20 TIIE BEK: UMAHA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1000. SHERIDAN'S RIDE BY AIDE Etory of that Winchester Thriller Told by a Participant. MfNIVEESABY OF GREAT EVENT S. n. refers, Vka Rode wit "Little rhll" that Mrmomblt Day, I scribes tha Illstorta Eptsote. "While every loyal and patriotic Amer ican rejoiced In the celebration of the 12Mh anniversary of the surrender of Cornwallls at Torktown, Va., Tuesday," said K. A. Parmelee at army headquarters, "yet Oc tober 19 was alKO the forty-fifth annivers ary of the most dramatic episode of the civil war, "Sheridan's ride.' ', "It has a peculiar Interest to me because I waa at the time a member of Colonel H. B. Hayes' regiment, the . Twenty-third Ohio, which received the brunt of Early's attack that morning at Cedar Creek. Hayes also commanded a brigade during the bat tle, and It was his gallantry In holding Karly's victorious forces In check that waved the Nineteenth corps from a com plete rout and made It possible for the coming of Sheridan later In the day to rally the retreating union army. "I waa not directly engaged In the bat tle, having been laid up from a severe wound a few weeks before. But the story of the fight and the part that the Twenty third Ohio took In It Is a part of the treas ured history of that regiment. General John C. Cowln. now of Omaha (he was Private Cowln then), was also a member of the Twenty-third, as was the late Presl dent MeKlnley,' the latter then holding the rank of major In the regiment." Time of Arrival Disputed. A controversy has recently been I awak ened regarding the time that general Sheridan arrived on the- field at Cedar Oeek. Many hold that he did not reach Ctdar Creek until shortly after 3 o'clock while others claim he was on the battle' fle'.d at 9 o'clock or 11 o'clock In the morn- tnlf. PosBlbly each of these contentions U right, depending upon the part of the bat tlefleld he reached at these respective hours. The writer, S. S. Peters, happened to be a part of General Sheridan's escort that morning and accompanied "Little Phil down the- Shenandoah pike. The Sixth United States cavalry was made the head quarters' escort to General Sheridan when he took command of the cavalry division of the Army of the Potomac In the sum mer of 1S64, and remained aa such during the entire war following.'. General Sheridan had been , called to 'Washington after the battles of Fisher's Hill and Opequan creek, for consultation with General Halleck. He returned to Martlnsburg from Washington early the morning of October 19 and reached Win chester at T o'clock . that morning. The escort was waiting for him at Winchester. Desultory Firing Heard. Some desultory artillery fire was heard from down the valley, but Sheridan, sup posing It to be but a reconnalsance, did not pay much attention to It at the mo ment He then rode leisurely down the road to Mill Creek, accompanied by his staff and the escort, a distance of prob ably four miles. He reached Mill Creek about 8 o'clock,, and then realized thatj big battle was In progress down the road. Some of the retreating troops, with transportation, were already pouring Into Mill Creek, and Sheridan, hastily calling a small escort of twenty men to follow with his staff (thla escort being of the Sixth cavalry, with one or two New York and Pennsylvania cavalrymen), the party started down the road on a gallop. Sheri dan was naturally in the lead and for awhile carried a cavalry guidon, , and as he passed the rapidly augmenting re treating forces he asked, "What men are your and waving the guidon at them called them to come back. "Come on, . boya. we'll whip out of them yet." Ride Eleven and Half Miles. The ride from Mill Creek to where the first line of the Sixth corpa was encoun tered was Just eleven and a half miles. A number of toll gate poles had been pulled ! down and chained by the retreating troops ! and the escort had to cut or break these poles away In order to get through. In one Instance the toll gate pole waa so stub born that the escort had to tear down a big section of fence no that they could get round back of the toll house and onto the road again. These delays occupied prob ably fifteen or twenty minutes In the eleven and a half miles' ride.' , The whole time of the ride, Including ' delays, from Mill Creek to the Sixth corps line occupied poBoibly an hour and twenty minutes. ' - . Just