rilK liKK: OMAHA, I'KIDAY, OCTOBKH 22, .1909. $1.50 Cor duroy knlc k e r bocker pants 69c HILL SEERS COAST OUTLET ' ' ; Humor Say Burlington Will Buy Moffat 'Line to Bait Lake. WESTERN ' PACIFIC IN THE TIEUP Caanertlna at Present U with Rio tiraade Which l.oara Business to narllnctnar Owf Honlf to lout Tm Circuitous. Kumr big railroad "moves arc expected to materialise In the far-went, but what they will be no one will positively ay. The latest rumor haa It that the Burlington la about to tie up. in some way with the Western Pacific for an outlet to the Pacific roast. This Story haa bn given a freah Impetua by the trip of President Harris of the Burlington and Vice President D. Miller and I. Wlllard, who are now In Colorado looking over the ground. . Tha contemplated deal Is for the Burling ton to get Control of the Moffat line from Denver to Salt Lake City and the "Western Paclfio from Salt Lake City to the coast. The Western Paclfio has a- splendid lort trade line oer which the heaviest trains may be moved with speed, but it IS over 100 miles longer than the Southern Pacific between Salt Lake City and San Francisco. While, the' Burlington has an excellent Una between Chicago and Denver, 'It loses a large amount of coast business because of Its Ujontiectlon with the. Rio Grande, which I, a, most circuitous' route to Salt Lake City. The Moffat line la almost straight "across the mountains and should 1111 1 gain possession it will give the Bur lington splendid connections for the coast business , - J. J. Hill slteaaV bwns the Colorado" & Southern which gives him an outlet' to the' gulf from Denver. A second line across Wyoming Is now building and this will pour business' fi'oW 'the' Pacific nffrtbwest to the Colorado Southern at Denver, -and alve Mr. Hill a system running inj a,ll directions from Denvpj. '.' 11 -f- C. L, Brown, superintendent of the Ne braska; division of the Rock Island, has arrived In Omaha to meet a. la we party of Rock 'Island operating officials who will arrive this evening and spend the night In Omaha.' Among these will be II. IT. Mudge, third vice president. In charge of If you'll eat more : .Quaker Oats you'll, get the benefits in health of body and brain that S ' Dr. James Crichtoa Browne, LL D., F. R. S., the celebrated London medical expert on food values, says are sure to come from eating plenty of good oatmeal. ...The experts at the Seattle Exposition confirmed all previous decisions of experts by giving Quaker Oats the highest award and gold, medal. ; - pie Quaker Qia Qmpany CHICAGO Next time you buy flour 7F W tOf PERFECT! Kanaj Milling f OMAHA NEB 4- Sunkist is worth 23 cents a it costs you no more;"' . Maney Milling - BRANDEIS; STORES FRIDAY SPECIALS IN OUR' BASEMENT CLOTHING vl. T. Doys $3.50 Reefers and Overcoats at $2.50 For boj'B njres 3 to 10 years made of Scotch cheviots, Melton cloth all serviceable and good wearing, worth up to Ci'J Cfl $3.50, at ............. pii.JU Boys $3.00 Knickerbocker Suits at $1.93 A Eood school suit In fancy cheviots. Pants are with reinforced (warns $3 suits a great ff nn bargain leader on these, at .'. .$l0 76c knlck e r bocker pants 39c 50c boys' shirtwaist blouses 25c BRANDEIS STORES operation; F. O. Melcholr. general man ager; H. S. Cable, general superintendent; J. B. Berry, chief engineer. The party has been making a slow tour of Iowa. Inspect ing work which Is In progress In that state, and Is headed tor the west. The Burlington is arranging to run two through trains from Chicago to Seattle each day through St. Paul, Instead of the one which has been in service for some time. The business has become too heavy for one train to handle. The Burlington will also quicken the time of Its Chicago Denver train two hours and the Colorado Limited will leave Chicago at 9:46 a. m., arrive In. Omaha at 11:20, and Denver at 2.15 p. m. the next day, two hours faster than at present Remarkable cures have been made by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Jimocrats Sore at Shally Again Kick Because He Comes to Town on Political Mission and Ignores Them and Mayor. This matter of dishing out money for the hungry pie biters Is not the' only thing disturbing the Dahlmaultes these days. They are particularly hurt by Governor Bhallenberger's treatment of Mayor Dahl man. i ."Instead of, coming up to the city hall and passing around a good word when , he comes to town, the governor evidently doesn't ' recognise the building when ' he sees it," said one strong friend of -the mayor. - "Of course, the governor hasn't as many