r THE BEE : OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1909. u Want - Ads Advertleeaaeata for th waat ' enlama wtU fca tauae. all It a. ta tae eveatay aaftlaa aa4 !! Hi . a. far th a.n4 Iu47 tloma. Caah a act aroaaaaaar all rar fa wn( ads m.m i.rrrtlat( will ha aureate far lea tkaa SO (till far flrat laaerilen, mil ad nlwr kra fcrdla hrdla Kates analy to illktr Th Dallr andar Ba. Always coast ai ward a a a llaa. CAIH RATES FOR WANT ADS. RKGl'LAR CLASSiriCATIOX Oaa laeertloa, 1 1-B eaata art word aad 1 rant per ward far oak aakaeajaaal laeertloa. Each lasertlea maris ea ndol gay a, 1 1-3 eeata ar wordf f 1.00 per Ila aar aiaatk. Haa aae for Tka Baa aaar k left n( aar of tko followlaa; irag atorea ao la roar "earner Aragglsf the arc al Branch afflee for Tko Baa aad roar a will ko IneertM Jaat aa roaaatr aad oa tka anas rataa aa at aaala offleo la Tko Boo Balldla;, seventeenth aad Faraaai afreet i Albach. W. C, aOUi and Farnam. Beranck. 8. A., 14U2 a 10th St. Becht. yhirmMf, 7 B. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Nab. Demi par Pnarmacy, J3d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, mi Sherman Ave. i aughlln, C R., th and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 221 Military At. font. J. B. Hat Av. and Farnam. Crlaacr pharmacy, Uth and Laka. Cermak. Emll, 1264-4 8. Uth St. Kaufman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. II., 2S0J Leavenworth. Foalar At Arnold!. 21 N. JMh St. Dreytag. John J., ISM N. 14th St. Floranoo Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 10th and Laka. Green' Pharmacy, corner Park ava. and Pacific. Oreenough, O. A., 105 8. 10th Rt. Oreenough, G. A., lmh and Hickory. Haydnn. Wm. C.. 2920 Farnam St. Hanacom Park Phar., ifiol 8. 29th Ava. Hoist, John, ?4 North lth St. Huff, A. L,, 2?4 1eavenworth St., King. H. P., 22.T8 Farnam Bt. Kounlie Flare pharmacy. MM N. 14th. Patrick Drug Co., 1?4 N. 24th St ?,athrop, Cha. B., 1J34 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Karatoga Drue; Co.. 24h and Ame Are. "ehaefer' Cut Price Drug; Store, Uth and i mrajro. Srhaefer, Auruat, W31 N. 1h Pit. Schmidt J. H., 24th and Cuming Sta. Pterin Pharmacy, Uth and Martha Sta. Walton Pharmaev. 20th and Oraoe Sta. "Wlrth, O. H., 40 th and Hamilton Sta. BIRTHS AND .DEATHS. Klrth! Mlltloa Kl. 202 Poppleton avenue, hny: Jnaenh Sommer. 2!)1I Arbor etreet. ari rT : Joseph Drown, no addreaa, girl: Hana Peterson, 10 iuin Tenth street, (flrl; forge Htanley, 2Pi'.iV Farnam atrect, boy; 'liria Hanaen. 3T0C South Seventeenth atreet, boy; Thomaa Reedy, 4148 Rraklne atret, girl; Jacob Klotr. 190S South Twelfth atreet. boy; Thnmai O. Gardner, 1909 I'harles alreet. girl; Frlta Llbbe, S439 South J''lfteenth street, girl; John Peterson, Twenty-fifth and Ohio streets, girl; John Carl- eon. Ml North Thirty-fifth street, boy; u. M. Burria, 1F10 Fort street, boy. Deaths Ruth Gloria Alden, 4412 North Twenty-aeoond street. Infant; W. A. Clark. 121 Corby. 76; Cecil Kindred, Florence, lii. MARRIAGE LU'KMES, The following marriaire licenses have been granted: Nme and Residence. Age. Frank B. P.ya, Lincoln 21 Hasel Lundy, Lincoln IK .lameei Ssmmons, Ralston SO Marr Padirctt. Omaha n William Kant. Sallnn, O Martraret Rose, Alnsworth, Neb 40 ANNOUNCEMENTS POAT, CLEAN Carbon Cooking, $0.50. WJ-J Coulant & Squires, 1406 Far. D. 930 TTATS Sltn. $2 50 and $3.00. RAMSER, Aiij-u practical hatter, 2a0 So. 14th St. WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prices; buy direct from Im porters; aave dralera' proflta. 1214 Harney. Tel. Douglas and agent will call. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makea a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and aafes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th. . CEMENT BLOCKS of beat quality, manufactured by the IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. "impiy great. jjryamoKanunu cnewing cigar MULTIGRAPHFD Duplicating Company. MULTIORAPHED Duplicating Company. IT ATS Cleaned and reblocked. Neb. Hat UAAO Factory, 1524 Dodge. Doug. 7731. OMAHA Electric Worns repairs electric elevators, 10$ N. 11th SL O. 1181, A-1448. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH- c A. JETES, 1303 Douglas St. TAYLOR THE TAILOR. 4th Floor, Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglaa 1383. WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by weight. T. I Combs & Co., 1620 Douglas. Monuments, J. F. Bloom As Co., 1815 Far. IK YOU want any dirt call on C. M. Bachtnaiin, 436 Paxton block. DEPOSITIONS, F. J. Sutcliffe, 628 Bee bldg BOILER REPAIRING Now 1 the time to aee that your ateam hollers are In good repair, before the rustl comes. We do the Job uulckly and do it light. WILSON ST F.AM BOILfcK CO., 9ih and Pierce. Douglaa 1141. