Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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The only
lM.B. O. O.
stor in town
showing and
soiling Chas
Our I'nderwear Fit It Is made
In a variety of dimensions for var
iously formed men. It Is redlcu
lous to sup pose a short, stout man
can be fitted with underwear of
regular s lie or a tall, slim fel
low either.
Our I'nderwear Department-
helps this store to prove Itself
more painstaking than most stores
they Just buy underwear to sell
we buy underwear to fit and ,
sell. We give you quality under
wear prlred as low as most stores
charge for "seconds" Buy else
where If you wph, but see us be
fore you do It'll pay you.
Bhlrts or Drawers, BOo raiment P.
Union Bolts, $1.00 up. -
akes tills a safe place to trade-Ask us vvliy?
Various Roada Name. Committee to
Work Out the Detaih.
Agrees to Pat TbU a Wkrra deeded,
bat Ilea tea Validity of Barw
Act Compelling; tmptar
to Do So.
$4 M 'mm
tz0smm ft -h7: h-
(From a Staff Correspondent.) I
LINCOLN, Oct. Z2. Fpecial. At a con-j
forenre this morning of railroad men and
business men of Lincoln, the matter of
securing a union station her was dts
ciiKsed at length, resulting finally. In the
appointment of a committee of railroad
' men to work out the details of the proposi
tion. general Manager O. W. Holdrege of the
R'irllngton. Chief Engineer R. L. Huntley
of- the Union Pacific, Engineer of 'Main-,
tenance A. Schanck of the Northwestern,
. (liief Engineer J. B. Berry of the Rock
Inland and a representative of the Missouri
Pacific yet to be chosen will constitute that
committee. All of those named have head
quarters In Omaha except Mr. Berry. When
tbey will meet and begin calculations la
problematical, that matter being left to tho
direction of Mr. Holdrege of the Burlington.
At this meeting there was an Imposing
representation of railroad ' men. General
Attorney J.. E. Kelby and Real Estate
Agent Ed Westerveldt appeared for the
Burlington, Mr. Holdrege being unable to
come because he was away from home on
Imperative company business. The Union
Paclflo was represented by General Man
aaer A. I Mohler, General Superintendent
Tark and Chief Engineer Huntley. For the
Rock Island Vice President II. U. Mudge,
General Manager; F. O. Melcher Chief
Engineer Berry aad General Superintendent
IL 8. Cable were present General Man
ager F. Walters spoke for the Northwest
ern. There was no one on hand In behalf
of the Missouri Pacific, Mr. Mlddleton, who
attended the previous conference and who
had been designated by Vice President
ClarHe to attend this one, having been tin
avvfibly detained at St. Louis.
IlW ing with them were most of the
members ef the city council, the mayor,
and olty attorney, member of the State
Railway commission and about fifty lead
ing business men of Lincoln.
Attorney .Kelby of tha .Burlington said
his road was ready to furnish terminal
facilities for aU the roads and 'Mr. Mohler
f the Union Paclflo said ba was' In accord
jrrth thJa,ldea.
"Telephones Do to Depots.
The Burlington has notified the -Railway
commission; that It has or will Install tele
phones tn depots In several communities
Ivhero It believes they are needed. It also
it a tea In the communication that the Bar
Jos act in unconstitutional and It la not
In compliance with that law that the
'.elephones are being Installed. The Bartos
act provides that railroads must furnish
telephones in their depots.
Jaror Gets Fall Tine.
The county of Douglas must pay L, D.
Spauldlng for serving as a Juror for three
weeks pr twenty-one. days, 6undays ex
cepted. ' The - county - commissioners of
Douglas county docked Mr. Spauldlng when
be handed In his bill for twenty-one days
because Athey nld'aourt' aidv not meet oh
Saturday and for that reason the Juror
was not entitled to pay for those Saturdays.-
Tho tjotirt Jteld, however, that a
juror tev entitled . to pay ( fjor tb,e trim for
which he was summoned, Sundays ex
cepted unless excused. The county 'filed a
demurrer .to. the petition "of the plaintiff
and this was overruled ' by the district
court and tha supreme court has affirmed
that decision.
Joaaaoa Child Case Reaiaaded.
