THE Elt OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1909. MaMMaassMai . .. ,.... .k. BRANDEIS STORES Great Purchase of a - Manufacturer's Stock Mens Fine Wool Underwear J 1 1 rC J . t -M Forlunate Purchase by Our N. Y. Buyer Enables Us lo Make Tbls Crea! Oiler Saiurday IdnmWi ill MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Overcoats s Suits All the Season's New Styles Worlh Up lo $25 al This purchase came at juBt the time to da you the most good. .You can buy from this high grade lot of men's hand tailored suit and overcoats and save from $5 to 7.50 on everything you buy. Not an overcoat or suit here Is worth less than $22 many of them are ex tra good $25 values all the latest fall style features Included. Overcoats in this lot include Presto and Protector Overcoats. Every suit has . that appearance of elegance you find only in the very best clothes for men. Select your clothes from this big group Saturday at K Rogers-Peet Clothes The ' Highest Grade Suits -and Overcoat for Men Recognized by well dressed men everywhere as the beat clothes that the best tailors in New York can make.' - There's a New -- York look about these clothes that can't be mis taken . ' Suits are 1 . .$21 to $35 Overcoats $25 to $45 Jlirsh Wickwlre Clothes Are essentially the classy clothes for young men because they are brim full of young men's style ex treme notions for the new season and a general appearance of up-to-dateness ; .L Suits are . . . . 521 to $35 Overcoats . .; $25 to $45 Hen's )$ aims Worth $20.60 Made of pure worsteds, strictly band tailored, serge lined, sewed with silk. A suit that will retain Jts shape and give you splendid satisfaction. Men's Protector Overcoats No rib $20 Strictly all wool single and dou ble breasted overcoats many of the Protector coats can be worn as dress coats as well. It is a great chance to save $5.50 on a strictly hand tailored overcoat. Bradford's celebrated spring needle ribbed Undershirts and Drawers, lamb's wool, red medicated wool natural breasted shirts etc. This underwear is posi tively worth up to $1.60 a varment All slses, at double grey 75c Spring Needlo Worsted and Silk Ribbed Undershirts Lot comprises shirts only. Colors blue, flesh, grey and tan AA shirts worth $1.25 each on sale Saturday, ' , , . .1lfa - . V V w at SPECIAL MEN'S 75c HEAVY FLEECED SHIMS and DRAWERS 39c SWEATER COAX SALE Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats in red and gray and blue and gray; big bargains worth. to $1.00, at, A each. . . .' i . ., w Men's and Boys' Wool Sweater Coats--These are samples, in all colors worth to $2.50, 98C Men's Hand Made Sweater Coats in neat colorings, also sweater vests for men 2 fO 6 SPECIAL SALE ; Boy's Knickerbocker Suits and "Protector Overcoats The clothes that other stores point to with pride as their best $5 and $6 garments for boys, we offer you Saturday at $3.75. There is no difference, ex in the price. The styles and materials are the very newest and best. Clever high f(T "If? collar protector' overcoats and j J ' smartest " knickerbocker" suits. Remember these are $5 and $6 values, at ...... Men's $15 Suits and Overcoats at $9.50 It's a very, very small price to pay for good clothes. That's what these clothes are. Good enough for every day business wear. He- iiQwic puna auu ui ci coats, at $9: Men's Panis $3.98 Special purchase of strictly all wpol ' worsted and casslmere pants for men and young men well tailored and positively worth up to 16.06 -. ' at .$3L8 A at. Boys' Leather Gauntlet Glov 76c values, 29c Men's ShlrU $1 values; negligee styles, new pat- ' . Crt terns, at m ml V AVI V.")'v "Mr WW Men's sample shirts $1.50 values, at .75c Manhattan and E. & W. shirts, X 51.50 to...... J Munslng union suits, i boot's Tlvoll medl 81.50 A tZf .. cated underT to T'tJU wear, gl to . . . . SPECIAL SALE Men's Hais Soft and stiff hats, well known brands as Cham pion, Manhattan, Gold Bond and Tiger Special; $3.00 and $3.60 values, A John B. Stetson soft and derby hats, at S3.50 $3.75 554 $4.5U up to .' SjXU Imported English derbies Every hat guar anteed. Best English hat, at S3 Brandies special soft and derby hats, at $2 Boys' and children's winter caps, fur lined bands, at ., 25 4J "-nd 98 Men's sample caps, worth up to $2, at 50e and ......98 .$1.45 Beat Vtlvei in Omaha Men's Shoes This is our special offer splendid welt sewed shoes oak lea. soles-box calf, vioi kid, gun metals, pat- .,,r?"''