17 CKAH AND PRODUCE MARKET sylvanla nd other nearby firsts. fre case. Zir at mark; Pennsylvania current receipt, (n returnable esse. ITc fct mark; western first, free rases, ITc at mark; THE I. EE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1G. 1900. general fund. UWffl: current liabilities ;' W7.0M , working balsm s in treasury office. 124 jr.S.i'; In banks to credit of tn asurr of United Ptsta. tU.sr7.144; sub sidiary silver coin, lli.727.S7! : minor coin, I! ?-s ;siR. Tot i1 balance In general fund, W.4-K.S7. ?TTTf' nrr western current receipts, free cases, Zl'$ Domestic JClling; Dfmtnd Help. Send' c t mirk. Firm , and In rood demand: New York full creams, choice. K.c; New York full cream, fair to good, IDfu-Vc. aSEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Viforoui BecoTery Noticed in Wall Street, in Which Steel Lead FOREIGN EXCHANGE IS STEADY V CASH WHEAT UP ON TBADDSG r i Option Higher In tfmpilkr llh Whdl, Canard by In (of erln of Short Market U steady. OMAHA. Oct. 15. Wheat at the atari toaay looked tomt, hr-cause o some profll-tak.ng on the buige y-iSteiuay. Cable eie turner and re flected the domestic advance and mis. to gether with our domestic milling demand, mad a brisk cash demand and sent value anil higner today. Com auvai.cefl In face of rather alow demand, taking strength from tha firmness In wheat. 'Hie maikft was slow and no opposition was nut against the ruliy. NN heat u very strong on the ex tremely active cash demand, fchorts were f tilt covering and evety purchase ad vanced tna prltes. Cash wheat brought even better value tnan yesterday and ottering were readily absorbed. 1 he coin option were higher In sym pathy mm wheal, caused by snorts cover ing. The cash maiket, whlie sieaay, iiuwed very little gain and offering were rather slowly taken. i !.... ..i.,.. receipt were 1.315.0O0 bushel and snlpment J,077.oW busnels, against receipt last year of 1,464 000 bush and shipment of 4 TV 000 bushel. Primary corn receipt were Ifcw.ooo bushels and nlpmenta S4J.IM) bushels, against re ceipt laat year of 294 000 bushel and ship ment of liXIOuO bushels. Clearance were 4, OX) bushel of corn, 14. oo bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to iU),00U bushel. Liverpool cloaed VulHd higher on wheat and Sd higher on corn. Local range of option: JKH VIIHK oK.MOHAL MtHKET notation tarloa Articles ! Open. High.; Low. Close.IT. Wheat. I I I I I Deo... 1 OmJ 101 10OH 101 I 100'i My... lUOVl 101V. 100 IOIHiI 100 Corn I I I Dec... fo'4, 6 E.-H' W I H May. ..I . . 67 fcl t 0141 67 Oatr J I I I lec...( 3714 8-SVif 37 May,.. 40 I 4oy! 40 40Vi 40 Outaha Cash Prices, WHEAT No. 1 hard. $1 ttfil.WV, No. 3 of tna Day on ( omnedllif i, NKW VOKft, Oc. lo.t L.UL"U Receipts, N,..ai bbis.; exploits, 12.au, uoi. jmnitt iiiiutr. Hun a in. r traue. live Hour, tiriu. uuLKithtat Lour, quiet. iuii..ui.Au-u.i!i, fine white and yel low, .i.ki.w; coaiae, $1,404 l.ab; kun dried, 44 VJ ,4.1.00. tit l. firm; No. 2 western, 80-c, nominal, f. o. b. iSew lurk. toAKici Sttau) ; feeding, 6trti62c, nom inal, c. i. f. New York. u HcA l -Urctiinn. 1 12. tJ0 bu. ; exports, Xi.out on. fpoi market suung, No. I leu, .1.2C-H. akeu; No. 2 red. nominal, f. o. U. alio,; tsa. 1 northern, innu.n. l.l'iv nom iiiai. f. o. b. alloai; No. 2 hard winter, 1 24, nominal, f. o. b. atioat. fscw hign leveis tor the present bu.l movement in wneat were established . today a a result of re newed bu.l suppori, active covering, c ftrong (.ash Biiuation. high cab.es and big weekly Citarai.cts, Near the closing reac tions occurita. owing to prospects for big worlds shipment, final pncts being Veto net higher. ltcemter, $1 U-i jl 1. cos.u at II 1.1 May, tl.U ll-lfral l -l6. closed at l.U-.. CUKN-Hecoipts. 3.J75 bu.: export. 3,7i6 bu. tipot mai ket firm; No. 2. 70, elevator, and 7tM4C delivered, nominal; No. 2, J0i,c, r. o. b. afioat, and No. 2 yellow, 714C, nom inal. The option market was without trans actions, closing He net higher. December ciostd at 'ie. oai B Keclpts. (B 675 bu.; exports, vtt bu. Kpot market firmer; mixed. 'X to ii ibs., nominal: natural white, 26 to 82 lbs., tnMOc; clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., 45u4!ic. HAY Firm; No. 2, H5'tff0c; good to choice, tl.wyil.0o. HOl'S-Flrm. HIDES Firm; Central America, 21Hc I. FATHER Quiet. PROVISIONS Reef, firm. Lard, steailv; 12 70; refined steady. TA LLO W Firm. RICE: Steady. rrojert Pointed Ont for harln Con. trol of Western Paelfle and Even of Uenver A Rio Grand "yatena. steady. Cut meats, middle-west, Itf.SO-gt Pork, firm. WEATHER l THE GRAIN BELT Pair Saturday After a Nlftht oi Slightly Cooler. OMAHA, Oct. 15, 1909. The disturbance that has lingered over the lake region for several days past is moving slowly off over the Bt. Lawrence hard. Jl.OWn.Wi: No. 4 hard. ;l.o ; vttiley HIld B,.neraily fair weather now pre- CI. 03: No. 4 sprmK. KiTiQlc. CORN No. . Mltjttc; No. S. M'4' '.c; No. 4, 66c; No. 2 yellow. Wc; No. i ytllow, Mo; No. i white, 67Vuic; No. mixea, Si'gaic; imo. a yei- white. SS'tiiiiSic: No. standard, SVi'ic. SKfj70c; No. I, tttitiSc. Car Lot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Ojf. Chicago .... Minneapoll Omaha liulutrt wl.ite. S,c. OAT, a. I mlxe low- A fc; No. 1 4 f.Vt'as'ic: s 14 34j 40 4ai 81 84 113 CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISION S Wheat Adranee Aarnla and Cora and Oat Also. Snow I pnard Ilrllt. CHICAGO, Oct. 16. Wheat advanced Kaln today, sb. wing a gain of c in the I ... I . . ,. . . . . . . . .......... -I I ' a ., .1 oa. al o showed an upward drift and pro- "'p lla. u" vi i. .lis . ranged irorn bo lower to luo nigner ti sn final quotation of yesterday. Plimnesa w,a injected Into the wheat n.arkei at th ; outs.t by the strong cables fr in Llverpudl. which In turn werei due to Aiirlcan strength yeste May, togethcrr villi llgh er Manitoba offerings and a re cuiri'i ve of Uie fear of locust devastation in Are n i: a. ri avy realising tales on tne i rniiy iiavonce caus a a temporary reaction oi Sc. , which was absorbed with llt-.le In l:a km by bullfsh speculative buying. I nr., cash sale at the present big pie m. urn and continued milling demand in the i.or.liu si. In w hich astern millers joined, liclpeu a org the Using qu nation. .North v sti in iLva.un were reeurted about soid out. t on wan responsive to .the bulge In wh.a -and wHh little find watlnn -main- tnlmd.'ait-upward slant, futures closing 0 vails tliroUKliont the lake region except that llgnt snow is falling In the vicinity of Duluth, Minn, the weather continue un settled aiung the ui'ptr Atlantic coast, and rains are (ailing this morning from Pniia delphia to Bosioii. The northwest area of hliih pressure has extended southeast, over the muuiua.ns to the west gulf states, with l crest sun overlying the extreme north west. Temperatures are mucn lower In tne northwest ana along the entire eastern Kuchy Mountain slope, and are sugiiiiy .uner In the Onlo vaiiey. They are higner in the uuoer AIIhsimsiouI and Liimn.iuiii tS i the Missouri vaiiey. The weather continues I generally clear west of too Mississippi river, ana it win continue luir in tin vicinity tonight and Saturday, with slightly cooler tonight. it. com oi temperature and precipitation computed with the corresponding day of the last thrva years: l'jm. 1908. 