4 TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: . OCTOBER 24, 1D0!). B Omaha Sunday Dm FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSKWATER VIClOR KOSEWATEIt, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofflo as second ers uikntr. TKRM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally lire (without Hunday). one year. .MOO Dliy He and Hunday, una year S.00 DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week. .15c Daily Bee (without hunday), per week lite Kvening Bee (without Sunday), per week Re Kerning Be (with Sunday), per week 10c Kunuay Bee, one year $2 5) Saturday Be, elm year 1U Address all compialnta of Irregularities in delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. Kouth Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. ' Council Bluffa 16 Scott Street. Lincoln BIS Kittle Building. Chicage U4H Marquette Building. New York Room 1101-1102 No. M Weal Thirty-third Street. Washington 7 Fourteenth Street, N. W. COI'.RESPONDENCE. Communlratlona relating to newe and edi torial matter ehould be addresaed: Omaha Bee. Editorial Department - REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, exprena or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only l-cent atampa received In payment of mall account. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, as.: (Jeorge B. Tischuck, treasure or The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of Neptemher, mn. was aa followa: 1 41,970 t ...41.800 I 41,710 41.SSO 1 39,900 6 43,140 7 41,9'iO 1 43.000 ' 41,840 19 43,300 11 41,790 12 40,000 1 43,140 14 43,870 1 43.190 It IT II If .49,900 .43,700 .48,360 .40,400 SO 43,480 21. , i 43,850 it 43,350 II 44,840 H 43,030 If 43,310 it 40,300 27 43,080 21 43,870 29 43,300 10 43,340 Total i,aee,3ao Returned copies 9,885 Net total ., 1,886,393 Dallysvsrsgs 41,879 GEORGE B. TZSCHUOK, Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before me tins Ulli day of September. 1909. . (Seal) . M. P. WALKER, Notary Public. ? Subscribers tearing the rlty tem porarily ahaald have The Bee mailed to them. Address will be chanced aa oftea aa requested. j Marvelous how quickly a base ball 'fan can be converted Into a foot ball rooter. Tbat dead man may or may not be Schlatter, but It's a good name to bury, anyway. Of course, those distinguished Japa nese at the Harvard game cheered for the Browns. ,The frequency of recent fatal rail road wrecks must Indicate a jealousy of the mortality of the foot ball season. That Mrs. King on whose 1,600,000 acres the president t was entertained may fairly be considered a land queen. . Young patriot! of Louisiana put a llye 'possum In the mall for President Taft, and now the mall is in the 'pos sum. By the time we get all the inland canals built that the waterways people are planning, Old "Earth will look like a map of Mars. ' Is it not time for some of the break fast food manufacturers to come forth with a concoction named igloo, be cause it's so glootinousT . In the controversy over the smoke nuisance the Illinois Central is willing ' to go in for coke, but Chicago threat ens it with Blackstone. Although the Danish cabinet re signed because of lack of confidence in the government, there is no sign of any Danish lack of confidence in Dr. Cook. Mr. Bryan's Commoner la profuse with sympathy for recalled Minister Crane. Mr. Bryan always sympathizes with every republican supposed to have a grievance. The unarmed American who stran gled a leopard to death, as so graph ically described by Theodore Roose velt, demonstrates that there are Sam ton in these' days. ' Every little while Count Bonl stirs up the old Gould trouble Just to re mind the public that there is such a person. 1 he only knew how much more his silence would be respected! i - And now Mr. Peary Is electing Mr. Rasmussen to membership In the An anias club. Pretty soon he will be in flating that nobody but him has been on the Ice since the days of Eliza in "Uncle Tom's Cabin." When It comes to the Hon and lamb act with the Women's Christian Tem perance union and the Anti-Saloon league taking ' the leading roles, the question Is. Which will play the lion and which' will play the lamb? Mrs. Belmont thinks that American mothers do not give enough personal time to their children, inasmuch aa the average mother gives up twenty- four hours a day to the little ones, with her mind on the bahy In. the crib or the croupy child In the next, room even while she sleeps, it is in order for Mrs. Belmont to arrange for a read justment of the almanac. The mayors of Illinois cities are willing that those municipalities that wish the commission form of govern ment may be accommodated through aa enabling act of the legislature, but none of them teems to want the com mission plan forced by wholesale. Future developments doubtless will make many of them glad that they re served the right of refusal. Union Pacific' Hew President. The people of Omaha and Nebraska are more directly Interested in the per sonality of the president of the Union Pacific than in that of the head of any other railroad that -serves this terrl tory. It needs no demonstration that the Union Pacific must be relied on more than any other In the farther development and