Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Cool Weather Puts Snap Into Cornhusker's Foot Ball Practice
w c.
"Ask the man who wears one."
Maximum Rates Are Asiesied'Against
All Importi from United States.
Atnfrlci Trobablr Best Market for
('hntn and Other WIbm and
Trouble Might Pat France
WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. Oovernment
officials here are not disposed to regard
the action of Trance In deciding to assess
the maximum rate of duty against all Im
ports from too United States as an evi
dence of Its Intention to enter' into a tariff
war with this government.
On August 7 President Taft, In pursuance
of the provisions of seel Ion four of our
new tariff act, gave formal notice to
France, Switierland and Bulgaria that our
commercial agreements with them would
be terminated on October SI of th's year.
France, more than any other country In
Euiope, has discriminated against Amrrl.
can products. Germany gives to the t'nltcd
Stntrs Its minimum rates on about 95 per
cent of our exportation Into that country.
France, however, lias charged this country
Its maximum rates on all our exportatlons
with the exception of a few articles
enumerated In section 3 of the DlnRley
tariff. Under that section Franc has
given us Its conventional or reduced rate
on canned meats, fresh and dried fruits,
pork meats, lard, mineral oil and coffee
from Porto Klco, while the United Slates
I. us given France reciprocally the benefit
of a reduced tate on champagnes, brandies,
argots and a few other commodities of less
The effect of having to pay our maximum
rate would undoubtedly be to put France
it a tremendous disadvantage aa compared
with practically all other European na
tions In handling American goods. America
Is probably France's best market for Its
champagnes, brandies and other wines,
and It Is confidently expected that France
will aerlously consider between now and
March 81 whether It can afford. to pay, not
only a rate considerably higher than It has
been paying, but an additional Increase of
ti per cent over this higher rate.
Franca has gained the most In cham
pagnes under the cxplrlns commercial
agreement. Under' the DIng'.ey law the
duty on champagne was !l per dozn
quarts. ' The agreement gave - France n
rebate that reduced the duty to J8 per
dozen quarts. Under the new tariff law
the same champagne, beginning November
1, must pay $9 00 per dozen quarts, an
advance of $3.60. .
It was reported - today that a preserva
tive wg used 1 n French champagne which
might come under the ban of the pure food
regulations. This Is one of the pure food
questions that may figure In the event of
retaliatory steps In the Interim between
the termination of the agreement and the
time when a maximum can be applied.
Boiler Explodes;
Student Killed
Fatal Accident at the Indian School
Located at Eapid City,
South Dakota.
RAPID CITY, 8. D., Oct. 19. (Special
Telegram.) By the explosion of a boiler
at the United States Indian school shortly
after 11 o'clock this morning one student
was killed and another scalded about hla
head and shoulders ao that physlciana dls
palr of saving his eyes.
The boiler which exploded was In' the
boys' building and was located In the base
ment, where it was utilized for heating
water to supply the bath rooms and lava
tories. Although the engineer was present
at the time the pressure on the boiler was
permitted to become too great and It blew
up, shooting upward through the celling
under the floor of the dining room and
continuing Its course Intel the boys' dormi
tory, where It fell.
Adolph Russell, a boy 10 years old, from
the Pine Ridge reservation, was Instantly
killed and Roland White Feather, from the
same reservation, was frightfully scalded.
Had the explosion 'occurred an hour later
the dining room would have been filled
with 260 students, boya and girls, who are
at this Institution. ....
Hospital Location In Doabt,
PIERRE, S. D., Oct. 19. (Special.) D. C.
Thomas, one of the members of the Staie
Board of Charities, was here today on hfh
way to Custer, where he will meet the
Other members of that board to look Into
the matter of establishing the tuberculosis
hospital provided for at Custer, by the
last legislative session. There appears to
be a hitch In the location of that Institu
tion. While the state provided an appro
priation for a building, nothing was done
to provide money for securing a slto.
The board also appears to find It hard
to secure a location which will give them
sufficient farm land to supply the wants
of such an Institution, even If they had
the money. There has been talk of locat
ing the Institution at some other point on
account of the real estate situation, but
It is not likely that the board could divert
the funds specifically provided for Custer,
to any other point, even If they so desired.
