Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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. 3
Friday's Big
Save $3.50
auto and protector auto styles
fine selected fabrics
Boys' $1.60 Knicker
bocker corduroy CQn
. pants, (or, . Out
Boys 76c
er pants
ages, at
Next time you buy flour
Sunkist is worth 25 cents a
it costs you no more.
Maiiey Milling
O jmah a H bsp i tail
First Methodist Remembered in Will
. of Armenian Who Dies at
N'OHFOUC Net)., Oct. lf-fSpoclal Tel
egram.) Wtthtrttt,,: , relative In the world,
M. Gregorln, an .Armenian, who came to
this country tweiityrHlx years ago and who
by day labor saved $4,000, has Just died
nd willed his money 'to three hospiuJs, two
In New York and one In Omaha. They are
the Methodist hoFpltal, Omaha, and the
Freabyterls-n hqspltal and the Society hos
pital of New Turk.
Oregorla lived all alone. He was par
alysed three - weeks, ago.
. - ' " .
Soma Work Can D Doae Better by
' , ratted t Effort.
MINDED, Neb.,' Oct. H. (Special Tele
gram.) Th morning session of the Pres
byterian', y nod' was taken, up largely In
hearing reports 'from the various commit
tees. The. Important matter acted upon
kMs morning waa the adoption of the con
Jr,tut!on of the Nebraska Federation of
Churches. Tills federation has for Its ob
ject the promotion of the work that can
better be done In union than in separation
in establishing the kingdom of God on
earth, .
The afternoon session was addressed by
if. W. Russell of St. Louis. Among other
thins be emphasised the growing; tend
ency ; to adopt, and preach the Unitarian
ltlea In churches and warned the Presbyte
rian church against any such encroach
ing upon ills doctrines. Ho congratulated
the Sure'h, and Its ministry on the fact
that tie had fouhd no such conditions to
lst In the Presbyterian church.
, Troops Camp at Springfield.
SVKJTfUF'tEI.D, Neb.. Oct. 14. (Special.)
Four troopr of the Seventh cavalry and
Batter;- j: of the Sixth field artillery,
consisting of 3:4 nlcn. and 600 horses and
mule, returuing to Fort Itlley, Kan., from
Omaha, went Into camp here yesterday
and remained until this morning. The
1 oops were under the command of Cap
tain Tompkins, a veteran who has been in
Seventh cavalry twenty-two years. The
ATuiumaud waa accompanied by a pack
nam and a machine gun platoon. Several
companies of lnf.ttry on the way to Fort
Leavenworth will camp in Springfield
I tJ .
Palxley 111 Contest.
' OSCF.OLA, Neb... Oct. 14 Special.) Dis
trict 'court conveued here yesterday, with
Judge Ilollonbeck of Fremont holding the
Urm In plexe of Judge Good, who has
been at home sick for several days. The
timet ' prominent case of the turm and the
yuie now being heard Is the Paisley will
contest. A Jury- was secured yeaterday
afternoon and today lias been spent in ex
amining wltnt'aj.dl for those heirs who wish
tb break the will! The deecased left ail hia
property to hia wife, to whom he had been
parris ar imc Vm. auea aumw
m 1
Clothing Bargains jj
Long auto-protector coats and 52-inch long
or more on your new overcoat.
meltons and fancy mixtures. The
newest cut, worth $10, at
All the newest styles and the very best wearing quality Russian
straight knlckerbock-jchlldren's $2:60-winter reefers
In all n In ages 3 to 6 only q q
OVCl velvet collars JoC
don't just order "a sack of flour"
-be particular tell the grocer to
send you a sack of
The Flour of Perfect Purity
Sunkist Flour is made from
plump, sweet wheat berries from
the very pick of Nebraska's
wealth of sun-ripened golden
wheat.. That's what gives Sun
kist its rich creamy color and its
fine wheaten flavor.
sack more than ordinary flour, yet
Go., Omaha ii
married but a. few days prior to his death.
