TTIE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1000. "The Lion was lord and his rcin was cruel. ' V -f ft i "A" I .7 K U.J . w . m mm W4 j i w . i. t iHf"f a 1 WJ PLAINTIFF PAIL OS STAND Begins Evidence Against Wife in Sotoriou Dirorce Case. 'eODWZLL "SrOET," SATS W03IA5 html Flereaea 74 el ah Ware af Da feeaaat Teatlfr Asalaat Her, Aawrtlic She lav Baa Lamai. Poor Woman is Heir to a Vast English Fortune Mrs. William Compton of Omaha May Inherit Share in Estate of 400,000 Pounds. . second article of the series about his AFRICAN TRIP ' ii published TO-DAY in the November . . - s - . 1? Hi biro ON AN EAST AFRICAN RANCH and "4 aMslaaaai3 a QlTD fdyBLTuii; on the Kapiti Plains The story of the Lion Hunt the account of the dangers of hunting big game in Africa furnish a vivid and exciting narrative of adventure. Of all the game encountered the Lion is credited with the greatest number of human victims. "The Lion was lord and his reign was cruel. ' ' The abundant illus trations are by Kerxnit Roosevelt and others of the party. TO BE SURE OF SECURING THE NOVEMBER SCRIB- j : NER BUY IT TO-DAY : V1 II A II L E 8 SCKinXKK'8 SONS, XEW YORK DRIEF CITY NEWS Wave Ua VrUt X. 1 Xtya, photo, nruovtd lo Kth at Howard sUaeaart. Vktaifnpkn, ISth Farnanv Chambers' School . of Iaciag ope. Circulars. t Beat aalsajnaa required tor Iowa. Ad dress T TO, car Baa. - Wait Waiters at Hohltti CafeQuick service nd courteous ueatBwnt , StaiUNe Ufa foiicles eight draft at maturity, ii. I). Neeiy. -itusrr. Ooiaua. atlaa Aa aVUey of Kiley S'sterd baa cone to New York t buy additional mil. linery slock. x Deeds for School Sites Deeds have been placed on record conveying to the school district of Omaha four Ijis In Firestone's addition, near Twenty-seventh and F.11I aon streets, bought for a new achool build ing;. The consideration was li.Sou, Diamond Dick lavHae the business and professional people to attend the evening demonstrations of tb only g.-nuine manu factured diamond known to science at Mei-s-DIllon Drug Co., lKth and Farnain. Caraleaa Collectors Xnd la Jail Care lesaneiui with other peoples money jst two men In jail. Frank Ryaa, a teamster, collected for the Snyder commission company and neglected to go borne or back to work, either. The police found him and Judge Crawford a.tesse4 a fine of (23 and coats against Ryan. Jim Swingholm. a messenger for the Independent Messen ger Service company, got H that belonged to hla employers and strolled away. He will serve fifteen days.. John S. Paul took the stand yeaterday afternoon In the divorce auit which ha In- Itiated against his wife. Nellie FauL He ,did not get Into the Important part of hla 1 charge against ber, though he narrated i one or two thing". ! Paul declared that hla wife told htm that j she considered E. J. Bodwell rather 'a sport.' and on her repeating this he asked her how she knew, and she answered: "I can tell It by hla actions." The plaintiff waa examined at length about hla relatione with his atepson. Clar ence, and he told of paying the boy's tu ition at a school at Columbus, of warning him not to misbehave, of being advised to whip him by Mrs. Paul, and of his finally not doing so. Paul will resume the stand this morning. The plaintiffs case will end today and the hearing will then adjourn over Sunday. Waasea fesre M rs. Paal. Mrs. Ernest Thomas held her baby In her arms while testifying, and the Innocence of the Infant was In striking contrast to the atmosphere of charge and counter charge made In the trial, and to the signifi cance bf some of the very words of the baby's mother. "Mrs. Paul said to me," declared the wit ness, "that she would have a nice large house where aha was going to move to, 'and 'If you got a fellow or can get one, bring him up and we'll have a good time.' " The witness, on cross-examination proved rather a Tartar for General Cowln. who waa quinlng Mrs. Thomas In Mrs. Paul's behalf. On direct examination the witness had stated that "Mr. Paul waa the most de voted father I ever saw." So the defense started out to make an equally good show ing for Mrs. Paul. "Waa not Mrs. Paul