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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1909)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1909. 11 OFFERED FOR SALE Fernttvre. . tWAND NEW I'llX SERPENTINF) RWKMi rilO.VT Jl!A HTK IISAWEU GOI.I'KN OAK DHFPPKll AT LESS THAN VUlOl.LSAl.H PRICE. R. T. VKK MKIIIIEJJ, 15 rODGB. CHF.APFPT PLACE for STOVES AND . Fl JINITI RE. Racket Store, 16 ft Cumin. J LEAVINO i furniture of city Novfmbw 1; will sacrifice 10-room house; clone In: full of paving roiers; will pay to Investigate. Oil Doug. 3W. Type-writer. Typewriters-All Makes Sold and Rented Rent Applied If Purchased All the tndard make. Price H to V4 manufacturer'. Rent a ma chine teat It. If right buy It Oliver. Underwoods, L. C. Smiths. Iteniingtriha, etc. Broad 2 years' guarantee with each one sold. Kxamrne our stock or write for bar gain liat before buying.' B. F. Swanoon Co., 11T So. 15th Su Omaha. Neb. SECOND hand typewriters Bold, repaired. Ontml Typ rlter Exchange. Plot Farnam. EVERYTHING In typewriters; Jut a few of our bargains: Rebuilt No. 2 Smith Premier, 131; No. 2 Oliver, 1.16; No. t Rem ington. $.1.1; machines shipped on approval; no deposit required. TyWvVRlTKK, -EQUIPMENT CO., ,- ,. Jus A. 12th St. . flaani and OlUcr Msilcil Inatrasaent FISHER PIANO. coal new $K0. and Pianola- coat alone $10. and 18 mils music, owner will take III for all or will sell sep arately. Can be seen at Piano-Player Co., Old Ronton Ktore. ' -s - 92T.O OKCuLI AN piano player. Rood as new, and 22, rolls of music, $110. Plays any plar.o. ma kfs our piano worth something to yoib Money ruuntirn ir not sausiactory. PIANO riiAIKK CO., Old Boston Store. - -Miscellaneous. COALi r V AT . CUT PRICES, We sjive yeu from tOc to $1.60 on everv ton and alve neuer com. we guarantee correct weights, Rosenblatt's Qut.JMee Coal Co UHtTC: at cut price, freight paid on alt ju craen; 'catalogue rree; Hherman McCenneli Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. TRY - Q. Cw Dlrrunock Omaha, for lumber. tt tons. South flATJT.AVTl RTHWH W are the MAV T uu sgentM for tne lamous uariana atoves. Not being in m high rent district, we Can save you , jno'u-v..en Btovea. - ... . ;H. MEYER, 2709 Leavenworth. Hardware and Stove Dealer. WORTH SEEING. ' MCST SELL 3U0 STOVES. Used only on acfcaon, for storage charge. Also furniture. 1413 Dodge tit. Doug. 4"7. Come early for your choice. . . . SAFES, new and second-hand. 1110 Faro, Second-Hand , Boilers We will sell two boilers' (hat have been iu use at the Bee building. Tney are each 17 horsepower return tubular boilers, 78 Inch diameter by Hi feet long. They have 188 C. i. tabes S Inches by 13 feet. Work ing pressure 160 pounds ' per square Inch. 11 sal surface square feet Urate area ' tf V square feet We are very anxious to dispose of these boilers Immediately and will sell at a bar gain if taken at once. "- THB JiEK- BUILD1NQ COMPANY. 17th and Farnam &la , ' - Omaha, Neb. ) WK HAVE hand a number of Ink ' barrels which -we will sell at 60c each. The are fin for rain water ui aahaa. Call at preaarobiri Bee Publishing Co. FOR SALE New and Id-hand blllard and Dool . tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruns- wlok-Baike (.oiieoo lar. 407 . lOta St. rr A r . Publl Market Special. fcc KsJJU-l, . ., Beat value In Omaha. f partridge-Thompson Co.. ltuq.tfarney.Jp.:t642, HALL'S safes, new. td-hand. 1818 Farnam, ck"; rT AT. it"9 ood; Tukon egg or lump, !bU VAJiUI 8.r,o, best for price, try it. HARMON 4V WKETH. Both phone. FOR BALE A good self adding cash register; will sell on easy payments. Ad dress P 47L Bee. . f . .. 1 i . ,, FOR SALE NATIONAL- CASH REGIS TER CHEAP. - - HUTESON OPTICAL CO., . .-. ZU 8. lth St. . ' OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS.. 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 16S4, Dr. Katbarra Klokolaa. MM N. T. L. Bldg. i, ac PATENTS D. O. BARNES LI Pwxton Big. Tel It TUf. HUFFMAN. tU Nenlle Bldg. Book free. PERSONAL HATS cleaned. . made Into fall styles. Suhmarse's Hal Fcty., 0S N. IS. PO AT. Andoyer, Egg, Lump, $6. SO. R. IL VW-- MorehouB Co., W. S106. B.J246. BTR1CTLT prtvate bom during confine- tnentsi excellent care; bable atlupled; . traiuea aura, jbu uavenpon sl CORNS Tour corn comes out or your Quarter cooie Daca wnen you f AllMTf.TTr! treatment. Mma Smith, V1.4fca..4 VJt 4V W 4E4i A Ul S. lkin St. third floor, JAMEd RUBT can gat insurance money by writing Jotio or cnariey. A HOHB for women ouring confinement W fin homes iot bable where motberl cannot care for ithem., Bable boarded. For terma, addreaa Mrs, Martha A. Lee, 4 Hancroft fci., oniava. Neb. fbon Doug- taa lao. MRS. . RITTENHOUea, vibratory mi and wlecirl ball.a R. itug 4th fi Old Boston bLore BlUg., 16; a and Douglas. LADIES wishing to obtain the latest drena cutting cem. Learn cutting. Call tU No. Ji au 'Viiuiw. luuglaa 7U12. PR1VATU home during confinement; babiea for kduption; Uood Samaritan San- lioriuni. iiu 1st Ave.. Council