The supreme court has remanded the
case from Gage county wherein J. Alfred
Johnson and Beth, Terry et aL, are fight
ing for possession of Johnson's daugh
ter, Effle Johnson. In remanding the
case the court held that the habeas cor
pus issued by .'a county judge cannot be
served in another county. 'Terry secured
a habeas corpus writ and secured posses
sion of the child In Omaha. The father
then brought habeas corpus proceedings
In the district court of Gage county and
this appeal was dismissed by the court.
The supreme court- ordered the district
court to give an Immediate trial of the
With Severe Eczema Spread from
Face All Over Scalp Developed
into a Solid Scab and Her Ears
Seemed Ready to Come Off. .-
" Mr oaby suffered about three weeks
and she. was in a v?rv tel condition.
' Ije ectema coro
. menced on her
' far and spread
.all over the scalp. . .
t. i , i .
11 was esuuu scao
and sore, and her
little ears looked
as though ther
i' inougn mer
would ourae off.
J f A
,4. iui ana couiu real
rvt very little.'
Khe would rub her
-rf I'd .1 f ' -X head much of the
-J 'U' Ml o. bhe locked
- Til R.J lawfully Ud. Wo
" -.. . ?. l-V-' l hen heard of tho
')' l" trf Cuticura Iierae-
Oji and I bought
some Cuticura Soap olid t'utioura Oint
ment and I decided to give them a trial.
1 used twocakeaof t'utk ura Soap and ono
box c.f I'utioura Ointment. At the time I
commenced to use the Cuticura Heme.
dies she was in a very Lad fix. I began
the treatment by bathing with Cuticura
R-ap three tima a Ouv and also used
Cut cura Oinin-rit after each bath, and
It was but few days 1 ore we tgan to
find out slic was iniyrviiig. Bhe con
tinued to improve and jn about threo
weeks she was entirely cured and has
not been troubled with any skin disease
since. Mie was at that time about threo
mcnths old and she is now threo fears
and two month and is a fine, fat baby
g.rl. I will gladly recommend the Cuti
cura Rt'medio to any one who is tuffer
ing from that terrible disease and I giro
to Cutic ura rnauy thanks. I will gladly
tell of her cure, to anv ens who will ask
r write anout it. Mrs. M. M. liernold.
Box n. K. F. D. 3, Windsor, L. OcC
20 and Kot. 6. UKjo." .
ObiN rrtemml asd Internal Tmibki aw
Every liut.jr ot Ii.IiiU. ai.afo ftod AUu.u rfm.
ita ul l.lfr-ns p t'.'jt I lo oiu f ki.
i.lfc arm t itfilu.. nt tjc ) U) H) ue bAifi 1 uifc.
fur Kt.lvrbl lOHS . tor w tL U t.v of ( L-oil
a..a uinur.iKi iuf worra
If. f t! iVH ? i '"f. !.'' AN'T I i.l 1 ft Mi f
hi fall MM A.v wku'.'lvk
iiC Li f t
v is:' ' urflvi
WBno Weil EDcBETi6?
that this store has revolutionized the clothing business in'
Omaha and is today the store of the city?
Who Will Deny
That this is the finest equipped store In the west?
That it is the largest clothing store In this vicinity?
That-it utilizes three floors 66x132 feet for clothes selling?
That its assortments are double those of any other store?
That its store service is the finest In America?
That shopping here is a positve pleasure?
That its prices mean a saving of 15 to 25 per cent?
That it carefully safeguards its customers interests?
That it assumes all the risk in every transaction?
That it invites the most careful shoppers within its doors?
That it tolerates no misrepresentation in any particular?
That it guarantees Its goods and its statements?
Thai lis fame and achievements are nation-wide?
That it dares to do things noT other store dares?
That its every-word and act invites rank imitation?
That it gets the imitation that flatters every leader?
Who will, deny these things or any one of them?
Surely no one who has ever traded here, or v isited here. No ono will even question these
things except, of course, some store more interested in their welfare than in yours and anxious to
retain your trade, regardless. Read the questions carefully, answer each one for yourself, accord
ing to your personal knowledge of conditions or according to what you've heard then try to find 1
some excuse for not trading here. .
When you have done ao, perhaps you can answer the question "Why shouldn't thla store expect to sell every
man, boy or child In Omaha his new suit, overcoat, hat, haberdashery, shoes or other apparel?"