He was an old man when he married his
surviving widow and , the contest centers
over whether or not he was capable of
making at wilt There is over $.000 worth
of property Involved. i i ::
A boat Two Handred Help Thirty Over
the Bands.
M'COOK, Neb.. Oct. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Today marked an epoch In south
western Nebraska Masonry In the pres
ence here of about 2K) Shrlners and the
Initiation Into the Mystlo Shrine of some
thirty candidates by the officers and mem
bers of Sesostrls slulne of Lincoln, headed
by their famous loving cup winning patrol
of twenty members,
A great parade and drill were among the
features of the afteraotm and a banquet
.with 200 plate the concluding act of the
great gathering at night.
McCook gave the Shriners a most hos
pitable welcome. There were both day
and night decorations, the new JfiO.000 tem
ple being specially featured.
"Died of rseanosU"
is never written of thoee who cure coughs
and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery.
Guaranteed. 50c and lUfl. Sold by Beaton
Drug Co.
.Ronald Bays Mitchell Paper.
MITCHELL, S. D., Oct. 14. (Special )
The announcement was made today of the
sale of the Mitchell Dally Republican to
W. R. Ronald, editor of the Sioux Falls I
Press, the transfer being made by A. H.
Dean, business manager of the Republican,
who has guided its destinies for the last
twenty-six years. Mr. Ronald takes posses
sion of the paper on November 1. Mr.
Ronald was formerly" associate editor of
the Sioux City Tribune and went from
there (o the editorship of the Sioux Falls
Presr.. The politics of the Press, while
republican, have been of the progressive
or Insurgent type and his purchase of the
Republican, which has been a supporter of
the stalwart faction, at once leads to the
supposition here thst under the new man
agement' the paper would espouse the cause
of the insurgents. . In a statement Mr.
Ronald said that the purchase of the Re
publican was accomplished without tho
knowledge of any of the South Dakota
politicians and that none was Interested
to the slightest degree. Concerning the
politics of the paper ho stated that it would
not take up with either faction of the party,
but that It will be conducted conservatively
as an Independent republican paper. Mr.
Ronald will come to Mitchell October 30.
The Honest Proprietary Medicine
fills a national need In the land and it
will take more than the cry of "fraud"
and "fake" from the avaricious, over
reaching physician to overthrow an honest,
reliable and standard preparation like
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
which Is made from the roots and herbs !
of the field, and has cured more women 1
of female ills than any other remedy we i
know of.
fhaotle Kearaey Politic.
MIXDEN. Neb.. Oct. 14 (Special )- Pol
itics is In a peculiar shape In Kearney
county. Q. L. Godfrey, defeated In the
primary for the nomination of county
judge, a fid ex-chairman of th republican
county central commltt, has filed by
petition. The aame la true of Johnson
Slack for sheriff on th democratic ticket.
Andrew Juel, a socialist, has filed by
petition for sheriff. I. J. Thompson Is
running against J. H. Jensen for county
clerk. J. H. Jensen la running on ths
fusion ticket and much Is said agalnat him
on th ground that ha sought th nomina
tion on tb republican ticket at th pri
mary by circulating a petition to be placed
on th republican ticket. He bad th peti
tion ready when suddenly h withdrew th
unit and did not ask to b placed on th
AT $6.50
black coats.
L ill
Made of
Boys' 60c shirt waist
blouses, p
.i .25c
Baptists Meet
at Mitchell
Society of South Dakota Reports
Erection of Several New Churches
During- Year Just Passed.
MITCHELL, S. D.. Oct 14. (Special.)
There are about 150 delegates In attendance
at the twenty-eighth annual convention of
the South Dakota Baptist association,
which convened In this city, made up of
pastors of churches and women of the
missionary societies. The convention will be
in session until Sunday evening, and an
extensive program has been outlined for
the week. Rev. W. C. King of Siou Falls,
the state missionary, will outline In his
report a very fine condition among the
Baptist churches of the state, , showing
the erection of several new churches, moat
notable of which Is the new edifice at
Aberdeen, the cornerstone of which was
laid this week. The missionary spirit of the
BaptiBt women was displayed today when
their first session was held, with Mrs. C.
