14 TIIK HKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, .OCTOBER 2.1. 1!W. Tiro-Omaha Daily Bek FOUNDER BT EDWARD ROHEWATEft. , . VIOTOll ROSBWATtfH, EDITOR. I-nltreJ at Omiht postorflo M second cIin matter. TERMS or HUB.SCRIPTION. lalie Dm (without Punday), one year. .KM ial. lima and Hiinday, ona rear ) 1 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Pally Rr (including flunday). par week. .He Dally Hee (without Hunriay), per week....lO! Kvenln Hee (without Hundayt, per weak o Kvcmni Ilea (with HundayJ, per week....10e (Sunday Bee. ona year .......WW Saturday Bee, ona year IH Address all compialnts of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. Omaha The Ef tlulldlnff. Houth Omaha 1'wnty-fourth and N. Council Bluffs 11 flcott Ptreet. Lincoln filS Little HulldlnK. o Chicago li48 Marquette Hulldlnf. New York Rooms llOl-UW No. U Waat Thirty-third Btreet. , . Washington 7 fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new and edi torial matter should be addreaaed: Omaha lite. Editorial Department. ! REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, eiprens or postal 'order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of nail accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern eachanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Pouglas County, as.:' George B. Txschuck. treasure or The Bea Publlxhlng Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete coplea of The IaHy, 'Morning. Evening and Hundsr B nrlnted during- the month of September, 19u9. "was aa follows: 1. 1. ,.x,tro . .49,100 ...nt. ,.4Leo . .8S.S90 .. 4a,l . .41,020 . .43,000 ! 49,800 17 48,700 II ..,48,880 )f . 40,400 to .43,430 II.... 48,880 J J.... 48,30 It ,,.44,840 14 48.030 iS 48,810 :..... 40,300 17 43,880 It 48,870 3 43,800 8 48,340 i ...... 4. I. I .41,880 , 10 .49,300 U..j 41,700 11 40,000 II... 48,140 14. 43,870 . 16 .19. ' Total . ... .V. 1,188,880 Returned coplea- 8,888 Net total 1,888,308 , 41,878 Dally average cjKonap. r TzsriirTCK. Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before ma this ftth day of September, IMS). (Seal) M. P. WALKER, ' ' Notary Public. . Sabscrlfcera leavlnsr tae elty tem porarily aaaald ' kere The B nailed tbeaa. Addreea Will be changed aa oftea aa reaested. Have you registered t Last chance to register, today. - Vesuvius seems Cooks to climb on. to be daring the Standard Oil's cat In prices should lighten things some. The naval experts continue tireless In wireless work. Mr. Jeffries, and Mr. Johnson will now hold the conversational stage. Welcome to the Women's Christian Temperance unlftn while In Omaha. The president found the- town of Taft as was to be expected absolutely on the level. San : Francisco's carnival triumph proved that there Is no rust on 'the hinges of the dolden Gate. If Mrs. Pankhurst bothers tho New England women now there will be a lot of pumpkin pies spoiled. In taking back .Its still rebellious striking students the University of Maine Is turning its other cheek. The death of ten men In an Okla homa mine is the old story of excessive familiarity with danger-breeding care lessness. If you are not registered this year you cannot vote. , Last year's regis tration does not hold good for the com ing election. ' ' As a design for those buttons South Dakota might onee have adopted a love knot and a pair of scissors, but it no longer applies. Now that the lazy bug has invaded the University of Georgia, we may look for- an hUtorlc pattie Detween nooa worm and bookworm. If they take the throne from King Alfonso he might get a Job in a Michi gan furniture factory as a maker of "knock-apart" cabinets. The voter who wants to be on the side of good, efficient government lQ Douglas county will make no mistake by pulling the republican lever and stopping there. It is really too bad Omaha has not gotten possession of its water work!" in . time to have the grand opening while the Women's Christian Temper ance union is here. Mr. Harriman put Omaha on the railroad map in big letters. If his successor follows in the Harriman footsteps the' letters that spell Omaha will continue to grow bigger. It the World-Herald wants matter for reprinting, why not go back to its cn files for a few of the shots it took at the author of the Boland bill, now heading the democratic county ticket? .Because the Bermuda lily has been Improved by the United States govern ment is no reason why we should no longer consider tho Bermuda onion. whlfh grows a bigger bulb and a larger fragrance. t in nuiiciu yivimui w uu uu- giving realization IU tue ureaiu ui au rlares nations that buy modern mini- all-rail route from tho continent to nery will never war upon each other the capital of the keys and establish doubtless ifieans that the men of no ing a direct commercial outlet with country can afford both the women's hats and a navy Railroads and Legislation. The pla of President McCrea of the Pennsylvania railroad that no further railroad legislation of any kind be at tempted would ind a readier response In the world of coramercn If it were not an old familiar cry. Coming as it does at a time when shippers are threatened with higher freight rates, Mr. McCrea's argument Is open to sus picion. He admits that there has been a rapid return to prosperity, that It Is bound' to continue, and, he gives every assurance that It will be lasting, pro Tided and here Is the recurrence of former special, pleading -"the. poli ticians and legislators do not inter fere." In common with the heads of other great railroad systems,. 