To Fit?
Has some one told you you were too '
large, too short, too stout, too tall and
so on to be fitted In ready for service
e-armente, and that Vi must go to
some tailor and put up with delays
and vexations and put up a fancy
price to be properly fitted? Well that
might be true of ordinary clothing
stores, but not of this one. We ak
you to come In and see how perfectly
we can fit you.
Good, dependable shoes are.
made in many factories, and we
don't claim to sell the only good
ones sold In Omaha, but we do
claim to sell good ones only.
We ask only a fair price for
them, but compared to the many
inferior shoes sold as bargains,
ours take rank as being the best
shoe bargains in town. We fit
them perfectly, and you'll never
regret the day that made you a
shoa customer of ours. Some
awfully nifty styles and sterling
qualities at
$2.50 and $3.50
Think of what it means to select
an overcoat from among 5,000. It
means the chances of your not
finding the coat you like or one to
fit is 5,000 to 1. No store in the
west offers you such odds against
disappointment, and no store of
fers such pleasant facilities for
. careful buying. ' "-,
. Oyercoats. ..$10.00 to $50.00
Auto Coats. $12.00 to $35.00
'Rain Coats. .$10.00 to $25.00
By that we mean there isn't a
taste to suit, a physique to fit, a
purse to please, but we've a suit
to meet the occasion and what is
more, we'll not limit your choice
to one' or two patterns or one or
two prices. We're safe in say
ing we've two patterns for every
one of our nearest competitor
and our prices leave no room for
them to orguefjihe suit question, j;
$10.00 to $40.00
Are hand tailored products that
Our stand in a class by themselves 1
Popular110 other store seriously claims to
Priced even equal them. They are made
Suits expressly for us from fabrics of
our selecting and represent a
standard of value giving entirely
unheard of until this store organ
ized. Our guarantee to save you
$3.00 to $10.00 according to grade,
is still in full swing and it is not
-newspaper -talk either it's" suit
talk, 18 karats fine.
$10.00, $15.00 and $25.00
We're showing thousands of
suits at $1.50 to $15.00, but in
window No. 1 we're showing some
suits at $4.00 that are especially
note worthy, owing to the fact
that $5.00 is the price you'll pay
in any store on earth but this.
They are in all the popular Juven
ile stlyes as well as double breast
ed knickerbocker suits (many
with two pair knickerbockers) f of
large boys every popular fabric,
including blue serges $4.00. (
case In the Interest of the child and con-
slder only matters of the conduct of the
father since the last order of the court.
Dratrctst Gets Kw Trial.
: Nicholas McCabe, who runs a drug
store at North Platte and who waa con
victed on four counts of selling liquor,
secures a new trial because the supreme
court holds that where the lower court
permits the Introduction of a county
judge's search warrant as Independent
evidence It will be . held error when the
complainant charges the defendant with
having sold liquor personally and the de
fendant Is not a wltnesa at the trial to
face his accusers. The search warrant
showed that considerable llquo was kept
on hand by McCabe and this strengthened
the case of the prosecution. .
Ckaaoellor GolasT. Some.
Tha following Itinerary Is announced
for Chancellor Avery next week: Monday
evening at the University Dipner club, he
Will give an account of the Inauguration
of Abbott Lawrence - Lowell as president
of Harvard university and of the annual
meeting of the - presidents . of the state
universities. At , 7:15 a. m. Tuesday, he
will leave Lincoln on Burlington No. 1 for
Hastings, where be will address the high
school pupils, teachers, club women and
patrons that afternoon, his theme being
VA. Comparison of German and American
Schools." Tuesday night he will lecture
at Kenesaw - on "Higher Education and
Higher Ideals." He ,will leave Kenesaw
at t:l a. ra. Wednesday on Burlington
No. S, going direct to Cambridge, where
he will arrive at S:15 a. m giving an ad
dress that forenoon to tha high school
pupils, teachers, club women and patrons,
after which - be will take an automobile
across to Wllsonvllle, delivering an address
there Wednesday afternoon to the high
school pupils and general public. He will
leave Wllaonville at 6:20 p. m. tor Beaver
City, lecturing there Wednesday night un
der the auspices of the public school. He
will also address the high, school there
Thursday morning, after which he will be
taken across' to .Arapahoe by automobile,
addressing the high school pupils, club
women and patrons there Thursday after
noon.' He will leave Arapahoe at 7:47 p.
