The Omaha Daily Bee The omaiia dee a clean, reliable newspaper that U admitted to each and erery home. WEATHER rOBECAST. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair. For weather report aeo page S. VOL. XXX1X-NO. 104. OMAIIA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBK1. 15, 1901) TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COrY TWO CENTS. FIRST SHOTS OF STATE CAMPAIGN President Taft Agrees With Knox; Crane is Retired GAY NOR RESIGNS PENNANT IIOYERS FROM THE BENCH OYER TWO NINES Three Hundred Bepublicans from , Over the State Meet' at Dollar Dinner at Kearney. SENATOR BROWN BIDS WELCOME Political Situation in New Tork Detroit Wins Sixth Game in World's Waxes Exceedingly Warm and Interesting. Series by Narrow Margin and Tics Race. Executive Wires that Much as He Regrets to Do So, the Resig nation is Accepted. DEMOCRATIC LEADER VERY ILL DECISIVE CONTEST SATURDAY Review! Work of Party in Congress and of President Taft. HATWARD ON STATE ISSUES Democrats Coming Forward with Hypocritical Nonpartisanship REV1-A LAST LEGISLATURE Rank Urtlunahlp of It Evers ; Set Forth la Strong Term t the Renabllraa State Chairman. C- " i C . ' ' KEARNEY, Neb., Oct. l4. -(Special Tele gram.) Over 300 republicans asFcmblcd at the Midway hotel tonight to partake of the Mg dollar dinner and to listen to speakers from all over the atate. The de mand for places at the tables far exceeded the supply. Judge Jacob Fawcett arrived at noon. Among the other speakers who are now lit the city are Senators Brown and Burkett and Chairman Hayward of the state cetera! committee; Editors Victor Roeewater of) The Omaha Bee and Will Owen Jones of the Lincoln State Journal. State Treasurer Brian. Superintendent E. C. Bishop and United (Hates Marshal Warner are also here for the big feast. Ex-Governor George Sheldon wired from Wayside, Miss., that he waa unable to attend, but 'sent his greetings to the re ni.vyajis and says: "Vote for a county rtJ state victory." Congressman Klnkald also wired greetings and regrets that he was unable to attend. Senator Brown welcomed the guests from over the state and congratulated the re publicans from Buffalo county on the pres ence of the distinguished guests. He called their attention to the 'fact that Buffalo county was the county In the state which last year showed the largest gain for Gov ernor Sheldon. He asserted that It Is a habit with the Buffalo county republicans to sustain the public officials who stand for better things and who keep faith with the party. That Is the reason they stood for Sheldon and that Is the reason today they stand for President Taft. Among other things he said: 1 Mission of Parties. "Political parties are the only respon sible agencies the people have In a repre sentative form of government. During the 125 years this republic has been doing bust neks, not a law on the statute books af fecting the public policies of the nation can be found except In obedience to the command of some political party, yet no one will contend that any political party waa ever perfect. Parties must be Judged by their, general rharaetsr. The good re pute of the republican party Is due to the ' fact that It baa stood on the whole In the state and nation for better things. It ha Undertaken to meet and solve the live questions of the hour and to bear the re- ' sponMbllltlea with a large regard for the publlo welfare and the good of the coun try. Republicans should Insist that the party oonttnue to deserve the confidence and respect of the people. Unless it de serves it, it will hot receive the support of the people. The fact tbat at times republicans differ among themselves about details, of legislation on some subject is the best guaranty the public has that the best results are likely to come from the discussion Arising from the disagree ments." He also emphasised the tariff commission provision of the new law and endorsed with unqualified enthusiasm the tax on corporations put In tike new tariff law the Instanoe of President Taft. On that subjeot, among ' other things, tie said: "The oth;r provision which Is of immense Importance to the publlo Is the provision . providing for the lX on corporations. The theory of the corporation tax Is that the corporation owes the government some UMrtg for Its charter and its privilege of doing business. An Individual hus the right to do business wlttout first obtaining per mission from the government, but a cor porStlon has no right to exist unless It Is flint authorized to do so by law. The right to exist carries with It the right to do business, whloh Is a valuable right, and the theory of President Taft and congress was that this right waa taxable. Corporation Tax Reeord. "While you remember that the corpora tton tax suggested by the president met the opposition of many republicans espe cially those from New England and of the united democrats, yet when the foil was finally called in the senate on whether or not this corporation tax should be made a part of the