Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1909, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
clean. reliable newspaper that is
admitted to each and svery horn.
VAGZS 11 to ia
'VnL. XXXIX -NO. 111.
50c Chocolated Per lb. 25c
Bennett's for Hair Goods China Store's Spe'cls
All the feahlewable novelties for the correct mmmmttmmimma
ootrfare er priced less km. l.OOO pieces fancy China of aU kinds, from enps
'VwV'h Mr"""" ,1''r. " four Tij aad aaaru to large howla, for 10a
at .'. "... Ta'ea Bat BoUaJVls'ln rl'i- "i"" Brass Farm Cntnu, white and
22 find 2-ln.-t Wavy ter HJJ . "',W" LT 13 value... 91.39
Fwltch.... real hair. Balr Bella, eight in r j VYn J?!,; - wh,,e nd
at S3 oa cluster ....91.50 Cut t.inie palti and ... ,
aa-n rLl VAV1 . , ii ?a Ferner worth " g" d. to match sus-
ClTTSTEa CTJBXS. l Curt i'1;7' ea . h a t' p"r Ua an. and cream!.. .1
i'sns, trv nevrst ;4-lnrh Net Covered rain. ai. pair -i, l a
tyl-, .. ..... .93.50 Hair Rolls la irr Hf" aad value
New Dlrectorie Corsets
Here's a splendid.," shapely new model at a
very low price: has the long hip and deep
skirt and high bu?t. giving a s-lenderness to
the figure that Is very pleasing made of
batiste, embroidery trimmed, hose support
ers attached A ?2.00 corset Cl Se
for VOC
There are no finer goods ma Ie ;-,an thrs. They
have a delightful flavor and are rich and
crean-.y Mad" by PiMuff Pure Candy Co. spe-
rlailv for our Saturday ?ale. 5r always. ") c
pound box -
Chocolate Dipped Caramels Fnm Bslduff Pure
Pure Candy Co.. freshly male for thla sale:
usual 4V quality, pound 90o
i J niS Anv 15c Ladies' Home Journal pattern Ii StJ
j, with the Fall style book, at 30c Pl
af V" .
Novelties In
autumn neckwear
for men
A complete new line of the
smartest ldeaa in dreaay i, i
new autumn shade.. Many rich
brocade ,ti ef fecU four.,
handa with wide flaring enda
50c, 75c, $1.00
""J uita A surprise for
r,'.o-,a,.Ur'1"r: 60 do" heavy
t "nter weight union suit.
m7"H k"wn maker. re!
best II. S quality ( ,a
at fl.lj
;P'endid 7.-.c garments. "
jaeger and cream, si sea to rrt
: our price 'JVC
MusUn Bie-hS BiirU HeaVy.'dur-
Plain or fancy irlmmed. cut wide
and full, size 14 to JO: te
1 2a garments 75c
'"f "ola oa Genuine" Birlit
foot suck-. to ll; ,VV
ic quality, pair IiC
Kaniatee Cham bray hlrt. for
ta!hL'ndK dar,t ": collar a".
Kin tor. .::.7.. 50c
T"- - . I ' a 1 X BT. i aW fw- A II mJ
si & HHSMBi
jBFjy tl lit Boya' Orercoata, heavy
JktCJ fT 3tK. Russian Auto and box
nfff V1 niHij coata. In plain gray
jk-: 'I rU i j X - and stripes, also reet-
An Impressive Clothixig.,Bay
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats
Nothing on the clothing horizon quite reaches the extremes of values as yon will find
chronicled in the Bennett advertisement today. It's worth every man's earnest consideration.
No matter how little you mu3t pay or how much you can pay for suit or overcoat we have a pro
position to interest you.
Come in Saturdaywe will show you the wisdom of clothes buying at Bennett's, we'll show
you the road to real economy that's what counts.
Look up these matchless lots tomorrow
1,500 fashionable new models in men's suits, smart, snappy hand-tailored gar
ments with a range of patterns and colors so broad that all can be "suited."
Every garment in this immense lot is" of pure worsted or all wool cassimere,
designed along most advanced lines with semi or full peg top trousers. There
are two and three-button sack oats that fairly bubble over with good style and
taste. "We say it again, greater economy
in Fall suits than you ever knew before,
at ."