m. Thursday for Holbrook, lecturing there
under the auspices of the public school
Thursday night. He will leave Holbrook
at f a. m. Friday for Ued Cloud, deliver
ing an address there Friday afternoon to
the high school pupils, teachers and club
women. He will go by automobile from
Red Cloud to Guide Rock, here he lec
tures Friday night under the auxplces ot
the public school, leaving there at 1 H
a. m., via Wymore, arriving home at 1:15
p. m. Saturday, October SO.
wiawrhi simI sure m Urtiru. Oi&tfui4 twin
roaarresanaa Aakea to Go Soatk to
Kepreat Irrlaratea Rfglna,
BRIDGEPORT, Neb.. Oct. LSpeclal.)
A convention of delegates from the com
mercial clubs of Mitchell. Scott's Bluff.
Mlnatare, Bayard and Bridgeport, met here
today to consider the matter of sending a
representative' for the North Platte valley
to the Peep Waterways Congress to con
vene at New Orleans, La.. . on October
23. for the purpose of placing before that
body the claim of this valley , to recogni
tion among those who are Interested In
water transportation. It waa decided to
secure the services uf Congressman Q. W.
Norris for that purpose, and to atlc Gov
ernor lialleoberger to appoint him a an
accredited delegate from Nebraska.'
Democratic Committee Passes the Eat
and Stuffed Club Around.
Partlsasi Cask to Tkrow Nonparties
Judicial Dwat 1m Eyes of Vetera
to Obacare Deaaoeratla
Braas. ' 1 '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
: LINCOLN. Oct II. (Speolal.) Preach
ing a nonpartisan Judiciary to republic
ans with ono hand and digging tha other
hand Into the pockets of the democratic
employes of the state for a democratic
campaign fund Is the latest sample of In
consistency on the part of Mr. Bryan's
political party leaders.
Just why democratic leaders should
compel every democrat on' the pay roll of
the state to come across with a portion
of his hard earned money to help pay the
expenses of three men Who are trying to
be elected as democrats to the supreme
bench has not been explained In con
nection with the cry of a nonpartisan Ju
diciary. Regardleita of the fact that the demo
crata nullified the very law upon which
tbey made the most of their campaign
last year, the publication of campaign
contributions, the party committee will
have pleny of money to send, out tele-
grama and letters and workers in the
interest of their three Judicial candidates.
- From the amount contributed by the
superintendent of the Deaf and Dumb In
stitute at Omaha to the democratic cam
paign fund, there Is reason to believe
that the party leaders Intend to force
every bard working nurae at the Insane
asylum, every Janitor, every teamster, re
gardleaa of the fact the wages In some
Instances amount to not more than tit a
month, to pay something. That Is the
price of holding a political job under
Mr. Bryan's democratic party when the
party leaders are making a campaign on
a fake Issue.
The money that is being filched from
the pocketa of democ ratio state employes
is spent in urging republicans to vote
for a democratic but falsely labeled non
partisan Judiciary.
Nebraska Sews Note.
PON'CA-Mrs. O. B. Francis has been
lik since last Sunday. Ir. M. L Grote
has been In attendance and all signs of
Tbi rtom'i KswauTfor OmiahsOoids.
Croup, Wlxiftug-oun. rtrvochiti. Onpio
luuu livjttci.... elu. ll is sie atui kuia.
recovery seemed hopeless until this after
noon, when a change for the better oc
curred. ALBION Miss Nerva Plttenger of Al
bion has been elected to fill the vacancy
In the third and fourth grades at Peters
burg. STELLA The first number of a lecture
course of five numbers was given by Fitch
B. Cooper in the opera house Wednesday
KEARNEY The Dally Hub started Fri
day morning to move into Its new building.
A new Duplex perfecting press has been
PONCA Mrs. M. W. Mahoney has been
suffering for six weeks with blood poison
ing in her finger from a cut on a small
piece of glaaa.
BEATRICE At the stock sale held at the
J. T. Elerbeck farm south of town yester
day hoga averaged $15 to $75 per head and a
cow sold for $&. ,
ALBION A local real estate agent has
been selling so much land lately that he
has keen able to keep one man busy solic
iting and listing farms.