a kind and affec tionate mother to her children "She waa kind to them." aald the witness. The attorney wished to emphasise the point. "Mrs. Paul loved and cared for them with all her heart, did she not?" "Well." replied Mrs. Thomaa, "her love for them was not really deep-hearted." Combats between Mrs. Paul's counsel and the witnesses on the other side were the principal events of the morning sua sion, although the excluding of two youths from the court room by a bailiff was note worthy. Fresh me a Fired trass Haaaa. "You are pretty young to be In here," said the officer of the court. "We are 21 years old and freshmen at college," answered the boys. "Well, you don't look It," said the bailiff. "Vamoose! Thia la no place for boys." Cross-examination of Mrs. Ida Cole brought out the fact that ber first hus band deserted her some yeara ago. "He went away with a woman like this one," said Mrs. Cole. "Ah," said General Cowln, earcastically, "you don't like Mrs. Paul, do your' "1 have nothing against her except that sha speaka 111 of people,' only ehe used a Stronger term than Ul). 'Why." asked the ' attorney.- "do -you make this slur on her" A. W. Jefferts jumped up with an ob jection and Judge Troup suggested that General Cowln ask, -Why do you make this statement V General Cowln preferred to stand on his original question and take an exception. Then he fired a series of question at the witness: "Didn't you say to Mrs. Paul that If you were she. you would not live with this man?" "I did not." "Didn't you say that Paul was ruining her life?" "I did noL" Witaess la Dealal. "Didn't you say to her that be must certainly have some woman affair or he would be home evenings V "No," replied Mrs. Thomaa. "She said that to me." The answer waa objected to and stricken. Christina Gordon waa the laat witness. She Is a young Scotch girl and a niece of FauL She told of walking with Mrs. Paul one afternoon to the farm of Ed H. Walker. The two little girls were along. "When we came to drfve home," said the witness, "Mrs. Paul got In the front seat with Walker and one of the girls wanted to sit with her mother and made a big fusa because tbey would not take her. She sat In the back with me until we got near Florence, when the rig was stopped and Mrs. Paul took the child and put ber between Walker and herself." "You drove Into Florence that way? asked Mr. Jefferts. "We did." ssseverated the witness. Mltfa Gordon told of leaving the Paul parlor one day when some whisky had been eerved. "Mrs. Paul made some toasts and I got up and left." "Why did you leaver "Because the toasts were so vulgar." The plaintiff will take at least a day and one-half more to finish Its side, so the case will be a protracted one. Mrs. William Compton. wife of a poor tinker and herself a washerwoman, stands an excellent chance of receiving a big slice of a wealthy English estate valued at 400,000 pounds sterling. The Comptons live In the rear of Kw Pouth Twenty-second street and have been In reduced circumstances for some time. They knew rather vaguely that there had been a rich uncle In England and that he had died. But they did not know whether he had left them anything, or how to go about finding out. Finally Compton went to M. I Sugar man, an attorney, and arked htm to look Into the matter. It develops that there Is complete proof of the rr'atlon. that the uncle did die intestate and that hla estate has been lying in chancery for some years, awaiting claim ants who can prove up. So much Is certain. The story Is almost a conventional one In some respects, for th heirs-to-be are poor, as always In the story books, and the dead uncle was a re- tl:ed sa captain, a quite conventional oc cupation for a long lost uncle leaving a fortune behind him. What Is not so conventional Is that there seems to be an excellent chance to get the money, or at least a part of It It Is uncertain whether there will be other heirs laying claim to a part of the prop erty, which la In Edington, Warwickshire, England. Mission VVorkcrs Arc Banqueted Omaha Women Do the Honor for Delegates from Lot Anjelei