Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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The OMAiu Daily Bee.
Entered at Omaha postofflce as second
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Communlcatlona relating to news and edi
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State of Nebraska. Douglas County, as
Ororge B. Tischuck. tressiire or The Pes
Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says
that the actual number of full and complete
copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and
Sunday Bee printed during the month of
September, 1909, was as follows:
1 41.970 it a,too
t. 49.800 IT 44,700
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Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
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' Subscribers leaving- the city tem
porarily aheald Ware The Bee
Milled to them. Address will be
cnavng-ed as often requested.
It's a hafjl times campaign in Ne
braska, all fight, on both sides of the
political fence. ' ' '
Having torn Nicaragua asunder, the
rebels will undoubtedly make the peo
ple pay for the rent, r
That person who U. advocating ,the
making of pants without pockets never
coald have been- a boy.
Havana 'quotations of eggs at $2 a
dozen must mean that that Cuban hen
lieu stopped laying again.
" .' t : .'
. llave you registered this year? If''
' not, your last chance to register comes
next Bats r day, October 23.
When the coal barons tried to bribo
Mayor Schnepp of Springfield he sim
ply, gave the schnapp away.
In maintaining an open door at
Panama it Is evident that Uncle Sam
intends to keep his hand on the bolt.
The trouble with the good resolu
tions being directed at the Spmish
king Is that he broke them before they
were made.-
Senator I.orimer of Illinois, back
from his watch on the Rhine, has a
plan ,to control the mainspring of the
Parisians will be ready enoigh to
discount their notes when those Amer
ican singers begin their raid upon the
banks vf the Seine.
The , effort to foster a presidential
boom for the governor of Ohio may be
construed as a move toward harmony
in the democratic camp.
The ruddy splashes with which Gary
began its riotous career as a full
fledged city Indicates an ambition to
change the vowel in its name.
It turns out that it was his clever
ness In the crockery business that en
abled the late Mr Buchanan to become
a success In handling diplomatic china.
On his first visit . to Tamrrany's
Quarters Judge Gaynor innocently won
dered where the tiger was. Probably
concealed In a brass tube at one of the
polls. "
Judge Gaynor s -assurance to the
braves In, the Tammany wigwam that
he Intended to stamp out graft must
have amused the chief keeper of the
wampum. ...
The master bakers, now In conven
tlon here, put the high price of bread
over onto the Board of Trade speculat
ors, who, they insist, are getting all
the dough.
If we could strike a balance between
the newcomers to Omaha and tnose
who are occasionally removing from
the city Xhi result would still be largely
in our favor.
Chicago's action in taking from the
fire department control of the safe
guarding of places of amusement em
phasizes how speedily the lessons of
such a visitation as the Iroquois thea
ter fire are forgotten in a busy city.
Governor Shallenberger talks about
the deposit guaranty fund being a tax,
but not even the Oklahoma decision
upholds it as an exercise of the taxa
tlon power." The Oklahoma law was
sustained by the stste supreme court
only as a police regulation, and If it Is
upheld finally it will be on this ground.
More "Nullification." - '
As If It were not enough or the
courts to nullify the laws by which our
democratic legislature s&ught to nul
lify the constitution, we now hive a
flagrant case of nullification by the
democratic party managers themselves.
Among the great reform rnessnres
put on the statute books of Nebraska
by the late democratic legislature Is
one amending the corrupt practices act
designed to make It fence high and
barbed wire tight. This great demo
cratic measure writes Into law Mr.
Bryan's pet hobby of campaign fund
publicity before election, thus improv
ing on the publicity law-wfiich tTje re
publicans had enacted ten years before.
But 1o and behold, the time- ap
proaches and ' passes ' and' ' no report
from any democratic treasurer showing
money on hand, or contributions" re
ceived in excess of the sum of 1 2 5.
Only after this default is proclaimed
In the public prints does the - demo
cratic national committeeman come to
the front, claiming to be the treasurer
of the state committee, with a sworn
declaration that, although he is the
nominal treasurer, no money has come
in to him or gone out from him.
