Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 17, Image 17

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Bern Caught Off Guard When Trice
j Sail Up at Opening.
horl latere Forreil tc'Cotrr and
A out. Pro
Profit Taklaar (kfrka the
ra Active,
i aa Flra.
OMAHA, Oct. 22, 1909.
Scarcity of offering at the start raught
he Iwtirs off their guard. Sharp buying
easily i.ent value higher, when short were
, forced to cover and the advance was only
t rhwkwl by long taking profits at the top
j jiiif e.
Corn wan less active, but price were
firm and the market showed better ton,
offertniis , be ing readily tatu-n .at allishtly
better figures than yesterday.
Illghar cable and oovt ring by short ent
whut values higher from the start, home
i realising stopped the advance and prices
were slightly under the higher point at the
f close, but the market was well above yes-
teiday with the undertone firm.
Corn was very steady, but unchanged,
i prices holding firmly at yesterday a level,
with some better demand. Cash corn sold
readily at the same -value as yesietday.
Receipt are good and grading well,, ow
n to favorable weather conditions.
I lrlmsry wheat receipts were 1.74i.onO bu.
... and shipments were 732 000 bu., against re
ceipts last year of 1,077,000 bu. and hlp-
merits of M7.000 bu. . L
Primary receipts were 832.000 bu. and shlp
tnonia were TSi 008 bu.. against receipts last
I year of 233,000 bu. and shlpmenU of 101.000
I Clsarauoo were 19.000 bu. of corn, 1,000
I bu. of aats and wheat and flour equal to
I 217.009 bu.
1 Liverpool closed d higher on wheat and
4 .d higher on corn. , .
Local range of options:
ArUdea.J Open. Hlgh. Low. qo. Tes y
Wheat. X
1 ..,
TSJ X ee,.,
w ly...
Omaha Cask lrHe.
tTOEiT.Ko S hard. ll.Q2WOl.03lU Nfo,
hUrd, Wi&4101V. Wo.. 4 nard. it&ui No.
2 spring, tl.OlfclOS; No. 8 spring. trotrtlOl;
No. 4 spring, sneWle, - '
CORN No. t, No. S, 7r; No. 4, M;
no. l yellow, evc N. yeiiow, eic,
1 white, TMn Whit. irv-.O.
OATS No. 8 mtxert, tflc: No. yellow S7
JSSe: Kit white, 3S''!'384n NO. 1 wnue,
STtt&TT'Sicr rtandrd,- 8Kc. ' - -
RIK No. Z, 68','gesc; . ISO. j, w titoc
Car Lot Kacetpta.
- , " Whaut. Com." Oats.
Chlcae-o iH Ml -.-vn
Minneapolis ,.,.3..i ...
Otuaha . .
Duiuih J...Z6 . ,
, Ml
Wheat; Market Contrwlle hf Balltah
Sentlnaeat Darlaaj the Day.
CHICAGO. Oct. 13. Builwh aentiment con
trolled Ihe market today, lxiceinber
clueed le liigUar and Uie oUwr futures
were c above yesterday's final figures.
Curn tanged higher, with oats trending in
the same dlrecLluu. frovlaioos closed 6o
lower to lOo liltrlittr,
December w boat, was the focal point of
the market here and in the nortnwent Tnd
It advanced appreciably ovr May. In the
southwest a strong raeh demand coincided
with a imllttr ctiitdiuon la the northwest.
Xcember shorts aiampeded aa the mar
ket roBp and smite of the lona took profits
on the bulgen. Local strength was rein
forced by higher foreign eablea. The
norihwet wheat atoiks Increaxed today
1.iA).w0 bushuls. Premiums of cash wheat.
I whlob iu the northwest cleaned up at a.'Q
auvance buoeied the market and flour aaiea
Were oorrespondlngly large. . .
Corp ,vaa atroiut. lcceiuber closed U
(c luln r and the other aioulhs allowed; ;au
advan4 of c.
In the oaU iui the trend of th market
followed the other grama. iekmhen
closed unchanged, with the other, tuturaa
He hiher Uwu Ahe f kiai figures yesterday.
UiLiuttOlng by Jaiiuaiy Iwng kept down
the liiKber lanuo of the provlslona market,
which ebo,d ymploios. of .advancing In
sympathy with the grains. Pork stood
unchanged to 12e higher, with lard and
ribs In the tn alp (c higher at the close.
The lending futures ranged a foliowaf , !
Articles ! Opeu. High. Low. Close. Tes y.
Wheat I I
4 Dec. 1 1 W'4
' 1 May . II O.. J X
.IulrlHS'va-,4!- Wi
1 ,
1 (l6-ii
1 044
1 OS
Cash quotation vera AS follow! -
KLOUll firm.
RYE Ke. 2. 7a74.
BAHLEYred or mixing, 5Jguc; fair to
choice malting, GVQUJo.
BEKDFlax, No. I southwestern, $1 M;
No. 1 northwestern, $L8S timothy, $3 TbJ
clover, ft WQ 14.50.
PHOVISIONS Pork, mesa, per bbl.. $23.75
fiilOO. Lrtird. per 100 lbs. $1112 574.
Hhort ribs, side, loose, $10.75311.1; boxed,
BUTTKRsteadyj creameries, 2fr30c;
dairies. 23H2SC ;
KfKIS Receipts, 5.529 cases. Market
ateitdy; at mark, catn-s Included. 1; first,
"itc: prime firsts, 26c.
CHVIOSE Firm; daisies, lCJilBc; twins.
15'Sjl5o; Younjr Americas, ItiUflB'o; Jong
horns. ll4i 10c.
POTA'Ofc.-teady! choice to fancy, t&Q
lie; fair to good, 4uut8e.
$Ol'I THY ICaay; turkeys, lie; chickens,
12o; spi-ingra, 11 Ho.
V'KAI -OmII; W) to 80-lb. weights, 7r7He;
i to S-lh. weights, IVjWc; 85 to lie-lb.
weights. aM-iffllO. '
Total clearance of wheat and flour were
enual to 217.0u0 bu. Kx ports for the week.
as shown by Bradstreet's, were euual to
.'.6H4.0UO bu. Primary receipts were 1.747 000
ou.. compareo wiin. ivn, ou. ins corre
sponding day a year ago. Ktl mated re
ceipts for tomorrow: wneai, u cars; corn,
r3 care; oats,' 139 cars; hoga, 10,000 head,
HI. Laals Ueaeral Market.
HT. LOC18, Oet. M.-.WHBAT- Future
l.iHhei; iiiM unchanged; No, 1 red. cash,
11 2331 JS; No. a hard, $1 0fvtfUlV4; Dec Tot
tor. 110741107': May. $1.07.
1 1 "-comber, ic; May. l'c; No. 2 while,
OATS Higher; track. No. 2 cash, 9Kt
i Lef-ember, ' KKc: My
ic ; i o. J
j w line, ai gfjc
': HVK N'omiiutl; "Sc. '
i rl.Ol'K Vnchanged. red winter, pat
U7ov,yo; extra fancy and straight
,nov and slraiahla.
lirHM; hard winter .-leiirs. 14.0da4.S0
KKKD-Timothv. $17&'ui.5d. :
KHAN 1 Hill; wicked, east
MAY -l'nehnned; tlmntliy,
in itli le, $10 U 00.
IU(jN Ct'TTt'V TIKrt9tlc
IIKMP T WINK 7c. j ,
rHOV18IONrt Pork unchanged; lobbing,
ti.iU- Laid, prime steam, $11.312.45. Lry
un meats uiicnsu.f.i; uoxed extra short
$12 00. clear ribs. IIXOO; ahoTt clears, $i22i!
Ilacon unchanged; boxed extra short!
llavO: elaar ribe. $13.00: itheri vm am u
Receipt and shipments were as tnllows;
" ... ... owM"i. Shipments.
'Vhat 1P3.0.M
H f t,rn Mtno 2
f u?I,-vi;y", ...
Outs bo OU0
lillll.TRr-Oillol- rhtrkna ul.
1 I .'- .
6S . xi ,
9Vj ' .KJj.,
06'l ,5i'J to',;
5 SnV . 6S
H S7V. 3C
40 . l'.l
i Wt ,.. . I I
f Oct. ' ''a I-; tn t- so "bo ' 'bsu
' May " 4-Tl-9' ' 'lt' 1H K'V
i Dec. i'.'ii'ti K' IWi faU-k 61H
I July tiOi, 1 0v a 60V
Ouls i
1 Dec. 40 89' '
I May tikiw f'l 42 , 42
i July 40 1 40 jS)''tf-W,3a3iy)L.. S'A
I Pork- r ' -.1 ' .
