18 THE NEE:. OMAHA, SATURDAY. OCTOBER lfi. 1903. Want - Ads Advertisements for the wast ad rxlamii will h ttkra aatll 13 an. the evening edition aad aatll 81SO a. rm. far Ike morning Bnadnr edi tions. (aah aait arroiaaaar all orders far want ada aal na ndvertlee-naont will h accepted for less than SO eeats for flrat Insertion. waat ada ailwr hrdn hrdla fcrdla a nates apply to cither Tkt Dally ar 'tilif Bee.' Ilwifi conat al worda ta a line. CASH RATE A FOR WA!T ADi. nFfilLAH CLASSIFICATION One insertion, 1 1-3 rents per ward aad 1 eent per word for rack anbseejaent Insertion. Karh laaertlaa made aa odd days, 1 1-a rents per ward I 91.80 per lloe prr nsalk. Want ada for Tho Bra aaay left at any of the following? dm store a one la roar "roratr drag gist taer are al traaek offleea tor Tho Baa aad roar ad will be Inserted Jaat aa proaapir and on the aaaia rataa aa at Mala efflee la The Bee DaUdlng, nteenth and Varnam atreetai Albach, W. C, 40tli and Farnam. fleranck. b. A.. 102 S. 10tn Su becht. Pharmeny, 730 S. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Nab. Bemls Park Fnarmacy, 33d and Cuming. Biake's Pharmacy, LfCC Miorman Ae. Caughlln, C. R., 6lh and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill riiarmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B.. 81t Ave. and Far nam. Crlaaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak. Kmil. 1264-6 S. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy. M Hamilton. Ehler. F. H.. 2802 Leavenworth. Foster at Arneldi, 213 N. 25th St. ' Dreylag, John J., 1914 N. 4th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence Nek. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th anil Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park ave. and Pacific. Greenough, Q. A., 1 S. 10th Ft. Ureenough, O. A., loth and Hickory. Haydnn. Wm. C. 220 Farnam Su Hanacom Park Phar., JM1 8. 33th Ave. Hoist. John, 624 North lttth St. Huff, A. L.. tfWi Ieavenworth St., King, H. 8., 223 Farnam St. Kountia Place Pharmacy. 8804 N. 21th. Patrick Drug Co., lt2-l N. 24th St. Tvfcthrop, Chaa. VS., 1H?4 N. 24tli St. Peyton. L. E., 24th and Lea-.-enwortn. Ha rat one Drug Co., J4th and Ames Ave. Hchaefer's Cut rrtce Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Hchaefer. August. 2631 N., Hth Ft. Schmidt. J. II., 24th ami Cumin. Kts. Storm Pharmacy, Ititli and Man ha Si a. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace St. Wlrth. O. II.. 40 th and Hamilton Sts. BIRTHS AND DKATIM. Births Guatave, Bonnstra. 440B -Leavenworth street, boy; l J, Hyji. 121 Houth Twelfth atreet, girl; Jeremiah Olavln, 1710 Houth Fourteenth street, girl; Theodore Keil, 8171 South Thirteenth street, boy; Kdward Gross, 2412 8outh Forty-fliat atreet, boy. Deaths William Vlitiard. Tenth and Leavenworth stroets, tin years; Joseph Khay, Eleventh and IVwltre streets. 51 ynara; John lllanritl. Wise Memorial hos pital, 82 years: John Lewis, Sixteenth and Jackson streets, 43 yenrg. MAnRIAGrS LICENSE.". The following marring licences have been granted: Name ard Rtsldsnce. Age. Clifford C. Davis. Salem, Ind 2- Aunle Miller, Salem, ind ;i liana Oft, Bennington. ..... 1 22 Frankie Fee, Irvlngton 22 Alfred I Slnnett, Omaha 21 Ferna Shirley, South Omaha 18 Oeorge R. Bell, Portsmouth, la 40 l"mina Noteman, Portsmouth, la.......... 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS . SARATOGA UKl ti t.O., Zit and Allies Ave., accurate coinpounnera of rweacriii- tiona. Freo delivery, store open troin H:.) WAT CLEAN Carbon Cookina. I6.SC. WAU rAiiiant a Mnniru L'.. t. I I 1Z. TI A TQ Stetson. 82.80 and $.!.. RAMSKK, IJU AO practical hatter, 2 S. 14th St! ' WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prices; buy direct lrom lin- uortera; save dealers' profits. 1214 Harney. Tel. Douglas IUS8, and agent will call. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., S. loth. CEMENT BLOCKS of best quality, manufactured by the 1DH.AL CEMENT SlONE CO. Simply great. Dryamnkanchu chewing cigar MULTIGRAPHED Duplicating Companr. MULTIUHAFliED Duplicating Company. II ATS Cleaned and deblocked. Neb. Hat Factory, 15:4 Dodge. Doug. 771(1. OMAHA Eleetrio Woiks repairs electric elevators. 10 N. 11th St. O. 1181, A-1445. Uouglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 641. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH K 30 JETKS. 1302 Douglas St. TAYLOR THE TAILOR. 4th Floor, Paxton ttlk. Tel. Douglas 1383. WKDDINO rings made by hand. Bold by weight. - T. L. Combs A Co., If.-M Douglaa. Monuments, J. F. Bloom & Co., 1815 Far. i- IF TOU want any dirt call on C. Bachmann, 43t Paxton block. M, DEPOSITIONS. F. J. Sutcllffe. 82$ Bee bldg BOILER REPAIRING Now ti tha time to aee that your ateam boilers are in good repair, betor the ruan loinea. vv do the job quickly and do It light. WILSON S'lr-AM BOILER CO.. l'Jm and Pierce. Doutilaa 1141. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums u sulu 410 Bee bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2ui. UMUA WAN COMPANY. James H.' CradduCk, arcMiect, room 9, we d Bldg., luth and Farnaun. Red bv.4. CLEANING AND DYING The best ever. Twin city Dye Works. 407 S. 16th at. HINDOO TABLETS will build, atiengiheiu iOo. li.fc.LL DRUU CO. brace, FOR watchea and Jewelry repairs ae Gustafson at liennckaon, aul N. itin St. GRAVEL ROOFING. ' J. R. Stevenson Rooiuig Co., gravel and composition roofing. ill 8. luth eu, lmha. Tela. Doug. 8111. lud. A-KW. Res. Web. 294. MISSOURI filters made and sold. Iluaard St. 1318 WOOD. Dr. O. 8.. 521 N. Y. L. Homeopath O. ti. Watson, the well known horseahoer. 113 N. list bu Fnonea L. 2467; Ind. SLU. Key - C. R. Ifeflin, 1516 Dougias St., over Lindsay's. Tel. D. .'. A-42a MFfS. Rolne. Building Papers. aiE VJ3. American Supply Co. llil Fa THE WARDROBE, export CLEANERS AND DTLHa, 9016 r arnam. Both 'phonea. We are no shoeing ladles' and gents' Fail Suiting. Max Morris, 801 Brown Blk. DAVID COLIC Creamery Co. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fence cheaper than wood. Laal a Life Time. Iv7 N. 11th. 'Phone Red lit fi PVTf TOM Coal HUi Nut. Coal Hill J J-VJiN Coal Co.. hat S. 16th SU DRESS suits for hire. 6L CARMAN. 8U S. tOth St. DEVELOPING ana finishing; best work; qukk delivery. Dempster, tili Farnam. OMAHA hat factory. 114 and lit 8 nth Kt. Hats remodeled. Mall orders aollclled. ORAD1NO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received for Immediate re moval of 76. (M) tarda earth. Machine work. UORG 4k COMPANY, 16th eud Farnam. AUTOMOBILES A NEBRASKA PEALKR find himself ovrtofkd on new and second hsnd cara. Will sacrifice new E. M. F. 80 Btudcbuker touring rata at cost. Will sell 4-cyllnder M horsepower, completely rebuilt and re painted Thomas for 1475 cash. Immediate acceptance only. Address Y-NI. care Bee. FEN.D for our Hat of second-hand cara. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1&14 Farnam St. TWO BARGAIN'S New Llmoualne; body will fit model F Stodrtsrd-Daylon chassis; alao new LanMaulet body. A. J. Simpson A Son. 1409 Dodge St. FO S.M.K A 1M ctowrd body Franklin car. in excellent condition and run less than 1.0) miles, newly palntd. The het offer takea it. Apply to A. I. Brandeia. J. L. Uiandels & Sons. FOR SALE-A J!W model. 40-h. p. Oak land touring car. fully equipped. Addreaa Y M. care I?ee. BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of business call on OANOESTAO. 404 Boe Bldg. Tel. D. 3.S7. QKOCERT for sale, big dlacount. 23d and Broadway. Co. Bluffa. PRINTER, eight yaars experience, mostly In city, wlahea to purchase half interest In job office In Omaha. Address J. 648, Bea- FOR SALE A drug store, doing a good biiBlncss, In a live south-central Neb. town. Invoice about W.0M. Easy terms. Retiring from business. Addresa Y 6S, care Omaha, Bee. WANTED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN ABLE-BODIED MEN BBJ TWEEN THE AOES OF 83 AND 40, ABOVE i FEET INCHES IN HEIGHT, AND WELL RECOMMENDED, FOR PERMANENT POSI TIONS AS CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. ' RESIDENTS Or OMAHA and viciNrrr pre ferred. applt from 9:s0 to u a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. daily at the office ok superintendent of transportation, on cd floor, merchants na tional bank building. in OMAIIA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY .C01LPANY, FOR ALE-Cnmplete atoam laundry, Omaha: price. ll.i'Ou; half enah; balance, h0 monthly. J. W. Kavatcher, 303 N. Y. L. Bldg.' ONE of the best equipped Meat Marketa in Nebraska. Equipped with refrigerator ;naehine, gaNollne engine. Everything In first class condition, and doing good uusl nets. Write F. It. Itufsmlth. Crelghton, N'tb. FOR SALE Mv barber shop and pool oattlt; dulnj.' a pood business. Wplte Fel- Pallsadn, Jseb.V l FOR SALE A good hotel business. In eluding all furniture -and fixtures, with .IS years lesso on modern, tnree-atory nricK hotel liiilldlng, 'which has from "0 to 80 rooms; 13 have private batha; hotel is ateam heutcd mid lias it own electric light plan t; sell fur caah or will taje part Pv"!"tV,Yan ba sold In every houae. To foJ western lands. Address Y ,re. W""";,,, )Jend ,10 worh on "TO YOU want your business sold, see "THE MAN THAT CAN." J. W. KANTSHKR, SCIENTIFIC SALES MAN, 303 NEW YORK LIKE BIDG. FOR SALE The best and largest plumb ing, heating, pump and windmill business of southwestern Iowa. Have several con tract Jobs In hand now. Will aell at in voice. Addreas Y 181, cara Bee. WKHTKROARD can. help you get In or out of business. 