1W7. 1906. Minimum temperature ..is 60 47 bo 00 .00 .00 T Normal temperature for today, 06 degrees. Deficiency in piecifltatlon since Maica 1, 1. W Inches. luetic. eiicy corresponding period in 1903, 2. M Inches. uein-ieiicy corresponding period in 1907, 6.46 inches. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. liiKh r ti an y s e day. December and May advanced o equally n . & and December closed Tho action of .com and,. wheat was fol- Icwtd in the tat pit on comparatively small r frading. buying being largely spec tiltti from cash Interests. December and May bo h clo ed He above yesterday. 'I hu. provision market .showed some flue It a l. n. behig strung at the outset and leacinit' Inter on realising salHB. Closing p Ic h rang d from unchanged to 2c lower oh :o:k. unchanged to 7 Wo higher on lard to 20c lower anil 10O higher on ribs. The lending futurrs ranged a follows: Articles.! Q;.en. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ye"y. 1 1 07 96'oS 0-'flll iX)'4t i,60Til61: I 1 0-V4I 1 07 son ' 1 l (ViHii orfft, i ou'vt 60 6ii4iC0Hy 1 U7. 1 05", 'i 99 i wr-i 69 60 l' 39 40! 42 t 40H! 18 60 12 15 11 8-'H 11 00 11 10 t 75 40Sl 2 40'4 eoi 6061 a.eotr-. 894 4 40 U 62HI 18 40 I n4; it r7w 11 V.H 11 20 9 M I 77 It IF 11 75 10 92H 11 WJ 7Hl 67 42W 40 n oo 18 45 i: i7v it so 10 97H 11 K 9 70 9 70 t: 40H ti oo 18 47H 13 10 u so 10 95 It W. 7?' 9 714 No. 1 Cneh quotation war a follow: FLOUR steady. KTK No. i. 7o874Vic BARLEY Feed or nixing, 60ff51c: fair tu ehrilce malting, SiilHac SEEDS Flax. No. 1 outhwetm, II. M: No. 1 northwectern. 11. 13. Timothy, l2.iW4r .;S Clover, t.Tt 10.0U. F'ROVISIONS-Mes pork, per bht., $24 M. Ijird, per lot -lb., 12 14J l.5. Short rlhx sdes (loose). tlO.Wuij 11.17. Short clear side (boxed), tl2 vvgli 25. BL'T't tH-dteady; creameries, 29c; dair ies. tc. KGtJS Hteady, receipt. 1.141 pkg.; at mark, rase included, lsc; first 23c; prime fusts. IGc. ph EfSF Firm: dslsle. lffl4e; twins. 15plc; young America. ltltc; long hor' s livi lf"c. rOTATOES Steady: cholc to fancy, tfl tsc; fair to good. 4fi4So. IOL'LTlT Soy; turkey, 16516c; chicken. iJtic: prlng. c. VKAL Steady: 50 to 60 lb.. '"": 60 to t', ib, u 'vv f-h to lie iris., lounc. Total clrinc of wheat and Tour were ruual to 350 000 bu. Kxport for the week os how-K' bv Pradstreet-. were equal to 401 bu." Primary rece'pt were lSIVOuO bi., compared with 1.464.000 bu the corrt- spending dav a year so. Kulmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, Sti cars; corn, IK cr; oat, 14C car; hogs, f.lOO liead. . Mtnnranoli Grain Market. VINNFATOLIS. Oct. 15 WH KAT De cember I104H: May. II vT. Cah: No. 1 hard, fl 07: No. 1 northern. $1.0bH: No. I nor'hern tl.04S61-04S; No. S northern, tl ifVul 03H t Lul U -r'lret patents, IT) Htf5 .40; second patents, r 10h. JO, first clear. H i!ilX; :lears. 3.53 40. I.lrrrnol Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 15 WHEAT-Spot quiet; No. I red. western winter, nominally 7 lOd. Future steady; December, T lid; March. 7s M4d; May, 7 9d. CORN Spot. quiet: new, American, mixed, via Galveston, 6 id Future quiet; October. 6 id; December. 6s d. St. Loal General Market, ST. LOUia, Oct. Li. vVH&AT Higher; trick No. X rtd casu, $1.211.9; No. t hard, 4l.llul.lv-,; Decemuor, tl.OtrS ul.OtJx; May, 11 09,i,l.oj. COR.n H ner, track No. t cash, fcc; De cember, 'i.4tB'ic; May, Ho; No. i white, UA'I Higher; track, ' No. 2 cSsh, 39,ic; December, 4uc; Muy, 4i'c; No. t white, 40. 11YK Steady, Tic. I l"Ot;LTUV Steady; chickens 11c; springs, lie; turkeys, lyljc; ducks, loc; geese, i u. r lAJLut u Kiier; red winter pattms. to. .o extra fancy and straight, So.lu4ia.60; hard wlmer cltars. HOu'ut.aO. ee;fc.D Timothy, JC.iuJ.tiO. COiiNMKAL U.20. BRAN Higher; sacked, east track, 11.03 SIM. . HAY 1 nchanKed: timothy, IU.ooui6.oo; prairie, !0 00ull00. iiti.x iuiiu.x ilea 5VC BAOGING 6t,c. HEMP T INE 7c. ' PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing. $23. ii. Lard, higher; prime steam. 12 10. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts. 112.1:"; clear ribs. S12.12W; short clears, S12.3I Va- Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts. $I3.12V; clear ribs, 1.1 s'-ort clean. 813 o"7ij. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 3430c. EQGS Steady, lUc. ltiteipi ai.u Hhipments of flour and grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments 10 M0 21 W 81.000 6i.B')0 11.000 20 SW 43,300 66,600 NEW YORK, Oct. 13-Prlces of stocks today continued the vigorous recovery which set in biurday. L'niun paritic Steel was the dominant leader of the specu.anon, and Its rapid advance set the tone toi the whole market, of starceiy less in liuence nil sentiment was tne new a ... nence assuuieu by bt. Paul, Amalgamated Copper, ana Lnion Pacitic, which ate sup posed to be tne favorites in speculative mediums of the Standard OH party. 1 he movement in these stocks nad the effect of quieting an appreheii.-lun, pro fessed by an element of tne speculation, that the Morgan movement in tne niai..e did not have tne support and approval of the Standard Oil party. Such conslueia lions were given weiht by the professional element, union was an Impurtant tactor In the day's market, by reason of the enor mous individual transactions lor seveial active tiauers. The concurrent revival of strength In Reading made an important ad dition to the favoring inf.uenees. 'I tie tune of the nu.niy maiket was some what easier in tne call loan division. 