Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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r-Bg Sfioe Safe
MHwi' and chllds' $1.50 show
In all Biles up to 2, at $1.00
Boys' and youths'. $1.60 and
$1.76 shoos, at . . . I . .91.10
For the people who want the
hst In men's shoes we have
the Stetson, at $3.80 and the
Crossett. at $ 4.00
New fall styles In the Quith
Quality and G rover shoes for
women who want the best.
Men's and women's shoes,
worth up to $3.00, in all
leathers and all new fall
styles, at 1.98
Men's and women's shoes,
in -run metal and patent
colt, actually worth $3.50
and $4.00, at S2.50
Misses' tan calf, Goodyear
welt school shoes, also
patent colt and kid slioes,
worth $2.25, at... $1.50
$1.25 Dress Nets 39 C
A full 11ns of double width dress
nets, both plain and fancy, all
colors, suitable for net wslsts
and gowns; ret alar II. 25 values,
special Saturday 3o
J. B. Stetson. Hats,
$3.50 to $7.00
X,atr and Bart In
Special Saturday, men and boys'
hats, values to $1.60, at 6o Ji 880"
Our New Toy Department i
$6.00 Velvet tread ball bearing,
nickel plated roller f skatea, one
day only .$2.23
Steel wheel Barney & Berry roller
skates ......... . . . .O80
Boys' velocipedes large size, worth
$3.76, only $2.fi0 medium size,
91.08; small size $1.03
$4.00 Wooden coaster wagons, at,
only .$2.40
Boys' steel wagons oh sale ..98c
Rugby foot balls on 'sale 4.'.!. 08c
Doll buggies on 'sale 23c, 80c, 60c
Dolls 10c, 10c, 23c, 80c and 60c
Boys' $1 dalsy; 'air' rifle, only 03c,
Bets of toy dishes,- worth" 6de, at,
only f ' t . f ' .23c
One big lot, slightly dam
aged in shipping or deliv
ery; on sale Saturday at
Less Than Factory Cost.
Xaydsas, the QreaWs Market la Omaha
- f.fwn ana jrruiis.
Batter, Battertns and Cheese Depart-
( man Specials.
Choice dairy butter. ier lb 84o
Fancy dairy table butter, per lb. Btio
Fancy country creamery butter, per
lb BBO
Fancy full cream, whits or colored
cheese, per lb. , BOo
Fancy Neutchattl cheese, only , .. .30
Pap Sago cheese, only vVto
Good hutterlne, 2 lb, for Boo
Oood table butterlne, 2 lbs. for . .350
Fancy table butterlne, 1 lbs. for 4oo
Fancy carton, equal to creamery
butter, per lb B80
, Omaha's Orsatest Market for Tresh
i vegetables.
Fancy Jersey sweet potatoes, lb. Be
Fresh parsnips, carrots or turnips.
per lb .J"'- !?
Fancy wax or green beans, lb.
Fresh cabbage, per lb. ........ HO
Freeh Denver cauliflower, lb 10
Fresh aplnach. per peck ........100
Largs head lettuce, per head ....60
Call from "Battj" People Keep
Guards on the Alert.
Parasataa ( lamates of District
Asrlaa P"I Aroiil tas Whit
Hoass Traits aad Natloa.
alltr f Victim..
President Taft has enjoyed complete
freedom from members of the crank family
during bIS tour across the continent. Ex
cepting the Portland (Ore.) incident, there
lias not been an occasion calling for the
services of the secret service men or local
police. The Portland Incident seems to have
been due to the over-seal of on of the
camera squad, whose efforts to get close
to tba president deserved polio attention.