'Mr? McCrea has lately been making special prepa ration .to handle the tromendous vol ume of business for which the present traffic facilities are admittedly Inade quate. , To use Mr. McCrea's language, this" Is the double-track era, and all roads with single tracks are planning great improvements. . Contracts in volving millions of dollars have been entered into for locomotives and other rolling stock; there is a shortage of cars, not only to move the crops, but also to handle the Increase In manu factured products. Facing a conges tion of business and a possible car famine, the railroads framed a new schedule of rates, largely an advance, which aroused a protest from the ship- pel's, who felt that the abolition of re bates had been increase of rates suffi cient. Mr. McCrea's immediate utter ance against further railroad legisla tion cannot but give the impression to shippers that the talk of higher rates Is Intended chiefly as a threat. The plea of the railroads that higher rates are necessary Is being resisted and Investigated, but their further plea that the advance of prosperity wfll be checked if future legislation Is at tempted will be met by the shippers with tho answer that the country is full of goods requiring to be moved, and that it is the railroads' duty to themselves as well as to the public to move them. The commerce has over taken the carrier, and It Is the duty of the carrier to be equipped to handle it. as Mr. McCrea admits when he tells of the millions being spent In prepara tion. If commerce find that it need9 further legal protection, it will insist upon it; and if it be found that the old legislation needs strengthening or that additional legislation is required, the fact that the familiar protest has been heard in advance will hardly be permitted to stand in the way. The Shortage in Leather. To the old saying that nothing wears like leather might now be added that nothing like leather wears on the pa tience of the people,-for the steadily Increasing price of leather goods is ac companied by a general murmur of dis content. The American, facing a fur ther advance of 25 per .cent in the nrtce of shoes, has grumbled In ignor ance of what was the condition abrbad, but It now appears that the public on the other , side of the water has tne same identical grievance. Although tho American production has been increased as far as possible, it la not sufficient to meet the trade requirements, and we are now draw ing upon the English market, ton- ...i.. ahnw that tanners every- uiai tvyw.iw -- s where are being forced to pay fanoy prices for hides because the demand is so much greater than the quantity available. The consequence is that by the time the finished leather reaches the manufacturer its coat has become excessive In comparison with former figures. In seeking to sustain the re- autrements ' of trade in the United States the American cattle sellers have adopted a policy which has greatly de creased the London supply, in stipu latin that the hides of the United States cattle killed at Deptford shall be sent back to this country. Hides in London are more than double in price what they were a dozen years ago. Those who make a business of converting calfskins Into the popular leathers report a condition or trade even less satisfactory than that pre vatiinir imnni the tanners of sole leathers. Shoes the people will continue to require, but because of the dearth of leather and the consequent advance in price it is probable that the public will welcome a substitute for that material in the manufacture of belts, handbags and the thousand and one other arti cles of personal comfort or adornment which have bo materially added to the ihortage and high prices. . Conquering the Element. That great and uniquo engineering enterprise, the railway extension over the Florida Keys, In withstanding the terrific storm that devastated the Key West region has given to mankind additional assurance that he has It in his power to control the elements Coming so soon after the successful test of the Galveston sea wall by hur ricane and tide, this