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In auma to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. &U4, UNION LOAN COMPANY James H. Craddock, architect, room S, AVead Bldg., lSlh and Farnam, Red &174. CLEANING AND DYING The beat ever. Twin City Dya Worka, Mfl H. Llh at. H1NIKJO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. 50c. BELL I'Kl'Q CO. AMATEUR PHOTO FINISHING; expert work, prompt dolivery. Leave ordrra at MILLARD llOTLL PHARMACY. FOR watches and Jewelry repairs e Gustaison & ilenrickson. 201 N. lUih St. GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and composition roofing. Ill 8. lOih l., Omaha. Tels, Doug. $11$. Ind. A-17V2. Res. Web. 24. MISSOURI fUteis mad and sold. 1316 Howard St WOOD, Dr. O. K., HI N. V. L. Homeopath O. - Watson. Uie well known Iioj .-ehor, US N. 21sl all. Phone D. 3tu7; Ind. uu. I,' VJ C. H. Heflin. 1516 Douglaa St., over ivej S undeay a. Tel. D. Su'.i. A-426. VfTTns Roofing. Building Pa per a lUl AMXT'a fcup. ly Co. 1113 Frn THE WAPUROBK. expert CLEANERS AND DYE Hi, m Farnaift Both phouaa. W are r,owhow u lai!ls' and gen's' Fail Suiting. Max Horru. .01 brown Blk. DAVID COLIC Creamery Co. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron ana wire fbouca cheaper than wood. Laat a Life Trine. K)7 N. I7ta. Phone Red $14. i PVT? THM Coal Hill Nut. Coal Hill T"J I Li& IXJSS Coal Co, M S. lth 8U DRESS auits for hire. tiUGARMAN. Sl$ t. 20th St. DEVELOPING aad finishing; beat work; qiuVk delivery. Dempster, Uli Farnam. OMAHA hat factory. 114 and lit S. I3lh t. Hal ramoaeied. Mall orders solicited. AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERJGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1SI4 Farnam St. ..- om a civ a rtra a r rB 4wMm Klmatalf OYrntockvl on nw and conl bund car. ...... V . T.". M Cnitntiak., w II aacriiice new u. m. r. "'J'" . . - H ill .Ail d.Avllntftr 6u lounna " a-r . ..!-..(.. II mnA r. painted Thomaa for $475 canh. Immediate beceptance oniy, Aiiurrw q Turh DinniTua Maw T.tmoiistne: bodv will fit model F Htoddard-Dayton chassis; aJao new Indauiet oooy. a. j. oinipsvu A Son, 1408 Dodge St. FOR 8ALE-A 1901 closed body Franklin car. In excellent condition and run less than 1.000 mllea, newly painted. The best r.it.r ,! it Anniv to A. D. Brandels. J. L. Brandela A Bona. BARTER AND EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE! 100 ACRES Greeley Co.. Neb.; Improved; 96 acres cultivation; 24 mllea R. R. town; K2.M acre: mortgage $2 900: long time. ISO acres very choice, 100 acres cultivation. Greeley Co., Neb., JmJ.M acre: mortgage, 13.000, long time. Ex change together or separate for atock of goods or Income property, Matner at o.. Cedar Raplda, la. 200 BBL. flouring and feed mill. One of the best In the state. Will net $M a day every day that It rune. On account of health In family will aMl or exchange for good land. Price 140.000. HALL COUNTT, NEBRASKA. 120 acre Improved farm for merchandise of about 20.000. ISO acre Improved Thurston county farm for Omaha Income property. W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. TO EXCHANGE One finest farms. Lin coln Co., Neb.; 220 acres, $60 aero and worth It. Take about $5,000 trade; balance long time. Mather V Co., Cedar Raplda, la. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANOKSTAD, 44 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. R3ff7. GROCERY for ssle, big discount. 23d and Broadway, Co. Bluffs. "WANTED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN ABLE-BODIED MEN BE TWEEN THE AGES OF 'ffl AND 40, ABOVE 6 FEET f INCHES IN HEIGHT, AND WELL RECOMMENDED, FOR PERMANENT POSI TIONS AS CONDUCTORS AJD MOTORMEN. RESIDENTS OF OMAHA AND VICINITY PRE FERRED. APPLY FROM 9:30 TO U A. M. AND 2 TO 4 P. M. DAILY AT THE OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF TRANSPORTATION, ON U) FLOOR, MERCHANTS NA TIONAL BANK BUILDING. OMAHA & "'COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, ' SO-BARREL flour mill with seed and feed store In connection and nice resi dence in southern Minnesota, for sale; profitable and well established; splendid opportunity to step Into a paying business. Address Y 63, care Bee. WANTED. A live, energetic partner who under stands the abstract business and can In vest about $fi.O0O with me in a big money making business in a good eastern Ne braska town. One who can manage office. Addresa A 568, Bee. Omaha. . FOR SALE Complete steam laundry; Omaha; price, $1,200; half cash; balance, $i0 monthly. J. W. Kavatcher, 303 N. Y. L. Bldg. ONE of the best equipped Meat Markets i in Nebraska. Equipped with refrigerator machine, gasoline engine. Everything In ttrst class condition, and doing good bust nets. Write F. It. Hufsmlth, Crelghton, Neb. FOR SALE My barber shop and dooI outfit; doing a good business. Writo Fei xien, Palisade, Neb. FOR SALE A good hotel business, In eluding all furniture and fixtures, with 8Vi years' lease on modern, three-story brick hotel building, which has from 70 to 80 rooms; 13 have private baths; hotel Is ateam healed and has its own electric light plant; best hotel In city of almost 6,000. Will sell for caNh or will take part payment In good western lands. Address Y 14, care Bee. IF YOIT want your business sold, sea "THE MAN THAT CAN." J. W. KANTSHER, SCIENTIFIC SALES MAN. 303 NEW YORK LIFE B1DG. FOR SALE The best and largest plumb ing, heating, pump and windmill business of southwestern Iowa. Have aeveral con tract Jobs In hand now. Will sell at In voice. Address Y 181, care Bee. WESTERGARD can help you get in or out of business. 