Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
vjxATnra fobecast.
For Nobrnskn Generally fair.
For Iowa Generally fair.
For wpatlier report ee r8 3-
Oaa. rlUbU newspaper that to
al-alttcxl to each and Try horn.
President to Enjoy Pour Days' Respite
on Brother's Farm ia the Lone
Star State.
Council as Committee of the Whole
Hears Some Arguments and
Some Sharp Words.
Last Chance To
imerican Packer in Chicago Beliere .
Permanently Low Prices Are j
Thing of Bygone Days, j
Saturday, Oct. 23
Last Year's Registration Does
Not Hold Good This Year
President Says There
Be Lower
t Lait.
Both Sides Ready to Go Farther at
Any Time.
To Diride Recreation Between Greens
and Horseback Riding.
ing Soon, but Wk f
Secretary Wilson Thanh fcers for
Assistance in Executing? r Rules.
m m
fomnHm Declares Frier of 1,1 v
Stock Have Brri Tllca aad That
Prsdarts Have Brra Sol 4
t Law Fla"wrea.
CHICAGO. Oct. IS No hope of perma
nertly lower prices for meat was held ont
by the do'eratet to the fourth annual con
vert ion of the American Packers' associa
tion, the first session of which was held
here today.
Michael Ryan, president of the associa
tion, said that prices might drop slightlv
for a short time, as there ha been some
Increase In the number of cattle raised
recently, but this boon to American house
wives would be short lived.
At the same time a letter from Secretary
Wilson was read to the convention thank
ing the packers for the assistance they had
given the Department of Agriculture In
the execution of the meat Inspection law
a' declaring that the outside world was
jf "!ed with American meats. Secretary
wKion In his letter says:
"We have Inspector now In over
packing houses, which will give an Idea
of the comprehensiveness of our work, j
With few exceptions w have cordial co
operation from the packer In the rigid
execution of the law.
"I am convinced that the outside world
receiving our meata I satisfied with re
gard to their purity and cleanliness, and I
know from eorrespondenca within the
L'nlted State that there la very little fault
found with the meats that enter Into Inter
state commerce. I might remark that In
the execution of the meat law and of the
pur food law we hare very little friction.
There Is difference of opinion with regard
to a few thing only, and entire harmory
whh regard to the great bulk of meats
and foods pat upon the American market.
"We are having trouble with Imports
from foreign countries where people pre.
paring goods for shipment to the United
State .evidently do not have a tithe of
the aupervlsion that I exercised In the
Cnlted Slate."
N Frtee f Cattle Cv.
lit considering the high coat of meet, the
eaeeuirv innwiHtu said;
"The past fiscal year haa been a very
anaatlsfactory one to the meat packer of
the country. The price of live stock, our
raw material, have befrn abnormally high
and the product have had to be sold at
comparatively low figures. The prices of
live stock foodstuffs have been extremely
high throughout the year, and this has re
rutted in a consequently Increased cost of
production to the feeder and raisers. It
naturally follows that where our raw ma
terial la high priced that the products must
go up in proportion, and we think It la our
iuty to the publlo to explain this situation.
There seems to be but little prospect at
this time of a decrease In the cost of live
stock, which we will be compelled to buy,
and. If the prices of our raw material
continue upon a high -plane. It will, there
fore, be necessary for us to maintain a
proportionate price upon our products."
Tne committee referred to the tariff law,
declaring that the schedules, while plac
ing many packing house product on the
free list would Dot materially affect the
business, the main Importance of the law
to the packer being found in the maxi
mum and minimum provision, the com
declaring "that If it is properly
fasplied the restrictive regulation and un
reasonable tariff of some of the larger
countries of the world will have to be
so modified as to permit the entry t
American meat food product. The sub-
Ject will be cared for by the association
with a view to opening foreign market
that are now closed to us. and should it
be successful there will be aa Increased
demand for American packing house prod
ucts. I aa pert lea Laws Appeal veal.
In conclusion the committee say:
"W give our unqualified approval to the
meat Inspection and pure food laws. We
believe these law have come to stay; that
they are In line with the progress! veness
of the age and are calculated to elevate
our commercial standard, to give an addnl
moral tone to business, to promote hon
esty and fair dealing and to greatly con
serve the public welfare."
The committee to confer with govern
ment officials devoted considerable space
la a discussion of the eradication of disease
tu animals, declaring that the matter had
been taken up at length with the Depart
mnt of Agriculture.
