Tirn "BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909. MONEY TO LOAN OFFERED FOR RENT Want - Ads ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) m I, i. n . .,. .im.ii.1 ........ ad I talaaaaa will takea aatll II Inf tfca alaar edlfloa aatll ) p. f (h. aa Raaaar edW a, tar taa ' Caak snail Nnnr all ardors tow waat a as ul aa advertleesaeat wUl V ieH4t4 fa laaa tkaa 20 aeata far first laaertlea. waat aaa safwr kraa ardla ardla Bttn apply ta either Taa Dally Baaday Bea. Always eaaat atx wards ta a, liaa. CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oae Insertion, X l- oaata per word aad 1 ceat per ward for each aabaaajacat Insertlaa. Bach fasertlea aaada aa odd day a, 1 1-2 aeata aer ward 6)1.650 par II aa per aaaata. Waat ada far Taa Baa aar aa left at aar at Ik, fallowlas; trig stores i are al braaca afflaea far Taa Baa aad year ad will aa taaarted Jast aa prompt y aad aa taa aaaae rates aa at taa mala afflea la Taa Baa Balldla, Seveateeata aad Faraasa at reels I Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranck. 8. A., Jt 8. 10th Ht Becht Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Nsb. Beinls Park Pharmacy, 13d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 8M6 Hbirmin Ave. Caughlin. C. R., tth and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave Conte, J. B.. list Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey pharmacy, Mth and Lake. Cermuk. Emil, Lo4 4 8. Uih St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4044 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H.. 2802 Leavenworth. Foster at Arnoldi, 213 N. 2Mb St. Dreytag, John J., L14 N. Mth St: Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Orson s Pharmacy, corner Park ave. and Pacific. Greenough. G. A., 106 B. 10th fit. Greenough, G. A., lvth and Hickory. Haydim, Wm. C, VMt Farnam Si, Hanscom Park Phar., 1WI 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, John. 24 North 16th Ht. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St., King. H. S., 2238 Farnam St. . Kountze Place Pharmacy. 1304 N. 34th. Patrick Drug Co., 1634 N. 24th St. Lethrop, Chas. R, 1324 N. Mth St. Peyton, L. K., 24th and Leaven wortn. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Sehaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, ISth and Chicago. Scharfer. August. 2631 N. Mth RL Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Bts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O, H.. 40 th and Hamlltoa Bts. DEATH AMU FUHEB1L ltOTICEB. DKTWILER-Mrs. Matilda A.t October 17, 1909. Funeral Wednesday, October 20. 1909, at i p. m. ipom her lata residence, 304 North Twenty-second -street. Interment Prospect inn cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. uirtns fin xenon iiara, cwo ixaro. girl: u. .Hi. cnampney, vm in or in Nnlnteenth, girl; Frank biachueskl, 272 South Twenty- third, boy; Acer hi. Smith, 3715 North 'i'hlrty-nlnth. girl: Harry Bowman. 708 South Thirty-first, boy. hospital, 10 months; Eva M. Tucker, Methodist' hospital, 20; George Ayres, 2226 uoage. u; iouis neinite, inirty-seventh ana cuming, iz; Minnie uesuva, St. Josephs hospital, 23; Ruth Brown, 1018 South Eleventh, 10 months; Jack Mont gomery, infant; W. C Wait, Eleventh and capitoi Avenue, m; jura. j. . Hunter, Thirty-fourth and Meredith, 68; Mrs. Eva Hill, Eleventh and Clark. 54; Mildred J. Lundeen, 3820 Wright, infant. CARD OF THANKS. We hereby express our sincere thanks to our neighbors, friends, teachers and school- mates who assisted us In the sickness and I death of our beloved son and brother. Mc ana :ira Jss Hansen and r amlly. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were I issued today: . Name and Residence. Age. Floyd H. Johnson, Kalamaxoo, Mich 23 Ethel T. Traver, Kalamaxoo,- Mich 21 E. F. -Hendricks, Ht. Joseph, Mo '..36 Ueanla Seabrooke, .Omaha 34 Joseph Foral, Omaha 23 Frances Kuncl, Onuht 19 Carl E. Ring, Omaha. 125 Hena Martens, Omaha.....' ..........20 Maryland C. Sands. Omaha .'...27 Luulla Breene, Omaha 2 timer Clayton, Macedonia, la 28 Jessto Edgar, Omaha 22 ANNOUNCEMENTS CLEAN Caroou Cooking, 86.50. jJJ.AJ youlanl A aquires, 1404 Far. D. M 11 A'lS Htetson, 12.50 and 83.00. RAUSER, u'aAU practical hatter, juu S. ltu 6U baraiosa Drug Co., 24th 4k Ames Ave., ao- cuiaie cuiupuuuders oi prescripiious. Free (.livery. Diure open . a. lu. to Li p. ul. Boiler Repairinir Pr""Pt work, wiL- O 60N Steam Boiler I co., mm ana fierce, uougias 1141. WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prices; buy dlreot from Im porters; save dealers' profits. 1214 Harney, let. iuugias ana agent will call. COATj Andover, Egg. Lump, $6.60. R. H. vwxxxj MorehouM Co-t w. 3105, B.2245. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a '. '"" . hhuis and sales. G. Andreen. Prop.. 103 g. 10th. CEMENT BLOCKS of nest quality, manufactured by tha lDfeAL CEMENT STONE CO. Simply great. Drysmokanchu ctawlng olgar MULTIGRAPHED Duplicating Company, MULTIGKAPHED Duplicating Company, TAYLOR THE TAILOR. tth Floor, Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 1383. WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by weight. T. . L.. Cemtis 4k Co.. 153) Douglas. Monumenta, J. F. Bloom at Co., 1815 Far. IF . YOU want any dirt oaU on C. M. Bach maun. 428 Paxton block. DEPOSITIONS. F. J. Sutollffe, 628 Bee bldg WOOD. Dr. O. EL. IUN.T.L Hom.na.K ' ' w Tl ATS Cleaned and reblocked. Neb. Hat H4iAO Fulorv. ljudua. IV... r?.i OMAHA Electric Worts repairs electric elevators, it n. mo Bt. u. uu, A-1448. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH- K. A. JETES. UuS Douglas St. 00 MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE. In sums to suit. US Bee B da. 'Phone Doug. Jttui. UNION LOAN COMPANY. James H. Craddock, architect, room 9, yv aaa xuag., utn ana rarnao, rted U74. CLEANING AND DYING The boat ever. twiu city uye vtoraa, ui a. uth su HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. FOR watches aud Jewelry repairs a. uustaison a ucnricason, au rt. itia SL . GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Stevenaon Hooting Co.. gravel and composition roofing. Ill 8. loth St., umana. tmm, wum- ii. taa. a-j.ks. nti. W eb. 294. MISSOURI tillers made aud sold. Howard at. O. a. Watson, tha well known horseshoer, 813 N. list at. Phones D. 367; iud. 8iLL rTova c- Haflla. 15U Douglas St.. over Llndaay a Tel. L. ti.t. A-4M. KfFOS. Roofing, Building Papara u.a Auiaxloaa supply Co. 1113 " Farnam THE WARDKOUE, expart CLEAN BHd AMI Dtiulta, au.4 i araau. BoU 'phones. Adewrtlaessewta far taa waat We ir, nownhowlnir ladta' and gents' rell Suiting. Mas Morris, Ml Browif Ulk. DAVID CO LB Cmmorr Co. W PP"U TOM Coal Hill Nut. Coal Hill irO X IVlt XUiN r .i r na a iih R! ANCHOR FENCIC CO. Iron and wire fences chearxr than wood. Last a Life Tim. W7 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. DRESS suits for hire. Sl'UARMAN, 318 B. th St. DEVELOPING and flnlshlne-: bmt work: I i quick delivery. Dempster, 12U Farnam. OMAHA hat fartnrv. 114 and lit 8. TSth I Bt. Hste remodeled. Mail orders solicited. I BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOn SALE or exchange For clear land. I stork of clothing. located In eastern N- I braHka. Will Invoice about 110,000. For particulars address J. R. Collins, 423 Main street. Fremont, Neb. AUTOMOBILES A NEBRASKA DEALER finds himself overstocked on new and second hand cars. I Will sacrifice new E. M. F. W studebaker tour na cars at cost. Will sell 4-cyllnaer au horse-oower. comDletelv rebuilt and re painted Thomas for 1476 cash. Immediate acceptance only.' Address Y-ht. care Bee. AUTOMOBILE, CARRIAGE PAINTING. Blacksmlthlng, woodwork and auto topiuii iJ.vyiJOvyi'X erv Douxlaa St a specialty. We can store automobiles. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE WORKS, m Ave. ana ieavenwortn. SEND for our list of second-hand care. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1S14 Farnam St. TWO BARGAINS New Limousine; body will fit model F Stoddard-Dayton chassis; also new Landaulet body. A. J. Bimpson a; won, 1409 Dodge St BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. M67. THREE STORE ROOMS. Located light for good business In GROCERIES MEAT MARKET, DRUGS. For larreat unsuDDlled DODUlatlon in city. A business, man can handle large trade here. See owner, office 1101 N. isth at., t to 6 o'clock. FOR SALE For cash, small stock of groceries. 841 N. 24th, South Omaha. BUSINESS opportunity. department stores in live west Nebraska town for sale. Invoices about 215.000. All staple, first- class running order, good trade, by owner wishing to retire. Address x 63, care tsea. FOR SALE Good hotel; 13,600 will buy It; rents for S Per month. K. ta. ueais, Rn. Neb. CAPITAL FURNISHED. Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, gas and railway stock and bond lusues sold aireci 10 iuvbbiuib, wi..h....u.. "-" i I Samuel Graham & Co., Selling Brokers, New York Life Bldg., Montreal, Canada. WANTFn Partner or shoo to handle new invention, kitchen article, very ap- pealing. Agents seller, also jobber and re taller. References. Address Y-60, care Omaha Bee. A PROMISING groupe of mining quarts gold. For particulars address E. B. Haw-I kins. Applegata, Ore. WANTED CONDUCTORS AND , MOTORMEN ABLE-BODIED MEN BE TWEEN THE AGES' OF 23 a r ' AND 40, ABOVE ( FEET INCHES IN HEIGHT, AND WELL RECOMMENDED. FOR PERMANENT POSI TIONS AS CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. RESIDENTS OF OMAHA t. AND VICINITY PRB- FERRED. APPLY FROM 8:30 TO U A. M. AND a TO 4 P. M. DAILY AT THE OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF TRANSPORTATION. ON FLOOR, MERCHANTS NA TIONAL' BANK BUILDING. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, IF YOU want your business sold, sea THE MAN THAT CAIN." J. W. KAN i drllrl, SClcM'llrTC SALES MAN, U3 ripiW IUKK LIFE BiDU. ONE nf tha beat anulnnml Mm t VfarW.t. In Nebraska. EouIdumI with refrmarator uiauuiiie, luuum vuaiiie. a.veryining in Hist class condition, and doing good busi- n.ks. Writ F. K. Hufsmltli, Crelghton, Neb, FOR SALE A good hotel business. In. eluding all furniture and fixtures, with lis veara' lease on mortem, thr.a-.tnrv hrlLr hotel building, which has from 70 to si) rooms; la have private baths; hotel Is steam heated and haa its own electric light plant; best hotel In city of almost 6,vuu. Will sell for cash or will take part payment in good western lands. Address Y 14. care Bea? fc ourB x i. care Bee. FOR SALE Tha best and largest plumb ing, nettling, pump ana winamui Dualni ?rct0hb:e:erSan1r.Hw;,.,T.rto,;n- voice. r.Tm.ncaa fiiii U WESTER 3 ARD can help you set In or Ul VI HUBIUWI, .1W DW iei, U. M4I. '"-; -"" '"r oruaa ft D CT fi 1 aj . nKn. uu m l . I Kauge ousiiicss man 01 njeana. Address, FINEST meat market In Council Bluffs lor sale or lent. c. W. Letchford. iVIU flll.lF UI1H...U . iin .,r.tM .11 price: fixtures and stock Invoice noo " 1X00; fine location; cheap rent. Address Mrs. r . L. Cooper. ' Lock Box 41. Edna. moot, o. u. FLOUR MILL FOR SALE The best located hundred-barrel FLOUR MILL and GRAIN ELEVATOR In the slate, present owner being in business 36 yaws ana wants to retire. Address X 34s, naif 91 aw DENTISTS BAILEY MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D.1888 TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas BL DR. FICKES, 217 Board of Trade. "11a doesn't hurt like others." DRESSMAKERS Miss Galbrltb, 804 Sunderland Blk., 16 How MISS STURDY, 3427 Dodae. Tel. Doug. 763 TERRY College. Join aud Farnam Sta. McDowell Dressmaking School, n-73 Far DRESS PLEATING, buttons covered all stylea ana sisee. Tin ideal Pleating Co, stm twuiiH o.a. nuia pnoaes. TAILORS' trimmings, buttons promptly coverea t mt prices, aastarn Wools' U. uu wugias, 'lilt. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN l ORLIJAS. fine ladles' tailor: maker suits reasonable, also from your own ma- - i.i miit mitimt. LADIES Learn dress cutting In two les urn ..n Rnam 904 Webster-Sunder .. - V hia ifiih and Howard. CHINA deooratlng; order work a special- ty. LesmjnB Tuesday, "1 nursaay ana osiur- days. Firing dally. Children e classes eat- itt - A m v mnrnina. Mrs. C. C. Hungate. 894 Brinileli Bldg. Tel. Red 6486. KB!W KNfllAND TAILORII0 CO.-Oar- ments made to order, ilh up; pressing and repairing; work guaranteed. 006V4 N. 18th. V1AVI"-A drualess home treatment fot women; 400 page book free. U BrandeU rmk. ifTT T TK'fDVWi can save you money mi huiuxjx. lace curtains, nicely done and wafh ng to tai home. Telephone Harney 1360. rn TTrMJOTkXT JO Over Kern's Mlllln Superfluous hair and moles removed bl th eeotrlo needle. Satisfaction guaranteed CAKES THREE-LATER WHITE, gfj Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON at OOODLETT. Mth and Lak LEARN HAIRDRES8INO while yovl work; classes t to 7 p. m. The Oppenhelm Parlors, 313 McCague Block. Tel.: Doug. 1396; Ind. A 1666. MERSCHEIM. High grade millinery. 204 Paxton Blk. French Drr Cleaning Works. Both Tels. Best work, prompt service. WRITE me before buvlnx a piano. I can are you money. Address L Kl, care Bee. ELTIN'O. grocery and confectionery. 2214 Farnam St. New goods, low prloes. f Trj.TNTHYRV Moderate prloes. Schall Sisters. 1614 N. 24. W.1692. FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Douglas 200a, L. Henderson. 1519 Farnam St. Doug.-125S. FURNACES AND REPAIRING Two and four-hols laundry and tank heater will keep boiling from 30 to 100 gal lona of water. New furnaces, thermostats. furnace covering, water fronts, stove hi furnac, repairs, combination hot water and hot air heating, umana stove ncpair Works, 1206-8 Douglas SL Both Phones. EDUCATIONAL THW FALL TERM OF BOTLES COLLEGE IS OPEN. In both the day and night sessions. Every day N-O-W la an enrollment day. Complete business course. ' Complete shorthand and typewriting course. Completa telegraph coarse. Complete civil service course. ' Official training school for telegraphers for U. P. R. R. . Send today for rrea copy oi ma now famous book "Bread and Butter Sciences." Address H. B. Boylea, prasldeut. Omaha, Neb. . OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. ISth and Farnam. M.' G. Rohrbough. .Pres.; E. A. Z art man. v rraf. FALL TERM now open. Enroll at once Sessions day and night. TELEGRAPHY V- P. official school; U. P. wire. , - Positions guaranteed. CATALOG FREE Writ or telephone D. 1288 or A 2189. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled courses in business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most interesting catalogue pub lished In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER A LAMPMAN, Seventeenth and Farnam Streets, Umaha. Nab. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aceata aad Salesladies. THREE ladies for educational proposl tion; teachers prefered; previous experience not necessary; position permanent; very profitable. Apply 611 ware Blk. ractory aad Trades. WANTED Seamstress for alteration work; good pay; steady work. 2907. Leaven worth St. . TWO NURSES have Just graduated from the training school for nurses at the Child Saving Institute, leaving vacancies wnicn may be filled by young women who wish to take the six months' course. Apply to matron, ldtli and Ohio. 'Phone Webster 199L WANTED Experienced dressmakers. Apply at once. Parisian Cloak Co. GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work; good pay. Bemls Omana Bag Co. w a JTiriRw.r mil fitters on 1rUl LNiT..Pi7hrraT i, VSnm lm KuVlt. aZlTX' I yoa at o. HoaseBCeepers aad Domestics. WANTED Girl for general housework. at re. J. H. Parrotte, 4801 Davenport. YOT7NG a-lrl or elderly woman, to assist with housework. 1102 M. X4tn ut. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly woman in famuy of two; mora f0r good home than big waga Ueferencea exchanged. 120 N. 22d St. N.sr."r.r-r Branch, 1414 H. loth. Tel. Doug. 4.70. GIRL for general housework. Family of IT A VlTfn . fHr- fns iranars I hrtt la wrt r-lr I - r,uM vaa Kharman av Tmi lv il'A WANTED Girl to help with housework; good wages; good bonu to right party. 973 N. 37th Avs. WANTED Girl for general housework. 218 N. 2Zd St. Wanted youfii lady attending acnooi. te help with light housework. Apply 2573 I FoPPeto" Av- GIRL for general housework. 413 8. 2bth WANTED Reliable girl for general housework; four In family. 1111 Georgia Ave. YOUNG clrl to assist with housekeeping at 1102 N. 24th St. airs. Ldnsky. WANTED Maid for general housework. 3613 Farnam feu COMPETENT second girl. Call at once. 3224 Farnam St. GIRL for general housework; Bohemian or German preferred. 21U1 rarnam Bt, COMPETENT girl for general house work; four In family; 86 per week. Tel. Harney 376. 1301 a. 82d bt. GOOD reliable girl for general house work; lr family of three. 113 o. 36lb be TeL Harney ltus. GIRL or woman wanted for general houaework: small family, light work; good place for right party. 318 N..l(in u GIRL for general housework. Mrs. W. C. Lyle, 554 Park Ave. WANTED Girl, general housework. Itw6 Blnney St, Telephone Webster buhi. WANTED Experienced girl for genera Ihousewoik In family of two. References I required. Apply 4X9 North 3oia street. Read the Live Slock ads if you arc looking for a bargain HELP WANTED FEMALE Ho as keepers aad Poaaeatica Cea. GOOD girl for general housework; I In 'amlly, llrjj Park Ave. WANTED Lady cook to take charge of he cooking In a small hotel In a town of .bout e.OUO population; will pay high wages to a party that would be Interested In this work, . ur one that would act as second cook and advance with the work; none but women help Is employed In the kitchen and dining room. Addresa Drawer 1311. Alli ance. Neb. YOUNG girl to assist in general house work. Could attend school. Tel. Harney 4745. WANTED Cook and house maid, three In family. 1602 S. S2d Ave. Mlaeellaaeoae. LEARN hear dressing; It pays; you can easily earn $16 to I weekly. Full course taught. Brandela Hair Dressing Dept. TWO ladles over 21 to travel together, lemonstrate and sell dealers, also one lady to work alone. Goodrich Drug Co.. 13U6-10 Harney St, A GOOD girl or woman to demonstrate the only genuine manufactured diamond known to science. Permanent If you are a lady. Wm. A. Scholl, (Diamond Dick), Myer-DUlon Prug Co., 16th and Farnam streets. LADIES $10 weekly, decorating post cards. Dime brings package beautiful sam- lea and particulars. Baylla-Bernet Co., last Orange, N. J. WANTED Experienced alteration help. Orkln Bros., 1&10 Douglas. WANTED Lad les' Bros., 1610 Douglas. tailor. Apply Orkln WANTED Experienced coat hands In our alteration department. Thompson, Belden Co. HELP WANTED MALE Areata, Solicitors aad Salesaaea. WANTED Experienced advertising so licitors. Apply after 1 p. m., 219 N. T. Life. SALESMEN wanted to Introduce our new statistical and commercial chart of Oklahoma, lust printed and a new Idea. The earnings are in keeping with your blllty and energy. To experienced map salesmen we can offer a splendid opening, nd to those who are not familiar with the work, we can take in hand and de velop Into high grade salesmen If the ability is at hand. Rand, McNally ft Co., Chicago 111. CIGAR .salesman wanted: In your lo cality to represent us. Experience un necessary; 110 per mo. and expenses, write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co.. Su Louis, Mo. BIG IOWA CONCERN wants man with rig In this locality and adjoining counties to look after . Its nale; earn 10u a month and expenses; drones and has-beens don't answer; others act quick. Shores Farm Remedy Co., Tripoli, la. WANTED Expert canvasser for Omaha and vicinity. At once. Nona but bustlers need