12 TUB BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1000. Men's and Ladies' Underwear of all descriptions- VRTTriinirr7ir the CONSOLIDATED UNDERWEAR CO.r Syracuse, York On sale Saturday at marvelous bargain prices. See Window Displays Watch Friday Evening Papers TTnTnT n Rrarnin ansa reat Special Sale ":REEfllKlirl Odds and Ends of Desirable New Goods Left From the Immense Sales of the Past Week, on Sale Friday The Ba.ra.ins Are Extraordinary SPECIALS IN THE BASEMENT 30-inch Flannelette "Waisting Pretty Persian patterns, striped and figured effects very desirable a cloth at, yard lfl 2l The fluffiest, wormest, firmest and best wearing Outing Flannel, also plain Cinderella Flannels, at, Ql n yard 021 Wool Nap Blankets white and gray, large and heavy, neat borders would be a bargain at $2.50 a pair. Limit of aj 2 pair to customer1 011 batienient bargain square at, Si V w v pair . . Black and colored sat een remnants from 12 Vie and luc grades bargain square, yd 3L Short lengths all kinds 10c Swansdown and fleece back flannel ettes, on bar gain square. 3ic Double fold light pat tern tan ground standard per cale at, yd . . Westphalia cretonnes makes the nicest comforters pretty designs yd. wide at, yd. 2ic 10c Double fold bleached muslin and long cloth worth up to 12c yard in perfect mill lengths, at yard OC iir.i weight, but very fine unbleached muslin rem nants, at, yard OjC DRESS GOODS SAMPLE PIECES All Wool Dress Samples 3 to 10 Pieces of a Kind to Match Our annual purchase from the foremost dress goods import ers. Fancy suitings, serges, poplins, siitm stripe Cbf fancies, English plain and fancy weave tilor jsfci suitings worth up to $1.50, on bargain sq.each. . "d" Skirt and Small Dress Lengths of Dress Goods 21i to 10 yards of one kind to match 54-inch wide goods : nearly every weave of this fall's dress goods . aa in black and colors on bargain square, Afi yard . . , . Dress goods sample pieces many to mutch up. Four cases factory samples on two bargain squared Lrr.; 10c45c Extra special in basement 36-in. La Porte mills fancy dress goods worth 60c yard Friday OCa in basement, yard ud Very special 50-iftchN All "wool cheviots all the rage this tall navy and black worth 1.26yd. Dress Goods Dept., 7QiJ yard i iJL Elita German Broadcloth spong ed and shrunk, worth $2.25 X.?..-.,. $1.59 Extra Special Bought from the U. S. Customs House 20,000 Pieces of Fme Linens Imported for Sample Use, But Were Not Used "We bought the entire lot from the customs house at a veiy low price. Sample strips of damask that sell up to $2.50 a yard enough in each piece for large towel or n"pki11- C , II A On sale in Basement, Ea. 8na ilV Grea.t Bargains in Linen Department Full size hemmed crochet bed spreads Marseilles patterns, at, each 98 Extra larga huck towels, red bord ers, at, each 74? Fine Turkey Red Table Damask all good fast colors f n 30c quality, at lrC 500 dozen fine mercerized Napkins $1 quality, at, a rft dozen , JJJC Odd Lots of Underwear z At Extraordinary Bargains Friday Misses nnd children's undervests, i Women's Union Suits . regular pants and and extra sizes, bleached and drawers ItJlJ silver gray 9tf d 49 Misses' and children's "M" style Combination Siiite with patent buttons up to size 34 fall and winter weights 50c quality, at a suit . .19 Women's fast black heavy fleece lined hose, pair 12Vi Hoys' and girls' black heavy ribbed 25c hosiery all sizes, pair, 12V4 Buster Brown and His Dog Tige A Great Entertainment at the AUDITORIUM, SATURDAY, OCT. 16 The children of Omaha will be the guests of Brandeis Stores. Come to our Shoe Dept. at once for your tickets no charge. J jjfQj 0) A M C? JfiO-1 I DIAMONDS CUT GLASS 4 FULL WATCH STOCK GOLD GOODS SM" W4TTII nrpimrvn ' THE PLACE TO BUY JEWELRY Mawhlnncy 6c Ryan Co.. lSlh and Dongtas Sis WATCHES are carried by everyone now. We ?arry an exception ally complete line of Howard, Hanlilon, Klgln and