The law la very explicit that all cam
paign funds must pass through the
hands of a duly constituted treasurer,
and it Is notorious that the democrats
have spent money.
Nullification No. 1.
In the second place, the law requires
the filing of a sworn statement by the
treasurer not later than the fifteenth
day before election, but none was
filed by the democrats.
Nullification Number 2.
In the third place, the law requires
this statement to include not only all
contributions In excess of $25, but also
"the source of any money discovered
in such treasurer's hands at the begin
ning of the campaign." At the end
of the last campaign the democratic
Committee renorted a surnlus. What
became of the surplus? Not'a sign of
it in the treasurer's belated statement
Nullification Number 3.
Great Is "nullification" when com
mltted by democrats in the name of
reform and the democratic party.
A New Uplifting Influence.
One of the signs of the times is the
share being taken by the great depart
ment Stores of the large cities In the
movement for social uplift. These con
cerns employ a vast army of people.
largely girls"7 and young women, and
when their managers seriously i under
take the work of improving the con
dltlon of their, -employes as. Is now be
ing done in New York, Chicago and
other places, the resultant; benefit ' is
bound widespread.' , ; . .
The spectacular feature of any new
movement,' Is of course, that 'which
gets the widest publicity, and the care
Jess "pubUa . has ; noted lorilyl tha4y the
stores have begun , the ,. abolition,' of
"rats" from hair, and frills and furbe
lows from costumes, among the girls
behind the counters. But the reform
is to go beyond that. The heads Of the
stores have awakened to the existence
of carelessness In deportment among
employes, and are. conscientiously ap
plying a remedy, thereby winning the
gratitude of patrons at once, and ultl
mately that of the clerks. Manners and
morals are being made a thoughtful
study and a marked improvement is
reported In the association between
employe and customer.
Even more personal Is the work be
ing quietly and effectively done. behind
the scenes through the employment of
experienced and womanly women who
conduct an individual campaign to -in
spire among the clerks a brighter and
higher outlook in life. To these ma
trons the young women are Invited to
bring all their vexations and troubles
and from the fund of experience gpod
advice is given and- if needed, direct
help, concerning; the 'personal . and
home affairs, of all Inquirers.
The management in each establish
ment where this work has been under
taken reports the most encouraging re
sults and when the public comes to
understand the good ' being accom
plished by these methods it will hear
tlly applaud a work which, at first
sight, appeared to be more in the na
ture of petty interference. . .
Diligence in High Stations.
While rival claimants to sensational
achievement are striving to wrest each
other's laurels, it is refreshing to turn
to a man, who in the same field of en
deavor and glory has steadfastly pur
sued his way with honor, maintaining
the confidence and esteem of men by
attending strictly to his own business
The reports from Athens that if King
George abdicates the throne the Greek
army will insist that the duke of. the
Abruzzl take the crown, renews atten
tion to a remarkable man who has
of late been much in the public eye
though seeking to escape it. ,
. Like Peary and like Cook, Abruzzl
has spent much of his life in striving
to wrest from the earth the secrets
which It has stubbornly wlthhell from
man. Among the highest mountains of
the world he scaled first and farthest
the most Inaccessible peaks, and has
illuminated by his scientific discoveries
the myths that for ages surrounded the
snow-capped ranges. In the Arctic re
gions he fought his way to the most
northernmost point reached up to
1900. But, unlike Peary and unlike
Cook, he has never sought personal ex
ploitation, and instead of interfering
with another's affair .he has. attended
strictly and fastidiously to his own.
With a record of achievement that
the scientific world and that all
thoughtful men marvel at and honor,
Abrmzl has remained as modest -as
he has been Industrious. When a sensation-loving,
public wasted its breath
in gossip about his-' rumored alliance
with-an American heiress, he withdrew
to the summits of the Himalayas and
continued his work.