apply. Call for H. C. Berns tein, lil vauiornla between :30 ana 1:30 GENERAL agent, appoint selling agents, new: no competition, p. u. Box 41X . WANTED Experienced salesmen In Men's Furnishing Goods Dept. Apply Superintendent Brandela Stores. COUNTRY agents selling Equalisers: large profit; new; no competition. HO Baa Bldg. TWO clothing salesmen by Nor. 1. Ap ply to Freeaer .Blk. Dr. Downs. BON!) . salesmen required for Iowa. Ad dress Y Its, Bee. W ANTED A solicitor with bona and buggy . to "drive through tha country and solicit suDsoripuona can ana eee area lauon manager. The Be lubliahlng Co. SALESMEN, experienced in grocery spe cialties, to sell cereals. Nebraska territory. Apply Room 22, Nebraska National Bank Bldg. , ... TWO good collectors at once, C. S. Adams & Co., 623 8. 16th St. Hey. WANTED Boya for factory work: noat under 16 need apply. Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. WANTED Several trustworthy boya: good wages. -a. u. T. Co.. Ul a. utn bt. WANTED Bright offloa boy; give refer- encea. Addresa J 465, Bee. - Clerical aa Offloa. FOR OFFICE POSITIONS. C W. GORDY Factory aad Trades, Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bea bldg. CHICKEN pickers wanted: this Is the right place for three good dry pickers; come this week. Swift A Co., onawa, la. WANTED First-class watchmaker. 825.00 per week; also rirst-oiass mrg. leweler. 826.00 per week. C. F. Spain At Co., Lincoln, rxeo. WANTED A good blacksmith who de sires to better himself financially. Addresa u ana, cee. WANTED At once, jewelry jobber: one wno understands clock repairing. C. A. Tucker, 1123 O St.. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED One first class Melhla nress- man at once; aiso eyennder pressfeeder, MUburn A Scott Co., Beatrice, Neb. WANTED First - class man tailor, Thompson, Belden A Co. Mlaeellaaeona, WANTED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN ABLE-BODIED MEN BE TWEEN THE AGES OF 23 I AND 40, ABOVE 6 FEET INCHES IN HEIGHT. AND WELL ' RECOMMENDED, FOR PERMANENT POSI TIONS AS CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. RESIDENTS OF OMAHA ' AND VICINITY PRE FERRED. APPLY FROM 9:30 TO U a A. M. AND I TO I f, II DAILY AT THE OFFICE OF BUPESRINTENDENT OF ' .TRANSPORTATION, ON D FLOOR, MERCHANTS NA TIONAL BANK BLDG.' OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY " COMPANY. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post, office clerks, carriers, fealary oO0 to 8i,u0. Fxamlnatlous in Omaha, November 17. Preparallou free. Write for schedule. ' rank tin Institute, Dept. 10 U. Ruvhesier, HELP WANTED MALE Mlarellaaeoai :ealaaed. A FEW years scent In the navv tr years of valuable experience. Habits of regu larity are formid. Healthy exercise, regu lar drills and growing responsibility develop quickness and self-reliance. Many large employers prefer men who have had naval training because more capable and erne lent. Young men with mechanical knowl edge have greater opportunities. Thev master their trade Instead of belnR mere helpers. Go to a recruiting office and learn about the fine chances In the different branches of the service to save money, the hours of duty, cruises, sports, promotion, etc. You are not urged to enlist. Individ uality win be developed, not suppressed, in the navy. Ask anyone In the service about It. The navy hanger In postofflce and navy posters will give you an Idea of the appear ance of a bluejacket. Apply at Navy Re cruiting Office, Postofflce Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED A middle ared man and wife for Wyoming ranch. Good home and good wagea will be paid to the rlsht parties. Address for Interwlew, William H. Gould, Jr., So. Omaha or phone Douglas 427. WANTED Engineer, thorough and com petent, for Ice plant; give sge. axperlenee and references. L 416. Bea. Wl NTrrurnmiMlatil man af miA wages. Apply Sunderland Brothers' Co., warehouse, 8th and Dodge Sta. WANTED Drivers, married men pre ferred. Alamlto Sanltaary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam St, w A NTi-n mrn 7Z tlTTZ v.n VI Moler graduates command highest wages. Our diplomas recognised everywhere. Shop experience and wages before completing. Cull or write. Moler harl.r PnllMa lin M 14th St. WANTED Immediately. 600 young men. 20 to 40 years old, for steam railway fire men and brakemen and eleotrlo railway motormen ana conductors la an carta of the United States; $60 to 6140 a month, with excellent chances for advancement; expe rience unnecessary. Hundreds of positions open. Write today for particulars. National Railway Training Assn., 1230 Hsuanoa Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. ELECTRICAL WORKERS WANTED We can fit you for a good, well paid posi tion as an electrician, or electric railway, lighting or dynamo station foreman or superintendent or telephone manager; we can teach you by mall. In your spare time and at small cost; the qnly qualification needed Is ability to read and write and will to succeed: write today, stating the sub ject which Interests you. L C. 8., Box 2108, E. Scranton, Pa. Wanted Track Laborers For Street Railway Work. Apply to Track Foreman on Fifteenth Street, Be tween Capitol Avenue and Howard Street. :: :: Omaha & Co. Bluffs ; Street Railway Co, FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Assn; no foes. Call 440 B. of T. Bldg. TEAMSTER wanted. 