Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Cornhuskers Have Lost Their Last Scrimmage Before the Great Hawkeye Game
Varsitj Squad Doei Hot Make Good
Showing: Agrainit Scrabi.
Injurr , U rl Coaea
Cole f t'railHM BrHI
h Qerterbk rraslea
far latardar.
schedule another big came for that city
next fall.
(from ' Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. 11. (Special.) In th
final scrimmage befor the gams with Iowa
Saturday the coruba Ihta-afternoon played
the varaltjr to a standstill, holding them
to almot an even score.
On ti offanaa the second team men were
able to aln through the varsity line and
plowed up guard and tackles for several
yards. On the defense they formed a
solid front that waa nearly Impregnable
to the attacks of the first eleven.
The scrubs were the first to score a
touchdown. . They kicked off t the var
slty and then held for downs, getting the
ball on the Cornhuskers' thlrty-flva-yard
line. They made their downs three times
by driving against the line. Then Gibson
secured the ball on a forward pass and
skirted left end for goal.
The ' varalty came back hard at the
scrubs on tha second klckoff and Magor,
on two forward passes, carried the ball
across the scrubs' goal for the first touch
down scored for the first eleven.
"King" Cole kept three of the regulars
out of the ' varsity lineup In order to pre
vent possible Injuries. These men were
Temple, Frank and Bentley. Haacall ran
the team at Quarter tyn Bentley'a place.
The absence of these regulars weakened
the Cornhusker team and was responsible
for the good showing the second team
made against them.
The quarterbaok problem for Saturday la
still bothering "King" Cole. Bentley has
been out for practice each day this week,
but has taken no active part In the work, j
His back la still In bad shape, due to a
severe fall he received In tha Minnesota
game, and he will be in poor shape for
the Iowa game. It Is almost a certainty
that he will not be able to play through
the whole fray, but he la likely to be In
the lineup at the start After he la forced
to quit the game either Frank Or Lofgren
will be placed at quarter.
If Frank leaves the halfback position to
go to quarter, either Sturtslegger will be
sent to Frank's post or else some man
will be drawn from the line, probably
Harte, and sent to full, Rathbone going
to half. To play Harte's place In the )ine
either Elliott or Wendstrand will be
sent In.
Cleaala I'P Athletic Field.
Three hundred students in command 'of
Prof. Caldwell, chairman of the foot ball
committee of the athletic board, swooped
down upon Nebraska field this afternoon
to clean the ground of stones, brickbats
and pieces of glass that covered the sur
face. '..
It took tha contingent less than an hour
to remove these little obstacles and when
"King" Cole Inspected trvs field this even
ing he said It appeared to be in good shape
for the game- Saturday. . .
The Nebraska coach had been adverse to
letting his men play on the new" field be
cause of the number of stones and rocks
which Infested, the land and .threatened
Injury to men at practice. Several of the
scrub have received cuts and bruises from
the rocks and Cole declared he would not
permit the Cornhuskera to play there un
lest the field were swept clean.
Vho removable bleachers used at Omaha
lam week arrived here today and are now
being installed on the south side of the
fltld. The old grandstand that stood on
the former field la being plaoed on the
north side of the grounds..
The' fence which Incloses the new field
has been completed. The buildings at the
main entrance to the grounda ara In the
course of construction, but will not be
done for a week or two.
Members of the athletic board Inspected
the new field today and declared it to be
on of the best In the west. It Is much
larger than any athletlo grounda In the
Missouri valley. The gridiron will be
sodded Immediately after the close of the
present year, giving .the Cornhuskers next
fall a turf gridiron, something they never
hae possessed at this school.
1 article In this morning's Bee report
Ing that membera of the Nebraska athletic
board had complained about the slxe of
the crowd at Omaha last Saturday caused
. the Cornhuskers' mentors to smile, for
they never have uttered any klcka about
the attendance at that game. The article
published In a local paper saying that tha
athletlo board was disappointed over the
attendance and would not schedule any
more gamea at Omaha waa printed wlthou
any authority.
It was expected here. Indeed, that
crowd of 10.000 would see the game, but
when only 6,000 people went there waa no
kick made. It was a larger crowd than
would have witnessed the game had It
beun played In Lincoln. Tha foot ball
management la well pleased with the way
Omaha has .treated Nebraska and It will
Will Kot Retara te Calansbfa Istll
After leers Uasne.
