THE BEE: OMA1TA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1909. 10 it !! i I i I Want Ads iTlluairlt for ae wsnt ad rolanaas will be take t the eveatae- edltlea 4 aatll m. for the nearatag; aad Beaday -tloae. - Taah asset access sy all orders f wait ads ill adrertleesseat Will a accepted far less laaa SO weals fa first lutrtlni aaa ssfwy hrda krdla krdla Rates apply to either Tae Dally aaday Always words a llao. CAST! KATE! FOR WAWT AM. RGOILAR CLAssiriCATIOjr One Insertlea, 1-S eeata r word aad 1 eaat r word foe oaek ssbsenoeat lasertlaa. Kara lasertlaa add dare, 1 1-3 eeata per word f 1.60 per ltaa er naoath. West ads for Tke Bee mar ka left t aay at tke followtasj drag stares. la year "corner dragglst" they ara at kraack affleea for Tka Bee aad rear ad will ke laaerted Jaat aa aroataty aad aa tke same ratea aa at tka mala offiea la Tke Bee Balldlag, ereateeatk aad Farms aa atreetai Albach, W, C, 40th and Farnam. Heranok. 8. A., 1402 8. 10th Bt. Becht Pharmacy, 720 B. 16th St Benson Pnarmacy, Benson, Neb. Bmla park Pnarmacy, Ud and Cuming. Blake's pharmacy, 2t16 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. K. 6th and Fierce Sta, Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conts, J. D.. tlat Av. and Farnam. Crlssey pharmacy, Mth and Lake. Cermak. Emll, 1264-6 8, 13th St ' Kaatman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Khlar, V. If., 2803 Leavenworth. Foster A Arnold!, 212 N. 36th bt. Preytsg, John J., bit N. 24tb St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park ava and Pacmo. Greenough, O. A., 108 S. 10th St. Greenough, G. A., 10th and Hickory. Hay dm, Wm. C. 2920 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar.. 1M1 S. 29th Aye. Hoi it, John. ?4 North lth St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St.. ' Kins. H. H.. 2238 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 2304 N. Mth. Patrick Drug- Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Chaa B., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton. L. IS., 24th and Leavenwortn. Saratoga Drue Co.. 24th and Amea Ave. Schaefer'e Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Schaefer, August, 2831 N. lfit.h St Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha St. Walton Pharmaoy, 20th and Grace Sta wirtn. o. h., i tn ana Hmino an, BIRTHS AND DEATH". Blrths-O. C. Beaton. 2539 North Thlr teenth street girl; Frank Kubeo, 1254 South Fourteenth street boy. Deaths William Clawson, 1908 Burt street, 62; Gertie Smith, Douglas county hospital, 20; W. Wallace Johnston, 8328 Manderson street, 29. , MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' Permits to wed have been granted, the following couples: Name and Kesldenoe. Age. Clrlno Manararneill, Omaha 26 Josephine Fanclullo, Omaha 18 C. H. ' Blomqulst, Waterloo. 25 Christine Sorenson, Omaha 23 Alvah P. Whit more, Omaha. 32 Martha A. Mass, Omaha a Martin Ambrose, Council Bluffs 69 Mary Townsley, Tabor, la 6S ANNOUNCEMENTS i-Vl A T CLEAN ' Carbon Cooking. 86.50. jJ&J coutant A Squires, 140a Far. D. 930 Grading Contractors BIDS VVlLiL BE RECEIVED FOR IMMEDIATE REMOVAL OF 75,OUO " V AltDS EARTH. MACHINE WORK. George & Co., V ,,ill ... 'i AA.AjtA. il bietaon, U-M and Sd.x). piacucul natter, M KAMbEK, S. mn bt at H. Ureen Trading Utampe YVau Wtn Ha.rd and hutt L'o,L Peo ples Coal Co. iAiug. Mil, ind. A-1A4. ' (Saratoga Drug Co., 24lh it Ames Ave., ac curals voinpouuueis uf piescnptions. Free 'aetivery. oiura open :u a. m. to u p. iu. Boiler Renairin? p"1?1 wil- JJUliei XlpttUlugt)ON steam Boner Co, 19th and Pierce. Douglas 1141. rTl A T Andover. Egg. Lump, $6.60. R. II. VVXk-Lr norehouse Co., W. 8106, B.2246. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a . specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., lul 8. 10th. CEMENT BLOCKS of beat quality, manufactured by the lDlbAL CEMENX blUNE CO. klmply great, Dryamokanchu chawing oigar MULTIQRAPHED Duplicating Company. MULTIOHAPHEO DupllcaUng Company, ' TAYLOR THE TAILOR. 4th Floor, Pax ton Bla. Tat Douglas 1383. WEDDING rings made by band, sold by weight T. L. Combs Co., l&M Douglas. Monuments. J. W. Bloom 4s Co.. lsls Far, . IP YOU want anydlrt caU on C. M. Bachmann. iM Paxion block. DEPOSITIONS. Y i. Sutcliffe, 628 Bee b.dg ttOOD, Dr. O. 8., 621 N. Y. L. Homeopath ti i'PO Cleaned and reblocked. Neb. Hat Ak3 Factory , lki4 Dodge. Doug. 778L ' OMAHA Electrlo Woraa repairs electric elevators 10 N. ilia m. u. uai. A-1U8, Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. GOOD MERCHANTS' . LUNCH c. A; JETES, Uu2 Douglas St u MONEY TO LOAN LOW iuiii, in sums vu suit 816 Bee Bids. 'Pnone Doug. 8. UMON LOAN COMPANY. James H. Craddock, acohltect room 9, Weed Bldg., luth and Farpano. Red Uli. CLEANING AND DYING The best ever Twin city Dye Works, eW 8. lain st HINDOO ' streugtitvu. tablets) will tmild. brace. 