Americans divided in allegiance be
tween the fault-finding Feary and the
complacent, but flamboyant Cook, may
well pause to consider for sage reflec
tion the case of that inveterate ex
plorer, Abrutzl, a worthy example of
the man diligent in his business who
shall stand among kings.
Maintaining the Ancient Landmarks.
. One of the pleasantest features of
the celebration of Cornwallis day at
Torktown is the reminder that this is
one of the ancient landmarks of the
nation that has been preserved in all
Its original integrity. No railroad has
Invaded the place to overrun it with
careless travel, and even the river is
ordinarily as devoid of craft as Is the
hillside of houses.
Old Yorktown stands today practi
cally as it stood on that memorable
occasion when the surrender of the
British general ended the Revolution
ary struggle. Despite the fact that
since then it has witnessed another
memorable siege, that of McClellan In
the civil war, Yorktown as an ancient
landmark and as a cornerstone of
American independence remains un
spoiled. Population has not centered
to "improve" it; civilization has at
tempted no garnishment except the
erection of the centennial monument.
Yorktown is only accessible to him
who cares to go to the pains of invad
ing its seclusion, and such a visitor,
with patriotic impulse, will approach
the historic little settlement with rever
ent hands.
In the tremendous progress of the
American people since that day when
Cornwallis laid down his sword, they
have in too many cases been heedless
of the sacred spots where the early
struggles were fought out and it Is re
freshing to reflect occasionally'' upon
the realization that some few places
such, as Yorktown have escaped alike
violation by the march of events and
spoliation by careless citizen or
thoughtless tourist. Wise is that na
tion which maintains unprofaned Its
ancient temples of liberty.
Our local democratic contemporary
has discovered that our form of gov
ernment has been all wrong ever since
the founders of the republic framed
the constitution. The only wonder Is
that we have managed to exist as a
nation for 130 odd years with such a
bungling piece of work thrust on us
for a form of government.
Mr. Barrle's settling of a fortune
upon his wife and exacting a promise
from the co-respondent to marry her
proves that chivalry still lives In some
breasts and recalls that other tragic
romance of artistic temperaments, the
Mlllais-Ruskiacase. . Lives of writers
(ire sometimes greater1 and more dra
matic than their books. -
i - '" I
lutj ucmuurain; piauurui uujuiaiiuu
not to vote for a democratic candidate
because he is a democrat is now com
pletely repudiated. The argument now
Is that to secure a bi-partisan judiciary
people must," vote for the democratic
candidates because they are democrats
in order to give the democrats repre
sentation on the bench.
- According to the sworn statement of
the treasurer of the democratic com
mlttee not one dollar has come into
his hands for the current campaign
from anyone contributing more than
$25. What has become of those demo
crats who have been preaching non
partisanship so loudly?
Poor Matt Henson! The reception
accorded his break into the lecture
field, when only 500 hectors greeted
him in a frigid house seating ten times
that number, must have made his trip
with Peary to the Arctic seem like
sojourn in a steam-heated flat in com
Housewives may regard the fact that
the United States government is pay
ing 33 cents a pound for turkeys in
ten-ton lots for the troops in the Phil
ipptnes as indicating that the bird will
roost high when the family Thanksgiv
ing dinner calls for him.
- Judge Edgar Howard and Governor
Shallenberger may now welcome Con
gressman Hitchcock Into the fold dedi
cated to the abolition of all the federal
courte, stopping short only of th
United States supreme court.
Nobody has yet explained why, if
the federal courts are so bad that they
must be abolished, the supreme court
should be saved and only the inferior
courts sacrificed. Why not make
clean sweep of all at once?
How can the carriage makers say
that the automobile threatens the ex
tinctlon of their business? So long as
there are bos and girls in the country
just so long will the horse and buggy
continue to flourish.
We may next look for a march of
women against the University of Chi
cago, armed with hatpins to Impale
those "scientific humbugs" ' which a
leading feminine sociologist has
pointed out.
If the foot ball player who has been
paralyzed from the neck down is the
real thing, he will rejoice that his
voice is left so that he can still give
the college yell.