Most of the crank family affeoted with
the presidential mania gravitate to the na
tional capital. Many are a purely local
product. At St. Elisabeth's, th govern
ment hospital for the Insane at Washing
ton, there are 10M Inmates, -one-tenth of
whom are afflicted with the presidential
mania. Half of th number were taken
Into custody during the incumbency of the
mlghtly hunter now disporting himself In
Africa. Perhaps because of the radical re
form measures that saw their Inception
during Mr. Roosevelt's administration, and
th number of men and women who had to
see him on missions of real Importance,
thar has never before been anything )ike
So great a number of more or leas 'de
mented persons trying to break Into the
president's sanctum. Nor has there beeu
Run Down?
AJt roar iochr H Uoul Ayer' Sana,
nil: Entirtiy fn mm ataAo. A ttmnf
tank W mil Hi.
The Best in Gloves
Reyniers', Fownes' Virginian,
- Crown Complete lines of real
French kid gloves, in all newest
shades; on sale at
98c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00
Ladies' $ 1.25 quality Cape Gloves,,
best, colors, all sizes; magnificent
bargains, at sale price, pair G0
Ladies' and Children's Cashmere
Gloves Silk lined, worth 50c;
at, pair 25o
Ladies' and Children's Golf
Gloves Special bargains Sat
urday, at 25c and 15c
Mooney Hats
$2.00 and $2.50
Man's Tall Headwr
Special bargain offering In
trunks, grips and suit cases.
Extra Specials in Our Busy
Drug Department
lOo Armour genuine, pure glycerine
soap 60
8 bars Jap Rose or Palm Olive soap
for Buo
HO different brands of lOu toilet soap
2 bars for -.- : luo
60a Imported Java Rice or Poaionl
kf ace Powder V. '. 830
2U brands of regular 25o face
powder, at, box luo
3 cans beat talcum powder Buo
11.60 Oriental cream ....Si.03
i!0c bottle Cream of Hoses 60
26c alt Bensoln. & Almond Cream 100
260 Pond's Extract, Vanishing or cold
cream ; .J. .......... . . . lo
26c Kublfoaia-or Santtol tooth waih
at ....,..,. Z. Jl. .. , . . . . ISO
25o Paaltel or Dr.. IS. Li. Graves'
too.ttL-aowdar . .'., v . . ISO.
S80 toai brands beex.. iron and wine,
at . .. . ,., .... . 49
2io Whits fine and Tar cough syrup.
at ;'..'. .-,' 190
tq 'different kinds of 6O0 perfume,
. per os. ..)...,:..; 06e
11.26 2-quart hot water bottle . .OOo
f 1.69 2-qt. .special het waten bottle,
at 890
f 1.8ft S-ot- hot water bottle, guar
anteed for -6 year 11.35
fl.4 2-qt. syringe and bottle, com
plete, at 890
$1.95 2-qt; syringe and bottle guar
anteed for 5' years V1.49
$2.26 2-qt. Wellington syringe and
bottle, guaranteed for 6 years 9179
85c Chamois skin for vest lining COo
12.00 Chamois vests 91.49
for Groceries, Batter, Cheese, Crack-
2 stalks tresli celery Bo
Good coking apples, per peck . .18o
I.u I,u scouring soap, per can ....Bo
l.avaline scouring soap, per can ,.3e
The best bulk starch, per lb Be
Oil or mustard sardines, per can 3Ho
Tall cans Alaska "Ulmon loo
The beet domestic .-lataronl, pkg. 8e
Diamond C or Diamond H mince
meat, pkg be
2-,h pkx. best self rising pancake
flour 80
t-iu. choice Japan rice 8S0
7-lb. beat rolled breakfast oatmeal 880
6-lb. -b-st Pearl - tapioca,- sago or
barley SSo
jllfe C'4coa, per can 10o
Egg O See, per pk 'o
All kinds corn t'tiKrs, pkg. ....'( o
Quaker wheat fiu'js, pkg. ......7'ic
, Largs also Burnham'-J clam bouLUon
at J9o
Caps Cod cranberries, per qt. ..'Ho
Frtsh Kutabaas per lb IHo
at any time so many crank letters, or such
a lot of crank literature -received at the
Whit House as during those seven years.