1LANS HANSEN, Ind. phone 1333. Council XHUiis. tarpvuier, conn actor; all wot k guarauteeo. FOR watches and Jewelry repairs see - uuiiauua m ufiuiiiAwa, au i(. xaia St GRAVEL ROOFING. J. it Stevenson Mooting Co., gravel end couipoaliion rovdug. ill i. lvth St Omaha. Tels. Doug. 8118. Ind. A-l.w. Res.' eo. . MISSOURI fUtars Howard bt made and sold. 13lv O. S. Watson; the well known horseahoer, iu i. ui au rnonea u. aun; lad. 8u. K'ovo O. R. Heflln, 1M6 Douglas St.. over Lindsay a Tel. IX U.i. A-iSua. ' KIFfiSL KootlBM. BuUdlag Papera M AiuerU&o buyply Co. in: a' amain THE WARDROBE, expert CLEANERS AND Ulcus, juis r mrtuLtm. atom 'Phones. We are newshowlcg ladies' and earns' Vail Suiting. Max Morris, 8ul brown Bin. is3 1'ER TON Cox Mtu Nut Co,J H ANCHOR rt:M(H m . - Iron aad wire fence cheaper than wood. ui4 lime. 107 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. DEVELOPING and finishing; beat work; ulok daUvery. Dempster, liij rarnam. . aMVID COLE Craaiaerr Co. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) OMAHA hat factory. 114 and lie . 13th 8t Hat" remodeled. Mall ordars solicited. TEL HARNEY 42M for prices on hard and soft coal and feed; deliver any quantity. Lincoln Grain A Coal Co.,-"! Hamilton. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILE. CARRIAGE PAINTINU. Blscksmlthlng, woodwork ana auto wi specialty. We can store automobiles. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE WOHlvB, 26th Ave. and Leavenwortn. BARGAINS IN USED CARS One 1906 Rambler Touring Car; top. new tlrea. lamps One 1906 Rambler; lamp, equipment 360 One 1909 Rambler; 22-horsenower; used but a short time; full lamp and tool equipment & Rend for Hat of other aood bargains. The aboVe cars have been overhauled and are In good condition. COUNCIL BLUFFS AUTO CO. 610 Pearl St SEND for our list of second-hand care. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam St Two RAnrsATKS New Limousine: body will fit model F Stoddard-Dayton chassis; also new Landaulet body. A. J. Simpson & 8on. 1409 Dodge St - .BUSINESS CHANCES to UK.T in or nut of business call on OANOE8TAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 2367. THREE STORE ROOMS. Located rlKht for good business In GROCERIES, MEAT MARKET, DRUGS. Vnr Urnit unannolled DODillatlnn In city, A business man can handle large trade heie. See owner, office 4101 . Mth Bt, 9 to E o'clock. 6 POOL tables and building. P. H. Ell- wanger, Button, Neb. WANTED A good line Of groceries from rronnihl house, as a side line; terri tory Northwest Nebraska, every two weeks. Lent Swalley, Creignton, xxeo. RiTsiNRRS oDDortunltv. department atnrea In live west Nebraska town for ale invoices about 115.000. All staple, first class running order, good trade, by owner wishing to retire. Address x M, care uw. thr enormous demand for our staple new money saving products necessitates our opening a distributing oirice in every iwu cnuntv. We desire a resident manager with 1300 to 1600 to carry enough stock to supply the large demands created among business men, larmers, eio.; win pay salary, expenses and share in the profits; no canvassing; position permanent; send references. Liberty Mfg. association, 12 and 14 State St, Chicago. . . WANTED Partner or shop to handle new Invention, kitchen . article, very ap pealing. Agents seller, also jobber and re- taller. References. Address , Y-60, care Omaha Bee. A PROMISING groupe of mining quarts claims for sale; have produced 22.000.00 In soia. f or particulars aoaress a. a. niw kins. Applegate, Ore. J I- YOU want your business sold, see "THE MAN THAT CAN." J. W. KANTSHER, SCIENTIFIC SALES MAN, 803 NKW YORK LIFE BIDti. r FOR SALE Coal and grain business In thriving railroad town of 7.000; good farm ing community; 3-lot corner; large ortck building; coal and hay sheds; central location; leading business; pays 26 per cent on Investment: ill health cause or selling; price, $6,000. For particulars address Box 632, La Jur.ta, Colo. EASTERN owner and Investor wants cor respondent, and will pay well for a little time given by one. acquainted with local financial conditions, aiso.tnose oi Missouri, Oklahoma and Intermediate points. Perma nent connection desired. Quick reply will reach me before leaving for Omaha, where personal interview may be had In few days. Jay Falkenberg, Akron, O. FOR SALE The beat and largest plumb ing, heiulng, pump and windmill business of southwestern Iowa. Have several con tract Jobs in hand . now. Will sell at in- olcu. Address x m, care Jiee. ..,, P ),., WESTER SARD can help you get In or out of business. 