enthusiastic friends under the root bare as he ought to have, and everybody knows that. But he can't make them his friends by studiously Ignoring the mayor every time he cbtnea to town. Somebody Ought to fix the governor's head. It won't hurt him "kt all to pay bis Respects to Mayor Paci nian on these visits, and as a 'recognised leader of his party the mayor Is entitled to this mark of respect. Let the governor hold his private conferences here with his particular friends, but In doing so need not slight the mayor and his friends. We'll, treat htm sociably, and won't even attempt to bit him." don't just order "a sack of flour be particular tell the grocer to send you a sack of , The Flour of Perfect Purity Sunkist Flour is made from plump, sweet wheat berries from the, very pick of Nebraska's wealth of sun-ripened golden wheat. That's what gives Sun kist its rich creamy color and its fine wheaten flavor. sack more than ordinary flour, yet Co., Omaha SunMst Men's 510 Over coats or Sells at $6.50 Here are about 300 suit and overcoats made to sell at $10 or $12.50, which our buyer picked up from a N. Y. manufacturer who needed the money, at nearly one-half off the regular $2.50, good strong men's pants si.50 pri peclal, at. 6 CADET TAYLOR NAILS FAKE At Peace with 0. 0. P. and All World Except World-Herald. 1 SAYS SO ON HIS ANNIVERSARY Celebrate Fortieth Wedding; IVatal Day by Giving- tha Lie to Re ports la the Donsoeratlo Orsran. "This Is my fortieth wedding anniversary and so far as I know, I am at peace with all the world, except politically with the World-Herald," says Cadet Taylor. "Forty years ago today, I pulled an old Washington hand press, working off the weekly edition of my newspaper, the Jndex, at Wenona, III., and my. roller boy was Charley S. Dlehl, now Colonel Charles 8. Dlehl, assistant general manager of the Associated Press. I may become reminis cent enough to say that the old Washing ton hand press was a good one, and when press day was over we didn't need to play golf, for additional exercise. Charley S. Dlehl was a mighty bright boy, and I can see him yet with his face and arms well covered with ink, in his big paper apron, industriously keeping out of the way of the flying frlsket. He made good as a printer's devil, as he has In his profession as reporter, correspondent and assistant general manager of the Associated Press. "'After the day's work was done, I took a train to LaSalle, 111., where our wedding took place, forty years ago this evening. Of the large number present, I think but six are now living. 1 "But I didn't mean to Indulge In remin Inlscences. What I wished to say was that the World-Herald has put me In the wrong pew. I am a republican, straight and simon-pure, because I believe In Its prin ciples. I think President Taft's administra tion will go down In history as one ' of tha best and most conservative we have ever had and Tha Bee isdolng the right thing In glvlhg It a hearty support, as are both Senators Burkett and Brown. I have lived long1 enough to see numerous attempts made "to sidetrack the Grand Old Party along the lines of liberal republic anism, g'reenbaeklsm, free sllverlsm and now some of our good but misguided polit ical associates are being patted on the back by Our democratic friends and called progressive republicans or Insurgents. If a man Is a republican, he stands tor well known principles, and he doesn't need to tie up with any 'Issues' to better define his political standing. 1 "I am for Brailey for sheriff. 1 served on the- executive committee In the city cam paign last spring with him and he was loyal to the ticket and worked bard for it day and night. He has made a good sheriff. Is entitled to a re-election and I believe will be re-elected notwithstanding the World- Herald's attempt to create a division In the party. But Bralley will be stronger than his party, as will Judge Les lie, for county judge, for the people realise that both are square, honest, capable and accommodating public officials, who have made good, and are both entitled to a re-eleotlon." ALLEGED TRAIN ROBBERS GO ON TRIAL NEXT MONDAY GrlgKore'i Father Comas to FaraUh Money for Ills Son's De fease. The trial of the alleged Overland Limited mall robbers has been definitely fixed for Monday next at S p. m. ' The trial will be conducted by United States Dlvtrlct Attorney Charlea A. Goss, diluted by Assistant District Attorney A. V, Lane of Lincoln. The alleged bandits will be defended by J. M. MacFarland and H., B. Fleharty, The former has been re tained as the