Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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a Dom. sio noirei rixovi
Special Announcement
OurFampU3 S1.25 36-Inch Black
Svriss Taffeta Wednesday
98c a
Most women know of oar famous black taffeta. . It baa made an '
enviable reputation fof'lta beautiful i lustre, Ita fine quality, lta ood
wear. The best of news to get It Wednesday at 88c a yard.
One day only at tbla special price. We want more women to know
of the superior Quality of the taffeta, hence this special price for one
day. Main Floor.
Charming New Dress Goods and
Man-Tailored Skirts to Order
At last has come what women long have wanted.
A handsome, well-tailored skirt to order at
moderate prices. ; , '
We have then)!'-' Over BOO styles and colors to choose from, every
style our own exclusive model and every skirt guaranteed perfect fit.
See new models at dress goods department.
-', . Main Floor.
Funds All Going
, Out to Lawyers
Solicitor General Makes Hotel Appli
cation in Snit Against Cap-
tain Carter. '
WASHINGTON. Oct. 19-The supremo
court of tho I'nltert Ftatea today Issued an
order staying proceeding In the United
States circuit court for the Northern dis
trict of Illinois in the matter of the appli
cation of Captain Oberlln M. Carter for
the allowance of further counsel fees In the
government's suit agnlnut him for the
restoration of the funds alleged to have
been procured by him through defalcation.
The application for the order was made
at the incoming of the supreme court today
by Solicitor General fiowers and was for
Immediate stay of proceedings in the cir
cuit court, which was to have taken place
tomorrow. Request was . alBO made for a
further writ or prohibition.
The application was the first ever made
by the government for a writ of such a
character and its presentation created quite
a ripple of excitement in the court. In
bringing the matter to the attention of
tho court Mr. Bowers stated that out of
' 1S5,(KX) the circuit court had already
granted fees amounting tp 1814,000. These
, grants had been mode for service in the
circuit court alone. Mr. Bowers said there
The Midwest Life
' The Midwest Life Is Just issuing a new
.list of Its Lincoln policyholders. .They now
number 278 and the' amount of Insurance
tliey have to this company aggregate
.fe,a06. Iff "hi)ist noils" are Included" 'who
do not live in Lmcoln;.No company dplng
bOHlness tn Nebraska ias jiny stronger
home Indorsement than The 'Midwest Life.
, The agency form -.of., The ;Mldwest Life
has recently ' been Increased by the' ad
dition of Mr. ,W. P. Hancock, "formerly
with the Northwestern Mutual, who will
work In Lincoln; Mr. A. L. Pope, who
takes charge of the agency work at York;
Mr. W. N. Peterson, who will, make Nqrth
Platte his headquarters, and Mr. G. S.
Southwortb,. who will aid Mr. C. L. Wil
liams In the 'development of the Norfolk
hgency. There are plenty of good open
ings left for men who are producers or who
are capable of becoming producers. Write
the company for an agency.
-really -
. of Boys'
manufacturers ore beginning So know as as "large trad" 4fc
mereaaadlslna; "snaps" that art usually witbeld from the ordinary
concern ar showered upon us now w have the OUTFIT and that
counts wliii "factory specials" arc sought.
within the past few weeks two famous nderwear makers have
dosed ont to us, certain EHTIM lines, at figures that will enable
as to "do things" In the matter of nnderprlolng. Hot a general lino
of underwear, mind yon, bat merely boys' and girls' underwear as
specified below. '
V '-
ao measure your winter's needs buy plenty tomorrow.
this "Bedo" underwear la In two-piece atyl and eomea la tho me
dium weight so dc Arabia for now. Carefully made np, easy wear
tag, fin. soft wool rood in natural gray or white, fin. ribbed
gradta la .Us I to U year. Bilk tapod and finished la a manner
that carries oat our claim, Th.y. worth T5o p.r garm.nt
each for union suits that suggest
the worth more" idea at once.
Ultra fine perfect. anion suit, for boy. or glrU com. la Uwi or Ju,,. nb
aed. medium weight wool or Derby ribbed cotton ttyles. In natural V
gray or r prooisely finished and range U als. :rom a to IB a '
If yonr. had any baying at JL yoaH .nthuae
and ayt "Best X .Tar saw at ! per .nit."
TV Send (or now illustratoJ fall catalogue.
S Loc'aT.on 1518
DIPT-1 ait.
was great apprehension that tomorrow's
proceedings would result in further largo
grants and he feared that if those con
tinued there would not long be much to
f(ght over.