before, reaching the Sixth corps line a group of officers, among them General George A. Custer, rode up to meet the party with their staffs and escorts. Custer gang out with a cheer, "It's Sheridan, : fcoya." In the meanwhile a number of scattered troops had fallen In line along the pike t and recognizing Sheridan cheered to the echo and began singing "Glory, Hallalu Jai." Bally t Replies Sberldaa. "What troops are these?" asked Sheri dan. ' Someone sang out, "It's the old Sixth corpa. We are all right." i ' "Bully!" replied Sheridan. "Get right at them, boya. We have got them going now. We will steer In our old camp tonight" The presence- of Sheridan thrilled the en tire army and cheering could be heard to the right and left, "Sheridan's here, Sheri dan's here." General Sheridan remained on the Sixth corpa line but a few moments, gave some hurried directions for the disposition of the troops, and rode off In a gallop to other - parts of the field followed by his staff and escort, repeating his orders and giving hope - and cheer to the scattered commands that i were now rallying. The day was saved and It waa Sheridan's J presence that saved It. tt e . W Biz I rrrrs n r nrwsrwi n At IJ ' i) I ii "1 .- I Ait II II 4 jm . . mf i,4 i ii ill, - n w mm is s mmm fTTs "V 511 IX A Cordial Welcome to VisitinJ W. C. T. U. Delegates We Invite you to make yourselves at borne la this store, .to make use of our free rest and waiting rooms, to check your baggage and parrels free, and to make the store a meeting place for yourself and your friends. - .We will be glad to extend to you any courtesy In our power. . This is the largest store west of Chicago. Omaha's proud est boast is Drandels stores. . - J. L. DltANDEIS & SOX9 SATURDAY'S SPECIAL SALES OF eavier Underwear . .. . For Women, Misses and Children , ' W.mm'i Fine Ribbed Union Snits Bleached white and silver grey, regular and extra V .' sizes, a suit .'frC We ar Sol t Agents Is mtht far Munslng Underwear Vests, pants and union suits for women, , misses, children and boys a garment 49 08 31.50 al $2.00 Sterling Union Suits In mercerized lisle pink, blue and white, all silk and silk and wool, each $2.98 t0 each $4.08 Mlsses'& Children's Union Soils All sizes up to 14 years, medium weight. light fleec- in k lug, a suit .......... .I-C Helvetia Underwear In women's vests and pants fine soft jersey ribbed; 60c quality, at JJG Boys Underwear Heavy ribbed shirts and draw ers fleecy lined all sizes up to 34, at, a 1CA s w garment Bays' and Girls' Union Suits Boys' and girls' medium and heavy weight lined union suits All sizes, at, a suit 49c HOSIERY SALE Women's fine imported lisle plain, also fancy. embroid ered boot, allover lace boot patterns plain black, med ium and light shades, double heel and toe, ' "T garter tops worth 50c a pair J? at, pair Women's misses' and children's fast black and tan, fine cotton hose, also children's fine and heavy ribbed school hose All sizes, worth up to 26c, 111 at, a pair lsvC Women's fast black cotton hose, and children's fine and heavy ribbed school hose,' aUo men's hosiery, worth up. to Q 20c, at. a pair C RIBBONS Brilliant, all silk, plain and satin taffeta, all silk moires, fancy plaids and V floral effects, up to 5 Inches wide black and allcolora, worth 30c a f ft IP. , yd., at, yd. . lUC-lJC HANDKERCHIEFS Women's fine, all linen hand kerchiefs hand Madeira embroidered corners, also pome embroidered : all around, some narrow hem stitched border, also men's all purs Irish linen, worth ;..!2ic Special Sale of Gloves MILO D. FREY TOOK ARSENIC Verdict af t'oraarr'i Jury in Casa at Despondent Hti Who Dtea la Police (aarit. Mllu D. Frey. .who died at Thirty-first and Douglas streets early Thursday morn ing whtlo under arrest for supposed drunk nners, was found to have died from tak ing arsenlu poison by a coroner's Jury at an Inquest held Friday morning-. The poison had been taken In the form of a powder In combination with (round splceu. A chemical analysis by Assistant City Physician Dunn waa necessary to de termine the nature of the drug- used. Mrs. Carolina Frey 'of Mankato, Kan., mother of the dead man, la expected to arrive on Friday iilght and arrangements for the funeral will be delayed pending her arrival. The testimony of the wife of the suicide at the Inquest yesterday Indicated that he had Ions been despondent. "Women's one and two-clasp kid, Mocha and cape gloves silk lined and unlined for street and evening wear- in tan, gray, brown, green, blue, black and white Paris point and three strand embroidery, overseam, I pique and Prix seam, at, a pair ; $1.50 Women's 1 -clasp. English walk ing gloves tan, grey and black, worth $1.25, at, pair .............. Cashmere and Cashmerette Gloves for women and children; silk lined and fleece lined brown, ' p . pv "pair6.1. "I ,T.a.c.k:. . . 