special attorney for Woods, Torgenson, Grlgware and Shelton. Mr. Fleharty will look after the particular de fense ot Bill Matthews. About eighty witnesses have already been summoned In the case. The accused men will be tried collectively, separate trials having been denied them recently by Judge T. C. Munger, who will preside during the trial. Grig-ware's father Is here from Spokane, and will furnlvh the means for the defense of his son. A strong effort will be made in Grtgware's defense on the ground of his former good character. MAINS INSPECTS THE HOTELS State Food Commissioner Visits Kitchens of Bating: Iloasea with Depatr M array. State Food and Dairy Commissioner Mains, who has been in Omaha the lant few days attending the Master Bakers' convention, has combined business with his Visit to some extent His deputy, B. L. Murray, and Mrs. Harriet McMurphy, have been making a round of the hotels and restaurants of tha city to see that tha pro visions of the state law are complied with. Under the law as amended last winter, the stats food commissioner and bis deputies now have the power to go into hotels and Inspect kitchens and storerooms. It is understood that but little was found In the local establishments to be complained of. ha "Was Pleasantly arprlaad." Miss H. E. Bell. Wauaau. Wis., writes: "Before I commenced ti take Foley's Klduey Pills I bad severs pains la my baok. could not aleeep. and was greatly troubled with baadacha. The flist feu doses of Foley's Kidney' Pills gave me re lief, and two bottles cured ma. Tr.e quick results surprised me, and I can honestly rcourumecd taeo." bold by all druggists. I PREFERS DEATH TO POVERTY Milo D. Frey, Young Husband, Takes Life with Poison. WIFE'S HIRING AS COOK CUTS HIM Ha (lain at Commodious Dwelling; Where She Works sad Contem plates Ilia Drath, "Which looa Follows. Mllo p. Frey, dejected In his poverty, stood silent a moment In taking leave of his wife Wednesday Sight. He looked up at the handsome heme of George Barker on South Thirty-seventh street, where his wife was working" as a cook to add her earnings to his small wages. Up and down the street there were happy homes and the splendor of wealth. "Good-bye.'' he said. Then, holding out a tiny vial, "This will do the work end It all." Thursday morning Mrs. Frey learned that tht body of a man who had given his name as Frt-y shortly before he had fallen dead on the street, was held at Heafey's under taking rooms. , She Identified the body there and told the story of their family griefs to ' Conorer Hcafey. Misfortune and poverty came upon the Freys. The wife took up her share of the family burdens and sought employment as a servant. Her child, a little babe 1 year of fcge, was s-?nt to the home of her mother In Iowa. Frey. a farmer, 28 years of age. got employment with an art store In a po sltion paying but small wages. Six days ago Frey sought to draw his wage and was unable to collect. This dis appointment, together with the depression of his circumstances', completely broke him down. He at that time told his wife that he contemplated Suicide. His parents live on a farm near Mankato, Kan. Frey was arrested while wavering about on the street near Thirty-first and Far nam streets early Thursday morning by L. R. Johnson, a watchman, who believed his prisoner drunk. On his way to a call box, where the watchman intended to call a patrol wagon, Frey sank to the pave ment and died. The coroner and Assistant City Physician Dunn are positive : that Frey took a poison,, but no trace of It is evident on the body.' A post mortem examination will be held to determine the nature of the drug and a chemical analysis may b necessary, An Inquest will be held at 10 o'clock this morning.. '.!'" Cute Bunco Game Fails to Work Smooth Stranger Almost Gets Away with Little Easy Money from C. N. Dietz Company. A new scheme to get a little easy money was tried on the C, N. Dletz Lumber com pany, but failed. '. , All Omaha Is now 'looking for cement and there is quite a contest to get all pos sible to supply the," trade, as the cement situation Is the worst that It has been In years. Hence cement sacks are also In demand. , , , - A man appeared, at, the Diets yards and wanted to.seiisuipjt empty socks for which 10 cents apiece. lsl(ajlowed Jay the Jobbers. .The sacks were counted out and the man given an order orf'the uptown office for f lfty-slx eackA 6r $3.60. ' . After he had 'gone the forman thought he recognized the ' sacks' and on looking over a big lot which, the company had piled up to return to the mills