& fu-l I M JtS I S3 la 1 23 IB I 23 US -I 23 IK i 18 75 jl 67H U 70 M 60
ty 1. 22' U 62HI U M 47H U 85
.rd- I I
, ; . May 18 0 10 0 1 10 M io ffi 13 60
Oct. lltt 1IH UB 12 B6 U97V,
f4 Nor. li H7" 12 05 11 17H 11 Oi U 10
JPa It 4VT1X. 11 ITJXl 11 11 Ilk ia his
S I m i VI1. I A A y7I AA l 7J1 A W I w v
f Oct. h 26 j 11 27V4 11 20 11 10 11 25
' v Jan. Tl'T7M,J TW 77H S 824 2H
I AMay I 76 STVi t 76 S2Vi V
f 'No. I ' i ' '
f Si ti.' turkeys. Uylfie: ducks. 1U-.
Mm, 7c.
aay; oreauiery, IN-iilo.;
Philadelphia Pradue llarktl.
rHrtPKL?l'lA, p t. - 2S.-BUTTER-;
ftrm: entra utateiVt, XiVto; extra parby
prints. $."( , , t
Ktitiji-jHtnv vmt hi grvad demand: - Penni
aalvani and otlirr ucurby fut, free
Taes. 5X at mark; fennsylvsnla current
receipts. In returnable caena. tTo at mara,
western firsts, free rssc J.c at mark;
Western current receipt. UliSla at mark.
CHKKSK Firm: New Tork fnll creams,
holcc. liMi'il4c; New York full creams.
fnlr to good, 15Vlc..
qaetatloas ef the Day Yarleaa
NKW YORK. Oct. IJ-n-OVn Re
ceipt, 28.t' bbl.; eiporta, 8,5R bhls.;
firmer, with nusiness oniy moneratn;
Minnesota patents, S y5 60; Minnesota
bakers. l. 6044.60; winter extras, $4. 400
80 wlhter straights. MZor4v; winter
.stents. tS.t5i6.i&: winter low grades.
$4. .104(40; Katiaas Btralghta. f4.t5i9D.15.
Hye flnur, firm; choice to fancy, $4,400
4. ho. Buckwheat flour, dull, 12.35, nomi
nal, per loi lbs.
coHNMKAii Mteauy: rtna wnue ana
yellow, ai-fiotp 1.65: coarse, $l.4014o;
kiln dried, la.bttu .5.
KTK Firm; No. I western. 10. f. o.
b.. New York.
UAHLr. i uuiei; reeding, fBtJ62o, nom
inal, f. o, b." New York. ,
nil', Firm; No. 1 western. tlV. f. o b..
New York.
.WHEAT Receipts. 164.500 bu.: exports,
J9.898 bu. Hpot, firm; No. 2 red, $1.23.
nominal, elevator No. 2 red. 11.22 H
asked, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Du-
luh. 1 1'4, nominal, f. o. b. afloat V No.
Z hard winter. I1.234. nominal, f. o. o.
afloat. Hhorts in December wheat and
another scare today over reports of big
duii pool in urucago.ana a general con
gestion In that contract tended to ad
vance prices over a cent per bushel,
aided also by big weekly clearances, firm
rabies and lighter northweat receipts.
Keactions occurred near the close, out
final prices were atlll at0 net higher
December, $1.12 7-1 ft MS1; closed at
11.12; May, 1.HH 1.12 -!; closed at
roilN Recelnta. 7K hu. Soot, firm
No. 2, 70c asked and 70Hc delivered; No.
2, ttc sellers, f. o. b. afloat; no, i yel
low 7otti-. nominal. The ODtlon market
wan firmer on covering and closed HflUc
net higher. December. t tTc:
closed nt 07ir. Mm rinsed at 69 3kC
OAT8 KecelDtS. Dl.liO ou. Diui,
ateady: mixed,, 26 to 92 lbs., nominal;
natural white ' 28 to 32 lbs., 4Sii4fHC;
cliDDAd whits. 4 to 42 lbs.. 46V4 tl'48 VkC.
MAY liaay; Wo. S, twystiCi gooa to cnoico,
HO PS Steady; utate common, 2S3c;
l0g, l'21c; Pacific coast 1909, 2B30c;
160, 174P21C.
HIDES Firm; Bogota, 2122c; Coitral
America, 22(U2c.
LEATHER Steady; acid, 22J0c.
I14.00i14.BO; mens, $11.00 11.50; beefl
iima 1 24 no ft 2 B. 00: packet. 112 50: city,
extra India mere. $21.O021.50. Pork,
atadv: fcimilv. 126.00 to 27.00 : short clear.
$24.0025.00; mess, 126.76. Cut meats,
steady; pickled bellies, $13.50 14.26;
pickled hams.$12. 50 13.00. Lard, barely
ateadyj middle west, 112.Ky13.60; re
fined, steady; continent, $13.35; South
America, 114; compouna, .iiimi..
ItlCU Steady; domestic, 2',V"o; patria,
KlfiHc I
TAlLbW Firm; city, 6Ho; country, 6
6?. I
BlTTTtR Firmer; creamery specials,
JtV(if!32cr' extras. 0tT31o: th rd to firsts
2ttlVpc; process. 25'27Ho; western fac
tory ri'iat)c; imitation creamery, wci'iic.
CHEESK Firm; state run cream spec
laid. ltV)17c; state full oream specials,
fancv. ItV: state full cream specials, com
men to rood, WA'&liVio c skims full to spec
!al (.14c . ,
fc.OC.ij Firm; state Pennsylvania and
nearby honnery, white, S4M2c; state fenn
vivaala. and nearbv gathered. - white,
2:27o: state Pennsylvania and nearby,
brown hennery, 33(33flcj' gathered brown
27aU2c; western extra firsts, 26tt327c; first
?r;7l2c: seconds. 23M.'S24Hc.
POULTRY Alive, dull; western chickens,
13Viic: fowls, 15c; turkeys, IK. Dressed. Ir
regular; western chickens, 1316Vic; fowls,
1VWU, .
Possibly Showere "atwrday sad Llt-
, .'. - tie Change la Temperatare.
'," '. " OMAHA. Oct. S3, 1909.
The depression overlying the lake region
Thursday morning Is now moving off over
t fee -St. Lawrence valley. Light shower at
tended th disturbance over the lake re
gie and eastern states, and somewnat un
setiled conditions continue In those sea
tlons this. -mornlnR. Generally cloudy
weather prevail throughout th upper Alls
imi nni mil Missouri vrIIpvs and will con-
tintfe, with' possible showers, over this
vicinity this - afternoon- and tonight, fol
lowed by air Saturday. - Temperatures are
lower in .the .lake region, the upper Ml-l-lppt
nd'4ttlsaourt valleys and on the
Faoific : elope.' .--They are higher In the
rut. hwest and. aouth , along tne eastern
Rocky mountain slope. No Important
change In temperature Is expected In this
vl inlty tonight or Saturday, except pos
aJbtv allKhtlv .oooler may prevail tonight.
' Record of temperature and precipitation
ffomparet) with the corresponding day of the
last three yearai" . ..
1909. 1908. 1907. 1908,
Minimum temperature ... 48 37 47 44
Pieclpltatlon T .00 .00 .IS
Normal temperature for today, 61 degrees.
Pefic'ency in precipitation since March 1,
tM inches.
rvf lolency corresponding period in 1908,
3,2:1 Inches. , "
lief cl ncy . corresponding period In 1907,
6.ta inches.
. u. A, WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Kanaaa City Grata and Pravlsloas.
KAN8A8 CITY. Mo.. Oct. 8.-WHEAT-
lo higher; No. 2 hard, $1.07Vii1.10; No. S,
JL.Ol'ul.OSt; No. 1 red. $1.22; No. 3. $1.14ffl.S0;
uecember: Jl.osTfl.csvi, bid: May. I1.03KO
1.-03V. sellerfci- July, no bid.
tOKN-unchanged to - lo lower: No. 1
mixed, Hic; No. 8, 0c: No. white, 6Sc
No. 8,' 24a3c; Xecember, 3S938Ho. bid;
May, SlVntilc. sellers. July, tile, sellers.
OATS Unchanged: No. 2 white. 4XuHlc:
No. 2 mixed, Kfcjj40c.
HYH TWS'fie. .....
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy. $12.00ia
12.60; choice prairie, $9.75(10.00; choloe al
falfa. J13.TOBTWI 7S.
BUTTER Creamery, extras. 29Hc: firsts.
37',-c; seconds.l&Ho; packing stock. 23Hc.