Cut Roses
I.O.i1 An-nTloan Iloauty Roue,
frrsh cut. worth to ibc; f
apec'al. ea:h lC
I-are. home grown Chrysan
themum'. ll.BM. Carnation at
rry 1owm prK'e.
potted Fernn. each lo
20, $25
Men's Overcoats AU the swagger new models which
fashion approves Fancy materials, oxfords and
blacks Three quarter and full lengths, with regula
tion military or combination collars, a great showing
at 15 S20 nd 23
Boys Sutta of splendid wool cas-
simere, with two pairs Knicker
bocker pants and double breasted
coat, 7 to 14 year sizes, fine
school suits, at . : S1.98
Boys' Norfolk Suits Pleated coat,
yoke and belt; gray, brown and
blue mixtures. 5 to 10 year sizea,
$2.00 S2.50 and . -S3.00
Very fine velour cassimere Norfolk
auiu. at $3.50. $4 a 55
Men'a Raincoats Not one of the new styles ia missing.
Choice of black, plain greys and fancy cloths No
where more fairly priced $10 S15 and 820
Gabardine Klipons An extra light weight, full loose
waterproof coat, at 15 and 10
All the new soft and stiff hats
Our hat showing is representative of every fashion whim. New shapes
and shades from America's leading hat makers.
Soft Hats $2.50 $3.00 to $3 50 Stiff Hats, $s.0O $2.50 to $3.50
Boys' Combination Suits All wool
cassfmeres in light and dark stripes,
two pairs knlcker pants, 8 to 14
vear sizes, best $5 value, our price
ia S3.50
Boys' Rnnsian Suit 3 to 6 year
sizes, stripe cassimere? and plain
blue and red. all wool fabrics Sat
urday Bpecial lot $2.50
The Wonderful
Values of Cur Greatest
Book Sale
It is a sale such as you
may never see again. Ex
traordinary conditions
make this one possible.
Financial difficulties in
the subscription publish
ing business brings stand
ard sets.
De Luxe Editions of
World's Best Literature
by 44 famous authors, at prices
averaging 4 publishers' cost.
The sale has been remark
ably successful from the first.
These are de luxe editions from
such houses as Gebbie & Co.,
Biglow Smith & Co., The Davos
Press and othe. noted concerns.
Absolutely the chance of a life
time for everyone who loves
good books We have cata
iogues giving complete, detailed
100 New $25 Suits, $15
Best bargains we have had this year. Buyer
while in New York this week cleans up a.
maker's stock.' Only navy blues in this lot.'
Made pf fine Lymansville worsteds, strictly
plain aifored with long 45-inch coats, lined
throughout with guaranteed satin; graceful
pleated skirts, in newest fashions. Under
stand there are navy blues only; the only
shade the maker had in this fabric. The
-Bennett Companv is this maker's bijrgest cus-
V 3 ' tomer and naturally we get Grf"!
,". . his .plums." This is the
best one of the year. Posi
tively $25.00 values ; choice .......
Saturday Is Children's Day
Many attractive sales in fall and winter garments tomorrow for
the little folks. New, up-to-date, childlike styles that please mother
and child alike.
Olrla Xonf Beavy Coata Well made
-of good mateilala and prettily
, trimmed mot any oolor you like.
' to 12 years, valaea to JS.B0. on
ale at K3.S5
riao SroaAolotlia aad Bersey Coata
In red. navy, green, etc., very
beat materials, high grade gar
ments, at. Mch S7.50
Child a Sweaters I to ( year sizes
all wool. In red and white
at tl-SO and S3-00
alHfln' with Toqaae to Match
1 to year sizes white and red.
each Baa to $l-5
BaarsUa Coata Curly effects, in
gray and white, also new stripe
and Antelope novelties: 2 to yrs .
at 18. S4-SO an ti.00
Girls" Cheviot Draesas Una all wool
materials. French styles. red.
brown and blue. to 1 year sixes,
at SO. SO
FIsid CHngham Draasa For achotu.
mde of genuine Tolls du Nord
full kilted skirts. to H year elres
at axas
Olrli Percale Dresaea In blue and
shepherd'a plaids, ( to 14 year
aliei. at U49
Annual October Sale f Jewelry
Like onr former pre-holhlay or October sales, this one takes rank as one of the bli?
events of the store year at Bennett's. This year we are fortunate in securing a large
part of an eastern manufacturer's stork at exceptional low prices, adding strength to the
sale that makes success sure and certain. It's a sale of the better grades of jewelry,
and many will anticipate their Christmas gifts. See the great display in the 16th St.
window. . -J
Women's O size watch or
men's 16 size thin moddl
Elgin or Waltham move
ment, 20 year case, now
at $9.05
Mens hunting or open
case 17 jewel Waltham
ot Elgin, patent regu
lator movement, 20 year
case, at $13.75
Women's O size or men's
16 size .Elgin or Wal
tham 15 jewel move
ment, 20-year case, now
t $12.50
$40,000 worth of beautiful gems at much
less than exclusive jewelera can sell them for.