408 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 2149. FIRST CLASS opportunity for a broad (rauge busii.esg man of means. Address. U. Box 411, utnana. FINEST meat market in Council Bluffs for sale or lent. C. W. Letchford. - FLOUR MILL FOR SALE The best located hundred-barrel FLOUR MILL ir.d GRAIN ELEVATOR In the state, present owner being in business 26 years and wants to retire. Address Y 846, care of Bee. DENTISTS BAILEY ft MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D.1086 TAFT'S Dental Rooma 1617 Douglas St DR. FICKES, 217 Board of Trade. "He doesn't hurt like others." DRESSMAKERS Miss Galbrith, 804 Sunderland Blk., 16 ds How MISS STURDY. 2427 Dodge. TeU Doug. 763 TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sta McDowell Dressmaking School. 1621 Far. DRESS PLEATING, buttons coveted all styles and sisea. The Ideal Pleating Co, 2u0 Douglas Blk. Both 'phones. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN M. ORLIJAN. fine ladles' tailor; make suits reasonable, also irom your own ma lerlaL luU Harney. AT TlORKON'Sv,r Kerns' Mlllla Ai I1U-UOUaN ery, J508 Douglas St Superfluous hair and mules removed by the electrlo needle. Batisiacuoa guaranteed. LADIES Learn dress cutting in two le- sons. 36.00 up. -Room 304 Webster-Sunder- and Bldg, 16th and Howard. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. c. J. H ungate, 894 Brandels aiog. Tel. Red 6486. "VIA VI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 page book free. 818 Brandels Bldg. MILLINERY ?.," "TV0Uflmoj: LACE curtains, nicelv done and wash ing to take homo. Telephone Harney 1360. CAKES THRJEB-LATKH WHITE. gOtf Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prluea. JOHNSON ft UOODLETT. 80th and Laka MERSCHEIM. High grade millinery. 2o Paxton Blk. French Dry Cleaning Works. Both Tels. Best work, prompt service. ELTINO. grocery and confectionary, mi rarnam bt. i aw goods, low prloes. MILLINERY Moderate prices. Schall FLORISTS w. MENERAY Nursery Co., 4fc2H onAnutio uluu., lieu phone Doug. Subs. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1414 Farnam St J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Douglas 8u0n L. Henderson. 1618 Farnam St.. Doug.-1268. RANDEISUTFIXmERpEPT FURNACES AND REPAIRING Two and four-hole laundry and tank heater will keep boiling from 84 to 108 gal looa of water. New furnacea, thermostats, furnace covering, water front, stove at furnace repairs, combination hot water and hot air heating. Omaha Stove Repaii Work a Uws-8 Douglas sit Both Phones. REMEMBER It only takes a a roue or two ef lha pen to mention the fat t that you saw the ad la The Be ' ; , - v,. , EDUCATIONAL OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, lvth and Farnam. . a. Rohrbough, Pres.; E. A. Zartmsn, V. Pres. FALL TERM now opn. Enroll at onca Sessions day and night TELEGRAPHY U. P. official school; U. P. wire. Positions guaranteed. CATALOG FREE Write or telephone D. 128 or A 2U9. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled courses in business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most interesting catalogue pub lished In Omaha. Send for one today. KOSHER A LAMPMAN, Seventeenth and Farnam Streets, Umaha. Neb. THE FALL TERM OF BOTLES COLLEGE! m npw.v. In both the dsy and night sesslona Every day N-O-W is an enrollment aay. Complete business course. Complete shorthand and typewriting eourse. Complete telegraph course. Complete civil service course. Official training school for telegraphers for U. P. R. R. Send today for free copy of the now fsmous book "Bread and Butter Sciences." Address H. B. Boyies, prealdaut Omaha, Neo. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. THREE ladies for educational proposl tlon; teachers prefered; previous experience not necessary; position permanent; ciy profitable. Apply 613 Ware Blk. Clerical aad Offiea. STENOGRAPHER, some exp., $8 per wk. Bookkeeper and steno., lumber firm, 846. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory aad Trades. TWO NURSES have Just graduated from the training school for nurses at the Child Saving Institute, leaving vacancies whtcn may be filled by young women who wish to take the six months' course. Apply to matron, 18th and Ohio. 'Phone Webster 1W1. ' WANTED Experienced dressmakers. Apply at once. Parisian Cloak Co. TYPESETTER Girl Sutherland, Neb. wanted by Lance, GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work; good pay. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. - Honsekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. H. Parrotte, 4801 Davenport AN experienced girl for general house work; small family; wages. $6 a week. Mrs. Ed B. Williams, 522 B. 29th St YOUNG girl to assist with housekeeping at 1102 N. 24th St Mrs. Linsky. WANTED Maid for general housework. 