Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1909, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1000. DON'T MISS THE SPECIAL DISPLAY OF ALBS, SUR PLICES AND ALTON LACES. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK. T Z'Sobi11 in ' iw i mmum 11 . w J V WW K Ol M 4 V Wsil IW M New Styles for 1909 BLACK RUSSIAN LYNX SETS 4. Large rug muff with head and tail and 4' lanre full double satin n T (198 lined shawl scarf, set. . 4) J-pU V ;' ; BROOK MINK SETS Rug muffs of four skins with head and tails, shirred lining, scarfs J f fit 1 J? with fancyshtpes. head II J?) J and tall trimmed V Mt..Hf M7 " BLUE AND BLACK WOLF SETS Good full fur made with big rug muffs and shawl collars, at, j)25 50-INCH PONY COATS With plain and brocaded linings, nat- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 est grade fabrics, at 4 , 4 4 4 4 4 4 4, 4 8 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J v'v;t it-; saw ? r ur lAirodLns 4 Scores of -new shapes and styles 4 for fall. These turbans are ;very fashionable.. A new group ,irl milliner department, at : 92.SO to 020 ..$49 I ' rill Any lio Iyadlea Home Journal pattPrn m WUh th Fa" "tyl bk' at "QoJyy Sweater Coats New Shipments in Again Hard to keep pace with the demand for coat sweaters this season manufacturers are sim ply swamped with or ders and deliveries are slow. Our buyer now In New York has sent us a shipment which Is on the tables now. We advise Immediate shop ping; for the supply ran not last long. Very fine all wool double-breasted sweater coats In white . and red, shawl collar and large pearl buttons (like Illustra tion on left) The New Long Black Coats Every new style feature Is Included-' new pleated and side trimmed effects three great p e c 1 a 1 groups ' ' : $7Lb,lO125j WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS Several hundred up-to-date, man tailored Fall suits' In this lot all newest and prettiest stylet and colors ural marked 6kins forming border around bottom . . . NEW FALL SKIRTS AT $3.98 Your choice of 500 skirts in all the new est 1909 cloths and colors correct styles worth up to $7.50, )3" $12.50 SKIRTS AT $6.98 V A group of stunning new kilt and side pleated skirts made of high- 98 J .Ultra Stylish Fall Suits At $35 These suits are in stunning Fall styles. Many are beautifully trimmed- others are plain tailored They are MB val ues $S5 Great lewPurchase LYNX and MARMOT SEAL and BROWN TAILORED LINEN WAISTS Correct ;sty lea for wear with tailored suits fine variety, $1.98 $2.5O$2.8S-$3.08 2. WPW NTT Wn C!tT tr txr TCifCS . 1 uii aiaja iuiu wiuu niMiu For dress and evening wdar- placfe and dainty nades i . . ... 82.98 $3.98 Worsted sweater coats of very soft texture, single breasted, fancy knit (Ilka Illustration on right). white and red, for . . . $4.50 Oxford gray Sweaters in regular coat styles, at 0 Cloak Co. ! 3 fl 113 South 16th Street. 0 0 THURSDAY SALE B 1 hut nrviiTM'o 6 It w ubiLty a , i SEUE1TS I AT I J Worth $10.00 and $12.50. ' jj EI aBSBBaBasBSiBBBBBBBSMMBSMIMMVSMBMWBaBBBBl KH Book Selling Extraordinary Our biggest Book Event. Standard feets in de Luxe Editions at one-fourth Publishers'" Prices:- , Every day since the selling commenced, last 5Ionday, enthusiasm has been tune'd to the highest pitch. Booktovers have been treated to a genuine surprise and have bought liberally. The. very books you have been wanting for your library are quite likely in this collection. Per haps you'll have Christmas gifts to make.'