triumph of the ocean railway against . tempest and wave has especial emphasis. Such storms are prevalent In that territory, and It was predicted that thev would wreck the east coast ex tension and wipe out an enterprise costing millions. The fact that the completed , section came unscathed through the onslaught of the elements will give the engineers renewed con fidence, and the extension' will ' the more assuredly be built to Key West, . . . . . i ,k. - - m J Havana, only ninety miles distant America has 'long since outstripped Itself In that species of work which first drew from De Lesseps a gasp of admiration for "the audacity of Amer ican engineering," and this Key West railway project la the apotheosis of dar ing. But it Is also already a tri umphant achievement, In that it has convinced man of bis ability, by means of the adaptation of scientific princi ples, to meet the forces of nature In tbeir wrath and to issue forth tri umphant. Herniating Insurance Bates. So general has become the com plaint of municipalities against the exaction of rates and requirements by the insurance companies that demands were bound to come for some such state control as has been obtained In Kansas, where concessions averaging a general 12 per cent reduction have ensued. In some of the larger cities of the east local compromises have been effected after bitter and renewed conferences between civic interests and the underwriters. Usually concessions have been secured from the companies only after radical and costly local im provements, such as the introduction of entire new systems of high pressure water mains, and..in no case have the underwriters yielded their prerogative of dictating such rates as they decided the various risks warranted. It has remained for Illinois to dem onstrate whether such public control as obtains in Kansas is applicable to a state containing a city In the metro politan cUbs. A commission appointed by Governor Deneen has now entered upon the task of investigation of rates by means of public hearings In the va rious municipalities. Evidence al ready adduced at Qulncy is that dis crimination exists and that some large Insurers had been able by threats and persuasion to secure advantages pver the general rates, which in some cases had been increased 60 per cent with no additional hazard. It Is conceded on all sides, as far as the investigation has gone, that there is much unfair ness in the application of, rates and that the sufferers from this unfairness have no redress. Even the insurance men admit that the making of rates is largely a matter of guesswork or private arrangement, and thus far the advocates for state regulation believe that they have demonstrated the Jus tice of their cause. Other cities are yet to be heard from, and when Chi cago is reached there will be need for the most painstaking inquiry into what is of necessity a complicated situation, owing to the variety of risks in the conflagration district. The Illinois commission has entered upon its duties in a manner that indi cates an intention , to give a con scientious review of the entire situa tion, and if it finally recommend state control of rates jr undoubtedly will ac company that ' recommendation with suggestions for building reforms and elimination of extra hazards from con gested districts . that will in some measure appease the underwriters, who naturally are hostile to any in terference with their control. The outcome Is likely to be, if not definite state regulation, at least the appoint ment pf, a permanent board to which insurers may appeal for adjustment of rates where discrimination or unfair ness is alleged. If such a result is ac complished, the people who have brought about the investigation will feel that they have accomplished their purpose, and other sections will doubt less profit by the example of Illinois. Were Shoe on T'other Foot. Because Chairman Byrnes was the victim of a fit of forgetfulnesa and failed to file until Tuesday morning the statement (of democratic campaign contributions) he had prepared on Sunday there goes up a hor rendous outory. It la not alleged that any fraud has been committed; that anyone has been wronged; that there was any Inten tion to wrong anyone. Merely that Chair man Byrnes forgot and did not file until Tuesday morning the statement he should have filed the day before. There was no reason he should not have filed it the day before; no one could have been injured; and falling to file It until next morning gave excuse for all this dickens of a hulla baloo. , But he forgot. That Is the sum of his offendlng.