new tariff law all the re publicans but five voted for It and all the demeerat against It but two. To the tax on the eorpoiatlon is added another pro vision of very large Importance to the peo ple. The additional provision requires the corporat( report to the government Us stock and value thereof. Its stockhold ers and who they are. Its earnings and where 'they come from, its disbursements and where they go. The effect of this pub' Itcity f.aiure Is, first, that minority stock holders know just what the fellows In con trol of his Corporation are doing, how much they really earn, how much they really disburse and what the disbursements are for. With this Information the minor stork holder does not heed to be at the mercy of the majority. But this Is not the only value - of the publicity feature. lis still greater value to the public Is that a stop is put to stock watering and stock Job bing. . The criminal manipulator In stocks is put out of business by this law. The law lets In the light on corporations. Light U what tbe publlo wants. Dark lantern Concerns cannot live under the law." One Hepabllraa Governor. Lieutenant Governor Hopewell was Intro duced by Senator Brown as "the only gov . i rnor Nebraska has worth mentioning." YJr. Hopewell confined his remarks to laud ing republican policies and past commend able actions of republican legislators. He also criticised the democratic view of a ton-partisan Judiciary. Further, ha ex pi creed his pleasure at learning that the democratic party and decency were shak ing hands. Senator Brown remarked later that the hand-shake was a farewell shake. William Hayward was Introduced by Senator Aidrlch of David City and spoke ft "Tbe legislature of 1W," laying tho tecord of that body before his hearers and (Contln j'd on Second Page.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 14 All doubt as to what action the president would take with respect to the resignation of Charles R. Crane, minister designate to China, was dep polled by the receipt this morning of a dispatch from President Taft. addressed to his secretary, Mr. Carpenter, directing him to convey to Mr. Crane announcement of the fact that the resignation had been ac cepted. The telegram was dated Prescott, Aria., October 13, and reads as follows: "Convey to Mr. Crane following com-nunlcatlon: " 'I concur In the letter under date of tober 12, which the secretary of state addressed to you and I greatly regret circumstances found to exist by him it necessary for me to accept your tlon." TAFT.' " . vlng the receipt of the president's sage through Secretary Carpenter, Mr. Crane Issued the following statement: I am greatly relieved by the president's decision. There has been no minute since I learned that attitude of the Department of State when I have not contemplated the possibility of a continuance of my official relations with the deepest repugnance. . Nevertheless I have felt that my obli gation to the president was to permit him to decide the issue. I have appreciated fully what would be Involved In a decision by him that I should continue. ' I have re alized also the Impossibility of his securing Information at this time. He' has chosen to base his decision upon circumstances found by the secretary of state. I accepted the Chinese mission at Mr. Taft's request and solely because of assur ances that I could be and would be per mltted to be of service to the country In constructive work of the greatest import' ance to it and of the greatest Interest to me. It has made perfectly clear that con dltions here were not, and are not such as to make this possible. To demonstrate this has Involved a personal humiliation such as no self-respecting man who Is drafted Into the public service should be called on to endure, but I am grateful, indeed, that I have had the test of official confidence and support here rather than In China and now rather than at some real crisis involv lng the honor or the Interest of the nation. I think I should state at this time that until I arrived here last Sunday, I had never seen the newspaper article which la made the excuse for my recall, nor had I heard that such an article had bean pub lished, and at my interview with the rec retary of state, It was not shown to me. 1 accepted the description of Its char acter and consequences then given to me and assumed full responsibility for my connection with It, purely Incidental as that connection waa." Mr. Crane left here, today at S o'clock for New York. ; ...... Burglar Steals Seven Cents and Gets-PrisonTerm Self-Confessed Robber May Serve Ten Years for Theft of Child's Toy Bank. CHICAGO, Oct. 14.-Robert Keller, a self-confessed burglar, waa today sen tenced, to an Indeterminate term In the state penitentiary after being found guilty of stealing 1 cents. The crime was committed September 24. when Keller entered a house In Chicago and was surprised by a police sergeant. His sole plunder waa a baby's toy bank, containing the T cents. "It is tough to be tent to Jail for maybe ten years," said Keller after the sentence was Imposed, "when I got only 7 cents." Auto Speed Race Fatal to Woman ST. CHARLES, Mo., Oct. 14.