IHulls, la. DR. KCKilitif. pilvate eontluement bora. 18 Martha St UeL iiougta UM. tie THE famous Velvatlna Toilet Goods. For 'itl by all druggist r plion Dougiaa fiox THIS SALVATION A KM V eollclta castoff clulhm. in taut ak thing you do not need. W colioct, .rPU and sell at 1J4 N. 11th St., for cust of colleeiUn to the worthy puor. Call pUoue Duugla 4li5 and wagoa 11 call. . . - WTHQ nd toupee Tnr men. OR1FFITU, WIUO u 14 Frenaer Blk. MAQNETIO Treatment. Kin merlin Brolt t3l S. lth St. Doug. 118. A NION1 knowing the present wher about of Jaiuea O. Ballard, who revid4 in Doualaa county in ls47. or any of hi relatives, wilt please oommunloat wilt It fai. oai niaha Bee. Omaha. Neb. , Private eonflsement borne. Mr. Dr. King, 14 N. $4ih. Tet. Web. SjUI lad. B-lft-i OMAHA iummirMi ina. Ram Bldg. HELEN AUU of Washington. D. a. rnanlcurlug and massage. 1724 Capitol Ave. Arlene d Voy. Manicuring and massage. feu S. lulu. St . Flat g. I'hun D. 74. rOTi tl(l0vr" PKg and Lump $.t vuau.lU ll ilorehouse Co.. W. $10 WE RENT and repair all m.rkoa of aew ing marli'iiea. 'Phonesi Inrt. a 103: Ioii l;i;i N'fb. Cycle Co.. coiner lith and Har ney, i - PRINTING PHONK 1N11 A-4041 for ood prlnua iyunsiadl Pr'.nlin Co. Iih aj Capitol Ava 3TATT 4k LONG AC RE. PRINTKKi . . )7u8 Laaveavuria aK. lei. lioiuj. tfrtl. REAL ESTATE RBAt ESTATH DKUEHI. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Fat prompt iv Ire; get our price. liie Farnam GANG EST AD, 44 He Bldg. Tel. D. ml PAYNE INF. CO.. flrat floor N. T. Ufa, BENJAMIN R. E. CO, 477 Brand ! Bldg. REAl. FSTATB TITLE-TRUST COi .HAS. K. WlUJAMSoH Provident. FOR oulrk returns. !!. your real estate for sale and exchange with me. no Bale, no pay. W. W. Mitchell. Board ol Trade Bldg., Omaha Neb. CITx PROPERTY rOR IALI goodTTomes -at low prices $3,000 for 7-room, two-story modern house, east front on ' 24tli St. near Ohio, convenient to stores, on car line and heap at the price; easy terms; lot 42' 110 ft. $3,750 for 2015 Maple St., t rooms, 2-story modern squsre house, reception hall, oak man tel and gas grate, full ce mented basement, laundry con nections, furnace heat, built for a home, nearly new and In good condition, location very desirable, house vacant' and immediate possession will be given; price reduced from ' $4.0!ki for quick sale and any reasonable offer - will be con nidi red; paing paid. - - $4.7 for 2426 Ohio- St., new l-ioom, 2-story modern house, imk flnlHh, '3 rooms In attic, ' Just completed ready to move, into; reasonable terms.- In- vestlirnte. 84. I'M 'for hew up-to-date well consmicted attractive bunga- low, facing north on Capitol ' Ave. Just east of 62d;-eaay terms. An ideal home. About completed. $t,MW for 4W? California St., - w-eil constructed, 8 rooms, -two-story, moderHi square house, built lur a home, in- good condition. Owner left , city and will consider any rea sonable offer for . immediate sale; easy terms. Investigate. Key at our office. George & Co., Exclusive Agents, 1001 Farnam SL Phone Doug. 7J6. 510&OUTII22DST. A highly Improved, modern residence of ten rooms, walking distance from city. inspection Dy appointment only. FRED S. IIADRA, Rooms 417-418 First Nat. Rank Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2318. West Farnam SU 8. 33d St.. 80x160, up-to-date, modern, Improved. Inspection by appointment only, FRED S. IIADRA, Room 417-418 First Nat. Bank Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2318. CLOSE In cottage, S large rooms, bath, splendid condition price reduced. Owner, 2207 Mason." WE have a 9-r. house, bath, gas. furnace. barn, cement walks; at 43uti Burdette. Can offer, as owner ia leaving city, for $2,700. HUTCHINSON-BOLLARD CO., 1623 Farnam St. 2718 HOWARD, 8 rooms, modern, $2,800. JOHN N. FRENZEK, Both Phone. Worth Investigating $4,500BEMIS PARK AND CATHEDRAL D1STK1CT, practically new, atriotly mod ern, 'i rooms, 4 bedrooms, furnace heat, corner iot, cement walks, shade trees, BUILT FOR A HOME. (TERMS.) TiT A T TTrnReal Estate Company, 875-79 Brandels, Bldg. Douglas 289$, . $500-$1,000 CASH BALANCE SAME AS - ' .. f RENT. .--If -.".fXAJili AN.-ONMOffTHTIWW I' 2680 Manderaon Sti-. rooms. moriri ! ukmtiib iv enr, . luM) N tlA St.. I room., modern. 1 hlolr to oar.- .- . -' - - - 4701 Davennort St.. 8 room.' mnrtat-vl ' t block to car. 204 Spaulding St.. rooVns. 'modern 1 2704 Merldeth St.. T ronms. miwtnrn. 