Walthatn Watehea, In ail grades and alsea. Let ua quote you our low prlcea before you -nake your pur chase. IajoH for the name. , S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler ISIS BoaflM Straat Swap Exchange what you have, and don't want, for some thing you have not and do want. Some one if they know about it will be glad to trade with you. You can get something you can use for what yon don't want r Your home, no doubt, con tains many things which are not used, and are simply tak ing up space in attic and basement. Perhaps it is a gun, bicycle, trunk, ice-chest, overcoat, etc! There are a great many things which you want and haven 't the ready cash to buy. The best way to do it is through a Dee Want Ad By advertising under the head of "Barter and Ex change" you will make a good trade for something yon can esc. You can usually get more in this way than if you sold for cash. To show what can be done in this way we are making A special price for "Swaps" 50c for an ad like this tor a week S ilnes, or 18 words, 7 times for 60 cent. WILL EXCHANGE Jewel gas range with oven, almost new, for bed room furniture or sofa. Tel. Harney 0000. Want Ad Dept., Omaha Daily Bee rrf"7a fno WeaJt ana nervous mtm lUliil I UK who find their power ie ftJCD vAFV work and youthful ttgot IlaMxVaV"3 cone as a result ot ever, arerk or mental exertion should test OKAY'S Nl?KVJS FOOD PILLS. Tuey wlU uake you et and , Bleep and be inaa again. - . : 91 Bos ,a M 7 mU. UlBHAX fc(?P;"lI. Cor. letk and J OVIi DECO fcSatPAJfk. Cor. leta an Urf ataV. Omaia. Sea. D. C. SCOTT, DSS. (Successor to Dr. H. L. Bajnacdot'CV AKlllKTAjra STATS U mvrif A a Office and Hospital, SS10 Kaaoa Street. Call Promptly Answered at Ail Hours. Thorns Office Harney 97. flmiK. H.K Call Us by 'Phone Whenever you want soma, thing, call 'Phons Douflaa X3s and make It knows through a Bee Want Ad. HOTELS. mm row 'ft A A Home of Character fiSyi uiu Keunemeni Seventh Avenue at 55th Street Neer Famcm Central Park Absolutely Fireproof Adiolnlng Carncgis Hall, near the Art Institute, and within five minutes walk sf the leading theatres snd shopping district; the location is idesL A rsrs sttcntion to details that lend to the boms stmoephere is reaponsiblsfor our many enthusiastic patrons. Ths WcUington's delightful lounging rooms, handsoms dining rooms and English grill room will appeal to your eenss of the appropriate. Hotel Wellington PRE-EMINENTLY THE CHOICE Or DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE Rooms, with Bath, f 2.00 trpward Parlor, Bedroom and Bath, f 20. weekly and upward Jam for Uhtstrotmd bookUt J. r. CHAMPWN i s g Women's High Shoes & Low Cuts 18 m il V NEXT MONDAY (irrat al finest 1 Imx Ikuks, world's best authors, 2ftc on the do' Good Luck Bargains Just for Friday. Sensational Selling Silk Remnants 19o25c VVroR you 7 A more relentless mark down was never made. Remnants simply must go Friday two lots of surprising bargains; plain and fancy silks, to 5 yard pieces regular prlcea COc to 75c at Broadcloths and Coatings Heavy 56-inch goods In stripes, checks and plaids, also astrakhan cloaking in best colors. In the same we in clude broadcloths in nearly all the best street shades fkO A really wonderful bargain all $2.00 and $2.50 ZQC goods, on sale for 8So Black ttnlng Sateens Yard wide, 2 to 5-yarJ pieces 13ViO lOo Flannelette Remnants In dark colors, white and colored figures, 28-lnch, yard So Viw Flannelettes Newest fall pat terns, yard 10c, laVfco and ISo Dress Trimmings I n n big Friday Fale. Purchase of about 150 pieces fancy braids In black and all col ors, values to 29c; choice, yard.. 100 I.aoes and Embroideries Large lot 10c goods, mostly all off the piece, per yard 8 Ho Friday Extra-Bedding tl lucky Snap at such offerings. Thrifty people will recog nize good bargains In every one mentioned. Gray and Tan Cotton Blankets 11-4 size, $1.35 regularly, per pair 98J Heavy Felted