Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4
A CORKER ;.B LACE SIIAWLS f. , ..... nst ft Sample of the Wayi of French .. 33remakeri. BUJUiQ THE AMEBICAN PURSE HY4aV iboht ( l be Available 'ppir, Tfcey Mi Tkrm the .. -. Faahlea n& Pit. lj the . . Trice. 1 ft Must Be the Embodiment of Comfort and Coziness all our home equipments with r-' ' Jr , ... c flmcp imnnrt-nnf nninfs foremost in mind. We also THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: (XTOBEK 17, VM). kJ - 1 &CM& omr --r we n an NEW YORK. Oct. M.-"Ametlcans are clever ,at cornering certain kinds of prod uct, but we have st 111 a few thing to learn of the Freficrl. The man Who raises th. price of hit br sends cotton Roaring la pronounced a wlxsrd and his came Is on every "tongue. There la, however, an other market king about whom the outside world hears very little, and that Is the ca!jny French dressmaker or fashion cre ator who buys up our own materials and then sella them to .us at an exorbitant 'The speaker was a Fifth avenue taller and dressmaker. The recent advance In price of certain kind of dress trimming precipitated the remark. "iio you See that exquisite evening gown of dull green brocade, the one half veiled 1 old lrbantUly ?,, he . asked, pointing to one of a "row of brand new Parisian model avoid conventionality in our outfits try to show orig- 1 .1 I. 1 - ! . C 4-n r r inality carry out distinctive tnougntsprouuee picusm cuais aim uiat homes that will be expressive of the most modern ideas of the present day. i inotner vvonaenui auvaniac jjivcu -in owmi r a gowns drooping gracefully from their per fumed and ribbon trimmed hangers. Tha gown was a-no ft and clinging bro cade of a shade that you could call nothing but green, yet It had strange alluring lights In, it aa dm caught glimpses of the silk through ,the rich , old laoe shawl which covered (the front and aides almost to the knees and fell In a. long point over the train. The ends of the ahawl were caught hp on the shaUHIers. There It was, one of those handsome pieces, .of lace that dpsens of women .have had atoied away for years, and vndet the skilful fingers of the French dressmaker it had become a distinctly fashipnaUe trimming. '.,.' What It Flgares Vt. "TrjM rjiodel cost , me exactly 1700, duty Included, i and I could not duplicate' the gown Ih; 'cheaper materials for the same money' unless I knw where to get on of these 'shawls, said the dressmaker. "There tf but a few. of them had because French dressmakers' .agents have been scouring this country as well as their own fbrjtioftth's buying them up right under our noses .With the Intention of using them In this fashion and making them the smart thing of the moment. v "If a woman had brought me such an heirloom months. aro'and had . offered it foi; hjnie the original cost or even less 1 would probably have refused It. In the first place the lace' when genuine and u'ntlqoe looks a .bit faded. I . should ' not dare to' put It on a handsome ' evening gown without the approval of the Parisian fashion creator, but when Paris makes these shawls fashionable It la almost Im possible to get hold of one. 'Thl shows you the Ingenuity and fore sight Of the French. They get, together when' It Is time to plan the next season's, fashion and decide,- to. push chantllly draped evening dresses, let us say. Through agents they purchase all the antique chan-. tflljr; ahttwls to be found at home, or over here.) "They take them from right under our notes and we are helpless to prevent thetaJ '""A Puson,: or It" may be a year.' or two later, there are practically no shawla in tile market: They are all veiling handsome French evening dresses. ' ; ' r"','t ftii ...