-Mrs. Charles A. Swade of St. Louis was killed when Ralph Ireland, driving a racing automobile this afternoon, crashed through the fence while making sixty mtlea an hou. Ireland lost control of the car and was slightly nurr. The race was a feature of the centennial celebration here. ine racing car tore away forty feet of fence on which the spectators were sitting. Several other persons were injured. Mrs. Swade's skull was crushed. John Rush Sues to Stop Property-Injuring Stench ' Itesldents of the vicinity of Thirteenth and Castellar streets have begun an action in district court to put a stop to what they assert is a vigorous odor, an all pervading smell, an offensive stench, a too lively flavor, an Indelicate scent, a troublesome aroma, a discomforting ef fluvium, everything, In fact, except the "good old Anglo-Saxon" word which does not obtain In polite society. John Rush, formerly city and county treasurer and a resident of Omaha for forty-four years, and his wife, Annie Rush, are the plaintiff In the suit which Is brought for an Injunction against the Smlth-Lockwood Manufacturing company. The defendants operate a whip manufac turing and a tannery, and it is the latter part of the business that is complained of. The suit will cause a considerable stir when It comes to trial, because it Involves not only the right of residents to abate a nuisance, In this case an alleged odor of packing house proportions, but an alleged lethargy on. the part of the city officials. The plalnllfs a year ago sought relief from the city council, which passed a reso lution ordering Health Commissioner Con nell to abate the nuisance. Dr. Connell in vestigated and returned recommending a conference and saying that he had urged the company to remove Ita hlde-plckllng vats to the river side, but that the com Irins Comes Out with Another Attack on Supreme Court Justice. CHARGES IMPROPER DECISIONS Affair Goes . Back to Removal Sheriff in Race Track Case. of RETIREMENT NOT UNEXPECTED Camber of Independent Tickets Beats All Records In Gotham Of flclal Ballot Will Be Over Fear Feet.TVlde. . NEW TORK, Oct. 14.. With State Sen ator Patrick' H. McCarron, democratic leader of Brooklyn, seriously 111; with Wil liam M. Ivlns, the republican supporter of Hearst, making additional charges against. Gaynor, and eighteen more Indictments re turned against Tammany election officers In connection with the alleged theft of the Independence league primaries, there was plenty of material to sustain Interest In the political situation during the day. One of the more formal occurrences was the resig nation of Gaynor as a Justice of the state supreme court, a step winch has been looked for ever since his acceptance of the democratic nomination for mayor. Ivlns, who charged Gaynor on Monday night last with conspiring to defeat the enforcement of the anti-race track betting law in this state, a charge In which he Is supported by Assistant District Attorney Elder of Brooklyn, came out today; with another broadside In-whlch he charged the former Justice with attempting to upset the state constitution by an Improper decision: This declaration Is based upon the so-called Guden case of several years back, Involv ing the removal by Governor Odell of a sheriff of Kings county (Brooklyn). Gi'den was removed on evidence that he had made pre-election promises, agreeing to make certain appointments if elected. Ivlns charges that Gaynor had the case re opened In order to gain public commenda tion and to overrule the governor. In his decision at the time Gaynor held that the sheriff's removal was Illegal, but this was reversed by the higher court of the state. After reviewing the case at length, Ivlna In his statement says: 'A few days after the appellate division had reversed Gaynor the latter was walk ing through the corridors of the court house and met one of the district attorneys, whd said: 'By the way, I see the appellate division haa reversed you on this Guden caoe.' . "The Judge replied: "1 didn't think that they would have the Indecency to do It, because I saw them before' I gave my decision In the first in stance and they promised me that they would sustain me.' " Never before In the history of New York have so many Independent tickets been placed in the qeld. There will be at least twenty of them, necessitating the use of an official ballot on election day, November four feet, two Inches wide and fifteen inches deep. This Is believed to be the largest ballot ever used anywhere. Key West Needs Help from Outside Victims of Recent Hurricane Require Assistance People Are Unable to Furnish. KEY WEST. Fla.. Oct. 14.