COLUMBIA, Mo., Oct. (Special.)
"There la no reason why we should not
win both the Ames and the Iowa games
while we are on the trip." said Coach
Roper today, when asked about the pros
pects. "We will take twenty-one men on
the trip, so we will not fall ahort of sub
stitutes. It will be hard to keep the men
la condition while traveling, but I expect
them to be in as good condition when
they play Iowa on October JO, aa when
they play Ames."
The twenty-one men to be taken on the
trip ara those which have shown up best
so far In the games and In scrimmage.
Uove, Roberts, Alexander, Johnson, Idler,
launders, Deatherage, Clair, Fixley, Klein,
C'raln, Hall, Thatcher, Doyle. Bradley,
Wilder, Hackney, Bluck, Pearson and
Shuck, headed by Captain Rlstlne, will be
taken. The team left Columbia at p. m.
today, arriving in Des Moines Friday morn
ing, where they will stay until Saturday
morning. Then they go to Ames, where
they play that afternoon. Instead of com
ing back to Columbia, the team will rest
up at Cedar Rapids all the next week, hav
ing practice work and scrimmage with Coe
college. It Is tha Intention of Coach Roper
to give the team just enough scrimmage
work to keep them in good condition while
In Cedar Rapids. Saturday, October 30,
they proceed to Iowa City, where they play
Iowa State university.
According to Ouy 8. Lowman, assistant
coach of the Tigers, who saw Ames defeat
Orlnnell college last Saturday, the Tigers
have a hard proposition before them.
"Ames appears to have as good a team aa
last year, and will probably outweigh us
about five pounds. Tha Aggies did not
seem to be a bit handicapped because of
the absence of the Lambert brothers."
Their good showing against Minnesota does
not presage a Tiger victory, but Missouri
rooters know their team can come from
behind and win If the two elevena ara
anything like evenly matched.
Head Coach Roper, Assistant Coach
Lowman, Manager Monllaw. and " several
rubbers and newspaper correspondents ae--eompanled
the aquad In its special, and
much enthusiasm was manifested at the
Wabash station when the train left to
night. Many of the more enthusiastic root
er who could not accompany the team
raked up all the spare change they had
and gave It to their more fortunate friends
to place at best possible odds on their
favorites, and a special wire has been
leased Into Columbia to Inform the student
body of the progress of the game, play by
play. The more conservative say tney
will be satisfied with one victory out of
the two games, Ames and Iowa, but none
place both contests la the defeat column.
O lchrist. the' TMter nairback, who win
return to school this week, will probably
Join the squad at Cedar Rapids after the
Ames game, and In all probability will
play In the Iowa contest. His addition
will greatly strengthen the Tiger back
and O'Prien at left tarkle. This combina
tion made a strung line. Alexander went
Into Dross' powltlon and his tearing up
of the freshmen line greatly pleased the
coaches. Hell, Hull and Byers nre having
a great fight for left guard, with honors
In favor of Bell. Hanlnn and Kreaesky
were both tried out at left end. Kreaesky
Is In much better condition than last week
and will probably be used part of Satur
day's game.
Tonight the team was given a dinner
at the Hurklcy Imperial hotel after prac
tice. It Is not llkelv that any mui meet
ing will be held. The team will reach Lin
coln tomorrow evening.
Tklrteea Mea Have Advantage of
Selected Food la Training.
LAWRENCE. Kan.. Oct. 21. (Special.)
The regular foot ball training table started
here today. The management has lo:lcl'-il
that all men who have a chance to make
good on the team will be put on the
table. At first only thirteen ath,tM will
be given the advantage of thj elected
food, but sh the season advances and
other men show their ability the number
will be Increased. The men vho will
start at the table are: Carlson, It. Smith,
Lovett. Randall. Caldwell, Fori. Brown-
lee, Johnson, Hell, Dahlcne, Stepnenson,
Bond and Pleasant.
The trainers expect that the table win
condition the men for the Washington
game Saturday. There Is small Slkell
hood that Washington will cause Kansas
much trouble, but the coaches are pre
paring for a hard game. They Intend to
have every man in good shape. Several
new plays have been framed out by the
coaches for especial use against Washing
ton. Washington has a light, fast team,,
and Kansas university should learn much
concerning the open style of play from
the St. Louis players. Coach Kennedy is
training his men to stop open and trick
plays, and. Incidentally, lo spring some
thing new of their own, if it takes that
to win.