The people of Custer are up against the
proposition of either providing a site, or
waiting until another appropriation can be
secured to purchase a site; unless they can
Induce the national government to give
them' a site for - the purpose, out of the
forest reserve lands.'' .
mi Ifea
'Si''. V.
(Germ ntikw .
11L.VJZ COMl'AN, Ifeaicra, It
802 Douglas SU Cor. 8th. "Phone Donglaa en 02. ' f
Cornhusker Sqnad Gets Into Practice
with a Vim.
While Conch Cole Bspeeta Pretegres
to Win, lie la Not Anticipating;
Any Easy Time, aa Hnirkeyea
Have m Good 'Eleven.
LINCOLN, Oct. 1J. (Special.) Lower
temperature and a chilly north wind had
an invigorating effect on the Cornhuskers
today, and they romped through the first
scrimmage practice since the Minnesota
game, tearing up the scrubs for long gains.
Halfback Frank was back In the lineup
after a day's absence, owing to an Injury
to his left foot, and he got Into the fray
with an alarcity that shows he Is In Just
as good condition as when he entered the
game last Saturday.
"King" Cole has ordered Frank to try a
great deal of place kicking this week that
he may be In shape to boot a few goals In
the contest against Iowa this coming Sat
urday. It Is the Intention of the Nebraska
coach to make the Hawkeys game as easy
aa possible for the Cornhuskers, and he
figures that If the team can get ahead In
the first half he will not allow his men
to work hard In the last section, allowing
Frank an oppourtunlty to demonstrate his
kicking ability.
Open plays are to be the order for the
Iowa game, and this afternoon the Ne
braska coach started practice on the new
tricks and forward passes that will bs
attempted then. It la net believed that the
Cornhuskers can run over the Hawkeye
line, which has several powerful men In
It. and Cole will try to drill his players to
fool the Hawkeyea with some clever tricks.
It Is known In the Cornhusker camp that
Coach Griffith of Iowa Is stocking up on
trick plays for the Cornhuskers, and a
great part of the time this week on the
local field Is being used to drill the Ne
braska men -In defensive formations to
break up forward pass and other trick
In the game at Omaha, Nebraska was
not able to successfully execute Its for
ward passes because the Oopbers had been
trained to break them up. Every time a
pass was made there were three or four
Gophers attacking the man selected to re
ceive the., oval.
It la to get a defense such as the Go
phers had that Cole is drilling his men
now, and in practice the scrubs are using
the forward pass and other open-style plays
all the time to give the varsity players
plenty of real experience on the defensive.
Wholesome Respect for lows.
There appears to .be a great deal of con
fidence In the Cornhuskers' camp regard
ing the Iowa game. It Is practically set
tled In the minds of the students that Iowa
la going to be defeated by a decialvo score.
The Nebraska coaches, however, are In
clined to look upon the Hawkeyea as a
moat formidable enemy.
Although the Iowa team was defeated
decisively by. Minnesota and barely nosed
out a victory over weak little Cornell,
yet there are soma , excellent players on
that team, and It would not be a surprise
to "King" Cole If Cri'ih "pushed his men
Into shape to put up a fierce battle by
Saturday. Eckersall saysTowa has the
best material among the Hawkeye colleges,
and that It should become a powerful team
before the end of the fall.
Iowa has had two weeks' rest, having
played no game last Saturday, and has had
all that time to prepare for Nebiaka. The
Hawkeyea 'should be In fresh condition
by Saturday and should go Into the game
capable of battling just as hard as Ne
braska did against Minnesota.
Coach Coal thinks his men will win, but
he believes the game will be hard fought
from the start to the finish.
Our Price
Daily Hoe (without Sunday) $4.00
Review of Reviews 3.Q0
Regular price for both one year. .$7.00 J
Daily Bee (without Sunday) .$4.00
McClure's Magazine 1.50
Woman's Home Companion 1,50
Review of Reviews , . , 3.00
Regular price for all one year. ..$10.00
Our Price
THE OMAHA DEE. Omaha. Neb.
run to be held In Chicago the latter part
of next month.
Omka Hontere to Clerks.
Equipped with high boots and all the
other requisites for a duck hunt. Harry
Welch. Fred Bradford and City Clerk Dan
Futler left Tuendsy for Clerks to take a
few shota at the festive birds. '
Hendred and Forty-five Machines In
the Parade.