Kuun-Kxtras, ac; rirsts, iw, seconas
and dirties, 22c; current receipt. tlHci
otitherns, loss off, 14c. I
Receipts and shipments of grain were a
follows: Receipts, tthtpments,
Wheat bu 112 000 82 0(V)
Corn, bu. 84. OHO 10.000
Oats, hu 13,000 U,000
Leading option at Kansas City ranged
a follow:
Open. High. Low. Closa.
December ... 12H 103 10?Vt
May . ........... 1034 102
loember .... MN S $fH
May ,... W 1H 1
l nn
1 03 Si
7 Liverpool Grala Market.
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 22. W H B A T 8 pot,
quiet; No. 2 red western winter, nominal,
7s lo"d. Futures. firmH December, 7s$Hd;
Marcht 7s6'4d; May, 7a 6d.
CORN Spot, quiet; new American mixed,
via Galveston, 6s Id. Futures, quiet; Oc
tober, 6s 3d; Lecember, (a 4Vid. tirala Market.
MILWAUKEE, Oct. 22 -FLOlTR-tjteady.
WHEAT-No. 1 northern, $1.101.12; No. S
northern, flOhHiri-Uv; l.ecember, Jl.OoV bid.
OATH Standard. tU(j4-'lo.
BARLKY Sample. 6JuUtf!o; No. S, E73
ssc; no. , txwjawj.
Mlaaeapolta Grala Market. .
FRAN In 100 pound sacks. $19 80.
FLOUR First patrnts. $i.30ii5.40: second
patents, $5.103520: first clears, Htfcljt.fc;
second Clears, J.jtnjj 1U. .
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLFPO, O , (M. 23-SEED-Clover,
rash. IKIJ'i; October, tfi.27'; December.
ts riH; March, $ fi6: rejected. SAM; . no es
tabllshed grade, K.ia. Timothy prime. $1.86.
Alsike. prime. $8 ; October, S.13;- Decem
ber, tsi'ttl Marcn, $x.sO
Peoria Market.
PEOKIA.' Ifl.. Oct. -CORN The mar
ket was unchanged; No. 2 while, $1
HIV; 'No- vel'ow, lOc; No. $ yellow, 60c;
NO. S. 0c: No. 4, 6o.
OATS steady; Ng. S mhlte, J9,440o; No.
. Oils aiaal Itssis, .
NEW YORK, Oct H-OILS-Cottonaeed
Irregular; nilme crude. $5.H; prime yel.
low, s oa '1 1. ti iwcBiuurr, ao.o.'UQOS. r e-
troleum, firm: "refmed New York, $'.lf.:
Ph'ianeipnta ana oaitrmore. is ie; fhtla
fleU'hla and Baltimore In bulk, $4.C0. Rosin
quiet; atratned. common to good.i $1.1$,
Turpentine, steady. WWc.
TOLEDO, CK t tl -OtT.8 North, Lima.
we: Bi,ntn unit ni Indiana. Tc.
OIL CITY. Vt 12-OlL-Credlt balance
II M; runs. Ia.$i4 bhl.; average, lJf 1$
'Is : shipments. 111. 1ST bkls.; average, lil.-,
90 bhls. ' T
SAVANNAH Oa . Ck 23 OIL Turpen-
ROSIN Firm; R, $4 K; D. $4 W; P,
4TTS; F.--4ru! o. UJTMi; H. $4 If.; I.
..; rv. ixio: M, XSSI': N. e10: W G,
4i.40; W lVe- - -
Ueary Selling; Pressure Evident Dur-
ing: Activity in Wall Street.
Farela-a Eiflkaag Rates Aaaae la
Oothaaa-Call I.oaai Brasrk Re
nalae Traaqall Market
Closea Weak.
NEW YORK, Oct. 22. The stock market
today repeated Ita action of several days
preundtng. Heavy aillng pressure was iu
evidence, while the foreign stuck exchanges
were In seHHion. When iiot-ing time abroad
had arrived, owing; to the dutt-rence In tune
Deiween inese poium ana new mm, uu
pressure auusiiHd and made way fur some
recovery In prices.
the dominant Influence In all financial
markets continued to be the London money
position, as directed by the Uink ot
tngiand action. The rise in private din-
count rate in London proved that the
jtuiiK of England lound ' the power to
make Its higher rate effective and to main
tain Its control of the open money market,
'this gave added influence to the
admonitory advances troiii london of tne
determination ot the bank authorities to
protect the bankinc resources at that center
irom itirtner inroads by foreign borrowers
or seekers for gold reserves.
i he JJank of ibtigland a action proved its
efficacy not oniy on the home money mar
ket, but on the foreign exchanges, ahicn
moved in lavor of trade at an points.
Money rates were affected accordingly.
Swing point to the solicitude reported from
riln ot a possible demand on that center
lor gold, which vouid tune a runner ad
vance In the official dlHcount rate of the
imperial Bank of Germany.
The rapid advance In foreign exchange
rates in tne isew lorK market continueu
arid engagements were announced of gold
for ohiuiiient to south American ana Lon
don account. Negotiations were reported
to be In progress, looking for gold exports
to Europe next week. Foreign exchanges
reacted sharply at last. The money market
here was not unaffected by these develop
ments, especially the time loan department.
The call loan branch remained tranaull,
notwithstanding the action of the foreign
exchange market. Much of the aalling of
stocks here vas directly for London ac
count. It was said that very heavy ship
ments of securities were In transit from
London to New York.
It is the ousrom of the stock market to
borrow stocks for delivery, which are sold
on foreign account, pending the arrival of
the certificates of stocks. Actual payments
for such stocka, therefore are delayed until
their arrival from London. The week s
currency movement with the Interior af
forded some retiel to setuiineni over me
money position.
It Is etimated that the banks have
gained In the neighborhood of 13, 000.000 In
cash from various sources during the
week. - - ....
Fresh selling of stocks late In the day
Closed the market weak and at the lowest.
Honda were heavy. Total sales, par value,
$3,310,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Bales. Hlxn. uow. viopv.
Allla-Chalmora prd
Amalsamatetf Ctopoar ...
Amarioan Afrlcultural ...
Ail Boat Sugar
Am. Can ptd
Am. C. A r
Am. Cotton oil..
Am. H. L
Am. loa Socurttles.
Amarioan Llnaocd
Amorloaa .LooomotlT ...
Am. g. at K
Ana. g. at tl. M
Am. Sugar Kstlnlng
Am. T. A T
Am. Tobacco pfa
American Wooloa
Anaconda MUning C
Atchison prd
Atlantio Coast Line
Baltimore A Oliio
Bal. A Ohle pt
Bathltham Stool
Brooklra Rapid Tr
CanaAiaa raclfla
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
Contral of N. J., al-alT.
rhooaipaako A Ohio
Chicago V Alton
Chicago' Oroat W oat am..
CJili. jo A N. W
C, M. A St. P
C. C. O. A St. Im.
Colorado F. A L..
Colorado A So
Colo. A So. lat p'd
Colo 4 So. d prd
CoiHOlldatad Oaa
Corn Products
Dalawaro A Hudson
Inver A Rio Grand....
D. B. O. pfd
Dlstlllars' Securities
Kris 1st prd
Erla 2d ptd -.
4 .
l.ww liH
1,100 T7
- 8'W
Ho Si
400 111 11
1.100 129 1J'
,S- 141 1VM4 140S4
M ')t (
,. 1,100 4T 44 4!,
,. 17,700 121 4 130 lis)
IM) UK "4 lt4Si 104
Slli 138 138 137
.. l,X 1114 US
'X9 13 S3
, l.SuO 78 71
1,000 184 113
11,000 47 40
17,800 . $8
100 (WW
oa i
o ih 14 lrn, laiva
It. MO 16 167 lfi7Si
800 78 78 7k
' 700 (6 5 4S
30 63 41 fil
' ("0 7 78 78
100 71 78 78
1.100 142 141 141
700 l 11 )1
400 15 18 184
1,5-M ik 4 4
100 84 15 4
1,3(10 17 10 34
1,100 13 S3 W'4
600 48 44 48
100 1U 183 IU
6,o 1444 147' 147
1.000 el 89 go
80V 160 148 14(
10.S00 17 1J 17
1.100 4 44 4fc
800 SH M
00 u u
KM 47 47 4
100 to M 2M.
100 44 43 44
UN) 70 70 '
00 1U IU 161
...... ..... .... 139
8.100 70 't'i 6
tt.M 48 44 44
100 76 76 74
' 11314,
00 II 88 eav,
1.700 136 134 131
II 48 44
WO i M Do
Osnsral klactiio
Grata Northora pfd
Uroat Northern Ore ctte..
Illnola Central
Intorborough Mat,
Int. Mot. ptd
International Harvester ,
Int. Marina pfd
International Paper
International Pump
Iowa Central
Kanaaa Cliy Bo
K. O. SO. pfd
Loulsrillo A N
Minn. A St. L
M., et. P. -ft 8. S. M....
