13 Another Great Sale ol Oeoufiful New THF, BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOBER- 2.1. i OMRS, SUITS and WE Eaw can they sell such stunning garments so reasonable will be on everybody's tongue when they see the beautiful new coats, tailored suits and dresses on sale here Saturday. E $35.00 $29.75 Exclusive Tailored Suits on sale Saturday, at These suits are alt exclusive models, beautifully tailored and trimmed; hardly two alike in the entire special offering $43.00 to $33.00 valne. at, each $35.00 Beautiful Tailored Suits on sale Saturday, at Over two hundred high class suits to choose from. All stylish, new models made of fine all wool materials, and lined with Skinner satin linings ' $37.50 to $40.00 values, at 829.75 Stylish Tailored Suits y r f A on sale Saturday, at pJUJ Every suit Is perfectly tailored The materials are all wool worsteds, fine serges, diagonal cloths, in two. tone or solid colors and broadcloths. These suits are all new models, in trimmed or plain tailored styles, and made in various lengths $30.00 to $33.00 values, at S25.00 IMew Dresses on Sale Saturday Over 300 pretty new dresses will be placed on sale Saturday. These dresses are all bwintifully.made in fancy and plain tailored models. The materials are French serge prunella cloths, worsteds and broadcloths $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, C1Q59 C C $32.50 and $35.00; on sale Saturday at $ J O SALE OF STYLISH NEW SKIRTS New walking skirts, made of all wool panama and fine worsted materials, in the very newest styles. Some are trimmed and C C ( f some are plain tailored models; $7.50 to $10.00 values on sale Saturday. .P JJ New Coats and Capes C7Q 7C on sale Saturday at t D New styles, exclusive with us, both in coats and capes for street or evening wear. These garments are made of finest broad cloths and lined with Skinner satin and contrasting peau de cygne linings. $40.00 and $45.00 values at $29.75 Beautiful New Coats CC Hfl on sale Saturday at PDJ U A wonderful variety of beautiful, new styles to choose from. These coats are made of finest Im ported fancy materials all wool broadcloths and fine coverts $32.50 to :57.30 values, at 325.0O Stylish New Coats on sale Saturday at . Theee coats are all stylish new models. Some are fancy trimmed 6tyles, some are plain but. fancy $19.50 cuts, and others are perfectly plain tailored models. All are made of fine all wool materials and lined with guaranteed satin linings. 923.00 to 9.10.00 values $19.50 1510 ; DOUGLAS STREET T7T ( WW J nniifiLAS BIROS. STREET Afeelutels U llulL VV. t In order to make room for our fall stock we will sell, regardless of cost, fifteen prac tice pianos, regular prices $100, $110, $120 and up, at $15, $25, $35 and up, on terms of ' 50c to $1.00 per week. , Ono Piano will bo given away Absolutely Froo between tho hours of 3 and 4 P. 173. Saturday. Octobor 23d, the only condition being that you bring this ad with you and present sams to our Floor Manager. The piano given away absolutely free last Thursday morning was awarded to Mr. N. L. Aldrlch, 2010 Webster St., who writes the following letter: This will certify that I received from the Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. at their sales rooms Thursday morning, the piano advertised absolutely free on Wednesday evening, October 20th. (Signed) N. L. ALDRICH, 2010 Webster St. , To make Saturdaw, October 23d, the banner day of the month of October, we .hare decided to close out, regardless of cost, 29 Pianos, known.' as discontinued styles of such celebrated makes as Chase, Knabe, Chickering, Lindeman, Farrand and many others, at a reduction of $128.00 from regular selling prices. ' We also offer our entire stock of new WEBER. STEGER. SCHMOLLER MUELLER, HARDMAN, EMERSON and McPHAIL, 23 other makes and our line of Player Pianos, at heavy discounts from eastern prices. A call will convince the most skeptical that we can and will save you at any time from $75 to $150 on a first-class instrument. om TERMS CAX'T BK BEAT: 91 PER WEEK BRINGS A BE A UTTFTTj FIA.NO TO VOIR HOME. KREE STOOL. FREE SCARF. FREE DELIVERY AND A BONAFIDE 23 YEAR GUARANTEE WITH EACH INSTRUMENT. NOTICE OUR SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY, OCT. 23 $1,500 Stelnway $450 $300 Story & Camp $75 $350 Kimball SlOO $350 Ivers & Pond 8125 New Sample Pianos, up from $750 Electric Piano 8375 . 800 Angelua S400 Sample Piano S13 I $550 Chase 524JO $450 Knabe 8 1 75 1 1550 Stelnway -S325 $450 J. & C. Fischer ....$185 60 Chickering ....... .