It was freely prophesied that the new ad
ministration would se a distinct falling
off In this class of visitors, but considering
how short a time Mr. Taft has been in of
fice, his popalarity with the cranks is phe
nomenal, and It begins to look as if he
might eventually outdo his predecessor In
that line.
A Dansjeroaa "aa.
About the most danserou cass thst eve,
came under the notice of the authorities
was that of a Swede, who, when he real
ised that he was being Quietly sidetracked,
drew a revolver and seriously wounded
Policemsn Sissel of the White House squad
He came to Washington In the spring of
1904, journeying most of the way from hU
home in Minneapolis in a freight car. Ho
made his wsy to the White House and de
manded an audience with th president,
that he might lay before him certain fact
of an alleged persecution.
He announced himself as a famous ma
chinist, controlling valuable patents which
were made by a company of which he ui
president. He declared that his patent
would revolutionise the world's business,
and that his countrymen in Sweden wero
trying to have him poisoned and to stes'
his patents. Certain peculiarities of dresv
and a curious fllghtlness In his conversa
tion aroused the suspicions of the officer
who led him through the basement of the
Whit House to the gusrd room at ths east
end, where he f told to wait, presuma
bly for the president.
A cab was called from a nearby siand
and the man hustled into It to be taken
to the First precinct station about half a
mile. away. Just as ths eab started the
Swede . drew a heavy revolver and fired
point blank at the officer. Fortunately
his aim was as bad as his Intention, and
he inflicted what should have been only
Avar's 5raanlla it a tease. It does
net srlmslsto. It docs not make yon
feel better one day, then at bad as ever
the next. There is note drop of alcobol
in it. You have tbe steady, even gain comea from a strong tonic. Ask
your doctor all about this.
Tremendous Bargain Offerings in Winter
Underwear Saturday
. . Our Buyer Secured for Cash at a Big Discount
ISST Consolidated Underwear Company, A
And right at the beginning of the season, at just the time you are beginning to feel the
need of the winter weight garments, WE OFFER YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO SUP
Vests or pants, in nil wool
or eilk and wool, and fin
ished garments, worth to
$2.00, choice 9Sc
Ladies' "Wool Swiss Ribbed
Vests or Pants regular $1
value, at 49c
Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Vests
or Pants regular values to
75c, Saturday
at . :. .25c, 39c and 49c
Heavy Fleeced Union Suits,
, cream or gray, $1.00 value,
at 50c
The entire purchase must be disposed of quickly and we are making the prices on all lines
that will insure us not only a tremendous selling, but you the underwear bargains of a lifetime.
Unmatched Values in New Fall Garment Styles
A display having in its scope all the most charming style ideas, the choicest fabrics and color
combinations, produced by the foremost makers of America and Europe, bewitching designs and
splendid qualities, coupled with surprisingly moderate prices.
High Class Tailor Suit3, including the famous CROWN JEWEL, at. ... . .$25,; $35, $45 to $89
Don't fail to visit our Big Children's Dept. and Baby Bazar, 2d floor. You'll find, every thing
for the little ones at lowest prices.
$25.00 Tailor Suits at
$12.50 Big manufac
turer's 6tock purchase,
just received from our
New York buyer; all the
most clever new ideas
42 to 46-inch 6atin lined
coats; new pleated
skirts; to $25.00 values, g
As shown, in our 16th
street windows. i
$15.00 Long Kersey
Coats C oyer ts and
fancy materials, new-
est styles; your choice, fite;
at $10.00
Children's Wool Sweaters, val
ues to $2.50; choice $1.49
Omaha's Greatest Silk Sale Monday
200 pieces of Beautiful Plain and Fancy Silks, secured for cash from. Samuel Eiseman and
Company, together with thousands of yards of rich fall 'silks just received from the ASHLEY
BAILEY AUCTION. The very cream of the offerings secured from our buyer.