Chippewa Indians
Saved from Death
Red Men Encamped in Montana Are
Aided by Officials When on
yerge of Starvation.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19 -Rocky Boy and
his band of Chippewa Indians, numbering
150 braves, encamped near Bird's. Eye,
Mont., probably will owe their rescue from
death by starvation to the promptness of
Indian officials who today took speedy
means to relieve the desperate plight of
the red men. ,
Some concern was felt by offlcjils when
a message came today from the Indian al
lotting agent at Glasgow, Mont., telling of
tlie condition of the band, noted for Its
daring, and suggesting the extremes to
which hunger might drive them. As a re
suit of orders Issued by the War depart
ment to the commanding officer, at Fort
Harrison, Mont., ample supplies are' being
rushed to the Indians, who for weeks have
subsisted on scant herbs.
War Declared on
Evil Advertising
Unsightly Billboards and Degrading
Newspaper and Magazine Displays
v, May Encojinter Opposition. :,
v . '.- r
. NEW 'YORK. Oet. 19. A campaign of
newspaper, magazine and billboard adver
Using to call attention . of the American
publio to the importance of remedying cer
tain pressing social, economlo . and re
ligious problems is to be conducted, be
ginning with the New Year, by the com
blned Protestant churches of the United
The work is in charge of the Rev.
Charles Stelile, superintendent of the Pres
byterian church's department of church
and labor, and is sponsored bx the Home
mission council, representing the Protest
ant churches with a combined membership
of about 18,000.000 persons.
per garment, for the famed
"Bedo" underwear 75c.
tiy we, is the garment's value
- 20 Farnam St. I
w w
Enjoys First Day on Brother's Ranch
in Doing as He Pleases.
Flrat Roan of Activity Inrladra Golf
Match and Horseback Hide
Rl addl Will Be Pre
seated to Him.
GREGOHY. Tex., Oct. 19.-Presldcnt Taft
began his three days of doing as he
pleased on his brother's ranch today by
playing eighteen holes of golf this morning
over a muddy course and by "Just looting"
through the long afternoon and evening.
Mr. Taft was as happy as a boy out of
school. The idea of eating a dinner with
out having to speak for It and of going
the live-long day without having to make.
a speech appealed to him strongly ami
he declared he wished his far southern
vacation could last a week and three days
Instead of Just the latter period.
While the president was golfing and
resting the other members of his party en
Joyed themselves In various ways. Sec
retary of War Llcklnson and Captain
Archie Butt were up before the sun and
started out on an all-day duck shooting
expedition, at the freph water tanks on
the ranch, ten miles away from the "Farm
house", at Laqulnta, set on the shores of
Corpus Chrlstl bay and looking out' over
the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
They returned late this afternoon with
quite a bag and denied the president's
taunting Insinuations that they had been
presented with the birds. -
Others of the party took long horseback
rides and had a swim In the bay. Begin
ning tomorrow the president will probably
go in bathing each remaining morning of his
stay, as both weather and water are warm.
Ranch hands out hunting today killed
two wild cats, two wild boars and a rac
coon. All were presented to the presiaent
tonight. Tomorrow morning the president
will golf and In the afternoon will have
a ten-mile run to the Rlncon section of
the ranch to see a small round-up of
cattle and sheep and some exhibitions of
cowpunchlng. He will be presented with
sT big, comfortable saddle, made expressly
for him. Tonight he was given a possum
which was caught in a trap at Aransas
Pass by Tom Martin.
The president's play days will' end, how
ever, when he will be taken by boat to Cor
pus Chrlstl to be the guest of that city
during tho day and to address the con
vention of the Inland Waterways associa
tion. River Roles Protect Tnft.
ST. LOUIS, Oat. 19. President Taft is as
sured a quiet trip on the Mississippi river
which he begins next Monday by the regu
lation promulgated here today by Com
mander Tillman of the government .light
house tender, the Oleander. Unnecessary
whistling of the steamboats is prohibited.
A pilot who uses the whistle more than
he should will be suspended.
The regulations, among other things, for
bid any boat to land alongside or overlap
the Oleander, which will carry Mr. Taft.
Racing also Is against the rules.
(Continued from First Page.)
M. J. Mulgrew of Dubuque, vice president
of the national association on "Advantages
of Organisation-."
Nominations for Offlco.
At' the afternoon session Simon Hublg,
past president of the iiationalassoclatlon;
August Junge, president of the Missouri
association, and Mrs. F. J. Burnett of the
domestic science department of the Omaha
Women's club, will speak. Nomination
for officers will be made at this session.