1 he ruling rale for call loans was lower than yesterday and the suppiy of funds was ri ported to be larger. The Foreign exchange- market held steady during most of the day, and did not reflect ofterings of flnane b.lls. '1 he week's loss of cash by the bank Is estimated at between I6.0u0.000 and ., 00ou0, the express movement with the in terior having been against New York on baljnce. in addition to the absorption of 13.043,000 by the week's subtreafury opera tion. The movement of the Interior ex changes indicated, however, that a lull ha ooi'urred In the demand for currency. The extraordinary movement In United States Steel caused a circulation of new rumors of special development, aside from the favorable trade situation, to account for Its rise. Reports of a coniemp, atei dinner, at which the heads of the Inde pendent steel companies are to be present In company with the heads of the United States Steel corporation, make the im mediate occasion for this rumor, which alleged an intended close working agree ment to Include all the producer. There wa reported also, a better feel lnr in the copper trade, but the effect was more pronounced on the secuiltles of cop per companeie than on the market for the metal1 Itself. The Missouri, Kansas and Texas absorption helped the stock of the companies affected, and Induced some cre dence for reports of other railroad deols. Due of these pointed to a project for sharing control of the new Western Pa ciflc. or even of the Denver A Rio Grande, which owns and controls that road, be twee'the Gould Interests and the ChifTgo. Burl'npton & Qulncy. The above specimens will indicate how large a part unverified rumors played in the day's market. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par valu- M.164.000. United States bonds , t urrl; ' ged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on slocks were as follows: sulfa, min. uw. t.i". REPORT OK THE CLKARINO IIOrSR Transactions of the Associated Rank for the 'Week. NKW YORK. Oct 15. Bradstre-t's bank clearing report for the week ending Oc tober 14. show an as-gregate of 83. 407.433. 0n. as against 83.864. l.a.OiO last week and t2.H25.4-S6.niO In the corresponding week last year. Following is a list of the cities: CITIES. Amount. Inc. j Deo. tot, ;. 111 1.0m 11. 100 lit i. oo r-4 1, 04 1424 111 400 10 '4 l'K) Flour. . bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.... Mtlwankra Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Oet. IS FLOUR Firm. WHEAT No. 1 northern. IllOSfUll1;: No t northern. Hostjiw; December. 107U, bid. OATS 4ly43c. BARLEY Samples, 5lH437c. Peoria Market. PEORTA. III.. Oet. 15 -CORN-Hlsher; No. I rO'.e: No. I yellow. soe: No. 4 o.c. OA Tf Mrong; standsrd. 40e: No. I Ahit, 3VM4c: No. 4 white. j4l,tlJc. r p.tH',; My. H.07V Philadelphia Proaaeo Market. PIOLADFLPHIA. Oct. 14.-BUTTKR-frteady and In fair demand: extra westexa cr-smory. S2'ic; extra nearby, t4e. EGGS Firm and la good demand; Perm- Balata Grain Market. nULPTH Ocl ! 15.-WHEAT-December, 1 ai: Uir. 81.07W ' Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 15.-COTTON After making new high record for the season during today'a early trading, the cotton market became tn wwbit nervous and sold off under heavy realizing and operation for a reaction, with the ciose easy at a net ae cllne of 1S6 points. The opening was steady at a dec.lne of 6 points to an advance of 1 point, naar months being relatively weak as a result of d.sappointlng cables and private reports from Liverpool of Increased hedge selling and freer southern offerings. Late positions, however, were Influenced by re ports of severe storms In parts of Tennes see, Alabama. Oeorgia and the Carolinas, and shortly after the aggressive bull sup port, it was rumored that Mr. Patten and his friends were buying on frost and storm new and that the Chicago bull leader was due to arrive in New oik to look after hi cotton marker in this city within the next few day. Southern bull leader were also aggressive buyers, but after the ad vance to 13.73c for December and 13 92c for May a net gain of about 13'tjlo points the market turned easier under heavy realis ing, and subsequent fluctuations were nerv ous and irregular. A good deal of the sell ing here for an early advance was for strad die account, being against purchases In Liv erpool, for the failure of the English mar ket to follow recent gains here he led to a sharp narrowing of the differences. The decline late in the day was encouraged by talk of a bearish visible supply statement and the big into-slght figures for the week, but not withstanding the private cable from Liverpool, southern spot markets made a generally steady showing, with early reports indicating advances of from 1-lSc to le. Frost is predicted for the ee'rn b" tnMrht. NEW YORK. Oct. lb COTTOV Fu tures opened steady; October 13.60c: De cember. 13.6: January, 13 63c: March, 13 71o; May, 13T7c; June. 13.73olJ.74c; July, IS T6o. Future closed easy; October. 13.55c: No. vember 11 5?c: December. 13.61c; January. U'4o; Februarv, 13.67c; March, 13T4c; April. 1174c; May. UTSo: June. 13.72c; July, 13.68c; August, 1134c; September. 12 t.c. Spot closed quiet. 6 points lower; mid dling uplands. 119oc; middling gulf, 11. lie. Sales, 2.600 bale. NtlV elhLLAN'8, Oct. 15. COTTON Spot market steady and unchanged; mid dling. 13-tnc. Sales en the spot, 460 bales; to arrive, 4t bales. Futures opened steady unchanged to 3 points down on moderate selling by Bcalping shorts induced by dis appointing cables. Immediately after tha opening a buying movement, based on re ports of damage In Tennessee and Oeorgia by last night's storm, started, and shorts hastily covered. Little cotton was for sale around the ring and price were quickly sent up to a level lUjli point over yester day's closing. The market was steady until around the middle of the day. when the posting of the record-breaking Into-sight for the week caused considerable selling out- among longs. In the afternoon ses sion the selling wa increased by the dis appointing showing made by mill-taking for tha week and price were sent down to the lowest of the day. 4-Cil points be'ow yes terday's issl quotations. The closing was steadv at thia level. Futures closed steady. follows: October. HMc; November. 1187c; Iecmhr. 13 47c; January. 18.69c; March, lt7.-; Msv 1i r?c: Julv. It 4e ST LOU'S Oct. li.-COTTON-Hlrher; mhiiirng. 1'tVe. Sales. bales: receipts. ' vt b0es; shipments, 8.8S7 bales, stock, II.