$350 S14S $156 na We have been selling Pianos to your neighbors for 50 years and guarantee entire satisfaction. for catalogues, prices and terms. We ship Pianos everywhere. Write Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., Operating 10 branch stores and IOO distributing agencies. Main Warerooms and Office: 1311 and 1313 Farnam Street. Established 1859 CIAl GOSSIP Halloween Decorations Are Used by Hostesses Hallowsn -dacnratlona will take preced ence at most of the Informal parties for Ahe rest of October or until the night the witches Wih'he out with their black cats ami" queer" looking brusn brooms. Pump kin .Jack-o'lonterns will be used for light ing and every one knpws that this sort of lantern leaves so ; nufny shadows and all ports ol- thing mar lurk in these dark places to frighten the little ones and some of the grown upa. Tha shops show a great variety to assist the hostesses in car rying ttU XtM Hallowe'en Ideas which fit In' well wltn the harvest home celebra tions. This has been of much assistance to' the hostesses who are entertaining at Happy Hollow this week. one-half-inch hem on one side and knife pleated on the other. . This' Is sewed all around a strip of the net. which should have been braided, em broidered or similarly embellished. Black or White may be used. rinffr Jabot. The fashion of closing the coats so far dawn the front has created a demand for fluffy jabots that will fill In the space left vacant when the blouse Is considered not sufficiently smart or too thin to suit weather conditions. And while there are' many elaborate models and styles If one has only the money to spare, one of the prettiest and rn"tairc.ticnj Jabots can oe made from a .i ef fine Brussels rSet. finished witha What Wedding Bells IwMt Chines King- fe Kappy Ooaplss) Xaewa is Oaaaha aad Aa Mssoamti ef Otfcera Are Mad. Promises ... i You .... i "We are trying to imprest upon every woman in Omaha the fact that the Sorosis stamp is more than a mere trademark it is n guarantee of shoe satisfaction. No Other shoe can promise! what Sorosis does, because no other shoe is made like Soroeis in leather, style and excellence of workmanship. $3.50 -'$100 A pretty wedding occurred Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Mass, 4712 Daven port street, when their daughter Martha was united tn marriage to Alvah P. Whit more. The Rev E. R. Curry of the Calvary Baptist church performed the ceremony. The house was beautifully decorated with ferns, pink and cream roses, the color scheme of pink and white being carried out throughout the rooms ' and the ceremony was performed under an arch of smilax and pink roses. The atfendanta were: Miss Gussie Mass, sister of the bride as bridesmaid and Mr. Jason Toungs. best man. The ring cere mony was used. Miss Gussie wore a dainty gown of pink and white mull and carried pink roses. The bride wore a gown of cream mescaline, made princess and trim med with baby Irish lace and pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of brides' roses and swansonla. After the ceremony was performed, a two course luncheon was served. The table was decorated with a bas ket of pink and white roses for the center piece. Only the relatives of the bride and a few intimate frirrds mere present. Mr. Whit more is treasurer of the Sheridan Coal company, and has made his home at the Chatham for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore left last evening for a ten days' trip which will Include Chicago and Dea Moines. Thry will also visit Mr. Whitmore's parents at West Union. Iowa. Pleasures Past octal S vests ef Vote at Wale Coagsalal Veople Meet and In Joy Themselves ta the Tftaost. Combs, John Ross. Jr.: E. E. Kimberley. C. O. Talmadge, W. S. Marshall, A. H. Workman, Frank Hoibrook. Warner, E. M. Wellman. Telser and Trimble. Mr. and Mrs. Cadet Taylor celebrated their fortieth, anniversary .with a family dinner, Thursday evening. . at their resi dence, ai2 Burt street. Twenty-three of the forty years have been spent In Omaha. Mrs. A. Stuben gave a luncheon Wednes day at the Rome hotel, followed by a matinee party at the Orpheum. For lunch eon the table was decorated with pink and white carnations and those present were Mesdames J. B. Woodrough. Charles Dy ball, W. K. Foots, J. H. Robinson, E. J. McAdama. E. T. Johnson. A. Snyder, F. C. Best. II. Rix. J. G. Kuhn. Leo Grotte, H. A. Wahl. HA. Cameron, C. B. Liver, Will Rosney, W. Krebs, H. G. Windhelm. G. Swoboda and A. Stuben. Mrs. J. Burr Taylor gave an Informal kenslngton today at her home In honor of Miss May Tates. who will be one of the November brides. The afternoon was spent embroidering Initials on towels for the bride to be. Twelve guests were present. A dinner party was given last even ing by Miss Edna Keellne