At 4 o'clock serious problems will give
way to levity at the session of th Salty
Order of Pretzels, an organization Jevotel
to the noble purpose of making sunshine
for the overworked bakJ-Ji. W. 11. Korn
of Davenport, la., the Original Big Twist,
will preside. The annual j:iquel wilL, be
held Wednesday evening iu iho Koine.
Local bakers will read papers' 'Ihursd.iy
and the closing business, Including election
of officers, will be transan
The Weather.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. Forecast
Wednesday and Thursday:
For Nebraska' and Kansas Showers
Wednesday and Thursday; warmer Wednes
day. For Iowa Unsettled weather with show
ers Thursday and possibly In south and
west portions Wednesday; slowly rising
For Missouri Showers Wednesday and
probably Thursday; .lowly rising tempera
ture. For Colorado Partly cloudy Wednesday
and Thursday; warmer In east portion
Wednesday; colder Thursday.
For Wyoming Increasing cloudiness
Wednesday with warmer In east portion;
Thursday unsettled and colder.
For North Dakota and South Dakota-
Increasing cloudiness and warmer Wednes
day; Thursday probably ruin.
Temneratures at Omaha yesterday:
Itour. JUtg.
:::::: &.
'. 43
. 80
.' 60
Lot-.l Record.
OMAHA, Oct. 18. Officlul record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding period of the last three
years: I'm. lims. i!W7. lm
Maximum temperature 51 76 It 71
Minimum temperature.... in '3 ii 45
Mean temperature 42 14 57 M
Precipitation 00 t.OO .00 .Oil
Tempera! ure and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since M.utu 1,
and compared with til. last two years:
Normal temperature U
Deficiency for tho day l!
Total deficiency since March 1 lit
Normal precipitation 07 inch
Deficiently for the day 07 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 24.46 inches
Ilt-nclelicy since alarcn 2.01 Inches
leftc!ency for cor. period in 1SUM. 1.3U Inches
Deficiency for our. period In 1M7. (.85 Inches
Reports from Station, at T P. SI.
Elation and Stat. Temp. Max. Raln-
of Weather. 1p.m. Temp. fall.
Blrmarck, part cloudy M 58 .00
Cheyenne, part cloudy 48 62 .00
Chicago, clear ,.. 50 50 .0
Davenport, clear 44 52 .00
Denver, part cloudy M 60 K .00
Havre, part cloudy 42 , 48 .00
Helena, cloudy 50 M .01
Huron, part cloudy 50 54 .00
Kansas City, cloudy 48 52 T
North Platte, cloudy 38 4H .On
Oiraha. cloudy 50 62 . .00
Rapid City, clear 58 68 .00
8u Louis, part cloudy 52 M .00
St. Paul, cl-ar 44 .48 .00
Salt Lake City, clear 3 70 .00
Val-ntine, cloudy..... 4 52 .00
Wlllision. cloudy 4 54 .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
I A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
; t I p -
' "5 lafr iVL ! 5p-m..!
T4Er- 8 a. m...
11 1 9a.m...
' "la J
For the Business Man
We can make your clothes talk busi
ness. We put Into them the snap ana
style which Instantly tells a man that
you're a "live one."
We're constantly In touch with
fashion authorities and the
models we cut are absolutely the
newest note In correct dress fuuly
six months ahead of manufactured
clothes. , ,
By Individual study we can
choose. the style and proportions
to make your clothes flatter you.
You'll bevBurprloed at the style and
distinction I put into 125 custon-tall-
ored suits. Newest shades and patterns
Guaranteed Alpaca or Serge lining.
' st.v)l'aapeanifW U H fflaWaawtaasjamr asjl
laaTli'sl.ln-lTllllMl "' aaavWviaWaBaaMHBtaJ
15 U FAramtSt.Orruiht
14 kSo.I2tiuSt. Lincoln
Open evenings Too busy making
clothes to close.
Boone Woman
Loses Costly Gems
Mrs. John Reynolds. Leaves Handbag
Containing $5,000 Worth" of
Jewelry in Waiting Room.
BOONE. Ia., Oct. lD.-(Speclal Telegram.)