The Revised War.
Washington Herald.
If Emerson had it all to say over again,
he might advise us to hitch out airships
to a star.
. No- Tears ta.feaed.
New York Tribune.
It is Impossible to avoid the suspicion
that Attorney General Wlckersham will
not be detected in the act of weeping
copiously if all the Panama libel cases are
hrown out of court.
Taking- ote of the Curves.
Washington Post,
The Crane Incident served to rive notice
to Japan that 'its diplomatic curves were
not being overlooked.
How lild They Ksrapef
Chlresro Ilecord-Herald.
Nineteen deaths resulted from basa ball
during the season Just ended. It Is a
curious fact that no umpires were among
the killed.
Omaha's Sartorial freak.
8t. Paul Pioneer Press.
At the Omaha banquet to the president.
one guest- wore a dress suit with a red
necktie. It has not been reported whether
he was a native of St. Louis or of Houston,
An Answer Oft Hand.
Minneapolis Journal.
James J. Hill has promised to contribute
to a magazine an article entitled, "What
Must We Do to Be Fed?" It Is plain that
we must pay the cook In advance, give
her Thursdays and Saturdays off, and keep
the children out of the kitchen.
Development of Orris Travel.
New York World.
At a time of celebrations In honor of
early navigators the departure of the ocean
liner Cleveland on a voyage around the
world Is of Interest. From Magellan and
Sebastian del Cano to this modern pas
senger ship, Us every berth filled with
tourist circumnavigators of the globe and
Its entire cargo space packed with sup
plies for the cruise. Is a far cry In the
development of ocean travel. v
Litigation Over Railroad Pass.
Boston Transcript.
The United States supreme court has an
Interesting free pass question before It.
Twenty-eight years ago a man and his
wife of Bowling Oreen, Ky., sustained In
juries on. the Louisville & Nashville road
and were granted passes for life as com
pensation. When the anti-pass law was
enacted these were withdrawn by the road.
The Kentucky courts have upheld their
contention that they were given for a sub
stantia! money value, and that would seem
to accord with equity.
Soothing- Effect of Time.
Philadelphia Record.
We have happy evidence that the Mexi
can war occurred a very great while ago
ages ago. There is a new Mexico now,
and we may also add that there have
been a good many changes in the United
States. The skill with which an army
was landed at Vera Crui and the couragt
of. Chapultepec and Cherubusoo and Cerro
Gordo and Buena Vista are a national
heritage which will always be fondly
treasured! But we shall have no more
wars with our neighbors.
Who Will Cot the Melon.
Indianapolis News.
Evidences are hot locking that the rail
roads err In thinking the time ripe for en
increase In frefght rates. This melon,
under the mellowing- influence of returning-
prosperity has grown into a tempting
fruit, hard to resist. But everyone that
has cut Into a luscious looking cantaloupe
knows how difficult it Is to Judge the
precise stage of maturity. Not only do the
shippers declare that this melon Is not
ilpe, but they even deny the right of the
railroads to consider this melon as their
own. ' " :
' Chances -for Yonag- Men.
.. -. . . Denyeni Republican. ,
Let young men turn to the skilled trades
ahd . they nvlJl -jfind. remunerative employ
ment in a Ilel Croru which the competition
of women will never drive them. The hand
icrafts call (or abilities of a far higher or-
der than those employed in many vocations
where , tjie. competition of, women is a
factor, all, the skilled trades there
Is a demand for high grade men. There
has been. too much disposition on the part
of young American men to turn away from
the trades on the false assumption that
they are, less genteel than certain other
forms of employment It is a silly notion
of which every .-.vigorous young American
should be ashamed.
Reclaiming' Abandoned Farms.
Boston Herald.
Secretary Wilson, who has been touring
New York state investigating the condi
tion and causes of abandoned farms, says
that the trouble is with the farming and
not with the farms. The soil is not
exhausted. Profitable crops are possible.