F. llackett of Parker in charge. Satur
day evening Mr. Harry W. Jones of Min
neapolis will deliver an address before a
banquet of men at the Congregational
church. Another feature will be the mem
orial exercises In honor of the late Rev. T.
M. Shanafelt, which will be held Sunday
morning and the address will be delivered
by Rev. A. It Button of Bradley, who was
associated with Mr. Shanafelt In much of
his work around the state.
Tour complexion as wen as your temper
Is rendered miserable by a disordered liver.
By taking Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets you can Improve both. Sold
by all druggists.
Heqalnitlon for Hastier.
PIERRE,: S. D Oct. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Vessey today granted a
requisition on the governor of Illinois for
the custody of Henry Hall, who Is wanted
in Brule county on a horse rustling charge
and is under arrest in Illinois.
Fall colds are quicw;. ured by Foley's
Honey and Tar, the treat throat and lung
remedy. The genuine contains no harm
ful drugs. Sold bv all druggists. '
The Weather.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 14.-Forecastt:
For Nebraska. Montana, North and
South Dakota, Kansas and Missouri Fair
Friday and Saturday; Colder Friday.
For HIInoiH Fair Friday and Saturday;
colder Friday, brask northwest winds.
For Iowa Fair Friday with colder In
west and central portions; Saturday fall
and. cool.
For Wyoming Fair Friday and colder.
For Colorado Partly cloudy and colder
Friday; Saturday fair.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Deg.
6 a. m 37
a. m b3
1 a. m 37
8 a. m 42
a. m 4;.
10 a. in 48
11 a. m...
12 m
1 p. rn...
2 p. m . . .
3 p. in...
4 . m...
6 p. 111...
H p. m...
7 p. n...
p. in...
5 p. m...
Local Record.
OMAHA. Oct. 14. Official record of tcm- TJ PATRICK' Th nnntrlc. .nrf t-.iri,
perutuie and precipitation compared with Z ?p,r! JJ.",rt Drt"'Pi
the corresponding period of the lat three 1.'. .T.rn P V
years: j;., l'. j:07. lrfOrt. I y rtrnon-
Maximum temperature... &; S6 72 70 1 ALBION It is almost Impossible to get
Minimum temperature.... at! to 4:, M : cornhuskers at and price here. It Is re
Alean temperature 4t ',0 fs ttl ' Ported that some farmers are offering
l'recipitation T .ml . .
TemiK-rature and precipitation departure
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and compared with the last two year.s;
Normal teni rami m
Deficiency for the day li)
Total dericienrv since Murch 1, VMV 10
Normal precipitation OK inch
1 icflcleiuy for the day 0U Inch
Precipitation hlnce March 1 2i.4i inches
Deficiency since March 1. 1M... 1. Winches
Deficiency for cor. period l!Pe... 3. M inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1W7... 6.45 inches
Report from Stations at T P. M.
Station and Stat
of Weather.
Blxmarck, clear ....
Cheyenne, clear
Chicago, pt. cloudy.
Davenport, clear ...
Denver, cleur
Havre, pt. cloudy...
Helena, clear
Huron, pt. cloudy...
Kansas City, clnar..
North Platte, clear.
Temp. Max. Raln-
7 p. m. Temp. fall.
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, clear.'.'
11- Louis, clear.,
Si',, "L C'?,2-J-
Valentine, clear M
W llllaton, clear 4
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Disease Germs
Cannot harm healthy human
bodies. Wt cannot havtt healthy
bodies unless we have pur blood,
the kind of blood that Hood's
Sarsapsrllla makes.
This great medicine has an on
equalled, unapproached record for puri
fying and enriching the blood.
It cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions,
catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous
neaa, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss
of appetite, general debility, and builds
op the whole system.
Get It tod In the uiil ltonld forsi or Is
SBoeuitd UUet furia cnUwi oaroeul.