-World-Herald. Fine! A beautiful explanation of the latest nullification of a great re form measure enacted by the late dem ocratlc legislature nullification by the very democratic fakirs who, have been insisting bo loudly that every law bearing the democratic trademark be obeyed to the letter. But suppose shoe were on t'other foot? Suppose the "offending" had been by law-defying republicans in stead of by democratic champions of good government. Suppose the re publican treasurer had "forgot" and had come In the day after with a sworn statement dated back? Suppose the republican committee treasurer had failed to file according to law until after reminded in the public prints that he had incurred the legal penalty? Can you hear the "horrendous outcry" coming from the nonpartisan demo cratic reform organs? Would the re publicans have been permitted to ex 'plain that they "forgot"' and that no fraud had been committed, no one wronged and no Intention to wrong anyone? How long woufd it take the democratic "dickens of a hullabaloo" to subside? If shoe were on t'other foot and the belated statement showed that the re publican chairman was deliberately de fying the law by holding the funds out of the treasurer's bands, as the statute provides, and that he was receiving money and paying it out in utter disre gard of the requirement that all cam paign contributions pass through the hands of the treasurer, what a chorus of democratic yelps would be emitted! How -Hie republican "nulliflers" would be lambasted and the motives of their forgetfulneBs Impugned by the demo- crats, who are trying to gloss over their own "offending!" Great Is democratic reform when It hits the other fellow, but It has no binding force on democrats themselves. Rasmussen, who has been invest! gating the Polar claims on his own ac count. Including cross-examinations of the Cook Eskimos, now makes public, through a long letter to his wife, writ ten in Greenland September 25, de tailed reasons why he concludes that Cook actually reached the pole. Ras mussen's experience In Arctic explora tion and his complete knowledge of all the parties and claims Involved qualify him as a Judge, and the Cook zealots will regard his verdict as being more convincing and final than anything Peary has yet presented. It takes nerve on the part of the democratic organs to charge repub lican candidates with being under cor poration influence when the headlight on the fake nonpartisan ticket In a let ter over his own signature, only a few weeks ago, publicly confessed to his corporation affiliations and practically said he would take a corporation re tainer Just as fast, if not faster, than a retainer to represent the public. Official government reports that this country ranks far ahead of all other nations In the rigidity of meat inspec tion, should silence the recurrent at tacks upon the packing house products. The thoroughness of the supervision is costing millions, and is held in part responsible for the existing high prices, but the knowledge that it guarantees prime meats and clean foods should be worth something. In the face of the Illinois Central's I won't," Chicago is forced to aban don its old cry of "I will" in favor of "You must," and has entered upon one of the stubbornest battles of its career in an effort toward compulsory electri fication of railway lines within the city limits. After they win out Chicagoans may yet be able to discover the lake that Is said to exist somewhere beyond the smoke belt. The quartermaster's supply, depot of Omaha is to be moved up a p$g to make it a general supply depot under direct supervision of .the quartermas ter general at Washington. As a sta tion for distributing army supplies to western posts Omaha has unmatched facilities, which fact is doubtless real ized by the War department officials. Enthusiasts for a deeper Mississippi will doubtless have a few sandbars judiciously scattered through the chan nel for presidential observation. Mr. Taft's trip down the Hyfcr Is too good an opportunity for object lessons to be lost. Now, if they could only get Mark Twain to do the navigating! The republican county, ticket in Douglas county Is made up, with three exceptions, of present incumbents seek ing re-election as endorsement of good records. The democrats running against them are either unknowns or nonentities, or professional politicians of questionable reputation. The democratic managers waging a nonpartisan campaign in Nebraska this year started out by appropriating the nest egg of $1,000 left in the treasury of the Bryan volunteers which was contributed to put Nebraska in the democratic column. That's nonpar tlsanshlp. Llke every other claimant to the power of (4lvlne healing, Schlatter found plenty of gullible -victims for a time, but he came to the same sort of end that most Impostors meet ex exposure, rags and the death of an out cast. Look Wkat'l Here. Washington Star. Nebraska evidently entertains ambitions of revolutionizing finance in a way that may give Omaha a Wall street