Scientific knowledge and work are the
essentials. Scientific agriculture in the
so-called manufacturing states where
proximity to urban centers with their mar
kets adds to the value of any crop de
serves to be recognized as one of the most
important phases of the conservation of
resources and of relief from the present
burdensome cost of living. The challenger
of the beef trust, the dairy product trust,
the poultry and egg trust is not the legis
lator, . but the small farmer who la an
Independent and cannot be bought up.
Objections to a Partr Conference to
Outline Policies.
Washington Post.
Mr. Bryan's voice Issues from the manget
iuuuiy protesting mat ne does not want a
national conference and cannot see - why
anybody else should want It. He scouts
the Idea of outlining a policy for "national
democrats," as he tags them. The last
national ptatform still stands as the true
declaration of democratic principles, he
would have them understand. Mr. Bryan
would not cross a "t" or dot an "1," we
Infer, albeit that platform was rejected by
the people,- Just as two previous platforms
fashioned , by the same fine Nebraskan
hand had been.
Mr. Bryan further decries the proposed
conference on the ground that It would
not be g representative body, but would
be composed of "the men who are pe
cuniarily Interested In defeating the pop
ular will." Mr. Bryan, of course. . has . in
mind the democrats who have repudiated
his financial planks from 16 to 1 down
to the wildcat banking proposition based
on Oklahoma's rotten statute. Their ex
clusion would keep out of any party con
ference every democrat with a bank ac
count that prudence prompts to vote for
Its proteclbjp, as was done by the demo
crats In Greater New York last year, rock
ribbed as ttiy are or, rather were before
Bryan's day. What contributed more to
Mr. Taft's Immense majority in the Empire
state than the now discredited Oklahoma
As to defeating the. popular will, the
money power need not exert Itself. With
Biyanlsm as the issue, there are enough
prudent democrats in the common crowd
to turn the tide In banking communities,
and their number is seen to be Increasing
year by year as Bryanlsm comes to be
better ' understood. Depositors in savings
banks see ' that they are on common
ground with depositors in national banks,
and must vote the same way in order to
avert the danger that threatens.
Mr. Bryan ' shudders for the party if
a conference be held, maintaining that it
would only sound a note of discord. But
who is responsible for the things that
brought about discord, for the mischievous
policies that sorely tried ths loyalty of
the conservative wliig the flower of
democracy as U was In the days when
wise leadership showed the way to vic
tory f
Harriman at Home
Italia Historian Struck by lees,
of Admiration for Voted Bail
road rinaaeler lu This Country.
In his article on America and the
Amerlcnns, published in the Tarls Figaro,
the celebrated Italian historian, Ougltelmo
Ferrero, selects E. II. Harriman as an
American type from which to diaw de
ductions. The historian did not meet Mr.
Harriman while on his visit to the United
States last spring, but selects three diverse
opinions gs texts for discussing the rail
road magnate and his times.
"In the course of my recent Journey to
the United States," says Ferrero. "I did
not become acquainted with Harriman. I
was Invited to take luncheon with him
two or three days before the time set for
mv ilenarture to Europe. But, at the very
last moment I was obliged to excuse my
"One mornlnr. at my hotel, I received a
visit from a young man, thin, clean-shaven,
with gold-rimmed spectacles, a sweet smile,
kindly eyes, a gentle voice and the face
nt An ascetic. Both physically and morally
be Impressed me as a sort of combination
of mystical Puritan and newspaper man.
This young man, I learned, was one of
those writers who had been carrying on
with most ardor the great campaign
against high finance. In a style having at
,nn the flavor of a sermon and a news
paper article, he described to me the
progress of corruption In his native tana,
th social dissolution that menaced the
republic, the danger for American civil
ization that was personified in me new
'satraps of capital."