25 C-5UC BRANDEIS STORES THE STOETZEL STOVE CO. 714 South Sixteenth Street We sell stoves on small monthly payments or a cut price for cash. Every stove we. sell has a reputation. . People who buy of us have either bought of us before or know what kind of stoves we selL 11 I A 5- f !! 3 If. A Kortaaate Tus, ' t. V. Qoodloe, Dallas, Tex., found a sura cure for malaria and . biliousness In Dr. .Xlox's New Ufa Pills. Ko. Sold by lies ton Drug Co. Mr. Samuels, Ipth and Miller Sts., saya: "The Queen Range I bought of you fourteen yeara ago will last four teen years more, ' Judging; from its present condition. We had It ten years before It needed repairing. It la an axtraordlnaryly fine baker, heats up so quick and takes so little fuel that one would not believe it until they use It." There are three features that con stitute a first class gas stove. No gns atove Is first class without any one of them. They are: economy of gas. working qualities and durability.. There are many gas atovea Hold in' Omaha every day that haven't any one of them. There are many Hold ' that have only one or two. A gas stove should last aa long aa a first class Hleel Range. How many doT When we selected a line We selected one that contains all three. We never rnl a sale when people see our Ze- ' troll laea beiora tney buy. WE Specialize AND Overcoats AT m Our suits and overcoats will wear longer, hold and re tain their good looks far bet ter than any similar priced garments in town. Nowhere will you find such values and extensive assortment of the season's newest styles and such exceptional quality of fabrics as we show here at the above prices. Come in ' and look them over. We deem it a pleasure to show you. uarantee Cloth mguO. 1519-21 Douglas St. Six Spoons Freo Saturday Fli teaspoons of Genuine Loshard Silver will be given with one ran of bak ing powder. UIMIOIM TEA CO. "600" Slock US Soutk lStk. Boys' High Cut Shoes Our high cut shoes for the boys' winter wear are a very sensible, comfortable and'dur able boys' shoe proposition. A splendid investment. Durable black or tan waterproof leathers. Heavy oak tanned soles. Sizes for boys of all ages. $2.25 $2.75 to $3.50 High Cut Shoes are Ideal Shoes for school wear, for Coasting, Skating and Stormy weather. A great protection to the " boyB' feet. Sizes for boya of all ages. FRY SHOE CO. The Shoers i6th and Douglas Streets A ! r Boys' Dependable : Shoes in ii i '- -i ii i i ir- "-- -ir iiHT -'---"- The "good enough for the boy" Idea in buying shoes Is poor policy. The best In shoes Is none too good for the boys. They give their shoes harder wear than a man does, and It Is a waste of money to buy them poor shoes. If our kind of boys' shoes cost a trifle more they are worth It, and we guarantee every pair to be satisfactory. Hoys' Sizes 1 toBH Youths' Blies- 1 to 6H Little Gent' Sixes 10 6 to 18 M . S2.00 $2.00 91.75 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Fa main Street. llaWWEV! Call Us by 'Phone Whenever you want some thin, eall "Phon. iKxiciaa St and- make It knows through a Bee Want & G. A. LIUQUEST CO TAILORS 836-6 Paxton Blook have a good assortment of woolens for Fall and Winter wear. Olve them a call before getting your ault or overcoat. Reliable Dentistry AT Taft's Dental Rooms HOTELS. Thi Wonderful Waters of Colfai Coma to Colfax. Let these great Waters cur you. The curative effects Of these great mineral waters are remark able In the extreme. The old M. C. and Murto Boring water have an Immediate cathartto and dluretio action and are conceded to be equal if not superior to the great foreign waters. Colax Water (Tares Xlieunatlam These wonderful waiera are pos sessed of a remarkable medicinal value and are a wonderful cure for all forms of athenmatism. Obesity. Constipation, and Kidney and Bl4. der troubles. The New Hotel Colfax has been built at theae world fam ous springs. The accomodations are unaurpased. A great feature of the hotel is Its magnificent baths. Besides the Mineral Water Cure In all Its forms there are the Electric, the Turkish and the Nau tielrn (System Baths, tale anertcai Visa, IS Mr asy aa as Colfax Is on the main line of the Rock Island Line, 23 miles east of Des Moines. Hourly lnterurban service between Des Uolnes and Colfax. Take electrlo car direct from depot to hotel. Write for Illustrated booklet (T) 1UT W. IOHIXI, Mgr. fXotel Colfax Colfax, Iowa TWENTIETH CENTUR FARMER Oao Dollar a Year. ' Hotel Rome STTJtOFHAjr (? ...: !