$2.5q : Men's High' Grade Shoe Single or double soles-att new styles and reliable Brandeis quality three" i great groups for $X50 $ A Saturday, at -f.f. BRANDEIS STORES BYERS REVIVES OLD QUERY Iowa Attorney General Eeopem Quei tion of Street Kailway Franchise!. WHICH ONE IS NOW OPERATIVE I Sellsrraans' Attorneys Den? Claim of Perpetual Grant and Attack la Looked For JOIT, Wk Oao FraackUe ft ana Oat. ' The opinion by Attorney General Byera of Iowa that the only general franchise of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail way company In Council Bluffs expires In two years has caused a renewal of discus sion as to what franchise the company Is operating under In Omaha. Various opinions have been expressed by attorneys on the subject, aome asserting the franchise rights expire In 1917, others In IMS, and It Is understood the company arserts Its rights are perpetual under the enabling act passed In 1889 authorising the consolidation of the Independent lines then oprratlng In the city. Whichever one of these opinions is cor rect,' It is tfell understood that before 1917, when several of the old Independent fran chises expire, a big legal battle will be started to determine Just what the rights of the company ajv. The situation from a legal standpoint Is complicated by the fact that many franchises havo been granted at different times and that most of the com. panles receiving these are represented dl roily or indirectly In the merger under the act of 18. ' l""wyera Bay Not Perpetaal. A legal opinion In writing, which la suf ficient authority to eommand weight, was rendered by Attorneys ttheenan and Collin of New York, who made an examination of the subject for the Bellgmans, the New York bankers. The attorney In . their opinion say that the counsel for the com pany olaim m perpetual franchise under the act of 1SS9, . but they express the opinion that (the company Is operating under a franchise" granted In 1W8 for forty years. This would make It expire In 1928. The grants -of rights for street railway purposes In Omaha date back to territorial days. The first one recorded Is In 1? urder ordinance No. 160 runnlns for fifty' years, with- m reversionary elause, by the terms of which the city becomes the owner of the property at the end of he period. This, In the opinion of lawyers, la not in force now. as the rights under It have probably been- abandoned. In 1884 the Cable; Tramway company was ti anted a franchise for a cable line under ordinance No. 818 coveting certain streets. In June, 1887. the Metropolitan Cable Rail way company under ordinance No. 1336, was given a thirty-year franchise over cer tain streets. The Introduction. of electricity as a mo tive power led to a new franchise for ihe Northwesttrn Street Railway company under ordinance 1433, passed July 2, 18S7, extended over a period of thirty years. This was the flrst'franchlse under which electrically driven cars could operate. The following year. May, 1SS8, ordinance No. 1731, which he Seligman lawyers refer to as the one under which the company Is operating, was passed. It grants for forty years the right to operate cars moved by cable, compressed air, electricity or steam motor over the streets. Prior tj this an ordinance wt.s passed granting tho right to operate on the city viaducts. Several Are Organised. Several companies were organised under these various franchises and two or three were operating in 18N), when what Is known as the enabling act was passed by the legislature. The purpose of this was to permit the companies to consolidate into the old Omaha 'Street Railway company, which later became the present Omaha & Council Bluffs Street .Railway company, after the consolidation with the Council Bluffs lines. Under the terms of this act all franchise and reversionary rights of the various companies were preserved, but iu the grant of powers Is one to "hold In perpetuity all the property, rights, powers and franchises conferred upon said consti tuent companies." Under this act It la claimed the company has perpetual rights to the atreeta, of the city. .-- r Under the conditions it is not probable tbat any legal action to, test the franchises can be started' much before 1917, when the flist of the franchises expire. It Is cer tain, however, that when this time comes a test in court will be made and will be fought probably to the supreme oourt of the United States. Two Real Estate Men Have Fight Harry B.