upbuilding of this section. The fact that Omaha Is ' the eastern terminus of the railroad, and likewise the city of Its official head- quartern, also makes It Important to us to have a man directing its policies who appreciates local conditions and the needs of the people along the road. The election to the presidency of the Union Pacific of Judge Robert 8. Lovett is evidently the ratification of the choice made by Mr. Harrlman be fore he dleand President Lovett will naturally be pected to carry forward what are calleU t,he Harrlman policies in the operation and "expansion of the properties over which Mr. Harrlman presided. While we regret that Omaha and Nebraska are not yet as well ac quainted with Mr. Lovett as we were with Mr. Harrlman when he took charge, we have good reason to ex pect the administration of President Lovett to continue to seek co-opera tion with the public In general, and the patrons of the road in particular, and to avoid as far as possible all un necessary friction and antagonism. While we would like very much to have the president of the Union Pacific offlclng right here in the Omaha head quarters, the probability Is that the new president will follow the same course as did Mr. Harrlman of main taining the operating center here and the financial center in New York, with periodical visits and tours of Inspec tion. President Lovett had the full confidence of Mr. Harrlman, and that in itself commends him to those who admired the thoroughgoing way In which Mr. Harrlman handled the road during his regime. President Lovett has a great opportunity, which all of us sincerely hope be, will fully meas ure up to. Heroes and Mothers. "You may fire when you are ready" comes out of the dramatic and historic past as one reads of the death in Washington of Mrs. Ann Eliza Gridley at the age of 84, for this good and venerable woman was the mother of one of the heroes of Dewey's famous victory In Manila bay. Latterly she had been a quiet and efficient worker In the government service at the capi tal, where she held a modest desk in the land office, but In her younger days she had been able to demonstrate that she, as well as her son, possessed an heroic nature, for on the battle fields of the civil war she was one of the foremost In ministering to the wounded. In all her career as a nurse she had constantly in her heart the feeling that as these men among whom she tolled needed her . care so might her eon 'require a woman's presence, for he waa enlisted -and at the front. Captain , Gridley went Into the Manila battle a Blck man, and his ulti mate death was from the strain and shock of that .engagement. The mother lived to witness the nation's plaudits for her boy, and despite the loneliness of her closing days 8he doubtless inwardly rejoiced that the sacrifice of his life had been In the service of his country. She was the true mother of a true and unassuming hero, and her passing serves to remind a busy world that only such mothers bear such sons and that the hand that rocks the cradle is assuredly the hand that shapes the destinies of men and nations. The Ubiquitous Auto. Although prone to use linguistic CannonlsmB concerning the automobile when its speedy swing round a corner barely misses making one a jugger naut victim, or when Its raucous voice stirs up heart disease within the hu man breast for the benefit of the medi cal profession If not for the under taker, still the motor car steadily whizzes onward in its mission of ad vancement for the Interests of man kind. What, in combination with the tele phone It has become in the rural dis tricts, has just been demonstrated in the case of the farmer's child whose life was-. saved by the breakneck ride of a physician over eleven miles of country, roads which a horse could never have covered In time. This Is a striking but not an isolated case it is daily multiplied In practical experi ence, and is merely cited here as an Illustration of the fact that the auto mobile has established its fitness to meet emergencies where formerly con ditions of isolation were apt to prove fatal. Given good roads and the tele phone, and the automobile brings the blessings of civilization to the dwell ers In remote" places. Another signal feat of this modern auto vehicle is witnessed in the suc cessful work in the cotton fields. The southern planter, with his 5,000,000 blacks pulling out the fleece of the boll by hand, has often wondered whether this plucking could be done by machinery, and at last hia dream seems about to be realized. The cotton-picking automobile, with Its many arras reaching out and clutching the snowy product, must amaze the pick aninnies who formerly helped to do the work, and doubtless many of them will wonder where their future living is to roiae from. But the history of manufactures is tbat the introduction of machinery means a larger product, with Increased opportunity for labor, and the cotton-picking automobile may be the means of enabling the planters to grow and harvest more cotton and to provide for larger mill production and cheaper prices to the public. At any rate, the automobile Is dem onstrating Its utility, and that In fields which would have seemed strange to contemplate a few years