408 Bee Bldg.. Tel. D. ZUJ. FIRST OLA8S opportunity for a broad gauge business man of means. Addreaa, P. O. Box 413. Omaha. FINEST meat market in Council Bluff for aale or rent. C. W. Letchford. FOR RALE Millinery store and email line of corseia and hosiery; all at Invoice price; fixtures and stock Invoice $700 or tMJIl; fine location; cheap rent. Address Mrs. F. I,. Cooper, Lock Box 43, dge mort. 8. D. FLOUR MILL FOR SALE The best located htind-ed-barrel FLOUR MILL and GRAIN ELKVATOR in th state, present owner being In busine 26 yea is and wanta to retire. Addreaa Y 345, care of Bee. A GENUINE SNAP. Pool liatl and cigar store paying $26 to $40 per week; rent, including het. only i'.'S per month. Will aell very cheap If taken at once. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. FOR SAL-Meat market. slaughter house ar.d yards; all well equipped; have a good business and no competition. F. F. Fairbanks, Farnam, Neb. THREE STOREROOMS. Located right for good business In GROCER IKS. MEAT MARKET, DRUG STORE, for largest unsupplied population In city. A bufclned man can handle large trad here. Sea owner, 1101 N. Uth St., to 6 o'clock. FOR SALE Poatof flee fixtures at Oa ceo la. Neb., cheap. Apply Postmaster. Os ceola. Neb. DENTISTS BAILEY MACK. $d floor. Paxton. D.106 TAFT'8 Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglaa SU DR. F1CKES, 217 Board of Trad. He doesn't hurt Ilk other." DRESSMAKERS Mis Galbrtth. 304 Sunderland Bl . ) & How MISS STURDY, 14.1 Dodg. Tti Doug. 7635 DRESSMAKERS (Continued.) TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sta. McPow-ll Dressmaking School. 1C23 Far. DRESS PLEATING, buttons covered all styles and alsea. The Idral Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Ulk. Both 'phones. TAILORS' trimmings, buttons promptly covered at loweat pricea. Eaaicrn Woolen Co., 1514 Douglaa. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN M. ORLIJAN, fine ladles' tailor; makes ulta reasonable, also from your own ma terial. lfil Harney. WRITE me before buying a piano. I can aava you money. Addresa L 551, care Bee. NEW ENGLAND TAILORING CO. Gar menta made to order, $15 up; pressing and repalrmg; work guaranteed. 0U6i N. 18lh. THE ARTISTS' MODEL CORSET SHOP, With L. Kneeter, Ladies' Tailor, 506 6. Uth Ht. Tel. Doug. OOtiS. "VIA VI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 page book free. $12 Brandels Bldg.; f TT T .TMTTPVWa can save you money. 3. Kauber, 1424 16th. LACE curtains, nicely done and wnsrf Ing to take home. Tulephone Harney 1200. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday. Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. O. Hungale, 84 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 5406. AT TTfWiOM'K ver Kern s Mlllln XXX XlVUOVJi O, ery im Douglaa Kt. Superfluous hair and moles removed by the electric nedle. Satisfaction guaranteed. CAKES THREB-LATEB WHITE. gQg Groceries and Meats. Bottom-Pricea. JOHNSON A GOODLETT. 20th and Laka LEARN HAIRDRESSING while you work; classes 6 to 7 p. ra. The Oppenheim Parlors, 313 McCague Block. Tel.; Doug. Zi9; Ind. A 1566. MERSCHEIM. High grade millinery. 04 Paxton Blk. Frenoh Dry Cleaning Works. Both Tels. BeHf work, prompt aervlce. LADI ES Learn dress cutting in two les sons. $6.00 up. Room 304 Webster-Sunderland Bldg. lfith and Howard. FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA, 1413 Farnam St. J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Douglas 3006. L. Henderson. Ial9 Farnam St., Doug.-12:S. FURNACES AND REPAIRING Two and four-hole laundry and tank heater will keep boiling from 30 to 100 gal lons of water. New furnaces, thermostats, furnace covering, water fronts, stove ai furnace repairs, combination hot water and hot air heating. Omaha Stove Repair Works, iaOfi-8 Douglas St. Both Phones. EDUCATIONAL THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS OPEN. In both the day and night sessions. Every day N-O-W is an enrollment day. Complete business course. Complete shorthand and typewriting course. Complete telegraph course. Complete civil service course. Official training school for telegraphers tor U. P. R. R. Send today for free copy of the now famous book "Bread and Butter Sciences." Addreaa H. B. Boyles, president. Omaha, Neb. - - OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 19th and Farnam. M. O, Rohrbough, Pres.; E. A. Zartman, V. I'rcs. FALL TERM now open. Enroll at once. Sessions day and night. TELEGRAPHY U. P. official school; U. P. wire. Positions (guaranteed. CATALOG FREE . . Writo or telephone D. LBS or A 2189. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled courses in business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day ana evening sessions. Most interesting catalogue pub I lished In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN, Seventeenth and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb. REMEMBER It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad tn The Bee. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER and Stenographer, $S-$J0. Stenographer, electrical supplies, $0. Stenographer, out of town. $T.0. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 6,5-77 Brandeis lildg. . Factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work; good pay. Demis Omaha Dag Co. SEAMSTRESS wanted for alteration work; steady work; good pay. 2W)7 Leaven worth. GIRLS for alteration work; npply MIa Gussio Peterson. 215 Old Boston Store Bldg. WANTED Good akirtmaker and dress maker at once. 506 S. 16th; upstairs. lloBBekrepers and Domestic. WANTED A good laundress. Mrs. J. L. Kennedy, 406 8. 40th St. Tel. Harney 625. WANTED Nurse maid, children, 4 and 6 years. Tel. Harney WO. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. H. Parrotte, 4S01 Davenport. WANTED A good washerwoman. 'iiili Capitol Ave. GIRL or woman for general lionsework; one who ran cook preferred. Red 3uG7. Ub Howard St. GOOD girl for general housework; small family; no washing. Apply 3403 Harney. WANTED Girl for general housework; email family; good wages; housecleaning done. 112 Corby St. Tel. Web. 40L7. WANTED Competent girl for second work. Northeast corner 33d and Farnam. GIRL for general housework. 2223 Dodg St. GIRL for general housework; a good home. 1724 Webster St. Phone Douglas lw GOOD girl for general houvework. 317 S. 33d St. Tel. Harney 4046. Mrs. M. A. Nagl. WANTED-Nurae maid for child I months ot age; must have reference. Call lii S. 32d Ave. Tel Harney 1066. GOOD girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 34! S. loth St. Phone Harney ul. WANTED Cook; alao second maid. 2707 Jones St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen era) housework; good wagea paid; In fam ily ot three grown people. 701 S. 37 Ih St. GOOD girl for general bouaework; three In family, beat wagea; new bouse. 114 6. loth Ave. WANTED Girl for housework. (14 8. SSlh bt. GOOD clean nuise gui. Apply lot 6. 34tU. A practically complete list of the vacant rooms in O mall a will be found on this page HELP WANTED FEMALE Hooeekeeaere aad DosBealcsCoa. GIRL for general housework. 1921 Bin ney St. GIRL for general housework; no wash ing. 3001 Blnney St. Tel. Web. 809. WANTED A good, experienced girl for general housework. Apply 2514 Jones St. M1DDLL-AGED or elderly woman In family of two; more for good home than big wages. Keferencea exchanged. M N. 223 Su GIRL for general housework; two in fam ily; good wages. Dodge SU GOOD girl at 202 S. 33d; two In family. WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry work. 401 S. 38th SL GOOD GIRL, must be good cook. 161$ Emmet street WANTED Girl to aaslat In general housework; a good home and good wages to right party; transportation furnished. Mrs. U. E. Hall. Waterloo. Neb. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. T. F. Hall, 2215 Sherman Ave.; both 'phones. GOOD cook wanted. M.S. L. F. Crofoot, 121 Su- 33U St, WANTED Maid for general housework. 3612 Farnam St. WANTED Housemaid In private family; out of town; must know how to serve at table anl understand high-class second work; $30 and transportation. Mrs. Stubbs, 1904 Farnam St. GIRL for general housework, 3216 Burt St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 216 N. 22.1 St.' WANTED Good girl for general house work; good wages. H124 Leavenworth. Har ney US or Ind.. A-2433. WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family, 666 South 85th Ave. Tel. Harney 1750. WANTED Experienced seoond girl for family of two. 2037 Dodge St. Wanted young lady attending school, to help with light housework. Apply 2578 Ponpleton Ave. GIRL for general housework. 412 8. 28th St. WANTED Reliable girl for general housework; four In family. HIS Georgia Ave. YOUNG girl to assist with housekeeping at 1102 N. 24th St. Mrs. Llnsky. WAMTED Girl .'for (teneral housework; good wsa.es paid. 3204 Sherman Ave. Tel. Web. 4152. WANTED-Girl to help with housework: good wage; good home to right party. $73 N. 27th Ave. COMPETENT second girl. Call at once. 8224 Farnam t. COMPETENT girl for general house work; four in 'family; $6 per week. Tel. Harney 375. 1301 S. 32d St. GIRL for geiiernl housework; , Bohemian or Germ&u preferred. 2101 Farnam SU OOOD reliable girl for general house work; In family of three. 