-Immedlate assistance from the outside world is neces sary to carry on the work of cleaning up the city and caring for the victims of the hurricane of last Monday. Mayor Fogarty today announced that the city was forced to suspend work because of lack of funds. Great suffering already Is reported among the emloyes of the large tobacco factories, which suffered heavily by the storm. Sewers are broken and clogged throughout the town and an epi demic of sickness Is feared. Speculative Account Invalid. FORT DODGE, la.. Oct. 14.-8peclal Tele gram.) John Pearsons, brother-in-law of Senator J. P. Dolllver, has won his case In the United States circuit court of appeals the suit brought by Ware Leland to recover upon book account and notes. The case waa tried here In June, 1907, In the federal court and the verdict given for the defendant on the claim that Ware & Leland were conducting a bucket shop and their acount was contracted illegally. There was several thousands of dollars Involved. pany declared this would be too expensive. The council resolution ordering an abate ment was then rescinded and the confer ence recommended, but th m.,... dropped. railing relief n this way. Mr. Rush now comes Into court asking an Injunction. His petition sets up that there are forty five families living within a radius of two blocks and that a hospital, a church a con vent and a school are In the Immediate neighborhood. "Receiving fresh hides on the premises of the Smlth-Lockwood company," (ays the petition, "fills the air mirh !.i . fenslve stenches, which Interfere with the pnysicai comrort of life and health and cause much damage, discomfort and an noyance." Mr. Rush also claim that Irremediable damage is being done to his property In the vicinity; that ho has Invested fjO.WO In Improvements la the neighborhood and 1 finding it impossible to rent his houses oecause people will not live In proximity to the odoi. The plaintiff recites that he has sought In every way to obviate the trouble and haa taken the matter up wit) the city council, the city health commls sloner and the defendant company Itself but without avail. , . "f& ym- From the New Tork World. TAFT VIEWS NATURE'S WORKS President Rises Early and Views Wonders of the Grand Canyon. SPENDS THE DAY IN SIGHTSEEING President Dtaa of Mexloa Is Accorded Maawlflceat Welcome at Chi haakaa While Enroate to Met 'Mr, Taft. GRAND CANON. Aria.. OcU 14. A picnic lunch at Grandview, a sunset trip to Hopl Point and a stage ride of thlrtyflve miles made up President Taft's stay - at the Grand Canon of the Colorado today. The president 'tonight wan the; guest of honor of Oovernor Sloan of Arlsona at' a formal dinner at El Tovar hotel and left at 11 p. m. for Albuquerque enroute to El Paso, Tex., where on Saturday morning he -will meet President Dlax of Mexico. ' The president's first view of the canon. where he gased thirteen miles across space to the opposite rim, had the same effect upon him, he said, which It must have upon all who see It a feeling of awe in the face of the terrific force that through ages cut such a rift in the rock. The president, accompanied by Governor Sloan, Postmaster General Hitchcock, John Hays Hammond and other members of his party, arrived here before daylight. After' breakfast at the hotel the day's sight seeing began with a stage ride to Grand view, where tho greatest panoramic view of the canon Is to be had. Lunch was served picnic fashion at the edge of a great precipice. Mr. Taft was anxious to go down the trail into the valley, but time did not permit. President Dlas Wins Favor. EL PASO, Tex.. Oct. 14. A magnificent welcome was accorded President Diax lit the city of Chihuahua yesterday and today. His arrival was heralded by the blowing of every whistle and the ringing of every bell In the city and the booming of can non. He was met at the foot of Avenida Jaures by the entertainment committee and presented with an Immense silver key to the city. The roofs of the buildings were packed with spectators. At many points the peo ple broke through the lines, crowded about his carriage and loaded It with flowers. The last three blocks of his progress was through a line of thousands of school children singing the national anthem. Tonight President Diaz was the guest of honor at a banquet. His train leaves Chi huahua early tomorrow for Jaures and will arrive there early In the afternoon. During President Diax's stay in Chihua hua he was presented with two loving cups of solid gold, one by the foreign clubs, composed mostly of Americans, and another by the Casino club, accompanied by a certificate of membership engraved on solid gold. Six Killed In Explosion. MAASSIA'IS1, The N.etheiiana. Oct. 14. While torpedo boats were engaged today In clearing wrecks from the coast neaj Schev enlngeu, a ship's pinnace waa deturojud by an explosion of acid. A first lieutenant and five men were killed. The man who doesn't want your trad e enough to ask fork won'tdo much to hold- it. Advertising Is au Invitation to you to buy from the advertisers. You will Had It pays to buy exclusively from advertisers. The; are the firms vho aell the most goods and at the closest prices. Under the head of "An nouncements" are half a