- ' ' ' ' ' ! i ' ' ;': j Pari Has the fthawla. .. . . "The French fashion .creator wjio sells to American dressmakers must Ije able, to sup ply several duplicate of a model, and ,lf he he one to show with chantllly lace drap ery he must be' able to reproduce It If a buyer like it And the buyer must pay the advanoed price demanded because chan tflly laoe shawls are scarce; because, in fact. Pari has them ail. "You cannot 'substitute strips or sections of lace and get this same delightfully grace ful effect on a gown. The model calls for this long pointed drapery at one aide and the ends-reaching to the shoulders. We cannot reproduce the model "without the laee- ploe,.so we are compelled to pay any price demanded for a 'shawl if a customer wants us to copy the gown. ' " ' - ""Cornering the' chantllly' lace' ' shawl market leia much les serious matter, how ever, thari cornering the fur tnarrket."rOrfry few women desire this particular evening gown,' but every New York woman, a well . as every woman elsewheVe in this country who keeps up with the latest nov' elites, Insists on having a coat a neckpiece and muff o trimming f the particular kind of fur that la sent out by Parisian houses as the very latest cry In smartness.' "Mo that thousands of women feel the ef fects of a corner In, the fur market. Year after iear when If Is announced from Paris tbat a oertatn kind of pelt Is to be the fash ionable fur for the winter we. buy back at a much higher price quantities of fur that we iiave sold to the market operators a year or two earlier. '.'.,.. ' 'The Parisian fur buyers come to our 'oWn country, or else they keep their! agents On the ground, and when they have j eornerra an tne supply tney put it on ine market and we pny anything " they ak. This happened before the squirrel rage. The "skins were bought from us for 5 cents 'or less and then we turned around and' boight back probably the Identical sktnl fiie following winter at several times the figure paid to lis. Our customers de manded squirrel, and so we hud to supply them with the fashionable pelt regardless of Its' actual value, '' ' 'Possum Pur Is Hlah. "This year they say that you cannot buy an opossum tor love or money be cause' the Knglish and the French furriers li.v been collecting skins In every state . where the little animal Is found. And as the ae anon advances opossum will be the smart fur and Its prices will soar far be- j yvnd that for which It could have been purchased lust wthter. "The Billy 'possum Is said to be respon sible for the fun erase' of the coming sea sen. European furriers heard so much about' the American animal 'that it set thetil'td thinking- and then' they'ralmly proceeded to get hold of all the available opossum fur. The opossum fud promises to -surpass the squirrel or the ermine fad ef tow seasons- ago. . "I, cannot say what the price of opoa aunuwtll be: it a too early yet for this style; of fur -to be actually launched on the market- lut it will nut be cheap, and It. 1 tulug i held back for an appearance later In the season- after the other furs tve. ,,had 4 aole. "Tha . same, schema was carried out In roaki)a fbher fashionable last, season and this.,, i'lvher la found on, our own conti nent more tha a .anywhere else, and yet y,bd to .PW tbe. pelts from. European furjra, because they, Qulally obtained all tA&t could ,be found and decidad to make It, f he ur, .of tthe season. . ... t "It Is nut.ouly foresight on their part; It Is -slu .VUtlr reputaliep as creators that ruakss- u , their ta,ay vlctlma. Wf could not ciirivr-the flatter or the opossum tatr ket -an make either fur the aiuart thing for the aeason because every garment tbat (aahlonabia woiuon wear nuot bear the Parisian stamp. We are at the mercy of theae Parisian fashion creators." m&im!h " !. A. - jaaeJS i . - . - - IM . ' ''" '-- jj A j; )yTgJ Jor thlB week y ylylliuii La ctj f3ai L lit IE n X '1 f U i at Ilartman's is the extent of Variety. Our showing of complete furnishings for homes of various sizeis greater than those of any other ostablish- "racnt in the city. Where others show 12 or 15 oututs we snow ou. ine aavaniagw vo juu is uu.uu . " ." " " Tl T L We give you the privilege of selecting from our complete line?, thus affording the widest scope for tho expression of individual taste. I rotn the standpoint. . 