ago. In Its widespread endeavor it has become obiqultous, and wherever it has poked its ugly horn and redolent atmos phere it has come to stay. Future of the Filipiuo. While the practical world Is apt to look upon the annual gatherings at Lake Mohonk as merely a vehicle of expression for somewhat impracticable theories, still the Mohonk discussions often offer a likely suggestion for the solution of grave problems; and one strong ray of light of the last week was the outlining of the possible fu ture of the Filipino. From the statements of such inti mate observers as Colonel Harbord, as sistant director of the Philippines constabulary,' it appears that there Is in the islands no such demand for po litical independence as some would have us believe. On the contrary, the average Filipino is shown as possess ing no political ambition except to be assured of a stable government tbat shall iet him alone in the pursuit of his domestic happiness. For the Filipino of the masses is a home-loving body, we are told, and cares for nothing so much as family content ment, to cultivate which he desires to be let alone at his work. Like most heads of families among. other peoples, he shows a civilized desire for the edu cation of his children, and the Ameri can schools are providing to meet this want as far as possible. In the educational development of any native character, there is no dan ger of eliminating the sterner metal, though it may be softened, and those who have studied the Filipino at close range are confident that as he becomes more enlightened he will still retain all of his original stability, one of his remarkable features. As In the case of the Japanese, it is' believed that with the awakening will come Indus trial development, and in the cultiva tion of that the absolute elimination of political interest. In brief, the best studied observers are convinced that by the time the Filipinos are developed Into that con dition which the original promoters of the self-government Idea considered as the test for Independence, the natives themselves will Insist not upon divorce from American control, but, Instead, will indicate a choice of relationship with the United States similar to that of Canada or Australia with the Brit ish empire, not desiring separation, but realizing that definite independ ence would result disastrously. . Whether, when such time comes, the people of the United States will not prefer to follow the original intention of severing all ties and letting the Filipinos" work out their own destinies along the lines drawn by this country for their guidance and security, re mains to be seen. The Filipino prob lem is being settled, not by one nor by several Mohonk conferences, but by the logio of practical events; this particular conference, however, has given as illuminating a picture of how these events are shaping as has yet been presented for the people of the United States to look upon. Adventures at Home. Every little while some chronicle of passing events reminds us that there is no need to explore faraway wilds fcr the exploits that thrill, because right here in America is abundant opportunity for all the excitement of the most intensely dramatic sort. A case in point Is tbat of the family lost amid the blazing sands of a desert in California, their horses dying from thirst, and father, mother and children wandering away into the wilderness, there to perish miserably unless rescued by the min ers who providentially came upon their trail. Mention desert to the easterner, and his mind Instantly reverts to the old world, because his early education and his later literature has made the word desert synonymous with the African Sahara. And the name is associated with poetio and tragic episodes, and one Is apt to give the desert lta far eastern characterization of "the gar den of Allah." But nowhere in litera ture or in life can there be a more dramatic or more tragic adventure of the desert than this story of today of a brave little household faring forth in a hazard of new fortunes and meeting the tortures of hunger and thirst in an arid waste of the United States. The whole world thrilled to read the narrative of Dr. Cook, in his quest for the pole., No less graphic and no less an appeal to every human sentiment and Instinct, is the plain tale from the San Diego country. In their wander ings the family came within five miles of the life-saving waters of an irriga tion ditch, but by some freak of fate were headed off in another direction. And the miners, trailing them over the sweltering waste, could read in the footprints how the little feet of the children- had wavered, and how the elders staggered along with the added burden of their bodies, and how more and more frequently the entire house hold had to drop In their tracks and rest for another stage. All the pathos of bodily suffering was delineated to the experienced miners taking up the march of relief.. Did they arrive in time or too late? A novel, reasoned out by the author in advance, would have told, and he who wished might turn to the end of tha book and discover when .his patience became too sharply tried. But the drama in real life does not read ahead; one may look into past pages but