CLARINDA. la-, Oct. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) One hundred axid forty-five auto
mobiles were In the parade given here this
afternoon in the automobile races held by
the Clartnda Fair association. The $100
In gold pnrsde prise went to II. L Pleroon
of Farragut, la.
North of Red Oak with a White Steamer
won first prise In the twenty-five mile
race. Time: 44 S2. He also won first In the
fifteen-mile free-for-all race. Time: U.Zl.
Ho got $200 for the two race.
J. J. Eastman with a Pulck was first In
the ten mile race, winning $.0. Time: 17:).
Hlchard Soper of Conway with a Cadillac
won the five-mile race. Time: 10:12.
J. R. Eastman with a Bulck won the
two-mile race: Time: J:07.
There were no accidents.
In the Boosters' league on Franolsen's
alleys the Union Pacifies had a clear field
with Cudahy's Hams by winning ail three
games. In the Omaha league the fltori
Triumphs were In luck to win two from
the Hospe team. Walens was the star pin
getter, bowling three J00 scores, with a
total of 627. The race between Zlmmy and
Keppler was very close, Zlmmy winning
by forty pins. The scores:
1st. 2d. 8d. Total.
Coleman 171 124 193 411
Johnson 17 12 1S9 8W
Wllley 14a ' IfiO J1S 41S
Eldson IKS lf,4 137 43
Bullard 153 17s IBS m
to take hla team back to the ranch, and
with the man sent a message to Mrs.
Nelson stating that he had been called to
Deadwood. That Is the lant that has been
heard of Mm.
Father Van Polat Found In Hla Room,
' Where He Inspired from Ac
cidental Cnnne.
CHICAGO, Oct. lO.-Rov. Adrian F. Van
Puist, aged S years, and one of the oldest
priests In the United States, was found
dead In hla room at St. Ignatius college
here today of accidental asphyxiation.
Father Van Pulst was ordained a priest
In 1839 and sixty years ago was a professor
of mathematics In St. Louis university, St.
Louis, Mo. He has been engaged In charit
able work In Chicago for thirty years.
Coffey .,
Powell .
842 7S9
1st. 2d.
Totals 787 730
1st. 2d.
Frltscher 183 1S1
Walem 213 200
Zlmmy 124 210
OJerdo 1S3 1W
Franclsoo ' 170 187
Totals 853 958
1st. 2d.
W. Zltsman 170 171
Weaver 156 171
Keppler 153 137
E. Zltxman 1'3 143
Bushnell 147 162
00 2.4EI
$d. Total.
147 4
148 472
158 449
142 . 420
178 4P7
771 2,288
3d. Total,
l.'fi 4W
188 1
819 2,630
M. Total.
176 517
Totals 791 784 834 2,409
City C won two games from the City A
team of the Postoffice league last night
on the Metropolitan alleys. Chadwell had
high single of 204 and high total of 522.
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
O'Connor 1C8 168 145 481
Nelson 121 199 93 " 413
Baehr 138 154 150 442
fry berg ...
Lyons ....
.'' ' 1st.
......... 108
888 1.336
8d. Total.
168 . 409
148 4S2
152 522
Totals. 438 480 466 1,383
Maney's Sun' Klst team won three games
from Hussie's- Acorns' last night on the
Metropolitan alleys. "Cute Little Bowling
Shoes" had all high honors for the evening
with 585 total and 222 for single game. To
night Beselln'a Mixers and the Dally News
will play. Soro ': .
3, '. ' ' 1st. 2d. 3d. Total
Griffith ...'. 159 151 142 4SJ
Laird 171 192 222 585
Moran ISO 196 209 006
Totals 490 631 57 J 1,602
' 1st. 21
R. Haster....
3d. Total,
ltt 416
155 436
151 468
Totals ..V 474 577 439 1,430
Little Chance of Victory in Oaaae with
IOWA CITY. la.. Oct. 19. ISpeclnl ) As-
albtant Coach Eby'a report of the Ne-braska-Mlnnehota
game has worried the
Iowa coaches and players and the outlook
la not regarded as favorable for a victory
next Saturday against the Cornhuskers at
'Nebraska baa a fine eleven." said Morey
Eby yesterday. "The special strength of
tr.e Cornhuskers Is In the tackle position.