- .. OALVESTOX, Oct 15- COTTON-Steady. 13.,c. Bee Want-ads are business boosters. H2 l II II . t,0 41 47 S4 47 . 2i,iXi0 I234 1 i JO , t(U 104 H 104 I'M" o 13 i:n u . 1,400 1:7 1 111 1 M . 1.00S 44 , 14. t4 . l.0 7i 7H lit . 1.2it 187 KrV IhTJ . 1.1 41 474 4.i 100 lll 110 1'SSt 1 " It 77 44 TV II HSU 14 J H ti ti lh74 117 46 '4 4J as i 35 S lot 49 V l.0 l4li li'3'4 lfit 4 I'O 161 li.l-, 1F.14 T0 144 l) 2".' 14 1SS t.i4 48 t, HOD 4J0 34 4'J'4 i 14 IV) t4 48 A1lta-rtiatmr nfd Amilclmaleil Copper 41 t0 MS 81 Araerlran Agricultural .... 100 41 46 Am. Beet Siir l.") 4 47 Am. Can pfd 1"0 S 12 Am. C. r 10.4 7S ?) Am. Cotton Oil l.dri 74 14t Am. H. L pfU 700 48 41 Am. les Bcurltlaa 1.000 21 U American Llned Amvrican Locomotive ... Am. s. a R Am. B a R. ptd Am. tuiar Rrinln Am. T. A T Am. Tobacco pfd Amerlran Woolen Anaconila Mlnlof Co.... Atchisoa AtchiKoa pfd Atlantic Coart Una Haltlmors A Ohio Ral. A Ohle pfe Bethlehem Steal Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paelfle Central Leather Central Leather pfd (antral of Naw Jersey (hnuaiaaka a Ohio 1.100 ) t Chlcaio A Alton l.SOn . Clilcago Oraat Wcatars.... 14 14 Ctilcago N. W 700 is4 181 C.. M. St St. P C. C C. A gt. L 1.300 71 71 Colorado r. St I I.J"0 45 46 Colo. A Co. 1-t pfd 1JO 79 7t eoio. a so. zo pia Consolidated Gas Com Producta Dataware A Hudson...... Denvar A Rio Grande.... D. ft R. G. pfd manners' Securities .... Erie Kris 1st pfd Eils 2d pfd Ganeral Electrto Great Northam pfd Oraat Northern Or ctfs. . Illlnola Central tnterborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Harreeter . Int. Mar ne pfd 1 ) :S'4 International Paper 1,1 o 17 Imernailonal Pump 4(4 49 lews Central 10) fa Kansas Cltr Bo 1 4 K. U. SO. pfd 3a) 71 LOUISTIIIe ft N Minn, ft gt. L M , St. P. ft 8. g. M... M.aaourt Paelfle M.. K. ft T M., K. ft T. pfd National Biacult National Lead N. R. R. of M. let pfd New Tors Central N. Y.. O. ft W Norfolk ft w 4,')il 97 North American . . w 401 74 Northern Paoltlo ,.. Paciho Mall Pennarlvania II n 144 People's Gaa 1.4H n;v P., C. C. ft t. L r-K) M Preaaed Steel Car i.JOO 4S Pullman Palace Car Rallwar 8teel Spring. Reading RapuSiic steel a,.v Harobllc Steel pfd 1 Roik teland Co 7I.7M RiKk laland C. pfd II, ! SI. L ft 8 r. 24 pfd 1,4'H St. L. S. W. pfd loo Blosa-Sheffleld 8. ft 1 1 1X1O Bou hem Paclflo .5 ma, jjjv, .umii.in naiii. ........ Ho. Railway pfd Tenneatee Copper Teiaa ft Pacific T., 8t. U ft W St. Louie A a w T., 8t. L ft W. pfd. t'nioa Pacific I'nion Pacific pfd.. 0. 8. Realty , I'. 8. RuM.er V 8. Steel C. 8. Steel pfd I tab Copper 4- Ya -Carolina Chemical t.liM) u , W'abasS 11 Wataarh pfd I.7 4 'Weatena Maryland y0 tl W'raillihouae Elettlie 4J V cetera I oluo ix 71 Whaallng ft L. B Wiaciinala Central bacon d aaaearment Daid Total saiee iur the day, l.UK aharea. M U4 46 4.14 a. It 74 47 24 H U ssia 111 New York.. Chicago .... Boston Philadelphia St. I.mU.S.... IMttsbutg Kansas City San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis New Orleans Cleveland Detroit I uualia . Louisville Milwaukee Fort Worth Loa Angeles St. l'aul Seattle Denver Bufl'alo Ind.anapoll Spokane. Wash Providence Portland, Ore R cmiiond Albany Washington, I). C... St. Joseph Salt Itika City Columbus Memphis Allan. a Tacoma Savannah Toledo Rochester Hartford Nashville Des Moines Peoria New Haven Sioux City Norfolk Oram! Rapids Syracuse Lyansvllle Birmingham Sprlngileid. Mass... Portland, Me Augusta, Ua Dayton Oakland. Cal Worcester Jacksonville, Fla.,., yy ichita Wheeling, V Knoxville ... Little Rock , Chattanooga , Charleston, S. C Mobile Wilmington. Del.., Lincoln, Neb ilkesbarre Topeka Davenport Oklahoma Fall River Kalamazoo, Mich Sacramento Springfield, Helena Fort Wayne Cedar Rapids, la... New Bedford Columbia, S. C Macon Youngstown Lexington Fargo, N. D Akron Rockford, 111 Erie, Pa Slou Falls, 8. D... Canton, O tjulncy. Ill Bloomlngton, III .... Lowell Blnghamton Chester. Pa South Bend, Ind Decatur, 111 Springfield, O Vlcksburg Fremont, Neb Mansfield. O Jacksonville. Ill ... 2.r3 2o6.0tOj sfi.Sj W.nW.yiO V.l 173 li,iaO; ib.b .1 l7l.iJ01 Sl.Sj W..N,V"" Ol.O 4'..W.IM) 14. 5 5;.4-(M 32. J Slt.&Uo.tM)! I 8.0 2H.MO.0n0 2.9 2ti.3V.OtW .6 82.7.3. Out) 4. 20.124, 0"0 81.6, ls.ow.omij is.o 16.fJ.2fOi 27.51 I ie,o4.ouO 83. s .,. ll. 6.0 . 24.9 S4.0I 24.4 12.3! 22.8. ia.s.1. Va... Ill 1228.UUO 13.1.1X.) 7.4,.unu 12.J4.t"."i 14. li.trzit.otwi i5.i li.MJ.Wl) ll.4Ti.Msil! .8j8.vV) 19.0 9. l.Sl.OH); 14.3, 4 sr..Kj; S.1.2.uo0 10.2o7.llUO, 7,7uJ.tmOi 6.17S.OuOi 7.0i".2.l"0 6,ti72.0UO 7.3OJ.0W, 6,2.(itW; 8.177.twO 13.640. t"Jl 122.0... 6,415. (W, 31.41. . 9.1J5.0ut) W.9;.. 4.32.ufl K.2.. 3. itJ.UUO 4.014. 0ii 8.B2S,OUO 8.5M.tMl 2.747.0001 2.742.0' 4.3 3.151.000! 4.8I . 8.1.'.0iW 4.S 2.t41,0n0; 14. 6 22.6 . 20.9'. 28. 6. 21.91. 31.7 . lli.tl,. 2o.M. 20.4 . 23.41. 16.1 8.6 8.61. 1.9. 2 O.0.OUO; 2.148.000 2.711. 000 32.8, Z.4IIB.0U0, 24.1, 1. WW. 0001 3.K30.0x0 66.3 il.UtKi.0i), 1.814.0001 1.82U.UU0 2.OO4.000,' 23.0 2.93L0UO, 111.0 1.715.0UOI 11.2j., l.71.0tO( '., 2.1dl.0u0 21. P.. 1.GU0.000I 2.7., 7,8 19.7 1.492.0OO! 14.8 1.672.OH0! 13.1 1.4X6.0t) 14.8 1.35Hi.OTO 24.7 1.4fl7.O0O 21.7 l.SW.OOO 19.7 2.6T.2.0UO 10.1 1.289. 0M 1.6 1.249.000 31.1 l.liW.000 20.0 880.000 8.7 1,116.000 7.9 960.0H0 27.6 1.195.000 32.1 1.233 000 19.2 1.012.000 00.8 l.Eiti.000 71.8 S08.OUO 9.2 731.0UO 84.1 1,153 010 22.9 741.000 3.7 772.000 26.1 723 000 11.9 9S4.000 26.31 787 000 16.8 657.0oO 10.9 fiOoO I 9.3 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Steady Price Offered for Beef Cattle by Packer. MODERATE REACTION IN HOGS Price's Generally (knee Fire Tea Cents A a Tan re keep Adraace tjsarter ea Peslrabla Staff. POLT1I OMAHA. Neb.. Oct. 15, 1909. Receipts were: CarMe. Totrs Sheep. Official Monday .33 1 65 6.r7 Offical Tuesrtav S2 2lt 30.7t Official Werineadav II K9 4 R2 SO R'." Official Thursday 4 346 3.977 24.51S r.stimat Friday Lsuo 1. lew 4.itw Five day this week. .34.7S 15.277 117 Ml Same day last week....40.8 22. 70" Same days week ago.. 36. 167 22 0 130 21 Same day 3 weeks ago.. 32 J.'3 19.78 102 207 Sams days 4 weeks ago.. 84 rS 17. ISO 95 311 fiame days last year.... 82.943 30,121 81. W3 The following labia snows me reelots of csttlo. hogs and sheea at South Omaha for ths year to date, compaisd with last year: l. Kajg Inc Dec Cattle m.V 7K.191 42,104 Hogs l.SMOW 1 91(7.742 143.6T.1 Sheep 1.672.846 1.602,640 70.3"6 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days wltn comparisons: Date. .0H. 19U8.I1!S77.7V06. 