Ham curing by electricity was discussed.
and declared to be practicable. The Idea
of electricity aa a cur to meat orig
inated In Ohio and Is said to have been
In practical operation for over three years
on a small scale aa a commercial process.
The electric curing was hailed aa a poa-
kible mean of reducing the coat of mak
ing hara and bacon which with the present
high price of hog It waa declared wa de
sirable both from the point of view of
the meat consumer and the packer.
The most remarkable thing about elec
trically cured meat a a ald to be its
keeping qualities. The method employed in
an electric curing plant ia only slightly
different from the ordinary curing pro
cess. The meat Is placed In large vat
filled with a pickle composed of sugar,
salt and saltpetre, and aa electric current
Is then paaaed through the vat- It Is only
In the iae of the electric current that the
procese differs from that long In use.
rasaea Tin Are I stable o
Fall Little Vessel Off the ,
Mad Flats.
KET WEST, Fla.. Oct. 1.-The revenue
ycutter Forward, which ran on the mud
J flat near Man-of-War harbor in the hur
ricane of last weak, probably wiU have to
be dreriftJ out. Government tugs whirh
hava hevn working with It for several days
Lave been unable to move It. Ne lives
were tust In the accident. ,
Shippers Hear
Talk of Higher
Freight Rates
Middle-Western Traders Boue to
Arms and Call Meeting to Consider
Railways' Intentions.
WASHINGTON, Oct IS. A meeting of
Important shipping interests of th country
la to be held In Cincinnati tomorrow night
to consider the prospective action of the
railways In the eastern part of the coun
try In Increasing fretirht rates In the ter
ritory east of the Mississippi river.
No determination has been reached to In
crease the rates, but the qeustlon Is under
advisement and the advance will be made,
probably in the near future. If the condi
tions, in the judgment of railway officials.
Justify It.
Apprehending that such an advance 1
likely, many organizations of shippers
throughout the middle western country
have Joined In a call for the meeting in
Cincinnati. In addition they have pre
pared a letter, which was addressed to W.
C. Brown, president of the New Tors. Cen
tral lines; Oscar O. Murray, president of
the Baltimore A Ohio, and James McCrea,
president of the Pennsylvania railroad, set
ting forth the reasons, mm they view them,
for not making an advance in the freight
ident McCrea of the Pennsylvania
railroad company, in a letter to commer
cial bodies and firms In Cincinnati. Day
ton, Indianapolis and other points east of
the Mississippi river, denies that the ques
tion of "general advance in freight rates
or In classification Is now under consider
ation or contemplated.
He aays further that C. C. McCain, who
Issued the pamphlet upon which the letters
of Presidents Brown, Murray and McCrea
were baaed "does not speak for the car
riers, but solely for himself."
Marshal and Court
at Logerhcads
Former Hangs Onto ' Prisoner ' on
Omaha Warrant Despite Order
of Judge.1
DENVER, Colo.. Oct. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) A conflict between Federal Judge
Lwls and United State Marshal Bailey
arose today over the custody of Ernest
L. Powers, wanted on a Dumber of swind
ling charges In connection with the Ma
bry gang, when a fresh warrant for his
arrest arrived today from Omaha.
Judge Lewis had Instructed the marshal
to turn the man over to the state court
for trial October to. Powers is Mill in
custody of the marshal, who has refused
to surrender him to the state, despite Judge
Lewis' ortier. Power waa re-arrested on
the second warrant received this morning
from Omaha, charging him with perjury.
He was taken before Commissioner Hins
dale and his bond fixed at $3. COO.
Good Chance to
Draw State Land
One in Every Eight Applicants for
South Dakota Reservation Tracts
Will Be Successful.
J ABERDEEN, 8. D., Oct. IS. The third
: and last week of the registration for the
opening of the Cheyenne River and Stand
lng Rock reservations began today with a
rush that indicates that the total for the
week will probably equal the huge figure
of the first week, omitting local name.
Notwithstanding this, the total probably
will not exceed 8B.O00. of which K.000 will
have registered here. These figure are
much lower than expected and will make
the chance of getting a farm one in eight,
a ratio lower than In any recent opening.
ftaya Mlaalaa Waa Offered Hlaa Last
Sprlag, bat He at Oaee
NEW YORK. Oct. lS.-Stuyvesant Fish,
being asked today as to the report from
Shanghai as to becoming minister to China,
"It is true that the Chinese mission was
offered to me. but that happened last
spring while I waa In Europe. Needles to
say the offer was at once declined. I did
not mention the fact then or should not
do so now, were It not for the persistence
of the baseless rumor of my going there."