- What could be a more ap propriate and lasting remembrance than a set of these superb books? Forty-four standard authors are represented. - The sale continues all week. These are bargains In their truest 'sense.; (Get a catalogue for complete detailed description.) -V .," ; 1 :, 4 4 4 4 4 Misses' Tatnt Leather and Felt SCHOOL HATS 4 All new' and girlish styles for 4 schoor wear, special,. 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 98c 'im i fill I Ml Underwear for Women '.Wish you knew Forest Mills Underwear as thoroughly as. we do..' We know of na other garments that fit so per fectly and embody so many desirable features peculiar to women's garments. ,Come in and talk it over with us. ; We have all the styles in women's wear in cotton, cotton and wool, sUkjwpoJand all wool. ; ;t Women's Ilibhed JTJnirtri Suits (Forest Mills Make), white and .natural, in cotton and wool, all wool ana silk and wool; tp i r from S.O downo. VtBBt. . . . $I.jU Women's Cotton Rlbbett i-Vests '(Forest Mill Make), medium weight .or fleeced - lined; high aeck;1 long? short or elbow 'sleeves; (kneond ankle length), drawers rn to match; speqlal at . ...DJC ,.' -j .. . ; j. Women's Ribbed Wool Vests and Pants (For est Alius Make), white and natural; "7 r i . . . . f kJKj special at at A great showing of girh' red Tam O'Shanters in both large and small sizes. AN EXTRA SPECIAL UNDERWEAR SALE wonts's Fine Italian SUk Vests $1.98 Ea. t SI t ......... y . . . Boys' and girls' vests, pants and drawers, heavy ribbed, fleecy lined, up to size. 34, 3 T!: 39c 5. Women's Fleced Union 'Suits (Forest Mills Make), long sleeves and ankle length draw ers; extra sizes, 1.25,'regular g slze3 at , ; .. J)l - 4 ' A ... . , f ; Women's Vests, Paaits and Tights (Forest Mills Make), white arfd natural, all wool or silk and wool; regular and extra T f sizes; splendid choice at $1.75, $1.50. . pi AH sizes, of tjiese beautiful silk vests in white, pink and blue, special, each VTomen's fine ribbed Under wear, vests and pants, in medium arid -heavy weights, MM crochet aid ribbon n a trimmed, all sizes, worth -Cl I up to 50c' each, at, each, .ww V WOMEN'S STREET GLOVES Perrin's and Northun Mocha and cape one and two-clasp effects silk lined and unlined tans, gray, brown, red, black and, white Main 4J glove counter, at, pair $1.00 and $1.50 X -S ' i! " T Women's and Children's Golf Gloves and Mittens Black, T white and colors, worth 25c a pair on bargain square, at X Pair : . .v; .... .15c f 4. 4 ki MILLINERY Bennett's 'Artistic Fall Hats Set the Pace in the Millinery Race This Sea son. A more brilliant assemblage of smart Hats is not shown in this city. We give you all the style t Is possible to work Into a hat, yet you don't pay one cent for style alone. It's intrinsic worth that counts and that's the secret of the popular prices which prevail., $5-$7L-$tO BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY nennetfs Breakfast Coffee, z-lb. can 48o and 60 Green Stamps Bennett's Challenge Coffee, pound Mo and 10 Oreen Stamps Bennett's Teas assorted, pound , and bO Oreen Btamps Bennett's Tea Slftlngs, pound ISO and 15 Oreen Stamps leSSett's Capitol Pure Pepper, H-lb. can, .lOo and 6 Oreen Btamps Crackers, large assortment, package, ..... , ,...10 and 10 Oreen Btamps Wide of Bennett's. Flour, sack ....l.a und 76 Oreen Btamps .n.Mn a rental Rata via. selected green Asparagus, large can; usual 60c special iir.. MomsMrt ftlze Dalidet Fancy Oil Sardines, can Virginia Swiss Cheese, pound Cream Cheese, best quality, pound Pwansrtown