Seldom, if ever before, has such an opportunity to bargain getting in clean new fall silks
been offered in Omaha.
Watch daily papers for full Don't fail to come early Mon- See big display in our 16th
particulars and. prices. day. . . , . . . . ,, street windows.
a slight wound. But subsequent develop
ments led the doctors at the Emergency
hospital, where Slaael went to have It
dressed, to the conclusion that the bullet
had been coated with poison, and that
had this particular crank gained access
to the president, Mr. Roosevelt might
have shared the fate of McKinlry.
The officer, wounded though he was,
aucceeded in subduing his prisoner and
bringing him safely to the station. He was
sent to St. Elisabeth's for a time, but was
later sent to St. Paul, Minn.
Quite a different sort of crank was a
middle-aged, well-dressed woman who
cam to ask a trifling fsvor of the chief
executive. She was, so she said, a mem
ber ot a prominent Virginia family, at one
time very wealthy. She had lost most of
her money through Ul-advtced speculation.
She said, however, that she was entitled
to share In an eatats valued at fuUO.000,
but that "they" wer keeping her out
of It.
Through a medium she had learned that
the money was burled In the sea off Old
Point Comfort, and she had como to get
the president to help her get it. She was
told tiiat the president was out riding and
would .lot be back until late, but rhe said
she would wait. When asked lust how she
expected the president to help her she
explained that he, of course, owned the
sea, and she thought the least he could do
mould be to drain it off In the neighbor
hood of Norfolk and Old Point, so that
she could recover her lost fortune. She
too, was gently led off In the direction
of th government hospital, but was latei
sent to her bom.
All th War from Iowa.
On man traveled all the way from Iowa
to ask the president to help him escape
from his enemies, who were pursuing hi in
In airships and likely at any moment to
drop bombs on him and destroy him. He
was most worried by a Denver man, mho
had exployed sis men and two airships
to keep a continual watch on htm And
if they could not drop their bombs on him
they would compass his destruction by
means of compressed air which they car
ried stored In tanks at either end of their
Th suffragettes have had their repre
aentativea among the Whit ' House
An immense Bhowing of wool
garments priced at $1.25
and 98C
That would sell regularly
up to $3.00.
Fleece Lined Underwear, all
sizes and kinds, that sell
regularly up to $1.00 a gar
ment, at 49c and 39c
Fleeced Union Suits, heavy'
winter weight, $1.50 values,
at 98c
Hosiery, Outing Flannel,
Gloves and Sweaters at sur-
prising bargain prices.
Children's Bear Skin Coats; to
$14.00 values $1.98
mm:m mm IV: ,
mmm mm i m in mm-
cranks. Two women, apparently excited
by the discussions of female suffrage, in
the newspapers and the rather strenuous
doings of the English suffragettes, cam,
one from New England, th other from
Pennsylvania, each accompanied by a son,
to demand the president retire in their
Kach of them wanted a chance at the
Job herself, but ment to arrange things
so that her children would aucceed her.
One of them had her cabinet all chosen,
and was prepared as soon as she was
sworn In to oust Admiral Dewey and re
place him by a woman as the head of
L'ncle Sam's navy. Thus would she end
the horrors of war and contribute to the
peace policies of Th Hague conference.
Iloth women, after a brief sojourn at St.
Elisabeth's, were sent to their homes.
Less that, a year ago a young Austrian
called and gravely presented to the secret
kerslce men a card that proclaimed him
"Acting President Roosevelt." He de
manded an audience with the president, but
he had been there before, and the guards
were not qultfe Inclined to accept his card
as evidence of his position. So they gently
led him In another direction.
Hot After tU Ice Tmet.
One unfortunate, his Imagination fired
by the "trust, justing" exploits of the last
administration, came to confide to the
president a beautiful scheme to frustrate
the mechlnationa ot the Ice trust. He was
prepared to form and , let Mr. Roosevelt
in on the ground floor of a Polar lea com
pany. In return for his ground-floor priv
ates the president was to Induce congns.
o bark the venture with a fat appropria
tion. This Polar Ice company was to cut Its
ice in the arctic regions, and, of course.