11905. 104. '1901. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct 6.... f... 7.... .... 10..., 11... 12.. 13... 14... 15..., '80 46 6 .iti t 06 7 till I ( 311 6 03 6 OKI 5 0 7 64 I 16 6 92; f ( 06 6 6S 6 40 7 67 i, 616I9SI32 6646 19 7 61V; 20 07 6 30 6 0 6 19 6U6 116 2T. 60& 663 6 22 7 C7V4 6 15 6 2 4 99 6 46 7 70 I K 99 6 HI 4 21' 5 07 6 311 6 81 7 6l 6 70 I 26 6 061 6 17 6 37 I 7 mi ,6 5. 0"t i 6 10, 6 11, 6 4i I 7 4' S 68 6 01! tS3 6 121 6 48 6 76. i 67 Sunday. Recelphs and disposition of live stock at the I'nion Stock ards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., ot'iuuer ao; Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. ll'r's. C M. ft St P 1 Wabaah l .. 1 I'nion Paclflo i 15 24 C. & N W., east 12 1.. C. A N. W., west 36 8 1 C. St. P., M. A O.... t 1 C, B. Q., east 1 C, B. A Q , west.... 37 .. 13 C, U. I. ii P., east.. .. 3 C, R. I. & P., west 1 Clilcago O. W 2 .. .. .. Total receipts 90 37 27 1 DISPOSITION. Cattle.Hogs. Sheep. M.- Hi 1H iw ("Jackson, Miss 1,10) t3 4K) 1.1 1.(10 14 4.600 4S l.t'H) IS " oo in" t 49 4, 1)1 47 H 1'H 16-1 16 4S II 4'J 1.S4I 23 17H 4 44'i 71 1521a 1W a 140t4j 140 4a 4 4.1 47 ' i W 4514 V n;s 1141a luk l.Hi tat. niht, its aiu 1,7') 1.W4, iJ.-.i UJ s 4s 41s 471 I"4j 'at oo rr, is.'a is 1.0 0 It 17U 11 14. 147 113 llVi 4.4 41 1 tin 4 471, 47 St 106 t(M 14iH IK44 14 41 41 10i l'Mtj iwk, 41 314 4vi( 7 M' its 1 til 4 US l.,V0 1 0) 1 J !, . 1X1 . t.tm us 20 a i 11 I.jaj 1(4 1. ,0T,it aii, a?' 7,M 41 47 4:S.7')i e. 4. M0 U4 1 4 us 19 1S S' JSa 111 40 w IS no t t) V 1 1 a a 4 n 2 474 4 ! 4 21 7 1.4'S .4 S. 4) 4. ID 4"k I b 71 t U ! i ie l.' Boston Ktofks and Hoada, BOSTON. Oct. 15 -Money, call loans 5 tit-4 per cent; time loans. 4V&5 per cent Clo. Ing quotations on stocks and bonds Atrhl.oa adj. 4s 4 Arliosa Com. ... .100 fM.ua Coallilon . .lUVt'al. A Arliona.. .10lCal. A Hacla.... .Zii Calitannial 1 Coppar Rang ... .Dii faiy West ua Franklin . .l7iOraDOjr J Oraana Canaaea . 43 Koralt .101 Maaa Mluina ... . 1 Miihlsaa ,.U1 Mnkak .1:4 Vn c. A C... 142wN"als ,. J4 OI Oominloa .ua Oaceoia .. . . Parrot "' ,.lJJKInor . l.fbannoa . tt Tamarack .... . liTrlnii)r " ,lt l'nlta4 Oopsar".' . V. . Oil . Hkl tak . Victoria " ,ls Wiaoaa . 4 Walar1n . M Sorts Butt ... 1 Houston Galveston Ouluth .... Scranton .. BCrt OuO 4:).000 625 000 611.0001 35jt.0i)l. 31S0U0 24.71 412,000 ! 28.3 8:6,0001 2S4 000) 612.000! .9. 24.41. 24.4,. 3.6 . !6 27.277.000 . 27 277.000 . 8 723 OtM), . . . . 2,438 000).... 18.21 8.l 17.4 9.7 4 19.8 'Not included In total because contain ing other Items than clearings. Not Included in totals because com parisons are incomplete. York Money Market. NEW YOTtK. Oct. 15-MO.NET-On call, firm at 4tj4 per cent; ruling rate 414 per cent; cosing bid. 4 pPr cent; offered at t per cent. Tlm loans, asir; sisty dar. 4J per c-nt; ninety days, 4fi6 per c.n : six months. 4 per cent FRJME MKJltCANTILK PAPER 4li5 pT cent. " STEULINO EXCHANGE Steady, with ?l,y,,'.1- iu,,ine'" ln bankers' bills at 34.8280 4. 828. for slxty-day bills and at $4.fWfi for demand; comme.t lul bills. 34.82i&-4 82&i l!v-,E?-riar- Meslcan dollars 43c. rtgular'5- 'Vrnm' nt' 8tdjr; rAl'road. Ir- 'lii.' lollowlng are the closing quotations " - fcvcn iai.u uonns; V. S. ref. 2a, re.. tlo coupon V. i. la. rag do cuupoa I'. 8. 4. raj flri rntipon ""H III. ran. 1st raf. 4a.. "Saint. Met. 41a W 4 Int. li. it. 4a "1 'a Japan 4a "4 do 4Ss llTUv n a i. a. j..i.ai nauners 1 r 4 u g. iab. 4a 1S31... Am. Ag-rl-ultural H-.1'? LAN unl 4a.. .. a"" J'k T' ."' . K. A T. lat 4a. Am. Tobacco 4a a, ao .do lMo. Pacific 4a r HN R R. ot M. 41.. MS Atchlaoa (an. 4a : av y r a lu, u u S 1M do dab. 4a K4a li'lN. Y., N. H. A H. I " cv. 4a 142 N. A W. ev. 4s 18 . ?No. Paclflo 4a. 11 do 3a 71 . ,0 s. 1,. rfd. 4a .. Ml- Pann. ct. Is 116. i' do n. 4a 151 V M 17 3' 7J 1 M do cv. 6a At. C. L. lat 4s Hal a Ohio 4a. H JS,a lo R W. ia. Brk. Tr. rr. 4a. ( til. of (la am ' en. La! her ia 4 1S II 1.U U fk . . , - - - a iT' . r 4---1 - f. ft- 4 14 i"3 so gan. lis la, rtiicngo A. s...im8,. u g. w. . 4s.. T1 h . .Q- J' ,;' "Ao 1,1 ioll 4a ... M r a'a, f'-i' Mg..boar4 A, L 4a.. a,- ,"vPU '"So. J'aclflc col. 4a.... II p 4a, do c. 4a 103 " " tin Ho lt raf. 4a 4 f, V ,1:go- hallway a 10i. rolo Jlid. 4 M t-nlon flrlllc , n i h r;.' "" du "' n u 4'. Ao ref. 4a.... 14 11. at K. O. 4a liu r a 17 V. 8. Steal 24 ia 103 M ,Va -t'aro. Cnam. 6a.. D. w do raf. Sa P'atllleni- (, . Kn. p. i. 4s..:::: do n. 4a 5 e. 4a. aar. 'a! do srle H Cin E,er cv aa bid. uf farad. " Omalj Packing Co lio 4."ti 1 646 Swift and Company 609 ft 13 VslJ Cudahy Packing Co 975 678 3.8 3 Armour ft Co 240 623 1,271 Schwart-Bolen Co 86 .... Cuiypy Co., from Denver 848 O. Pack. Co, f m Denver.. 42 W. B. Vnnsant Co 11 Benton, Vansant ft Lush 266 Stephens Bros 83 Hill ft Son 127 F. B. Lewis 77 Huston ft Co M J. B. Root ft Co 25 J. H. Bulla 159 McCrearv a Carey 70 H. F". Hamilton 22 M. H-gertv 2 Sullivan Boa 35 Tee Rothschild 2 Smith ft Po)ey 2 Christie. Cllne A Co 19 Other buyers SS6 7 M 77. Total 3 .76 2 218 J7,?21 CATTUE Supplies were comparatively small this morning and Included very little that was at all desirable In the way ot beef steers. Dressed beef men seemed to want what few cattle were offered and readily paid right around steady prices for anything that suited them. As compared with a week a to, values show no partic ular change. Not over a doxen loads of cows and heifers were Included In ths offerings and with the usual good demand from both local packer and outside buyers, the trade was active right from the outset and prices were fully steady on all grades. The gen eral market for butcher stock and can- ners has been In very satisfactory shape an week ana values at the close are If anything a shade stronger than a week ago. While there was not a great deal of ac tivity ln stockers and feeders, still the tone to the market showed some little Im provement and prospects are now favor able for a very fair clearance for tha week. (quotations on cattle: Good to choice coinfcd steers, 37.2Mj!i.u0: fair to good coin. fed steers, $6.2Tu7.26; common to fair corn- fed steers, 4.76iu6.26; good to choice range steers, 86.26(6.40; fair to good range steers, M 40u6.2u; common to fair ran steers, aXuOfe4.40; good to choice cornftd cows and heifers. l4.utMo.0tr; fair to good conned cows and heifers, 8J.2o.u4.40; common to fair cornfed cows and heifers, 2.00a3.26; good to choice range cows and heifers, 87i 4.36; fair to good range cows and heifers, a3.263.7i; common to fair range cows and heifers,, 82 2b'tf3.26; good to choice stockers and feeders, MWy5.o6; for to good stock ers and feeders, 83.40a 4 00; common to fair stockers and feeders, 82.rifl3.40; stock heif ers, 12.663 66; veal calves, 81frvij.7j; bulls, stags, etc.. 32 7fiU4.7&. Representative sales: V kSTKHN S NEBRASKA. 