for tha mem bers of the F pens-Keellne bridal party at the Grand hotel In Council Bluffs. The guests were seated at one large table and those present were Miss Elisabeth Adair of Atlanta. Ga.; Miss Jean Ell wood of DeKalb. III.; Mrs. E. P. Reed of Chi cago, Mrs. Hosplns of Chicago, Miss Phil lips of Chicago. Mrs. Hawkins of Burling ton, la.; Miss Edna Keellne. Mr. snd Mrs. Glen Wharton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr Kee llne, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stewart, 2d; Jlr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield. Mr E. R. Puffer of Chicago, Mr. J. E. Buckingham. Mr. A. M. Jeffrey, Mr. Spins and Mr. and Mrs. George Keeline. A new club has been formed at Happy Hollow club, and they gave their first party last evening, which was a dinner dance. Halloween decorations prevailed. The officers of the club were Mr. Jack Palmer, president; Mr. Arthur Cajacobs. secretary and treasurer, and three directors: Messrs A. H. Clarke, F. R. Shear and Ri-gir.ald Giles, The club la composed of men and has been named the Pan club. The members of the club and their guests last evening included Misses Ines Latey, Carolyn Conkllne. Delia Jacobson, Rita McNamara. Charlotte Hendrickson. Shear, Polly Hurst. Elizabeth Behrens, Esther Devalon. Eileen McCaffrey, Grace Hemple, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lleben, Messers Jack Pal mer. Arthur Cajacobs, A. H. Clark. F. R. Shear. Renglnald Giles, Harry Sfein. Fred Johnson. B. Pritchard. Frank Devalon, A. J. Slstek, Neal Bowlby and Tom Murphy. for St. Paul. Neb., where she will attend a family reunion given at the home of her brother, Mr. A. L. Covey. There will be eight brothers and sisters present at this reunion, which includes all of the family except two sisters, who live too far distant to be present. Those who will attend are Midland Mrs. D. L. Johnson of Omaha. Mr. A. JL. Covey of St. Paul. Neb.; Mra. A. V. Veeder of Utlca, N. T.; Mrs. M. N. Thompson of New York City, Wil liam H. Covey of Sallda. Colo.; Mrs. P. N. Deuel of Pine Plain, X. Y., and Mrs. Wil liam Bostwick of New York City. 'J Water Table vmM i Aockjsi to Tomt fedi&a. rive gaUaa bottle Son, Tel. Dwugla 60. Mra J. J. McMullen was hostess at a i perfectly appointed luncheon pat ty today , at her home on Sou.h Thirty-eighth street. The tables were placid in the Urge llv- ir.g room and sun parlor and an effective decoration of maiden-hair ferns was used. Tha mantel was banked with ferns and palms and the centerpieces for tne small : tables were baskets of ferns. Mra Frank Hall, who Is the guest of her daughter. Mra. J. E. Elder, was the guest of honor and at the guest tsble the centerpiece was , of orrhlds. Covers were placed for suty ; four guests. Mra McMullen will give the second of a series of luncheons this week 1 at her home Saturday. Tha honor guests will be Mrs. J. E. Elder and Mrs. Charles A. Hull. f Mrs. J. O. Telser and Mrs. Char les Trim ble gave the second of a series of luncheon parlies today at Happy Hollow. Hal lowe'en decorations were used both for the trimming of the luncr.eon table and the club. Tl.e place cards were In designs of witches and black cata. Following lunch eon the guests bowled, finishing with a msrshmallow roast tha latter pari of the afternoon at the larfe-e grate fire at the club. Those poteen I today aere Mesdames N. H. Nelson. W. H. Butts. U. V. Cole. Simeon Joara. Marley, O. P. Goodman. Ferguson. Rhoades, Shepherd. T. L. Personal Gossip Wtat tha Feepls Are. Waea Tfcsy Are Qolag aad Wnea Tasy Zapect ta aVstara Kama. Miss Elizabeth Ball of Fremont la the guest of Miss Emma Landrock. Mrs. W. R. Gregg of St. Louis is the guest of her mother. Mrs. Q. G. Whit mark. Mr. and Mrs.- Richard Kitchen left Wednesday for a two weeks' stay In Kan sas City. Mrs. Hymao Fisherson of Los Angeles. Cat., is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Sophia Coenbleth. X23 California street. Mrs. A. V. Veeder of Ullca, N. T.. and Mrs. William Bostwick of Pine Plain. N. Y . are the eruests of Mrs. D. L. Johnson for a few jayt. Mra Jacob Landrock and daughter, Marie, have returned from a two weeks visit with relatives In Chicago. Misses Marie and Bessie Landrock will leave this week to spend a few days visiting friends In Anita, loss. Mrs. Frank Hall returned yesterday from a month's slay In New York City. She was ai'i-nmpanied by her daughter. Mrs. Paul Schmidt, and. Mr. Schmidt of San Diego, Cal., who will remain her.) a few days at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. E. Elder, i Mra D. L. Johnson will leave Monday WHERE WOMEN WILL PREVAIL Mew to Be Allowed -" Tetee la the 'ew