Commencing Wednesday evening ine
Kansans began to conduct their practice
behind closed gates. The varsity is trying
out new plays on the freshmen, and the
coaches do not Intend that any chanc
vlnttor shall carry reports of the plays
out of Lawrence. i
Arapahoe Getting! Chesty.
ARAPAHOE. Neb.. Oct. 21. (Special Tel
egram.) The Arapahoe foot ball team beat
H end lev. 14 to 0. at Hendley. Arapanoe
challenges anjy team In southwestern Nebraska.
The Sea Don won all three games from
the Lay Mailing last night on the Metropoli
tan basement alleys. Liougn naa an nign
honors for the evening, with 514 ror totals,
and 191 for high single game. Score:
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Ci-abb ; 152 17U 174 49
Loueh loO 191 173 614
Straw 1&0 ... ,. 150
Kelly ... liil 131
Tlarera Lose Captala, bat Will Pat Up
Stiff Game.
CRETE, Neb.. Oct 21. (Special.) Cap
tain Hartwcll Is out of the game with
severe Injuries suffered In Peru s game
last Friday. It is a severe blow to the
Doane team, aa Hartwell is a fast and
heady player and a man to fill hla place
Is hard to find. It has thrown the back,
field Into a little confusion. However, It
now lies- between Wendland and Enlow
to fill the vacancy at left half. It Is of
considerable aatisfaction that this week's
game will not be a hard one; however, a
good team must be developed to make a
showing against the I'nl. next week.
The Doane team goes to Orand Island
Friday and unless something unforeseen
takes place the varsity nopea to bring
home a good scoie.
Coach Clark has been training the men
on some new plays of late, which are
looking good, and Friday will undoubtedly
prove the effectiveness of them, f thy
are used.
The varsity tias been doing 'Soma good
scrimmaging, this week., and ..the "go
together" spirit haa shown a vast . Im
provement. Some good .Interference has
been worked up and soma long gains are
expected to be made on the Orand. Island
boys. , !,, ,
Game frith Soath Omaha Will Take
Crowd Saturday.
The Omaha High school foot ball team
In Its game with the South Omaha High
school will furnish ths game for Omaha
at Vinton street park Saturday afternoon.
Crelghton has an off day Saturday with no
game scheduled ana Bellevue plays Morn
Ingslde at Sioux City. Considerable rivalry
nas oeen wonted up between the two high
school teams. South Omaha claims the
best team In its history and for proof
point to the splendid showing it made
against Bellevue In a practice game this
wees. When Bellevue was scored uuon
Omaha High school will have the follow
ing lineup in the game: Right end. How
ard (c); right, tackle, Andrus; right guard,
tienuee, ounaeriana; center, Tukey, Ray-
ley; left guard, Thompson; left tackle.
niuri leu ena, riyne, naicn; quarter,
Klopp; left half. Howes Charlton: full.
back, Underbill; Charlton; right half, Mills,
-u w limn.
The game will be called at 1 o'elnok.
The two ends on the Omaha team and also
the halves, are experienced players, and It
Is likely that the South Omaha buy will
mm mam last.
Total 462 623
1st. 2d.
Utt ... 147 isi
Short 113 133
Straw 160 161
478 1,455
3d. Total.
141 4,1
ltil 407
131 442
(list, Mentrv, ' to 1) third. Time: 1:44H
Sally Preston and Westbury also ran.
Klraard Reed Takes First.
CINCINNATI, Oct. 21.-Rlchard Reed,
coupled In the betting with Right Away,
won the Oay Musician handicap at Latonla
today by a short head from Al Muller with
All Red a head back. The finish was the
most exciting of the meeilnic. Only two
favorites won, Richard Reed and Tony
Faust. The crowd was the largest of the
mr-etliig, about 4.000 attending. Summaries:
First race, six furlongs, selling, purse,
$3,000: Admonltor (104, Page, 6 to 1) won,
J. C. Corey (109. Iavln. 12 to 1) second.
Ned Corniack (104, McUee. 10 to 1) third.
Time: 1:1kH- Patrician, Sloner Hill. Stow
away, Ornamosa, Hiram, Silverado, Unld
Proof and Congo also ran.