64 steers.. .1000 6 calves... 3.6 13 cows 971 3 bulls.... 7 feeders. 06 calves... 8 heifers.., 13 heifers... 11 cows 8 cows I steers.... 46 steers. 22 feeders.. 8o3 8 cows 961 23 cows 1)2 J 12 stockers. Sfl 8 heifers. , 53 cows.,.. 37 893 414 907 . 693 .1140 3 90 2 70 3 60 4 26 3 06 t 23 2 90 3 00 2 76 4 00 75 Wabaih 1st 6s M rlc 1st A ai. 4a . 7 Weaiam Md 4a . !S Weat. riao. cv ia. 73c. Cantral 4a... .11.' I, . is;, . 14 . l do 4a Atckuun R. R do pfd , Beaton A Albany.... Buatos A Maine...., Biwlun gievalcd Fltrhbur pfd N. T , N H A H. I' a loo Pacific Am. Arte. L'harn... da pfd Am. Pnas. Tuba.... Amar. Sugar So Sfd Asa. T. A T A mar. Weeiaa do pfd Dom I. A Gatiaral Blectrts ... alaaa. gleetrte do pd Maaa. oas I ntel rrult Iniie S. M do pfd V. I. Steal do pfd Aiiantsrs AllLuaa Anal I.oadoa Stock Market. LONDON, Oct. 13. American securities op. ncd higher ln sympathy w ith the strength in Wall street. Union Pacific and I'nited States eHeel were the leaders during tne first hour, trie Atchison. 'iopka & Santa Fe reacted slightly, but I tna rwn oi tne list ne.a tne opening ad 44 j vam-e. At noon the market was steady. . win. ii icra iruiii to i nigner tnan vea- terday New York close. 1 v til, i ,u 1,.A a , ... Loulaallls A K 13 1J-.4M , K. A T ... S S Y. Cantral ... 'Nor:..lk A V.' .. Itt do pfd Ontario A W ...li PannajlvanU ..... ...U 4Ranl allnaa ...II Kaadicf ... 14Southarn Rr 164 do pfd II Southern Pacific. 47 trios Pacific I do pld J6U. I. Staal Ija do pfd 4 Wabaah tl do pfd lit gpanlaa 4a SILVER Lar, quiet at 23 7-16d per ounce. .-!.. r. i j per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short blU I Z per cent; for three months' bills, 3S per cent. Consols, anoaar, do account Araal. t'oppar... Ana -onda Alrtiisnn do pld I altimora A Ohio ( . 4' . M ti. . ti Ait . J" . ' . 1544 . ti . 11 fc . n . 41 ' .144 . SI Treaasry Statemeat. WASHINGTON. OcL 15.The condition of the treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was as follows: Trust Funds Ovild coin. $vT2 !4J 6.jg sil ver dollar. 8487 lii.OOO; silver dollars of isstx Mt-. silver certificate ouutand ing. 34s7.1a5 0w. General Fund-Standard llver dollars In Canadian Paclftc. tt-raapaaka A O.... Cbnaso O. W C hi . Mil. St. P. I Daara... lirnvar A RIo O... lo pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2d p.d Granu Trunk liilnoka tantral .151 . 44' .140 . a . II . 41 . II . a . ka tuS . 10 .114. .I13S 1 .It . in . 4 . M44 U COW fc'K) Tuly 47 feeder, .lull 18 ferder. 67 heifer.. 18 cow... 18 feeder. 19 cows..,. IS steer... 9 steer.., 19 steers.. 3 steer., 29 steers.. 26 steers.. 24 heifers... 620 J. 20 feeder.. 105 3 bulls l!ht 17 feeders.. 1030 931 3 36 8S2 3 30 340 8 00 .1140 952 613 4 36 3 66 3 10 I 40 4 10 02 3 70 910 3 60 1101 4 00 .1140 4 GS i 65 3 75 .1112 4 75 4 00 .1070 4 75 4 00 31 cows.. 13 feeder. 18 cow s. 3 25 a io 4 75 4 80 3 76 1 V R 1 ,, . .17 - ,i.w...-aj- iua4 THIS BANK IS During all this time it lias commanded the con fidence of the people. This confidence ia still evi-, denced by the daily opening of new accounts and the constantly increasing volume of business. Your account is invited. bulk sold at 37. 4." 17.60 today as against bulk yesterday of 37.4fij7.4,'K Representative sales: a! New Yark Mlalajg Stocks. NEW YORK. OcL 15. -Closing quotation on mining stocks were ss follows; 't 4 17i Laadvllla Coa luunial. k Tub t Liuia tTilat .. Com Tar.nal stock... 14 Maairan do buads W Ontario Cos. Cai. a a 17 orhir Hum S.lrar .1 10 sianiarif Irca SlKar laa Yailow Jaikat . Offarad - - " . 6 . ( II 31 .lw . el 14a 8 8U 4 23 3 26 1263 8 00 602 3 CO 32 4 80 P. Bcheei Neb. 63 8 06 6 heifers 782 3 25 10 cows... .1016 3 35 J. W. Stetter Neb. . 866 3 46 cows.., . tM 8 60 7 steer. A. J. Abbott Neb. .1103 4 26 W. F. Fatteron Neb. 12 feeder.. 1283 4 66 IS cow.... William Albright Neb. feeders.. Hi 4 86 Chris Rupp Neb. 10 feeders.. 944 3 90 11 cows.... B. Auftengartner Neb. 6 cows K40 8 40 t cows.... 2 75 & Musser Neb. 4 60 8 feeders. 11,5 4 30 18 cows Hta .. 8uu I 40 6 bulls 1218 R. Taylor Neb. .920 3 60 J. n. Cook Wyoming. . ToS 4 70 7 cows.... . 9S 4 heifers. A. E. Campbell Wyo. .. 930 4 8i 8 cow..., R. Howard Wyo. ..1122 4 70 8 cows.... ..1277 4 70 A. N. I'lcklnson Wvo ..10-ti (H 3 cows.... .. 978 4 65 A. O. Cheney Wyo. ..IOjO 4 65 2 steers... 17 cows loi.7 4 00 Charles Hitscliew Wyo. IS feeders.. 9ii3 4 40 20 cows 864 Watson 4 Johnson Wyo. 36 steers.. ..1274 5 15 li. T. -Mo Farland Wvo. 24 feeders.. 931 4 70 20 heifers. .. 8S5 4 00 Hagbury W yo. 5 0ft 10 steers.. ..1112 3 10 14 feeders 4 46 Don Hagbury Wyo. S feeders. .1051 5 to 2 ste.'rs.. II. I-araon Wvo. 8 feeders.. 965 ( 20 William Hagbury Wyo. 4 feeders.. H-16 5 06 1 feeder... HT0 Peter Weirs Wyo. .92' 2 63 21 cow 939 A. Rassmusa. il S. D. . 843 4 ao 6 cows 990 .811 3 00 21 calves... 272 Kent A Blssell S. IJ. 7 steers.... 722 4 35 li steers.. ..1173 K I'arrow 8. I. 21 steers. ...1209 4 65 3 steers. ...104 HOGS Receipt of hogs again this morn ing were moderate, there boina hardlv i enough received to cause actual competi tion or test ine airengtn or tne market. H.duced supplies here snd elsewhert the effect to cause a moderate reaction so that for the first time since Tuesday, va.uea showed some improvement. The movement at no tun was particularly active and as trains were more or less delayed In arriving, the market dragged out throughout the furtnoon. Prices as a rule on most of the good stuff showed a 6fa 10c advance over yesterday's average market, wlnl some of the common lighter grades wers slow sellers at IrrtguUr prices. Tops today reached 17 57' as against 37.5 yesterday, while the geneial No. Ai. ak. Pr. No. . At. Sh. Pr. W. JJJ 120 7 40 S2 144 ... 1 77 ll-J m 7 40 II Sill ... iSl 14 21J SO T 40 70 149 KO 7 .'.n 4 Sl 7 45 4" 271 M 7 M M M0 40 7 45 l 24i SW 111 i"i W lit M iH ... 7 fx) II til SO 147 45 40 1 to 71 Hi 1W 7 47 41 t l SO 7 W 62 2iS ... 7 4. N Ill ) 7 W 4 Ifil 1 7 47 t !l 131 1 hi M Id 40 T 47 S 117 10 7 H H I 8 . . 