1 block to car. , .. It Will DAY VOU to InvMtlE-ata Ihu. flna bargain. Price right on alt Let ua how them to you. . K. M. WRAY & BROS. y 610 Be Bldg. AT YOUR OWN PRICE" 2321 N. 37th Ave., a ' well preserved story house of 8 room, Terma to be ar ranged. FRED S. IIADRA,. . Room 417-418 First Nat Bank Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2318. Best Bargains in Omaha 5- room cottage, all modern lexoept heat, fairly well built electric lights, gaa, aewer, elegant plumbing, walking distance; 1116 South 27th St. Price . only . $2,600, small payment down, balance practically same as rent. 6- room square house, full two-story, all modern; 1119 South 27th St. Only $3,400, $uu0 cash, balance practically the same a rent. 7- room story and one half cottage; 1111 South 27th St., all modern. Only $3,300, very easy term. 8- rooin square house, paved street pav ing all paid, 50-oot south frontage, two blocks from Orelghton University, five blocks from High School, easy walking distance from down town; -located on Chicago St., second door west of South 27th Ave. Price only $4,100, $Ui0 caah. bal ance a trifle more than rent Thia house la finished In oak and would b considered reasonable at $4,500. ... C G. Carlberg, 811 N. Y. Life Bldg. Field Club or Hanscom Park On ilt St., near Pacific St, we- are of fering a splendid 8-room, thoroughly mod ern home, finished In beet of oak. -- Ha beauiiful reception hall, parlor, library, dining room and kitchen, with fin pan tiles, 4 bedroom and bath. Hot water heat. Lot fcOxljO ft. on paved-street. Only H block to car. Price $6,bu0. (275) On 3ttli Ave., a ailtndld 8-room, thor oughly modern home, finished in fine quarter-sawed oak on first flour. Large living room, dining room, etc.; 4 bedrooms and bath; sift ping porch; large ttle lot 60 ft. on paved street. (177) On Wool worth Ave., near 86th Ave., a good 7-room, all modern house, south front lot on parked street. Only $5,500. W. L SELBY, 43 B. of T. Bldg.' Something Fine We are offering a practically new 7 room houae In the West Farnam district, near Turner Park; elegantly finished In oak and birch; nice, large rooms; strictly modem; fine neighborhood; all special taxes paid. It 1 the best property offered for the money in Omaha. Price $4,uO. KLOKE-11EADLY INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phone Doug. 1100, A 8245. i rtl-S N. Y. L. Bldg. HANSCOM PARK HOMB 8 room, nearly new. all mod era. with tiOTWATLR HAT1NiJ, paving paid. Owner leaving city; will take $6,500. TERM. CLuVtlt REALTY S1NU1CATE. Uruuud 1oor, N, Y. Ute. FOR SALE New, modern ( rooms. Bemla park district, lii Seward St. Built this inybelf Tou can save I'U) by buying this no . t hone w rt. u.hj anu 1 will met you at h. use. A. K. swauson, bulldnr and owuwe - . - REAL ESTATE CITT PHOPKRTV POR 8 ALB (Continued.) GREAT SALE CONTINUED i We still have a few choice building lots left all large sized, 50x132 feet that we are selling $150 to $200, on terms of $1 Down, 50c Per Week These lots dre high and sightly, close' to a new $23,000 school house. Twenty minutes' ride and Fifty-fourth and Poppleton This is your last opportunity in at these prices and terms. Call at our office for plat. and show the lots. Office open evenings. W. I Dermody Tel. D. 5108 or A-2033. A COZY LITTLE HOME 38th and Decatur St., 4-room house, good lot; price. $s"5. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO., 923 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both Phones. $2,400 Brand new 6-room modern cottage, one block from Ames Ave., corner lot. combi nation lighting fixtures; cement basement, cement walks In and around the house. Easy terms. SUBURBAN HOME, One-half acre Just west of Miller park; 6-room house, fruit and shrubbery. A fine home for some one. J. W. RASP CO., X9 Brandel Bldg. Doug. 1663, A-2G53. 2421 South 17th Street A neat and trim cottage of T rooms, 44x130, Small payment, balance to be ar ranged for. FRED S. IIADRA, Room 417-418 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 2318. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT For $3,800 you can buy a comparatively new square house, seven rooms and re ception hall; splendid interior arrangement; thoroughly . modern; full basement; east front; corner lot; paved street; one block to car. Can sell this property on reason able terms. 8HIMER & CHASE CO., 80S & 17th St., Op. Court House. Both Phones. HOUSE FOR SALE TO BE REMOVED :" 210 South 20th St., 6-room cot tage. Leave bidsat office of GEORGE & CO., 1G0L. Farnam.' IV ' NICE HOME t. Five room and bath, good reception hall, all modern, located at S15 N. 42d St. $3,760; -part cash and balance easy pay ments. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tel.: D. 6108 or A 2033. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. I FRED S. IIADRA, Rooms 417-418 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Ioug. 2318. 3914 Arbor Street , Overlooking Field club, 7 rooms, brand new, cement house, 60x132, for only $i,000. To be sold quick. BEMI3 PARK New house. 8 room and large reception hall, oak finish, hot water heating, nice south front lot; snap at $6,500, TERMS. GLOVER REALTY SYNDI CATE. Ground Floor. N. Y. Life. FRED S.-IIADRA, Room 417-418 First Nat. Bank Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2318. , Georgia Avenue An up-to-date 9-room modern residence. 66x130. Inspection by appointment only. Easy terma. I WANT an offer on lot 2. block 20. origi nal plat of the city of Omaha, with two houses, 1909 and 1911 California street Lot 00x132 feet. - ) THOMAS BRENNAN, -New York Life Building. FOR QUICK SALE Six-room modern cottage, nice bath room, good reception hall, lot 60x160 feet, with nioe lawn and fruit, for $2,800. Part cash, balance eaay payments. Located at 4213 Lafayette Ave. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tel. : D. E10S or A 2033. S3 N. Y. I. Bldg. Farnam St. Property tt ft near Merch. Nat. bank, $26,000. 23 ft .near old U. S. bank, $15.5u0. 24 ft. near 22d, Improved, $17,000. 87 ft near 21st, $43,000, improved. 90 ft. east of 20lh. $75,000. 66.4 ft. cor. 20th, $42,000. Harriso n & Morton A choice building lot -Hillsdale.- $1 00 cash, $1 a week. Price $100 to $JO0; no in terest, no taxes. See ua HASTINGS 4k HF.YiJEN. 1414 Harney St INVESTMENT Two St Loula flats, built 1 year, monthly rental (103; corner iot paving paid In full both streets, first class location; BIGGEST SNAP IN OMAHA; $V.600. Could handle with $3.J0t eash. OLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, uround Floor, N. Y. Llfa $550 Fin little farm of 1 acre, 1 mile West of Benson and Just South of Military Road. $u0 caah. balance $8 monthly will buy It PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781; "A" 11D8. NINE ROOMS, MODERN except heat; lot front two treets; can build another house on other end of lot $2,500 ONLY $500 CASH, Balance at per cent for five year, or monthly payment to suit What do you think of that? NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suit (34 N. Y. Life Bldg. West Farnam New 9-room brick and) cement house, very complete, on that sightly ground west of Jonlyn's tlOOu); might lease, HARRISON A MORTON, 912 N. Y. Life. Both Telephone. WHEN writing u uct iuu Tbe Be. advertisers, kindly REAL ESTATE city rnorKRTY for, sals. (Continued.) at the extremely vlow price of down town. Between Fifty-first and Center streets. -' to get such large size lots close Our salesman will take you out Investment Co, 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AND KAACtl '.AiNU FOR BALIS n eferaaka. FARM BARGAIN Must be sold on ac count of owner's health; well Improved 320-acre farm, seven and a quarter miles from town; price, $35 per acre; eaiy terms. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. 120-ACRE FARM Douglas county, Nebraska, five knd one half miles from two good towns; twenty two miles from Omaha. Corn will average 45 bushel per acre, wheat 35 bushels. W want you to go with us and Investigate for yourself; $90 per acre, term. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO., 922 N. Y. Life. Both 'Phones. Omaha, Neb. Idako. BOO. 000 acres of choice lands In south eastern Idaho now open to homesteaders: have good climate, good water, In a land of grass and game, close to market. This land is not cornered in any way; coBts you nothing, except what you pay Uncle Sam; our clicular contalna full Information and description, and tells you how to get some of this land. It will be sent to any address on receipt of 25 cents. Western Home seekers' association, Idaho -JTalls, Idaho. lovra. FOR SALE Good Improved 168 acre farm, 3 miles from Moorhead and 1 mile from Preparation, Iowa; a . bargain and money maker, at $60 an acre. Write owner, K.. P. H undent, Moorhead, Iowa. lllassMU. FOR SALE; OR RENT. A choice Minnesota grain and stock farm of 920 acres; good buildinga; 700 acres In field; balance hay and pasture; 40 acres heavy timber near buildings; creek In pasture; good well - at house; 300 acres seeded to timothy and clover; 300 acres plowed ready for spring crop; possession at once; will rent on shares or sell for cash; or on crop payment; all good, smooth land and a bargain. Apply to W. D. Crewlow, Remsen, la. " u North Dakota. INVESTORS take notice, a, square sec tion In Cass county, M. L., ten. muea-aoutn of Casseltoiy and one. mile from a good, small town: new 6-room house and new barn, Just built, cost $1,800; new, large granary and good hog house, splendid well; about half broken; all can. be' broken; lay and quality of land, best In state; land ad joining, has sold for $40 per,. a.cre and not so well Improved, but I want to sell and will offer this section for 30 days -at the remarkably low price of $32.60 per acre; $4,000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Here Is a chance for th man of small means as well as the Investor to take ad vantage of the best bargain In land values In America. Remember Cass county Is the banner county of North Dakota and Fargo Is the county seat; for further particulars call or write Joseph J. Conry. 27 ana Hat bldg., Aberdeen, 8. D. No trades considered. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and home build era with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. No commission. W. H. THOMAS, (03 Flrat National Bank Bldg. (100 to fl.9O0 mad promptly. F. IX Wa4, Wead rl"g , IBM ana raraan. V1VB PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bide $509 to $6,000 on bomea In Omaha. 