Second race, mile one-sixteenth, selling,
purse, 3O0: Nadxu (117, Taplln, 1 to 1) won.
Mamie Algol (ltl, Obert, 7 to 1) second,
Mlnot (111. Herbert, 7 to 6) third. Time:
l:b3. Vesme, Lady Vie, C repps Beckham,
also ran.
Third race, five furlongs. Belling, purse,
$300: Tony Faust (120, Taplln, 9 to 10) won,
Austin Sturtevant (112. Obert. 11 to o) sec
ond, Mae Hamilton (117, Jackson, 10 to 1)
third. Time: 1:17. Blue Lee, Overlando,
Ha In ward, Deuce, Paul Ruins rt, n!so ran.
Fourth race, six furlongs. Hay Musician
handicap, purse, ' $400: Richard Reed (1,
Walsh, 7 to 6) won, Al Mullur (106, Ken
nedy, 7 to 1) second, All Red (101, McOee,
4 to 1) third. Time: 1 : 17Vs- Right Away,
Dainty Dame, also ran.
Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs,
selling, purse $309: Du Quesne (104, Walsh,
8 to 1) wot). Autumn Rose (100. Lee, 8 to
6) second, Jack Blnne (104, Burton. U to 1)
third. Time: 1:12. Olivia Mlckle. Grace,
Dixon, Princess Thorpe, Brunhllde, also'
ran. , .
Sixth race, mllo and one-sixteenth, sell
ing, purse. $300: Ltllie Turner (109. McQee,
11 to 6) won, Stonestreet (1H9, Jackson, 9 to
10) second, Huerfano (109, Lee, 6 to 1)
third. Time: 1:55. Katie Powers, Banridge,
Coaster, also ran.
iteautta at Jamaica.
JAMAICA, N. Y.. Oct. 21 Jeanne d'Arc,
at 11 to t, easily won the Uowanus selling
stakes today, defeating the heavily piayeu
favorite, Besom, by live lengths, favor
ites won the majority of the races. Sum
maries: First race, selling, six furlongs, $400
added: Huda's Slsttr (94, Garner, 4 to F)
won, Anavn (9S, McCahey, b to 1) second,
Oxer (99, Creevey, to I) third. Time: 1:16.
Helen Carroll also ran.
Second race, one mile and an eighth, $100
added: Arasco (98, Glass, 7 to 10) won. The
Peer (100, Creevy, 5 to' 1) second, Granla (94,
Garner, 6 to 1) third. Time: 1:64. Norbltt,
and St. Joseph alao rvn.
Third race, six furlongs, $500 added: Rose
Queen (lit), Dugan, 11 to 10) won, King Co
balt (108, Creevy, 11 to 6) second, Angelus
(104. Shilling. 9 to 2) third. Time: 1:12. St.
Joanne also ran.
Fourth race, the Gowanus selling stakes,
six furlongs, value $1,000: Jeanne d'Arc (110,
Dugan, 11 to 6) won. Besom (115, Creevy, 3
to 6) second, Royal Onyx (112, Liebert, $
to 1) third. Time: 1:13. Chief Hayes and
May Amelia also ran. ,
Fifth race, selling, one mile and a six
teenth: Dandy Dixon (104, Butwell, even)
won. Faultless (90, Glass, 7 to 1) second.
Banbury (101. McCahey. 12 to 6) third.
Time: 1:60. Right Guard, Mugwump and
Danger also ran.
Sixth race. 2-yesr-oids. rive and a nair
furlongs: Sticker (109. Shilling. 7 to 6) won.
Christina (109, Raynor, 10 to l) second, fly-
Totals 410 477 433 1,320
Last night on the Metropolitan alleys, the
Chabot Shoe company team actually won
two games from the Drelbus Candy com
pany team. Stafford got high single game,
with 224. H. Prlmeau got high total, with
671. The Drelbus Candy team attribute
their defeat to the nonarrlval of their new
shirts. Tonight Is an oft night for the
Commercial league. Score:
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Sutton 192 150 204 Mfi
Nelson It 7 1M ! iiOO
Cain 181 176 192 64J
Kalnea 195 191 ItiG 661
Foley 146 1X7 1.9 ttf
Totals 881 820 907 2,tf0
1st. 2d. Sd. Total,
Prlmeau,'' C. v 141 192 167
Traynor iS 167 " 107 "
Stafford 224 . 18 - 158
Drahos 134 100 lu
Prlmeau, H 192 181 198
vaptaia Gross and Right Gaard
Hanson Kept from Practice.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. Ort m .tw.,.i.ha
epidemic of grippe has seised the Iowa foot
ball squad and Captain Gross and Han
son, right guard, were unable to appear
for practice last evening. Thomas, sub
stitute halfback. Is out of the game for
a month on account of a sprained ankle.