-Wolf and C. B. Denny Mix and Former Says He Triumphed. A corridor In the Pas ton block was trans formed Into a ring and two Omaha real estate men were the principals in an en counter, when Harry B. Wolf and C. B. Denny came together. The fray was near the elevator on the fourth floor of the building and while it lasted the fe-v spectators say It was as lively a mill as one could find and not pay good money to see. "I left Denny looking like -Ketchel after Johnson got through r with him," said Mr. Wolf. At Mr. Denny's office inquiry revealed he would be In in about five minutes. It is said the cause was of long standing. VV.GT.U. Delegate Dies at Hospital Mrs. Eliza J. Shephardson of Auburn Doei Not Live to Wltnest Gathering. Mrs. ' Eliza 1. Shepardson, a delegate to the Woman's Christian Temperance Union convention from Auburn, died Wednesday at the Methodist Episcopal nospital, fol lowing an operation. Mrs. Bhepardson came to Omaha for treatment before the opening of the con vention. She spent eight days at the hos pital.' The body will be taken to the home at Auburn Saturday by J.,C, Shepardson, a son. Mrs. Shepardson leaves her hus band. R. A. Shepardson, a wealthy farmer, and a family. She was 50 years old. Mount Vesuvius Spurts Lava and Earth' Trembles Serious Eruption Takes Place ; Houses Wrecked by Series of Quake Shocks. ' NAPLES, Oct. 22. Mount Vesuvius Is again very active. Quantities o(. stones were thrown up today, falling Inside the crater. The ejection was preceded and ac companied ' by detonations. This Is con sidered the most serious eruption of Mount Vesuvius since 1909. CATANIA, Sicily, Oct. 22.-8cveral strong earthquake shocks were felt tortriy. They were more pronounced at Aclreale, on the slope of Mount Etna. . The people at this place, alarmed by the first shocks, rushed out of their housos and camped In the open air. Ten houses fell In the outskirts of Aclreale, but only one person was killed. The victim was a yeterlnary surgeon who refused to- abandon his house. It was among those thrown down by the later and heavier shocks and he was burled In the wreckage. The walls Of many houses were cracked. The whole Mount Etna region was severely, shaken. CLEVELAND, O., Oct. 22.-Announcement was made at St. Igantlus college today that a prolonged and somewhat severe earthquake shock was recorded by the seismograph, last night. The disturbance began at 0:21 and lasted until 7 o'clock, but was the most noticeable between 6:44 and 6:50. It was estimated the shock was about 5,000 miles from here. 1 BRANDEIS GREATSALE OF MIR GOODS 'We repeat by special request our gteat success of last week, the greatest sale of human hair gooda ever known in Omaha. Our imports from Hollund and France include. hair switches, Billie Burke curls, pompadours, rolls, nets, coiffures, transformations, etc., etc. - . - 26-Inch natural wavy switch made of fine, hair Juat th braid for the new turban hair dress IS value, ior ; $6.00 24-Inch natural wavy switch 15 value, for . .. ........ . . 53.OO 20-Inch natural wavy switch S3 Talue, for 81.50 Puffs eight in et fine hair, dark' shade only Saturday .... . . 75 Cluster puffs 10 and 12 in cluster, t .'-91.50 Transformation made of fine hair . 23 inchea long and lC-inch hair,. G value, for .......... I .. . $3.00 Large Auto nets 10 JOB PRINTERS IN SESSION Peek Method of Determining; Cost ( Production at t'hlraaro Meeting. A. T. Klopp of Klopp A Bartlett com pany and Fiank El lick of the Omaha I'rlntlng company have returned from Chi cago, where they attended a meeting of job printers, at which a movement was started to Install In every print shop a system of determining coat of production. One hundred and eighty-five delegates outside of Chicago were present, repre senting cities .all the way from the At lantic to the Pacific coast and as far north as Winnipeg. "The object of the meeting was to de vise a system of figuring the cost of production and Its adoption in all ' the print shops of the country. The trouble now Is many shops are run In an unbusi nesslike manner and prices are made with out regard to the coat. A committee of fifteen was appointed to devise a plan and secure Its adoption by print shops all over the country." Use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Hair dressing and manicuring, shampooing and bleaching all done by -Appointment made, and prompt attention given to competent operators-sama. l.y a bottle of McCarthy's Hair Tirci - It prevents dandruff and 11 mix the hair grow. A. tt Cue 1 ' 1 Try a bottle of McCarthy's Curling : Fluid retains the curl lit drt warm and damp weather. IUC tie else for IOWA MAN RAILWAY DIRECTOR Homer A. Miller of Des Moines Becomes Power with the Northwestern l.lne. CHICAGO, Oct. tl John V. Farwell of Chicago and Homer A. Miller of Des Moines. Ia., were added to the directorate of the Chicago Northwestern railroad at the annual meeting of the stockholders today. They succeed E. E. Qsborn and 8. F. Barger, both of New York. Other retiring directors who were re elected were, Chaunoey M. Depew, H. C. Flick and David P. Kimball. At a subse quent meeting of directors Oliver Ames of Boston was elected a member of the exe cutive committee, to fill a vacancy which has remained since the death of Marshall Field. Rock Island Fast Train in Ditch Strikes Horse Near Xeola and Jumps the Track No One is Injured. NEOLA, la., Oct. 