1520 Canton St. TeL Red 5647. HOUSECLEANING CARPETS, Rugs, House, Eta, cleaned by the compressed air and vacuum system. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO. 200 Douglas Block. Both 'Phonaa LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Ye aides. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blua barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4U96. Screenings, $1.60 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N.16th FINEST combination horse and Goddard phaeton. 422 Franklin Ave., Co. Bluffs, la. Bell Phona Red, 2373. FOR SALE Horses of all kinds; buggies and wagons. 1416 Capitol Ave. D. 1810. TRY HAYDENS' FIRST IT PAYS. Lusterlnu metal polish, regular 26c, spe cial 12c; regular 50c, special 25c; regular 31. special 40c. Horse blankets, fur and plush robes. HAYDENS' Harness Dept., basement. LOST AND FOUND COCKER spaniel dog; white nose and breast. Tel. Doug. 68S0. Reward. IX) ST A boy's shoe. Return to 2024 No. 24th. LOST 1 pearl earring, acrew back, on n.nr,i. Ava hetween lilckorv and Leav enworth Sts. Return C. F. Shaw Co., 1333 Park Ave. Reward. Harney 1746. LOST Lady's gold watch. Initials "L. K." on back. Tel. Harney 1436 FOUND Fob and charm "A. O. U. W. Initials "J. L. one side and A. O. U. W. oh other side. Call at Loyal hotel. LOST Nina months old Boston Terrier female pup. Had on collar marked "Judy Millard, 600 South 3th street." Anyone re turning her, or phoning Harney 776 where he may be found, will oe reiiiuneraiea. j H. Millard. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerv Food Pills. 31 a box. postpaid, aaarmaa 4k McConoali Drug Co.. Omaha, I'RGR MKDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton's Medical college Him and Davenport Sta; special attenlloa paid ts conftnameni eases; ail treatment super vised by college profeesora 'Phone Doug las lltfi. Calis answered, day or sight MONEY TO LOAN SALAHY AND CHATTBLi .WHERE TOB0RR0W MONEY Com In and get all you need on four HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. PIANO Of on your plain isuiai, 11 you are tteadlly employed. You wiii una our rates the cheapest, our terms the easi est, our services the quickest and our ofDces private. HERE 'S THE PLACE. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, Ird Floor 107-101 Paxton Block, Northwest Corner 16th and - Farnam Streets. 'Phones: IX 1411: Auto, A1411 LOANS on FURNITURE, PIANOS or SALARIES, LOAN'S on your piai'i note, LOWKST PAYMENTS IN LI 1 I. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK, 1404 FARNAM. tte IT PAYS TO FIGURE WITTI US When you want money. We loan from 818 up at the most reasonable rates In the city. In a QUIET CONFIDENTIAL way that will please you. If you get alrk or out of work, payments will be extended WITHOUT EXTRA COST to you. Wa have been reliable for eighteen years. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., U9 Board of Trade. 'Phone 1295. HERB SINCE 1892. 8. 18th SL AfONFV to loan on pianos, household mjXj1 Booa. furniture, etc Lowest rates. Small payments. Sea us before you obtsln a loan elsewhere. Phones: Douglas 1356. Ind. A - lis. NEBRASKA LOAN COMPANY 16th and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postofflce. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEO PLE. WOMEN KKRPINd Holism AND OTHERS, without security; easy pay- ments. Offices In 86 principal eltlea. Tol man, room 613 New York Life Bldg. FURNITURE, live stok aalarv loana Duff Green Loan Co.. R. 8.. Barker Blk. t on DIAMONDS. W.FLATAU. 1614 Dodga. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Daven port Sts., warehouse 2207-09 I sard St. OFFERED FOR RENT Boaxdlaa aad Hooass. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; auiamar home; tine taws. 12) ft. 35th Ave. " 627 PARK Ave. Large south room, out side entrance; best home cooking; for two. DEWEY European Motel. 11 th aad rarnam, COOL, airy rooms, , modern, tine shade, with or without board, to twa gentlemen r man and wife. M Capitol Ave. ROOM and board In private family, modern home, also large souta room, with alcova Tat Harney 4356. THE GEORGIA, single rooms and an suite, with private bath. Steam heat; ex cellent table and good service. 1042 Georgia Ave, Tel. Harney 661. HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, with first-class board. 833 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3224. Faralaaad Booms. Good rooms, 32 per week; free bath. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. STRICTLY modern well heated room for two gentlemen. 215 So. 25th Su Douglas NICE room, heat and light, porcelain bath, close in, reasonable. 3k S. 2b Lb. Su Hnnl nnrl Wnnrl H. Morehouse Co., oaiana vvooa w J105 Ina u.Ui&'. MODERN rooms suitable for two. 2208 Harney. Tel. Douglas 5426. FURNISHED rooms, very pleasant and clean; dtslrable location; walking distance. Gentlemen only, 24v2 SU Mary's Ave, Tel. UOUglaa 6001. NICELY furnished front parlor for rent. 7X1 a. ma bt, , HOMELIKE rooms, modern, private fam ily. 'Phone Doug. 7638. 403 S. 25th Ave.; walking distance. TWO nice furnished rooms. 634 Georgia Ava Harney Wil. NEAT room, with bath. 1816 Dodge. NICELY furnished rooms; modern. 1902 Cass St.; walking distance from postofflce. MODERN rooms; breakfast If desired. 653 8. 26th Ava LARGE front room, private family; all modern, cheap. 713 N. 19th St. LARGE front parlor; steam heat. 201 S. 24th. TWO nicely furnished front rooms sult- able for three In each room, with board. Hot water heat, bath. 1918 Farnam St. BEAUTIFUL furnished room, with ex cellent board. 709 Georgia Ava THREE nice furnished rooms. 1811 Cali fornia. FUR. rooms, house new. plenty hot water, lis N. itn hi. VERY desirable room: fine location: waiving aisiance, sis o. zotn bl BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room in private family, for one or two young men; very reasonable, aus Webster bt. VERY desirable large room: newly turn Ished; also smaller room; fine location. 301 a. 361 Ava ONE extra fine front room, flee furnl ture, modern. 839 No. 3"h. No alga, oa no use NEW, MODERN. STEAM HEATED ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATH. THE BELMONT, 1518 DODGE 1ST. TEL. DOUG. 1776. FURNISHED room for young men or married coupie, employed, sis N. ltb St. FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms; excellent board; reasonable; cent-rally Io cs lao. aw -bo. una at. . PLEASANT ROOMS, modern; one very large trout room, 616; aaa at VO; one at in. ais n. oa sl FURNISHED rooms ror gentlemen. 110 bo. litn nt. The Chatham. A par taa eats d Vlata, NEW, 6 rooms' ana reception hall; all modern flat: block from car. 3122 Cass Su Inquire next door. CORNISH APARTMENTS S. W. Cor. 10th and William Sts., seven minutes from center of city on Farnam car. Apartments of four and five rooms and bath, Just completed. Hardwood floors, gas and electric light fixtures, tile bath rooms. Kitchen furnished with cabinet, laundry tub and "Garland" Gas Range, private porches, window shades, steam heat, hot and cold water, janitor service. Apartments are both furnished and un furnished. 660 to flOO a month furnished. Single rooms, 620 per month. Barn for automobiles. Agent at apartments. A BEAUTIFUL apartment at 33d and Farnam will be vacant soon. Call William K. Potter, Harney 2216. MODERN 5-roora flat, new and desirable. Inquire 1411 Vinton St. LOOK at 640 8. 26th Ave., attractive 5- room apartment, on first floor, and 6-room apartment on second floor, of practically new brick; strictly mooem; in Drat condi tion. 336 esch. Apply Harney 316. Hoaaeaeeplaa- ttaasas. TWO or three elegant furnished front rooms complete for housekeeping. 3013 Davenport bt. THREE beautiful rooms, modern. 1452 N. 20th ht. Web. 3299. 4 LARGE unfurnished rooms. Inquire 1046 8. 30th. TWO, nicely furnished; no children. 9U 8. 27th. SUITE of I or I rooms for housekeeping. 2U6 Chicago. ' HOUSEKEEPING rooms, room. 1919 Chicago. tlso single LIGHT housekeeplnr rooms. Mrs. Scott, 1713 N. 34th. TWO ladles would like two lady room mates In a housekeeping proposition. 2419 Dodge St. TeL Red 7362. TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms to permanent oouple. 8226 Farnam. ROOMS, complete for housekeeping, 60 8. 26lh Ava Haruey IS2. TWO light hoiurskeejijna: ruvDU, 1921 Douglas. TWO nlcelr furnlahed front rooms; bath, heat. 614 8. 22d Sl . OT." am nawiv nspered rooms, with housekeeping privilege imi tnicago. THREE elegant rooms, steam heat. ffv N. 20th TJafaralsaed FOUR unfurnished rooms; modern. ttSt N. 19th St. FOUR Good location. 812 69. Tel. H. 42is. a t r lloasee aad Cottaucea, OMAHA Van ft Storage .. certr. mora. tote. H. H. goiils: storehotiaa 1120-94 N. ISth; office 09 Ho. 17th BL. Tel. Doug. 156. TWO-YEAR-OLD all modern 10-room house. 100-foot lot. Phone Harney 2017. TO KM ALL FAMILY. NICE SEVEN. ROOM ATTACHED HOUSE. 533 PARK AVE., riOPE TO TWO OOOI CAR LINK AND WITHIN WA1.KINIJ 1JIHTANCK Or POSTOFF1CK. 332.60 PER MONTH AND WATER RENT. R. II. OUimKH, 6SS BRAN DEI 3 BUILDINO. MODERN 8-room bouse, 318 8. 36th Ava, 'Phone Douglas 4KS7. tihtt- . . aaia Tl i A a modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Far nam Bt.- , a. OMAHA Track. Van and Storage Co, Doug. 149ft. Ind.. B-34sa, Office l7li Web star street. I'.GJ Douglas: 8 rooms. 