He was confined to his bed all day yester
day. The hospital list of Injuries haa not
been diminished by the hard scrimmage
this week and a far different auad will
go to Lincoln tomorrow morning at 7:68
than left for Minneapolis thres weeks ago
Announcement was made last night that
Fee. quarterback, had passed his exami
nation and would ba in the game Saturday
against Nebraska.
Thirty minutes' defensive scrimmage
practice waa the program yesterday. The
defense of the varsity showed great Im
provement with Ehret playing free center
Totals i ....
867 868 879
. 600
. 493
' The1 West Sides won two game
the Hollys last night on the basement
alleys Byrne had the honors lor totals
with . 466. and Roche with 183 for hlga
single game. Tonight French Way and
Hotel Loyal Jewelers. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Sander 1.5 179 12? 443
Byrne 171 15 139 4W
Howley 103 118 174 466
Totals 4(i9
Bell .139
Roche 121
Straw 135
453 , 442 i 1.JS4
3d. Total
Total $95 410 464
Hava you -!r tried
Shirts Made
to Order
No bunglesome bunch around
tha neck or waist. They fit
evenly and moihly in front
and at the collar and outwear
auy ready made shirt on the
market. They ct from $t up.
Underwear from $1.60 per ault
up. W apeciaiixe in Dr. Del
melt linen niesh underwear
and Dr. Jaeger1 sanitary
woolen unuVr";ir.
Our tiea and hosiery ara se
lected from the very latest
Idea and moderately priced.
Our Hats Sell at
sgoo 0400 0500
You will finil thrni the biggest hat value
In Omali. All the latest shade ami
hap la braatl new stuck to select from
Kid Gloves
Knit Jackets
. Handkerchiefs
Our exclusive lines of these
t srtU-lea ar Indicative of
fashions latest thoughts and
convey a snap In their detail
not lo be duplicated.
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Bruggeman 153 155 & 473
Rice ...178 158 - 207 643
Fagan 188 137 1K9 44
Falconer ti 141 140 404
Yousen 209 207 189 606
Total 851 798 870 2,613
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Lof v .. 161 152 139 442
Chrlstensen 166 176 14.1 . 475
L. Norgard 159 215 139 613
Hoye 139 134 119 392
E. Norgard lb& 173 161 609
Totals 790 860 691 2.331
Tonight Cream City against Sprague's
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
W. Zltzman 2U2 150 174 626
Bushnell ..110 1 lil 451
Kepler 174 125 147 446
K. Zltiman 192 134 219 616
Weber U 1U7 204 660
Totals 887 736 906 2,628
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Goff 199 200 170 66)
Jensen 177 lfl 177 621
Duncan 130 12 147 4JU
Sheldon 146 lii7 177 4j0
Frush 166 171 lb3 520
Totals 818 830 861 1,602
Ing Footsteps (W9, Garner, to 1) third.
Time: 1 :0V Gypsy Girl, Golden Flora.
Dracoola, Oem. Malatlne, Oreclan Bend,
Amy L, Shawnee, Cindy and Odd Rose also
Game "atarilay for Dinner to Re Far.
lulled by Losers.
Happy Hollow golfers have arranged for
a big match game between two selected
teams, hlch will Ini lmle most of the
golfers of the club. The match will he
played Saturday afternoon for a dinner
for which the losers will pay and give
Monday at the club. Through some mis
take notices were sent out announcing the
game for Monday afternoon, but it Is
scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Krastus
A. Benson will captain one team and W.
L. Selby the other.
Following ai'e the players of the two
E. A. Benson, (CBpt.) W. L. Selby. (Capt.)
Thomas Austin.
W. E. Shafer.
E. A. Nordstrom.
H. Foster.
H. B. Lemcre. .
A. W. Clark.
A. O. Elllck.
W. E. Shepard.
Fred Crclgh.
A. J. Cooley.
n. W. Tandy.