0Kf Real Estate Co 1001 N. Y. LU. Doug, ut MONEY TO LOAN Payne "Lnveameat Go. WAIST EP City loaaa Patera Trust Co, - WANTED City loans and warrant. W, rarnajui binltb 4k Co.. 1330 Faraam at. PAYNE. BOSTWICK 4k CO., N. Y. LU Private money, (S09 to (a,euo; low rata, LOWEST RATES Bemla, Brandel Bldg. SECOND MORTGAGE loan negotiated. Apply Rxoma 417-18 First raari bank tola. UeU 'fhone. JJougia His. GARVIN BROS.. 31$ N. T. Llfa $M t (200.000 on Improved property. No delay. 6 FARM and city loans; optional pay ment; no delay. I. Slbbernsen. Omaha. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR (, t and 7-roora houses. If price are right we can sell your property tor you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 634 N. Y !' Bldg. When writing to advertisers remember it nitty takes a stroke or two of tne pen lo mention tbe fact that you satr in ad n The Bee. NEW or nearly new modern cottage that can be bought for i-M0 to $oo0 catth, balance ( to fia per month. Reliable party. Ad dress G aHi, Bee. SWAPS FOR SALE or exchange For clear land stock of clothing, located in eastern N braska. Will Invoke about $lu,0u0. For particulars address J. It Collins, 4il Main irtet, Fremont Neb. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid ttT- aecund. hand f urnl turifacarpela. cloth and ahoca 1L Doug. s.i. BEST price pall for td-hand furniture, (toveo. clothing. V. Rosenblatt Tel. D. B40L HIGHEST price for furniture, eta BELL'S Furn. Store,' 10 Dodge. Ked KOI WANT td-band ahos and clothe. D. 37Si BALTIMORE td-hand store pay beat price I-baud furniture, clothe, elo. D. AM. WANTED TO RENT Cottage or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; ( or 4 blocks from coruer oth and Dodge, lei. Harney USX. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTFD Fv young man, place to work for board while attending Boyle college. Beth phone. LADT vtth several years business train ing desires position Bellini; either In city or will travel. Al referercea Address W (07. care Baa POSITION by mech. eng. Oa. steam or electric preferred. Addrers F f!7, Bee. Pnnl snH Wnnil R- 11 Morehouse Co., v,oai ana oou w J105 Jnd B.22j. WANTED Situation by piano player for evenings. Address II K9. Bee. If you hav anything to sell or trade snd want quick action advertise tt In Th Bee Want Ad column. Here is a spanking' new and up-to-date vehicle A piano box top buggy, well upholstered, sold all along for U.4 now offered for only $88. If you can't come in to see this, write me. I will per sonally take care of you. RUM MO II Eighteenth And Harney Sts. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF SALE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT By virtue of resolution of the undersigned Board of Directors, the Chad ron Electrlo Light & Power .ComDanv will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, 16, .ws, at 10 o clock a. m.. AT THE OFFICE OF SAID CORPORATION, CORNER SEC OND AND EOAN STREETS, CHADRON, MimiABKA, all the property of the sa d Chadron Electrlo Light & Power Company, as a going concern, and consisting of Lot 9, In Block 4, City of Chadron. Nebraska. and power house thereon, its coal houses and office and power house furniture and iixturea. and supplies on hand, and ner- sonal property of every character; also all its contracts for street lighting and sale of light and power to cltisens of Chadron, and all it customers, its franchise, all Its polea, wires, lines, dynamoa, transformers, en gines and machinery of every description, all Its street lights, and other lights, wher ever located and on band. This property Is in mok-t prosperous and Perfect condition since its opening; th service Is perfect and me uemana ior ngnt ana power, from Its present and prospective customers, is greater than Ita present enlarged capacity; an Increase of the plant and Its capacity Is actually needed at this time. An entirely sufficient reason for this sal will be given to any inquiring purchaser. ,. . , , . .. Dated, October 14. 109. ,...,. WILLIAM ELLIS, v J. F. MOTE. BYRON L. SCOVEL. OI8I0NM Directors. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE . OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster. Cheyenne. Wvomlna- n- tember 23rd 1909. Sealed proposals, in trip licate, will be received at this office, until 9:30 a. m., mountain time, Saturday, October 23rd, 1H09, and then ouened In public, for completing new Post Hospital, at Fort D. A. Russell. Wvomlnir as follows: 1. Constructing Veranda as shown on plan 2, Plastering In basement, t. Finishing Attic, 4. Finishing rear Wai-ri wings, riumuing: installing plumbing fix tures In rear ward wiligs. Steam Heat ing: Installing radiators in rear ward wings. Electrical work: t Wiring and Fix tures in rear ward wing. 2. Installing In tercommunicating Telephone System. De tailed statement, blank forms of Dronosaia and full information furnished on anollca. nun. 1'ians ana opeciiicauons are on file In this office and In the office of: Chief Wuartermaster, Department of th Mis souri, Omaha, Nebraska; Chief Quarter- master, Department of Colorado. Denver. uoioraao, ana