Codfish, three packages Boyal Tomatoes, two cans Strait's Cube Pineapple, large can Bennett's Capitol fancako, Oats or Wheat... Bnlder's Chill Sauce, bottle Bennett's Capitol pure Maple Syrup, qt. can. Chtrken Feed, per pouna Y Y ' ri1Xa( bVAXOI Paragon Plums, very choice, at 350 .800 and 16 Oreen Stamps .9So and 10 Oreen Stamps . SOo and 10 Oreen Stamps .asc and 10 Oreen Stamps ,B6o and 2(1 Oreen Stamps ,80o and 30 Oreen Stamps .llo and 10 Oreen Stamps .So and 10 Oreen Stamps .40o and SO Oreen Stamps Bo regular price 12 He can, special 3 cans 35o Great Special Bargain in Men's Suits, $12.50 THE RCLIADUC STORK , liig Bargains , in lien's Winter 'O'Coats, $12.50 Grand Embroidery Sale Thursday We secured from the largest manufacturers of Embroideries in this country, Their Entire Sample Line of Matched and Broken Sets at 50c on the Dollar. Edges, Bands, Flouncings,' Corset Cov ers Allovers ' ' ON SALE THURSDAY JUST HALF PRICE Do not miss this chance to buy your embroideries during this sale at Half. Come Thursday sure. i Kegular Prices 5c up to $1,58 yard, at 5c 7VC 10c 12C 15c 19c 25c 35c 49c up to 79c ier yard. . Some are slightly soiled, others in perfect condition. Is Our Most Extraordinary 4 The Entire Stock of a Philadelphia Manufacturer Bought at an Amazing Sacrifice THSE BIG BARGADXS WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR YEARS , Soo tho Groat Windovv Dfo ; ploy oh Douc-as Gt. Sido . tr-.i-" Watch for Later Particulars. - . Tve sold over 200,000 pairs of MEN'S ONIMOiy SHOES in 8 years and have v never heard a serious "kick" yet Men enthuse over em buy 'em season after season at $2.50 and $3.50 per pair." Dob Haaker. Regent Shoq. Go. 205 5. 15th Street T Mf Beautiful Dresses Made of silk serge and broadcloth. Some are plain tailored, others are hand somely trimmed, on sale Thursday, at . S12.50, $15, S17.59 Advance (iotice ! Elext Saturday We will hold a wonderful sale of women's $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, $32.50 and $35.00 Suits for Charming Millinery Modes Most Attractively Priced us i SEE WINDOWS. V - ' A ll WW High Class Dress and Street Hats Hundreds of new styles for your se lection, matchless QC in QOC values, at 03 IU )CU New York Show Room Hats Large Picture Hats, Silk Velvet Hats, etc., beautifully" trimmed with ostrich plumes and novelty feathers, are worth regularly to $10, at . . Good Assortment of Trimmed Hats that would sell regularly to $5.00, Thursday, at $2.50 and $1.65 . ALL HATS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES HERE 3.05 Extra Specials for Thursday IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM School Shoes ., i For Misses and Children IT IS CHEAPER TO BUY THE RETTEIl KIND Amoskeag Teazeldown . '. 10 Best 36-lnch Arnold's Flannelette, at 124 Best Pacific Flannelette 10 Best 10c Bleached Muslin 7S COMFOKT SALE B9c, 75c. $1, 11.50, 2 up to $12.50 WOOL BLANKET SALE $1.50, $2, 3. 4, 5 up to $50.00 Skirts Dade to Pleasure $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 and $3.50 Particulars at our Wool Dress Goods counter. ' COTTON BLANKET SALE Extraordinary sizes, 75o, $1, I1.J5, 1.50. $2 ................