7 50 4 172 Irt 7 17 49 II M0 H 71 tl M 7 Mv, II ill IN 7 60 4H m ... 7 17', 41 Ml IS) 7 W III 115 240 7 (7 SHEEP Packers' orders for today' and Saturday' killings were pretty well fined this morning and the opening market as result was slow ana uratigy on this class of offerings. le:.plt too 11k tit re ceipts, only some 6,700 neual being reported in. the sticky tone to the demand was more pronounced than it has boen tor some time. Prices, however, suffered no material declines; In fsct it wuuid be hard to gauo any positive break with sucti limileu re ceipts on hand and the bulk of early sales were made right around in yesterday's notches. On lat lambs perhaps, the ten dency was easier than Otherwise and In some cases, trading ltgures looked to be about tvloc lower, but "steady tq easier" would Just about describe the general con dition of ths market on all kinds ot strong wiignl sheep and lambs. There a p pi a red to be a very good de mand for leader stuff, out actual tr.iding was slow to the delay caused by aiiapui up of supplies, etc. No bearish tendency ot any consequence was noticeable in this brancn of the trade and prices paid for suitable thin block were quotabiy firm with yesteiday, ihs geneiai market this week has pos sessed a good h.aiiny undertone inrouuii out with tne aeiuaiid usually brisa lor an kinds and prices Higher. The advance tor the five uays on desirable feeder s.un is saaeiy lo-t.jo, with good fat killers noi lar lroin luuto htguer man last week close, nevelpts fur the five days this week total almost 118,000 head, as compared wili. 1,mm head tor the same day ot last week and almost (u.vou iirad tor the cor responuuig period of a year ago. vuu..ua o.i u sne.p l...us: Good to choice lambs, 86.6tVUD.s6; fair to good lamps, e-UU.utl, gOOU ligilh tiilllgs, a.tSl gv6.ov; good heavy yeailmas, 4 ,o4iuiw, good to choice wethers, 84.20w4.66; fair to good wethers, 83.lrUy4.2o; good to choice ewes, M lv . u lau to goou ewes, ea.ara.l0; out canner ewes, 3LOOaj2.oO. Quotations on feeder stock: Good to choirs lambs, 36.00g6.46; fair to good iambs, 46.4iro.0u; light, yearlings, 34.oDtfo.lu; heavy i i.i.ais, frt.ufcits.c.; oiu wetiieia, 4.4 4.t.'& good to cnoice ewes, f2.7ixg3.25; breeding ewes, 8o.75'n.5.50; yearling breeding ewes, 85. 50 u i). U0. Representative sales: No. lson Wyoming lambs, feeders. 11 3 Wyoming yearlings k.'l Wyoming ewes i... 118 Wyoming lambs, culls.... Its Wyoming lambs, culls.... 157 Wyoming wether 263 Wyoming wether lu Wyoming ewes, cunner.. 100 Wyoming lambs, feeders 308 Wyoming lambs, .feeders 447 Wyoming ewes, feeders.. vxt Wyoming ewes, feeder.. 814 Wyoming ewe 220 Wyoming lamb. culls 403 Wyoming ewes, feeder.. 114 Colorado wethers, feeders 3-2 Nebraska ewes -4 Idaho lambs 127 Idaho yearlings, feeder., 1.1 Idaho yearling, feeder.. 601 Idaho yearling, feeder 149 Wyoming lambs, lf3 Wyoming lambs, 10S8 Wyoming lambs. 1.9 Wyoming ewes 8-10 Wyoming ewes 874 Idaho lumbs, feeders l'St Id iho lambs, culls 218 Wyoming wethers 173 Wyoming wethers .......... 117 Wyoming wethers 0l Idaho lambs 3110 Id'iho lambs 19 Idaho Ismbs 34 Idaho wethers 24R Wyoming ewes, feeders... t0 Wvomlng lambs 802 Wyoming lambs l"J Idaho lambs, feeders 401 Wyoming ewes, feeders... irl Wvom'ng lambs, feeders. 104 Nehrsski ewes. feedTs.... 49 '' vomlng lambs, feeders.. 117 N b asks lambs, fe' ders... 68 Wyoming ewes, feeders 816 Wyoming lambs heavy. 37.5T4f7.70; packers, $7.3r.37.SB; light. 8tl V.'.i7 60; pigs, f&.OtFlit; 3t. HtlKKP AM) IM l)S Receipts, fi.jnn bend. Market sternly; lambs, 8r.7S'rJ7l5: yearlings. fAotKi.VOu; wethers. $4.2534.86; ewe. $4.0iiif4.S5; stockers nnd feeders. $2.00 it 4.75. Stork la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were as follows: South Omaha Sioux City ... 8t. Joseph .... Kansas City St. Louis .... Chicago Totals Cattl 1.W10 r 2,0110 6.tiO0 6 100 4.6u0 2.100 2 ! 2,t0 f4) 4 KK 13.U00 6,700 i.'rsVi ,$-o IcJ.OtVl ...19.600 30,000 31,600 Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct. I... HuOLr-Wlth the local supply of wool less than a third of normal; amount and selection becoming broken, the market Is quieter than for some mouths. Value ste holding very firm. The leading domestic quotations range an follows: oluo and Pennsylvania, XX, 3Uu37c; X. 34'.fco: No. 1 washed, 40u41c; No. 3 waslied. 40c fine iinw ashed, 2ii2sc; half blood, comb ing. 85c; three-eighths blood combing, 3Jc; quarter Wood combing, 34iiJ5c; delaine washed, 4i41c. Michigan, W iHt'onsIn and New York fleeces, flno unwashed, 26j26cj delaine unwashed, 31U:!2e; hulf blood un washed, S4':iA6c; three-elshllis blood, un washed, S4(t3;"c; quarter blood, S3;):!4c. Ken tucky, Indiana and Missouri, three-eighth blood, 34c; quarter blood. 32ir'i3e. Scoured values: Texas, fine twelve months. 754i78c; fine six to elht months. fiO'u'TOc; fine fall, if(i)0c. California, northern. 8v.i70c; nild dlu county, t3i)Crc; foil free, 60';2c. Ore pon. eastern No. 1 staple TJfe; eastern clothing, 70rii72c; valley No. 1. r7ii5So. Ter ritory, fine staple. 77(fiV; fine medium stnnle, 7V,i72c; fine clothing. 70fi72c; half blotd. 73ir7fc: throe-eighths blood. 6Srjj7lp; otiarter blood. 67'it8c. Pulled extra, 724i 75o; fine A, 65Hi70c; A supers. eOifoMc. Av. , . ,o0 .. 78 .. 91 .. 4X .. 66 .. 90 ..96 .. 82 .. 68 .. 53 .. tfJ .. 90 lul feeders, 44 . 90 . 92 .109 . 82 . 91 . 91 . 80 . 83 . 63 . 57 .. 9s .. 63 .. 64 .. 61 ..105 ..1"5 ..107 . 73 . 73 . 70 ..13) .. 9 .. 6fl .. 7 .. 3 .. 79 .. 68 . M . 171 . 69 ... 120 . 78 feeder... feeder... feeder. .. Pr. 6 06 6 Oo 8 40 6 26 6 00 4 60 4 60 1 60 6 26 6 10 2 85 2 7.-. 8 99 5 40 2 75 4 25 8 85 6 80 6 00 5 00 6 00 6 00 5 80 6 70 3 f $ 26 6 26 t 00 4 36 4 35 4 35 ( 75 75 75 4 60 3 20 6 25 6 46 20 t 0 5 7 2 26 6 80 S 10 4 2S 75 Metal Market. NEW TORK Oct. lS.-MFTALS-Sland-sr'l copper, steadv. Local dca'ers quite Iske copp r at $11 00"'13 2": electrolytic. $12 M ?2V5: ens Ing $12 H ' 12.75. London mar ket fteadv: spot 57 12s Sd; fu'ures. 58 12s 6d. Tin closed steady loeally. Lon don market higher; spot, 139 2s d; future-. fl'O 12 (Id. Iad was quiet and in clienged locally, with spot quoted 'at $4.30v 4.374. T.onilon mark -t was higher at 1.1 6 3d. Spelter was quiet, with spot quoted at fl.r0T6.1" London market unchanged at f3 6s. The l-on market was higher tn Iondon at 61 4 10,(1 for Cleveland war ran s Ths local market was steadv; No. ) foundrv. nor'h-rn. 319 onwlFO; No. 2, $18.50 1900: No. 1 northern and No. 1 south ern, soft, $19.2.