1 k ir ii 1. j p ..,r iUncn nu 1 Pi to -arViinli xrfi nre now showincr. are far-nnd-awav the best VilUvlv; VUViilk'J - r - ..' J - --- -- all those who desire it. ' ' ' I V 17 V U II It" 'l 1 V 1 U JL av, wii iiuui vw v ""'j" w - J ; o of excellence, from the standpoint-of variety and from the standpoint of economy tl you'll find anywhere. . It'll pay you to see them. We extend credit cheerfully to Our Four Room Outfit is -How Priced at S09!. Terms: $9 Cash, S6' Monthly DAVENPORT SOFA BED Upholstered in guaranteed Nantucket leather, a very massive davenport constructed of solid oak, best oil tempered steel springs, back and seat, tufted, ruffled edge, lf OR front posts are handsomely carved. Special I sJJ HANDSOME SEWING ROCKER 11 d2 This rocker Is made of Amer ican quartered oak, with a high braced back and com fortable scat. Exceedingly well made and finished. You cannot dupli cate the value elsewhere. .WE GUARANTEE ABSOLUTE AND COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK Mai MASSIVE SOLID OAK COUCHES Ve".?." They are made with heavy solid oak frame, handsomely carved, they are set with best oil tempered steel springs, strongly secured by hand, tops are deeply-tufted and uphol stered In guaranteed Nantucket leather, which -ias the appear and wp 1 the wearing auaiiues 01 genuine icauier. Special this sale at 1 as the t 10:05 2 Inch Continuous Posts COLONIAL DRESSERS Made of selected solid oak, a ich co lonial design of superior construction and finish; exactly as illustrated, ex tra large-French plate - R. 05 hevel mirror .-......... . W "' ' .. . . ,-' 1. 1 , ' . 4i v.: .'.. ..; ' .. STEEL RANGES Guaranteed for 5 years; complete with high warming closet as shown in il lustration. These ranges are a marvel at the price, positively the" best ever sold at a1 ny where near the price. Have 6 large full size 8-in. holes in top ex tra large square oven, asbestos lined, beautifully ornamented with nickel trimming. Specially priced for this-week's sale at. . . . ; 3 M I 1 It should not take many offerings like the one here featured to convince you that it will be to your advan tage, to get prices on youFTurnishings at the Hartman store. You certainly cannot consider the extent and value of this bed offering without being impressed with the fact that it is of unusual character. This bed is Gl in, high, made with 2-in. continuous posts of colonial design. The tubing is extra heavy. Enameled in various colors including the beautiful gold bronze. Chills are exceedingly heavy and decor- j ated. Angle steel side rails. We offer this bed at the unheard of jirice of . KITCHEN CABINET Made of solid ' oak, complete with shelves, cupboards, bins, cutlery and spice drawers, and bread and meat board. Is exactly an Illustrated above. Workmanship and appearance of this cabinet la far superior to my that have ever Dean sola at the price. Spe cial fur this week , V'iV.J-JA;-..'',-'v-X-t'.-". --.i 9X12 BRUSSELS RUGS ' These rugs are of exceptional quality, priced at an amazingly low figure. They are made of all worsted materials, made without mitre teams and thor oughly guaranteed. The colorings are most durable and beautiful. Special this week at i,wmm m tew 4'V;::;;tl LIBRARY TABLES In the new mis sion Resign, beau tiful golden oak" or' Early English finish. Made of selected solid oak extra large top and roomy draw er. Legs are mas sive and; shapely. Special this sale, TElfflUUIJM 3 Extra Large Base Burner .50 EXTENSION . TABLES These tables are made of solid oak, finished in golden, are extra massive, have brilliantly pol ished tops, large carved claw feet as illustrated above. Extend to six feet. Special this week at 1 1 En rrs II f- 1 . J II most durable and mf "J IT ya. g y&vevM . I2-'5 n H Here's a haS-biirrer of extra slse the biggest baseui-ner that ever sold In Omaha at' Hie pru-e. It's a perfect nelf (ffl-r, has large ra-diatiog-eui tare and a most powerful double neuter. It has many Improved features, Is beautifully ornamented with nickel trimming and will prove an otnuiiieni to any home. It's a tremendous value at the prtr-er- - f 'iv lit, t 1 ii 1 22 Great Stores Throughout the U. S. r v f 1 a. n v .-a This Base Burner 1414-1416-1418 Douglas Street I ?T1lM.-i.M:' This is an extra large handsomely designed baseburner, a por fect self fodder with a Urge coal magazine, new and Improved flues, & mast powerful heater and one that can be recommended for economy. It U beautifully ornamented with nickel trim ming, la well worth (0 per cent mor than the special sale price for the week. 4