We guarantee stones and values. We refund
purchase price in cash less 10 per cent on
diamonds bought of us, or full value in ex
change for purchase of larger ones. Diamond
experts to wait on you.
Woman's Diamond Binr, fancy
or Tiffany, i-k gold. v to
2-6 ct. diamond. worth
lit 50 at 0
wkiaa- aold filled, high uufclity. worm
7. 0. at
Bracelets, gold filled. lS-year Kuarante. wnrt'i
to at a.oo
Solid Qcld Blnjrs, beautiful designs and all
stone set Kings worth 17.60 at 92.S8
Rings worth to $1.50, at i.73
X,lrtle Blags, genuine turquoise, special, S3.93
Starling Silver Xlttle Binge, all stones, worm
2 5. at 100
Clolsome Bar and Beauty Fins to match. . .99o
Cuff and la Seta, i pieces. orth Si. at.3-o
Cuff XUnka, solid gold, worth to $4 at . .SlO
Cuff XUnas, gold filled and fancy stone set.
ortu to $2.00. at SOo
Women's Diamond Blng-, 14-k , Small Diamond, fine cut Mane,
gold and to 3-4 ct. dia
mond, worth $37.50, at... 935
14-k mounting, worth $11.00,
at as
Stick Pins, genuine cameo, values to $5. . tl-OO
Xiockata, gold filled, best made, wortb to f 5 01.
at si.8
Becklacea, white atone pendant, worth to $2.
at 51.50
Carman Silver Bash Bags, hid lined, spevta!
at aa.50
Clocks, higheat grde and guaranteed. S3 00 to
S4' 0 Baif Price
Toilet Sets. Military Seta, Manicure Seta, Tie
Piss, Jabot Fins, Broocaee, Beoklaoes, eta,
at sale prices.
Jet Back Comba, worth to $4.00. Jet Bracelets
and necklaces at 91.00
Christmas Dolls Are Beckoning You
h .k''
Dolldom will be on dress parade Saturday.
A multitude of waxen-haired, blue-eyed dollies have
come all the way from foreign lands to quicken the
hearts of the children of Omaha.
It's our initial display for the year, and a veritable
fairyland with oh! so many cunning little folks to send
thrills of joy Into the heart of every ciild. " It will be a gala occasion'
and all girls and joys who can are invited to come.
Mothers, bring the children. You'll enter Into the spirit of the
occasion such a visit Is sure to Inspire. ' '
These early sales are most Interesting on account of variety,
beauty and freshness of the dolls. It's by far our best showing, and
every single one is new. There are price inducements, too, that say
plainly "buy now."
Not a bit too early to be laying plans for Christmas.
There are dressed dolls, undressed dolls, kid body dolls, jointed
dolls, celluloid and bisque dolls, unbreakable dolls, wool and rag
dolls. Biliiken dolls, etc.
Just a hint of the really meritorious offerings.
22-inch dolls, French joint
ed, full shaped body, good
wig and moving eyes, $2
values, for 81.00
22-inch kid body dolls, cork
stuffed, bip and arm joint,
moving jeyes, light and
dark hair, 2 value, . .$1
Dressed doll "Young Amer
ica," extra targe dolls, full
jointed, movable eyes,
beautifully dressed, shoes,
stockings and hat or bon
net, bargain $1.00
Dolly Varden Ra Doll
Celluloid face, cotton
dress and bonnet ..25
Bye Bye Kids Rag tiolls,
usually 9 8c, opening spe
cial, at . . ; 49
Kid body dolls, each 25?
to $8.50
Jointed French dolls, i3k
lo $12.50
Celluloid dolls 10 to $2
Bisque dolls, each 10
t0 : 81.08
Genuine Kestner and
Handwerck dolls at all
Doll Heads Bisque, with
sewed wig and side part,
ribbon bows, moving eyes
and set in teeth, for 25
Sheet Music Day
FirM aanin. as usual, with the new aonga.
LiKtrn to tills now.
If AU the Girls Were Roses"
Juat the e'evereat of all late aonga. Its d!a-
tipctly different and it a going tne rounoa
wl.rn-ver Its aung. We are first to IQp
feature It in Omaha aw
A Counter Pull of Bew Masts Tula Week.
iMy t '.uBin. ( truso i
Oibnaia Glide I m
.Singing Bird I
I The freity inings iou nj,
. n rc uieu v .... rt J A
I Wish Someone Would Fall ln(
love wun jun
I Ring Around Rosle
I And ever so many more, all at.
For Women
and lioys
All the eonga from Marie X ri
Cahill s show, at -JJ.