Aastraliaa Coloay. Mrs. Emily Crawford, president of the Householders Lesgue of England, la one of the leaders In ' the movement to found a colony In Australia where no man will be allowed to own a penny's worth of prop erty. The promoters of the enterprise have secured land In a fine situation near Al bany, on high ground facing the lea. There la a small lake on the property and several mineral springs of repute for healing rheu matism and gout. Tha women propose to establish a resort similar to the German Bad, only no gambling will be allowed. When Mrs. Crawford was asked why she and her colleagues were gofng so far away to invest their money she replied: "It la because there Is no protection In England for the flpancltl enterprises of women. We go to Australia where women stand on the same footing with men, have the same protection and the same advan tages that having the ballot affords." Mrs. Crawford was one of the Judges of women's work at the Chicago World's fair. Two-Toned Hosiery w SECRET OF PLEASING MANNERS Little Thlasja that Are Warth Re. saeaberiaa; mmd Help Glrla Maka Frteads. The girl whose manners are pleasing knows the value of little things. She is not satisfied with omitting glaring rude ness; she Is polite In trifles. She answers an Invitation the day It Is received, and does not change her mind later when something more attractive turns up. - She does not take attention as a matter of course, but expresses her gratitude of the smallest kindness by an appreciative word. She does not think that the telephone or waiting until she meets her hostess Is a polite substitute for a letter of thanks. She does not consider It good manners to be pleasant with the special friend and indifferent to the other members of the family. She Is thoughtful of the feelings of old people and inferiors, and full of sweet little attentions to the sick and feeble. HILE two-toned stocking are not exactly new they hava been so much Improved upon that this season they are like an entirely novel creation. For exumple. hose In two-toned ef fects are In every conceivable color and combination, specially designed to match the twoAoned materials that are so fashionable for tailored suits. The latest of these models la tha treave that gives a pure white on the Inside, ribbed on the outside with black or a color. One can find tha new raisin shades, also the odd blues, soft old rose, mulberry and dozens of popular colors, both in two tones or in combination with white. Tho latter are especially dainty. Next In favor to the two-toned ef fects Is the bronze stocking. It has the foot and toe of soft cotton. In cidentally there are a number of shades to choose from so that either shoes or slippers may be easily matched. Another line of stockings that Is most attractive Is In black lisle thread, embroidered In dainty ' coror lngs set In so the decoration can be seen above tha high boot. The embroidery takes the form of a bracelet or wreath, and below It are scattered sparingly single blos soms. These are In sufficient num bers for good effects, supposing low shoes are worn. The design, how ever, was originated for use with high Btreet boots, and was brought out by a high class department store at the request of several patrons who felt It was a mistake to cover the dainty decorations of the usual stocking. This, too. Is new, and will be a prac tical foot covering for wear with tha heavier shoes that must soon, owing to weather conditions, be adopted. The sole is said to wear well, besides being much more comfortable for street use than the thinner lisle thread. Plain black silk stockings In staple weaves are $L50, $1 more being chanced for those embellished with embroidery. The newest In plain ailk hosa ta tha thinnest finest stocking. Chiffon is actually thick by comparison. It can be folded until It measures only about four inches long and then be drawn through a finger ring of ordinary atse. The price Is $15 a pair and there la no decoration on them, aa the beauty Ilea In the extreme fineness and smoothness of the weave. Only black and white are on sale. Other high priced stockings are of silk in white, black and neutral colors elaborately embroidered in exquisite colorings. There are few or no freak hosa among the newest Importations, such as contrasting tops, stripes and fig ures. For all are of one coloring ex cept In the case of the two toned, but even these are quiet looking, no more conspicuous than tha two toned wlda ' wale cheviots, etc. The little silk tassels at boot length are still a favored decoration, but they must match the stocking In color. There was an attempt to in troduce tassels In