Hart and Temple are the two beet tackles
In the west at the present time, I believe."
Although plainly disturbed by tho score
at Omaha, coar hes and players started yes-
teraay in the final cays of preparation tor
Nfbiaska. and there will be no letup to
day and tomorrow. Thirty minutes of hard
scrimmage piactlce was the program las,
night, bet-Ides pli-nfy of signal practice.
Stewart ind Haaard are both out of the
Nebraska game, according to present Indi
cations, and this has added to the gloom.
Hazard contracted rheumatism, which hus
ettied near his heart. Collins and Kra-
sensky are kepi out of the scrlmmnge and
will not bo In thu bert condition for Ne
braska. Without theae regulars In the lineup 'the
varsity tore through th freshmen In er
ratic style last evening, scoring five touch
downs by a combination of good and poor
play. The freshmen, through Kirk's to,
scored three points. Kirk is a brother of
the famous "Chick" Kirk, who Is coaching
Simpson college this year.
The fenture of the scrimmage was a
sixty-yard run by Left Tackle t'Vjret and
the offensive work of Hyland. ' Many
changes were mJi during the pl.'iy, three
men being tried out at center and a xlmilar
number at fullback. Thomas did well at
left half and Over will probubly plsv right
half, with Murphy at fullback. O'Brien
the regular center, may be shifted to
Woman Aalarmed Over Arrest of
Author Charged with Making;
Threats Aaralnat Oovernment.
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 19. Friends of L.
Oulterres de Lara, the Mexican author
and descendant of a famous Spanish fam
ily, who Is In Jail under orders from the
Department of Commerce and Labor at
Washington, asserts that the United States
government cannot proaecute him as an
alien, as he has been In this country more
than three years.
The wife of De Lara, an American
woman whom he recently married. Is greatly
exercised over her husband's position and
fears he will be returned to Mexico and
put to death.
First Meeting; Held In Slaty Yeare
When Sneh n Condition
BURLINGTON, Vt., Oct. 19. The open
ing meeting of the American Missionary
association, held here today, marked the
opening of the first fitcal year of the aa-
soclatlon during its sixty years of ex
istence, without a debt of any kind. The
convention will eontlnuo three day nnd
will be addressed by distinguished mis
sionaries and leaders in the work at home.
The opening sermon today was delivered
by Dr. S. H. ' Woodrow of Washington.
D. C.
Toarhdown on
Second Kleven.
Belle rut
The South Omaha foot ball siuad re
turned home from Bel lev ue Inst nlnclit more
than a little elated with having scored a
touchdown afraliibt the second eleven of the
college, assisted by one or two of the first
tesm men. It was simply a practice game,
though' twenty-five and fifteen-minute
halves were played. The coacliex of each
team were allowed on the field. The score
was made by rapid advt-nceH through the
Bellevue line, chiefly by Dickn'an and
Ktryker. South Omaha waa able In th
first half to advance fifteen and twenty
yards at a time. After his touchdown
Btryker kicked a good goal.
The Bellevue team scored nothing In the
first half. In the second half evral cf
the first team men were put Into the b-uk
field. Bellevue scored one touchdown, hut
failed to kick goal.
South Omaha's work was consistent and
would have been steadier except for tho
reputation of the 'fcollege men, which made
the high school boys a little nervous. At
each visit of South Omaha to Dcllcvue a
marked Improvement has been shown:
Forward passes worked nicely. Chick lti
ghram. playing his first season, showed up
well In catching the ball on these plays.
The team work ' was better than before.
The South Omaha boys played straleht
foot ball and did not uncork any new plays
such as will be used against Omaha Satur
day. . Mladen Detents Wilcox.
MINDEN. Neb., Oct. 19 Special.) The
Mlnden foot ball team defeated Wilcox on
the latter'a grounds by the score of 12 to 0,
The first half was hard fought, but In
thr la half the Mlnden boys played the
better game.
Uws Team to Chlengro.