in tne oince 01 tne Secre tary of Builders' Exchange, St. Paul, Minn, The Government reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or all bids or any part inereor. envelopes containing proposals, should be endorsed "Proposals for com. pletlng new Post Hospital, Fort D. A. Rus Sell, Wyoming." and addressed to Captain v. K. nart lbtn infantry, Acting Quarter master, U. S. Army, Room S, Keefe Hal!. Cheyenne, Wyoming. kct-zb-z-39-ozi-21. RAILWAY TIME CARD lMO. STATION JOTH at HAIOV 1'alon Pacific- Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 7:20 am a11:69pm China and Japan Mail. .a 4:00 pm a 9:30 am Oregon and Washington Limited al2 01 am a 4:45 am Los Angeles Limited. ...al2:56 pin a 8:60 pm Portland Special a 12: 56 pm a 5:43 pm Colorado Special a 1:46 am a 3:45 am north Platte Local a 8:15 am a 4:45 Dm Colorado Express a 3:50pm a 6:00pm Grand Island Local a :21 pm alO DOam Lincoln-Beatrice Local .. bl2 : 40 pm b 1:20 pm Valparaiso and central City M2:40pm b 1:20 pm 1 airste ureal wcilcrs Chicago Limited ...a 8:15 am a 9:30 pm ...a 8:15 am " a 8:30 pm ...a 3:30pm a 6:00 pm ...a 9:00 pm a 9:00am Twin City Limited.. Chicago Express.... Clarion Local Twin City Express.. Wabash St Loula Express a 30 om a 9:25 am t Liouis lAcai (from Council Bluffs a 8:00 aid all:15pm Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 5 00 pm bl0:15ara Illinois leairai , Chicago Expreas a 7:15 am a 8:46 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:15 am Minn.-st. Paul Exp b 7:10am Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 4 l Din a 7:16 am Omah-Ft Dodge Local. b 4 tt pm bU :30 am laicaao m. norta western Colorado-Chicago a 4 00 am a 1:30 am Chicago Daylight 8pl....a 7 00 am all .t5 am Omaha-Chicago Local. .al2:05 pm all:36pm Colorado-Chicago a 3:20 pm a 3:28 pro i'mana-i nicago special. a pm a 7:00 am r-acmc coaKi-jiiicago...a :o& pm a 3:28 pro Loa Angeles-Portland Limited Overland Limited.. Carroll Local Fast Local Cedar Rapid-Omah ... ...a 9:10 pra all 06 pm ...tU'llim a7i6am ...a & am a 9.66 pm a $ 36 pm NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH Twin City and Dakota Daylight a 7 46 am alOMpm Minnesota ana Dakota. .a 7:00 pm Twin City Limited a 9.00 pra a 7:10 am Sioux City Local a 2:46 uin a 3:28 pm Daaoia-aioux city Omaha a 1:10 am Minnesota-Sioux City Omalia all: 09 aru oatlaaed NORTH W RSTEHN LI N K W K.ST. Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:50 am al0:30pm Lincoln-Long 1'lne ilSO:im alioism Norfolk-South Platte. . .b 31a pm b 6 tr pm Hasilngs-tiuperlor h 2 r pm b Ii Wnn leadood-l(ot Springs. a 3:6.i lm a 6 M pm Casper-lander a 3 TA ptn all :Vam Fremont-A Mvi b 6:30 pm b 1:36 pin M Issuer I Pari fie K. C. and St. L. Ex. ...a 9:00 ant a7:00m K. C. and St. L. Ex. (Iv. Pat. 12 p. m all Kip in a 5:50 pm Chleaai Mllvraakee A St. Pasl-i- Overland Limited. ...'....al2:l(i am a 7 5 nm Overland Special a 3:66 am a 1:30 am Chicago-Omaha Special. a 7:20 am a 0:66am Colo. -California Ex a :00 pm a 3:i y.n Perry-Omaha Ical b 6:15 pm hll.Oopm Lhlraao, Hoe a lalaaa Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain L t d. .n12 40 m alO SOpm Iowa local a 840am a 4:30pm The Mountaineer a 7:42 am a 2:66 am I ea Moines Local a 4:00 pm a12:30pm Iowa Local blO &am b 9:65 pm Chicago-Eastern Ex a 4.40pm a 1:10pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a 8:08 pm a8:0uam WEST. The Mountnlncer al0:40pm a 7:36 am Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln 8:30 am a 8 47 pm Colo, and Cnl. Ex a 1:20 pm a 4 SO pm Okla. and Texas Ex.... 4 40pm a 1:00pm Rocky Mountain Ltd...all:12 pm al2:S0rm UlRLI(iTO. ST A. 10TI1 MASON Barllngtoa Leava. Arrive. Denver and Ca1lforla..a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm Puget Round Ex, a 4:10 Dm a 410 Dm Black Hill Northwest Ex...; Nebraska points , Lincoln Fast Mall... Nebraska Ex Lincoln Local....- , Lincoln Local.. , Schuyler-PlattsTiouth Plattsmouth-lowa ..a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm 1 all 60 pm a 7:10 am ..a 8:20 am a t:10 pm ..b 1:20 pm al2:15 pm ..a 9:16 am a 6:10 pm b 9:08 am ..a 7:26 pm a 7:60 pm ,.b 3:06 pm MO 20 am ..a 9:18 am a 8:60 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth ,al2:30 pm a 2:40 pm Colorado Limited all:60 pm a 7:10 am Chicago Limited a 7:20 am al1:36 pm Chicago Ex a 4:20 pm a 3:66 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:30 pm a 8:00 am Iowa Local a 9:15 am all .10 am St Louis Ex a 4:40 pm all. 30 am Kansas C'ty A St Joe.al0:46 pm a 6:46 am Kansas City & St. Joe.. a 9:15 am a 6:10 pm Kansas City at St Joe.a 4:40 pro WEBSTER 8TA 15TH( WEBSTER Calcaga, St. Paol, MlancapoIIa at Osaaka Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Express. ...b 2:00 pm bll:45 am omana ixrcai o ".20 pm Sioux City Passenger b 9:20 pm Twin City' Passenger.. . .b 6:30 am Sioux City Local 0 8:35 am Emerson Local b 3:66 pm bll:30 am Missouri Pacific Auburn Local b 1:50 pm bll:S0 am a Daily, b Daily except Sunday, o Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Omaha-Carroll Local. ..a 3:46 pm a 9:30 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS , Cruises tie Luxe WEST INDIES KS?. "AVON" It, TWO CWIUS ' (31 day sch 1 1HO up FROM NEW TO IT JAN. IS FIB. It EASTFJI CBUISB (iUr) tS4S Up FROM NEW YORK march as Also Tirlt Tear by New Twla Sen "si Est MCS" threagk tbaWed ladle CtmpUi lUmttimtti M( al TH B0YA1 MAIL STEAM PACKET C& (MSiaSOII a SM. Ceaeral Sgeatt tt Stata Street Mew Verb A Cruise to South America BRAZIL ARGENTINA A CHILE URUGUAY First Trip ol Its Kind ever rran(ed-!