Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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MmmwmmmmmmK. ... i ml n. n .urn , ,L.mmmmtaawvmmm ,ummmfwmmmmmm'mmmmmmwwm sW.ur.',..T.. t , wwww, ninww.mi.mj.yy. m nun.i gym!iwiiiwwPW'J ffiiw"iujm..jijujM.jLiiwu..Pi i '.Ji tiawapawwpaswawa s (
By Our New York Buyer
Women's Net and
Silk Waists
These stunning waists are made of fine taf
fetas, messalines, satins, etc., as well as beau
tiful nets. All this season's newest styles
many are very elaborate while some are
plain stitched or strapped ef- fl "TQQ
fects all sizes: colors include J J J O
evening shades made to sell
up to $6.00, at
New fall styles In these
waists. Including the
v e 1 y latest v features.
Every waist Is smartly
made 3 special groups,
Tailored Wash Waists
Embroidered and plain
all sizes. Just the right
styles for wear with the
new tailored suits, worth
up to $2 ft Q
s1. . ; joz
Select Now
While the
Are i
Women's Silk Wool Dresses 32.12?
A new lot of those ultra fashionable new wool dresses. Nothing is quite
so new and smart for fall wear. All the newest styles, including paneled
fronts, kilt pleated skirts, etc. A new lot of stunning silk dresses also.
New Arrivals in Women's Fall Suits S15-S19
Blacks, plain colors and new mannish mixtures all are new styles with
and length coats--pleated 6kirts, etc. the most stylish materials. Two
splendid groups Saturday.
fall. You"!! find nothing else so smart for less than $40. Fashlonseals are
Women's Winter Cloaks
Those long fitted and semi-fitted coats the
clever styles for 1909 great C1H
values at JIU
Women's Winter Cloaks
The prettiest and most practical coats for
winter are the swagger
long coats at SIR SID and S2!
Matched Sets at popular prices Coneys, Squirrel, Fox,
Canadian Marten, etc. new shapes In scarfs and
muffs, at .
SI.9S. $2. 50, S3.9S and up to $23
Coney, Canadian Marten, Brook Mink and Squirrel
selected furs specials at ,
S1.23.S1.9S. $2.98 and $3 up
Women's $7.50 black
and colored long
coats Kerseys,
broadcloths, jj (Jg
Women's $3 Panama
skirts blue, black,
and brown regular
and extra
sizes, at .
Children's Long Coats Ages 4 to 14 plain
and fancy cloths all new styles worth up
to $5.00, at $2.50
Children's Bearskin Coats Cutest styles for
little tots all colors and kinds
special at $1.50, $1.98 and $2.50
Children's Presses
fects in all ages-
-New styles and materials girlish ef--worth
up to $3, at $1.50
The Fall Hats That Are
Strictly Correct Arc
BrandeW Hats
If yonr new Fall Hat is to be smart and
becoming, it must be strictly fashionable. You
are always certain of absolutely correct stylos
in Brandeis millinery.
Women's and misses'
Fall Suits blacks
and colors,
$10 values
Children's $1.00 gray
Sweaters, colored
borders and
cuffs at . . . ,
Calling and Business Cards made while yon wait.'
Workmanship the best. Lowest prices in the city.
Card Printing Dept. East Arcade.' '
Women's Fall Footwear
Brandeis Bhows the styles that are smartest
and newest this season. Every new sty)e feature
9s ' l - in footwear is shown here ana mere is not a
shoe that is not periectiy rename, we snow me
0 i clever, new styles in ueucu uihub uue uu iuo
I new lasts id xvcu vrun suuw iur nuucu.
1 1 tm fit atvla anl nnnlltvall Insthero welt
AfOOd $2.60 No other similar line can com
VAirXStX pare with ours. These shoes $150
are desiraDie. renaDie ana new r
extra special ,at
clally priced.