Missouri Pacltlo
M., K. A T
M., K. 'A T. pfd
National Biscuit
Natioaal Lead
N. H. R. of M. 1st pit.,
New York Central
N. Yv O. A W...
Norfolk A W
North American
.Northern . Pec ltle ,
Pacific Mall
148 148
88 lk
14 144
114 114
44 4
11 111
46 46
100 14
16 4g
li 100
m as
77 78 .
64 , 67
1 t
48 f
0 PO
128 128
4 14
36 6
M 62
.. ' 1,600 40
.. 24.500 148
400 116
100 6
100 48
6O0 i;
..129.000 161
30i 44
10 106
.. li.MW 4
Pennsylvania ,
People' a Oaa
P., O., C. : St. L
Pre ami Steel Oar
Pullman Palace Mr
Railway Steel Spring
Rapublie Steel ,
Rcpublto Steel pfd
Rock leland Co
Rock Island Co. pfd
St. L. at S. F. 3d pfd
St. h. g. W
St. L. A W. pfd
Sloaa-Shatrield . A I....,
Suutliern Pauiric ,
Southern Railway .......
Se. Hallway pfd...:
Tennessee ' Coppos
Texas AY Pacltlo ,
T., St. L AV W
t.. St. U W. ptd
.. 48,7110
., 6U
I'nloa Paclflo
Vuloa Paclfle pld
I. 8. Roulty.
I'. S. Rubbol
I'. 8. Sleel.7.
, l.OXI
13,. I
, 11. 20
. 1,IU
V. 8. Steel ptd
t'tah Coiper
1-7 Utl 1264
Va. -Carolina Chemical ..
V, abash
Wabash pfd
Western Maryland
77 it
v. eailnsheuas Mleutrlo ...
Weetera Union
Wheeling aV U B
Wlavonala Central
Total sale tor tha day. 12.100 share.
Boston Btocke aad Boadi.
BOSTON. Oct. 22.-Money. call loan. 6
faV. Der cent: time l,,a,,M iu..-.
, . , - - ' '.-" -.7a4!U pel CCIIl.
t losing quotation on stock and bonds
Atchlaoa adj. 4a
4s ...7.
Aubieon A. K. .
do nfd
4 Amalgamated
100 Arlxona Com
11 Atlantic
l'Mi)Utte Coalition ....
26 Cal A. iri.nn.
. ?t
. 42
. lilt,
- 2UV
. M
. 88
. 78
: S
. u
. .4
. 44
. at
. n
. as
. JO
. 64
. 4J
. r
B'lalon A Albany.
" r mama too Cal. A Heels ,
Boston Klavaled 130 Centennlel
ritrlibura; ptd lJo Copper Range
Union Pacific Jul ytanklln
Am. Arge. Ctiam 6 Granny
Si llOreene Canaoaa".'.!
Asa. Paeu. Tuse 8 ,) Ry,i,
Anier. fugar ...12t Maes. Mining
o pro 11" Michigan
Am. T. T 14flMoliawa
Amor. Woolen i6 Nerada
" ' l"i!oid Dominion
Horn. L A g at0eeol
EOlaun Kino. Illu....2.1 Parrot
Oeaeral Eleotiie 163 Uulncv
Mass. Electric
lev Hlmnnan
4e pld ....
Maae. Oaa ...
United Krult
Halted S. M.
do pfd ....
I!. S. Steal...
do pfd ....
AdTentues ..
.. 10 Tamarack
..' fS Trinity
..! V. H, Mining.
.. u. a. wi..!:,.
.. iub
.. 17 Victoria
..IM Winona
.. 4 Korth Butte .
.. 4
New York Mlaiagr Stacka.
NEW TORK. Oct. Cloalng quotations
on mining atocks wire aa fuilowa:
lie -LeadTlJIe Cea I
- Little thief (
17 Meaieaa .171
Orttarte '.00
146 Opair . .' io
70 Standard o
lei Yellow Jacket 140
Hranawiek Ooa. ..
Com. Tunnel stock
do Imnda
Con. Cel. A Va
Mora Silver
Iron Silver ...
Treaasry klatemeat.
WASHINGTON. Oct 23. -The condition
of the treasury at the beginning of busi
ness today, was ns follows; Tnist fund
guld coin, 6M2,I.4.; silver dullars, $ti)7,U0,-
Ml; silver of 1SH0, M.OHVonn; eilvsr certifi
cates outstanding. $', 110,000. Oeneral fund,
standard sliver dollars in geueral fund,
KWJt.lTK; current llshllltie,, $t0.4AI;
working balance In treasury office. $
24.1.14H; In banks to credit of treasurer of
l ulled Htates, S40.910.10T; subsidiary silver
coin, tlS,x.;i,:i2.S; minor coin. $1. .; total,
balance In general fund. $",076,7ta.
Hew Yark Meaey Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 22. MONEY On call,
firm. H per cent; ruilnK rate, 4 per cent;
closing bid. 4 per cent, offered at 4V per
cent. Time loans, 4 per cent, firm and
active; sixty day, 4j per cent, and ninety
days, 4"iai)4 per cent; six months, vk'Sj per
per cent.
6TEKLINQ EXCHANGE. Irregular with
actual business in bankers' bills at fi8
4 .8340 for sixty day bills and at $4 m u 4 K7 M
for drmand. Commercial bills. HWN.
(SILVER Rar, hOc; Mexican dollars. 43c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad
bonds heavy.
Trie following are the closing quotations
on slocks and bonds:
V. B. pt. fc, ri....lHtnt. Met. 4H
da coupon KHiiit. M. M. 44a....
V. i. M, reg liHHJrn 4
do coupon 101 H io 4m
0. S. 4, reg IU K. C. So. lot H...
do coupon lit L g. db. 4a 131..
Alllo-Chal. 1st Is.... Mt4 L. A N. an. 4s M
Am. At U 1"14.M.. K. T. 1st 4.
Aa T. T. ct. 4s..MMtk do ien. 4V4a f
Am. Tobocco 4i ""'Mo. Pacific 4 W
do M HOitN. K. K. of M. 4Vi.. M
Armour Co. 4ti... SJ N V. C. . 1H '
Atihlsnn ran. 4 WnV. do deb. 4 "St
do cv. 4a HtN. Y.. N. H. A .
do ct. (a IU cv f 1
At. C. L. lt 4t Ktir W,it t. 4a.... 9
Bal. Ohio 4s H Sic ev. .
do IVs M Na. Pacltl 4 1 H
do 8. W. IWs t do Is
Brx. Tr. cv. 4a KHo . U rtd. 4s..
Cen. of Oa. & pnn. ci. llll
On. Leather la I"4 do eon. 4a
". of N. J. a. Ss....l!f Raadtna sen. 4s...
s H
I. 4a. SI
Oti. Ohio 4Sa....l St. U r
os rr. so. Ki.v do (on. 5
"Chicago 4k A. ttts.. 79 gt. L. 8. W. . 44... t
C , B. Q. J.
do tan. 4a.
M An let (old 4a M
.. 68ahoard A. L. 4s.. 8'i
O. M. ( I. P. !s Heao. pacific col. 4s.. 0
C, R. I. A P. e. 4s.. 77 do ct. 4s 10:
do col. 6s l do 1st ret. 4a
do l-fa. 4s go. Railway is 10K
Colo. Ind. is 81 do an. 4s
Colo. Mid. 4s 8 Union Paclflo 4 10a
c. tk S. r. A e. 4a. 7 do ti. '.
P. A H. ct. 4a 1J do 1st A ret. 4a ... i
P. A R. O. 4a MIJ. S. Rubber 4a
Dlntlllara' 6a 76 V. . Steel Id 6a.. ...!'
Erie p. I. 4s 84Va.-Caro. Chem. jo.
do gen. 4a 76 Wabash lat u nt,
do c. 4s, aer. A... (1 do 1st A ex. 4s.... 74
do series B 71 W?alern ltd. 4s .. .. M
Gen. Klec. cr. (a 161 West. Hlec CT. 6s. .. H
111. On. lpt ret. 4a.. TS Wla Central 4s 4
Bid. "Otrered.
London Stock Market.
IINDON. Oct - 22. American securities
opened steady today with price around
parity. Small covering: order caused n
improvement later and at midday the mar
ket was quite steady and from blither
to lower than yesterday' New York
London Closing: stock:
Consols, money 12 Louis-rill as N
do account fie-ieM., li. at t
AmaL Copper.
.. 14 N. T. Central..
.. Norfolk A W...
..lit do pfd
..1" Ontario A W..
. .118 PennayWanla ..
..188 Rand Mtnes. ...
do Bta
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canadlaa Pacific.
