOUK, State Agent, .1808 Farnam St. ADDCDSnH SAICS ACCWnV Firestone Tira ' Farnam St, StOfliTIOr DRUMMOND wiuumui 2024 Firaaa St. CO., Omaha. Ris-riautara. Buckingham Da(. Tt Auto Lamps, Rtdlitirt