627.50. John N. Fr. nser. Both Phonea. NICE WARM HOUSE TO LET. 1M3 N. 20th St.. 8 rooms snd bath, full . modern, upper and lower halls, front and back stairs, large closets, two pantries, big cellar, built for nice home, all now decor ated, large new furnace. T. J. Hook, offloa 1101 N. 18th St, to 6 o'clock. modern except hest, 818.50 per month. In quire 3510 Jones St. TeL Harney 12S5. 318.00 Six-room house.- i tys.00 Seven-room house. Both modern except heating plant. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bldg. DWELLING. 6 rooms, 2 lots, good well and barn. 3338 Rprague St., 813 month. Dexter L. Thomas, 412 Bee. Both Phones. FOR RENT 6-room modern house onS paved street In north part of city. $26. TeL' Web. ITU. FOR RENT Beautiful new 6-room bun galow; nk-est In the city; for rent; hot water heat; furnished In mliMlon; located 42d and Dewey; rents US and avater. In quire, W. A Eddy, 4210 HiApey, Tel. Harney 3521. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded -A cheap freight rates; moving and storlng.1 Expressmen'a Delivery Co. TeL Doug. &V ELEGANT 8-room flat, located at 810 SL t7th, all modern, price 636. Bemls, Brandela Bldg. MODERN, 7 rooms and reception hall; oak finish; fine corner lot; 3329 Lafayette Ave.; 840 per month. A. C. Busk, Phone Harney 930. $22214 8. 29th, 8 roomsi bath, gas, water. 'Phone Douglas 6739. EIGHT-ROOM modern cottage. 81st St. Tel. Harney 647. 604 & HOUSES. Insurance. Rlnawalt Barker Blk. 6 ROOMS, modern except beat, 25th. 622 and water rent. CHRIS BOYER. S2d and Cuming Sta. 918 N. 7 ROOMS, modern house. 1608 Spruce SU H. I. Plumb, 110 & 13th St. 8-KOOM, modern, 3114 Wool worth Ave.. .831 8-rtiom. modern. Dundee W. L. SELBY, 438 Board of Trade Bldg. HOUSES etara Trust Co.. N. Y. L Bldg. UUUOI'jO Crshrb otrs -Co.. Bee Bldg. FOR RENT 6-room, all modern house. 2006 Willis Ave., $26.00. C. M. Bachman, 486 Paxton Blk. FOR RENT Close In, 8-room house; all modern; 513 N. 22d St; $32.50. 6-room cot tage, modern except furnace; 2211 Cali fornia St.; $25. Both In completa repair. Apply at 607 N. 19th St 2813 Woolworth Ava, I rooms, modern, $27.60. 1560 N. 30th, 6 rooms, modern except heat $23. RINGWALT BROS.. 306 8. 15th St L 6-ROOM cottage, large bathroom, 28th and Parker; modern except furnace. No. 1911, 817. Phone Red 553. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO, 922 New York Life Bldg. HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 318 N. Y. L. EIGHT-room strictly modern brick flat, 8th and William Sts.: Just completed; high est location in Forest Hill park. FOR RENT A 5 and 6-room house, mod ern except furnace; very reasonable to good tenant Inquire 4206 Nicholas. NEWLY furnished 4 or 5-room house. 635-537 8. 31st St.; electrto light and bath; cheaper than the cheapest for an lm mediate tenant Tel. B 2360. Owner. MAGGARD Van A Storage Co! 1496. Pack, store and ship household 8od oda. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros. 318 N. T. LT 3812 LINCOLN Blvd., 8 rooms, all mod ern, $50. 224 Leavenworth St., 8 rooms. $35. 8626 Davenport St, 8 rooms, $36. MS Riggs St., Benson, 8 blocks north of end of car, $13. 1304 N. 26th St., 6 rooms, bath, gas and vter, $18. 208 Farnam St.. $10. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Douglas or A-2153. 1001 N. Y. Ufa Bldg 8- r., mod., furnace, barn, 608 S. -86th, $23. 9- r., mod., clone. 1547 N. 17th. $34. 8-r., mod., choice, 2719 Hickory, $28. 6-r., mod., barn, 2332 Poppleton, $18. 6-r., mth and N, South Omaha, $7. 6-r., two blocks to csr, Florence, $8. 6-r., city water, close, 2618 Hamilton, $18. 4-r. and basement, new, 8623 Decatur, $10. 8-r., part mod., 1612 N 21th, $8. KUSSKLL A McKlTRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. Balldlngre. WILL rent a portion of first floor and all of basement In building at 814 Far nam. This has trackage end in good wholessle location. Inquire F. E. Jordon A Co., 914 Farnam St THE Presbyterian hospltsl Bldg., at 26th and Msrcy, from Nov. t This building Is splendidly adapted for a private hospital and will be completely repaired for a good tenant. . N. P. DODUK ec tw., i' . Stares. STOREROOM and basement In Bearge .' block. B. O.. 536 N. 84a. Hail, id Kaiage bldx.. bnh phopea I r. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. BRAND NEW FULL BERPENTINB SWELL FRONT yUARTERSAWED GOLDEN OAK DRESSER AT Li.Ba THAN WHOLESALE PRICE. H. T. VER ME11REN, 1516 DODGE. CHEAPEST PLACE for STOVES AND FURNITURE. Racket Store. 16 A Cuming. Typewriters. Typewriters All Makes Sold and Rented Rent Applied If Purchased All the standard makes. Prices H to H manuiaoiurere . item a ma chine, teat It If light buy lti Olivers. Underwoods. L. C. bmltMd Remingtons, etc. Bread I yea guarantee wiiu eacn . Examine our stork or write for bar gala list before buying. ; B. F. Swanaon Co., 417 Bo- 15th St, Omaha, Neb. 8ECOND hand typewriters sold repaired. Ceutxel Typewriter Uacuejisa, 1wj7 Faraaat, J 1 m- ' ft