-wlll b siase ky tk S. BMIRCHKH (13.500 tea). Wsflag Dew Verk Jensr 13. )BW. Dvrattaa tl 4aya . Oest, SMO par. i auw cmwe to in wm ikin ssa uriesu HAM RVKn-AMERICAN LINK. . 41-45 BROlDWtl, N. t. AMERICAN OPERA STARS -:T0 DAZZLE PARIS' ELITE 1 H(, . Metropolitan Company Reverses It Usual Itinerary and Will Appear la Fraace Next Season. ., NEW YORK, Oct. 20. A reversal of the usual plana an Invasion of Europe by an American . opera company Is announced by the Metropolitan Opera company In an official statement given out today. With the close of the season In New York, the principal element of the Metropolitan Opera company. It greatest artist, cho rus, scenery, costume, etc, will b taken to Paris, there to appear during May and June, 1910, In a aerie ot Italian opera at the Chatelet theater, the largest In Pari. Th plan I undertaken, the . statement add, to demonstrate th artistic, atandard of th Metropolitan force rather than for financial gain., A Serious Breakdown comes from chronic constipation Dr. King's New Life Pills cure headache, tor pid liver and bowel trouble. 25c, Sold by Beaton Diug Co. ALABAMA MAN HEADS MASONS Scottish Rita Follower Elect George - F. Moore to Office of Grand Pryor. WASHINGTON. Oct. 20.-Interest In the convention of th supreme oouncll Of the outhern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite Masons, now In session here, was height ened her today by an increased attend ance of honorary thirty-third degree Maaon from all over the southern Juris diction. One of th most notable waa Rear Admiral Wlnfleld B. Schley, retire. George F. Moore, sovereign grand Inspect tor general of Alabama, waa elected to the office of grand pryor. Children Ilk Chamtienaln'a Cough Remedy and It I prompt In effect a well as pleasant to take. HOl'E FOIC , KCZKMA TATIKNTS. D. D. D. Prescription Now Offered ml 25 Out A Trial Will Convince. The oil of wintergreen compound . for cxema known as D. D. D. prescription can be secured at present from Sher man & McConncil and th owl Drug Co. In a 26 cent bottle. ' ' This offer Is especially mad to con vince thoa skin sufferers who hav not yet tried th remedy. On bottle will suffice to cur a mild case, and th first application will Instantly prov to you that you gat relief at one from th Itch. Th moment you wash th f-kin with this mild, soothing liquid, th itch 1 gone It upon our special recommendation you want to try a bottls of this proven ecsema cur at 26 cents, telephone or call at our store. Sherman & McConnell. 16th and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney. Thin? Pale? CtnmU your Jock fruJy ahoat mtJkal moi- irt. fuknou. Tnuihtm. Do u k . Fmllo hit mJvka mt all timet. i'V.' RAILWAY TIME CARD-1 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA City Engineer Instructed to Set tha New Drinking- Fountain at Once. EXIT DRINKING CUP AT SCHOOL Aatomatlc Drlaklaaj Foaatala te Be laatallea la All at the. Balld- , Inge a Rapidly a Possible, The chairman of th commute on publlo grounds and building lias Instructed tha city engineer to proceed with th work of setting up the new publlo drinking foun tain at Twenty-fifth and O streets. This fountain I the gift of the National Human society. In moat respect It I like the Omaha fountain at Seventeenth and Cap itol avenue. The engineer will k the South Omaha plumber to bid on th work. The weather Is becoming cool and th water will not be turned on until next spring. It I understood that some ob jection as being raised to the location, on the ground that It 1 will Interfere with v street traffic which A considerable at this point. The friends bf this location pre sent that fact a the tnt reason for th fountain' being located there. .' ' , Rait IMnklsg Cap- la School. On cf tha new things which ma b leen shortly at all the publlo aohool I an automatic drinking fountain for ua by the students. Th fountain Is, so ar ranged that It will W Impossible for on child to pas eontagien from lrp to lip as In the case of the . Old drinking cup. At present most of the pupils hav their Individual cup. but much Inconvenience Is experienced lnJ this way. ' Th' pup carried In the children's desk are quit a apt to become unsanitary a tha drink ing cup used by all. The South Omaha authorities are more. 4han usually vigi lant owing to the prevalence of diphtheria nd the dangers of anterior polemlu rny- lltls. On or two case have been reported of the latter disease, but none of tb case were severe or In a location to spread, In fection. With the disappearance -l ' th drinking cup one of t he most common sources of contagion, will be eliminated from the schools. . . Find Mother Dead. Mrs.