(s19 75. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 15 COFFFE-Cof fee future closed steady at a net advance of 6 to 10 points. S iles were reported of 30 000 bags, including October at 5 !c, November at 6.95c. December at S.oVrifl.OOc, Murch at 60T.C. Mav at 8.05r1V .Ttily at OM'fito snd Selter"er it 6.206 ISc Snot, firm; RIo No. 7, 8'fcc: Pantos No. 4. 8V8c. Mild, teady; Cordova, 9yllHc. ' Oils and Ilosln. NEW YORK. Oct, 15. Ollj-Cottonseed oil strorg- ptlme crude, $."!7: prime yel low. 3''.cVi'i75; December. $ti.7W6.lW. Petro If urn sfartv. Turpentine, easy at 604. KO1 IN- S eady. SAVANNAH. Qa., Oct. 15 OIL Turpen tine, firm at 6744c; sales 100 bbls.; receipts, 646 bbls.; shipments, 68 bbls. , CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET Receipts of Cattle, Hogs aad Sheep, with Market Qaotstlons. CHICAGO. Oct. 15.-CATTLE-Rcelpts. estimated at 4 500 head. Market steady; steers. J5.50t(S 90; cows, $3 6 5 tt ; heifers. $3.5iuO0; bulls, $1.0O-(4 S6; calves, fcl.OOJ 9.75: st'icker and feeders, $3.76t;r6 50. HOOS Receipts, estimated at 13.00 head. Mtrket 15fi2oc higher; choice hSuvy, $r.so 7 90: butchers, $7.75it7.&0; light mlxetl, $7.:i5 trri ; cnoice ngnt. f.7u; packing, Q7.75; pigs, $5.0lri7.00; bulk ot sales, SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts. msted at lli.OOO head. Market steady; sheep $4 Oo;c,.&0; lambs, $ti.O(;7.3t); yearlings, $5.0j tiu.uu. $' $7 4'j estl- 8t. I.oals Live Stock Market. FT. LOUIS, Oct. 15.-CATTLU-R-cetpt 5.h0 head. Including 3 300 Tcxana. Markt stiady; native shipping and export steer. 87 0O ii4.25; drefsed beef and butcher stents. $5.50'i6.75; steers under 1 fl) lbs, $4 0U'u5 40: stockers and feeders. $2,rOti5l; cows and heirers. $JOu 40; cariners. $.' ut)'(i2 U; bulls. $3.00i4.26; calves. $.'i."V i8.2i; Texas and In dian steer. $j.50u5.76; cow and heifers. 12 oori 3 90. HOtlS Receipt. 4 800 head. Market 10c higher; pigs and light. $5.0oi7 50: packeri 17 -;07.fi5; butchers and best heavy, $7.7ofj 7 65. SHEEP AND I.AM OA Receipts, 1 E"0 hrad. Market steadv; native tiiuttona, $150 f4 75; lambs, $i;tli7.25; culls and bucks. J2.50u4.90; slockers $12514 00. Local Secarltlca. Local securities quotations, furnished by Samuel Burns. Jr., 614 New York Life hiillrltno;. Omaha: Bid. City of Omaha 4a, 19J 17 CudahT Packln Co Ceiumbua (Neb ) Elac. Light s. 13.. 4 Independent Tale 6a (Omaha) Intrrnatlnnal f'onatructlon o 41 Lscleda Oaa Light Co. Sa, 1M4 101 Morrla 4 no. 4a. Il M Ncbraaka'Tcle. stoek, I par cant...... H Omaha flaa la, 1117 M Omaha Elao. Llfht and Power fx, 1IJI.. Omaha Elac. Lllit and Poarar pfd 'I Omaha A C. B St. R. Sa. 121 4 Omaha A C. H. St. Hy. it. 1914 Ho Oieiha A C. B St Ky. pfd i par ct. M Omaha A C. B 8t Rr. cent., 4 per at. 71 Omaha C. B. Ky. A B.-rdfe pld.... 41 Omaha Water Cs. (a. I41 44 Omaha Water Co. 6s. 11 Oaiha Waiar Co. lat pfd 10 South Omaha Sawcr 4a. II. I I'O Slims City Stock Yards pfd. 4 par cant 16 In ten stock Yards (uroiha) ( par cast 17 Waaura faclflc 6a, mi II Aakad. ns It Mr U u llr S i w. aa . lw 84 . 100 lul ' w 7 ' 44 - 4 100 iu , . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS C. Fogel-Kempton St. Joseph ST. JO'FPH cent ?00) h ad $4.rii7.0: cows ca v 13 OxiiK.00. HOC.S Rc celpis hlfier: t p. $7 75; HIKKP AND market steady to I.lva Stack Market. Oct. 15 CATTLVT Re market steadv: steers, and heifers, $2 SoftLOO; 2flo head: ma-Wt rvfilOc b'tlk of sales, $7.30l!7.5"i. LA 81 RS-Iterelp s. J orr) strong; lumbs. $1 50S7.O6. Stoas City Lire Stork Market. SlOrX CITV. Ia. Oct. 15. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipt, 600 hed; mar ket unchanged. HOGS - Receipts. 2100 hid: market 6r higher; ring of prices, $7 2i7.66, bulk of ales, $7 35U7 46. Kansas City Live stuck Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 15. CATTLE Re ceipt, 6. WO head. Including l.f.s) southern Market slow but steady; choice export and dressd beef steers. $0 5o'ii75; fair t good, $4 40..25: western steers, $3 4.jiJ 40 slKUers and feeders, $l.40n . 40; si.iithern steets. $5 5a45, neithein cows, $2'Xy:)w) native cows, $2V"i4 75; native heifer f. j Uilii bull. 12.75 3 25: calves. 3 6O.i0 HtrijS Receipt, ') hKad. Market 5c hlfc-t f tnfi. r 7e hulk of Ke. i; i.,,,7 .;.) E. A. Fogel strom to Ida atrom. lots 8 and 7, Heights , Helen D. Sherwood to William II Klaunhter, of n of lot 11, block 89 Wouth Omaha Florence E. Crumb to Joe A. Crumb, n feet of lot 3, block 3, John I. Red!ck' add E. O. Hager nnd wife to E. O. Fpen- cer and wife, lot 6. and sVi lot 4 block 111. Houth Omaha John Klellun and wife to W. I. Spelce, lots 6 and 6. block 6, Hummit add..,. John Nowicki'to samei lot 2 .bloik 1. Sumrn't add D. V. 8holes Co, to Uoard of Regeuu, Vnlvert-lty of Nebraskg,. iljjcks j and 3, Rulph Place Mellora W. Fairfield and husband to Hyroti R. Hastings, lot 4. block L Kulphur Spring f Charle C. Huntington et al to Charle Oillen, nV, lot 8, I'piand Ter I race Louisa Floersch et al. to Michael Norrls. tlfc lot 13. J. E. RUey sub. Maria Dudtseun and husband to F.dna L. Douglas. s44 feet lot 11, block , Drski's ndd , E. O. Paah et al. to Alliertine Drlff korn, l"t 7, block 3, H.llslde No. 2. A. H. Christiansen to Antonta T. ChrltlaiiHen. lot 11. Mock 4, Mc Gavock A O'Keeffe's add Fred Kchuman and wife to M Y HchlBBcr, lot 25, block 17. Orchard Hill Cora H. Talinferro and husband to L M. Owin, lot IS, block 90, Dundee Place County treasurer to Continental Trust Co.. lot 12. block S. Bilker Place.... HomcMcad Co. to Gorge Nice, lot $S, Horneblte Dv ifc-ht Williams, administrator, ' ti E S. Flor. lot 102. bltKik ti. Ka un der A Himel.atiKli's Mount Pleasant Honie.-tead Co. to ll. C. Johnston, lot 44, Homestead Same to Eugean Cnnklin, " lot" " r.Ti" lioineMtesd ' J. H. Hopkins and wife to George L Kngle. lots a and 9. block 5. Llu ton place Annie P. jSvpe to Lucia IV Matini'iig lot 4. block k9. Dundee Place i ni'td Real Kstate and Trun Co. to E. P. Morrison, lot (i, block 32 Kuiintze Place ll. W. Yates, giiutdlan, et al , to Ralston Tov.nhM Co.. lot 2 block 47: lo's HI ;,d a;, block 8. Italeton.. M'ny MiMett and husliand to Chris P.oyer. w' lot i blpck i'CAx. Oma,lia Aniilo M. ChrlHitunsen I.. C'hristeiiben et al., lot 7, Rustln s sdd 709 10' . 1,000 4,0C"1 1.600 14,000 775 1.9C6 4,000 1709 1.00) 800 35P 340 230 ' VJil L8vfJ &v 1800 I Tutaf ..$V.4