Incidentally reach tii pole and fly the
American flag from It. He drew fancy
pictures of Its vessels towing Icebergs Into
New York, Boston and some of the Pa
cific porta The whole plan was picturesque
in the extreme, and is hereby offered to
some aspiring librettist as a plot for a
musical comedy.
This particular crank, while evidently
quit irresponsible, aeemed quite harmless.
He speedily developed, however, into a
most violent maniac, vihom It a as abso
lutely necessary to restrain, and who.
Heavy Fleeced Union Suits,
big values, at 49c
Vests and Pants in fine qual
ity, extra heavy fleeced, un
equaled values. ;25c, 19c
A big line of Children's
Sleeping Garments, Sweat
ers, Gowns, etc., at Corres
ponding Low Prices.
See the special bargains
in Sterling, Harvard Mills,
Globe and Imported Swiss
Ribbed Underwear.
$25.00 One-Piece
Dresses $12.50 Beauti
ful coloring and designs,
including the popular
Moyen age effects, in
prunellas, serges, broad
cloths, silks; 3,000 of
them for your selection;
values to $25.00, on sale
iit , , .
'As shpwn in our 16th
street windows.
$35.00'-French Coney
Coats, in blouse and
coat styles; great snap
at $24.90
Children's Coats, sizes 6 to 14
years; to $7.50 values. .$4.95
- First
within thirty-six hours of being committed
to St. Elizabeth's died of exhsustlon so
violent were his paroxysms.
One of the most spcctscular of these
unfortunates was a New Yorker who, in
th goodness of his heart, and the weak
ness of his head, came all the way to
Washington to warn the president of an
anarchistic plot to assassinate him. Ha
only wanted to bo allowed to sleep outside
of the president's door and protect him
with his life If necessary. And to guard
against recognition he had blacked his
hands and face In the most remarkable
It does not seem to make any difference
whether the president Is In Wsshlngton or
not. Quite as many cranks come there
to see htm when he Is not there aa when
he is. For Instance, Just recently, hen
it had been widely advertised that Mr.
Taft, immediately after the signing of the
Pavne tariff bill, had retired to Beverly
for his vacation, aeveral unfortunates whom
the guards described as "batty" or "dotty,"
came to ths White House to see him.
A week or two before that a Chinaman
was found wandering around the prem
ises, apparently bent on seeing the presi
dent, though as he spoko no English, it was
something of a puzzle what he expected
to say to him. On finding unexpected dif
ficulties In the way, he became greatly
excited, and the officers had consider
able trouble in getting him quietly to the
police station, and event-tally to the asy
lum, where he atlll remains and is likely
to for some time to come as Uncla Sam's
Once a week In criminal court No. t In
sanity cases are tried, and any on who
did r.ot know would be astonished at the
number of them that the hlle House has
There are at present perhaps !00 smong
the S.OuO unfortunates being cared for at
St. Elizabeth's, who first showed symp
toms of derangement In (heir efforts to
reach the chief executive of the nation.
Many more, of course, have been sent to
their own bomes to be cared for by their
t,wn families or by local Institutions.
It Is a curious fact that at least three
quarters of them are foreigners, or of for
eign extraction. France, Germany and
Switzerland supply most of them. Only
four are recorded from Hussia, the home
New Fancy Neckw:ar
A big line of now Novelties just
received; on sale Saturday
at 98c, 49c and 25c
75c Silk Belts 25c Silk elastic
belts have come to stay we se
cured a fine line of extra qual
ity silk elastic belts, with nobby
new buckles, at a great bargain,
to $1.00 values; on sale Satur
day, at 25c
$2.50 HAND BAGS at OS
Genuine leather bags and all leather
lined, the biggest snap ever, at . .)St
. . . S m, v c riAvrfTtst
1S to 86 Frio aTlng- on rail MOllnrry Moit Cusnainr lnortm' ot
Hsw Trlmmsd aad Untrimmcd Bbapss Evsr Two SU(-bt .
fnl Specials for Batnrdsy
600 Btylish trimmed huts, tsell ,100 Trimmed hats, neatly trimmed
worth to $10.00, they look H to, and; Siliirk, brown and
all In two lots, at . .Sd.OO aad 3.93 navy, values to $4.00, at ....