Cheeapeake A O.
.1 0 Reading
. 81
Chicago O. W 1 Southern Ry.
Chi., Mil. A St. P...M1 do pfd.
De Beers
Denver A Rio 0-.
,18 Southern Paclflo.... .131
4t Union Pacific... 107
do pfd
7 do pfd 104
1SD. S. Steel 91
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd
41 do pfd ISO
41 Wabash 11,
Grand Trunk
!. 0 PIO 66 71
Illinois Centra:..
JA Stwnlah 4a N
K1I,VKR Bar, steady at 23 d per ounce.
MONKY-Miii per cent
Tne rate ot discount in the open market
for short bill I 4'iii-lA per cent; for three
month' bill. 4 per cent
Forela-a Flaamelal
LONDON. Oct 21 Money was In strong;
demand and discount were firm on th
market today. On the Stock exchange.
while American securities went ahead in
the forenoon. Ignoring the bank rate ahd
the dearer monetary outlooks these con
ditions restricted business in other direc
tions, neither speculators nor investor
being Inclined to enter new ventures,
British shares, foreigners, Kaffirs and
Orand Trunk weakened under realizing
and closed heavy. . Consols, exceptionally.
were a trifle higher. American securities
opened steady, with price around parity,
Small covering orders caused an improve
ment later and at midday the market was
quietly steady at ."' higher to V lower
than yesterday' New Tork closing. United
Htates Steel and Union Pacific monopo
lized attention lit the forenoon, but Wall
street unloading caused a sharp net set
back in the afternoon and particularly In
United State Steel, which mad the clos
ing weak at 1 to 2 point lower than In
the morning.
BERLIN, Oct. 22. There wa a rising
tendency to prices on th Bourse today.
PARIS, Oct 22. Prices on the Bourse
today opened firm, but weakened towards
the close. The private aiscount rate is
2a per cent, an. advance or. ft.
Local Secartttea,
Local securities quotation, furnished by
Samuel Burns, jr., ut new
building, Oroahe:.
Tork Lit
Bid. Aaaee.
Armour A Co. 4.....
City ot Omsha 4s. 111
Cudah Packing Co
OolunJDue (Neb.) Blea. Light Is, MM
independent Tele. 6a (Omaha) ,
international construeiloo Co ,
Laclede Oaa Light Co. is. 134
Morris A Co. 4s. 1M
Nebraska Tele. Btoek, pee eant
8 - 4.1
Omaha Oaa 6a, Itir
Omaha Sloe. Light and Power ia, US!
Omaha Blea. tight and rower ptd. 81
Omaha A C. B. St. R. es, iM .
Omaha A C. B. BU Ry. la. 114 100
Omaha A C. B. St. Rf. pfd I per at... J8
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. com., 4 per ct. 11
Omaha A C. B Ry. A B 6a, UU 18
Omaha Water Co. 6a. 1I 4
Omaha Water Co. as. 141
Omaha Water Co. Ut ptd
South Omaha Sewee 4a, l24 ICO
Sioux City Stock Yards pfd, per seat 84
t nicn Stock Yarda (Omaha) 4 per eut 17
Waal am PacUlo 6a. mi M
Metal Market?.
NEW YORK. Oct. 22. While no actual
business was reported, the market for
standard copper on the New York Metal
exchange was weak and lower in the ab
sence of buyers, spot closing at $12.0012.25
October at 112.0012.20: November and T
cember at 112 Of! 12.25; January at 112.0WJ
12 . The Kngllsh market was lower, with
spot closing at too 17s fed and futures at (58.
Sales there Included 600 tons spot and 1.100
ton future. Local dealers dilute lake cop
per at I13.001S.23; electrolytic at 12.;ts7T
12.7T4. and casting at t12.50fj1I.75. Tin wua
teady. with spot quotod at ltO.3530.5O
October and November at 30.30irY30.50; De
cember at 130. 37 MJt 30. 00: and January at itio tiunuoti market was easy,
with spot quoted at 1131 2 M and futures
at 130, 17 d, having lost on an early ad
vance. Lead was qult. with spot quotod at
I4.3:'HTi4.4U. New York, and at H aott'4.30.
liaFt SI. Iouis. The London market was
unchanged at ill 3a M. Ispelter waa firm,
with spot quoted at .15 bid. New York
and at l'i.06 bid. East St. lentils. The Ixin-
don market was hlRher at $23 5s. The Knar
lish Iron market was higher at 61s 4Vd for
1 leve'anri warrants, lically the markot
was steady. No. 1 foundry, llO.OOfj 19 50; No.
2 foundry. Ill SOifi 19 00; No. 1 southern and
Nr.. 1 southern soft, Sl.25 10.75.
ST. I,OI'IS Oct 21-MKTAI.S-Iad,
tirm; )ii). opener, strong; o....
Coffee Market.
market for coffee futurea opened barely
steaay at a aecune or oaiu points in re
sponse to lower European markets. Bra
slllan markets and firm offerings were un
changed, but recent buyers here were sell
Intr. including Wall street and ootton ex
change houses, owirur, possibly, to the ab
sepce of further unfavorable crop news
and while there was some support from
trade interexts, the market showed nn
rallying power. The close was steady, net
510 points lower. Sales were reported of
15 000 bits, including; December at 6.10
shj; Marcn. siue: May, side; June and
July, S.aoc and September, O.ifcc. Bpot quiet
Rio No. 7. 8 1-So nominal; Santos No. 1
c; mna. quiet, uoraova. yil'-c.
Wool Market.
ROSTON. Oct. 22. WOOL-Th leading
domeatio quotatlona ran- as follows:
Ohio and Pennsylvania KleecesXX. tWt
87c; X 4t5c; No. 1 waahed. VTa4lc; half
blond conibinK. 27c; thrte-elKitha-blood
combing. 37c; quarter-blood combina;. 8fjf
ooc; L'CBiua eamcu. 1W. tviicni;an, is
ctinslu. New Work flaaces Flnv
jrJec; dflalne unwashed. SlfrXlc; half-blood
unwasneo. tnree-eiKntns-nioQd un
washed. 84TT3V;; ouar'er-bloud. IMMr. K,.
tucky, Indiana and Missouri Three-elahtha
S4o: quar'er-bl id. tinSSn. tenured values
Tevaa Fine. 12-mnnths, 7fV?T7e; fin six to
eiftht months, ki0-; fine. WiiOe. Call,
firn la Northern (W-ftTOc; Middle cotinty t
e , ran n". euiiJ. urewon r.aslrn No.
F staple 7t"jsir-: eastern elothmg, 70fl72c
V: , LI I C w, v ,
. . , iirninrr rina Btanle
T7"i0c- fins medium atanle. Tfttr7e- ei.
clo'hlnrf. HWtr; fine medium clothlnr S7
4ii-; lial'-l.lixJ 73'h7tlc: rhree-elarVitha-blood
. ,j- a, , i -v -,, ei'f!1A.'. r-uil '(1 if,
tia, "tAjj'Zo; fin. e.-470l.; A. Super. Soavto.
Deiirtble Killer Btll Eendily at
Steady Pricei.
l pvrai-4 Mevemeat CkecheA la Face
of Maatted Receipts aeea
Steady, wltk Receipts
a all for Day.
SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. ti, 1?0.
Receipts were:
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
Official Wednesday.
Official Thursday...,
Lstlmate Friday
Cattle, Hoga. Sheep.
.... tut
.... S.4M
Five days this week...J7.MJ lfc.Uti .44
Same days last week....a.4l U.M 119.4
Same days S weeks ago.. 40. 22.70K
rlame days i weeks Ago.. 36 167 22.009 130.
same days 4 week ago.. SZ.X!0 Wi
Bame days last year J4.K3 J,iV
The followlnr table showa the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for tne year to date, compered wua ii
year: 1909. liH. Inc. Wo.
Cattla S77,l 11.824 46. .. ...
Hoga 1.87S.m 8.0344-0 I51.S
Sheep 1.773.949 1,69.7b9 77.180
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days with comparisons:
Late. 1900. liO9.lW7.190b.l!Wii.UH4.lli0a.
Oct. 12...I7TO
tWlt 111 211 5 07 B 81 31
70 I 28 I 6 I 17 I S7
i i 091 5 10 S llj B 44
1 68i en mi I m
( oO) I H 27 5 111 I5
t 42 02 1 10 t 2 k 21
09i 19i S 101 4 M
Oct. 13.... 1 T 61
UCl. 14.... 7 40
Oct. 16.... T 48
Oct. 10...
T 48
Oct 17...
Oct. IS...
T X1
7 il
7 bl.
Oct. J...
Oct. 20...