of its own. A Chance to Yell. Baltimore American. , The anarchists and professional agitators are glad that Dr. Ferrer was executed, which shows that they were not so much saddened over the death of a good man as glad of another occasion to make trouble. Wladon by Descent. Washington Herald. King Menellk Is reported to have changed his attitude toward Mr. Roosevelt completely and now openly expresses great admiration and respect for the former president. This la calculated to lend considerable color to King Menellk's claim of descent from King Solomon. Keeping; Step with Whites. New York World. Steamboat traffic on the lower Missis sippi is reported to have been tied up be cause the negro crews remained ashore to hear the news of Jack Johnson's fight with Ketchel. Students of the race question will note this demonstration of the negro's ad vance In civilization. 'Working; the Indian. Philadelphia Ledger. Senator Owen of Oklahoma Is pushing a claim of $7,000,000 as fee for legal work done on behalf of the Choctaws. There U no HI will In expressing the hope that he may not get It. To regard the Indian aa a "good thing" waa customary In the days of Penn, but styles have changed. Royalty's Crooked Hoada. New York Tribune. The royal or Imperial road appears some times to be particularly roundabout. Tha Russian emperor wants to go to Italy, but he will not go through Austria-Hungary because he does not wish to appear to condone the seizure of . Bosnia and Herzegovina. Neither will he go through Bavaria and Switzerland, because some members of the Munich Parliament have been aaylng things abuut him. Accordingly, he will make a wide detour through Franca. Ona of then days It may ba practicable for great personages to travel In airships, but even then It will be necessary to determine how high tha "territorial atmosphere" of a country extends and for tha Illustrious voyager tp keep above It In the high seaa of the upper sj In Other Lands Side X-lgata aa What ia Trana. ptrlng Ameag tha Wear aa Tar Jgatloas f tha Barth. "Irf)ng live the Modem School!" ex claimed Franciaco Ferrer, the Spanish revolutionist, recently condemned by court-martial and hot to death. There are modern schools and modern schools, as widely varied as the term la elastic. The Barcelona professor was classed . as "philosophical anarchist," one who dis dained the crude and cowardly vlolenoe of the bomb, but no less an anarchist In choosing the subtler means of Instilling the Impressionable minds of youth with the doctrines of destruction. Ferrer founded the so-called modern schools In Barcelona and spent the greater part of a fortune of IT10, 000 In establishing branch schools throughout Spain, In publishing text books and In printing translations of the works of revolutionary authors, of which Kropotkln Is a shining example. The nature of the doctrines taught in these schools Is shown by extracts from the text books, of which the following are specimens: "Society today la divided Into the privileged and the disinherited. The former usurp everything, while the latter die of hunrcr. That capital should ap propriate the fruit of the workman's tabor la an injustice supported by the law. Religious education inculcates falsehood gnd teaches foolishness. The soldier's uni form conceals 'crimes against humanity and the misery of Its cwn existence. To maintain order Is to maintain Injustice against the worklngman. see All religions are based on Ignorance and im posture, and aim at exploitation and op pression. The Gospels relate the life of the so-called Jesua Christ, and it is truly a misfortune that such Ideas exist for the deceiving of the people." Fully 100 branches of the parent school at Barcelona had been established by Ferrer throughout Spain up to the time of his execution. None of them sought, to conceal or mask the purpose of overturn ing the exlHting order. One school at Valencia, conducted by Prof. Tormor, and recently closed by the authorities, was bolder than the rest.' Over 'the principal's chair waa a large picture representing anarchy aa a female figure brandishing a torch upon a heap of ruins, consisting of the broken , symbols of monarchy, the church, the army and other social Institu tions. The doctrine of the modern school proclaimed by Ferrer, as summarized by a sympathetic writer In the New York Times, is that the state Is an unnecessary Institu tion; that the world would be better off without It; that the total abolition of kings, policemen and courts would leave the world free to engage in voluntary co-operation, which they believe to be the commercial and social condition pf the future. "It may be a wild dream," says the Times, "but eminent men profess it throughout the world, and none have suffered death for professing it except Ferrer. Assassination Is no part of