25c Sanitol Tooth Powuer ...14c
26c Sanitol Cream 14c
60c Pebeco Tooth Paste 80c
'25c Rubitoam 19c
$1.50 Oriental Cream .. ... .$1.09
25c Satin Skin Cream 19c
25c Lilac Talcum 10c
25c Williams' Talcum 15c
60c Java Rice Powder 26c
60c Pozzoni's Powder 20c
$1 Pivers La Trefle Powder.. 60c
$9 Seneca Camera, 4x5 $6
$14 Seneca Camera, 3tsx5H,
at ..$11.60
$18.50 Seneca Camera, 5x7,
at $14.89
We Do Developing and Finishing.
15c Chamois 9o
85c Chamois 24c
$1 Traveling Cases 49c
15c Liquozone special 6c
15c Colgate's Glycerine, special, 6c
luc Williams' bhaving Soap ...6c
3 cakes Colgate's EngllBh Process
at 26c
5 cakes Ivory Soap 19c
75c Hot Water Bottle 49c
76c Fountain Syringe 49c
$2.25 Combination Syringe $1.5W
$3 50 Victor's Female Douche,
at ........$2.oo
$o.o0 Marvel Spray $2.73
6c Little Chancellors, 4 for. . .16c
Cc Owl, 3 for. . .'. 10c
6c Hoffmanettes, 3 for 10c
10c Robert Burns. 4 for 25c
Brandeis Hats at moderate prices are the
equal of the hats you buy elsewhere at a leh
cost. Hundreds of stunning new Gllfl
jnodels Saturday at vPlVJ
Brandeis $5 Millinery
Every new style, shape and color that fashion favors
this season. The trimmings are all Im- ff sss
ported and the styles are clever copies . JL.
of expensive French designs. Nothing v 1 1 l)
In Omaha like our Fall Hats at
All the newest large and small hats, ready to trim
every correct shape and color the values a rn
are $5 special price dl
Pretty girlish styles In ready to wear hats, f no
worth $3.60, at , ltfd
Women's Trlmnied Hats new fall shapes and coloiy
regular $5 vain 2Q0 extra specials at. , .$2.50
Untrlmmed Hats specials at .QQ
City Inspector Has Many Mementoe
of Short Weight Captarei.
redltrs W ho Deal ta Dobl or Fala
or Morabla Bottoms Have No
Mar of Bratlac His .
Eagle Be.
John Grant Pegs, the Inspector of
weights and measures (or the city of
Omaha, la a food deal of a was, for all
thaf he la such a aerloua looking and dig
nified person. He Is aliio something of a
collector and has on exhibition a collec
tion that would do credit to a rogues' gal
lery or the shop of "Skinny, the Tin Ped
dler." "We can't tell much about what we're
going to do -until we've gone and acted,"
says Mr. - Pegg, with a twinkling smile.
,"W have to Investigate a great Ueal with
the probe before we use the knife, so to
vpeak. Of" courser we are not blood-thirsty
hut when a oonfidlng housewife Is getting
three pounds less of potatoes to a pec
hn she-. Is entitled to even the onion,
twon't stand 'or and they're preuj
i Again Mr. Pegg- smiles Ilk a Chlnamai
flaying itlceve .cards, then proceeds tu
Show his coireclion. -
) "Now here's a seals that wus the basis
for a famaua suit at law that went clean
kip to Judge "Muuger. It IS awaiting ship
ment to the makers, but the express coni
pnnles . won't take it, 'showing they don't
take everything they can, trust busters to
the contrary notwithstanding. They Insist
that it oa boxed, so It will weigh more,
but I have no money for crates," and the
iilalntlva Inflection is delightful.
Balaace Aaalast t'alckea.
. "And, ..'talking of monvy, tjundsy morn
lug last I went to buy a clticken. The
hutcher weighed it on one of inese light
ning calculators without cliulk or buck
board. The , dividing- line between 38 and
10 cents fell a hairline against my chicken
r ij-.d the butcher ' said. '40 cents, please.'