Mrs. F. H. Cole of Omaha Unani
mously Be-elected President
Other Officer Art Caaaea, laeladlac
Oaa-Vie President lor Kara Die-,
trlet aad Delegates to
Gem era 1 Meetla.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. 14.-(Special Telegram.)-
The State Federation of Women's Clubs
unanimously re-elected .Mrs. F. J I. Cole of
Omaha as president and Mrs. SVC. Cars
cauden of Seward as vie president today.
The other officers elected are;
. Vice President Mrs. May Hosteller, 8he.
Corresponding Secretary Mrs. C. H.
Schlndell, South Omaha.
Treasurer Mra. C. A. Yoerran, Elwood.
Auditor Mrs. J. K. L. Carer.
Recording Secretary Mrs. Corbitt, Atkin
General Federation Secretary Mrs. H. M.
Bushneil. Lincoln.
First Mrs. H. C. Lindsay, Lincoln.
Second Mrs. W. H. Davidson, Springfield.
Thlra tors. O. N. Need nam, Albion.
Fourth Mrs. L. I. Cowan. Ashland.
Fifth Mrs. J. I. Rhea, Holdrege.
Sixth Mrs. L. G. Simon, Sidney.
Delegates to Annual Meeting at Cincin
nati Mrs. F. H. Cole, Omaha; Mrs. L. D.
Simon, bidney: Mis. T. II. Gist, Falls City;
Mrs. J. N. Paul, St. Paul; Mrs. W. D.
Mead, York; Mrs. O. M. Slonebraker. Lin
coln; Mrs. Langworthy, Ashland; ini. Max
Hosteller, Shelton. Alternate Mrs. W. D.
Davidson, Springfield: Mrs. .A. O. Thomas,
Kearney; Mrs. C. B. Letton, Lincoln; Mrs.
I'ile, Wayne; Mrs. James S. Rhea, Hold
rege; ?rs. L. 1. Cowan, Ashland; Mrs. O.
H. Needham, Albion.
Frraaa Coaatr'a Bla- Bed Draws
. Bayers front East.
BEAVER CITY, Neb.. Oct. 14.-(SpciaIJ
Ths beds of silica sand near Beaver City,
comprising several . hundred , acres, . have
been opened and ths sand Is being shipped
In carload lota to Cambridge, Mass., where
It will be used by a large manufacturing
concern, but for what purpose has not been
disclosed. These beds of silica have been
known for years. In 18SJ options were se
cured upon them by a large concern at
Cleveland, O., and several carloads were
shipped east. It was claimed to polish glass.
This schema was abandoned and the op
tions expired. Later som of the silica, was
sent t Denver, where a soap company, un
der a flaming name, advertised It as a
"natural soap" deposit, accidentally discov
ered. The beds of silica In the eastern part
of the county were purchased by the Cud
ahy Packing company and are now being
actively worked, train-loads of ths stuff
going to the company's plants, where It Is
used In ths manufacture of a cleaning
preparation. If ths product is as valuable
as claimed, Furnas county, can supply the
Salt far Oecapatlon Tax.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Oct. 14.-(Spe-
clal.) At the meeting of the city council
last night, by unanimous vote, City Attor
ney Prlnee . was Instructed to hegln suit
against the Wells Ftrgo Express company
for the recovery of ll0, against the Pa
cific Express company for M0, the Adsms
Express company f or $!, the Independent
Telephone company, To'laeo, the Postal Tel
egraph company for 'fc'lO and tiie Western
Union Telegraph company for f'W) as oc
cupation tax due and delinquent. The coun
cil faces a somewhat peculiar situation..
A total of oyer $1,400 in occupation taxes
from these firms s due, and If this Is not
paid the eity will be compelled to restore
to the Nebraska Telephone company the
sums paid for the last nine years, with In
terest, because of tho fact that the Ne
braska Telephone company seems to have
paid the tax every year as called upon,
whilo the other corporations have not paid,
and the city treasurers In the past have
not followed the provisions of the ordi
nance, levying the tax or Issuing dstreks
warrants. It thus means a'matter of over
12,000 whether these suits are won or not.