S 21
6 12 B i t 12
e 22
S 20
6 IS!
5 14 5 08, 1
K SOi 6 14 I
Oct 21....
5 SW
Oct 22...
6 43
6 S7
e is
ft 1H ft 16
Sunday. '
Rvcelnts and dianriKition of live Stock at
the Union Stock yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hour ending at $ p. m. yes
Cattle. Hugs. Sheep. H'r'.
C, U. & St. P 7 1
Wabash 2
Missouri Pacific 1 2
C. & N. W., cast 1 ..
Union Factrtc is is ' j
& N. W.. west.... 11 iz i
C, St P., M. & Q... 1 2 ..
C-, B. at Q . east.... 2
C, B. ft Q., west.... 24 11 .. ..
C, H. I. & P.. west.. .. 1
Illinois central a
C. O. W 11 1
Total receipts .... 66 66 7 8
Cattle. Hoas.Sheep.
Omaha Packing; Co 106 678 Lll
Bwift and company 4N
Cudahy Packing Co 1,086
Armour t Co.
Schwaru-Boltin Co
Cudahy, from K. C
3 la-
lieiitoit, vansant et i,un.
Hill & Son I
F. B. Lwl
J. B. Root & Co
J. H. bulla
L.. W
woC'reary A Carey
M. Hatferty
HulliVan Bro
T. J. lnghram
Uo. & Kan. Calf Co
Cnrlbty, Kline & Smith.,
Other buyer
Total 4,129
CATTL,ti; KecelDts.were about up to th
average for a Friuay and Included very lit
tle in the way of beef steers. There waa a
food general demand and desirable killer
found a, ready sat at fully ateady future.
while values were generally a lime easier
and the trad alow on the medium and
common kind. Aa compared with the close
of last wk, price for beet ateer are gen
erally 104tUo lower, excepting on good to
choice grade. Owing to the liberal re
ceipt and bearish advice from outsld
market the underton to th trade ha
been rather weak from atart to finish, al
though the broad demand for desirable
killer ha held value substantially steaay
for good to choice beeve.
There was an easier tone to the market
for cow and heifers, although supplies
were comparatively light. Value have
ruled pretty high aa compared with other
market and both packer and outside buy
ers have made an effort during the last
day or two to shade prices somewhat and
to some extent they have succeeded so tar
a th fair to good grade are concerned.
uood to cnoioe eowa and neirera, a wen
as the common and canning grade, show
no particular change a compared with a
week ago, while fair to good butcher and
beef gradea are perhaps a shade lower than
they were at that time.
There was very little doing In the Btocker
and feeder line today and prloea were gan
erally a shade lower all along the line. The
demand from the country has been rather
disappointing all week and there has been
no buying for distillery account, so that
value have suffered a drop of from 10c to
26c. the decline being the moat marked on
the heavy and rough cattle. Common light
stuff has been a drug on the market
throughout and th indication are that
quite a few cattle will have to be carried
over until next week.
Quotations on rattle: Good to choice
comfed steer, 17.00flj.00; fair, to good corn-
fed steer. 1S.0O7j7 00:. common to fair corn
fed steer. 14 WW. 00; good to chnlc range
steer. 5 ZiiftH.Kt; fair to good nnr, steer,
14MVrTiS 00: common to fair rang steers.
lTf.114.40; good to choice ornfrd cows and
heifer. M.OnfrROo: fslr to arood comfed
cow and helfera. tl tf.CM.10; common to
fair comfed. cow and heifers, fOOlflAB!.
aroot! to choice rsnare cow nd helfsra. Ill
WW; rtr to goon ran are cow ana netrers.
$S.208.7S: common to fair rang cow and
heifers JCTWrmiti: arooa to cnoice atocaers
nit federa. 14 TWW fair to good Mock
er and feeders, 9CW4 M; common to fs'
stockers and feeder. W.TWJU.W'. toc heir
ers. $2.SSffS7R: vest calves, M .6O7.00; bull,
St s if s. etc., J?.7T,i?r4 Ml
Representative les:
91 eows Wv4 3 20 heifer... 7f 1 25
21 cows a 8 60 W cows 878 2 W
4 bulls 1367 3 00
T calves... 2 4 60
( calves... 8;tft t W
7 stockers. 730 ISO
4 eows 8S7 2 80
8 cows 718 2 25
ft eows 1040 2 46
4 cows !()
8 cows 902 S 46
tl stockers. 7' S 5
10 steers.... 7H8 2 75
1 heifer...
17 calves...,
29 cowl
S cows
I heifers..,
S75 J75
mo 4 n
KA 1 no
914 2 75
614 3 26
88 OOW....
4 cow.,,,
11 heifer.,
m i so
8 n
im j
10 feeders.. 810 3 7
cow 003 t 50
cows 933 3 35
4 calves... fc 4 25 feeders.. NVts. 4 00
13 calves... 191 25
14 feeders.. Ml 3 75
20 cow 867 2 75
19 oow o-6 8 36
4 cow 877 3 00
10 ateer. ...1230 4 SO
H. M. and F.
feeder.. 1W4 4 46
8 calves.
218 4 00
313 4 W
"7 2 86
9S8 8 0
996 3 30
18 calves.
4i cows...
5 cow...
18 cows...
P. Rabbltt Wvo.
S7 feeder.. 904 4 46
18 steers.. ..1159 4 35
42 eow 867 2
Switi U & C. Co.-Wyo.
ft feeders.. 910 4 25 24 bulls 1254 3 10
24 cows 904 I 85 215 cow 1010 I 70
50 cow 942 3 25
Lee Sage Wyo.
84 cowh 911 3 55 S feeders . .10S7 4 15
H. IV Schooiimaker Wyo.
17 steer.. ..1079 4 25 27 cow 944 3 70
H. Johnson Wyo.
14 cows 874 3 30 20 cow 990 8 75
Bate Park I Co. Wyo.
20 cows 1017 3 40 1K6 cow 1015 I 80
J. Dolling Wyo.
teer....104d 4 fO ft cow 1000 3 00
1 bull lUdO I 00
H. Mile Wyo.
1 steer 1110 4 60 3 cow 115 4 00
3 cow 9H0 8 00 1! steers ...11K0 4 40
calves... 810 5 60 11 cows 9S I So
J. Campbell Wyo.
28 steer.. ..1101 4 50 18 cows 967 4 00
5 cow f4j t 25
A. W. Bristol Wyo.
tl feeder.. 968 4 30 4V steer.... 1062 3 90
steer.... 907 3 40
Dawson 4V
71 steer.. ..Iti7 4 20
Co-H. I.
90 steers.. ..1072 4 20
27 steers.. ..1078 4 20
SJ steers. ...lll 4 0
42 steers... .1110 4 20
IS steers.. ..112 4 15
10 (teen.. .1110 4 2&
20 trrg. ...lo0 4 20
14 lera....l9hS 4 20
81 teer. ...IK 4 20
steers.. .1128 4 25
34 steer.. ..! 4 35
HOGS The upward movement, in price
of hog waa checked again this morning
in the face of limited receipt here and
with the supply eat exceeding estimates,
tarly report from Chicago looked more or
lea favorable te cellar that the open
ing market here waa fairly aatiafactory all
around. With th Increase in receipt
east and later with market coming lower,
price here eae4 off toward tli cloe In
yanpathy with th eastern trade. Th
buncning 01 aaie made it pretty nearly a
rrkTt.lthoug'fo? VS&'A
ruV'4rh.5 hdTor-k ti
one-pricea m
the common
4-4i4 Xi.Sl
1 '..
S.100 tluO
Hie Steady Growlh
of this bank is largely boonnse ,
of fifty-two years' careful,
servativo . banking methods, de
coupled with courteous, liberal
tniatment of customers.
Women particularly appreci
ate th department for
exclusive use.
C, T. KOVXTZE, rreoluVnt.
F. II. DAVIS, Vice Prcildent.
L. L. KOITNTZR, 58d Vlco IrfBldent.
T. I-, DAVIS, t ashler.
I. ALLISON, Aasitnt Cawhlpr.
First National Bank of Omaha
United States Depository. 13 th and Farnam SU. .
Ret anywhere near satisfactory ptfee. A
low as 7.00 waa bid on common, trashy
stuff, and buyer did not eem to want
this class very badly even at that. Tops
oday sold (c hlnher than yesterday or at
17.00, with the general bulk of the sales
showing; at e74.Vif7.b5, while yesterday It
will be remembered the bulk went at !,.S0iT
7.5T and tops at 27.55. A week ago today
tops reached 7.&7H and the bulk sold at
Kepresentativ sale:
Ho. At. sn. Pr. No. At. Bh. Pr.