Btreet Hats In lmmenso assortment of beautiful styles for your selection
large snd medium velvet shapes, at 95.00, 98.76 and 97.50
How About Stoves?
Are you all ready for the
colder weather to comet If
not here's some specials that
will interest you.
6-inch Stove pipe, per Joint . ,7
4-pleco Flanged elbows i . . . . 7
Adjustable elbows, each .... 10(
6 -Inch Coke Iron pipe, extra, heavy
Quality ...15
e-inch Polished pipe, joint -20
Lined stove lines, up from . .49
15-lnch Oak stove, The Dandy,
.$15.00 value ......... .37.95
i 4-hole Steel . cook atove, 1 9-lnch
oven, Monday, 87.95
Qua radiators, up from ..$2.45
The Cut Price
Hardware Dept.
Weather strips, rubber lined, 12 foot
long, at o
Heavy galvanised fob, on sale . ,36o
6-ft. Ironing or skirt board, extra
wide, at flo
Mrs. Potts' Iron handles, each ....60
Folding Ironing boards, with stand
only, at 98o
Mrs. Voorman's 2Bo sink strainer loo
Beat quality food choppers, sale buo
17-qt. Enameled dUh pan 8O0
Mrs. Potts' 6-piece sets nickel plulnii
mi Irons, worth 91.25. on sale 75o
Prlsco lantern, on xals 49o
EOc Radiator brushes, only 860
Is'o. II guaranteed enameled diiti
pans, at 69o
The famous western washer . .a.B
The easy Yankee washer 94.88
The one minute washer 89.95
All white enameled chamber palls 8bo
of the. nihilist and the hotbed of anarchy.
And none at all from excitable Italy.
Takes Ran to tb Northwest and
Barns Money on th
Henry C. Ostermann, the millionaire
freight ear manufacturer of Chicago, has
been at Walla Walla, Wash., only four
days, but he has startled the natives bv
spending $3 000 In his own way. Other at
tractions have dropped to second place
since the arrival of this modern Croesus
with Mrs. Ostermann and his business as
sociate, W. M. Brennan, in an automobile.
Mr. Ostermann put the touring car In the
repair shop and atarted to have a good
These are a few of things ha did:
Alfowed no one to buy a drink; grabbed
a S10T bill from the bar, where another man
had laid it, and, after tearing It Into pieces,
gave the owner another bill anil bought
him a drink; paid a band 3 whenever It
played a piece he asked for; hired the band
for a dance, tore a 1100 bill In 'two and
gave the leader half, promised the re
mainder later, and, after giving the band
There is no way to cure Catarrh except to purify the blood, end thus
do nway with the pause. The symptoms may be benefited by the use of
washes, inhalations, sprays, medicated tobaccos, etc., and throuRh. the use
of such treatment catarrh sulTerers receive temporary relief and comfort.