$2.50 'School shoes for misses and children are more important than shoes for father, mother or brother. We prde our selves with the record we have made on our misses' and children's school shoes. They are made of plump kid and eenuine box calf, extension sole, button or lace. Children's sizes, 8) to 11 at fl.50 Misses' Sizes, 1 to 2 at y sa.oo Young Women's Sizes, 14 to 6, at $2.50 A little more expensive than some, but' a whole lot better. Write for our new fall cata logue. ' Brexel Shoe Co. 1419 Fsroara Street. Th Dcst The Best COAL Haydens' Smokeless A high grade western coal, clean, hot and lastlng-4 Nut and range $6.50 Furnace lump $6.75 Best Franklin county, Illinois, coal Nut, egg and lump $6.50 Cherokee Nut ...... $5.50 Anthracite, genuine Scranton, all sizes .... $10.50 Bvtrytkintj tkat men wear,'' In shoes. In uQueeri OvfiJity. SmaH, ex c In s i v e styles fitcomfort. fj The Quality, Prices and Terms T)' r IdLlVOS Will Interest You Here. ria.nOS HAYDENS THE GREATEST MARKET IN , OMAHA FOR Groceries, Fresh Vegetables, Butter, Cheese and Crackers 10 bars bunt brand Laundry Soap ...85c 6 lba. choice Japan Kice "i?0 7 lbs. beat Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal, 25c 6 lbs. beat Pearl Tapioca, Sago or Barley for 260 The best hand picked Navy Beans, lb.. 5o OU or Mustard Sardines, per can .JJic Tall cans Alaska Salmon w, 0 Large bottles pure Tomato Catsup, Wor cester Sauce or Pickles, per bottle 8 l-3c 1- lb. cans assorted Soups 7V4o S-lb cans solid Packed Tomatoes, 8 l-8c 2- lb. cans Karly June Siftid Peas ')0c 2-lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn ..Jttc Egg-O-See, package Jo Corn Flakes, package 7 Ho Quaker Wheat Flakes, package ...... 7Ho The best Golden Santos Coffee, per lb. 15c The best Tea Slftlngs. per lb 15o See our big display arid demonstration ot Butterlne, the largest in th" city. j OKAKA'SJ OKXATSSl WASKXT TO ' rSEBH TIQETABLES. Fresh Spinach, per peck lOo Fresh Wax or Green Beans, per lb.... 6a Fresh Denver Cauliflower, per lb.,....10o 2 heads fresh Hothouse-Lettuce 5o Fancv Jersey Sweet. Potatoes, per lb., lo Jersey Red Onions, per lb 2c Fancy Cabbage, per lb. 1 Soud Bunches ! bunches fresh Parsley 2 heads fresh Celery .so Large Cucumbers, each ...10o Fresh Rutabagas, per lb lHc Fresh Carrots, Turnip, Parsnips or Beets per pound 2o er id to b. .,...........lHc iy-::::.:.......: ( Thursday in Our Busy Candy Department 20 Sticks of Sugar Candy, for y - ,i...5cj ooriT FORGET TRY HAYDEIl'S FIRST if 1 W I M istricii Plume Sale Continues GOOD NEWS To those who came too late Saturday and were disappointed in flnd; ing our stock about sold out. We have unexpectedly received i a large i ship- ment of BKAVTT'L HIGH GRADE WILLOW AND OSTRICH I'LUMES. These will be placed on sale THI KSDAY, OCTORER 21, at about ' One-Half Usual Retail Prices. If you intend purchasing plumes this season, do not fail to come early, as these are the best values we have yet been able to offer. These Are ; Genuine Hand Tied Willow and French Curled Plumes. Made from Finest Selected Feathers, Taken from the Male Bird. I., $85.00 9:tO.OO $25.00 $21.00 $18.00 $12.50 riunies now 922.50 I'lumes now $ 1 H.50 Willow or French Curled Willow or French t-urlecl Willow or French Curled Willow or French. Curled I'lumes now. Willow or French Curled I'lumes now; .....! Willow or French Curled Flumes now ! fiTHKlt PITMEN AT HALF RKGILAK KKT.llU . SPECIALr 17-inch, $2.50; 18-inch, $3.75; 20-inch, $5.50.,. Don' faU to come early and make your aelactioa, for you will sever again bay these fclga ra piauiea at sucn low pnoii. If yon are not preparea to Day bow, we'll pat theia away for yoa. Flumes now.., $15.00 5 SS12.50 i 81O.50 f 7.50 i corns anyway, select yotur plumes and "fexpress mpaUl oa AU Matt Orders. H. GOLDDERG & SO NS9 Importers 1214 Harney Street' Phone Doug. 2288. , J Writ to Oatalora. I ( I1 i