ALBION The Albion schools received
$15.75 as premiums at the county fair. This
money will be u:ied in furnishing pictures
for the various rooms.
BEATRICE Miss Ada Bishop, a former
Beatrice resident, and Harry Willis were
married at Lincoln yesterday. They will
make their home at Toronto, Canada.
WYMORE 8tanley Miles and Mies Mary
Hughes were married at the home of tho
I bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs. noDeri
I Hughes, in the west part of town, Wednes
day. I WYMORE Samuel L. Bates and Miss
I Marie Mark art were married at 8 o'clock
I yesterday morning in St. Mary'a Catholic
church by the Very Rev. Father Freeman,
in the presence of friends and relatives.
ALBION There is an excellent oppor
tunity for another first clans hotel at Al
bion. The Albion house la the only hotel
in operation now. The. Commercial hotel
is for rent. There is plenty of business for
two first class hotela.
BEATRICE John McQulnn waa severejy
cut and bruised about the head and bdly
Wednesday night by the derailment of a
gasoline velocipede on the Union Paclflo
while en route to Wymore with Harry Fcl
ters. - The latter escaped injury.
HTELLA John J. Bourke died at his late
residence half a mile south of town
Wednesday evening. Deceased fell from a
load of hay two months ago. alighting on
the hard ground, which caused an injury
In the side, which later developed Into an
KEARNEY The supervisors of Buffalo
county let the contract for the repairing
of the mile bridge over the Platte to the
Hianrtard Brtdre company of Omaha. Six
teen hundred and thirty feet of nw plank
floor will be placed and a number ot piers
built of concrete.
WYMORE Claude Scott and Miss Flor
ence Wilson were married at the home of
the bride's parents in Blue Springs last
evening. They will make a short trip
through the west, and then make their
home In this city. Mr. Hcott is assistant
ticket agent for the Burlington at this
KEARNEY The wedding of Joseph
Owen. Jr., of Khelton and Miss Georgia
Abrahamson of this city took place at
the home of the brlde'a mother. Rev. L C.
McKwan performed the ceremony. The
bride was born and grew to womanhood
in this city and for the last two years has
been principal of the Gibbon schools.
BEATRICE Joseph Brabec of the Barn
estun neighborhood, who tried to shoot uo
his home some time :io and was recently
bound over to the district court, waa re
leased from the county jail yesterday on
bond of $l.UXi. He accompanied his attor
ney to V liber yesterday, where he will
work until the dale ot bis trial in the
district court.
WYMORE At the regular meeting of
the city council last night the clerk was
Instructed to advertise for bids In eastern
papers for buyers of the city's M) UO re
funding bonds, drawing 4 per cent Interest,
due In 1D25, to take up bonds drawing 6 per
cent, due thla coming December. A large
batch of bills were allowed.
KEARNEY A sand Heard four feet long
was found in a boxcar consigned from a
point in Arlaona to this city by the yard
master of the Union Pacific Wednesday
afternoon. The reptile had (rosea to death
la transit, ll bad irobuly crawled into
the car while being loaded and stolen .a
ride on the railroads. Being somewhat of
a curiosity it will be mounted and kept as
a specimen by a local hardware firm.
TECUMSEH Henry Casper, son of John
Casper of Johnson. Is- missing and it may
be he has gotten himself Into pretty serious
trouble. Something over a year ago the
young man asked a capitalist of the town
mentioned for the loan of HA and was
told he could be accommodated if he would
get a good man to slgq a note with him.
Mr. Casper brought the note to the lender
with the name of his uncle, Mr. Rade
macher, a well-to-do man, signed to it.
The money-lender recently informed Mr.
Casper that his note was due, and Casper
Is said to have disappeared. The matter
was taken up with Mr. Rademacher, and
It Is stated he says the signature on it is
not his. Friends of Casper, who has borne
a good reputation, are hopeful he will turn
up and settle the matter.
Another Echo
of Gould Divorce
Court Wrangle Takes Place Over
Education of the Sons cf
Count Boni.