Surrender of Cornwallis
x Celebrated at Yorktown
NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. Oct. 18.-Wltr
a gaily decorated grandstand In front of
the court house and arches along the itreet,
the historic little village of Yorktowa is
ready tor the celebration of the 13 ih an
niversary of the surrender of Lord Corn
wallis. The cslebrauon will he held tomor
row by the descendants of the signers of
the Ieclarallon of Independence, aaaiaied
by four companies of coast artillery from
Fort Monroe, a torpedo flotilla and a large
body of interested cltisena from this sec
tion a i id elsewhere.
Today waa "Thomas Kelson day" at
Yorktowa and wa marked by a re-unlon
of the descendants of Governor Thomas
Nelson, a signer of the Declaration of Inde
pendence and the war governor of Vir
Attends Cornerstone Laying During
Day and Takes Part in Service
After 1-eavl. Fart Taft Meets Ad
miring Frlead a tTse Alaaas
Plsss lafsraaal Usrktea
Trader by Cltlaeae,
GREOORT, Tex.. Oct. 18. -"-President Taft
arrived here tonight shortly after o'clock
to spend four days on the ranch of Charles
P. Taft, his brother. Report as to the
else of this ranch vary from 1W.0 to J00,-
000 acres. In either event It approches
the proportions of a principality and. dur
ing the time. here, the president will be
secluded from local committees, from the
givers of banquets and from the duties
of constant speech making.
Asked today what he was going to da
on the ranch, the president repiiea mat
he was going to do a he pleased. This
mean that he will golf every morning over
the link laid out on the ranch, that he will
ride In the afternoon and that he may go
duck ahootlng. although be does not claim
to be much of m. shot.
Mr. Taft was met at the Gregory station
tonight by his brother, and a number of
hands from the ranch, which lies three
miles east of here. The ranch face three
bay on the Gulf of Mexico. Tarpon fish
ing Is a favorite sport of this section, but
It Is doubtful If Mr. Taft will try his
Basy Day at Sam Aatealo.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Oct. lS.-At
o'clock this morning an automobile
was waiting for the president at the
step of the St. Anthony hotel, where he
topped last night, to convey him to Fort
Sam Houston, where with a simple cere
mony he .laid the cornerstone of the nearly
completed post chapel building. This
chapel, one of the handsomest building to
be found in the Jurisdiction of the War
department was presented to the poet by
the citlaen of San Antonio and waa for
mally accepted and dedicated by President
Taft shortly after hi arrival from El
Paso last night.
On hi way to Fort Sam Houston this
morning the president waa driven through
lanee at school children, 14.40 in number,
who sang "America" a he passed. The
president halted his march ta listen te the
song and to the cheer of 4he children.
Arriving at the fort, he greeted all the
troop stationed there before proceeding
to the chapel, where the simple service of
placing the cornerstone in the niche re
served for It waa performed. The troops
were those that acted as escort to Presi
dent Taft and President Diss at El Paso.
Following the chapel ceremony, the pres
ident held a reception from a grand stand
on Alamo plaxa. At noon the president's
visit ended with an informal luncheon
given by the citizens.
Swindler Given
Five-Year Term
used Fictitious Omaha Estate to
- Secure Money from Brooklyn
NEW YORK. Oct. 18. Samuel T. Bond
hus, who recently attempted to swindle
the Franklin Trust company out of 150,000,
was sentenced In Brooklyn today to five
years in Sing Sing. He was a veteran of
the Spanish war.
On the strength of hi representation
that he waa the ton and heir of M. T.
Bondhua of Omaha, Neb., be succeeded in
getting the trust company to accept a draft
of SjO.OOO, payable to himself, for collec
tion from the estate, and received a pass
book. By showing the pass-book he was
able to get a Brooklyn merchant to cash
his check on the trust company before hi
draft had been dishonored in Omaha.
There ia no Bondhua estate in Omaha
and never has been, the whole story of
the swindler being a fiction.
Nearly Owe Haairea Heraeaaea Gather
aad Attempt ta Intercept Officer
with Their Prlaeaer.