112 S. 35th SU Tel. Harney 1539. GIRL or'Wman Vanted for general housework; small family, light work; good place for right frarty. 218 N. 17th St.. MlaecllaneoDs. , LEARN heajTdressing; 'it pays; you ean easily earn $151. to $25 weekly. Full course taught. Brandela Hair Dressing Dept. TWO ladies., over 21 to travel together, demonstrate anij soil dealers, also one lady to work alone. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308-10 Harney St, LADIES Earn $10 weekly decorating post cards; dime brings package of beautiful samples and complete particular. Baylia Uernet Co., East Orange, N. J. WANTED Experienced jacket, girls for alteration department Thompson, Belden & Co. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicltora and Salesaaeat. WANTED Expert canvassers for Omaha and vicinity. At once. None but hustler need apply. Call for II. C. Berns tein, 1M California between :30 and 7.30 p. m. AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle our rapid-selling household specialty ; big profit.; sells on sight; repeat orders; get particulars at once. M. Lee Thompson, Canonuburg, Pa. WANTED A hat salesman, a glove or a men's furnishing goods salesman to carry our neckwear sample line In Ne braska. Address Sales Manager, Box 413, Waterloo, la. WANTED Experienced advertising so licitors. Apply after 1 p. m., 219 N. Y. Life. GENERAL agent, appoint selling agents, new; no competition. P. O. kiox. 413. COUNTRY agents selling Equalisers; large profit; new; no competition. Mo Bee Blug. . TWO clothing salesmen by Nov. I. Ap ply to Frenzer Blk. Dr. Downs. Experienced talesman to sell scholarships for old reliable educational institution of high standing, in either of the following Htales: Iowa, .Minnesota, Kansas, Ne braska, North and iSouth Dakota. Only reliable nn-n of good appearance need ap ply. Good money to right parties and ex cellent opportunities for advancement. Write for particulars. A. H. Thrall, Suite 25. Marina Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED An experienced salesman, to Ktll Un capital stock of a life insurance company; salary and commission will be paid. Add rein Union pacific Life Insur ance Co.. Portland, Ore., or Y 747, care Omaha Bee. W ANSU-A solicitor with bora and buggy to driv through lb country and solicit rubscripliona. Call and . clrcu latlon luanagvr. TUa Be Publishing Co. MEN, good appearance, experience not Decenary, to eoliciu k24 S. lb ill. BOND alemen required for Iowa. Ad dress Y 748, Bee. CIGAR salesmen wanted In your locality to represent us; experience unnecessary; $110 per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St. Louis, Mo. r . 1. 1 . .ti r. t . t. v. t 1 1 . i i 1 1 1 i.inn travelers to cover UMic-cuiied territory; straight communion; lii;h grade line; men earning $J5 to $.5 weekly clear. Applica tions wanted only from hustlers with clean records. Athiiesa Nat. Mercantile Co., Dept. Boy. WANTED Boy for factory work; none under 14 need apply. Omaha Bos Co.. Easl Omaha. WANTED Several trustworthy boy; good wages. A. D. T. Co., 213 al. tfh su WANTED Bright offlca boy; give refer ence. Addreaa J 466, Be. Clerical aad Office. FOR OFFICE 1OSITIONS. C. W. GORDY MAN for coal offlca, $60. Night clerk. . B. It Salesman. wouUenware. $100 and exp. Stenographer, R- $6. Grain buyer, country elevator, $50. Of lice clerk, young man, (40. CaMiler. bank. $M. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO-i.it-n Brandeia feliir- , L HELP WANTED MALE Clerical as4 Off lee doatlaae. WANTED Young, wide-awake man for Clerical position In coal office; on with ex perience preferred. Addreaa In own hand writing, elating salary desired, experience and references. Address H $48, Bee. FIFTEEN BOOKKEEPERS AND OF' FICE CLERKS. AT .SALAMI EH RANG ING FROM $10.00 TO $;& U0. THHJSE POSI TIONS MUST BE FILLED IMMEDIATE LY, THEREFORE SEE US AT ONCE. THE CANO AGENCY, 432 Be Bldg. MANAGER for butter Dept., large creamery out of town, $100. Stenographer, $$. Stenographer, out of town, $50. Traveling salesman, grooery apeclaltlea, established trade, $100. Office clerk, young man, $40. Car checker, $60. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N., INC. 721-23 N. Y. Life Bldg. FIRST-CLASS Intallment collector; city experience; steady position; good Salary. Apply In peraon to Th People' Store. Factory aad Tradea. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Be bldg. WANTED Coat maker. Heriog Tailoring Co., 21K N. 16th. WANTED One first class Meihle press man at once; also cvllnder pressfeeder. Milburn & Scott Co., Bestiice, Neb. LADIES' TAILOR wanted1; wages f2fi per week. Apply J. Jawltx, 18th and Farnam. Miscellaneous. Wanted Track Laborers For Street Railway Work. Apply to Track Foreman on Fifteenth Street, Be tween Capitol Avenue and Howard Street. i: :: Omaha 8c Co, Bluffs Street Railway Co. WANTED Engineer, thorough and com petent, for Ice plant: give age, experience and references. L 416, Be. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post office clerks, carriers. Salary $000 to $1,600. Examinations In Omaha, November 17. Preparation free. Write for schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 190 G, Rochester, N. Y. FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Assn; no fees. Call 440 B. of T. Bldg. WANTED Immediately, 500 young men. 20 to 40 years old. for steam railway firs men and brakemen and electrio railway motormen and conductors In ail parts of the United States; $60 to $140 a month, with excellent chances for advancement; expe rience unnecessary. Hundreds of position open. Write today for particular. National Railway Training A sun., 1330 Reliance Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Drug clerk, $16, out or town. SUnoRrapher, $75. Moving picture opr. (own machine) road work, $25 pr. wk. Moving picture opr. (out of town.) Clerk (good penman.) Are you looking for a position. Call at once. L'HAS, W. GORDY, 574-6 Branded Bldg. WANTED Experienced clothing and furnishing goods man; German; married man preferred; good wages; permanent position. AddresB Curry Bros., Seward, Neb. WANTED Music teacher to assist In opening piano classes. Call at 2210 Cuming St. 4 after 9 a. m. WANTED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN ABLE-BODIED MEN BE TWEEN THE AGES OF 23 AND 40, ABOVE 6 FEET ' INCHES IN HEIGHT. AND WELL RECOMMENDED, FOR PERMANENT POSI TIONS AS CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. RESIDENTS OF OMAHA AND VICINITY PRE FERRED. APPLY FROM 9:30 TO It A. M. AND 2 TO 4 P. M. DAILY AT THE OFFICE OF SUPESRINTENDENT OF TRANSPORTATION, ON SD FLOOR, MERCHANTS NA TIONAL BANK BLDG. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, HELP WANTED MALE AAD riiMALH WANTED Stenographer in lumber of fice; general office work required; also slate experience and references. Address J 4S2, B.e. HOUSECLEANINQ CARPETS. Rug, Hous. Ktc. cleaned by the oompreed air and vacuum system. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO. 00 Douglas Block. Both 'Phone. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicles. FOR SALE-1 mare; weight K0. 614 8. 14th St. M'CRARY buy and sells all klnda of horses. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. UM. Wagon and Auto Repairing. Second-hand Broughams, Business Wagons. A. J. Simpson A Son, 1400 Dodge St. SCREENINGS, $1.60 per 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. FOR HALE Horses of all kind; buggies and wagon. 141S Capitol Ave. D. 1810. LOST AND FOUND REWARD offered for return of black cocker spaniel. Judge Redlck residence, tlJ Eminet sk MEDICAL BERT a err brae for man. Gray- Nerve Food Pill, tn a bom. poetpald. Hbarmaa A McConnell Drug Co.. Otnahaw PPtER MEDICAL end aural eel treatment at Crelghton a Medical college 14th and Davenport St i special attention paid t confinement oases: all treatment upr. etaed by college profeeaors. 'Pnoo loua la 114. Calis answered day or nlaht MONEY TO LOAN ALARY ADD CHATTELS WHERE TOB0RR0W MONEY Com In and get all you &e1 on four HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS, PIANO or on your PLAIN NOTE. If you am steadily employed. You will find our rstf the cheapest, our term the eaal ett, our gervtces the quickest and our offices private. HERE'S THE PLACE. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Jrd Floor 307-808 Paxton Block, Northwest Corner 16th and Farnaro Streets. 'Phones: D. 1411; Auto. A1411 IT PAYS TO FIGURE WITH US When you want money. W loan from $1$ up at th most reasonable ratea In th city. In a QUIET CONFIDENTIAL way that will pleaue yout If ynu get sick or out of work, payments will be extended WITHOUT EXTRA COST to you. W have been reliable for eighteen yeara. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 11B Board of Trad. 'Phono 2196. HERE SINCE 1892. 3 S. 16th St. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEO PLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without aecurlty; easy pay ments. Offices In principal cities. Tol man, room BIS New York Life Bldg. FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Oreen Loan Co., R. 1. Barker Blk. Mli"WP,V to ,oan on Pianos, household ulul'iJ-1 goods, furniture, etc. Lowest rates. Small payments. See us before you obtain a loan elsewhere. Phones: Douglaa 1358, Ind. A-1X4. NEBRASKA LOAN COMPANY Uth and Capitol Are. Opposite Postofflce. MONET TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on salary, furnltur. piano, etc.; no publicity, lowest rate, weekly or monthly payment. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 814-15 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1WT. LOANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS or SALARIES. LOANS on your plain not. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 1404 FARNAM. 