it was found that one pile was missing and that the In dustrious, stranger had simply moved one of the piles' from the warehouse to the sidewalk outside, during the noon hour, The order was headed off. PER WIT FOR FOREST SCHOOL Rtsht to Bnlld Issued br Wlthaell, Sabject to He vised Plans to Be Approved. A permit has been issued for the new Forest school building, to be erected at Phelps and Thirteenth streets. It Is de scribed as a fireproof brick building, two stories and attic, to cost $90,000. When application for a permit was first made for this building the city building Inspector refused tq Issue it and the per mit now Issued bears the notation at the bottoim "This permit is Issued subject to revised plans and specifications to be sub mitted to and approved by the building In spector." The school board now expects to get pos session of the new wing of the high school about March 1. January 1 was the date originally set, but the later date Is now considered the earliest at Which the rooms will be ready. When the 'new wing Is put into use there will still be four or five of the rooms in the old high school building In use, so that structure is likely to stand for several years yet. Both too re aest. Louis Boon, a leading merchant of Nor way, Mich., writes; "Three bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar absolutely cured my boy of a severe sough, ad a neigh bor's boy, , who 111 with a cold that the doctors , gave him up, was cuisd by taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Nothing else is as safe and certain In results.' Sold oy rll druggists. For over 40 years Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines have kept the lead and still stand in the front rank as curative agents. . ... They are little advertised now, as compared with many others, resting, as they do for popularity upon their many years of marvelous cures and the grateful friends they have made. JKI YOUR NEIOHBORS They must know of many cures of bad cases of Female Weakness and Kindred Ailments of Worn si; , due. jo, the use of Dr. M71KES WBTUC WOMEN STRONG, SiGIC WOMEN WELL.' V , ' It's the only advertised medicine tor woman's ills which contains neither alcohol (which to most women Is worse than rankest poison) nor habit-forming-, or injurious drugs and the makers of which are not afraid Uo print all its ingredients on its outside wrapper. Is that not significant? i : IT BthiMd Dr. Firc0'M Mmiiciata tada th tavlitUt Bottl tnd Sur-g-icaj lustttut: at BulUlo, tbor eughly qutppd tad wita a staff of SkiUmd SpiciMJiMt to treat tht mora difficult ssaa of Cbromio cfaaas waetasr requiring tttd icl or SurticmJ skill for taeXr cure. Writ tor tr INVALIDS' OUWJS BOOS. U JL M JUL I U SOUTH GUAM A Sells Furniture 20 Omaha Prices Large line of Fall styles in Li brary Tables One-fourth! below Omaha Prices. J I if' STOVES English Accepts n Henry's Plea of Guilty for Life County Attorney AgTees to Wife Slayer's Flan Alleged Bigamist May Also Confess. Frank Henry is ready to plead guilty and take a life sentence In punishment for the murder of his wife. This has been fore casted, but It Is now added that County Attorney English Is willing to accept the offer of the defense and sentence will be Imposed Saturday. Another offender, Fred Hicks, an alleged blgamlfit. Is also expected to plead guilty that day.' Hicks Is the man whose New York wife heard he had married a woman in South Dakota and inserted blind ads In a trade paper saying that his mother was ill. Hicks fell into the trap and wrote from here,, though he did not sign his name. Along came Mrs. Hicks and ran him down in Omaha. He Is to plead to a charge of adultery and will receive a jail sentence because the Nebraska statute does not permit of a prosecution for bigamy here when the of fense was committed In another state. The plea of guilty by Henry Is at least unusual In this: His attorneys are willing to sacrifice the advertising they might get out of the trial for the benefit of their client; They feol that he might get worse and probably not less than lire, while the county attorney on the other hand thinks It uncertain that a heavier sentence would result from a trial. LUCILE EAVES TO LECTURE University Professor "Will Open Ho. ctal "Workers' Coarse at the Y. Mi C. A. Luclle Eaves, assistant professor of so ciology In the University of Nebraska, will deliver the first lecture In the series for social workers on the evening of Novem- Pierce's Favorite Prescription Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is equally renowned