408 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8449. FIRST CLASS opportunity for a broad gauge business man of means. Addreas, P. O. Box 413. Omaha. I FINEST meat market In Council Bluffs ' for sale or rent. C. W. Let oh ford I FOR SALE Millinery store and small line of corsets and hosiery; all at Invoice 1 price; fixtures and stock invoice 1700 or tvj; f'ne location; cheap rent. Address j Mrs. PV L. Cooper, Luck Box 43, Edga- i mont. S. I). FLOUR MILL FOR SALE . The best located hurid-ed-barrel FLOUR MILL and GRAIN ELEVATOR In the state, present owner being In business 26 years and wants to retire. Address Y 346, caifj of Bee. A GENUINE SNAP Pool hall and cigar store paying 125 to 140 per week; rent. Including heat, only 2S per month. Will sell very cheap if taken at once. NOWATA LAND LOT CO.. Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. FOR SALE Meat market. slaughter houne and yards; all well equipped; have a good businesa and no competition. F. F. Fairbanks, Farnam, Neb. THREE STOREROOMS. Locarted rlKht for good business In GROCERIES. MEAT MARKET, DRUG STORE, ttm tit cut, , until nnllA nnmila Mnn In ..tft. I A hiiMlnpMS nla.n can ha.ndla IftrffA trai here. See owner, 11V1 N. 18th St.. 9 to 6 o'clock. DENTISTS BAILEY MACK. 3d floor. Paxton. D.10SS TAFT'S Dental Rooma. 1617 Douglas St. DR. FICKES. 217 Board of Trade. "He doesn't hurt like others." DRESSMAKERS Miss Galbrtth, 304 Sunderland Blk., 16 sc How MISS STURDY. 2127 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635 TERRY College, 30th and Farnam Ets. McDowell Dressmaking School. 1521 Far. DRESS PLEAT1NO. buttons covered all yls and sties. The Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. Bath 'phones. TAILORS' trimmings, buttons promptly covered at lowest prices. Eastern Woolon Co.. 1514 Douglas. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN M. ORLIJAN, fine ladles' tailor; makes suits reasonable, also from your own ma terial. loLi iiarney. WRITE me before buying a piano. I can save you money. Addresa L 561. care Be. NEW ENGLAND TAILORING Ctl.-Oar-nienta made to order, 815 up; pressing and repalrThg; work guaranteed, tut1 N. lath. THE ARTISTS' MODEL CORSET SHOP, With L. Kne-ter, Ladies' Tailor, eta 6. 16th St. TeL Doug. 6005. "VIAVJ" A drujflese home treatmer t for women; 400 page book free. 811 Brsjndeis Bldg. j MTT T TVF'T? V Wa can save you money. AliLOjUMUivi RauLer. 124.8. 16th. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) LACE curtains, nicely done and wash ing to take hnn.o. Tolephone Harney 136a MIT t lVri)Vl'tw' Styles. Moderate .M11jJ-1a Jjitl prces. Schall Siatcra, 1M4 N. 24th. Webster 192. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tueaday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children'a classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 894 Brandeia Bldg. Tel. Red WMS. ATtimiCnVU Over Kern's Millln- XIX lHl'OVll erv 154) lfiM Douglna St. Superfluous hair and moles removed by the eleetrio needle. Satisfaction guaranteed. CAKES THRSB-IKR WHITER gfjg Grocerlea and Meate. Bottom Prlcea JOHNSON A GOOD LETT, K):h and Lake LEARN HAIRDRESSINO while you work; classes 8 to 7 p. m. The Oppenhelm Parlors. 818 McCagua Block. Tel.: Uoug. 13; lnd. A 165& MERSCHEIM. High grade millinery. 304 Fazton Blk. Freneh Dry Cleaning Works. Both Tela. Best i work, prompt aenioe. T.lTITPa T -.-.. A mm Antttnv In twn 1mm- mrtnm Iriftl nn Xinnm WU U.ctttr-Ktlnder. land Bldg, 16th and Howard. FLORISTS HESS at SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1823 Harney. Dougla 800. L. Henderson, IdID Farnam St.. Doitg.-13S. FURNACES AND REPAIRING Ith-11 nnd fonr-holo laundry and tank heater will keep boiling from 30 to 100 gal lons of water. New furnaces, thermostats, furnace covering, water fronts, stove n furnace repairs, combination hot water nd hot air heating. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 12Cifi-g Dou jasS tHot nr;n ones. EDUCATIONAL THF. FALL TERM OF BOYLE S COLLEGE IS OPEN. In both the flay and night sessions. Every day n-o-vv is an iuiuai us, hiialnesa courfie. Complete ahortliand and typewriting course. Complete telegrapn course. Complete civil sorvice course. Official training school for telegraphers for U. P. R. R- . Send today for free copy of the now famous book "Bread and Butter 6cienees. Addreas H. B. Boyles. president. Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 19th and Farnam. M. G. Rohrbough, Pres.; E. A. Zartman, V. Pres. FALL TERM now open. Enroll at once. Sessions day and night. TELEGRAPHY U. P. official school; U. P. wire. Positions guaranteed. CATALOG FREE Write or telephone D. 1289 or A 2189. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled courses in business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Moat interesting catalogue pub lished in Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. LADY agents now ern IM) a week selling my new patentca articiea, eacu one a nece I to one agent In each town, w rue quieK for liberal terma. A. M. loung, a iuuuu s Bldg., Chicago. Clerical and Office. Experienced filing clerk, 140. Experienced cashier, 125, B.' R. Experienced steno, insurance. 140. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASrf'N., INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. . Factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work; good pay. Bcmls Omaha Bag Co. WANTED Five experienced seamstresses for draperv work; girls wno unaerstana power machines. Apply G. W. Laier, Or- chard & Wllhclm. SEAMSTRESS wanted for alteration work; steady work; good pay. 2907 Leaven worth. GIRLS for alteration work; apply Miss Gussle Peterson, 215 Old Boston Store Bldg. Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED A good laundress. Mrs. J. L. Kennedy, 406 S. 40th St. Tel. Harney 5. WANTED Nurse maid, children, 4 and 6 years. Tel. Harney SW. WANTED Girl for general houstwork. Mrs. J. H. Parrotte, 4801 Davenport. WANTED A good washerwoman. Capitol Ave. 2622 GIRL or woman for general housework; one who can cook preferred. Red 3667. 2215 Howard St. GOOD . girl for general housework email family; no washing. Apply 3403 Harney. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages; houseeleaning done. 1913 Corby St. Tel. Web. 4W7. WANTED Competent girl for second work. Northeast corner 33d and Farnam. GIRL for Dodge St. general housework. 2223 GIRL for general housework; a good home. 1724 Webster St. Phone Douglas l&u. GOOD girl for general housework. 317 S. 33d St. Tel. Harney 4016. Mrs. M..A. Nagl. WANTED Nurse maid for child 6 months ot age; must have references. Call 123 S. 32d Ave. Tel Harney lute. GOOD girl for general housework; good waits; no washing. 322 8. 36th St. Phone Harney U9. WANTED Cook; also second maid. 3707 Jonea St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; good wages paid; In fam ily of three grown people. 701 S. 37th St. GOOD girl for general housework; three In family; best wages; new house. 114 S. Juth Ave. 1 WANTED Girl for housework. 28th St. 614 8. GOOD" clean nurse girl. Apply 106 S. 24th. GIRL for general housework, ney 6u 1921 Bin- GIRL for general housework, family of three, good wages. Webster 643. 1924 Binney. GIRL for general housework: no wash ing. 2001 Binney St. TeL Web. 309. YOCNG girl or eJderly woman, to assist with housework, uvi N. Z4tn au WANTED A good, experienced girl for general housework. App.y 2014 Jones St. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly woman In family of two; more for good home than big wages. Refeieaces exchanged. 720 N. 22d Su I GIRL for general housework; two In fata lly ; good nsgea. 2-JJ Dodge St. GOOD GIRT must be good cook. Emmet street. 1618 A practically complete list of the vacant rooms in Omaha will bo found on N this page HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers aad Pwanestlcs Coa. WANTED Girl to assist In general housework; a good home and good wages to right party; transportation furnished. Mrs. U. E. Hall. Waterloo. Neb. GOOD cook wanted. Mrs. I F. Crofoot, 122 So 89th St. WANTED Maid for general housework. 3612 Farnam St. WANTED Houaemald in private family; out of town; must know how to serve at table an J understand high-class aecond work: I'M and transportation. Mrs. Stubbs, ISOl Farnam St. WANTED Olrl for general housework. 216 N. 22d St. WANTED Good girl for general houae work; good wages. 81J4 Leavenworth. Har ney 243 or Ind., A-2433. WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family, C66 South S5th Ave. Tel. Harney 17J0. WANTED Experienced second girl for family of two. 2037 Dodga St. Wanted young ladv attending school, to help with light housework. Apply 2678 Poopleton Ave. GIRL for general housework. 411 S. tfth St. WANTED Reliable girl for general housework; four In family. 1113 Georgia Ave. YOUNG girl to assist with housekeeping at 1103 N. 24th St. Mrs. Linsky. OIRL for housework, with references. Mrs. D. Hughes, 2402 Fort St. Webster 49. WANTED Girl for general housework; gond wages paid. 8204 Sherman Ave. Tel. Web. 4152. WANTED Girl to help with housework; good wages; good home to right party. 973 N. 2Tth Ave. COMPETENT second girl. Call at once. 8224 Farnam St. COMPETENT girl for general house work; four In family; IS per week. Tel. Harney 875. 1301 S. S2d St. GIRL for general housework: Bohemian or German preferred. 2101 Farnam St. GOOD reliable girl for general house work; In family of three. 112 S. 35th St. Tel. Harney 1539. GIRL or woman wanted for general housework: small family, light work: good place for right party. 