Mrs. John Reynolds of this city, wife of
the owner of the Boone electric properties,
had $6,000 worth of diamonds stolen from
the women's waiting room of the North
western station Monday noon. She wt.s
enroute to Clinton to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. S. Dllly. She put a large
leather handbag containing the Jewels on a
seat and forgot It when she boarded the
train and missed it at Marshalltown. She
telegraphed to the Boone police and
to the Northwestern officials to search
for the handbag, but ' It lias not
been found. Many rare ring gath
ered in Europe and Egypt by her father-in-law,
the lata Loran W. Reynolds, were
lost. The rings included a large diamond
and sapphire, a large ruby and diamond, a
large solitaire ruby, ; a large solitaire dia
mond and a largo emerald surrounded by
two rows of diamonds. Mrs. Reynolds Owns
jewels valued at tSQ.OOO -and has offered a
very liberal reward for their recovery.
Resolution Adopted Regarding White
Slave Traffic "Parental Negll
Kenceitelil Vp. ,
BURLINGTON, Ia.Qct.. 19. The annual
session of the .National Purity congress
convened at Burlington today. Chiefly, It
Is concerned 4 with the abolition of the
white slave traffic which Is shown to have
gained enormous proportion.
The congress, after listening To a force
ful address by C. O.'Roe, former assistant
states attorney of Chicago, on "The White
Slave Traffic," adopted the following reso
lution presented by Ernest F. Bell, Chicago:
"The National Purity congress, In stsslon
at Burlington, la., hereby records its great
gratification at the. present activity of
national and slate authorities against the
loathsome, terrible commerce In girls
known as the white slave traffic.
"We urge upon ail citizens of tho nation,
especially upon the officers of the govern
ment, sworn protectors of the people, to
take necessary measures to end the trafflo
In girls, the worst disgrace to civiliza
tion." Mr Roe declared parental negligence' in
the education of daughters, flirting and
undue ambition to live well and beggarly
wages' paid girls in large cities, are respon
sible for the population of the red light
districts. President Stedwell of La Crosse,
Wis., said publicity Is necessary In the
fight. The growth of the organization into
Mexico and Canada had made a change of
the came of the organization necessary
and It was voted to call It the American
Purity federation.
Iowa Maa Get. Thirty Yrin for At
tempt to Kill Girl.
LE MARS, IA., Oct. (Special.) In the
district court. Judge David Mould presiding
Casper Nlehuls, who pleaded guilty to as
sault with Intent to commit murder, was
sentenced to thirty years In the peniten
tiary at Anamosa. On the afternoon of
April 14, last, Nlehuis drov. out to the
farm of Frank Wengler, southeast of town,
went to the field where Anna Wengler
was driving a disc and commenced shoot
ing at tier with a revolver. Five shots
lodged In her body. Her father, who was
'n the field, came running up and Nlehuls
rlrd to reload the weapon, but It Jammed
.d Wengler knocked him down and with
. le hired man's help secured him and
; pt him prisoner until the sheriff came.
Icliula has been hi the county jail .since,
llfs Wengler. who is only 17, has recovered
rom her wounds, although two of the
bullets are still in her body. Nlehuls, who
is addicted to liquor and cigarettes, shot
her because she refused to keep company
with him, after meeting her several times
at neighborhood dances and parties.
Y. IV. C. A. to Have Home.
FORT DODGE. Ia.. Oct. 19 tSpeclal
Telegram.) L. S. Coffin today gave .000
to the Young Women's Christian associa
tion of this city, making It possible to
buy a fine $10,000 property down town for
the Y. W. C. A. Home association, organ
ised only last June, with Mrs. J. II. Dol
llver president.
The Health Dept.
In your bodily aystem Is looked
fter by millions of llttto soldiers
In your :blood those corpuscles
constantly fighting for you.
If thla army la well fed and kept
healthy and strong, by taking ilood'a
Sarsaparilla, it willdetitroy the uncount
able horde of gertn-enemiea that are
attacking you every moment of your life.
Hood's Bareaparilla will keep yoa
free from or will care yoa of acrofula,
eczema, rheumatism, catarrh, anemia,
that tired feeling and all such ailments.