Conference. Officers of the Board of Woman Manag ers of the Home Mission society of the Methodist Episcopal church were enter tained at a banquet at the Rome hotel by the women of the Home Missionary society of Omaha last evening. The women stopped off here while on their way home from Los Angeles, where they have been attending a meeting of the national board of the or ganisation. Among the party were: Mrs. George O. Robinson of Detroit, president; Mrs. Clara I. Roach, Mra. Anna D. Elder of Boss, Ala.; Mrs. Murphy, superintendent of the missionary hospital at Keokuk, la.; Mrs. Nasmyth of Little Rock. Ark.; Mrs. XL W. Reece of Athens, Tenn. ; Miss Katherlne Bassett. superintendent of the Indian and Mexican work, and Mrs. Cotton Mather, secretary of the reading circle work. Mrs. T. H. Fellers acted as toastmaster. Mrs. E. E. Hoanian responded to a toast and welcomed the visitors. ' She was fol lowed by Mrs. Robinson, who responded In behalf of the visiting women. Other visit ing women responded to toasts. Each told of the proceedings of the convention that they have been attending and of the plans of campaign that had been mapped out for the future. About elgbey Omaha women at tended. , ;.- . The visitors arrived .. Id mQroaba.- from Seattle and Spokane, Wash., where they have been touring, about f Q clock and left for their homes at 9:30. . npraSrs; - n v s - is ' ' 7 Catarrhal Deafness Avoided and Cured Prove this to yourself: by WTttingos to day (or a free sample, postpaid, of this permanent, aaie and spaady cure Aro matic, soothing, fcealinff. Or ak yoow favorite Druggist for Liberal Free Sample ' Especially valuable In aural affections of children mild, pure, and sonttary. Specially recommended by physicians for children with cold in the head, which so often brines on chronic nasal catarrh. Contains do katm- ful dru(s. ooul ouiy in sanitary, cuuTvciienc luoes ana recommended bv over &S.0UU druggists in 26c and 60c tabes. 1( yours hasn't Kondon a. a U5c or fioc lube will be sent you postpaid oa receipt CI price, or aosotuteiy tree sample cy Kondoa alia. Cojaspaay, Minneapolis, Mlno. Cm A Doubtful Quality la never aesirabie. The Quality you get cere la never doubtful, but alwajg THE lifcST. SPECIALS PUK FRIDAY. Na 1 Flour, per sack' 1.4S Boiling Beef, per pound... New K-. ptr duanrt cans 1 it I Corn Bef, per pound , New rVitloe-.. per buhvl T&a pot Roact, per pouuU , v Birluia Meuk, prr pound IS THE HOME OF QUALITY. Si. E. WELCR" IWluNTV-FOlItTH AXD FAKNAM STREETS. llcIL Douglas) 1311s Indcpesdcat.' A-2-5 II. 6a .fro Fbuuea: 1 Attack on Law Helps Out Snyder Sait to Enjoin Motoraaa License Or dinance Just in Time for Inspector. 'That Injunction waa secured by the street car company Just In time to ex trlcate License Inspector Snyder from bad prediciment." aaid an observer of city hall methods. "After the ordinance waa paused over the mayor's veto Snyder was expected by Central Labor union to get busy In enforcing It, but he laid low and did nothing. Pressure waa brought to bear on him to get Into action and make a test case, at lease "Now It la Intimated that Snyder had hunch from some quarter the law would be held up by a auit. and the labor unloa men are sore, because they have been tak ing the credit for Snyder's appointment. They figure the law would have bad a better chance If the city had struck the first blow In the fight that waa sure to come. So Snyder la In bad." ftp Xl V-7:V.: ,:c:.Y fcitll V--:-?" fa:-----.-'Vtn-:::-:s M a 1 r laaaaaaa, a. .. ...',.. at Ml 1 i iTaa. OV NE man in a dozen is well dressed KJOT because he pays more for Kb clothes, but because he does his thinking before he buys, not after. Before you buy your fall suit or overcoat, you owe it to yourself to investigate the merits of this line. 7T We are" convinced that iUdtatI0ttrn CLOTHES and their moderate prices will strike your fancy. We know that you will be delighted with the long wear and continued satisfaction they will give you. OUR Style book it lull f good pictu res and interest- suggestions for men wio tue personal appearance at Hsiness and social asset. It It be