"Apropos of these satraps, the conversa
tion turned to Mr. Harriman. The young
man inquired whether I knew him. 1
answered that I did not.
r hurt he relulned. 'In him you
might see the ultimate incarnation of
this evil force. He is a man of a superior
sort there is no use denying that. But it
Is no less certain that he has made the
HeteRtable use of his brilliant qual
ities, lie balks at nothing in satisfying
his diabolical ambition. Great men use
ij.rriman will eventually destroy America
unless we suoceed in overthrowing their
fatal power.'
an.. A. v after that I was dining at the
home of a wealthy family. The mistress of
the house, a very pious Cathollo, asked me.
In her turn, whether I was acquainted with
Mr. Harriman.
Trv to meet him. she told me, ne
will Interest you very deeply. I know hltn.
Few people have given me such a vivid im
pression of strength and greatness.
Then riimreetlv I sDoke of the very se
vere criticism which I had heard leveled at
Anrt finailv to can this rather reserved
piece of praise, I heard but a few nights
ago an enthusiastic defense of the great
rn u Art man. The most curious inwg
about it was that his defender was not an
American, but a European.
'nften. lnp mv reurn to Europe, i nave
thought of these three opinions expressed
about the same man by three persons wno
were equally sincere. In these three Judg
ments Is concentrated all the leaven of dis
cord now troubling the United States, gs
It has troubled, more or less seriously, all
other civilisations.
-vnr all thraa nf these neonle were right,
each according to his or her point of
If one admits that it Is much better for
a man to. vanquish ntmseii ana. nis "
instincts rather thaii extend' his power over
the forces and riches of nature, then wo
must call the Puritan right To accept the
opposite view, there Is nothing left but to
follow the example of the pious lady; In
other words, to admire powerful personali
ties on account of the good that they do,
and, In so far as their defects are con
cerned, to leave them to divine justice.
"To reconcile the two antagonistic views
In theory and practice Is an extremely
difficult task. Old civilizations alone seem
to - succeed In doing this, and they only
after long and painful struggles. For the
time being the Americans are not thinking
In the least about such reconciliation,
which fact explains, perhaps, why the fight
againBt the financial oligarchy la so strong
In America; why, in this fight, both sides
avail themselves of extreme arguments like
that used by my European banker. Had he
not. In truth, sought to defend Mr. Harri
man by Invoking the doctrine of the
'Superman?' t
"Ancient though It may be, I doubt If this
doctrine has much chance of becoming
popular in future in the United States.
In Europe people like to tell each other
that the Americana, like all young nations,
worship strength, energy and extraordinary
Individualities. Perhaps. But all that I
saw leads me rather to believe that the
American democracy has no more love
than have other democracies for forces
In their midst Individual or collective
that may upset, more or less badly, the
political and economic equilibrium.
"It is certain, for Instance, that American
multi-millionaires are much more admired
in Europe than in their own country. Little
by little Europe is building up about these
men a sort of heroic legend. If this sort
of thing keeps up one may prophesy that
In the end we shall have the great Ameri
can bankers and iron masters playing the
same roles in the education of our chil
dren that fell formerly to the heroes of
Plutarch. Models will be sought but too
modern, alas! of energy and of courage
among those men who have amassed colos
sal fortunes on the other side of the
"The Americans, on the other, hand, treat
their giants of industry and of the stock
exchange with much greater familiarity.
They respect them sometimes, when they
do not hate them or when they do not
make fun of them. But they do not con
sent as easily as do the Europeans to rec
ognise In these men the representatives of
American genius and energy.
"Hence nobody should be surprised to
learn some day that the admirers of the
great Harriman did not constitute the ma
jority of the American people; that his
admirers were much more numerous in
the old world than in the new. The
most enthuslastlo admirer of Harriman
whom I found in America was g European.
I do not know whether or not to see in
this g mere coincidence. In spite of the
progress made by' the democratio spirit
Europe seems much better prepared than
America, owing to the traditions of Its
long history, to admire 'Superman' In all
fields of action, in politics as well as in
Suppress the Screech Horns.
Washington Star.