218 N. 17th St. EXPERIENCED fir! for general house work. 1314 8. 2th St. Tel. Harney S274. At lacellaneoas. LEARN hear dresalng: It pays; you can easily earn 815 to 2S weekly. Full course taught Brandeia Hair Dressing Dept. TWO ladles over 21 to travel together, iemonstrate and sell dealers, also one lady to work alone. Goodrich Drug Co.. 1308-lt Harney St. LADIES Earn $10 weekly decorating post cards; dime brings package of beautiful samples and complete particulars. Baylls Bemet Co.. East Orange, N. J. WANTED Young woman to wait on customers and do clerical work; one with experience aa saleswoman preferred. State education, experience, referencea and sal ary desired. Address L 270. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Aarents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Expert canvassers for Omaha and vicinity. At once. None but hustlers need apply. Call for H. C. Berns tein. 1IM1 CaUloiula between :30 and 1:39 p. rn. , WANTED A good wide-awake agent In each county in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and Missouri to sell Texas land at low prices on easy terms; insurance agents who wish to take up a tide line will find my proposi tion especially interesting and profitable big commlKsions and bonus of 8500, MX) and 2j0 given to agents making the best sales In a given time. G. C. Powell, Bank Build lug, 1'forla, 111. AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle our rapid-selling household specialty; big profits; sells on sight; repeat orders; get particulars at once. M. Lee Thompson, uanonsuurg, fa. CIGAR salesman wanted. Traveling ex penses paia in advance, experience unnece' sary. A world beater for new salesmen. Maumee Wholesale Cigar Co., Toledo, O. WANTED A hat salesman, a glove or a men's furnishing goods salesman to carry our neckwear sample line in Ne braska. Address Sales Manager, Box 413, Waterloo, ta.- WANTED-Experlenced advertising so licitors. Appiy alter i p. m., zu n. x. Lite, GENERAL agent, appoint Bulling agents. new; no compeuuon. r. u. ucx 41a, COUNTRY agents selling Equalisers; large profit; new; no competition. (Vti Bee Bldg. TWO clothing saleamen by Nov. 1. Ap ply lo rrenzer xsih. ur, liuwih. WANTED An experienced salesman, to sell the capital slock of a life Insurance company; aalary and commission will be paid. Address Union Pacific Life Insur ance Co., Portland, ore., or x 747. care Omaha Bee. WANTED A solicitor with home and buggy to drive through the country and solicit tubscriptlona Call and see clreu la lion manager, iui uee furnishing Co. BOND salesmen required for Iowa. Ad- dress Y 746, Bee. Beys. WANTED Boys for factory work; non under 16 need apply. Omaha Box Co., East Ouialia. WANTED Several good wage. A. D. T. trustworthy hoys; Co.. 211 8. 13th St. BOY with bicycle. 1804 Farnam St. WANTED Bright office boy; give refer ences. Address J 465. Bee. Clerical aad Office. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A POSI TION IN AN OFFICE? ANY THING. SEE ME. CHAS. W. GORDY, 674-6 Uran deis Bldg. FOR OFFICE POSITIONS. C. W. GORDY Factory aad Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Kntest, Bee bldg. WANTED Coatmaker. Co., 219 N. 16th. Hersog Tailoring WANTED One first claaa Melhle press man at once; also cylinder preasfeeder. Milburn &. Sco't Co., Beatrice, Neb. LADIES' TAILOR wanted; wages 123 per week. Apply J. Jawlts, IStli and Farnam. REMEMBER It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the faoi that you saw the ad In The Bea Mlseellaaeoaa. WANTED Immediately. 800 young men. 20 to 40 years old. for ateam railway fire men and brakemen and eleetrio railway moiormen and conductors In all parts of the United States; 860 to 8140 a month, with excellent chances for advancement; expe. rltjnce unnecessary. Hundreds of positions open. Write today for particulars. National Hallway Training Assn., 12JU Reliance Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. WANTED Engineer, thorough and com petent, for Ice plant: give age. experience and icferencea L 416, Bee. FREE Fmployreent Dent . Business Um i Assu; no fees. CaU 40 B. of T. Bldg. if' ' ' ' ; . : V ' W" .JU.JL.I II llWal HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous lontlnaed Wanted Track Laborers For Street Railway Work. Apply to Track Foreman on Fifteenth Street, Be tween Capitol Avenue and Howard Street :: :: Omaha & Co. Bluffs Street Railway Co. Practical training. Few weeks completes. Moler graduates command highest wngeti. Our diplomas recognized everywhere. Shop -xijarieiu-e wi wages Deiore completing. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 . Hth St. WANTED Railway mall clerks, noat- offlce clerks, carriers. Salary tuOO to 81.600. Examlnatlona In Omaha, November 17. Preparation free. Write for schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 190 G, Rochester, WANTED Musio teacher to assist In opening piano classes. Call at 2219 Cuming st alter a. m. WANTED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN ABLE-BODIED MEN BE TWEEN THE AGES OF 23 AND 40, ABOVE 6 FEET INCHES IN HEIGHT. AND WELL RECOMMENDED. FOR "PERMANENT POSI TIONS AS CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. RESIDENTS OF OMAHA AND VICINITT PRE FERRED. APPLY FROM 9:80 TO 11 A. M. AND J TO 4 P. M. DAILY AT THE OFFICE OF SUPESRINTENDENT OF TRANSPORTATION, ON 2D FLOOR. MERCHANTS NA TIONAL BANK BLDG. OMAIIA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, HELP WANTED MA LB AND TISMAL.IO WANTED Stenographer In lumber of fice; general office work required; also state experience and references. Address J 482, Bee. HOUSECLEANING CARPETS. Ruga, House, Etc, cleaned by the compressed air and vacuum system. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO. 203 Douglaa Block. Both 'Phones. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. M'CRARY buy and sells all kinds of horses. Blue barn, rear Miuard hotel. , 4096. Screenings. 11.60 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N.16th FOR SALE Horses of all kinds; buggies and wagons. 141& Capitol Ave. D. 1810. LOST AND FOUND REWARD for return of fox terrier; has tag No. 1833. 2823 Capitol Ave. LOST Brown handbag, containing IIS. Pleaae return to Mrs. Anna Ryan, 2406 Cass St. Reward. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerva Food PIUs, 11 a box. postpaid. Mberman a McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Creigbton'a Medical college 14th and Davenport 6ta: special attention paid te confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug laa H1'' Cads answried day or nlchf MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL WHERE TOBORROW. MONEY Corns la and get all you need on ronr HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS, PIANO or on "your PLAIN NOTE, It j'oti ar steadily employed. You will find our rates the cheapest, our terms tha easi est, our services the quickest and our ofl'ces private. HERE'S THE PLACE. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, 8rd Floor 307-308 Faxton Block, Northwest Corner 16th and Farnam Streets. 'Phones: D. 1411; Auto. A1411 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEO PLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without security; easy pay ments. Offices in M principal cities. Tol men. room 613 New York Life Bldg. FURNITURE, live stock, salary loana. Duff Green Loan Co., R. $., Baiker bin. 1("1V."'V to losn on pianos, household " 1J goods, fuinltiiic, etc. Lowest rates. Small payment, bee ua before you obtain a loan elsewhere. Photixe: Douglas 1256, Ind. A-13.4. NEBRASKA LOAN COMPANY 16th and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postofflce. ' MONEY TO LOAN. FROM 110 to $1J0 on aalary, furniture, pianos, eto. ; no publicity, lowest rates, weekly or monthly payinrnta. THE J A. HLTTON CO. 114-15 Paxtuu Blk Tel. Doug. 17 IX)ANi of HO or more on your own note. Call J0 Paxlou Block, MONEY TO LOAN Chattels C'ont la ard. IT PAYS TO FIGURE WITH US When you want money. We loan from 110 up at the most reasonable ra'es In the eltv. In a QUIET CONFIDENTIAL way that will please you. If yen get sick or out of work, payments will be extended WITHOUT EXTRA COST to you. We have been reliable for eighteen years. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. 'Phnna 2293. HERE SINCE 1S?2. 8w 8. 16th St. LOANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS or 6ALARIF.P, LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 1404 FARNAM. t on DIAMONDS. W.FLATAU- 1514 Dodge. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office lfith and Daven port Sts., warehouse 2207-W Irani St OFFERED FOR RENT Board lac aad Rooms. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; a'lomer borne; fine lawn. 121 8. 26th Ave. 527 PARK Ave. Large south room, out side entrance; best home cooking; for two. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th aad Farnam. COOL, airy rooms, modern, fine shad a with or without board, to two gentUinna or man and wtf i404 Capitol Ave, ROOM and board In private family, modern home, also large south room, with alcove Tel. Harney 4758. MRS. H. C. WATSON, 3S74 Hamilton St., excellent table board, two or three gentle men; rate, $25 per month. 'Phone H. 4976. THE GEORGIA, single rooms and en suite, with private bath, steam heat; ex cellent table and good service. 1042 Georgia Ave. Tal Harney 661. TWO nicely furnished front rooma eult able for three in each room, with board. Hot water heat, bath. 1918 Farnam St. Famished Ilooma. Good rooms, 82 per week; free bath. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. NICE room, heat and light, porcelain bath, close In, reasonable. 315 S. 26th St. NICELY furnished front parlor for rent. 721 S. 17th St. I HOMELIKE rooms, modern, private fam ily. 'Phone Doug. 7C38. 403 S. 25th Ave.; walking distance. TWO nice furnished rooms. 834 Georgia Ave. Harney 3077. NEAT roqm, with bath. 1816 Dodge, NICELY furnished rooms: modern. 1U02 Cass St.; walking distance from postoftlce. MODERN rooms: breakfast If desired. 552 S. 26th Ave. , LARGE front room, private family: all modern, cheap. 712 N. 19th St. LARGE front parlor: steam heat. 201 S. 24th. THREE nloe furnished rooms. 1S11 Cali fornia. 'DESIRABLE rooms, modern house. 1817 Capitol Ave. m blocks from P. 0. FUR. rooms, house new, plenty hot water. 816 N. lth St. TWO newly furnished front rooms; price reasonable. 2411 Harney St, FURNISHED room for rent. 612 N. 16th. TWO modern, well furnished front rooms, single or ensulte, private family. 702 S. 29ln St. VERT desirable room; fine location; walking distance. 218 8. loth Hu BEAUTIFULLY furnished larae front room In private family, for one or two young men; very reasonable. Kilt Webster St. VERY desirable largo room: newly furn Ishud: also smaller room; floe lovauou. Mil S. 36;h Ava ONE extra fine front room, fine furni ture, modern. 820 No. 200. No sign on house NEW. MODERN, STEAM HEATDO ROOMS. HOT AND COLO WATER AND BATH. THE BELMONT. 1B18 DODGE ST. Ta.L. DOUG. 8775. MODERN, clean, sunny bedroom. 2324 Harney. Douglas 3091. STRICTLY modern east room, ten min utes' walk from 16th and Farnam; gentle men preferred. ti& So. 22d. 'Phuue D. 6124. NICELY furnished rooms in now, mod ern home; "walking distance; reference. Tel. Douglas 73J0. TWO nice rooma sultablie for two or three young gentlemen; modern; steam heat. 262 N. 19th St. FURNISHED front room for two; no other roomers. 625 S. 20th. ELEGANT front room, either two gentle men or man and wife. References. Isi3 Chicago. Tel. Red 6508. NEWLY furnished room. 2116 Chicago. FOR RENT 2 splendid furnished rooms, strictly modern; walking distance. Call at 2306 Dewey Ave. Doug. 6401. NEWLY furnished front room in new house five blocks from postofflce. 2013 Chi cago. FURNISHED room for young men or married couple, employed, lit N. 19th Su FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms; excellent board; reasonable; centrally lo cated. 620 So. 19th Si. PLEASANT ROOMS, modern; on very large front room. 816; one at VO; one at 14. 610 N. 23d 8U FURNISHED rooms ror gentlemen, 110 So. 13th St. The Chutha.'n. ONE room for rent. Douglas 6277. 2512 Chicago. Tel. Apartments and Flats. THREE and e-room flata Scargo Bldg . I16H N. 24lh St.. South Omaha. Hall, 431 Rarnga Bldg. Both 'chores. NEW, 6 rooms and reception hall; all modern fiat; block from cur. 3122 Cass St. liuiulre next dour. MODERN, S-room flat, 2411 Harney St. CORNISH APARTMENTS S. W. Cor. 10th and William Sts., seven minutes from center of city on Fsrnam car. Apartmt-nts of four and five rooms and bath, Just completed. Hardwood floors, gas and e'eclric light fixtures, tile bath rooms. Kitchen furnished with cabinet, laundry tub and "Garland" Gas Range, private porches, window shades, steam heat, hot and cold water, Janitor eervioe. Apartments are both furnished and un furnished. 8S0 to $100 a month furnished. Single rooms, 8:0 per month. Uarn for automobiles. Agent at apartments. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. High gTade, 1 rooms, modern, hardwood; perfect order: fireproof stulrways; free hot water all the year; Janitor; steam heal; walking distance; best in city. ONE FLAT VACANT OCTOBER 22 or sooner to ac commodate. Hummer rate $23; winter rate 17 more. References rfc'iulred. REM IS, Brandeis Uldg. lloasekeeBlos; Rooms. THREE furnished houaeKeepIng rooms. Sll modern, new and clean, gus range. 2oi N. 1Mb St. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping room, close in. 1916 Chicago St. TWO or three elegant furnished front rooms complete for housekeeping. JjulS Davenport St. KITCHEN and bedroom, modern.' 2110 Douglas St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all mssftern. 218 N. lt OFFERED FOR RENT II ooarkreplngr Rooms Con tinned. TWO or three large front rooms fur nished complete for housekeeping; moderni no children. 614 S. SSth St, THREE housekeeping rooms. Til 8. 11th St. FOUR unfurnlahed. Inquire 1048 3. 10th. FOUR nicely furnished modern rooma eompleto for housekeeping; references re-w quireu. isw .x. 4'tli. EXCELLENT front room end alco . rxirnlatieri complete for housekeeplajig. I none nuunr. o.t iiarney t. two rooms lurnianed complete syor housekeeping, zwi remain St. FOUR rooms. completely fupnUhi housekeeping; walking distance. Call 114 California et. NICE housekeeping rooms, modern. Xr&t California St. FOUR unfurnlshd. Inquire 1045 S. 20th. I'afaralahed Rooma. FOUR nice unfurnished rooms for rent. lf.60 North 17th. TWO or three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping: modern. 