Blankets As fine as wool, gray and tan, $2.10 value, at $1.79 All Wool Blankets Tan, white and plaids, 11-4 size, very heavy $3.98 Comforters Cotton filled, silkoline covered $1.25 kind 98 Comforters Cotton filled, stitched edge, 7 2x7 8 inches, $1.75 kind $1.39 v Women's Long $25 Coats, Friday Extra, $15. Saniple. coats and odd coats, heavy winter garments, all wool Scotch mixtures and plain colored broadcloths, about twenty-five styles on sale Friday ' i ; 200 Women's Suits for Friday at $15 The besfc collection at this low price of the entire season shipment just in, was bought for $20.00 selling and they are worth every cent or it. We want a record-sale day tomorrow and put the entire lot out at $15.00 worsted suits and broadcloths, all colors, superb styles $15 $15 Fleeced Sacqucs for women dark . colors and shepherds' checks will go on special sale Friday ,V. . . ' I9 Knit Skirt Short wool mixed, gray only with red, black, blue or pink border will go on sale at 89 . ', . Friday Extra Here's a clean cut bargain on new snappy styles not a thing wrong with them. The only rea son, for the low price is the lack of larger size.s. . Ve have 2 to 4 only. Good sturdy EhdeB fpr winter wear, in patent colt and ylci with' heavy soles and patent tip, low heels and wide tbes. Splendid shoes for school wear 1 F.YTRA M saT Hi LUCKY FOR YOU ft O LUCKY A rVoR Youy Td . close i. German Chfia. Dinnerware J.. ., . . Plscss worth Pieces worth One of the best bargains this dei. scheduled for Friday. Hundreds of pleci a delicate, pink floral deHlgn Is being clos Bowls, Bone Dishes, Creamers, Spoon Trays, Plates, Cups and Saucers, r runs ana uaimeais, worm up to fifty cents, will be to 60o for lOo to 93.00 for 85o lartmcnt has male In a long time Is s fine German China Dinnerware In ed out, arranged In two lots. 10c v '.akers, Cake I'lates, Butters, Casner- nl.. rr.iupA ril.ha. . ' V. 111. e T wo oles. Covered Dishes. Chops. Pitch- rs. Salads, Platters, Chocolate and a Pots and bauce Boats, ftn up to 2. uu, xor 25c Hot blaBt and direct draft combined, fitted with tra heavy grate; will burn either hard or soft ct, ran be fitted with magazine feeder, same as hat burner; uncommonly fine -ex-' ihI; bah r. Bums as nah value at biri "i Our No. 4u0 Baseburner. regular $44.00 stove for S3-J 15c stove pipe for lOo. Coal hods, special 17t. OXAITITE Will DAT -Here's an attraction to fill the tiuiemnt hnrurar. section to overflowing with enthusiastic buyers. Hundreds of pieces first quality wear. Every piece " our regular 11. 0 value. t-quart Berlin Kettles. 17-quart Dish Pans, CQ lt)-quart Ktock Pots, 12-quart Pails; choice.,.-'-'' (j c 4T JfH IJAYV A Y vOR YOUr Save in Omaha's Greatest (grocery nM-5 30 b io t Soranth At. at SSth St t Now York CHy When in Detroit TOP AT Hotel Tuller - Koouu and Bata for flM ay. EUROPEAN PLAN No better rooms, cuisine or asrvlos ca be had at double our prices. lot ua prwv It to yuu. U A. EBAW, Mgr. This List for Prtday and Saturday n Bennett's Best Coffee, i pounds fur $1.00 anM Bennetts Bebt Coifee, 1 pound.'.., 36o Bennett's Challenge of few, 1 pound 18a and Bennetts Teas, assorted, pound 68o a nil 'J Tea hlftlngs, pound 160 and' Hugar Catio Juice, large bottle 35o and Virginia Kwlss t neeae, pound 8 So and . aoo and .300 and . llo and .300 and . lOo and .700 and .83o and .860 and .180 and Pkg. , Crram Cheese, pound Tea Uardrn Preserves, assorted. Jar Bennett's Capitol Wheat. Oats or Pancake, Htollwenk's Cocoa, -lb. run Crackers, large assortment, pkg . . (ialllard Olive Oil, large bottle Kamo Cataup, bottle Queen Cider Vlnear, large bottle liolden Harvest Bird Heed, pkg Hweet Pickled Peaches, quart 86o and Royal Celery Salt, bottle lOo and French Cut Loaf Sugar, pkg 86o and Rex Lye, three cans 86o and Safety Matches, 12 boxes for 8o Bennett's Bsrgaln Soap, 10 bars . 