not into the future. And the wires carry the story of today, with no prophetic vision, so tbat the laconic record of the facta la all the more blood-stirring and nerve-quickening because of its Incompleteness. And the newspaper, with lta current events recorded up to the moment that the presses must start, conveys the day's comedy and the day's tragedy, In all Its intimate Intensity, to the reader so that he who has alert mind may feel the grip of life's close touch In every fiber of the printed word. Fiction has no parallel, books of travel in far lands have no counterpart, to the pulsations of real life about us every day. Not the least of life's dramas are the adventures at home, if we but focus our vision upon them. A Complete Defense. To the charge made by the Fort Worth Record that Mr. Bryan, through his newspaper, the Commoner, is try ing to cash in the political prestige ac quired as the candidate of his party for president a complete defense is made In the current issue of Mr. Bryan's paper. Quoting from the Commoner: It la true that Mr. Bryan has been three times the candidate of his party, and he knows of no honorable occupation In which he could be engaged where ha would not be benefited pecuniarily by the acquaintance and fame that the nomina tions bestowed; but must a man who has been the candidate of his party be re tired from all occupations, from labor of every kind and from remunerative em ployment merely because Rome enemy will accuse him of using his position for gain? If Mr. Bryan la not debarred from active work because of his having been a candidate, the next question Is, la the newspaper business a legitimate field? He assumes that It la not only legitimate, but that It is the moat appropriate field In which he could work. Those who criticise Mr. Bryan for making money out of politics shut their eyes to the unique position which he holds. No other candidate of the democratic party has ever run for pres ident three times and been three times defeated. Only two other men have ever been three times defeated for the presidency as the duly nominated can didates for their respective parties, namely, Henry Clay and Eugene V. Debs, and if Clay and Debs failed to take advantage, of the "acquaintance and fame that the nominations be stowed," it is really their own fault The mistake which Mr. Clay made was in not writing a book after the first battle and starting a newspaper after the second, and Mr. Debs has been al most equally negligent. It is wrong to assume that the prob lem, "What shall we do with our ex presidents?" is the same as the prob lem, "What shall we do with our ex candidates for president?" If It were desirable to disbar ex-presidents from work they would be placed upon a pen sion sufficient to "take care of ; their wants and to maintain them in the proper station, but to pension all the ex-candidates for president would be out of the question. It was given out from a source near the seat of power that, had Mi7. Bryan been elected last year, the Commoner would have been discontinued, because it would have been Impossible to publish a newspaper for whose utterances a president would have been held responsible. So long, therefore, as the people have refused to put an end to the Commoner by put ting its editor in the White House they must be taken to have Indicated a pref erence to have Mr. Bryan enjoy bis editorial diversion in spite of the fact that it is profitable. The Family Servant. An American housewife, reading the traditional English novel, usually sighs covetously for such servants as the story depicts, old established, un obtrusive, faithful in their duties, de voted in every way to their employers' Interests, to the end. She reads of these seemingly ideal conditions, and then the apparent hopelessness of the American servant problem confronts her. And she is apt to resume her home affairs with the philosophic re mark, "What's the use?" From merely asking "What's the use?" one American householder has undertaken to find out. Of course he is a man, or he would not so en thusiastically embark in an undertak ing which has outwitted so many com petent wives. This visionary husband has grown weary of inquiring, "Where is the old-time servant, the kind you read about, who was a family fixture and an heirloom to the second genera tion, who shared the family's inter ests, its fortunes, and finally, often times, its burial ground?" He has determined to discover her. And when he has found not only her but him, for he has need of several such servants of both sexes, in the operation of his estate, be proposes to demon strate that the old-fashioned servant Is as possible today in real life as she is in the pages of the story-book. This may sound, like a hopeless quest, and is apt to remind the Jest ing public of Diogenes and his hunt for the honest man. But the readiest Jester will wish the investigator suc cess in his search, for many a house hold long has yearned for Just such a servant, though hope was long since abandoned. The truth of the matter probably Is that the extinction of the old-fashioned servant in this country has been brought about by the extinction of the old-fashioned home. Masters and mistresses no longer