Naturally, having an affection for that
chtckfio. . I laveaUgated by looking the
scale squarely in itie tace. Then I pro
tested that it ought to be 31 or not more
than .39 .corns, aud won out. saving one (it
the pennies that make the dimes thai
make the dollars- go 'it alone. But 1 gJi
sidetracked too much when discusulng the
thlcs of this business, I started to show
you my collection. Look here.
"This unique and original peck measure
ind Its son, the half peck tin, with these
ong handles on, cost the man 70 cents to
nave them made. He would set them Inside
a paper sack, fill up with vegetables or
fruit, pull out the tin oval and the woman
of trusting nature would be cheating her
husband by paying the price of a real
peck or half for less cubical contents than
she really ought to have. So with this
milk measure. With a surf roller on top,
it couldn't possibly hold a quart; and look
at this skinny half-buahtl tin. I can set
It inside my. legal half-bushel, as you will
note, and there is plenty of room all
Cracks A not tier Good One.
"Here are wooden, tin, iron and steel
contrivancea that are an indictment of
white human nature, because they are
olack with fiaud," and John Grant set off
another smile softly.
"Just feel this bottom," presenting a
oattered n tin peck measure. "Moves up
easy, don't it much easier than wages
move up, eh? Well, a peddler puta his
hand or a big potato or 'apple under this
.uose end, and In a day he can sell twenty
jushels out of fifteen he bought, and have
. fair mess left over.
"Then take this deep ran. Note with
..hat careful abandon the sides are bai
led, Just like a derby hat a man has worn
o celebrate in. The cubical space is there,
.irhaps, but that measure is net honestly
..ullt. Its lines are too willowy and indef
inite, whereas it should be shaped on the
outlines of a Holland vrou v-r-o-u, mean
ing broad and straight up and down. I
don't set up . no claim to mathematical
genius, mind you, but unless blindness hits
me in the daytime I can tell one of these
tricky contraptions at quite a distance."
v t a lace Not the Only Crook.
Then Mr. Pegg goes over nls baskets,
cups, pans, wooden and metal exhibits witii
a gracious pal for each and hitches thereto
an individual story that lllusiraiea his
'"The heathen Chinee is not the only per
son in this world peculiar fur tricks thai
are vain or ways mat are unfitted to
tleep in a round-house."
And all the while he Is bubbling Win
cherub-llke smiles and letting ott speci
mens of causilc comment that must have
made erring ears burn when he gathered
up the pet measures of their owners. He
Insists the term "pet measures" means an
entirely different thing to him than it does
to some statesmen.
"1 like pets anyway," oplnea Mr. Pegg,
"and eventually I will have- a collection
here that ought to go In the public mu
seum, f it were not against public policy
to destroy faith In human nature."
Frank L. Henry
May Enter Plea
of Killing Wife
Proposition of Pleading- Guilty De
pends on Prisoner Being Let
( Off on Life Term.
Prank L. Henry, held for the murder of
his wife, Maud Henry, early last July, may
enter a pha of guilty of murder In Ihe
first degree. It Is understood that Henry
wishes to do so and the county attorney Is
considering whether he will accept this,
the stipulation being that Henry shall get
no worse than a lire sentence.
Prank Henry shot his wife at tbelr home,
603 La ven worth street, early In the even
ing of July E, and he was seen to run
away, revolver In hand. He escaped cap
ture for several days, but was finally
caught by deputies from the sheriff's office
at ihe home of a woman near Florence.
The sheriff had been given a tip by tht
woman and the deputies were waiting
when Henry came up.
Consul Oesersl aad Aa-rtcnltaral J?x.
pert Will VUlt Nebraska,
ad tho West.
Consul General Oelseler of the German
consular service, who ranks in position
next to the German ambassador, and N.
Dirt and Cold at
Court House Are
Now Combined
Uncleanliness of Building; is Heaped
on Lack of Heat, Which In
terferes with Business.
Although the mercury has risen out of
door, the Douglas county court house has
not yet become any fiery furnace and the
buslnrss of the county is In part at a
stands' 111 and In part performed with great
dlf Iculty.