3612 Farnam St COMPETENT second girl. CaU at once. 3224 Farnam St WANTED Experienced girl for general housework In family of two. References required. - Apply 416 North 20th street GOOD girl for . general housework; family. 1022 Park Ave. I In YfXTNO alrl to 'assist In general house- work. Could attend School. Tel. Harney 4746. WANTED Cook and house maid, three In family. 1602 B. S2d Ave. Miscellaneous. Y.EARN hear dressing; It pays; you can easily earn $16 to $26 weekly. Full course taught Brandels Hair Dressing Dept TWO ladies over 81 to travel together, Semnnatrata and sell dealers, also one lady to work alona Goodrich Drug Co.. 1808-10 Harney SU i ..n. . .. -.hit. learning; ao an errand girl. Miss Lenser, Wl 0 v ... j T I TilfQ .Irt waaUIv, tin. rtrimt AAlrxc, f., " . ' -...'1. " - cards. Dime brings package beauuiui sam ples and particulars, ttayiis-uernet to., East Orange, N. J. WANTED Experienced alteration help. Orkln Bros., 1610 Douglas. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors suad Snleaaaen. WANTED Experienced advertising so licitors. Apply aftsr 1 p. m... 219 N. Y. Life. TWO clothing salesmen by Nov. 1. Ap ply to Frenter 131k. Dr. Downs. WANTED Five experienced piano sales men. Permanent ana gooa onance lor aa- vuncement Llndholm Furnlturo Co., Swuj City. la. SIDE line salesman to sell men's faotory hosiery, six samples, big sellers. Address Y 63, care of Bee. WANTED Experienced clothing sales man at once, young, single man. Friend Clothing Co., Friend, Neb. WANTED Young men who can furnish references, to become traveling salesmen exoerlence unnecessary; write today lor full particulars, uradstreet system, uept. 1003, Rochester, N. x.- CIGAR salesman wanted: In your lo cality to reDresent us. Experience un- nrcesssry; $110 per mo. and expenses. Write lor particulars. Monarcn v;igar to., ou Louis, Mo. WANTED Expert canvassers for Omsha and vicinity. At onca None but hustlers need apply. Call for U. C. Berns tein. 1!M1 California between ;39 and l:3f p. m. GENERAL agent appoint selling agents. new; no competition, p. u. ncx 414. WANTED Experienced salesmen in Men's - Furnishing Goods Dept. Apply Superintendent Brandels stores. CffUNTRY agents selling Equalisers; large profit; nsw; no competition. 640 Bee Bldg. BOND salesmen required for Iowa, dress Y l4Jt. Bee. Ad WANTED A solicitor with boras and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions, tail ana see sireu lallon manager. The Bee Publishing Co. TWO good collectors St ' once. Adams ft Co., 63 B. 16th St. 8. WANTED STOCK SALESMAN. WELL ACQUAINTED IN OMAHA DISTRICT, BEST PROPOSITION ON THE MARKET, . ...... .., ... I ! 1." L.. ADDKE.&0 -wo wanted A real salesman, a man who h ability, who will work for us as hard mn,i noiiaclentlously as he would for him self to represent us exclusively in the u.tArn half of Iowa for 1910; must be ready to commence work Jan. 1. We have a large, well Known ana in eywiy wjr uroi elaas line of exclusive calendars and ad vertising specialties. Our line la so attrao .n,l varied that each and every busi ness In every town In the country, without regard to slse, car, be successfully solicited. nu, eoods are very attractive, but no than our reasonable prices and we know from the experience of others .h have been and are now In our employ. that any bright, hustling man who has ability and Is willing to work, can mulct With US Irom SMI l lou Vr w;a.. v-uiit i..inn. lltMiral. Our company was organ ised In 1M2. We are capitalised for $3J0,OUO. W state this sliupiy to snow mi we art resDonaible and mean buslneea. If you do, It will pay you to write Sales Manager, Merchants Publishing Company, Kaiama- uo. Mich. Enclose this advertisement with -your application. Dornnlns In Fnrms. Farm land all over the country is advertised un der "Farm and Ranch. Land." It pays investors to watch the offerings on the Want-Ad pages. HELP WANTED MALE AgenteN aad galeea tinned. "CIGAR salesman wanted. Experience unnecessary. Big pay. Globe Cigar Co., Clevelaad, O. Meya. WANTED Boys tor factory work; none under 16 need apply. Omaha Boa Co., Kaat Omaha. WANTED Several trustworthy1 boys; good wages. A. D. T. Co.. 212 & Uth St Wanted boy. Peterson Bros., 116 8. 16th. WANTED Office boy; must be over 16 years old; not afraid of work; good chance for promotion. Address L 602, Bee, stating wages wanted. Clerical aad 4) (flee. FOR OFFICE rOSITIONB. C. W. OORDY STENO. and claim clerk. 876. Draughtsman, $76-886. lintel clerk. $40-$0. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. INC., STENOGRAPHER end clerk. 860. Stenographer, out of city, 866. Drug clerk, $66. Grain buyer, small elevator, $G0. Two salesmen, exp. In heavy hardware, $76-$100. If out of employment see us. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Joba Kntest Bee bldg. DENTIST WANTED Registered or sec ohd year man wanted to assist me In good country practice. Have too much other business. Good thing for right party. Ad dress Y 61 care of Ilea. GOOD chicken pickers can get plenty good work and steady employment at our plants in Clarlnda, Creston, Leon and henandoah. Apply to Clarlnda Poultry. Butter and Egg Co., Clarlnda, la- WANTED At once first-class watch maker and engraver. Good opportunity for right man. Address O. W. Cass, Crofton, Neb.' CHICKEN pickers wanted; this Is the right place for three good dry pickers; come this week. Swift ft Co., Onawa, la. - i l WANTED A good blacksmith who de sires to better himself financially. Address D 6, Bee.'' WANTED At once. Jewelry Jobber: one who understands clock repairing. C, A, Tucker, 1123 O Bt. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED First - class man tailor. Thompson, Belden ft Co. . M Iscellnneone. Wanted Track Laborers For Street Railway Work. Apply to Track Foreman crn i fifteenth Street, Be tween Capitol Avenue and Ifoyprrl Street; 20o PeV llour-uand (Jar-Fare. t - 1" ,:t Omaha & Co Bluffs. Street Railway Co. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post- office clerks, carriers. Salary $600 to $1,600. Examinations in Omaha. November IT. Preparation free. Write for schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept 180 O, Rochester, N. Y. WANTEI Competent man at good wages. Apply Sunderland Brothers' Cos, warehouse, 8th and Dodge Sta. WANTED Engineer, thorough and com. petent, for ice plant; give sge. experience and references. L 41. Bee. I WAST a high-grade, energetic, en thusiastic man between 28 and 46, who can earn from $3,000 to $6,000 In an estab lished business. Address Lock Box 608, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Immediately. (00 young men. 20 to 40 years old. for steam railway fire men and brskemen and aleotrlo railway motormen and conductor In all parts of the United States; $60 to $140 a month, with excellent' chances for advancement; expe rience unnecessary. Hundreds of positions open. Write today for particulars. National Railway Training Assn., uju siauanoe Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. rHKIT fEmDlovrsenr Dent Business Men's Assn; no feea Call 440 B. of T. Bldg. TEAMSTER wanted. 1620 Canton 8t Tel. Red 6647. WANTED Ladies' tailor. Apply Orkln Bros., 1610 Douglas. Wanted 80 teams at 42d and Dewey Ava; 4 weeks work. F. C. Jackson. MRN WANTED TO WORK IN YARDS. SUNDERLAND BROS., 84th and Taylor, end aoth and HicKory.- ' HOUSECLEANING riRPETB. Ruga House, Bta. cleaned by the compressed air and vacuum system. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO. 800 Douglas Block. Both 'Phooea WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly in 1 on .The Bea WANTED Conductors and Motormen Able-bodied men, between feet 6ix inches in height, and posistions as conductors and motormen. Residents of Omaha and viccinity preferred. Apply from 9:30 to 11 a. m. of superintendent of transportation, 2d floor Merchants' Nationa Bank building. - Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Venlclee. M'CRART buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. IX 40M. HORSES BOARDED at COLE'S 'Phone D. BX 4727. PRESS barn, 2104 Cuming. Screenings. $1.60 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N.16th FINEST combination horse and Ooddard phaeton. 422 Franklin Ave., Co. Bluffe, la. Bell Phone-Red 23ii. FOR SALE Horses of all kinds; buggies and wsgons. 1416 Capitol Ave. D. 1810. TRY HAYDENS' FIRST IT PAYS. Lusterlno metal polish, regular 26o, spe cial 12c; regular 60c, special 26c; regular $L special 40c Horse blankets, fur and plush robes. HAYDENS' Harness Dept., basement LOST AND FOUND FOUND Stolen team. Oct 18; one bay horse, 4 years old, weighs about 1,000; sorrel horse 6 years old, white in race, weigns sbout L100; very rangy. J. P. Dawson, 1101 W. 4th St, Grand Island, Neb.- LOST Between Burlington station and 16th and Farnam. silver watoh and gold fob, reward. Tel. Harney 1. LOST Boston Bull Dog, golden brlndle, breast one fore leg and tip of tall white, bat ears, weight, 24 lbs. Reward. Tel. Webster 4906 or B5588. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man, Urays Herre Food Pills, $1 a bos. postpaid. Hear man a MoConnell Drug Co Omaha, FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment St Crelgbton'a Medical collage 14th and Davenport 8ta; special attention paid te confinement eases: all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug Isa lin. cans answered, say or night MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AMD CHATTELS' WHERE TOB0BB0W, MONEY Coma In and net all you need on roar HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS, PIANO or on your PLAIN NOTE. U you ara steadily employed. You will find our ratea the cheapest, our term the east est, our services the quickest and our otfJces private. HERE'S THE PLACE. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, trd Floor 307-308 Paxton Block - Northwest Corner lth and Farnam Streets. Thones: D. 1411; Auto. A1411 Money I Money! Money! . LOANED on furniture, pianos, etc. Any amount from 10 up. we guarantee tne cneapesi rates and easiest terms of sny company or in dividual In Omaha - Extensions granted without extra cost If sick or out of work. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade. Phone Doug. 1295. 80 S, 16th St Here Blnoe 1892. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEO PLE, WOMEN KEEPING UOUSB AND OTHERS, without security ; easy pay menta Offices in 66 principal cities. Tol man. room 618 New York Life Bldg. 1 LOANS oil FURNITURE. PIANOS or SALARIES, LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 1404 FARNAM. MONEY to loan on pianos, household s-oods. furniture, etc. Lowest rates. Small paymenta See us before you obtsln a loan elsewhere Phones: Douglas USe, Ind. A-1358. NEBRASKA LOAN COMPANY 16th and Capitol' Ava Opposite Postofflce. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on salary, furniture, pianos, etc.; no publicity, lowest rates. weekly or monthly payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. (14-16 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1607. FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff oreen Loan Co.. H. a. Barker Bin. 8 on DIAMONDS. W.FLATAU, 1614 Dodge. MOVING AND STORING lst-clasa STORAGE A MOVING. COLE'S EXPRESS. 1616 Cap. Ava D. 67a A-3H37. EXP. Delivery Co., office Mth and Daven port SU., warehouse zwi-w isard Bt FOR EXPRESS and hauling near Walnut Hill; beet of service. Walnut Hill Transfer Co., 1480 Military Ave. Both 'phones. OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlagr aad Raosas. IESTRABL8 south front furnished room erith board: summer noma: fine lawn. Ill B. ana Ava. ROOM and board In private famllyt modern home, also large south room, with aloova Tel. Harney lit. DEWEY Europoaa Haul, 18tb aad Farnam. mot ajrv rooma modern, fine sbada with or without board, to two gentlemea or man and wifa 8404 b-apuot i THE GEORGIA, single rooms and en aiiita. with Drlvate bath, steam heat; ex cellent table and good service. 1042 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney Ml. the ages of 23 and 40, above five well recommended, for permanent and 2 to 4 p. m. daily, at the office OFFERED FOR KENT Boartlag RoeBBafeatlsie. KT7 PARK Are. Large south room, out side entrance; beat home cooking; for two. HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, with first-class board. 838 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3224. Good rooms. 82 per week: free bath. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluets. NEAT and Comfortable housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 71tf J. 14th. ELEGANT furnished room in privets imliy, lor young lady, references re nt red. Audress MM, Bee. LARGE front and small rear room: heat and bath. Phono ta S. 24th bt bTRlCTLY modern well heated room for wo aeuLlumen. Mif. K ttth hi lj.iuinaa MCE room, heat and light porcelalu tin, close in, reasonable. 8ia o. o.n OU Coal and Wood 11 U- Morehouse Co., "uuu W. 8105, Ind. B-2846. MODERN rooms suitable for two. 2J0S Harney. Tel. Douglas 646. , FURNISHED rooms, verv tileaeant and clean: diairable location: wulkinv riiutanoM Uantleiuen only. 24u2 bt Mary's Ave. '1'el. Douglas Uwi. NICELY furnished front parlor for rent. 21 tt. 11th Bt. HOMELIKE rooms, modern, urlvata fam ily. 'Phone Doug. 763a. sui S. 2th Ave.; alking aisiance. TWO nice furnished rooms. U4 Ueorsia Ave. Harney 3077. ' NEAT room, with bath. 1H16 Dodge. NICELY furnished rooms; modern. 19u2 Cass St.; walking distance from postoftlce. MODERN rooms; breakfast It desired, bbi . 26th Ava LA ROE front room, private family; all modern, cheap. 718 N. 18tb St LARGE front parlor; steam heat tul b. 24th. FUR. rooms, house new. plenty hot water. $14 N. 18th St walking distance, su a. stn Ht VERT desirable large room: newly turn labed; also smaller room; fine location. Ml b. Kin Ava ONE extra fine front room, flee furni ture, modern. 880 No. ITh. Mo alga oa nousa NEW, MODERN, STEAM HEATED ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATH. THE BELMONT, 1SU DODGE ST. TEU DOUO. 8778. married couple, employed. 118 N. 18th St FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms: excellent board; reasouablei 0001x8117 le cateo. uv bo. wa sit large front room. $18; oae at tiOi one at 8K. aLV N. aaa SL FURNISHED rooms ror rentlemea. 