PARIS, Oct. 22. Count Bonl de Cas
tellane, having Insisted that his former
wife, who was Miss Anna Gould, place
the thiee sons of the Castellane-Gould
marriage in a certain boarding school and
the Princess de Sagan having objected on
the ground that the health of the chil
dren made such a step inadvisable, the
case got into court 'today.
The count asked that the princess be
compelled to comply with his wishes in
the matter and further that the court
provide a penalty for a neglect of Its
order In the shape of a settlement upon
the children of $100 per day for each
day that the mother kept them from the
school. '
Counsel for the princess explained that
his client was willing to place the chil
dren In the school as dealred and was
only prevented from doing so by the con
dition of their health. The court prom
ised a decision In the matter October l.
At prices that will suit you. Sanltol, Jersey Cream, English Frocsss, Turkish Rata,
o per cake Three big cakes Hand Soap, lOu Eight cakes Toilet Soap, 85o 60c box,
S cakes, rise Soap, 85o Packers Tar Soap, 15e 100 Ivory Soap, To 10c lalm OUT
Soap, 3 for 30c '
Of Talcum Powders BSo Colgate's, WUllamsV Keaaea's, Banltol, for 16o 16c kinds
for 10c 10c kinds for 6c.
On Boa Paper, Tablets and Envelopes. Three packs extra heavy envelopes for 10c:
6o Tablets, 3 for loo lOe Tablets, a for lBo S5o aad 3S Boa Paper, ISo S5.00 Foun
tain peas, sa.M. orrriAii tablets, ato.
ta.00 Combination Syringes aad Hot Water Bottle, glO 1.76 Bapld Plow Poautala
Syringe, tl.S5-Sl.50 Hot Water Bottles, 9804X00 Glebe Spray, $1.89 US Fountain
Syringe, 69c ,
Half regular prices. 60c Tooth Brushes, SSo 40o Tooth Brushes, 19o S6o Tooth
Brashes, 130.
75c hard rubber Combs, 49c 40c hard rubber Combs, so T5c Bath Brushes, 39 o
40c BaU Buffers, lo 5e Manicure Sets, 190 gl.OO Hand Mirrors, gee -TSo Toilet
Waters, 60c 35o Saaltol Paoe Cream, 14o S1.60 Orleatal Cream, Bye 3o BaU Files,
19o. -
La AmUls, Colonist Pearl Palaee 6o Olrara, S for lOe Boa $h.e. .
Robert Boras Invincible and Jockey Club, lOo Straight sixes, 3 for 900.
ciore open iroru :uu A. ju. to ii:ju f. an.
207 and 209 N. 16th
Bhe Passes Away I'aeoasclooe of Faet
Her Soa la fader
Charge. .
John Fosdtck, arrested on a charge "of
theft and confined in county Jail, waa
taken by Deputy Sheriff Mead to see his
dylns mother late Thursday night.
A few hours afterwards she passed away.
She died completely unconscious that her
son was In trouble.
The Weather.
FOR NEBRASKA Partly cloudy Satur
FOR IOWA Local rains Kinn1.i
Temperatures at Omaha, yesterday
5 a. m..
6 a. m. .
7 a. in.,
a a. ra. .
9 a. m..
10 a. m. .
11 a. m . .
12 m.....
1 p. tn..
I p. m..
J p. m..
4 p. m..
i p. m..
p. m. .
T p. m..
5 p. m..
p. nt..
... u
... 4s
... 4i
... 4?-
... Df'
... 4."
... 4
... 41
... 4j
... 4.
... Vi
... 4t
... 4
... 3
... I
The only Ligb-clasj
Baking Powder sold at
svidVrate price.
bitor-ST I Oar Own Distinctive
& liEST
voir kvfii
c a w Coatlauouo 1 to 1fo ALL
SAW 7 to 11 p. m 'seats
Week of Oct. 25, Bhubert's "Going Some"
IftOg Paraasa Sv
Tel. Dooglas 677 J
Heme Prepared
.'old Roaat Meals Bread ' Salads
Hulled Uaiu Cakes Collage Chesse
laked Beaos Plea Potato Chips
rs. BS. W. Jacobs Salsa si. Jacobs
in the Musical Success
Matinee Today 10c and 25c
Note: Curtain 8:10 sharp tonight
Prices 10c, 25c and 50c.
1S. isc .o, Te
Tonight SUUnee Today. All Keats 2ftc