F. A. Sweeley.
S. Saunders.
S. Reea, sr.
C. I. Anderson.
F. H. Hall.
C. E. Johannes.
W. G. Rhrlver.
A. G. Buchanan.
R. A. Flnlcy.
John Bartlett.
H. 13. Burnam.
C. C. George.
W. fl. Hillls.
A. R. Wells.
C. L. Weeks.
F. R. Balrd.
A. T. Austin.
.1. H. Roy ce.
F. H. Brown.
J. H. Wright, Jr.
J. P. Bailey.
John F. Flack.
H. D. Foster.
W. D. Williams.
James Johnston.
N. W. Gahan.
W. C. Lyle.
E. A. Hatfield.
N. C. Iary.
H. B. Gray.
H. K. Burkct.
C. S. Hayward.
J. W. West.
E. H. Brncnlng.
J. L. Nielsen.
Judge Kennedy,
W. P. Conklln.
C. Wymnn.
A. C. Sellne.
W. B. Roney.
C. J. Lyon.
N. K Guckert.
F. H. Garvin.
J. C. Schopp.
J. W. Towle.
E. H. Westerfleld.
De Roy Austin.
A. A. McClure.
R. W. Hayward.
George Ross.
Joseph Polcar.
J. R. Webster.
E. E. Klmberly.
W. R. T. Beit.
S. Rees. Jr.
Thomas Creigh.
F. J. Hughes.
S. H. Ross.
C. E. Nlswonger.
I. W. Carpenter.
W. J. Creedon.
R. Sturdevant.
C. W. Russell.
E. C. Heniv.
A. W. Naaon.
G. Liggett.
J. R. Morris.
E. T. Manning.
F. L. Loveland.
James A. Lyons.
W. Buchanan.
K. Llnlnger.
R. L. Montgomery.
W. A. Austin.
Mel I'M.
W. P. Durkee.
Charles Wright.
B. C. Wade.
O. F. Gllmore.
L. J. Nedd.
H. M. Kogers.
H. W. Chrlstensen.
O. E. Carpenter.
E. O. Hamilton.
W. F. Norman.
C. A. Nellds.
E. F. Leary.
Robert Dempster.
W. W. Johnston.
Dr. Smith.
M. H. Dunham.
J. W. Con ley.
J. E. George.
F. W. Parr.
C. Sibbernsen.
C. E. Black.
T. A. Fry
G. T. Palmer.
A. W. Carpenter.
B. N. Robertson.
A. J. McShane.
W. L. Coleman.
J. J. Dodds.
at the National Convention of Canners,
The Konrkes own a big canning factory at
Orand Island. Pa does some canning at his
Omana Smoke House now and then.
Misses Clmiaermaa and Rslaey Play
for High School rhasnplouahlp.
The semi-finals of the high school girls'
tennis tournament was played off yester
day afternoon. Miss Halnev defeated Miss
Wirt by a score of 1. 6-0. This placed Miss
Zimmerman, Miss Feller and Miss Ralney
In the finals, lits were drawn and Miss
Zimmerman and Miss Fellers played their
match yesterday afternoon. Miss Zimmer
man winning, score, 6-1, a-4. xhs match
was one of the best played during the
tournament, both girls having a fine serve
and both being fast In covering their
courts. This leaves the championship be
tween Miss Zimmerman and Miss Ralney.
Their match will be played within the
next few days.
The successful medtctm-s are those that
aid na'ure. Chamberlain' Cough Remedy
act on this plan.
Kltsoa-Fltaaerald Boat.
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 21 It was an
nounced today that George Kltaon and
Willie Fltxgerald would fight a fifteen
round bout at the West Side Athletic club
on October 21, as a preliminary to the
Papke-Burke fight, which Is scheduled for
twenty rounds.
Pa and Jim at Cannery1.
Pa Rourke. owner of the Omaha base ball
club and his brother. James Rourke of
Grand Island, are In Chicago in attendance
an a STYLE
in Gfo
4 4 A J
L&rwAYS Right
jt iupman .PIIWI'IHL . .'- ;wspir WW Jimi--H l-""iaD1W v-r ..f. wmaKtf:w V v.-unajaniB "sltPsWi-l-. (llliiafRlf
H IfiJB(BifcBJ-
Flooded wiflii Suirailhiti
The factory where Contract Cigars are made is as bright
and as clean as your.own home.