22. (Special Telegram.) The engine and baagage car of Rock Island passenger train No. 14, eastbound. known as the Chicago-Nebraska special, were derailed tonight when the train struck a horse, as It was approaching this town tonight. The engine rolled down an embankment and was demolished, but both the engineer and fireman saved themselves by Jumping. Although the paswengers ware given a bad shaking up, none waa seriously hurt. The accident ocourred near the Milwau kee crossing and tore up a connecting switch, which for some time prevented the movement of traffic, several trains being blocked until the switch could be replaced. The main line of the Rock Island was en tirely blocked most of the night and all trains between Neola and Omaha were sent over the Milwaukee tracks. The passen gers of the wrecked train were transferred to other cars and proceeded east after sev eral hours' delay. The wreck occurred so near the Mil waukee tracks that it was with some diffi culty that the trains on that road could be moved for some time. Bnlldlaa- Permits. Charles Stors, 1701 Wirt, frame dwelling, IT.500; Oscar Stiles, 1327 Plnkney, frame dwelling. 11.800. - Carnival Reigns at Golden Gate 1 Saa Francisco Has Gay Time Over Discovery and Progress in Bebuilding. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. fttn Fran oisco and atl of Its guests went carnival mad tonight and crowds surged up and down the streets erter ' the decorative Illuminations were extinguished tonight Never before has this elty entertained such a huge crowd as' gathered to see the big civic and Industrial parade, the leading feature of the day. More than 30,000" people marched for three hours, and1' it' was late In the afternoon before, the last ' of ' the ' floats disappeared. , For a time gloom spread over the mer rymakers when It was reported that 1 Don Oaspar De Portola had been thrown from hla horse and injured, but this feeling turned to elation when It was learned that the horsemanship of the courtly Spaniard bad enabled htm to escape without serious injury. If you have anything to sell or trade and want quick action, advertise it in The Bee Want Ad columns. . 1, : 1 Campaign Managers Busy With Election Day Near NEW YORK. Oct. U. With New York's municipal election only twelve days distant, the campaign today reached the stage of hopeful forecast and optlmletlo estimates. Here are the "probabilities" estimated by campaign managers for the three candidates for mayor: Bannard (republican-fusion), by 40.000. Oaynor (democrat), by 75,000. Hearst (Independent), by M.000. The confidence expressed by all the campaign managers was pointed out by many ' observers tonight as a further In dication of the nonpartisan character of the support upon which the candidates depend and ef the breaking down to a great extent of party lines in the con sideration of New York's municipal prob lems. There were more than 100 minor meet ings In various parts of New York to night, with a plethora of cart-tail oratory on almost every important street corner In the congested residence districts. Justice Gaynor toured the, East Side "7 automobile, repeating his previous attuA on Hearst and Bannard and emphasising particularly his plea for more "personal liberty" and for a, liberal construction of police laws. Bannard was heard tonight in Btaten Island. "I am a business man," he told ' his hearers. "I was never a candidate for office and have no political ambition: If elected I shall do nothing else but work faithfully at my new Job and try to leave a good name when the four years art over."' ' ' William M.'Ivlns, the former republican candidate foY mayor, who Is now advo cating the election of Hearst, spoke to night in a dosen small meetings. .He told bis hearers that he waa entirely satisfied with the progress of the campaign and continued with a repetition of ht former attacks on Justice Oaynor. - .,, n rr ,1 H Ti At 4 Princess Suit Parlor , $22 and $25 WOMEN'S QUITS Ladies whose desire is to dresa stylishly, yet inexpensively, should see these beautiful suits we are of ferine; at f 15. These suits are the usual 120 to $25 kind, but our factory has sent us IU sur plus stock to dispose of, and herein lies your opportunity to buy stylish suits at very little cost. This offer consists of exclusive models, characterized by that perfection of tailoring by which the Princess Suit Parlor is fast making a name at the store of well-made and stylish suits, yet inexpensively priced. S. K. Cor. lfith and Davenport Streets. Two Models Lllcc .Pictures ' 30. 35 and $40 WOMEN'S SUITS $20. $22.50 and $25 PnifUr frRQ sflT.CT Al4 f5 QUIT DADf aT Y B.K-Cor. Ituh.nd w m mrm.rn.rn a A rfcIVL Davenport Streets. rsmiawesi i i m n in ilimi l ., nnnniai i i M