tha creed, although Kropotkln and all the rest, Ferrer Included, admit that revolution will doubtless be necessary when the time comes for a change." In effect, the teaching sought to do to tha state what the state did to the teacher. e Three years ago Ferrer was charged with complicity In the bomb throwing at Madrid, which nearly ended the life of King Al fonso on the day of his wedding. The authorities regarded him aa tha Insplrer, but not the Instrument of tha crime. A civil trial resulted in his acquittal, although It was shown that Ferrer and the bomb thrower were on friendly terms. In the Barcelona riots, Ferrer had no direct hand as far as shown. Started ostensibly as a protest against calling out the reserves for the Riff lan war, they were In fact instigated and. directed by the revolutionists of Ferrer's school. Martial law having been proclaimed, Ferrer waa arrested and tried by a court-martial In secret. The principal charge against him waa baaed on incriminating circulars urging revolu tion and letters from revolutionists found In his room. Stm'llar seditious documents were sufficient In times past to aend Irish men to prison or to the gallows. The Spanish authorities determined to end Fer rer and Ferrertsm with one blow. Harassed by an unpopular war abroad and agitation at home menacing the throne, It Is not surprising that the ministers blundered seriously In the time and manner of dis posing of Ferrer. Suppression of his schools and exile would have served the ends of the state. But tha vindictive course followed makes a martyr of the "Philoso phic anarchist." Oave tha revolutionary brotherhood throughout Europe a rallying cry, and practically drove out of office the ministry responsible for Ferrer's death. Indignation of the reds and radicals of every sort manifested Itself In riots and vengeful oratory, showing clearly the sort of a volcano underlying all Europe. It has been said that tha reds make up In volume of noise what they lack In numbers. It would be mora accurate to say that they make up In vengeful fury any lack of numbers. But there la no lack of numbers. Europe has millions of the discontented, ready to follow any cause promising a change, or wield the bomb and torch against their supposed enemies. Among the leaders tha intensity of the feeling against existing Institutions Is amazing to Ameri cana. In France It deifies the state and degrades tha church. In Spain it assails all Institutions, good or bad. In Italy are fanatic anti-clericals, directing their attacks against the church, although the church la out of power and politics. Rome la Its chief rallying place. The city government is dtetlnctly anti-clerical. A measure of the Intensity of anarch Ism In Rome at the present time is fur niched by the Rome correspondent of the Boston Herald in a late letter. "In other lands," he writea. "all enmities cease at the tomb; in Italy, hatred la carried beyond the grave. For two or three years back the removal of the remains of Pope Lao XIII from the temporary tomb Ih St. Peter's has been held up because the gov ernment is unable or unwilling to furnish protection for tha funeral. Unlike their Pagan predecessors, the present masters Of Home whether they be anarchists or anti-clericals refuse a burial to one who, whatsoever they may think of him, haa been regarded by all honest men aa a strenuous and constant supporter of law and order and a preacher of those prin ciples to his followers. It Is calculated that not less than close upon 100,000 mea would be required in Rome to maintain order In face of the opposition that would be rained to this funeral." The writer as serts that since the death of the pope the anarchists have kept constant watch over the Vatican for fear the removal of the body should be effected secretly at night. This vigilance has now been redoubled as the anarchlsta believe that the removal will take place In the near future. To further Illustrate the extremity to which Roman anarchism descends the writer In stances the publication of a ribald sheet devoted to defaming religious Institutions, insulting and libelling religions, and so grossly obscene that It "has been excluded from the United States mails. Yet the government permits It to flourish, and poison the well springs of decency through out Italy. 