1i lit 1 t 4 63 t: 110 7 6lt
li to its 4 iti ni 1 tti
to 1 1 T 47H Si, r4 SO t S2V
48 S'.S 900 7 40 ft 146 180 T UH
13 it ... T 40 81 ing ... T H14
M4 ... t M 71 84 4A 4
44 171 80 1 40 ! tM 114 t 46
II 8(7 11 t W 41. .S. 91 880 T 68
40 M5 180 1 60 71 m SO 1 46
iS US 100 7 6a T HI 4 7 46
70 Ml ... 160 26 jut ... (66
80 2i4 80 1 6a 77 131 t 1 66
41 JM HI IN 1 .'.41 ... ft
11 ...UT 120 T 60 47 .tW ... 7 6
60 f24 140 7 W tf4 ... 7 66
! ll 60 t 6 .-. 17J 1 t 6
71. ..146 ... 1 60 3.1...;....8tT ... T e
64 W4 ... 1 6n ' 4 11 ... 7 to
tr 181 8 Y 60 41 17 D tM
tt) ISJ 4 7 SO 71. .131 .....140
II lot ... 7 tl
There were not enough sheep re
ceived mis morning to atioiu Hui,ri
iik a tuoad teat ot value aim the m-irkei
remained nominally Umy aooui
ix uoubie ueuk were reported in, inaKiua
the week total thus tar 9a. (AM had a
compared with 119.0U0 head lor the aiue
live uay of ia.t week and lu.vUU head fur
the corresponding periou ot last year.
Closing rounds in the sheep barn yester
day were rauier dutappolnuns aa far aa lh
demand tor tat lamb waa concerned, tuij
ei s for packers could hot, or at least would
not use anything of consequence In lino
line, even at shaded flaures, and the latte.
end of the session found most prices on al,
Kiuus ol killers all the way down to lOifljc
lower than the previous day. There wrt
plenty of feeder buyers in attendance, how
ever, and desirable thin stock closed firm to
possibly a shade higher. A fair clearance
waa mad of both feeder and killer, only
a fw strings of th latter, moitly lamb,
remaining unsold.
Opening trad thla week In all kind was
very encouiaglng. packer were free buy
era of fat lambs and sheep on a libetaily
supplied market and. a a general ru
paid omwnat better prices tnan last
week. Any advance made at the first ol
the week ha been offset by the weakness
or the past two days, however, and quota
tlons are just about In the same notches
of last Saturday. The demand for good
grade ot killing owes has been very broad
lately and fleshy kind of quality have been
realising fully steady money. Heavy weth
ers, on the other 'hand, have proven dull
sellers and are closing comparatively weak,
The outlet for desirable feeder stock con
tinued liberal and price have experlenoed
no change or consequence during the week
Half fat heeu and uood thin lambs are es
pecially in actlv demand at price riant
around steady to strong aa compared with
a week ago.
Uuotatlon on fat sheep and lambs
Good to choloe lambs, $6.50(36.85; fair o
good iambs. I6.3oac.50: good light year
Unga-, t5.00fc6.S5; good heavy yearlings. 1175
too wo;, xood to choice wethers. 34.Z6jr4.Uj;
fair i lo good wethers, ' 3.90sJ4.2S; good to
choice ewe, 13.9004.10; fair to good ewes.
eJ.fU4iA9U; old canner ewe, ll.ooori.uo.
uuotations on feeder stock; uooa to
choice lambs, t 0036.40; fair to good
tS.4uiif.00; light yearlings, $4.86(ffS.16; heavy
yearlings, t4.35i94.86; old wethers. 14. 108 4. 35;
good to choice ewes, t2.7WfS.66: breeding
ewes, J5.7wZi5.50: yearling bdeeblng ewen.
Representative sales:
(21 Womlng lambs, feeder) 53
t 16
6 25
5 86
a f0
4 79
ft 66
0 Wyoming lambs, feeders .60
114 Wyoming lambs, feeder 81
213 Wyoming lambs, feeders 61
130 Wyoming lambs, feeders 69
168 Wyoming Ismbs, feeder 00
73 Wwomlng ewes, feeder 91
243 Wyoming lamb, cull 68
R98 Wyoming lambs, feeders 67
370 Wyoming ewes, feeders 93
ltd Wyoming yearling's, feeder. ..87
73 Wyoming .lamb, feeder 58
Receipt and (gaotatlen oa Cattle,
Ho; aad Sheep.
3,000 head; market weak; steers, 15.6lKy9.00;
cows, n.wxa; neirers, a.oO'iiu.w; pulls. calves, 13.00&175; stouker and
feeders, 13.75(136.60. i
HUOS Receipts estimated at 18.000 head:
market ateady to 5c lower: olioice heavv.
17.80ti7.96; butchers, 17.8Wi7 90; light mixed,
t7.26rg7.65; choice light. f7.664i7.76; packing,
17 6l7.1G; pigs, 2G.0urii7.26; bulk of sales, 17
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts estimated
12,0u0; . market weak; sheen, J4.0iKtfo.o0;
lambs, 6.(Ho7.30; yearlings, to. 005. 50.
Kanaaa City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 5.000 head, Including 7u0 southerns.
Market steady to weak: choice exuurt and
dressed beef steers. $C.50tJ S.FXl; fair to good,
t4 2i.ft6.i5; western steers, U.75'ijS.50; stock
ers and feeders, t3.10Tt5.a0; souihern steers.
1:1.26; outht-rn cows, t:.75lp,S.v0; native cows,
.uun4.4u; native neirers. jiEo-Wl; bulls,
M.75'd3.76; calves, t3.Wto7.7S.
HOUS-Iteceiuta, 9.OJ0 head. Market
steady to 10c lower; top, 17.70; bulk of sales,
;.&y7.flU; heavy, 7.65ii7.70; packei and
butchers, 17.464(7.60, light, .7.16'y , .65; pigs,
36.76 7 00.
KH19KP AND IA M US Receipt. 4,000
head. Market 10a lower; lambs. 16.7Mi7.15:
yearlina, 14 60u6.i5; wether, t4.25&4.76'.
ewes, 14.004.50; stockers and feeders, tj.o,
4(5. 0U.
4. Loal Llv Stock Market.
PT. LOUIS, Oct. 22.-CATTLE-Recelpts
2.600 head. Including 1,100 Texan; market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
to.7tvu8.40; dressed beef and butcher steers,
15 25tj4.50: ateer under 1.000 pound. 14 Ooil
6.25; mockers and feeders. 13 60JJ6 60; cow
and heirM, 3 oo-ji Bo: canners, 12.001.60;
bulls, 1J76((I4.00; calves. t5 60rg8.00; Texas
and Indian steers, t3.Mrg6.76; cows, and
heifers. tOtt3-H5.
HOGS Receipts, 7,300 head: market
steady; pigs and lights, !F.0rT7.&0; packers.
t7.3M)7.a; butcher and best heavy, fl.Wd
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpt. ,1.200
head; market for lamb, ateady; sheep 15iJ
26c lower; native muttona, 13.6)4.60; lambs.
t6.0tKcr7.26; culls and bucks, 12.5oru4.tO;
stockers, 13.254.00.
Kloclt; la Sight.
Receipt of live Stock at the six principal
western , market yesterday:
Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
South Omaha
81oux City ....
St. Joseph ....
Kanaaa City .,
8t. Louis
Chicago I
... 2.0U)
l.loo 1,700
3,000 l.aio
9,000 4 0
T.SUO 110
13,009 U.OuO
41. Out 19.900
... . 600
... 4O0
... (.OuO
... 2,500
... 3.OU0
as t'lty Live Staak Market,
SIOl'X CITY. Ia . Oct 22 (ripectal Tel
etrram. CATTLE Receipts, fruO head;
market unchanged.
HOUS Receipt. 1.500 head: market, 5c
lower; range of price. t7.W7.4i; bulk of
ale, 17.50iu7.S5.
St. JcMtrak Live Stock Market.
BT. JOSEPH. Oct. 2t.-CATTI.tI-Recelnta
400 head; market neadv; steer, M kcoH 00,
tV 1 he"e''"' K1- 'rM' TOaOlverelgn. for 3-ye.rrold:. tiZi "furl
' HOCa-Recelpt. t.Ooo head; mark., lhSSU.11- 1
con - 'i j
their Tl
fin fin -n
r-f f
to Co lower; top, r.70,' built Of aalea, 7.3M ,
7. 00.
HHKEP AND IAMP!-ReoaiPtL 1.000
market steady; lambs, t Wg7.10.
Itapl aa4 Paacy Prodae Price ar-
nleheel by Barer aad Wkalaatleta.
BUTTER Creamery, No. t delivered ta
the retail trade In 1-tb, carton, 310 N.