85o Olives, quart jar 85o Beauty Pork and Beans, with sauce 6o Kancy French Strlngluss Beans "Best We Have' lty, per can Bennett's Capitol Flour, sank Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, 5-pound can Dalldet fancy Oil Sardines, can Saratoga Chips, fresh made: special, lb t'oooanul Bars and Fruit Cookies, frenh made; 75 10 20 10 10 r' 30 io jl 20 U 10 .V.0K 1 s.t r Plna- spple. our regular Orated Best We Have brand; our r" " " aVai'sAi" k.,r T'"rn "tamps ::: .slio:nnd aoo and 10 reen "amps SCO special, per pound BUTTXbV Beanert's Capitol Oreaonery Finest and sweetest butter made put up In pound bricks full weight per pound .)' 33i THE RE LI A OLE STORJC Friday is Remnant Day in Ou Famous Domestic Room Prints, cincrhnms. tiprcalrs. mrtdras. wbito coods. DonflTa. ont. ' - ' Ct I 7 1 - ' - 7 m flannols. flnnnplrttrs and n irrpnt manv other kinds of -wintpr ' c goods in remnants of I2V2 to 10 yards worth up to 50c a yard, hi lots according to value, on large squares 3Mc I 5c I 7V2c I 8V2C I 10c I lStfc v FIVE GRAND SILK SPECIALS FRIDAY ' There are also oxfords ' and ankle ai 0 Strap pumps In the line, 2.00, $2.50 X I I arid 3,00 qualities Vsvl a A Friday Furore in the Corsets Twenty-five 'dozen dol'ar corsets fit 69c. That's the best corset news In the papers today. It's a typical Bennett bareain, A prominent maker has sold to us Introductory order at a special low price. Coutil and batiste corsets with loDg hip and medium bust. lace trimmed and run with rlbhon. r r The corset Is known as "Bennett's Special" and will later sell for li Vf 1.00 while this quantity lasts w Friday Our Candy Day Candies from Balduff Pure Candy Co., all fresh for Friday. J'a Chocolate! OpaniH Ree- I Old Style HJW England Yankee Paa- xiiuicu . nut Brittle, usual 30c quality, lb. lBo Ular priX8 50c 1D S5C I Two pounds for 8 So $3 for Soys Suits and Overcoats Wo are going to make this boys' section talked about, with a wonderfully attractive bargain offered for the day r rid ay. it's not so much profit w are a loosing io as in aaverxmng ana luturs Business such $3 values are aura to create. Boys' Overcoats and Suits In 3 to 16 year slses. 'he suits are In Kusslan and Norfolk double-breasted kl ilcker styles, in casslmers and cheviots, well lined and macio in the best shades and patterns. T1 i Overcoats are Husslan, Auto and Box ',jles, heavy winter weights, Italian or f,a nel lined, plain and fancy cloths; also douPle breasted reefers nova' l 'Knickerbocker Pants, best dollar quality, fancy casslm ere": to 15 yeara- at 89 Two lots Peninsular Smoked Consuming g Oak Coal Heater $1,8 reen stamps reen stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stumps green stamps green stamps green stamps creen stumps green stamps green stamps green- stamps green stamps green stamps green slumps .180 Special Sale of Furs Friday in the Domestic Room Jl I HWMatF 7rvn 3 Special Sale of Children's. Coats Fridt in Domestic Room y Remnants of silk in nearly all weaves and colorings, values to $1 a yard, in domestic room, at, yard 29c $1.00 Black taffeta, 36 inches wide, snap at 75c $1.50 Black taffeta, 3f inches wide, Fri day, at 98c Remnants of silk velvets short ends for trimming, good line'of colors, values to $1.50 a yard, at, yard ......... 49c $1.25 Peau de Soie, 35 inchest wide, BM lay, at 89c LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS, CHILDREN'S SCHOOL values to $1.25, Monday in DRESSES, regular values Domestic room, choice, now, to 75c, Friday in domestic at 69c room, at . . , 49c RMnkpf fliP Remnants of Wool Dress Goods UldllliCl istUlC Serges, cheviots, henriettas, lo.ooo Blankets to close out quick broadclpths, tailor suitings, ba st the following reduced prices: ... ,. , . - " ' 60 pairs, 69c, 75c, 86c, $1 and up. tistes, novelties, and in tact, rem- wooi Blankets. $1.50. $2.00, $3.00, nants of all kinds of high grade $4.00, $5.00 up to $50 a pair. , , , AU4. u L comfortables, 69c, 75c, $1.00 up to ool dress goods that sold out $12.60 each. first, placed in 6 lots acArding Cotton Batts. 