Opposition is developing in some cities
to the unuaiual noise-making devices em
ployed on some automobiles. I( probably
happens that these freak horns defeat
tbeir purpose of warning pedestrians by
alurmii.g them. Many persons when fright
ened cannot m ve quickly, and in g good
many instances cannot move at all.
The ordinary automobile horn may be
startling enough when blown by an Im
patient and inconsiderate driver. But the
horn whose note is an imitation of the
screech of a ferocious beast or any other
atrocious noise should be outlawed In a
city's streets.
1 !!
i Mth IMilH !M
Buy only baking pow
der whose label Indi
cates cream of tartar
The exchange of compliments between
Presidents Tdft and Dlas lifts taffy almost
to the dignified status held by the gum
drop. The president's summer residence . is
closed, . and Beverly can now enjoy that
supreme calm which has for some time
pervaded Oyster Bay.
Five thousand striking necktlo workers,
all of them women, have been led to vic
tory In New, York by a woman. They
literally had theirmployera by the throat
Employes of the government printing
office recently hazed some new members
of the service, and were promptly fired.
Many g college would be benefited by a
study of governmental methods of handling
Correspondents . having provided Abruszi
with a wife, but without giving to the pub
lio the slightest assurance that the young
people ever heard of each other, have now
presented him with a throne. And the
chances are that they will not get out of
their generosity so much as a "thank you."
New . York state next month is to vote
upon a proposed constitutional amendment
increasing the salaries of the supreme
court judges in all the districts, outside of
Greater New York from . 17,200 to $10,000.
The judges of this court in the two New
York City districts are now paid $17,600, and
no change is proposed there.
What power lies In the telegraph, the
telephone and the press, knitting closer
evr,y. day., the jhrotberhood J of-, man, A
woman in New York by telephoning to
Chicago enables the police to Identify the
body of her brother by his scars. And
yet the story In the papers only empha
sised the evil of the man's life the miracle
was treated as commonplace.
Practically Unaalraons Approval of
President Taft's Plan.
Green Bag.
President Taft has strengthened the
cause of the reform of procedure by add
ing the weight of his authority to that of
the American Bar association, in urging
that technicalities be no longer allowed to
defeat justice. The suggestion that con
gress should appoint a commission to. re
port g system "to secure quick and cheap
Justice in the federal courts," one that
"will offer a model to the legislatures and
courts of the states," is approved by the
Louisville Courier-Journal as g good one.
In spite of the fact that '.'congressional
commissions are not notably efficient." The
St Louis Post-Dispatch says that ths
judicial procedure of every state needs re
vision and that a commission of this kind
"would supply all the states with a basis
for reform legislation."
That the states all have the same In
tel ests at stake, and can unite, if they
choose, In a uniform system of procedure,
Is unquestionably true, and the New York
Sun is unquestronably wrong in saying:
"The demand, for uniformity and sym
metry in the political institutions of the
several states constituting g vast republic,
is based on an assumed likeness in their
different communities which does not al
ways exist The American Bar associa
tion Is wasting its time and labor in at
tempting to devise a uniform Judicial sys
tem which wUl be satisfactory to all the
states of the union including Oklahoma."
, The newspapers of the country are
practically united In their hearty approyal
of the wen k of reform in state courts in
which the American Bar association Is
Interested. Wth the exception of the Sun,
and the New York Commercial, which
thinks that the -court traditions of each
state "command great popular respect, and
legislatures are, very conservative In the
matter of making court changes," we have
found no newspapers adversely criticising
this program of the American Bar associa
tion. EVERY pound of OLD
is chosen from "Old
Crop Stocks," sufticiently
aged to develop the rich
mellow flavor and fragrant
Our experts test dozens of samples each sample is roasted and
'drawn" to test the comparative cup qualities and only the best of
the lot are chosen. These arc then blended, roasted and again . .
to insure absolute uniformity in
I cor,iy
TONC BROS., Ds Moin, lows). '
MtHUn thm hnnt Tmm Brm. tsti i.
"Do you believe' that physical charac
teristics are influenced by environment?"