838 S. 19th St. FOUR unfurnished rooms; modern. 2220 N. 19th St. FOUR Good location, 112.50. Tel. Harney 4266. 1909 WEBSTER One unfurnished room. on ground floor. TWO unfurnished rooms, 18. 2230 Leaven worth. TWO modern rooms. 1916 Webster. FOUR rooms, modern, unfurnished. 2121 Clark St. THREE rooms, first floor, 1021 S. 23d St. Phone 1). 4039. 2 ROOMS for housekeeping. 11X00; 3 rooms, 9.00. Call 2618 Davenport, or Tel. Douglas 85. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms for the winter. References required. S24 Fowler. Web. 1637. FOUR unfurnished rooms and two fur nished rooms. 2707 Dodge. FOUR Good location. 312.50. Tel. H. 4265.. Houses and Cottasree. OMAHA Van A Storage Oo.. pack, move, store, H. H. go. Is: storehouse 1120-14 N. 19th; Office aO So. 17th 8U Tel. Doug. 1559. For Rent Presbyterian Hospital 26th and Marcy. Splendid lo cation for private hospital. N. P. Dodge & Co. 1714 Farnam 4 S. 29th, rooms, bath, gits, water Douglas 5739. 'Phone EIGHT-ROOM modern cottage, 31at St. Tel. Harney 647. 604 S. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, 112.60, and 6 room cottage, 115. 2703 S. 13th St Tel. Douglas J780. HOUSES flats. Oarvln Bros.. 318 N. Y. L. MODERN '6-room brick, 130: modern 1 room frame, J10. Apply 3O08 Mason St. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. 6 ROOMS, modern except heat. 25th, 122 and water rent. CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming Sta 818 N. HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L, Bldg. FOL'R-ROOM modern aptrtment, second floor, 2il5 St. Mary's Ave. References. WARM. COMFORTABLE HOUSE TO LET 1513 N. 20th St., 8 rooms and bath, full modern, upper and lower hall, front and back stairs, large closets, two pantries, big cellar, built for comfortable home, all newly decorated, large new furnace See T. J. Hook, office 1101 N. lith St., 9 to 5 o'clock. MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 14D6. We guarantee moving, planus, house hold goods. 7 ROOMS, modern house. 1608 Spruce St. IL 1. Plumb, 110 8. 13th St. 8-ROOM. modern, 8114 Woolworth Ave.j.835 8-room, modern, Dundee f 40 W. L. SELBY. 436 Board of Trade Dfcjk HOUSE for rent at 254 Spencer St., all modern, oak finish. Tel. Webster 117S. 1 1 II TVJ In all parts of tha etty UVJUOr.O Cretan Sods it Co.. bee Bldg. FOR RENT 9-rooni. all modern house. 2005 Willis Ave., $26.00. C. M. Bachman. 4 36 Paxton Blk. MODERN 8-room house, 216 S. lith Ave, 'Phone Douglas 45S7. BRICK houae, tflll Dewey Ave., 7-room, modern. Moyer Siatlonety Co., 1616 Far nam St. 4-ROOM modern detached brick flat, 221 and Nicholas: key at 1116 N. Z2J St. Pal terao.i, 1023 Farnam. OMAHA Truck, Doug. 141, Ind., ster street. Van and Storage Co, B-UX&. Office 111 Web- HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwsrded: cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen s Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 8V4. ELEGANT 6-room fist, located al 610 S. 27th. all modern, price 836. Bemia, Urandels bldg. MODERN brick house, close to Park Ave., ZWi Mason. Inquire, 523 60. 28th. Phone. Hartley iUA). FOR KENT 6-room house, modern' ex cept heat; half block from the Harney car line. Apply H210 Hamilton St. FOR RENT Close In, 8-room house; all modern; U3 N. 2-'l St.; $12.60. 6-roora coi tsge, modern except furnaoe; 22U Call fuinla St.; $25. both In complete repair. Apply at 0U7 N. 19th St. 213 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $2,-.M. i5o N. 20th, t rooms, modern except heal. $23. HINGWALT BROS- 808 S. 15th BC 1535 PARK AVE., all modern brick house, facing llunf.com park, in perfect condition, only $35. F. D. WE AD, 1S01 Farnam. Eight-room, strictly modern, brick flat. 8tli and William St.; just completed, high est location In Forest Hill Park. . Saratoga St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, only $20. 241 r-aratos'a; new, never occupied, fur nace. $26 sj N. loth Ave., (Dundee), i-r., fully mod., F. C. BEST. 1008 N. Y. LIFE. 8 R., MODERN, barn. 0U2 f 3th. $22. It r., modern, close. 1M9 N. 17th. $24. 8 r.. mwlwn, clolce, 2719 Hickory, $2R. 6 r., modern, barn. 23.12 Poppleton, $18. 6 r., city water, 2208 N. 27th. $16. 5 v., llh and N, South Omaha, $7. 6 r., gas, water, etc., 2M4 Chicago, $15. 6 r., water. Florence, ts. 5 r., city WHter, 2fls Hamilton, $ld. RL'SSELL at McKlTIllCK CO.. 4 441 Rainge Bldg., 15th and Harney sHa. 6-ROOM cottage, large bathroom, Dith and Parker; modern except furnaoe. Not 1111, $17. Phone Red 5(3. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO 22 New York LUo Bide