6c, 7c, 80. 10c, . I 12ttcandup. to VaIue ' SUV !nes, quilting drapery, drapery 2 '' 3" 4 5 6 twins, etc.. 7c. 10c, 12 He and 16c 9gc LADIES' DRESS SKIBTS, LADIES' WRAPPERS that regular $3.00 values, in sold up ( to $1.25, on sale domes.tic room, to close Fri- Thursday in domestic room, day, at ...$1.69 at ....... ...... .. .69c PECIAL UNDERWEAR BARGAINS III DOMESTIC ROOM Children's Ribbed Union Suits winter weight, values 39c to 75c Fridayl at. . .50c and 25c Women's Ribbed' Union Suits; regular 75c to $1.50 values, winter weights, 98c and 49c Men's Wool und Wool Fleeced Underwear; all 1 sizes, worth $1.50 garment, at . . . . . .98c Men's $1.25 Wool and Wool Fleeced Underwear, all sizes, at garment ;. . 75c Men's 75c Cotton Fleeced Underwear, at, garment' 50c v Hotions Friday in Domestic Room The banner sales day ot the season. i packages English Pins ......... 5 5 pkgs. Gold Eye Needles 5 3 spools Machine Thread 5 5 rolls Darning Cotton 5? 5 dozen Pearl Buttons 5? 6 rolls Cotton Tape. 5 3 dozen Nursery Pins 5 Aluminum Thimbles, each 1 All staple and fancy notions at cut prices. . SILK SALE EXTRAORDINARY MONDAY Big pur chase from Samuel Eisman & Co., plain and fancy silks at LESS THAN HALF REGULAR PRICE -Biggest bargain ever Monday See 16th St. Windows Watch Sunday Papers. Haydcn's the Greatest Market in Dm ill i for Groceries, Butter. Cheese; Crackers, Meats, Fresh Vegetables and Fruits. 10 bars best brands Laundry 8oap,..i5c 6 lbs, choice Japan Rice 26c 6 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca, Sago or Bar Icy, for .2c 7 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal.. 25c The beat Bulk Laundry Starch, lb 6c The best Domestic Macaroni, pkg...81c 1 lb. cans Assorted Soups 7 He Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, pkg 7Hc 011 or Mustard Bardlnas, per can ...8c Tall cans Alaska Salmon 10c 1 lb. pkg. Corn Starch 4c Corn Flakes Breakfast Food, pkg..7Hc Quaker Wheat Flakea Food, pkg 7Vo The best 8oda or Oyster Crackers, lb. 6c The best Crisp Fretsels or Ginger Snaps, per pound 'o Fnncy AsHortod Cookies, lb 10c The best Tea Sittings, lb l&c The best Golden Santos, ll 16a The Z.argtst Display and Iiargsst Bot tsrlna Dept. la Omaha. Bss our Demon stration. Good Butterlne, 2 lbs. for 260 Good Table Butterlne, 2 lbs. for 85c Kancv Table Butterlne. 2 lbs. for 4&c Fancy Carton Butterlne, equal to cream ery butter, per lb 26c Good Tsble Butter, per lb 2Bc Fancy Creamery Butter, ,er lb ,28o Full Cream White or Colored Cheese, per pound Soo Omaha's Oraatsat Market for rrssh Vsgetanlsa. Fancy Jera-sy Bwset Potatoes, per lb., 2o Fresh 1'aranlpa, Carrots or Turnips, per pound 2a Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per V...ba Fresh Cabbage, par lb A il Ho Fresh Ienver Cauliflower, per W ,.10o Fresh Spinach, per pack lOo Large Head Lettuce, per bead 6c 2 atalks fresh Celery ................ 5o Good Cooking Apples, per peck 16a Cap Cod Cranberries, per uart 7 Vic Fresh Rutabagas, per lb lUn Fresh Red Onions, per lb So New Honey, per rack 16o Large Grape Fruit, each 5u xhi bio im ual mmii xtea SAI.B IS STLUC. OH. Per Barrel of 8 bushels 8S.76 Per bushel I1-2& Per Market Basket 0u Buy now for canning., ,. , J 4 i In our busy Candy Department Friday 20 sticks of Sugar Candy for 5c. forget TRY HAYDEIl'S FIRST Sato CLUBBING OFFERS Daily and Sunday Bee $6.00 Review of Reviews 3.00 Regular price for both one year. .$9.00 J $7,10 Oar Price ONLY Daily Bee (without Sunday) $4.00 Woman's Home Companion 1-50 Regular price for both one year. .$5.50 J $460 Our Price ONLY Daily Bee Cosmopolitan (without Sunday) $4.00 T.Qur PrlCC tan 150 ONLY Regular price for both one year. .$5.50 J $450 Daily and Sunday Bee $6.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 j Regular price for both one year. .$7.50 J THE OMAHA BE OMAHA. NED. Our Price ONLY $6.40 I ! t 1 1