4-"hr tnnsf - food and the most dainty and delicious No fretting making. aid to cook POLITICAL' DRIFT. Tha queation of adopting tha commission plan of city government will be settled by the votes of Buffalo next month. Tha output of epithets in tha New York city campaign, puts Daniel O'Connell's harangue with the fish woman in the subcellar. Governor Harmon of Ohio Is viewing the democratio pastures of Texas, driving an oratorical stake here and there for future emergencies. A shower of hot air bricks are directed toward Governor Hughes, because he will not break Into tha New York city campaign, tha governor detests mud. A movement is on In Missouri to make former Governor Folk, tha favorite son for the democratio preeldental nomination in 1912. Carry tha news to Falrvlew. Opponents of Governor Harmon of Ohio, have discovered that he ones wrote a poem. In their opinion that settles his hopes for 1912. A poet for president? Never I How ever, tha poem was tha first offense, and that should mitigate tha punishment. INDISCRETIONS. New York Sun. I. . Now Whacker told a story of tha money ne naa maae. And no one there believed a single word. And Todd remarked (in accents sly), "Now isn't that an awful llel" 'Twas Indiscreet, for Whacker overheard. Spoken -wjth feeling.) Poor Todd! So Indiscreet So Indiscreet Whack's fist was like a hard, And ha had an awful slam, And we all knew then that Todd was Indiscreet. ' ' M. "' - ' Now Todd admired a lady, and tha lady naa a past; He wrote her formal lettera, very ahort. But ona fine day, when feeling blue, He wrote, ."Dear Nell: I love but you" 'Twas Indiscreet; she baled him into court. Poor Toddl So Indiscreet see So indiscreet She sued, she wept, she won. And she took poor Toddy's mon, And we all knew then that Todd was indiscreet. IIL A safe was being hoisted in a window o'er the street; 'Twas fastened wrong and soon began to swing; Tha rope waa slipping all aside. "Just wait a moment!" Toddy cried He ran beneath and tried to fix the sling. Poor Todd! So Indiscreet So Indiscreet see. The safe weighed many a ton. And It came down on the run And we all knew then that Todd was Indiscreet. BREEZY TRIFLES. "I shouldn't think this aviation business was profitable." "Why notf "Because It Is always going ud." Balti more American. Truth was lying at the bottom of a well. "I like it down here." said Truth: "th water's fine." But nobody paid any attention. Whereupon Truth disgusted, armlied a short and ugly -word to Itself and kicked the bucket. Chicago Tribune. 'Father." said little Hollo, "what does a politician mean When he says he Is going to retire from publlo lifer "He may mean one of two things, my son; either that his pull has been en tirely exhausted, or that It has become Foe The Soy We have 74 BoyV and Young Men's Long Pant Suits left over from last season that we must close out.. They are Suits that sold for $15.00 and $18.00; ;' Saturday you can take your choice, while they last, at There are plain blues and blacks and fancy chev iots in the assortment, in sizes 32 to 35 chest, single and double breasted styles. j If the boy needs a school suit this is his chance. 'Browninaldng & Cq bTK7 CLOTHING, FIFTEENTH v E. 8. WILCOX. Manager!. Makes . TilltHHoil II over the biscuit Royal is first many a s success too good to be wasted on a government salary." Washington Star. Gladys Well, what did Mies Dr. Clave erton say was the causa of your extreme paleness? Grace Well, she has described to me a hat and waist that will go beautifully with It. Harper's Bazar. "His whole Ufa har been a series of ups and downs." "How soT" -1 - "He began as an elevator boy, won sw cess as a mountain climber and now la gtv Ing balloon ascensions," Baltimore Amer ican. "Colonel, what will ba tha overshadowing Issues of tho next campaign T" "Well, I can't tell you about that, of course, until a few of us have got together and had our little conference." Chicago Tribune. "Far Superior and (lot In the Same Class" With Any Other Tlayer tfano The Apollo- Player Piano Is, first of all, A PERFECT PIANO. It may be played in the usual way by the fingers on the keyboard. In tone, action, ap pearance and durability it leaves noth ing to be desired. . The Apollo Player Piano may be en Joyed by everyone, Irrespective of any previous knowledge' of music' The latest improved Player Piano must have these important features. FIRST NATURAL TOCCII-1-(downward touch on the key as in manual playing) SECOND SPRING MOTOR (to gain accurate, dependable" tempo, and triple Pianissimd' expres sion). THIRD CHANGEABLE MOUTH PIECE (playing a selection in nine different keys for voice and instrumental accompani ment. FOURTH NO HOLE CUT IN BOT TOM BOARD (making the in strument dust and mouse proof, besides, having, Improved ap pearance). FIFTH ABILITY TO PLAY ALL MAKES OF MUSIC ROLLS (68, 65 and 88 long and 88 short width rolls). SIXTH SOLO DEVICE: (for playf the melody in proper relation to the accompaniment and is In reality a third hand). Look for these features when pur chasing a Player Piano. The Apollo Player Piano contains them all. Without them a player piano is incomplete. We extend an invitation to call at our store to see and hear this moat wonderful of musical creations. Oospe Co. 1513 Douglas St. ? tVa 3 FURNISHINGS AND MATS, and DOUGLAS STREETS. OMAHA. "a' f