The v nlremen were excused until Mon
day and no Jury tilals are going on. The
judges on the equity nlde who have their
courts In the Bee building are of course
working regularly.
The offices In the court house have had
to be kept open, but the officials are work
ing at a disadvantage and with much dls
comfort. The girl employes In the office
of the clerk of district court have reported
each morning and been sent home while
the men sit around swaddled like Arctic
The rays of the Bun burned brightly Fri
day, but found it difficult to effect an en
trance through the far from clean win-1
dows of the building and the heat which
would hava been gained from this sourpe
was thus lost.
The windows of most of the offices of
the court house are in fact In a scandalous
condition, but not particularly different
from other conditions which an efficient
Janl.or service would obviate. The dust
of all the ages lurks in every corner of the
gloomy corridors, though in the offices
there is left less dli t because the officials
would not stand for it In their personal
Long identified with Omaha's fashionable patronage, in all
that is high grade in Ilair Goods. Combines distinct individual
ity, excellence of material, skill' and absolute superiority in all
their branches of work.
I -i
it r
natural wavy
natural wavy
switch $18
switch it
26-Inch natural wavy switch $9 value,
at 96
24-Inch natural wavy switch $7 value,
at 85
24-inch natural wavy switch $5 value,
at $3
20-lnch natural wavy switch $3 value,
at 91.08
Straight Hair Switches
18-Inch long hair straight switch, 69
20-inch long hair straight switch $3
value tor 91.08
22-inch long hair straight swlicu 4
value, tor 82.50
Cluster1 Putfs, made ot tine French
hair $5 value, for .93
24-lnch hair roll net covered 2oc
value, tor 10
24-Inch sanitary washable hair roll
76c value, for 50'.
12-inch sanitary hair roll 35c valt
Nets with rubber in
Large, extra size Auto nets
Lengthy Doesmtnt Not Eajoyed by
Mayer Vales tt Has Soma
Glnaer la It.
City Clerk Butler has some of his as
sistants out putting up the mayor's proc
lamation for the corning fall election. The
document is most formidable in appearance
and Is Intemely legal In phraseology. Its
length Is three feet and four Inches and
several hundred square yards of wall space
will be covered by the number of copies
being posted.
"It looks quite hefty," said Mayor Dahl
man, "but I couldn't help It. Personally,
I don't much fancy these long speeches
over my signature, especially when there
Is no ginger In them. When the law calls
for that kind of thing, though, there la
nothing for the mayor and city clerk, to
do but go td It. One thing I know, that
proclamation will hold them some time.
I mean, of course, the people who under
take to nad it"
To Die oa the SeaffoI '
is painless, compared with the weak, lame
back kidney trouble causes. Electric Bit
ters Is the remedy. COc. Sold by Beaton
Drug Co.
Kaumanns, agricultural expert for the precincts. It Is noticeable that the first
A little Diapeptin will make yon
' . feel fine in five min
ute.. 'The Question a to how long you are
going to continue a sufferer from Indi
gestion, Pyspepala or out-of-arder stom
ach is merely a matter ef how soon you
begin taking soma Dlapepstn.
if your Stomach is lacking in digestive
power, why . not help the sumach to do
Its work, not with drastic drugs, but a re
inforcement of digestive agents, such as
are naturally at work In the stomach.
l'eupie with weak Riomacha should take
little Dlapepstn occasionally,, and there
will be 110 more Indigestion, do feeling
Ilk a luuig a4 lead la the atouiach, no
.ii-tti ibutn, Hour risings, Qas on Stomach
or listening of undigested food, Headaches,
Uissiness or Sick tHomach, and betides,
what you eat will not ferment and poison
your breath with nauseous odors. All
luuse symptom resulting irom a suur, out
of-oider stomach and dyspepsia are gen
erally relieved five minutes after taking
a little Diapcpsln. '
Co to your druggist and get a SO 'cent
case of Papa's Liapepsin now, and 'you
will always go to the table with a hearty
appetite, and what you eat will tastt good,
because your stomach and Intestines will be
clean and fresh, and you wIlL know there
are not going to be any mora bad Slights
and miserable duys for you. Tljy freshen
you a-.d make you feel like life la (worth
livli'.g. Adv.