"I don't know," answered the New
Yorker. "I hope not. This habit of gazlnn
up at the tall buildings would cau u
to look as if we were modeled after the
giraffe." Washington . Star.
"Father." said little Rollo, 'what Is tA;
arctic circle?" ... v
"The arctic, circle, my son. Is an imagi
nary line bounding a large area of unctn
robated evidence. 'Baltimore American.
"You would suppose that sailors would
have a natural liking for baseball."
"Why sailors especially?"
"Because the tar-has a natural affinity
for pitch." Chicago Tribune.
"I made a bad bargain this morning,"
said the father of the heiress, who had
Just attended his daughter's wedding to
the titled fortune hunter.
"What was that?" asked a friend.
"I bought the bridegroom, but I had to
give away the bride." .Baltimore Amer
ican. Her Husband Did you make those bis
cuits, my dear?
Hia Wife Yes, darling. ,
Her Husband Well, I'd rather you would
not make any- more, sweetheart
His Wife Why not love?
Her Husband Because, angel mina
you are too light for such heavy work.
Chicago News. ' :
"We . had a bad fire scare. In church
"Good gracious.. Was -there a panic?"
"Not to notice. The minster preached
on the Infernal . regions. "-Baltimore
American. '
"As a witness I was required to promla
that .L would teU. Iha.whoie truth." aJd
the indignant "citizen eas 'lie "'was leaving .
the court house. -
"Of course."
"And every time ,1 started tell It
the lawyers on the other side proved that
such a procedure would be entirely Im
proper." Washington -Star.
Their teacher had been telling the pupils
of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, "the
water of which," she exclaimed, "is so
extremely salty that no fish can live in
This statement proving too much for the
credulity of Willie Parker, he rose with
this question: -
"Beg pardon, Miss Smith,' but can't
mackerel live . in it?" Harper's Weekley,
Hartford Courant - ,
"Please give me," said the teacher, as
she rubbed her tired eyes,'
"The names of some great Irishmen, my
dears:" ' ;
And when a hand waved frantically, she
noticed with surprise.
The grtnimy paw of Jimmy McAleer"B.
- ... - . , ,
'Twas something new for Jlmmle to be
interested when ... ,
A question was before the house, and so;
"Well, Jlmmle." said the teacher, "name
your famous. Irishmen,' .
"McGlnnlty and Hogan, X
Mike Kelly, Dick Cogan; ' '
Jim Collins, Wild BUI Donovan and
McUill and Mclntyre
Spike Shannon and McCSuIre,
McCarthy, Dolan, Daley and O'Brien.
JlgKS Donohixv McBrlde.. -Waddell.
the Phillies', pride,
. McFarland, , Muggs McGrsw and
Jack Sullivan, O'Maney, - 1
Morlarlty, McNally -.. ,
Pat Flaherty. J. Hurley. Eddie Burke.
McCormlck and McConnell.
McOllligan, O'Oonnell, '
McGliiley, McNamara and McGann;
Huirh Duffy and McMarkin, r.
Mclfale, MoGee, McCracken,
O Nell. McQuald, , . McMannls and
McMahon." "
.'. f i. i
"Why Jlmmle," cried the .-teacher,. "Just
wait a minute, please;
"What did those folks you' mentfon ever
How is It that y didn't give me any
names like these: , , .
Tom Moore, Parncll and Robert' Emmet,
too?' - . 4
"Gee whls!" exolaimed. the urchin, "I
never seen dem guys . . .
I named the warmest members In the
' Tiess; ' '
De fellers you are bonstln' fer oan't be '
so very wise; t , ,
Poy must 'ave ployed In some , bush
league. I guess."
by Tasio
quality, body, flavor and aroma.
It is such care in selection, blending,
roasting, and packing in air-tight packages
that makes possible the rare bouquet, the
exquisite flavor, the mellow richness of
pound is exactly like every other pound.
Buy and try a 'pound to-jay
25 cents at Croetru.