sent to you on request ' eYlssntfvHiaBFO" MAHON NOT HERE TO SUE FOR PEACE WITH WATTLES Iateraatloaal Heaa af Street Carsaea Comes ta Adjaat Beaeflt Mta aBderstaadiag. I came to Omaha to straighten out a tangle over the strike benefits." said W. D. Hahon, president of the International Carmen's union. "The strike Is in charge of the men here and Mr. Commons and I m entirely satisfied with the way af fairs have been conducted. The demauds made by the union hera were Just, and if we had not thought them so they would not have been endorsed by the international union .at. the Toronto convention. We will stand back of the men here to the limit of our ability." The first payroll of the strikers here which waa forwarded to Detroit with the claim for remittances of benefits contained many names of men who were not en rolled In the regular manner. After some deliberation over the case President Mahnn Instructed the treasurer to forward the strike pay, and came on. Mr. Mabon said that he himself was making no direct move toward a settle ment, and when asked if he would confer with President Wattles of the street rail way company, or other officials, replied that the strike was In the hands of Mr. Commona and that he had no statements to make. A meeting of the board of directors of the street railway company was held, but It was declared by the officials of the com pany that nothing pertaining to the union men and the visit of Mr. Mahon was taken up at this meeting. The strikers Thursday drew their weekly allowance of SS each from the international union. Michaels Stern (Si Company Clothing Sold IN OMAHA BY THE BENNETT COMPANY BAKERS FAVOR FOOD PROBE aaaaaasaaaaaa Co-Operation with State Commission Pledged by Speakers. MAINS DISCUSSES HIS WORK Sara State Iaaaewtara Art at 5 ee it la a Natarletr, Wat Will Make It Hot far Of feadera Caavea ttea is Adjearaea. . Co-operation with the state food commis sion waa pledged by speakers at the last session of the Nebraska Master Bakers association at the Rome hotel. Deputy Pure Food .Commissioner S. L. Mains made one of the principal addresses and after ward it was suggested by Secretary Jay Burns, that certificates of membership in the association might be made contingent upon the passing of an examination by the food commission. The convention closed shortly after noon with the election of the old officers and the selection of Lincoln as the next meet tng place. The Omaha aesslon has been a very auccessful one, the attendance being larger than the officers first predicted. Deputy Food Commissioner Mains ex plained the score card system by which his office scores bakeries and grocery stores. The scores are based on ten points of sanitation and are open to public in spection. a 1st taarrellaK, "There Is no use quarreling with the food commissioner." he said, "We are not after notoriety and we do not want to go into court or the newspapers, but if we call a baker'a attention to unsanitary conditions and then he refuses to clean up. we will write him up as hard as we can and let the people know about hla place. C. W. Ortman of Omaha read a paper. The Retail Baker," and P. F. Peterson discussed, "Sharks," in which he advised bakers to fight shy of freak schemes. These officers were elected by accla mation, all of them being present Incum bents: George F. Wolx. Fremont, -president; P. F. Peterson, Omaha, vice-president, and Jay Burns, Omaha, secretary; P. W. Yager, Hastings, treasurer. These were selected members of the ex ecutive committees: J. J. Markey, South Omaha; B. F. Knight, Lincoln; W. R. Fuhrman. Tork. The Invitation of the Lincoln Commercial club to meet next year In Lincoln was unanimously accepted and resolutions were passed thanking the local committee and others for their assistance In making the convention a success. MAN HURT IN CAR COLLISION Gears White, a Colored Maa, la HaepltaL with salary la Hla Salaa. A collision between a South Omaha and Park car occurred at Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue late last night. The Park car was on a sidetrack when the South Omaha car struck an open