110 bo. inn ut The cnatna'a. BEAUTIFULLY furnished fron't room In private family, for one or two young men; very reasonable, aua Webster Bt Apartments aad Flats. NEW, 6 rooms and reception hall: all modern flat; block from car. 8128 Cass St inquire next door. CORNISH APARTMENTS S. W. Cor. 10th and William Sta.. seven minutes from center of city on Farnam car. Apartments of four and flva rooms and bath. Just completed. Hardwood floors, gas and electrlo light fixtures, tile bath rooma Kitcnen lurnisneo witn cabinet, laundry tub and "Garland" Gas Range. private porches, window shades, steam heat hot and cold water, janitor servlca Apartments ars both furnished and un furnished. VM to iiuu a montn lurnisneo. Single rooms, $20 per month. Barn for automobiles. Agent at apartments. A BEAUTIFUL apartment at 83d and Farnam will be vacant soon. Call William K. Potter, Harney 2216. MODERN 6-room flat nsw and desirable. Inquire 1411 Vinton St LOOK at 840 8. 26th Ava, attractive S- room apartment, on first floor, and It-room apartment on second floor, of practically new Dries; strtcuy moaern; in best condi tion. $ each. Apply Harney im. 6-room apartment in Qulvet Bldg.. 1K09-11 Farnam St., second floor, splendid loca tion for offices, studios, dental or dress making rooms, for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall. 483 Ramgs Bldg., Both Phones. Heeselteeplaaj Iloesas. TWO or three elegant furnished front rooms complete tor housekeeping. 8018 Davenport St TWO unfurnished rooma 805 S. 85th Ava FOUR nicely furnlshsd housekeeping rooms, floe norm win oi., ivieivuuei, HOUSEKEEPING rooms for reliable parties only. Also sleeping rooms for young men. THBKIt besutlful rooms, modern. 14X1 n. win at. tto. 4 LA ROB unfurnished rooma Inquire 104S S. 80th. TWO, nicely furnished; no children. 808 8. 27th. SUITE of 8 or 8 rooms for housekeeping, 8116 Chloago. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, also single room. 1918 Chicago. LIGHT housekeeping rooma Mrs. Soott, 1718 N. 24th. TWO ladles would like two lady room mates In a housekeeping proposition. 8418 Dodgs St Tel. Red 726i. TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms to permanent couple. 3226 Farnam. ROOMS, complete for housekeeping. 660 S. 26th Ave. Harney 1692. TWO light housekeeping Douglaa 11)21 TWO nicely furnished front rooms; gas, bath, heat 614 8. 224 St THREE elegant rooms, steam heat , 320 N. 20th. CLEAN, newly papered rooms, with housekeeping privileges. 1617 Chicago. IJIROE front room for housekeeping. 307 North 33d St Douglas 4&1. Vaiaralsaed Rosses. FOUR Oood location. $12.60. Tel. H. 426. ' Boases aad Cottagtea. OMAHA Vaa 4t Storage rjo., pack, move store, H. H. gocls; storehouse, 1120-84 I. UKb; office 08 bo. 17th St Tel. Doug. li&8. two-YEAR-OLD all modern 10-roora house, 100-foot lot Phone Harney 2017. MODERN 8-room house, 814 . 8sts Ava 'Phone Douglas 467. BRICK nouss, roil uewey Ave., i-rrow, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 ar eata St OMAHA Track. Van and Storage Co. Doug la lad, aVKd. Office Wes star street. 8068 Douglss; 8 rooma 827.60. John N. Fnnser. Both Phones. NICE WARM HOUSE TO LKT. 1613 N. 30th Bu. 6 rooms snd bath, full modern, upper and lower halla front and back Stairs, large closets, two pantrlee, big cellar built for nice home, all new decor ated, large new furnace. T. J. Hook, office 1101 N. lth Bt, I to I o'clock. FOR RENT 8618 Jones St, 6 rooms, modern except beat. $18 W P" month. In quire 8610 Jones Bt Tet Harney 12&6. FOR RENT 4-room modern bout on paved street la north part of city. Tel. Web. 37U. OFFERED FOR RENT Hen are aad Cottages. ROOMS, modern except heat 118 t ftth. 822 and wster rent. CHRIS nOYER. 82d and Cuming Sta FOR RENT Beautiful new $-room burV galow; nicest In the city; for rent; y ,1 water heat; furnished In mission; local J f 42d and Dewey; rents $5 nd wster. In- quire. W. A. Eddy. 4J1 Harnsy, Tel. I Cheep freight rates; moving and storing' uiingHuwiii tseuverv Co. lei. uoug. ITT Tn A VT ... , ... mJ m - . w ti.i, pi WW eft. 17th. all modern, price $i6. Bemla Brandels Bldg. MODERN. T rooms snd rerentlhn hall: oak finish; fine corner lot; Ijifsyette yive. ; fiv per montn. A. c. Husk, Phon narney ssv. $22214 8. 29th, 8 rooms, bath, gas, water. Phone Douglas 5739. EIGHT-ROOM modern cottaxe. SM 8. Slst St Tel. Harney 647. HOUSES. Insuranoa Rlngwalt Barker Blk. T ROOMS, modern house. 1008 Spruce St H. I. Plumb, 110 & Uth St 8-ROOM, modern. 8114 Wool worth Ave...8M 8-room, modern, Dundee W. L. SELBY. 4o6 Board of Trads Bldg. HOUSES-rt8n, Trust Co.. N. T. L Bl.lg mintr-ir. ann.n v..... ..w flnnrB- nnrlh llan..nm nn.lf 1 1 1 Q (J )!., St.; $40; water paid. 'Phone Harney 77t. NEW 6-room modern rottas-p. In sond la. cation, near 24th and Amea; $?0. New 6-room modprn hrlck flat; walking distance; In good location. 