In large, airy, well-kept rooms, flooded with sunlight,
from a score of windows, the most skilful cigar-makers we can
hire roll Contract Cigars.
And they make a delightful cigar the best a nickel
will buy.
Enjoy a Contract's mellow, flavor today.
5c SflFaigFati
Rothenberg & Schloss, Distributors
Kansas City, Mo.
Tonight Omaha Bedding company against
On Francisco' alleys last night the 1
managers of the different departments of
the Brandels store took to bowling. As ;
an Inducement Mr. Boyle donated a beau- I
tlful hand-painted platoi, which waa won :
by a Mr. Dauforth. The same teams bowl j
every Wednesday evening. 1
Dsrra Easily Wlas Steeplechase at j
Windsor Track.
DETROIT. Oct. 21. Dacra, at 5 to t 4 to !
1 and out on a heavy track, easily won the (
steeplechase, which reatured ine witiaaor
racing card today. Class Leader, favorite
at 7 to 6 finished second and Llxzle Flat
tnlrd. Favorites figured largely In the
other winnings and the betting was heavy.
First race, purse, 8-year-olds and up,
purse $4uo, seven furlongs: Running Ac
count (lub, Davenport, 4 to 1) won. Stan
ley Fay (106, Ramsey, I to 6) second, Jack
Parker lluward. 6 to 2) tnird. Time:
1:30-. Three starters.
Secund race, handicap, selling, steeple
chase, purse $600, about two miles: Users
(147, Boyle, 6 10 2) won, Casa Leader tl5u.
Pollock, 7 to 61 second, Lizzie Flat 14,
McClalr, i to 2) third. Time: 4:44. High
Hat. Impertinence and Dulolan alau ran.
Third race, selling, 2-year-olds, fillies,
purse $400, five furlongs: Autumn Gill (115,
iilentry, 4 to 1) won, Phoronta (106, Reid,
i to 6) second. Ma Henley 1109, Davenport,
to 6) third. Time: l:0uV Flwln, Bonnio
Bee, Miss Raffaeilo and trigone also ran.
Fourth race, selling, t-year-olds, purse
$400 six furlongs: La Salle (106, Wilson,
9 to 10) won. Patriot U0S, Pendorgast, 10 to
1) second, AHe Mack (100, Hammond, 60
to 1) third. Time: 1:17. Sight. Gold Dust
and Stromeland also ran.
Fifth race, selling, $-year-olds and up.
purse $400, mil and a sixteenth: Dorothy
Webb (104. Cumnilngs. 8 to 1 won, Harry
Rlcheson (106, Davenport. I lo II second.
Vsneu (106, Brannon. 6 to 1) third. Time:
150. Charivari, Seaburn. Kings Guinea,
Landlord. Suowball and Uncle Toby also
"sixth racs, handicap, selling. $-year-olds
and up, pura $.uu. mile: leprado (101,
Davenport, t to 1) won. Ori-ai Heavens
1106, Howard, even) second. First Premium
Come With Us to Our
Wyoming Irrigated Land
Richest of Soil Most perfect Irrigation System with
Perpetual Water rights Home Markets Delightful,
Healthful Climate Good transportation Facilities.
Only $37.50 to $60 per Acre-on easy Terms
I In Laramie County, Wyoming, on the Col
orado & Southern Ry., there Is a tract of per
fectly Irrigated land, containing thousands of
acres. On this strip a few people are going to
grow rich within the next few years. Perhaps
you wish to be one of these. Let us take you
.there now for an Investigation.
Tou will find (In full operation) one of the
ibeet Irrigation systems In the United States
(three ample reservoirs. Head-Gates and Flood
Gateg of heavy structural Iron; set in Bolld, cut
ftone masonry. You'll find good schools,
churches, telephone and other like advantages.
;You will find land that produces these
Crop Yields
CO bu. wheat per acre; 150 to 300 bu. pota
toes per acre; 12 to SO tons of sugar beets per
acre; -10 to 80 bo. of cats per acre; 40 to 60 ba.
of barley per acre; SO to SO bu. of rye per acre
and S to 7 tons of alfalfa per acre.
Live Stock Advantages
You can run your stock on b. 8. Govern
ment land (adjoining these lands) and bring
them In and finish for market on Alfalfa and
grains grown on your Irrigated land. No other
Irrigation lystein that we know of offers you
so good a chance to "double up" your profits.