German empire In the United States, will
visit Omaha next Wednesday to study In
dustrial conditions here. They are on their
way to Billings, where they will attend the
dry farming congress October 26.
Information of their visit was received
by Dr. A. T. Peters, head of the depart
ment of animal pathology of tha State
School of Agriculture at Lincoln. Dr.
Peters was in Omaha Friday arranging
for their entertainment. The two distin
guished Qermana are much Inteiosted In
studying the packing Industry, and one of
the trips they will make while in Omaha
will be to the big packing plants.
Dr. Peter and Dean E. A. Burnett of
the School of Agriculture will come t i
Omaha to meet the visitors.
floor corridor, which Is the one traversed
by the member of the Board of County
Commissioners, is kept in better condition
than those upstairs by Janitor Stryker and
his men.
Worksaaa la Miller Park I Deprived
f Vast SB Watea While
It was easy picking for the thief who
tola O. B. McCaskey'a vest and watch
from a windless In Miller park while the
victim was digging Into the bowels of the
ear h in the depths below.
McCaskt) came up out of the well and
found hi vest missing. He looked about
a fee mlnutis and made remark. . He
didn't bave the him clear view of the
si.uatlon as "the man up a tree." The po
lice have been notified and are working
on the case, but UcCaskey Is still in the
hole, both metaphorically and in reality.
The successful medicines are those that
aid na'ure. Chamberlain' Cough Remedy
acts oa this plan.
Boa of I. ate Barllng-toa President Vis
its Ouiaha on Business
C. E. Perkins. on of the former presi
dent of the Burllncton system, and H. B. 1
S-ott boih of Burlington, la., arrived In
OmaVi Friday morning to Inspect the
rroperty of the Perkins estate here. They
spent a busy day looking over the city
and departed at 4 o'clock In the afternoon
for the west, where they will rontlnue
their lnpctlon In Wyoming arid Montana.
Mr. Perkins drove first to East Omuha.
where he Is Interested In the property of
the Esst Omaha Land company as a
trustee He was entertained at luncheon
at the Omaha club by A. U Reed. The
other gu sts were Hnatnr Msnderson. KI.
C. peters. O W. Wattles, Harry Jordan
and Colonel Scott.
Immediately after luncheon he again
stared out on an inspection trip of city
property, which occupied him until train
time. .
Colonel Scott has been associated with
the Perkins Interests ever since 1871 He
is still active In the management of the
real (State affairs of the Perkins estate.
He said the visit of blmself and Mr. Per
kins had no significance, being one of the
reguiar Inspection tour Xhey make at fre
quent iatsrvala,
At th2 Princess Cloak and Guit Parlor-Factory Sale
l Hew Fall Suits, Dresses and
Skirts, noY soling at 43c on tha $1
The makers have sent jis 100 exquisitely finished, expertly tailored
suits, dresses and eighty skirts, for immediate disposal. To accomplish
this in short order the makers have billed these to us at very low figures
at almost the cost of manufacture. Here's an opportunity to buy an
authoritative stylish 6uit or street dress for less money than other Btores
buy at wholesale.
Note the prices we quote, come to the store and you'll see the great
est suit values in town.
$25.00 Two-piece Suits Mr nn
selling at 01 JiUU
$28.00 Two-piece Suits Jg QQ
$35.00 Two-piece Suits G Qfl Cfl
selling at OZUiJU
$20.00 Dresses M Q Kfl
selling at g iJiOU
$25.00 Dresses Mr nn
selling at OlJiUU
80 Skirts Values up to
$10.00, to go at
Princess Cloak and Suit Parlor
Southeast Corner 16th and Davenport Streets. Hotel Loyal Building.