6 on DIAMONDS. W.FLATAU. 1514 Dodge. IX)ANS of $10 or more on your own note. Call 6:0 Paxton Block. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co.. office 18th and Daven port Sta. warehouse 2C7-0 Izard SU MUSIC AND LANGUAGE GUS TURNER," graduate of Lelpslc. Ger many, Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap. Tel. Red 5036, or drop me a postal at 11674 Harney St., and I will call on you. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Room. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board: i"nur taoma; fin lawn. 12$ ft ih 627 PARK. Ave. Luise south room, nut Bide entrance; best home cooking; for two. DEWEY Europaaa Hotel. 12th aad Farnam. COOL, airy room, modern, fine shade, with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 1404 Capitol Av. ROOM and board In private family, modern home, also large south room, with alcove. Tel. Harney 436$. MRS. 11 j. C. WATSON, 3S74 Hamilton St., excellent table board, two or three gentle men; rate. $-5 per month. 'Phone 11. 47b. THE GEORGIA, single rooms and an suite, with private bath, steam heat; ex cellent table and good service. 1042 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 61. TWO nicely furnished front rooms suit able for three In each room, with board. Hot water heat. bath. 1918 Farnam St. Furnished Room. GOOD rooms, $ per week: free bat a Ogden Hotel Co. Bluff. DESIRABLE rooms, modern house. 1817 Capitol Ave. l' block from P. 0. FUR. rooms, house new, plenty hot water. 316 N. 19th St, TWO newly furnished front rooms; price reasonable. LMH Harney St. FURNISHED room for rent. 612 N. 16th. TWO modern, well furnished front rooms, single or eusulte, private family. 702 S. Ztlh St. k VERY desirable room; fin location; waUIng distance. US B. 26th St. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room In private family, for one or two young men; very reasonable. 2014 Webster St. VERY desirable larg room; newly furn ished: also smaller loom; fin locauou. Ml fe. 36th Ava ONE extra fin front room, fir. furni ture, modern. $Z0 No. ttr h. No alga on l.ous HOTEL Colonial (Vienna;, Farnam and ltiui. newly furnished rooms by the week. NEW, MODERN, STEAM HEATED ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATH. THE BELMONT, lali DODGE ST. TEL. DOUG. 3775. MODERN, clan. sunny bedroom. Z3-'4 Harney. Douglas S0H1. STRICTLY modern eutit room, ten min utes' walk from 16th and Farnam; entie jnen preferred. 603 So. ICd. 'Phone D. 51-'U. NICELY furnished rooms in new. mod ern home; walking dixtunce; reference. Tel. Douglas 7XX. TWO nice looms sultablle for two or three young gentlemen; modern; steam heat. )2 N. Ulth St. FURNISHED front room for two; no othrr roomers. 625 S. 'JIU. ELEGANT front room, either two gentle men or man and wife. References. lslJ Chicago. Tel. Red 6MS. NEWLY furnlHhed room. 2116 Chicago. FOR RENT J splendid furnished rooms, strictly modern; walking dtxtancc. Call at 2M Dewey Ave. Doug. IAl. NEWLY furnished front room In new house five blocks from postofflce. 2013 Chi cago. FURNISHED room for young men or married couple, employed. 316 N. lsih St. FOR RENT DeslrsLle turiiiahed rooms; excellent board; reasonable; centrally lo cated. 130 Bo. 13th 0w PLEASANT ROOMS, modern: on very larg front room, $14; one at $J0; on at U. KA N. 23d u FURNISHED room! for gentlemen, 110 So. 1Kb St. The Chatha-n. ONE room for rent. 264$ Chicago. Tel. Douglas 4277. When writing to advertlaera remerreW It only take a stroke or two of th pan to mention th fact that you aw to Ad In Th be. . OFFERED FOR RENT Aparlmeat ssl riats. THREE and -room flt eVargo Pldg MH N. Nth St.. Suth omaoa. Hall, ut Rama Bldg Both 'ohouaa, NEW, rooms nd reception hall; all modern flat; block from car. WJJ caaa .. Inquire next door. MODERN, l-room flat, 4U Harney St CORNISH APARTMENTS S. W. t or. 10th and William Sta, minutes from center of city on I car. Apartmenta of four and five and bath, lust completed. Hardwood gas and electrle light fixtures, til rooms. Kitchen furnished with laundry tub and "Garland" Gaa private porchea. window shade, heat. Jiot and cold water, Janitor Apartment are both furnished a furnished. t to $100 a month fur Single rooms, $20 per month. Ham for automobiles. Agent at apartment. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. High grade, rooms, modern, hardwood perfect order; fireproof stairways; free hot water all the year; Janitor; steam hest walking distance; beat In city. ONE FLAT VACANT OCTOBER 22 or aooner to ac commodate. Summer rate lit; winter rate 1 more. References reuulred. BEM1S, Brandels Bldg. Hoasekeeplag Room. THREE furnished housekeeping room, all modem, new and clean, ga range. 2uil N. Pith St. - 7 4 AT - ffrnam rllVWIS, bath dablnet. J A Range. v steam lerviee. ' nd on. A lulled TWO or thre elegant furnished front om complete for housekeeping, jois f room Davenport St. HOUSEKEEPING and leplnc room close In. l'J16 Chicago St. KITCHEN and bedroom, modern. U0 Douglas St. TWO or three large front rooms fur nished complete for housekeeping; modern -no children. 