- Dorothea Meth, 2014 J street, aged 72, died suddenly Monday evening of heart failure. She had been apparently as well a usual In the evening and her laughter, Mis LaBerta Meth. went to oholr prac tice as ,waa her custom. r When ah re turned h found her mother sitting , In her chair In a natural position. She spok to her and getting no response discovered she had died as she 1 was reading, ap parently without a pang. Sh leave a son, Edgar Meth of Omaha. The funeral ha not yet been announced. Sheep Receipt Still Lara;. Th South Omaha market ha received 60,000 sheep in the last two da. . This Is larger than th first two day of last week, but less than tha record of tha previous week. It Is predicted that th Idaho and Wyoming shipments ar about all In. T)ils may not be true although it la thought probable. Th Wyoming- men hipped rapidly , It 1 s Bald to avad th new dipping law which goe .into effect soon. The breeding, according to th stockmen, has been about "normal on all th range of the west, DO TOU KNOWt, . .. . Cook and Peary both say they reached the North pole. We don't know. Do you? Can you prove,, ye or ' no? You cannot But when John Flyna & Co, tell you they have a line of Hart. Schaffner dfc Marx overcoat, that aurpasses, any, lt you will have a chance to see this fall, you can believe it. You can ' prove it tor yourself. Come In here and try on ona of thos-H. S. & M. ' Rytons, long,' roomy, graceful fitting coats. You should sue them If you hav any overcoat notion at all Then, we will show you the Boulevard "boxcoat and the auto coat and the Viking' young roan' , coats, and maybe you can find time to look over ' our new suits. Most beautiful line w ever had and 'that mean some thing because we have customer every day that think they can never get another suit that will suit them like th one they had from us before did. You know,. It's Ilk getting a good dinner. It . leave th taste In your mouth and you - want to go back. That' what our H. 8. 4V M. clothing, Staley underwear, Tiger hat, Lion shirt and collars, Interwoven hosiery, etc, does. tllv It a lltUe time to see and you will know. JOHN, FLYNN tk CO. Mas la City GomIb. For Sale Favorite base burner, 817 North 25th St ' ' High School Specials For girls ar great value in or Calf stock Crcaiey. R. M. Laverty has gone to Cheyeuae for a Iewduy on Business. ' Jetter'a Gold Top Beer delivered to any part of the etiy. Telephone No. i. Boy Th "Steel Shod" alioea for tha boys Just made sold only here Cressey. The South Omaha Red. Men attended th tate-wlue Initiation at th Lyrio theater lust night. . Hurd Stryker hurt hi hand allghtly in the Bellevue practice game, but will not be disabled. ' Just Received Another large., lot of those $1.60 and $1.76 girls' shoes. Just In they have special value Cressey.- The funeral of Mary Catherine McCarten will be held this morning from bt Aline church. Th funeral ia at 9 o'clock. Th burial Is In St Mary' cemetery. Mrs. Henrietta Scholting of Gllmor en tertained a party of Swuth Omaha friend Sunday afternoon and evening. A pleaa ajit day waa reported. An Invitation 1 extended to all who hay not received a copy of the household ex pense book tb call for On at th Liv Stock National bank. It 1 free. High Cut Shoe for boy at 12 26, beat ever shown we ar liuwlng many atyle Cressey. .. f .- . -,- Nick Sturch, John Demnea, Sam Beraon and Joe Sely were arrested yesterday on suspicion. ot having taken fllO from a fel low lodger. They are all Austrtana. Th man who lost the money was Sam Pa curae.: The' money wu found In th bed of one of the nwn a nee ted. , - - Our Men' Dress ahoss at 13.50 and 34 00 a- winners see thein-wttressoy. Th Shamrock club I to give an enter tainment Friday night at Barton' hall for the purpose of raising money with -which to purchase uniforms- for the Shamrock foot ball team. Entertainment . Xf all classes of athletics will be presented. In cluding wrestling, .". boxing and. acrobatlo teats. Member of the club, such a Brea nahan, Campbell, Fitzgerald, Smith and others will be- on hand, ' Solid Comforts See oVr many style for the old ladles, from 31.76 to 13.00 a pair Cressey. MINISTER WU TO VISIT, DIAZ Chinese Diplomat Goe - to Mexle on Special Mission of ' Tnanka. - WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.-Wu Tlngfang. th Chines minister, having been recalled by his government I contemplating a visit to Mexico and Cuba, to which countries he I also accredited befor hla departure for horn. - -- All run down, tUy tired, tbin, pale, nervous? And do not know what to take ? Tben i o direct to your doctor. Ask bis opinion of AVer's non-alcohol- lc Sarsaparlllg. No alcohol, 110 StloiU lation. A blood purifier, a nerve tonic, afroni alterative, an aid to digestion.'