These lands are located 100 miles north of
Cheyenne, Wyoming, and 150 miles from the
famous Greely County, the soil being exactly
the same, and our land will produce larger and
better crops, and, remember, our price is only
one-third what land Is selling for In this older
Send for Free Booklet Join Next Excursion
We want you to see this land betore you Invest a dollar elsewhere. We are sure of our proposition
or we wouldn't take you out there. We know that this is the opportunity for you, be you now. owner,
tenant or young man starting In life. Write for free. Illustrated booklet, containing map and alt Informa
tion. . (
NORTH LARAMIE LAND C6., 1201-1202-1203 Marquette 51dg., Chicago, UY
It to Me
I'll psrsonslly es to It that
you'll nt ths niont value or
your mny snl Umt vou'll (tct
tar sstiufsctlon ths'n If you
iblfw 10 or ll nior for s suit
' or ovwoost elfiewliorp. I strain
svery nervs to inako you so
pIsftKod with your rlothpn 1 11
always art your iwxt order.
OTXzma at las, 130, t3S
ATiarAOTioir quakav-
This tailoring business with m
Is a serious matter. I put all
my ability my cutter's and my
tailors'. Into every order bs It
for i0 or 140. I make, your
order my personal affair. That's
why ws make more clothes than
any other good tailor in Omaha.
.. CO.
Bit Worth B!tnth St.
Bar Mnof, Kfr.
Exchange what you have,
and don't want,' for something-
you have not and do
want. Some one if they
know about it will be glad to
trade with you.' You can get
something you can use for
what yon don't want
Your home, no doubt, con
tains many things which are
not used, and are simply tak
ing up space in attic and
basement. Perhaps it is a
gun, bicycle, trunk, icenchest,
overcoat, " etc. There , are a '
great many things which you
.r - want .and haven't tho;,rcady,
cash to buy. The best way
to do it is
throngli a Bee Want Ad
By advertising under the
head of "Barter and Ex
change" you will make a
good trade
f r something yon can use.
You can usually get more
in this way than if you sold
for cash.
To show what can be done
in this way we are making
A special price for "Swaps"
at for an ad Ilk thl fa
Kllf week t ilnos, or IS woru 7
UUV time for to cent.
WILL EXCHANGE Jewel rs range
with oven, almost new, for bed room
furniture or sofa. Tel. Harney 0000.
Want Ad Dept., Omaha Dally Bee
r 1
Quartermaster,- Cheyenne, Wyoming, Sep
tember 23rd 1W9. Sealed proposal, lu trip
licate will ba received al this office, until
8 30 a. m., mountain time, Saturday,
October 23rd. 1WJ0. and then oP-
In public, for completing new fas.
Hospital, at Fort D. A. Hus.ell Wyoming".
.. follows: 1. Constructing Veranda a
own on plan Z. mastering in
Finishing Attic 4. Finishing rear Ward
ilumDing: iniiuui Ki....B
"in rear ward wings Bteam Heat-
Installlng radiators In rear 'ward
V-T-o.ri-.i work! L Wiring and Flx-
" - 1 InMialliiis In-
ercommunlcatlng Telephone System, de
tailed statement, blank form of proposal,
and full Information furnlKhed on applica
tion. Flans and Specification ara on f Jj
In thl. office and in the office of: C h ef
onartarmaster. Department of the Mis
ffomS Nebraska; Chief Quarter
master, department of Colorado, deriver,
rolorado and In the office of the Kecre
uTof B.r.' Exchange. St. Paul. Minn.
Tha Government reserves the right to ac
cept or reject any or all bids r any part
thereof Envelopes containing proposals,
should be endorsed "Proposal for com
DleUng new Post Hospital. Fort P. A. Kus
Bell Wyoming " and addressed to Captain
V K Hart 15lh Infantry, Acting Quarter
master U. H- Army, Room S. Keefe Hall,
Cheyenne. Wyoming. K37-2S -20-33-03-13.
Mathln kettar aa tha Atlantis taaa ear aatpnaaea .
a all siaBni.
C B. hKNJAMlM. Q. A,
M to. Ctsr t.. CkiM( tU.
(Buecssear to Dr. B. L. Raaaaccdottl)
Omoe aMt Kaapttal, tall Kimi
Calia Profsptly nawared at Ail Hovfa.
- t