614 8. ttth St. THREE housekeeping rooms. 71$ 8. 19th St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all modern. :i6 N. l!Hh St. FOUR unfurnished. Inquire 1046 8. toth. FOUR nicely furnished modem rooms, )V complete for housekeeping; reference re quired. 366 N. 40th. EXCELLENT front room nd alcove, furnished complete for housekeeping. Phone house. L'574 Harney St. TWO rooms furnished complete for housekeeping. 2901 Farnam St, FOUR rooms. completely furnished housekeeping; walking distanca. Call 1H14 California St. NICE housekeeping rooms, hKrfsrn. $02 tntdsi IWl California at. FOUR unfurnished. Inquire Iws. 20th. Unfaralaned Rooms. FOUR nice unfurnished room for rent, 1560 North 17th. TWO or three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping: modern. SS8 S. 19th St. FOUR unfurnished room; modern. 220 N. lSUh St. FOUR Good location, $12.50. Tel. Harney 42t5. 1909 WEBSTER On unfurnished room, on ground floor. TWO unfurnished room, $8. 2220 Leaven worth. TWO modern rooms. 1915 Webster. FOUR rooms, modern, unfurnished. 2121 Clark St. THREE rooms, first floor, 1028 S. 23d St. Phone D. 4033. 8 ROOMS for housekeeping, $1300; $ rooms, 9 00. Call 2618 Davenport, or Tel. Douglas 85. FOR RENT Thre nicely furnished rooms for the winter. References required. 3324 Fowler, Web. 1687. FOUR tinfurnlhed rooms and two fur nished rooms. 2707 Dodge. FOUR Good location, $1260. Tel. H. 427i. Fnrnlahed Houses. EIGHT rooms, modern house, 8312 Hsmll ton St., $45 unfurnished, $50 furnished. Apply next door of Tel. Douglas 5560. FINE 10-room house, all nicply furnished, near 26th and Farnam streets. Will lenwi to private family for lx or eight months GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St., ' Telephone Douglas 756. House and Cottages. OMAHA Van Storage fj.. Hack, mora, store. H. H. goo In: storehouse. 1120-M H. 19th; office 809 So. 17th St. Tel Doug. 1669. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, $12.60, and R room cottace, $15. 2702 S. 13th St. Tel. Douglas 5710. HOUSES, flat. Garvin Bro.. $1$ N. T. L. HOUSES. Insuranc. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. 6 ROOMS, modern except heat. 918 25th. $1'2 and water rent. CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cuming St. HOUSES Peter Trust Co.. N. Y. Bldg. FOUR-ROOM modern aptrtmenw second j floor, 2515 St. Mary's Ave. Reference. I WARM, COMFORTABLE HOUSE TO LET 1613 N. 20th St.. 8 rooms and bath, full modern, upper and lower hall, front and back stairs, large closets, two pantrle--. big cellar, built for comfortable home, all newly decorated, large new furnace. See T. J. Hook, office 1101 N. 18th SL. 9 to 5 o'clock. MAGGARD Van Storag Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. We guarantee moving, pianos, house hold gooda 7 ROOMS, modern house. 16U8 Sprue SU H. I. Plumb, 110 a Uth 6u B-HOOM. modern, 2114 Woolworth Ave. .14 $-room, modern, Dundee 40 W. L. SELUY. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. WALKINO DISTANCE. Seven-room house at 2124 Dougls" Si for rent, modern except furnace. $3j per month. V. J. PKRMODY INVESTMENT CO.. Tel. D. 5108 or A 2038. 836 N. T. L. Bldg HOUSE for rent at 25 4 Spencer St.. all modern, oak finish. Tel. Webster 1175. IirWTUVW Prt of th olty. lllJUnr,A Crh Sons A Co.. Be Bldg. FOR RENT 9-room, all modern house. 2005 Willis Ave.. $26 00. C. M. Bachuian, 436 Paxton Ulk. : MODERN -room house. 218 S. $6tta Ava. 'Phone Douglas 467. BRICK house, 2'U2 Dewey Av.. 7-room. modem. Moyrr Stationery Co., 1614 Far nam St. H R., MODERN, bapn. 602 P. $i;th. $1$. r 9 r modern, close. M N. 17th, $24. 6 r., modern, clinice. 2719 Hickory, $25. 4 6 r., modern, barn, 23.12 Poppleton. $18. & r.. lfiih at"' N. Soulli Omah. $7. 6 r.. w:iter, Florence, $S. 5 r rltv water. W Hamilton, $16. RUSSELL St M K1TR1CK CO.. 4?2 RamKo lll'lg.. 16th and Harney Bt. " '-af 4-HOOM modern detached brick flat, J!d and Nicholas; key at 1116 N. 22d 8L Pat terson, l'i Fan. am. OMAHA Truck. Van and Starag Co Doug. 1496. Ind.. B-itrt. Offleo liU Web ster stret. . . , HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded: cheap freight rates; moving and atorlng. Expresameo' Delivery Co. TsU Doug. 894. ELEGANT ( room Tat. located 10 . nth. all modern, price Bern a, Brandels Wdg. MODERN brick house, close to Park Ave., 2j13 Mason. Inquire, tZi So. 2&th. Phone. Harney 1500." ' FOR RENT 6-room house, modem eix cept heat; half block from the Jiartie; ir line. Apply 3210 Hamilton St. WEST FARNAM A new t-room all modtru residence, just completed; quarter sawed oak finish donn. stairs; a very desirable place. House No. $402 Dewey Ave. For pellicular see THE BYRON REED COMPANY. Thoata: Doug. 7; A &J4 112 8. lit b. r 1