BLUEFIELD. W. Va.. Oct. lS.-Expect-Ing
that Howard Little, charged with the
Meadora murders and arson, would be re
moved from Jail at Lebanon and taken
to Grundy for trial, a mob formed and
proceeded towards Honaker, .where they
expected to Intercept the officers with
Little. There were 75 to 100 horsmen in
the party.
Feeling Is bitter against Little, who Is
alleged to have killed the Meadors fam
ily of six and burned them in their home
at Hurley, Va., several weeks ago.
ginia, who commanded the slate troops
when Cornwallis waa cornered at York
town. Tb re-union waa held at Nelson house
and the chief Incident of the Interesting
event waa th reading of a history of the
Nelson family by Dr. George Washington
Dame, pastor of th First Presbyterian
church, Washington, rj. c.
Tomorrow th descendant of th signer
will begin the day by marking about fif
teen historic pot in and around Yorktown
with tablet. A parade, participated la by
the artillerymen, sailors from tb torpedo
flotilla and mounted citizens, will .follow.
Then the formal exercises will be held In
front of th court house. The principal
speaker will be Congressman J. Hampton
Moore of Philadelphia
From the Cleveland Leader.
Supreme Court Refuses to Advance It
for Speedy Hearing.
Nebraska ssl Other Westers Meal la
WaahlasrrM ! "Attend Aaawal
Meetiag wf Seottlsh Rite
(From a Staff Correspond ent.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. IS. (Special Tele
gram. ) The supreme court today refused
to advance the case of the Interstate Com
merce commission against the Northern
Pacific Railway company a prayed for
by Solicitor General Lloyd W. Bower In
hi motion to advance, filed June of this
year. The Interstate Commerce) commit- j
elon in May, after a hearing, made an or-
der requiring the Northern Pacific Rail
way company, the Chicago at Northwest
era Railway company. Union Pacific Rail
road company, Oregiv . hort Lin Rail
road company and Orearon Railway and
Navigation company 'to establish on July
I. IMS, through and joint rate applicable
thereto - from Chicago, Council - Bluffs.
Omaha and Kanras City, being terminal
points of the road named on tha east. In
clusive via Portland, Ore., to point" In
the state of Washington between Portland
and Seattle, said Jolat rates to be the
same as the Joint rate eontemporaniously
in effect between said points via the
Northern Pacific and It connection. On
May 29 the Northern Pacific company
filed a bill of complaint for an Injunction
against the commission, and. the attorney
general having filed his certificate under
the expediting act, the four circuit judge
sitting in a ' circuit court, enjoined the
commission from putting it order Into
effect on the ground that there were rea
sonable and satisfactory through routes
by way of the lines of other carriers, and
by reason thereof the order of the com
mission waa erroneously and wrongfully
made, hence the motion to advance, which
la depled. .
Westerners at Masoale Meetlsa;.
6upreme council of Scottish Rite Masons
for the southern jurisdiction opened aus
piciously today in the House of the Tem
pTe in this city, the grand commander of
the northern jurisdiction and Canada be
ing present with their secretaries general.
Two hundred thirty-third degree Masons
were present when Grand Commander
James D. Richardson of Tennessee dellv
ered his allocution.
Among those present at formal lnaugu
ration of the week' meeting and bien
nial session of the supreme council were
Inspector General Gustave Anderson of
Nebraska, Inspector General E. T. TauV
man of Aberdeen. S. D.. and Inspector
General F. A. Foote of Wyoming.
Others In attendance were Walter Ja
cobs of Aberdeen. George A. Pettigrew of
Sioux Falls, grsnd recorder of the Grand
Commandery, grand recorder of the Grand
Chapter, grand secretary of the granfl
lodge and deputy to Inspector General
Taubman: Dr. Edward Ashley of Chey
enne, who officiated today aa grand prel
ate: Ivor P. Davie of Aberdeen, E. T.
White of Yankton. J. W. Guild of Aber
deen. W. S. Stockwell of Yankton and
Albe Holme of Dead wood, the last three
mentioned being knights commander of
the court of honor, who will In all prob -
ability be made honorary thlrthy-lhirda
j before the meeting Is over.
' Mngaentloas far Thlaese Mission.
! Thomas C. Dawson of Iowa, retiring
j minister to Chile, who Is on his way from
. Santiago to Washington to assume th
jdtute of chief of bureau of Latin, Amer
ican affairs, created for him especially In
the State department, is the latest sug
gestion for th Chinese mission.