Court for Issuance of License.
WILCOX, Neb.. Oct. 14.-1 Special.)-An
application for a licence to sell liquor was
contested before the board of village trus
tees. The trial took the entire dsy and
much feeling was displayed by those on
both sides of the controversy. It waa
claimed by the remonstrators..that Henry
Ackerman, the applicant, was not the real
applicant, but one J. E. Pulver was the
true applicant; also that Henry Arkerman
was not a man of respectable character
and standing, such as Is required by the
law. Ex-District ludge Ed L. Adams of
Minden represented the applicant and C.
P. Andcrbery of Minden the remonatratnrs.
After hearing the evidence the board over
ruled the remonstrators and ordered the
license Issued. The remonstrators at once
- . . .. .. . . r
fcav iiuuce 01 appeal to tn aistrlct court.
As this Is the only place In Phelps and
52 Kearney counties where a saloou may pos
W'sibly exist the outcome is wstched with
48 hlll.1. I........
! as nign as 6 cents a Dusnei Tor busking.
ALBION 1). C. Tenny, vice president of
the American Construction company, has
finluhed remodeling the municipal gas
plant, and will leave for Newton this week.
ALBION S. O. Anderson, a civic engineer
from Omaha, has Just finished putting in
2 4W feet of ten and eight inch sewer in
Albion. Most of the town Is now furnished
with ewer.
BEATRICE James Monachan died yes
terday morning at the home of his
daughter. Mrs. J. F. Stokes, three miles
ttaKl of Beatrice, aged .80 years. Paraly sis
was the cause of death.
BEAT RICK The blacksmith shop of
George brewer at Odell was destroyed by
fire yesterday morning. The oilgln of the
fire is unknown. The loss amounts to tiOO,
partially covered by insurance.
ALBION There is an excellent opportun
ity for a laundryman at Album. There is a
laundry eouiuped tor business, but the
proprietor met with a aerloua aocldeut lu: t
i spring, and since then all work has been
I shipped away.
PERI" Prof. Weeks will accompany
Tithe foot ball boys to Crete Friday aftr
.01 1 noon, nherv the Normal boys will play
.to Duan college. Prof. Weeks will officiate
.00 i as umpire.
PERU Ten requests for teachers came
to the office of the normal school today.
Calls are coming In daily from Nebraska,
Oklahoma. California, Kansas. Mtxsourl
and other states.
PERU A debating rally will be held In
Music and Expression hall next Saturday
evening. There is much enthusiasm her
over the Moore gold medal, which Is being
offered the best debater by Superintendent
C. B. Moore of Osceola.
BUTTON A double funeral took place to
day at the Methodist Episcopal church.
Mrs. McMillan, wife of a union soldier, died
tay beiore yastarday and her mother, Mra
Gilbert, In the sent sous twenty-four
boura later, both from paralysis.
KEARNEY Mlsa Cathorln Cole, th
young woman who died so suddenly In
Ornaha and who resides at Lexington,
graduated from th Kearney Stat Normal
school this last year. Miss Col, or rather
Mrs. Mckee, had a host of friends In this
ALBION, Train No. St. out of Albion, was
ditched yesterday, Just this aid of St.
Ldward. Flv cars wer thrown off th
. Nebraska
track and a delay of over three hours was
unavoidable. No on was hurt. The Im
mediate cause seems to have been a poor
KKARNET Peter Gets and George Jones
relumed WedneMay from a two weeks'
hunting trip In the Rocky inountains. Both
brought along some nice deer.
GRAND ISLAND At the meeting of the
city council a petition was presented for
the construction of tour-fifths of a mile
of permanent sidewalk, either brick, cement
or stone. In a single stretch. Of the 4,400
feet the petition bore the signatures of
owners of S.300 feet.
FREMONT A dwelling house belonging
to Casslus Reynolds and occupied by Slke
Christensen, about six mile from Fremont,
burned about 10:30 last night. The cause
of the flie Is not known. Mr. Christensen
lost prac.lcaily all his furniture. The house
was worth about I1.M0 and It and the furni
ture are both Insured.