for its many cures of Stomach Weakness, Indigestion, Torpid, or Lazy, 0 ' Liver and kindred derangements, as well as for Blood and Skin affections. In many ail- . ments of women the combined use of , these two medicines is advised. . . ; . -.': It's only a dishonest dealer, here and there, that will attempt to persuade you to accept a secret nostrum in place of these time-proven remedies OK known composition. Resent the insult to your intelligence and trade elsewhere. World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D.', President, Buffalo, N. Ys C 3 L UttUUU 9X11 BRUSSELS RUG, (o)3S ' 9X12 VELVET RUG, 9X12 AXMINSTEK RUG, World's Best Baseburners High Grade Range, 4 hole, Up 6-hole, $24.50 (1 1-50 L! u sssMtSsskWssp hMassnV' SOLD ON PAYMENTS ber"8at the ToungMen's dlirfitlan 'asso' elation rooms. This Is the course that Miss Jonts of the Associated Charities has planned, telth the assistance of tha religious secretary of the Toung Men's Christian association, Mr. Crossman. It will be designed especially for those proposing to make a study ot social help, or to take It up as a profes sion. The demand for trained workers Is such that the promoters of the course ex pect to see it . carried forward to success, in spite of the fact that it Is a new thing In Omaha and Nebraska. Oher competent lecturers will be announced later. KUGEL SEES GOOD RESULTS FLOWING FJRONI THE STRIKE Says Trouble Brooaht to Pabllo At tention Manr Grievances that "Will Be Redressed. Councilman Kugel, ohalrman of tha com mittee appointed to- investigate the street car strike, ascertain the causes leading up to It and offer suggestions for preventing similar strikes In the future, has not been able to get Uie committee together as yet "I have made three attemps to have a meeting of the committee," said the coun cilman from the Tenth ward, "but have not been able to get more than three of the five members together at any one time. Before we begin investigating or taking testimony we must meet and agree on a plan of procedure. That dune, we can ask all interested parties to come forward with any evldenoe they may have, or any suggestions for action by the council or the legislature. I believe that a properly conducted investigation will result In good to all oonoerned, and that It would Indicate mistakes to be avoided In the future. "There Is onother phase of the present agitation tlsat should be kept in mind." said Councilman Kugel. "It always takes something drastlo to wake up the public. It was only after the Iroquois fire that careful watch of theaters was Instituted along preventive lines. The Colllnwood holocaust, in which a great many school children lost their lives brought us all up standing In the matter of protecting schools (Wff u UWIL elow J Combination Bookcase, like cut, with mirror-- T y rj at .........,.,... " against fires, and emphasised the need for adequate fire escapes. So in the case of this street car strike, the public became a war that abuses have existed tor years that could easily have been abolished by consultation between the men and the company officers. As a result, many things are being discussed for action by council or legislature, and tha result canot fall to be beneficial if good Judgment Is ued in sifting out tha lessons to be learned." Man Who Bled to Death Arrested Alleged Fake Frize, Harry Forbes and Brother, in the Ma bray Net. Harry Forbes and his brother, Clarenc Forbes, were srrested In Chicago, Wed nesday, on a capias issued from Omaha, for Harry Forbes was indicted at the recent session of the federal grand juries, both In Omaha and Council Bluffs! ,He was Inflicted at Omaha tmdtjr the name of Harry Forbes, No. "50", while his brothei Clarence bore the number "87." Capiases for the arreHt of both men were sent out from Omaha and each gave bond before the United States commissioner in Chlcugo, In the sum of $1,000 each for their appearance in Omaha for trial. Harry Forbes Is a former bantam weigh) prise fighter and It is he who Is alleged to be the prlie fighter who worked the fake bleeding game in the stunts pulled off by tho "millionaire club," of which Mabray was the head. He Is further alleged to b . the prise wrestler and foot racer that the, "club" carried with them to .wurk off, their , fake wrestling matches and races to the sorrow of the victims of the fclub." . A Usngrroui Wound ' ' In rendered antiseptic by Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns, piles, enema and salt rheum. .,. u. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. ' ' B