Two Bew Bags Wireless
end Live W ires
Mr. Carl Morlta, Omaha's favorite tenor. Is now with Bennett's.
Dim demonstrate Hie new songs In his own pleasing manner.
Handy Household Remedies
Will h Hazel, pt. ?
Ki'tnai eulis. lb
Perot ids. 4 oa
Peroxide S oa
Peroxide, If OS,
Petroleum Jelly. 1 os
Wttch Hazel, S pt.
lb. .
Peroxide Cream
Comp. Licorlc po-jr l-r.
Huchelle SaJta. lb
W nite Pine t ough Syrup . . . .
CaitcAra Aromatic, per bottle
Jamaica (imger
Chlor. Potash Tablets
Quinine Puis. 4 ozs.
. . . ase
. ..10e
. . lOo
. . -ISO
. ..lie
. . . lae
. ..lOa
A series of strong, underpriced of
ferings to make a busy Saturday All
new, perfect goods.
Women's vests and pants, fleeced,
white and peeler, the 35c weight and
quality, for 25
Women's union suits, fleeced, 75c
quality, for -49
Women's union suits, finest $1 gar
ments, for 75tt
Boys' heavy fleeced shlrta and draw
ers, for 25c"
Bovs" heavy fleeced union suits. 50
"Forest Mills" underwear for women
In all textures and styles, all hand
finished goods.
Women's Pure Linen Initial Handlter
chiefa. usual 15c quality B'-iO
Women's Pure I.lnrn Appensella and Ma
deira Handkerchiefa. .'&c quality . .W-io
Men'a Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs.
15c quality
Double Btampa In Above Two Departments
Smart Hats
ffc$I and
ft C1F
At theee prices we show you more chic
styles than any two inllltnery houses in
Omaha. A world of new ones for Satur
day freshers up the stock, making mous
ing as good today sv at any time during
entire sea-son.
Distinctive new style Innovations always
appt&r here first.
Hosiery, Gloves
You ran fit out the whole family
and do it well and at smaller cost at
Bennett's. A few examples of what
the departments have to offer tomor
row: Women's cotton hose, mercerized fin
ish. 20c value, pair 15
Women's cashmere hose with merino
heel and toe, 25c value, pair .-15t
Women's Imported lisle hose in colors,
worth to 50c. pair 25?
Women's 50c fine mercerized Imported
hosiery, 3 pairs 81.00
Boy's 20c heavy ribbed school stock
ings, pair
Imported one-c!asn Cspe Gloves, spear
point back. English tans, $1.25 quality.
pair SSo
Two-clasp Arabian Mocha Gloves; black.
tan and gray. $1 ifl kin 1 Sao
Two-clasp Cashmere and Golf Gloves.
TRorlh 50c. pair 25o
Double Stamps In Above Two Departments
reniasclar Stoves deserve pour best attention. There are none to eaual
them. Bocty aad kralas aaa areug-fet taeat to perfection. Our strongest
price Inducements are qa da la tola ad.
pemnmiar Consuming Hut Blast Coal Heater; specially low for Sat
urday. &e it S1TSO
Kmpica Peninsular Base Burners. 14-lnca fire pJts, f
44 AS Peninsular Base Burner, No. 40S. on sale now
Laundry stoves, two hole, for.
;0c Ash Sifters for
4c Metallic hitters 'or
bat lit: Move pip !or
Heat 5 Furnaie Scoops for.
J;enneu tual lida for.
. . .ISO
.. Se
Perfection Oil Heaters. SX&O
2&c Galvanised Water Paila
SOc Galvanised Water Paila
ealvaaised Ash C
20-galloa atze. regular $2.25
K-gallon atae. $1.75 kind...
. . .S33.00
and 9&-0O
kind 91 SO
2ue lialvaoiaed Water Paila for... loo
Attention .Hunters! That Shell Sale Again
The response so owa last offer met wltk suck a big response we repeat It
again taia week.
ii mi H'a nla. No. ( chllleU shot, smukeiess powder, full
$14.00 cases for 9ia.OO
Lt of 10-guaga Hhelis eperial, per box Oe
Lot of 10-guage baeiia ape lal, pr box. Quo per hundred...... 91-aO
B B, 2. 3. T and S shot only.
Wise Ones Will Come Here for Shoes
A one day clean up men's shoes 150 pairs Fellowcraft and
Douglaa $3.50 and $4.00 shoes, widths A and B only, sizes
5 V, to 10 Best styles of well known makes Last cnance
Best shoe bargain 75
or tne year ror g
U1CU, ftl
i 2
A dressy fall shoe designed on
sensible last light or heavy
soles and high or low heels A
fine, comfortable shoe of vici kid
with patent tip. One of the best
numbers in the Dorothy Dodd
line, featured Saturday, at
Twenty new styles men's shoes for fall and winter, in but
ton and lace, in patent colt, vici kid and gun metal calf.