External and local measures however cannot have any etTgct on the blood,
and therefore their use alone Is of no real curative value. Catarrh Is a
deep-seated blood disease, end comes as the result of catarrhal matter and
other Impurities In tlie circulation. These vmorbid matters la the blood
cause an Inflammatory and Irritated condition cf the mucous membrarro or
tissue lining of the cavities of the body, producing an unhoalthy socretion,
ringing noises la the ears, stuffy feeling la the head and nose, headaches,
hoarseness, bronchial affections, watery eyes, eto. 8. B. S. is the best treat
ment for Catarrh because It is the greatest of all blood purifiers. This
medicine removes every particle of the catarrhal Impurity from the circula
tion, making this vital fluid pure, fresh and healthy. Then t'je inflamed
membranes begin to heal, because they are nourished with pure, healtU
givisg blood, every symptom disappears, and soon B. 8. S. produces a perfect
cure. 8.8. 8. does not contain any habit-forming drugs, which really never
can cure Catarrh, but often ruin the health. JJook on Catarrh and any
mecycal dyjee tree. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA.
r11osiery andn
Most complete lines of
Fine Cashmere Hose; vari
ety and quality leaving
nothing to be desired at
the price.
Ladies' Cashmere Hose
Medium or heavy weight,
prices ranging
25c, 35c, 50c and Up
Ladies' ani Children's
Fleeced Hose 2.o, qual
ity; special for Saturday
at 15c
Infants' 2.V Cashmere Hone lc
Omaha agents for the cele
brated Pony Hose for children,
See the new fall styles.
Women's Knst Proof Corsets
They're more popular than
ever, prices $1, $1.50 and 82
7fe Coutll corsets, medium and
low hip 'models.' bose support
ers attached, special at 40
i. 50 Copyright Boohs 98c
Ours s tho only book department
In Omaha wlu-re you'll find the
fl.r0 copyright books sold nt,
en i-li .98o
1.00 Copyright Books 4 Jo
p'll bIwj.vh rave you money on
bmk ami stmionery.
Crockery Dzpl
Sptcials You'll Appreciate ,
Inverted Gas Lights, com
plete with best mantle and
globe 39c
Genuine Welsbach Upright ,
Lights, complete with globe,
mantle, etc.; Saturday, 65c '
Two Mantles, upright or, in
verted 15c
Two 15c Mantles, upright or
inverted; special, at. . .20c
Three Handled Cups...lOc
Three 6-in. Plates for..l0c
Six Saucers for .10c
Three Handled Sherbets 10c
Three Colonial Glasses. 10c
Three rolls Shelf Paper 10c
Three Bread and Butter
Plates for ..10c
Saturday Specials in our
High Grade Linen
Hemstitched Hucks, extra large slse,
Plain ami fancy borders, worth 25c,
Katurduy, eacli '. 150
Splendid bath towels, Loth cream and
while, lure. heavy and good for
drying, 29o values, Paiurday, . ,X9o
Heavy, good wearing sheets, vise
HxDO, Freeh seam, worth 75c, Sat
urday, each .680
Large pillow case, extra well made,
heavy and durable, v orth lGo, Sat
urday, each , 10o
master the other half and $30 more, gave
a handful of $6 gold pieces to suuUl buei
gave no tips less than tl.
Henry C. Ostermann Is president of the
Ostermann Maunfacturlng company, West
Pullman, III., builders and repairers of
cars, and lives at 6C34 Monro avenue. He
left Chicago two, months ago for a trip
through the west, and at the Ostermann .
residence the other night It waa said he
had been In Walla Wulla for only a day
or two. It was not known when he would
return to Chicago. Chicago Rscord-Heruld.
Serious Lacerations
and wounds are healed without danger of
blood po. mining by liucklen's Arnica Salve,
the healing under. 2i,c. Sold by Beaton
Drug Co.
A Muulripal lirasj SI or.
The high ran s at union lutuioines and
drugs are sold by the private pliarirracies
and drug stores of hi. Petersburg. sa s a
consular report, have induct U the niuniol
pal -authorities to start a municipal phar
macy, for which purpose K.4j0 has befl
recently allowed. The city pharmucy will
supply medicines and drugs to all the dis
infection and saultary Departments as well
as munli'ipal hospital. To private per
sons drutt -w be -sold at ) fer cent dis
count aKSlnst lhe noraial !iargef. .
Ton cmnim