Ex-Governor Magoon of Nebraska is also
being touted for the place and so Iowa
and Nebraska are running n celt -end-neck
for the job, which seems peculiarly bard to
fill at this moment In view of conditions
at Peking. It Is thought, however, that
(Continued on Second Pag.)
L&si Chance To
Salurday, Gel. 23
List Year's BtQlstratit-n Does
Not noli Good This Tear
Laying in for a Hard Winter
Noted Actress
Tires of Stage,
Also or Husband
Margaret Elington Files Long-Expected
Suit for Divorce from
Daniel Frohman.
RENO, Nev., Oct. It Mrs. Daniel Froh
man, more familiarly known by her stage
name of Margaret Illlngton, today filed suit
for divorce in the district court of this
city, alleging that her husbaad has for
the last two year failed to contribute to
ber support.
, The complaint contalna only the bare
statement that the plaintiff haa resided In
Reno for more than six month prior to
filing the action, and that there are no
children and no community property,
alimony is asked.
For nearly a year Mr. Frohman ha re
sided here. She has lived quietly; never
appearing In social event.. It la thought
the suit will not be awnteated. Mr. Fxoh-
aan' attorney atated today it would be
devoid of sensational feature so far a
their client 1 concerned. -
- Some time ago Mrs. Frohman said - she
waa tired of the stage and wished' to lead
a domestic life. She was married to Mr.
Frohman In New York. November St. 1S0S.
Army Deposits
Prove Popular
Enlisted Men See Benefit of Savings
Bank System as Shown by Last
Tear's Figures.
WASHINGTON, Oct. li-The benefit of
the army deposit system to enlisted men.
according to the report of General Charles
H, Whipple, paymaster general of the
army, is universally recognised. Deposits
during the fiscal year 1909 amounted to
Sl.SU.ltt from tt.SK men. The system en'
courages a spirit of thrift and saving.
which, in the opinion of General Whipple
unquestionably elevates the standard of cn
listed men.
Army pay officer handled during the
year ST.G.U&.SSS, the only loaa amounting
to I9.M1. occurring at an Interior post In
Alaska, th evidence of responsibility point
ing to an enlisted man who was perform
lng clerical duties and who deserted just
prior to tb discovery of the loss.
Feealiar rase Isvolvlsa Lara Poller
ts Be Reviews by -preaae
WASHINGTON. Oct. M.-Th' niprem
court of the United States announced today
it determination to review the findings
of the lower court In the case of McCue
ari-inst the Northwestern Mutual Life In
surance company. This case Involve th
question whether the ordinary life Insur
ance policy insures against hanging under
sentence of the law.
McCue Is one of the heirs of the late
1 Mayor McCue of Charlottesville. Va.. who
j hanged a few years ago on the charge
of murderlnc his wife. Th. 'nsurance
company refused to make payment on a
policy of 115.000.
Americas lee aa Trial.
NEW YORK. Oct. 15 The American Ice
company, one of the largest lea concerns
In the country, which 1 said to control
half th ice trad in New York City and'
vicinity, went on trial today on charges of
illegal monopoly.
Death's Invasion Lowers
Uncle Sam's Pension Roll
WASHINGTON. Oct. 18.-Death'B Invas
ion of the fast thinning ranks of the war
yeterana caused S.S1I name to be dropped
from th pension roll of th United Blales
taut year. Of this number S2.S31 were sur
vivors of the civil wsr. Th total lass to
the pension roll from all causes was 51.-
In striking contrast to these figure,
comprised In the arnual report of Ves
pasian Warner, commissioner of pensions.
Is th statement that the government paid
put In penslona in' the fiscal year ending
June 9. 1MB. IU1.W KB. which th com
missioner declare is tha largoat amount
ever disbursed for penatooa la one year.
Nebraska Club Banquet on Anniver
sary of Bishop Williams' Ordination.
Blahewa Mlllapaagh, Shrldos aad
MsrrtMB Attead aad Coaa-ratala-tery
Letters Received frssa a
saker sf Others.
'A bishop must love hi people If he
expect them to love them. A bishop who
la more careful of the right of hi clergy
nd hi people than his own right will
never have any trouble with nis people
and there will never be any question as
to the recognition of the proper authority."
aid Rt. Rev. Sheldon M. Grlswold. D. D..
bishop of Sallna. at the annual banquet
of the Nebraska Church club, which waa
held last night at the Paxton. "There i
nothing that a bishop dislikes more than
to be looked upon aa a ruler."