Good shoes at a popular price r Cfl
lasts All sizes and
widths, at
Men's work shoes $2.00 and $2.50
Fall Shoes fur women and mlsM-Stylish button shoes for
dress and school wear, choice of patent colt, rlcl kid and
gun calf Some cloth tops Cfi
Bennett's Grocery Cuts Cost of Living
Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack
Bennett's Best Coffee, tare- pounds
Bennett's Best Coffee, one pound ...
Bennett's Teas, assorted, pound
Bennett's Teaa, assorted, pound ....
Bennett's Tea Sittings, pound
Bennett's Capitol Pure Pepper, 4-lb.
Theodore Farnaley, cheese expert.
Is with us in charge of the dept.
Neufcbatel Cheese. $ for lOo
Hand Cheese, 2 for So
Virginia Swiss, pound t3o
And 10 Green Stamps.
Cream Cheese, lb 20c
And 10 Green Stampa.
. -91.&S and 75 Green Stamps
.. .91.00 and luu Green btamps
....36o and 30 Green Htumps
. ...T80 and 75 Green Stampi
....S80 and 55 Green Stamps
...16c and 15 Green htamus
loo and a Green btamps
Bennett's Capitol Creamery .-
The finest, sweetest, purest but
ter made, always uniform
pound bricks, full
weight for
ICe and It Green
85o and '.') Green
HO Green
lu Green
li Green
iti Green
0 treen
Crackers, assorted kinds, package
P.o'al Tomatoes, two cane
Strait's Cube Pineapple, large can 2 00 and
Bennett'a Capitol Wheat. Oats or Pancake, package. 11c and
French Cut Loaf Sugar, package 85c and
I alnl-t Fancy ill bardines, can 30o and
Snider s CI. ill Sauce, bottle 3i and
piiXTM Paragon choice Plums, 1J 4c curia at u.r-f . an for.
beiiae'.t a 1 apitol Mim e Meat, tnree packages asc ana io oreon
Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder. 6-ll. ran 91-00 and 1 Green
Best We Bave Brand Zia French Strtnglen Beans lee, two cans
Hcst We Bave Brand 3c Sliced Pineapple. t..ecial. per 11:1
Best We Rati Brand 15c Hu:hard Squash, special, per can
.san.-.l"n Codtiaii. three packages g&c and 10 Green
Home Made Mince Pies, eacu
Small Olives, quart Jar SSe and 10 Green
Chicken Feed, per pound
for J5e
Sizes 2 H to 5 '-i . at
Same style for misses, ll'i
Children's sizes, 8 4 to 11,
to 2.
for .
$2.00 "d $2.25
We show onj of the best assorted lines of boys' shoes in
Omaha All solid leather Ehoes that will wear Stylish
new lasts for school and dress wear, in box calf C
patent colt and vici, sizes 2 V to 5 H. at $2.5U and. . .$JL
Sizes 13V to 2. for $1.75 $2.00
Sizes 10 to 13, for $1.50 n $1.75
Infanta' shoes Big, special lot, SOc goods, 2 to 5, pr. 35
Fruits and Vegetables
Carload Colorado Potato a, per peck.
goc; buxnei 'bo
Jrntey Sweet Potatoes, peck. . .. . ,3b
Ked unions, per peck aso
Michigan Celery. 3 etslks 10o
Largt Caullfiouer, l.ea J . . 15o and aoo
tircen Peppers, per .i.jxcn 15o
I 'ooK1t.g Apples, p-ca .....aoo
I tJreen Tomatoes, baiaet ate
I New I ales. (rr pound 10o
New Flg, per pound Siuo
iokay ilraiwj, to M.unda 15o
Carrots, Turnlpa, Parsnips, lb...aa I rresn Itoaaied Peanuts, quart.
The Dig. Busy Market
Fall Lamb Legs, A . Veal Chops, 4 A. lUcon, Cudahy's sugar
per lb.
Rib Roaat, rolled, if) ft
all bones out.
Choice Pot Roast
lb. 7d and
Lamb Roast, 7-1
shoulder, lb. ..
per lb
Lamb Chops,
loin, lb. . .
Veal Stew,
per lb
Lamb Stew,
special, 7 lbs.
cured. 2 to 7-H).
strips, by the
piece, lb.
Imported Holland Her
ring, fresh catch rJm
per keg J OC
And 25 Stamps. -