No Loophole in
Law for Convict
Supreme Court Holds Indeterminate
Sentence Statute to Be
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE9 MOINES, la., Oct. 19. -(Special Tel
egramsThe supreme court today In a
case appealed from Winneshiek county
held the Indeterminate sentence law to be
constitutional. Nelson Duff, convicted of
assisting a prisoner to escape from the
county Jail, attacked the law, claiming
that It took vested rights away from the
Judge as to fixing the time of sentence
and from th. governor In granting par
dons and paroles. The court holds that
the right to fix tho length of sentences re
poses In the legislature and that the olf
action of the Board of Parole would be
to shorten Duff, sentence, against which
he cannot complain and, further, that the i
board only recommends pardons ' to the
governor . and In Issuing paroles acts In
the Interest of the prisoner. ' '
Before the Iowa synod of Lutheran
churches today C. W. Maggart of Cedar
Rapids said there must be less vaudeville
and politics In the pulpit The committee
on state of the church reported that Sun
day games and theaters aie responsible
for the falling off, in attendance at the
churches. The synod closed tonight with
an address by President Hoover of Car
thage college. Andrew Carnegie has of
fered $25,000 for a new building for th. col
lege If the church will raise a like
amount and the synod has agreed to raise
(3,000 of the amount if the college raises
th. rest.
Ex-Lieutenant Governor John C. Milll
man of Logan, who was at the state house
today, rays there Is a plan In the Ninth
district to "Hepburnize Judge Smith" In
the campaign next year. He says the pro
gressives have no candidate who can de
feat Smith and they will therefore let him
get the nomination and then try to defeat
him at th. polls with a democrat. Mlllt
man believes Smith will bere-elected, how
ever. K. K. Bailey of Britt, late owner of the
Brltt Tribune, has accepted a position on
th. Iowa Homestead. Bailey Is one jof the
wittiest country editors in Iowa and has
a reputation that extends beyond the state.
Inspecting- Improvements Made Dor
s ins; the Summer.
CRESTON. Ia., Oct. 1. (Special.)
Th. official heads of the Burlington sys
tem arrived here last night and spent the
night in this city. The party consisted
of George B. Harris, president of the sys
tem; First Vice President D. Miller, Sec
ond Vice President Daniel Wlllard and
General Manager F. E. Ward. They are
on a tour of Inspection of the road after
the Improvements of the summer. An
Immense amount of money has been ex
pended the last season In overhauling the
road from one end to th. other. Hundreds
of miles of th. old track hav. been torn
out and th. seventy-five-pound steel rails
replaced with the ninety-pound rails.
The big cuts that have given so much
trouble and expense during long continued
wet spells have been so changed that It
Is believed th. problems arising from
that source have been largely solved.
Every mile of th. roadbed has received
attention, and it is for thla purpose the
higher officials are taking the tour to
make sure the' road la In readiness for
th. winter'- operations. The officials
Were Joined: her. by Superintendent W. C.
Ward of this division, who will conduct
them over his territory.
Metropolitan Company Reverses Its
Usual Itinerary and Will Appear
In Prance Next Season.
NEW YORK, Oct. 19. A reversal of the
usual plans an Invasion of Europe by an
American opera company is announced
by the Metropolitan Opera company In an
official statement given out today. With
the close of the season In New York, the
principal elements of the Metropolitan
Opera company. Its greatest artists, cho
rus, scenery, costumes, etc., will be taken
to Paris, there to appea during May and
June, 1910, In a series of Italian operas at
the Chatelet theater, the largeat In Paris.
The plan Is undertaken, the statement
adds, to demonstrate the artistic standard
of the Metropolitan forces rather than for
financial gain.
Chinese Diplomat Goes to Mexico
on Special Mlaalon of
, Thinks, .
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.-Wu Tingfang.
the Chinese minister, having been recalled
by his government, Is contemplating a visit
to Mexico and Cuba, to which countries
he Is also accredited before his departure
for horn.
He is going to Mexico for the purpose of
thanking President Dial for the honor
paid the memory of the dead emperor of
China In sending a special envoy to at
tend his funeral. For this particular pur
pose Mr. Wu has been created a special
Caesar Lorabroao. (
TURIN, Oct. 19. Caesar LombroA), the
noted Italian criminologist and alienist,
died today. He was born at Venice In No
vember, 1S36, and was widely known for
his studies In criminology. Among his
works are "The Man of Genius," "The
Criminal and Anthropological and Medico
Legal Study," "Epileptic Insanity," and
"Political Crime and Revolution."
W. A. Molseaox.
W. A. Moleeaux of Glenwood, Ia., died
yesterday at one of the local hospitals,
after having been her. but a few days. He
was In a critical condition when brought
her. for treatment. He was about 60 years
Wallaro W. Johnston.
Wallace W. Johnston died at noon at his
home, SiJS Manderson street. He was a
member of the printing firm of Johnston
Bros. Mr. Johnston was 35 years of age and
he leaves a wife and three children.
Most Food la Polavn
to the dyspeptic Electric Bitters cure dys
pepsia, liver and kidney cujnplalnts and de
bility. Price 50c. Sold by Beaton Drug Co.