24th and Dewey Ave.; $37. M. ERNEST SWEET. D. 14T2, 818 N. T. L. 6-ROOM new cottage, nartlv modern. Ili. Tel. Webster 2219. FOR RENT 2 8-room, modern houses. nice neighborhood; near street car. Tel Red 6100.' v - . 6-ROOM cnttsfl-e all modern STAent heat. iaoi a n, l ... . 10-ROOM MODERN 8124 Poppleton Ave., modern In every respect, corner lot, car st the door. NUWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 New York Life Bldg. NEW C-r. house, bath, sas .1410 N il. St.. $16. -r. house, bath. gas. barn. 430 Bur. dette St., $22. HUTCHINSON-BOLLARD CO., 1623 Farnam St NEW, modern seven-room no'4T"? hard mo.Wf. 11 S. wood floor throughout, $42.60 42d St A. H. Williamson, American Radi ator Co. FOR RENT Modem, '7 rooms snd reoeo-y tlon hall, good furnace, walking distance, food car service. 2008 Cumming St $& nqulre next door east houses I? u p"u f FOR RENT -room, all modern housa 2005 Willis Ave., $25.00. C. M. Bachman. 4S6 Paxton Blk. . w.. x .iua 1 II, D-room nousei Bll modern; 613 N. 22d St; $32.60. 6-roora cot tage, modern except furnace; 22U Call- mn to t-. t. , , , lurnia oi. ; wo. nnm in complete repair. Apply at 607 N. lth St 2818 Woolworth Ava, I rooms, modern, $27.60. 1660 N. 20th, - rooms, modern except heat $23. RINGWALT BROS, 808 8. loth Bt B-ROOM oottage, large bathroom, 28th snd Parker; modern except furnace. No. 181L $17. Phone Red 653. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO., 22 New York Life Bldg. HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 8J8 N. Y. L. EIGHT-room strictly modern brick flat 8th and William Rts.; Just completed; high est location in Forest Hilt park. MAGGARD Van eV Storage Co. D 1496. Pack, store and ship household goods. MODERN COTTAGE FOR RENT. Six nice rooms, large low, snade trees, one block from car line, all modern, located at 4213 Lafayette Ave. $25 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO.. Tel.: D. 6108 or A 2033. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. 8- ROOM new brick and cement house, In West Farnam district-. 6- room brick flat almost new, easily heated, east of Hanscom park, on Wool worth Ave. $27.60. 9- room modern frame, close In, nearfir Crelghton College $30. w S rooms, brick, steam heated, at 2218 Har ney $30. 7- room, modern, oak finished house, on 85th Ave., H block from Fsrnam St $45. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Both 'Phones. SIX-ROOM house, nice lawn, strictly modern, new plumbing throughout 721 8. 87th St MODERN brick house, close to Park Ave., iftis Mason. Inquire va So. Z8th. Tel, riarney lobe. 6-room house, nice lawn, strictly modern. new plumbing throughout VJi a. wan wt 6-R-, 3619 North 23th, mod. ex. heat $20. 6-R.. 816 N. 17th HU Part mod. )$. 6-R., 1K23 Grace St, modern, $30. m s-R., 121 N. 87th St., part, mod., f$. T-R., 626 8. 2sth St.. mod. ex. heat, $SA FLATS 6-R., 3124 Cass St., new, mod., $37.50. 8-R., 2iW7 Davenport St, mod.. $46. 8-R'., 420 Capitol Ava, modern, 140. For complete list, call at offiea Hastings & Hayden, 1614 Harney Street 1607 Lothrop St, 6-r., all rood $18 00 1600 Lothrop St, 6-r.. all mod 18.00 3611 Jones St, 8-r., all mod., new.... $36 00 1722 S. 8th St., 7-r., mod. ex. heat.... 22.60 2611 N. 20th St., 4-r., mod. ex. heat.... 15.00 2611 Chicago St, 7-r., all mod 86.00 N. E. Cor. 30th and Fort Omaha Ave., 1 acre of ground, 6-r. house, barn, well, on car line, $15.00. B1RKETT TEBBENS. 428 Bee Bldg., Phones Doug. 4764. A. 1754. Street good neighborhood; key first door west, water paid: rent $30. W. W. MITCHELL. Board Of Trade Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Balldlagrs. WILL rent a portion of first floor and all of basement In bullilng at 914 Far nam. This has trackage and In good wholesale location. Inquire V. E. Jordon St Co., 914 Farnam St TTIP Praahvtartin tiOSnltal Bldg.. St 86th and Marcy, from Nov L This building Is splendidly adapted for a private hospital and will be completely repaired for good tenant N. P. DODGE A CO.,,1714 Farnam. y tores, STOREROOM and bassmsnt In Searge block. ST O? 630 N. 84th. Hall. 488 Rainge Eldg.. both phopea OFFERED FOR SALE rarattara. BRAND NEW FULL SERPENTTNI2V SWELL FRONT VlUAKTERSA WH.fl GOLDEN OAK, DRESSER AT LESS THAN It T. VEll MEHREN. 1518 DODGE. CHEAPEST PLACE for BTOVE3 AND Fi RMTURE. Racket Store, 16 A Cuming. LEAVING city November 1: will sacrifice furniture of 10-room house; close In; full of paying roomers; will psy to investlgata Call Doug. 8V66. Tyae writ era. Typewriters All Makes , ; Sold and Rented ' Rent Applied If Purchased V' v All ths standard makes. Prices 16. to manufacturers'. Rent S Q chins, test it If right buy I'T Olivers. Underwoods. L. C. Smiths. Remlngtona stc. Broad 8 years' guarantee with each one sold. Exenitns our stock or writs for bar gain Hat before buying. B. F. Swanaon Con . 417 So. Uth St, Omaha, NetV ' 1 s. V i