gold, silver and other metallic effects, but the novelty failed to become a fad, the glittering appendages being considered detri mental to the good effect of dainty slippers, especially when the latter were bejewelled or ornately embroidered. MURIE CSHILL'S MERRY . BUNCH OF GIRLS don showing the owners of the land. This is nearly completed. It snows that 44.UU0 landlords owns land covering 11S square miles. these being mostly single house owners. Sixty square miles are owned by 187 persons, organiza tions and corporations. One-third of this area belongs to the crown, the ecclesiasti cal commissioners, the county council and the city corporation. It is estimated that the present value of the land on mhich London Is built Is f.Oia.Onii.om.OQO, which will he Increased to UAM.(M by 1910. New York Times. The A. Ilospe) Co. Alrrady Has tha Cote Lyrics They Passed Over the Boards at the Boyd. Just leave It to Maria Cahlll she never yet has offered a comedy tn which chic girla and saucy song hits did not play an Important part. Marie herself as well aa her long skirted" chorus offer some exceedingly dashy songs thla season and tha "hits" of this week's engagement at tha Boyd theater are already on sale at tha A. Hoapa company at 1611 Douglas atreet awaiting tha usual bevy of Saturday buyers. These hits Include: "Girls, Girls, Girls," "Arab Love Bong." "Thafa tha Doctor Bill." "Take Plenty of Shoes." "Auf Wledersehn," and ''Gee. but You Look Awfully Good to Me." Then, too, tha "screams' on this week's Orpheum bill they're all here. If you've attended this week you know this Is tha correct Hat: "How Do You Do, Miss Josephine," ."'Say No. That's All." "I'd Rather Be a Minstrel Man Than a Multimillionaire," "I'm Going Home." "Cubanola Glide." "My Husband'a In the City," "She Borrowed My Only Husband," and "Thla Is No Place for a Minister's Son." "The Stubborn Cinderella," which has Just closed an engagement at the Boyd, la also replete with captivating aongs and the complete list will be on sale to morrow at "Hospe's." By the way, have you ever before seen I lui'n a iwiu song service in omul; ' Surely you hava not It has remained for i the hustling A. Hospe company to In ! trdduce the Idea: "New songs on sals the moment they are sung on tha local stage." All tha Sbova songs lta tomorrow ex cepting the operatic pieces, which are 10 cents. A. HOSPE CO., 151 J Douglas Btreet. RICH ROCADES ARE POPUBLAR Wosaea Aeeeat the Costly Faeries far Traveltag Geiwaa with Estksslssa. Just- at the moment women appear to be accepting the various forms of rich brocade with enthusiasm. To be sure they eye tho rich visiting gowns and afternoon gowns of one tone satin and velvet bro cades with some hesitation and are not quits sura whether they like the models made up tn these brocades combind with plain materials, but when It comes to even ing gowns the approval la more sure, and In tha sphere of evening coats the brocades are meeting with unqualified approval. Chamberlain's Cougn Remedy contains no Injurious substance and is pleasant to take. Laa41era mt Laaelaaw Tha London oounly council has spent a decade in preparing a ground plan of Lon- Weinlaiidsr & Smitii V I Alma9 twAlna'asi C u . M sm B 317 So. 16tb Street "mo- oomsxTS are quite tha thing for stout women. Your figure will be reduced to perfect form and at tha aama time yon will alwaya feel entirely at ease. auto KTrrruu. A new article of wear for women, which Is especially made for cool weather. noiwum. A beautiful line of stylish neckwear. In lace and embroid ery, has Just been put on sale. Including coat seta, Dutch col lars. Jabots, etc Colgata Sampla Day at Sherman & McConnell's Stores aw-rfx.H ym u.a .La-aiuoaisagggas. Come (Saturday, October Z3. and get a free sample of Colgate A C'o.'s products as follows: Free Sampla Colgate's Shaving Stick. Free Sample Colgate's Ribbon Denti frice. Free Samplpe Colgate's Dactylla Tal cum. Free Sampla Colgate's Extracts several odors. We are general western scents for Col gate s Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Water, Cosmetics. o Colgate's Violet or Cashmere Tal cum ISo Colgate's Ribbon Ientifrtca 10c-o Colgate's Shaving Sticks 10c-2uc Colgate's Toilet Waters Sc. JSC. 60c-4o Colgate's 'ash mere Bouquet Soap 15c-C8 Colgate's English Process Soap, S for S Colgate's Shsva Powders Tie Colgate's Shaving Soap 5c We redeem PALM OLIVE coupons. Cut them out of Ladles' Home Journal and bring to either store. Sherman & !.!cGonnell Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sta. WHITE 8ATIV GOWN. EMBROIDERED WITH GOLD AND A QUAINT FROCK Or flMk. SATI.V A.NU MLtK UCK. Owl Drug Co Cor. Mia and Harney Stav