switch and ran into the former. George White, a negro, was stand ing on the rear platform of the car whan the collision occurred. He waa caught In the crash and his spine Injured. He was taken to the Swedish Mission hospital, where he was treated by Dr. Ellis. His In juries are thought to be serious. He received injuries which it was thought had reached his spine, but now It is prob able he will recover. STREET RAILWAY WILL BUILD LINE FOR SUSPENSION OF TAX Aceeats Praaaaltlms I'at t a ta It hr the Saath Osaaha City Ceaaell. The board of director of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company, has decided to accept the offer of the city of South Omaha to suspend the opera tion of the new occupation tax ordinance for five years. If the company,- on the condition that an L street fine, giving ser vice to L and Thirty-sixth streets be con structed. A resolution Instructing President O. W. Wattlea and the secretary to sign an agree ment to- build thla line was passed at a meeting of the directors held Thursday morning. By the terms of the ordinance passed at a recent meeting of the council at South Omaha, this agreement had to be filed within ten days of the validation of the ordinance. The document will be filed at once. By the terms of the agreement drawn under the ordinance the line will be con structed before the end of March next. The line is to be double tracked for the entire distance with the exception of that portion passing through the stock yards. A "ler la taa Htosaaeh Is dyspepsia, complicated with liver and kidney troubles. Electric Bitters help all such cases or no pay. SOc. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Ballala Herat Its. J. F. Bloom A Co.. Seventeeth and Cum ing streets, brick store building. S10.000; V. R. Flack. Xsl7 Mson, frame dwelling. fl.SuO; W. Boardman. ISiH Wirt street, frame dwelling, llauu; R tert tk'hmitt. 2729 South Sixteenth street, frame dwelling. 'eaeaaakle rraartetarr Medlelaaa. It must be admitted by every falrmiaded. Intelligent person, Nhat a medicine could not live and grow In popularity fur thirty years, and today hold a recorel for thou sands upon thousands of actual cures, as has Lydta E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Com pound, without possessing great virtue and actual aorth. Sack medlcinas must be looked uputt and termed both standard and dependable by every thinking person. DRY TOWN MEN SEE MAYOR Visiters, Nat Llaealaltea, hat froaa Raekfora, Here ta Wet Point ers aa Parka. Mayor Dahlman had as callers yester day Fred E- Carpenter and A. J. Shlmp of Rock ford. 111. Mr. Carpenter la president of the park board In his town, ahich at present has no parks whatever, aside from eighty acres Just acquired by the board. "Our original settlers were stagy with what they had most of." said Mr. Carpen ter, "and that was land. Or perhaps I should say they were thoughtless because of being too busy. Now we are just awak ening to the need of parka and boule vards, ana we are to lay out a system that we expect to make quite attractive In time." The mayor and Mr. Carpenter spent two weeks In Wyoming together last summer, when the mayor went ap to make a Fourth of July speech at a gathering sixty miles from a railroad. "We made Carpenter read the Declaration of Independence." aaid the mayor, "and then we fed him to repletion on mountain trout. C R. Kluger. tne jeweter. lee Virginia avenue, Indianapolia, Ind.. writes; "I wa so weak from kidney trouble that I could tardl walk a nundrtd feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my com plexkto. cured my backache and the tr regulantiM disappeared, and I can now atuod to business every day. and reeom mend Foieya Kidney Remedy to all suf ferers, aa It cured me after the doctors and ether y remedies had (allaa." sold by ai! druggists. If- you have anything to sell or trade and want quick action advertise It la The Bee Want Ad columns ,4 .WE5DOD-EVS mC. 1:1 " i-iLi -W LsIJ VWU V sT Look for the pear! . The flavor Instsf V)u won't get tho delicious mint leafjuico unless tu get this package. Refuse all others!