IOWA CITY. Is.. Oct. It - Special)
Plana are being made by the Cross Country
club of .the University of Iowa to send a
team for tbe aiinu! western Intercollegiate
Wyoming; Land Formerly Withdrawn
from Settlement Restored
to Entry.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oot. 19.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The secretary of the Interior has
restored to homestead entry 64,000 acres of
land In the Cheyenne land district In Wyo
ming, formerly withdrawn for the North
Platte Irrigation project The land will be
opened to settlement January 1 and to
entry February 10, 1910.
First Lieutenant Bias Cole, medical re-
serve corps, recently appointed, la ordered
to active duty at Fort Crook.
Rural carriers i appointed: Nebraska
Friend, route 2, Charles W. Smith carrier,
Harvey Milton substitute; Polk, route I,
William A. Stevens carrier, J. E. Stevens
substitute; Vesta, route 1, Carl S. Bab-
cock carrier, Mnrle Van Leer substitute.
Iowa Earlham, route 1, Glenn D. Cross
wait carrier, Beta M. Crosswalt substitute;
Nora Springs, route 2, Henry R. Benedict
carrier, no substitute.
Francis W. Allen has been appointed
postmaster at Goggon, Linn county, la..
vice H. C. Merrlam, resigned.
The Merchants National bank of Omaha
haa been approved as reserve agp.rft for the
First National bank of Council Bluffs, and
the South Omaha National of South
Omaha for the First National of Madison,
Wright Machine with Two Men
Aboard Drops Twenty-fire Feet.
Careless Soldier Had Neglect to Fill
Reservoir, Nearly Canslng Die
aster Mnehfne Again I
Races Train.
Fall colds ai4 quick.), wured by Foley's
Honey and Tar, the treat throat and lung
remedy. The genuine' contains no harm
ful drugs. Sold bv all druggists.
Scottish Rite Followers Elect George
F. Moore to Office of
Grand Pryor.
WASHINGTON, Oct 19. Interest In the
convention of the supreme council of the
southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite
Masons, now In session here, waa height
ened here today by an Increased attend
ance of honorary ' thirty-third . degree
Masons from all over the southern Juris
diction. One of the most notable was Roar
Admiral Wlnfield & Schley, retired.
George F. Moore, sovereign grand Inspec
tor general of Alabama, wrfs elected to the
office of grand pryor.
COLLEGE PARK, Md., Oct. 19. "Motor
troubles," the plague of automoblllsts, to
day r roved also to be the plague of avia
tors. While the government aeroplane waa
flying twenty-fcet above the earth with
Lieutenant Frank 1 Lahm operating tho
levers, the chugging of its most vital part,
the motor, suddenly ceased. It was a new
renoatlon for the embyro sky pilot, but
bis Instructor, the cool-headed Wilbur
Wright, grasped the levers without delay
and brought the machine safely to earth.
After several hours of Investigation Jt
was found that a careless private, whose
duty It was to keep the gasoline tank
filled, had failed to replenish the supply
aficr yesterday's flights.
Altogether five Instruction flights were
made today, two In the early morning
and the other three after 4 o'clock.
Lieutenants Lahm and Humphreys each
accompanied Mr. Wright on one of the
morning flights and Lieutenant Humphreys
made two of the later flights and Lieuten
ant Lahm, the other. During one of the
afternoon f lights when Lieutenant Hum
phreys was with the Instructor, the aero
plane again raced with a railroad train. It
seemed to be moving faster than the train.
In the last flight of the day, on which
Mr. Wright was accompanied by Lieuten
ant Lahm, the machine remained aloft
nlnetten minutes and five seconds, being
the longest flight that haa been made at
College park. Benjamin D. Foulola will be
gin taking Instructions from Mr. Wright
within a short time and. the aviation les
sons at College Park should be concluded
by the end of the month, considering the
progress that has been made.
Lieutenant Foulola today gave Mr. Wright
the government's check for 220,000 as a part
payment' for the machine which waa pur
chased from the Wright brothers for the
signal corps. Another $10,000, making the
total contract price of $30,000, will be paid
when the two army officers, who have been
receiving Instructions, are pronounced ac
complished aviators.
Veney to Go on Trip.