. Lapland-..,
..Carol Ins.
. Olilo
. Pr. Iron.........
F onle
. P. r Miibalol.
.Or. Kurlurat...,
..sib. nut
..g. Pr. Cell....
. .OranpUa.
. .JutrWreasa.
that will appeal to women
who appreciate individu
ality in perfect fitting
Wednesday We Show
Mew Suits
Mew Pi
Mew Capes
We say NEW because
we have just received
them from New ' York's
foiemost Fifth avenue
tailors and they should
be seen to be appreciated.
Gentle Dentistry.
Did you $ver have your
teeth cleaned and prophylac-
tlcally treated In ray office?
After thU operation the
mouth has that nice, clean
feeling so agreeable to a
lover of personal cleanliness.
Costs tl.00.
Dr. J. B. Fickes
210-217 Ik) aril of Trade.
Both Phones.
16th and Farnam St.. B. XV.
Toothache Gum
The only remedy that stop, toothache
intlanUtt ,.' x
Theonly toothache gam tbat cleans
th cavity and prevenls decay.
Imitation do not do th work. Sea that
Jon set'a TaothMko tlaaa. At all
ruggiiU, at cents, b j mail.
Dcnfs Corn 6cm aSW
C. 8. DENT A CO., Detroit, Mich.
South End I6WST.
OurCandy Special
for Wednesday
25c Angel Food Taffy, assorted,
per lb. box, Wednes- -tCn
day only ....... Iwu
16th and Farnam Sts.
Hotel Rome
Unexcelled r'or Its licauty and
Modern Appointment.
180 raraam Bl
Tel. OoaglM 6T7r
rvnm wiousom room
Bom Prepared
Cold Koast Meats liread Salad
Dolled Ham Cakes Cottage Cheese
Boaad Baas a I'les Potato Chips
atra. M. W. Jacobs atlas V. Jacobs
rnnn rtO Wsatt and rtoui aaasi
I UUU f JI woa fi0j thatr power t
urp lFC work and youthful vigot
llbiVf bJ guns aa a reauit of aver,
work or mental exertion anould take
auake you eat and slaau auil L a aaaa
1 Box boxes 92.60 by aaaO.
iniHti k acooosrsTiibX. dio oe,
C-. ltk aa IroOge attroeta.
UWL Iklll eOalVAMY.
Ca. MM aaA a ta- tiaaaaa.
al.,' ; , . '
Victor $25
Study this latest Improved Vic
tor. Hear It. You v ill then won
der twicer first at Its wonderful
tone, then at your own folly for
waiting. Why do you wait? Cer
tainly not because you cannot pay
a dollar a week. Don't wait till
Christmas, you will have too mtich
to do. Qonie today with a dollar,
take It home or we will keep It till
Cook describes his discovery of the
north pole only for the Victor. It Is
the only machine In the world that
does his voice, as well a .he voices
of all the Brent singers and musi
cians of the day real JustlcS.V"
Victors $10 to $100 "
VictroUs H2.-, $200, 250
and $7SO.
Wt make
Omaha Trunk Factory
We also carry fins Una t Learner coeds
Doaf. 1068 1309 raruaMB St. Ind. A-106
Roller SKatlnfl
Afternoon and Evenings
Thursday Ladies' Day
Floor and Skates in
- Excellent Condition.
Music by Green's Band.
Admission 10c. Skates 20c
in the Musical Success
icaucauor omaha amuSimcnt new .
Mon., Tues.. Wed., Oct. in, iv.
Continually chanifinK 'throngs witness ,
Prison Life In JolIet'
lleautifully Illustrated. Lucidly Described,
In conjunction with moving 1 fl?
l lcluies. ALL, SKATS -"-"V,
Imily 1 to 6: 7 to 11 p. m.
Week of Oct. 5, Khuhrrl's "UulN'J SOME.'"
Matinee Kery Uay t:16 Kvery night 1:15
Tills week: Frank J. Conroy, Ueorge Le
Malre & Co., Three AUiletita bletara. Uarry
H. Itliiiards & Co., Lockwood t MaoCarty,
Herbert & Willing. Huby itayiuund A Co.,
Hank Itugeis, KinoUrome, Orpheum Or--chevtra.
UllCES lOo, iiuo and 60c , ,' ' g
Ua-a 5o-AO-7oe
Tonight, bfatl
I no Today
AX, SCAT! 890
S U F 12 Tt D A
Sunday "atcPABDEM'B rLATS"
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