The banquet of . the . JNebraaka Church
club waa held on the tenth anniversary of
the consecration of Rt Rev. Albert L.
William, bishop of Nebraska, and the
occasion drew to Omaha a large number
of Ms friend In the church. These paid
tribute to his worth a a man and 'a bishop.
Three other bishops were In attendance at
the banqoet and regrets were read from
a dosen others, all testifying to their
esteem of Bishop Williams.
The banquet was well attended and wa
held in the targe dining room at th
Paxton and after the menu was finished
nine speakers, sever.! of a national reputa
tion, . responded to different assigned
Ktad Wards for Bishop.
R. 8. Hall, president of the club, act-ad
a toos Ira aster, and after paying his re-
tpects to Bishop Williams, said: "Th
trength and sinews of aiiy nation ia Its
men. .We love Bishop Williams because
he is a man."
Rev. John Sage of Dubuque told how to
raise an endowment fund, saying:
must b aone about tn a hu.lne.sllk. ...
nd It must be a layman's move. An
Episcopalian 1 a lover of hi. bishop and
It doe not take much to arouse him to
a sen of duty."
Ber. Charles H. Toung, who left Omaha
to succeed Bishop Williams at Christ
church, Chicago, testified to th. splendLJ
condition In which he found the church.
whkh be aald wa due tcr the magnificent
foundation which had be nlaid by Bishop
Wir.lam. ' ' ! t
;"A layman must assist in other church
work besides looking after th financial
end of th church." said H. W. Yate in
responding te th toast of "The Layman
and the Bishop."
"The Priest aud Ins Bishop" waa a theme
which Rev. Irwin P. Johnson of Minneap
olis handled In a humorous and yet splen
did fashion, making many strong points
which ' wareaent home by hi wit. Dean
Beacher Insisted that there were but three
orders in th church, bishop, priest and
deacon, and said that the word dean looked
good on the program, but he wa still
a priest.. He. aald that prayer was the
great leveler. of all things when they went
Rev. Francis J. Hall of the Western The
ological seminary of Chicago told of the
training of a bishop and Frank L. Haller
of Omaha used ar his subject "The Church
Club, the Bodyguard of the BUbop."
The Carats.
Those at the speakers' tsble were: Rt.
Rev. George A. Williams, bishop of Ne
braska; Rt. Rev. Frank R. MilUpaugh.
bishop of Kansas; 111. Rev. Theodore N.
Morrison, bishop of Iowa; II. S. Hall. II. W.
Yatea. Kev. G. A. Beecher. Rev. J. C.
(Continued on Second Page.)
Summarized, the report show these
Number of pensioners at the beginning
of the year. V61.0S7; number of new pen
sioners added to th roll, eCOKS; pensioners
on roll at close of the year, S4S.1M: a net
dt crease ef i.i3L Survivor of the Civil
ar oa the roll now number
Commissioner Warner explain that th
trcreaae In the amount paid out for pen
sions was due principally to th large
number of pensioners placed 'on the roll
under the act of February C 1TM7, granting
SIX. SIS and TP to survivors of the war with
Mexico aad the Civil war. oo reaching the
ages of a, 7 and 75 year respectively.
Wattles Says It is Not Justified by
Present Conditions.
Former rosnellman Debates the Rill
at t.eaK1)i aad spaxrts Ilia t on
test loaa vtltna Many Fig-area
frssa Other Titles.
Principals and their seconds met Monday
afternoon In the city council chamber
before the committee of the whole te fight
out the battle for and against six tickets
for a quarter. One long round of talk wai
Indulged In, with some stinging remarks,
rejoinders, counter and croa-counlr
scattered aiong.
Then, w hen everybody wa tired, adjourn
ment wa taken to next Monday afternoon.
Previous to the encounter direct Council
man Berka. with fine foresight, had a
motion passed that no decision should be
given on the result. All the anrumeuts
were to be heard, then the vote that would
settle the position of the council aa referee
was to be deferred until City Clerk Butler
can get precedents and decisions from forty
other cities that have been offllcally re
quested to send data touching the dispute
here In Omaha.
"Bob" Holmes, highly Illuminated, rose.
at one point to tell former Councilman
Zlmman that he (Zlmman) wa a ding
dong ping pong prevaricator. Holmea used
ugly, undiplomatic language and Council
man Fur.khouser. presiding, conveyed to
Mr. Holmea the Information that hi fel
Ing were ruffled by th tone used.