PKRU-Prof. C. C. Danforth. former
superintendent of the Terumseh schools,
and a prominent graduate of Peru, ha ac
cepted a position as professor of history
in the University of California. He re
ceived his bachelor's degree from Chicago
university and his bachelors degree of
education from the Peru Normal this June.
PERU Mr. Lowe of the rent canning
factory hae invited the department of agri
culture and the department of domes
tic science to Inspect his factory. Miss
Allingham of the Domestic Science depart
ment and Prof. C. W. Weeks of the
agricultural department conducted an ex
cursion to the factory today in response
to this Invitation.
OSCEOLA The new Osceola postofflce
building will be completed before the first
of the coming year. The foundation nas
been finished during the last week and
the work will move along rapidly now. It
Is o be a fine atone and brick building,
located on the west aide of the public
square, and will be a credit to the builders
and equipped handily for the use of the
BEAVER CITY At a meeting of the
republican county central committee and
candidates held her today, there was an
unusually large attendance. At noon dinner
was served to all at the Meadows hotel and
afterward the business meeting was held at
th court house. Report from all pre
cincts show that a republican victory In
furnas county this fall Is assured.
OSCEOLA The political situation In Polk
county Is rather peouliar. Never In recent
years has so quiet a campaign been held.
Ihere has not been a meeting or publlo
gathering, and neither of the committees
is preparing to hold any meetings this
year. There is but a very small amount
of interest manifested by the voters and It
would be very difficult to get twenty-five
men out to any sort of a political gath
ering. KEARNEY John Gordon. Burlington
agent at this place for the last nine years.
Sftf.1?" send-off last night at the
ri5 lluS f" n. "-PPreciatlon of his long
and faithful service to the business Inter
ests In this city. Mr. Gordon is soon to
leave Kearney and go to Denver and act
as traveling passenger agent. Nearly every
business man in the city was present, and
sl line 1360 diamond ring waa presented the
retiring agent.
KEARNEY Motorcar No. 10 had an acci
dent Wednesday morning that put It out of
business and no trsln left Kearney for Cal
laway that morning. When the air is cold
ii?Kln?ior , ! to b" ",vn "hove
with o d reliable steam power, and the en
gine giving the motor the push this time
struck the motor too hard when coupling
on to it In the roundnouse, and shoved
i.i th w"' Pu'n both switch
engine and motor out of business. An-
?L nKiQ trom Qrand Island was sent
to make the trip.
next best friend, the RiirllmriAn n.ii..
to Edmund Hodgson, the 3-year-old child
J ? recently was run over by a Burllng
nnr.MlMOUrl ,relht r which lost
F.'I,4 ?f. an ai?n and Par "f a leg. beside
suaialnltig other inturiee mhi.K 2,in 1..."
no pe.manent effect Th. ,.,u.
5a"y "eoted a friendly settlement at on
n?.u, k? mattr went through the courts
, D "act that the babe
n? "Presented n the settlement by
one of mature years.
KEARNEY A ran. -..M.
ted depredation. Tuesday eVenln. iyiV
Ing the Corn show ter.mi,..
buildings and !.. : irl " .
ndrth.nrnBBvThe PO"fl ' ap
and the mayor was absent and nothing
waa done tot them. About 100 bushels of.
corn lies scattered over the streets today
?htyi,PU,"rBO" J""" warna memhe?s Z
the police force lhai ik.u "
Tculfu fr ,h" artS """muted -nd thit
dJL7UrJlaln th wnlB 'Tee wll
be dismissed. No reason for such actions
is known other than pure vandalism
Also Known as MNerv Tire"
and "Nervous Exhaustion"
hai., during the present generation,
come to be known an the ".Vatlonal
Disease" of America. So prevalent has
It become that It Is almost an excep
tion to find a porson without It. It
Is usually found associated with ner
vous dyspepsia, which is often the
most prominent symptom. In (bis age
of hurry, worry, hustle and the strenu
ous life in business many people over
work their nervous sytsterus and put
too much strain upon them, ' which
eventually causes a partial or total
breakdown. Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key through its tonic and rebuilding
constituents will cure these trouble
some nervous complaints by supply
ing tl! system with those vital ele
ments which It needs to bring about
a complete restoration to health.