-f 18TK ABB JACXSO Unexcelled For It's Beauty and Modern Appointments. ROME MILLER CLUBBSPJG OFFERS Daily and Sunday Bee $6.00 Review of Reviews 3.00 Regular price for both one year. .$9.00 J 710 Our Price ONLY Daily Bee (without Sunday) $4.00 ) Woman's Home Companion 1.50 Our Price ONLY $4.60 Regular price for both one year. .$5.50 J Daily Bee (without Sunday) $4.00 1 Qijj. pp jgg Cosmopolitan 1-50 I nJT v r ValM A Regular price for both one year. .$5.50 J 450 Daily and Sunday Bee $6.00 Cosmopolitan J--DU Regular price for both one year. .$7.50 THE OMAHA DEE OMAHA, NED. Our Price ' ONLY $6.40 mmism Sal -Y; 7-' A I z Ml x si ?, r.-;-' ill j ii g i:.''v.'c.' l y u m: M VTf-.v-:tvV-'?:.. Iff mm mmmmm 1 ' 1 L I CTrlM IOB9 hr H.rt cht(fhr tc Mars VERY stylish young men are going to see this fall in our store the best clothes ever offered for their use VVe've made special preparations with a magnificent line of exclusive Hart, Schaffnor & Marx Fine Hand Tailored Suits and Overcoats. All men who care about good clothes will be interested in these fine goods. The all-wool fabrics are a special point in Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes; then perfect finish and tailoring; extremely fashionable and extensive style; absolute correctness in every detail. Suits $18 to $37.50--Overcoats $16.50 to $40 AN IMMENSE PURCHASE OF MEN'S CLOTHING 3,000 Suits and Overcoats, secured by our buyer for cash at a tremendous bargain Every garment handsomely tail ored. Your choice of pure worsteds, serges, cheviots, velours, etc; most desirable colors and pat terns; big assortment of nobby new styles; regular retail worth $13.50 to $18.00; choice. L..S1 500 Pairs Men's Pants a big purchase, garments well worth $4.00 and $4.50 at, choice $2.05 We're showing this season fifty handsome styles in Hart, Schaffner & Marx Separate Trousers; noth ing to equal them 6hown elsewhere at less than $7.50; price $5.00 SSlt Try HAYDEN'S First Manufacturer's surplus stock Boys' Knickerbocker Suits and Overcoats, worth up to $6.50 Suits, all sizes 2Y2 to , 17 yrs.; Overcoats, all sizes 2V2 to 12 yrs. Nearly half the suit styles have extra trousers; they're $6.50 val ues and all marked at one , price for this sale; the most surprising bargains, $3.95 It Pays Cut Price Saturday At the Public Market Meat Department Spring Chicken It Ho Vel Roast Hc Lamb Legs ..X M.C Choice Steak, t pounds for ..I ......15c Steer Pot Roasts '. 7p, 6c and 4Kc Lamb Chops 12Hc Sirloin Steak 10o Porterhouse Steak 12'o 6.000 pounds Sugar-Cured Hams HVc 7,000 pounds Sugar-Cured Bacon 16Vic Grocery Department l-qt. Jar Preserves 90c 8 large bottles of Catsup Zdc t bottles of Olives 23c t lbs. large sized California Sweet Prurtes 3 tall cans Salmon Kc S bottles of Chow Chow Kc S dos. Sweet Pickles 25c ( bottles Sweet Apple Cider : 25c I-lb. sack fancy Jap Rice ......20c Tea and Coffee Department The best advertising medium Is tha quality of the goods old. Our goods are advertising us and bridging new customers every day. We are the COKKBB LEAD KliS In Omaha. Steel, cut, with all dust removed by our own process. No excuse for "Muddy" coffee. Perfect for perco lators or old style pot. - Mooha Mixture, 85c; 8 lbs 8100 Kxeelalor Blend 2fic Market Speolul o Hranch of W. L. Masterman & Co., "The Coffee Men Butter, Eggs and Cheese Strictly fresh N. V. Eggs, every one guar anteed Sf0 Package Creamery Sua Extra fancy Table liulliTlne, In cartons, purer and better than ehoup butter ,.2(k Pure Peanut flutter. In bulk 20o Full Cream N. Y. Clue), white or col ored 20q Fruit Department Very fancy N. Y. Qrapt-s, basket 25o Fancy canning Pears, luthel ....... .$1 75 Florida Grape Fruit, each 10o Funcy fruit and vege'ables of all kinds. ioio Harney Street YlfJW . Phones: Doug. 2141 Ind. A-2147 Bee.: Wants Ads will rent that vacant hotjsc fill those vacant rooms, or secure boarders on short notice, at a very small cost to you. i