Oo to sleep. Holme," said Mr. Zlm
man, but the sopomflc inntaence did not
work on the legislator for some threaten
ing momenta.
9. Arlsa Lewis a Gladiator.
"What you are paying. Mr. Zlmman,
about the Federated Improvement club Is
unwarranted and untrue." Thua 8. Arton
Lewis; and further: "If you want to com
out In the alley, I wl'l demonstrate your
"Nonsense." quoth Zlmman. "Why, I'd
eat you up in that kind of an argument."
'Thua airy T"rslflage and vinegary badin
age flew in and out through the desperata
encounter. Financial Secretary Linen an
and President Lear of the Street Car
Men union mixed la once, to have Presi
dent Wattles elaborate some remark cred
ited to fhem by a' shorthand editor..
Then R- B. Howell also Interjected a few
queries to Mr. Wattles, which flurried the
air without blowing any buildings over.
Unci Joe Redman, ambitious a usual,
felt that the tail of the coat of hla friend.
Billy Kierstead. wa trodden on when
Billy wasn't looking, and he objected, tell
ing Mr. Zlmman that Mr. Klerslead waa
t in training and so not able to be present
to take care or bis own coat.
Mr. Wattles also said that Mr. Kler
stead was not just in the position Mr. asserted and never had been. Tu
which Zlmman replied that in that event
Mr. K. waa not the lucky dog he had
counted him.
"This heavy Impairment of funds and th
threatened reduction of earning capacity
I will
make It extremely difficult to gee
funds that w need," said tb president
of the street railway. "I will not ask if the
council wants to drive the company Into
bankruptcy, because 1 do not believe you
It : do. And we want to make extensions, get
I b"r "r. put flown Detler track, and
! then we want to have our operative th
be.!iund 1hbt P"'dJn h eountr'r-
lie iw lull ifc winui irgu-
late fare beyond the city limits, but we
do not want graduated fare. The flat
rate la the beet. A disposition to attack the
rr.mnAnv w hn mn with renncv tt
., pny, very t0
every way."
lis ell lasalres ts Kasw.
R. B. Howell wanted to know whether
or not the company haa contracted to sell
soma more bonds, and Mr. Wattle said
It has. but that tb sale 1 conditional.
At this point Mr. Zimman took the floor,
and it wa hi until the close, with a
dozen or so of Interruption from this man
and that. The former councilman went over
the history of the movement for lower
fares, holding it Is not a new thing in
Omaha, and that neither Judge Berka or
Mr. Bridges Is moved by malice In intro
ducing the ordinances bearing their names.
He called up old history, quoted lret car
company reports of earning and expenses,
with depreciation funds thrown In, and
opined that the six-for-a-quarter proposi
tion will benefit the company and also
would confer great benefit on thousand
of worklngmen and women, and (iris in
th stores working for small wage. Con
cessions made to the cities anl to public
demand were cited from many cf iho
principal cities of the country to i.w that
what is asked in Omaha is reasonable.
Zimman waa loaded and It required quite
a spell to unload, and even when be quit
he said at a future hearing h mould do
it some more.
After brief confab as to the best time
for the next round. Monday afternoon.
October 2. was picked on. By UM. time
it is hoped Dan Butler can bring In the
game he is after and a final result be
reached. ,
Luring all this time there wer breath
bolding periods, but no one held, a watch,
and the round clearly went away beyond
the limit that the ticket called fof.
Aasag Thus Present.
As spectators of the riot of language and
tb tornado of argumtnt there waa a large
delegation of atriking street car men, a
siraller aggregation cf Federated Impi overs
and a digbified group of what Judge Whar
ton designated broadly as conarrvatlv
business men. ' Bexlde Judge Wharton,
whose voice was In excellent Cor.diiloi.;
there were Lubert Cosell. h". E. Brute, N.
P. Dodge, jr.. lavl.l Cole. Simuel ltsa
T. J. Mahoney, Walter Jardins, J. V. Sun
derland, Frank Hamilton and some ether
who modestly took seat well back.
These were ail in fine phyaleal couLt:on.
while A. L Reed and Frank Judsoa showed
th mark of other contest by anna tud
up in sling. They denied physical con hat.
however, blaming Ignorant aad baih. Mlu-