The processes of tearing down and
building up are constantly being car
ried on in the body, and if nothing
interferes with thse Important pro
cesses health results; but when some
thing occurs to check them disease is
sure to follow. Duffy's Malt Whiskey
overcomes the disease by stimulating
the heart and nerves, which quickens
the circulation of blood, enabling the
system to properly assimilate, the food
from the alimentary tract; also to ad
equately eliminate from the system
through the lungs, pores, kidneys and
Intestines, those waste products, such
as uric acid, toxins, etc., which results
from the disintegration of the old tis
sues of the body, and the decomposition
of alimentiim In the alimentary canal.
If you wish Ao keep young, strong
and vigorous and have on your cheeks
the glow of perfect health, tal.e Duf
fy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, ac
cording to directions. It tones and
strengthens the heart action and puri
fies the entire system. It Is recognized
as a family medicine everywhere.
If weak and run down, take a tea
spoonful four times a day In a half
glass of milk or water.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey la sold
everywhere by druggists, grocers and
dealers, or shipped on order for 1.00
a bottle.
Our Medical Department will send
to every reader of The Omaha Bee ad
vice, and an Interesting, Illustrated
medical booklet free cf charge. The
Duffy Malt Whiskey Company, Roches
ter. N. T.
- - (fep ; v
. PvMhwav i5
Designed by Rosen wald & Weil, Chicago.
The Most Practical Garment
Ever offered for your approval is an "OCfW, Mackin
ette Raincoat
"Mackinette" Raincoats are made from woolen cloths,
the surfaces of which have been chemically treated.
The fabric retains its original finish with the added
advantage of being rain-proof.
This rain-proof feature coupled with "GtW charac
teristic styles make Mackinette Raincoats appropriate
for all weather conditions and all occasions.
a ..i'j
Sold by leading
Brand eis Stores
-Are Agents In Omaha for
Roiervwajd Weil's Clothes
The above Ik the Infest lik.-n.o- of Wil
liam A. Sertoli v. ho is r.i.ti'inr.'ly 1.I.. VI:
as "Diamond 1 :L !.." Th.- t.icl. unit waa
acquired some years i.. w!.ci he was
given great new i.i.i.i.ety hy lin
porting Into this coi-i.try i ;ai;cc the
first and ouly real iiiuniifa t m -d ilianiui.'l
this country had ever h?en. 1 in lulle l.ul
feled American experts, ai,u. ui.ili definite
proof aas given to show that It was not
a natural diamond dug from the earth, hut
one scientifically rnanufactun d. it seenud
(her would be nothing to do. tut pay the
duty . o(i r.atori.1 ilia noi.rls. Mr. M -hol1
1B1l". ' f
v. ; -
Bee. Want Ms Boost Your. Business
to $35.00
dealers everywhere.
enie.l tin: inllie A Hit i W .,Hi I! ing osency,
uii l siiiee tliMl i x'k ri -iK e seven years n ro he
liH'. i.tttr li-.-en ahlu lo Miipply the demand
fui llK'se i(n,... The ileinowr.itlun cjii-ilm-le.l
daily tu M r.s-j 'II. on lung Co. is
uttruotiiifc wiOe attention, an. hundreds
an eu;.-:!y the stoneti. .Many mer
cliunts uie hei'uriiik the ukciic for their
liuine town, and, because of tlu fact thai
these gums sell fur coiisidi ru lily less than
I atural diaino:ids, liny are easily disposed
of. J. H. Kvck of Mi South Jfrnth street
has securrd the i.rlvllege of handling them
n railroads, which will undoubtedly prov
a Ink" .i vl,ii;4nn,ve on his prl