treat their serv ant as was done in the old days al most It not altogether as an equal. We are all familiar with the argument of the girl or woman that she can make better wsjes and have better hours in other fields of usefulness than in the work of the household. She who desires to do housework gen erally prefers to do it for herself rather than for hire, and until she marries a man whose Income compels her to render such service on her own account she ordinarily seeks opportun Ity In factory, store or offloe. The old-fashioned servant Is not apt to be found in any large number, and the rare occasions where she is found are apt to be on the basis of working In an old-fashioned kind of home, for the old-style family, where old-fash ioned ideas of the treatment of serv ants will prevail. Each home, how ever, still has the opportunity for sat Isfactory service, provided the crisis of wages can be overcome, if each member of the household will consider the servant as a human being, and if that servant can be discovered who is proud of doing good work as a serv ant. The girl or woman who takes sufficient pride in her work Is apt to find a mistress who will take adequate care of her. Three regents of the State unlver sity are to be elected in Nebraska this year constituting half of the entire board. The university has grown, and prospered, and elevated its standards under the management of regents elected as republicans, and at the same time has been kept free from the in tmsion of politics, which was not the case when the democrats had con trol. The people of Nebraska who take Just pride in their state university may be relied on to see that its interests are properly protected in the coming election, A group meeting of state bankers representing sixty banks in the eastern part of that state has declared the Oklahoma bank deposit guaranty law a failure. A year ago we were told that all the state bankers in Oklahoma were unanimously enthusiastic for the scheme. - Something must have hap pened down there to work such a quick change of sentiment among the very folks who were said to be the beneficiaries. Note that the democratic plea for non-partisanship is a plea for the elec tion of democratic candidates. The political history of Nebraska falls to record a single instance where the democrats ever supported a republican candidate for supreme Judge, even when the defeat of the republican can didate would have made the court sol idly democratic. If the United States really has a nure food club to use on trance against any attempt to precipitate that long-threatened tariff war, the con sumer of existing imported impurities would not object to its being brought into play. ; - Those federal judges who handed down the decision in the Nebraska de posit guaranty case do not seem to take offense at what Governor Shal lenberger has fulminated about them They evidently consider the source. The Absent Brother. Indianapolis News, During the Yorktown celebration, how ever, there waa a notable absence of the descendant of the late Lord Cornwall!!, who played an exceedingly Important part In the original ahow. A Neatly Arraaared Schedule. Washington Post. The schedule of the Central American Revolution league appears to be much bet ter arranged this aeaaon than usual. There are no games on In the other countries to conflict with the Nicaragua dates. Peculiarities of Pension Rail. Springfield Republican. The government's pension roll In thin ning, but the coat continues to Increase. Such la the glat of Commissioner Warner's annual report. The preaent yearly charge upon the government la about $162,000,000, and It not likely to become less for many years to come. Sura of His Footing. Boston Herald. Edison Isn't the first big man to be scep tical about tha working value of air navi gation and to prefer to keep his working energy tied to the ground. Nobody will complain If tha celebrated inventor makes his theories of a low-priced houaa of con crete so practical that "the socialists won't have a leg to stand on " But that's a big claim. Tha Hsrrluaa Fortune. Charleston New and Courier. It seems that there was a mistake in the first estimates of the fortune left by Mr. Harrlman. It la said now the Mrs. Harrlman's fortune is about $267,000,000. The Income from this must be at least $10,000,000 a year or about $1,000,000 a month. Practi cally all of this vaat aum waa made by Mr. Harrlman In the last ten years of his life. Ia It possible that the services of any man can be worth ,OQO.O0Q a year! TUB UUAHAKTV KNOCKOUT. Reasoning; Declared Sane and Conclu sion Logical. New York Commercial. In the federal district court of Nebraska sitting at Lincoln two judges. Circuit Judge Van Devanter and District Judge Munger, have Just concurred In a decision declaring the state law compelling all state banking Institutions to contribute to tha deposits guaranty fund to be unconstitutional, null and void. Nebraska was one of the first states to enact such a law, Its basic prin ciple being the enforced contribution by every bank to a common fund for paying the depositors of failed banks. The two Judges In tholr decision hold that this is depriving one person or Institution of his or its money to pay