PIERRE, Oct. 19. (Special.) Governor
Vesfey will leave In a few days for New
Orleans where he will attend the LAkea to
Gulf Deep Waterways convention. From
there he will go to Chicago on state busi
ness, and to Minneapolis, where the states
of tho northwest are to hold a "publicity
meeting" early in October. He will be
absent on the trip about two weeks, and
has prepared to take with him a lot of
late figures showing the resources of South
Dakota which will probably be used at
both the New Orleans and Minneapolis
South Dakota's Corn Cron.
PIERRE, S. D., Oct. 19. Speelal.) The
state census department haa prepared Its
estimation on the corn crop of this state for
this year, but they are subject to revis
ion, as they, have been prepared somewhat
hurriedly, tbit the data m?y be used by
Governor Vessey on his trip east and
south. The showing la l..t.00 acros (
planted to corn this yea, a gain of 13$.nr'
acres over last year. The total yield is
placed at M,S39.O00 bnshela, a gain bf 10. W.. -000
bushels over the yield of last year.
Ron Homme county stands far In. the Qead
of the corn counties of the state, with a
yield for this year of 7.8fAO00 bushels.
Frank Gambel, of Midland City,
Was In Poor Health for
Several Years.
Saw Others Cared by United) Doctors
and So He Went to Them and
Waa Cured.
' Frank Gambel, a prominent ctttken of
Midland City, 111., la one of the many who
bad been sick with a chronlo disease for
years and could get no relief from any
doctor's treatment until at last he wsnt to
the United Doctors, those expert medical
specialists who have their Omaha Insti
tute at 208 Neville block.
"MIDLAND CITT. I1L. Sept. 18, 1909.
"UnlUd Doctors: On tho 8th day of
June, 1909, I went to the offloe of the United
Doctors after having read and been told
of their wonderful cures. I had been suf
fering for three years with rheumatism, ,
pain In my heart and a very bad stomach,
which at times would trouble me so much
that I would choke up and I would feel as
though I would die. I had doctored with
various doctors and tried different things
to get relief, but all of my efforts were of
no avail, and it seemed as though the doc
tors did not understand my ease.
"When I went to the United Docto-j the
specialists examined me most thoroiiAly
an examination such aa I had neveK had
before and at last told me that he could
cure my case. Of course .after being ex
perimented upon for three year a person
oould scarcely believe a .statement like
that,' and T am one of the kind that have
to be shown.
"Well, I have been shown to my heart's
content, and today I feel better than I
have for the last three years, and I know
that I will be ' entirely cured In a short
time. . . s
"All of my old stomach symptoms have
entirely disappeared . and I. can .eat any
thing and as much of It as I want. X
don't know how to express my apprecia
tion and thankfulness for the regaining of
my health which I have received through
the skillful and conscientious treatment bf
these wonderful specialists, the United
Doctor. ' : : .
"I will be only too glad to advise or help
In any way possible any human being who
Is suffering aa I was, and will answer any
Inquiries, either verbal or written, . aa to
my past and present condition.
"Thanking you from the depths of my
heart, I beg to remain,
I ; f
Bmpotrfted fro etch Cuba ,
From a world-famous district in Cuba, we import the choice leaf that
we use in Contract Cigars. , 1 .
Our experts are there men who know the plantations where tho
finest tobaccos grow.
Men who watch the crops closely test the tobaccos right in the fields
and buy us the best that the season produces.
Thus we get the fine leaf that makes the Contract so mellow o
exquisitely fragrant. , ,
Enjoy this fine-flavored leaf today.
A Cruel Mistake
Is to neglect a cold or cough. Dr King's
New IMecovery cures them and prevents
consumption. Wo and tl 00. Sold by Beaton
Drug Co. 1
I.. C. JNelaon Disappears.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Oct. . (Special.)
! A search, is being conducted for L. C.
Nelson, a prominent rancher of the north
westrrn portion of South Dakota, who dis
appeared under mysterious circumstances
liU'li .indicate that he may havs been the
victim of foul play. He left his ranch for
the rurpqse of going to Belle Fourche to
c'ose a deal for some sheep. He reached
Belle Fourche, for he waa seen there by
several parties who knew him. After be
ing there a short time he engaged a man
"America' Ssst meamatlo"
Ready-FUfed on Continental
Demountable Rims
Western Auto, Supply Co.
Rothenberg Schloss, Distributors
Kansas City, Mo.
To La Salle Station