I, in 60-lb. tub. 30so; No. 2, in l ib. car-
ton, 29c; In to-lb. tub, BtW, packing; stock. .
22c; fancy dairy, tub. 23$24o. Market
cnange every Tuesday. 1
No. 2. 20.
t'Uut,i rti uresseo orouers, bc; spring.
14c; hen, 14c; cock, 10c; duck, 15c; fees. '
14c; turkey, 25c; pigeons, per do.. U.tS.
Alive, broiler under I pound, 15c; over .
a fruunue, aw, uviia, aivi .uvna, e7v, w uun.,
full feathered, 10c; gee, full feathered,
Ic; turkey, under 10 pounds, l6o; over 19 .
pound. 18c; guinea foe. la, t2 W per do.;
pigeons, too per do.
Sic each.
OYSTERS Selects, small can. 26c: large.
40c; gallon, tl-90; New York counts, mall,
35c; large, 46c; gallon. 12.00; Baltimore
...... .. a .... 11 i.M. TT... .. . 11
tlfili Fresh caught, almost all are
dressed: Halibut, 131309 burfalo, c trout,
15c; bullheads, 14c; catfish, 17c; crapples,
sunflsh, 9c; black bass, ,25c; whltaflsh.
lira; pike, izc; salmon, uo; picksrei, wc;
frog leg, 45c. Fresh frooen, Wblteftab,
No. 1, lie; round, to; plokereL dressed and
headless, 9a; pike, dressed, 120) redinapper,
tic; Spanish mackerel, 18o; native mackerel.
bliLF C'U'lS Mo. 3 ribs, Uo: NO, I rib.
12c; No, I ribs, 7Hto; No. 1 loin, Wc; No.
2 loin, ltvao; No. 3-loin, (Vec; Ne. 1 chuok,
tV,c; No. 2 chuck, 4Vc; No. t oliuok, 4Vni
r. i rouna, o; no. f round. c; to,
round, c; No. 1 plate. 5io; No. plat.
4c; No. 3 plate, 3c
l"M iniT.iair. C'lnu, Uri.nnn.l. ,,11 ...
twins, 17'rl7Hc; Young America, four In
hoop, 17:g-lSc; daisies, 20 In hoop, 18c; '
cream buck, full case. 17c: block Swiss,
18'.vn9e: full erem lirnberger lfrSiToi Im
ported Swiss, 80c; Rocquefort, SSfgaOc; Edam,
4iu per do.; Nontchatel, 4uo per aos. ,
FKlj'ITS Orantuv, Valencia aeedl, tt
to 288 sizes, 13.76; Florida, aU slse. tS.;
llAinona vtrav rlirttc T.imnnsirlA MM) t e liUl
else, toto; calirornl fancy, 16.0V; extra
fancy, 15 50; pear, fall varletle. MM;
peacnea, . coioraao ireestones, extra, per
box. 90c; grapes, Tokay. 11.60; New Yerk,
per 7-lb. baaket, 21c; prunes, Italian, per
crate, 11.35; cantaloupe, Colorado Rocky
ford, standard sixes, 45 melons, 12.25; pony
size, 54 melons, 11.76; apples, home grown,
cooking, per bu, basket, 76c; per market
basket, 45c; Jonathans and Miaows, In bbls.,
15.00; California bellflowers, per box, 11 66;
Colorado box Jonathans, extra choice, 12.60;
extra nncy. 13.00; western Ben Davis, th
1.1,1. at, CA. ... 1. V.t.1 . IliW, .
California, per box, el nt; grape trult, Flo
rida, 64 to 64 sites, 15.50; California, 48, 64
and 64 size. tXOO; cranberries, Cape Cod,
per bbl., ti-00; jer box, 12.60; date. Anchor
brand, 30 1-1 b. pkgs. In box, per box, 12 00;
Hoilowe'en dates, due about November L
per lb., 7c; fig. California, 60 pkg. fto alee.
In box. 11.86.
VEGETABLES Irish potatoes, per bu..
751; 80c; Virginia sweets, ber bbl., UtOSltoi
Wisconsin' cabbage, per lb., lc; radishes,
extra fancy home grown, per doit, bunches, '
20c; extra fancy lettuce, per do,, 46c;
fancy home grown parsley, per doaen
bunchea, sue: onion, red and yellow,' In
sacks, per lb.. lc; Spanish onions, per
orate, U.W; fancy Florida egg plant,, do.,
7oc; tomatoes, fancy home grown, per
market basket, 60c; string and wax bean,
per market baeket, 11.00; celery, Michigan,
ner do, bunches. 16c: Colorado, per 12-lb.
bunch, 75c; inammouth western, per dos,
bunches, 65c; cucumbers, hot house, per
dos., 11. 26ft 1.60; rutabagas, Canada, per lb.,
l4c: horseradish, 1 do. In case, tl lCf, waj
nuU, black, per lb., 2Wo; California No. L.
per lb., 13Sc; California No, I, 10c; garlic,
extra fancy white, per lb., 10c i red, per lb.,
12a . - -
HIDES No. 1 green, 10c; No. 1 cur4.
. .
, . CttB Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 22. COTTON The Cot
ton market showed continued nervousness
and Irregularity today, but rallied after
an early decline with the close steady at
a net loss, of 2S points. '
The opening was steady at A decline of
912 point, in response to the disappointing
cable, report from Boston that spinner
had decided upon organized curtailment,
realizing; local bear pressure and heavy
selling by arbitrage house against pur
chase In Liverpool. It wa estimated- that
during the first hour, arbitrage houses sold
fully 100,000 bale on tbls market, but of
fering were well absorbed after the Ini
tial decline and when straddle business wa
withdrawn, the market bad a aharp ad
vance. Deoeniber rallied from 18.(7c to
13.79c and May from 13.753)lS.89c, on covering
by . early sellers, and a removal of bat
support, the latter being encouraged by the
posting of storm warnlriK for th gulf and.
report from Memphis that th completed
figure of the National tlinnei' atsoclallon
were even more bullish thsn the prelim
inary statement of yesterday, Th ad
vance carrying prices to within 18 points
Of the season' high record, wa followed,
however, by a renewal of local bear pres
sure on the blit lnto-slght and visible sup
ply figure and the market later tn the day
wa irregular, ' with the closa anywhere
irom u i u v jLiuiie wimrr ine tup.
i..n,4A. nf Vim, Iftfrrf! h.l.. w M. .
ported on October contract. Private ad
vice from th south reported no change
in the interior spot situation and the mar-,
kets officially, reported aarly war about
l-Rc lower to l-32o higher. . .
NEW OLKAN8, Oct. 22.-rTTTON Spot
cotton, ateady; unchanged; middling. UHe;
sales on the spot, 600 bales; to arrive, ft
bales. Futures opened tedy at decliae
of 10 to 13 point on unfavorable eablea.
These were the lowest price of the day.
Tn the afternoon session th market was
very steudy at prloe under yesterday'
closing. In the last half hour of trading
the Inrre spinner' taking for th week
wa mono bale avainst 1W6,000 last year
and 232.000 two years aa:o, caused a spurt
which put price 2 to 8 point over yes
terday's closing. Home little long liquida
tion came, out and checked the advance,
which at firat promised to be wld.
The close wa steady at a net advance
of 1 to 1 points. Futures closed tcdy.
cioslnr bids: October, J3.66c; Novmtwr,
'7c: Iiwmhfr, 1SSR: JanufV, 13.76c;
March. 134c; May. 14 01c: July. l4 07c;
ST. L01TI8. 0 t. 22 COTTON Firm ) mid
dling. i:t.c; sale, in bale; reteinu, 4 9't
balea; shipments, t.sue bale;, stock, )i,345
A i.VE6TON. Oct. Ji-COTTON-Stead'y:
. Dry Ooaaa Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 23. Wide- ahaeHtng
have been advanced lc a yard and om
print cloth have been advanoed a yard.
The buying in th primary market la verv
steady. Yarns are hltrher. with sales mod
erate. Raw wool is tiuoted much higher in
this market. Ready-to-wear factories are
busy on order for Immediate delivery. .
Mag-ar aaH Molaawe.
IVIW vnuu ee iiiinia aa.
. - ' - M,. Dl U.1IV-1MW,
firm; fair rerinlng. ItOc; centrifugal, M
tHt. 4.5oc; molaaswa sugar, 3.65c; refined,
teady. v
folia Oat at Tralalaaj.
SANDOWN PARK, Eng.. Oot. J2--Jame
R. Keen' unbeaten CoJIn ha been taken
out of training and -nt to th Egertoit
stud at Newmarket, effort having failed
i" orins; oacx tne great atauion to racing
form. The Great Hapllng plate of Ltufl
.mtcx Mini
-.J fa
a al I