the debts of another and that It Is taking such money without due process of law, thereby violating tha constitutional guaranty of rights. Tha state, which was the defendant In this suit, will appeal from thla decision to tha United States supreme court. Tha ruling appears to be logical, sound and altogether reason able and Is In strict accordance with the predlctiona by many bankers and lawyers that the compulsory deposits-guaranty laws would never stand the constitutional teat when once they got before tha federal courts. It appears to be aa plain as a pikestaff that a bank that proteatingly and against the wl! of Its officers Is com pelled by law to draw money from Its vaults for tha payment of another bank's obligations Is having lta constitutional rights violated. Exactly how tha stats expects to defend such a law before tha United States supreme court Is not easy to Imagine, SERMOXS BOILED 3D0WX No ono dies of spiritual Indigestion from swallowing hia spits. The larger the heart the mora It feels the power of little hands. The surest way to an empty heart Is to nurse an envious mind. Flattery Is simply a way of boasting of our power to fool others. , The more a man knows the le.s he la ashamed of his Ignorance. The religious life Ik the only way Into the knowledge of religious truth. The people who ate going nowhere are always In a rush to get there. v . Pome wia talk with urwfsau on working for sinners are but working the saints. Life Is likely to lose all humor when you get Into the habit of ridicule and cheap wit. lis who believes only In the things ha can see never sees anything worth believing In. It la easy to plug your enemy full of holes when you make him out of mud and set him up before you In a sermon. Chicago Tribune. SECULAR SHOTS AT PULPIT. Boston Herald: A Methodist church In Atlanta Is equipping Its new building with roof adapted to airship landings. We should have thought this sort of thing mora fitting for the Duxbury form of belief. Charleston News and Courier: That Pres byterian student who denied the Inspiration of the Bible managed to get ordained all right, but now that he wishes to have a church he finds himself called to aland trial for heresy. A man with his nerve ought to be able to stand anything. Baltimore American: Now a New York minister says that women's Intemperance In drink, smoking and dress is destroying so ciety. For the number of times It has been destroyed In a similar way at different periods society must have a resurrection power on tha gunmetal order. St, Paul Dispatch: The Kansas preacher who left the pulpit because, he said, no man could earn an honest living as a preacher for the reason that ha couldn't hold a pulpit and denounce the pews as they ought to be denounced, mud who took place aa conductor on a atreet car, has quit ringing up fares. Perhaps he found the temptation to "knock down" greater than he could resist. At any rate, he has gone Into that occupation for which the entrance examinations appear to be In no responsible hands he has left his Kansas atreet car and gone east to be an evangelist. New Tork Sun: It is a new and curious feature of political campaigning In New York City for politicians to spout from, church pulpits. For years, though, many clergymen have preached political sermons. which as masterpieces of misinformation wars not squalled In any other clime. Whether tha politicians In their pulpit talks tell all tha truth, for they certainly know It, is quite another matter, if a few years ago even the Idea had been advanced that machine politician should speak from a pulpit there would have been, In the opin ion of those who have mentioned this new and curious feature of New York City campaigns, universal objection, on the ground of Its approach to the sacrilegious. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. If you would be in on the ground floor, brush up the annual refrain: "Do your Christmas shopping early." Lady Cook Is not going to butt Into her namesakes troubles. She deals in hot stuff, canned for tha tyrant man.. Chicago is enjoying one of those rare falls 'when 'the " smoke clouds of the. lake front are not obscured by polltioal smudges. Before tossing bouquets at our Justly' celebrated brand of Indian summer It would be wise to hold off a few until all the goods' ars delivered. Anyone closely following the dally va riations of New York stumpers is predis posed to believe the assertion of a sci entist "Man in his makeup Is a gasbag." Owing to the strike of the pie bakers New York's dally ration of pie fell away from 100,000 to (.000 platters, undivided. Is it any wonder that the campaign Is fierce? With our justly celebrated up-to-date in stitutions of learning, It Is surprising why none of them have annexed to the, carto giaphlo department the famous Profs. I-took-a-shoo and Ah-pe-lah. Their ac quisition would ba tha hit of the season. Managers of the Seattle exposition planned wisely and well In building perma nent memorials of the event. Twenty-eight of the buildings and all of tha trees and shrubbery have been preserved for the use of the University of Washington. Beyond portion of the ground dedicated as a park Omaha has no memorial of the Trans- mlsslsalppl exposition. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. The Pastor (dining with the family) Ah, yes Brother Bmlthers It is the little things of this life that count! Little Willie (In a loud whisper) Maw that's the sixth biscuit he's took. Chicago Tnbuna, "Oh, doctor, ha growled so savagely I waa sure he was mad even before ha went on In such a biting way." I beg pardon, madam, but is it your large dog or your small pet one you are speaking of?" "ww, doctor, it len t my dog I am talk- about; It's my husband." Baltimore Amer ican. "How much amused Mrs. Plnkleton seems to be over her husband's stupid Jokes." xes. it s the only way she can get a new hat out of ths brute." Cleveland rialn-Dealer. Rudyard KlDllns alandered woman bv de fining her as "a nr and a bone and a hank of hair," but a Lonaconlng lady, seven years married, gets back rhythliul- JUST ONE Monday Morninc to the Firat One Call ing at the A. HOSPE Co. Store In Quest of a New Piano Will Offer a Brand New $275 Piano for $115 This piano Is a new, up-to-date, upright piano of a late design, with handsomely carved and fluted pilasters, trusses, mouldings and panels. Case rigidly constructed, and beautifully double veneered la genuine mahogany. Full size, height 4 ft. 9 In., length 6 ft. 2 In depth 2 ft. 4 In. Seven and one-third octaves; three strings in unison and over strung bass; nickel plated brackets; pedal guards; hammer rail and continuous hinges. Three pedals, repeating action; iron frame, cov ering wrest plank and built up pin block. Continuous musla dealt and folding fall board. Fully guaranteed for 10 years. We are western agents for Mason & Hamlin (the Stradlvarlus of pianos) Kranich & Bach, Hallet & Davis, Kimball, Bush & Lane, Cable-Nelson, Krakauer, Cramer and the Apollo Player Piano (the original 88 note player). A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas Street We Do Expert Piano Tuning ana Repairing 35 MILLIONS ANNUALLY roR OLD AGE PENSIONS "The EnnllBh Old-age Tensions ,up to December 81, 1908, wer.e given to 696.028 persona, coBtlng at the rate of 7,4B0.315 per an num, or over 136,000,000." Think f it 60CV 000 persons in England all advanced in years practically dep e n dent on the Government for support and there are probably thousands f others in needy ld age not in r e ceift of a pension Human nature is the same the world over, and it is the tendency of men and women to leave the future unpro' tected The Equi t a ble will create a fund for your old age by means. f easy quarterly pay ments during your prosperous years. Ab solute security Per manent protection. PAUL MORTON, President 0. D. NEELY, Manager Merchants National Bank llldg., Omaha, Nebraska, MursiuLXi wild pmicm LIST. We aell over 100 klnda Imported and American Mineral Waters, and, aa ws ob tain direct from springs or Importer, can guarantee freshness and genuineness. Boro Llthla Water, bot., tOcj cane, f 5.00, Boro Llthla Water. Dints., doxan. il-fioi case 100, $10.00. We are distributing agents In Omaha for the celebrated waters from Excelsior Springs, Mo., and aell at following prices) Regent, quart bottle, iCc; dozen, 12.261 cane, 60 bottles, (8.00. Hulpho-Sallne, buart bottle, 5oi dosen. $2.ilo; case, 60 bottles, $8.00. Stilpho-Sallne, quart bottle, 25e dosen, $1.60. Soterlan, quart bottle, 0o; dosen, $2.00. Botcrlan, pint bottle, 16c; doren, $1.60. Soterlan Ginger Ale, pint bottle, 16o dosen, $1.60. Soterlan Ginger Ale, quart bottle, 6c doxen, $2.25. Diamond Lltha, half-gallon bottle, 40oi caae, 1 dosen, $1.00. Crystal Llthla, five-gallon .Jugs, each, $2.00. -.Halt Sulphur, five gallon jugs, each, 2.28. Delivery free to any part of Omaha. Council Bluffs or South Omaha. uxxmmmjk Moooicirui.1, smua oo w J 6th and Bodge. OW1 DXDO CO, leto.nd XameT. cally with thla synopsis of a man: "A Jarf and a drone and a tank of air,"--Sprlng-field Republican. ' . "And," said the judge as he looked se verely at the prisoner, "you claim to ba a seer?" . "Yes. your honor." . "You profess to be able to see Into the future, do you?" , . "I do." K "How long have you had this power? 1 "I have always had it." i "Are you married?" "I am." "Then It Is evident that you are an In, poster. No man who could see Into ths fu ture would ever get caught that way,- Chicago Record-Herald. FROM WISHING-LAND. Robert Louis Stevenson.. Dear lady, tapping at your door , Some little verses stand. And beg on this auspicious day To coma and kiss your hand. Their syllables all counted right. Their rhymes each in Its plaoa. Like birthday children, at tha door -V They wait to sea your face. -df Rise, lady, rise and let them In H Fresh from the fairy shore. ' They bring yyu tha things you wish ti have. Each iu lta pinafore. For they have been to Wishing Land This morning In the dew, And all your dearest wishes bring?-. All granted horns to you. What these may be, they would not tell And could not If they would; . They take the packeta sealed to yw As trusty servants should. But there waa one that looked Ilka love, And one that smelt like health And on that had a Jiagllng sound- I fancy it might ba wealth. Ah, well, they are but wishes still But lady, dear, for you I know that ail you wish la kind, I pray it all come true. I V. 1 A