hun dred small ads that are of interest to buyers. Head them. Have you read the want ads yet, today? THE HEARST PHOENIX Dead Bank Robber May Have Been Former Attorney Vaudeville Actress Claims to Have Met Man in West and Later in Chicago. '. CHICAGO, Oot. It. The Chicago- police were satisfied tonight' that the man who robbed the bank of D. M. Ersklna & Co. at Highland Park, III., Wednesday, and committed suicide when run down by thq authorities, was Lamar A. Harris of Los Angeles, an attorney. Late today Miss May Harrington, a vaudeville actress appearing here, told the police that she had met Harris in Lor Angeles and tbat he had looked her up In Chicago a few days ago. She last saw htm Friday, when she took dinner with him at a local hotel. She said she first met Harris in Los Angeles last August. When he found her here he entertained lavishly and spent money freely. When Miss Harring ton saw Harris last Friday he told her hi was going away soon and probably would not see her again. The police have been requested by rela tives of Harris In Los Angeles for' a full description of the body of the dead bandit. It was forwarded tonight. Miss Harrington's narrative of her ex perience with Harris In Chicago was con firmed by Frank Lelghton, an actor now in St. Louis, who met Harris in Los An geles, and also In Chicago last week, hav ing been entertained by him at dinner on several occasions. BISHOP- M'VICKAR SPEAKS Address Made to Brotherhood of St. Andrew Now In Seaslon at Providence. PROIDENCE. It. I.. Oct. 14. -The twenty fourth annual convention of the Brother hood of St. Andrew In Grace church today began with a celebration of' holy com munion, followed by an address by Bishop William N. McVlckar, D. D. The deliver ing of "The Charge to the Brotherhood," by Rev. R. P. Williams, rector of Trinity church, was the principal event of the afternoon with a publlo meeting bringing the day's session to a close. Dr. Wu Talks With Spirits of Mother and McKinley WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.-Dr. Wu Ting Fang, the learned and popular Chinaman who is about to retire from the post of minister of China, pursued still furtfher last night his Investigation Into the mys teries of spiritism aa demonstrated by Washington spiritualists. The woman medium who officiated brought to him messages purporting to come from the late President McKinley, who was an intimate friend of Dr. Wu, and also from the minister's own mother. The latter was the more startling because apparently delivered in the Chinese lan guage. Tnese messages are claimed by the spirit ualists to be brought to the medium In trance by the spirit of a 16-year-old Amer ican Indian girl, under whose "control" she speaks but broken English; yet the conversation between Dr. Wu and the medium, while ostensibly under this "con trol," was somewhat extensive, lasting fully five minutes, and seemed to be In the Chinese language. The Indian girl told what she foresaw in the future in connection with the Chinese minister. First of all, she saw "much fighting" In the far away country from which he came. His native land waa preparing, she said, for a great struggle. It was building ships of wsr. Dr.- Wu would be vitally Interested la this terrible NET CLOSES AROUND NEGRO Police Have Strong Evidence in Frankland Murder Case. SUSPECT PAWNS VICTIM'S WATCH Also Haa Knife with Blood Stains on Blade! bat Btontlr Denies Killing- Man at Union ;.', tV .,.'', Pot. . , A negro known a Thomaa Johnson Is held by the police aa the slayer of Henry Frankland of Chicago, who was found dy ing from knife wounds about his throat on Tenth street near Union station WednesT day night. The Of floeA believe that they have strong evidence against Johnson and hope to gain a confession before the case is brought to trial. The evidence standing against Johnson Identifies him as the man who sold a watch which was Carried by the victim. The sus pected negro's clothes bore blood stains, which he explained but weakly, and he has been Identified as the man seen In company vith Frankland about Union station on the day and evening of the killing. Johnson told the police that he was a ouk. He has been In Omaha for several weeks at least, and In the last month has been employed as a waiter at the Henshaw, and for a few days at the Rome. Johnson was released from the Hate pen itentiary last July for the robbery of the Kunslnger saloon, near Union depot. At this same place he and the murdered man were drinking together shortly before the crime waa committed. Johnson served about two years. He was convicted of en tering the saloon and taking $126 from the cash register. Johnson had been about Union 'station several times Thursday, and It Is presumed that he was preparing to leave tho city. He shipped a vallse and a suit case to Chicago. They have been' Intercepted by the officers and will be returned Friday. Further evi dence may be obtained from their contents. H. A. Cunningham and W. T. Deverees, detectives, were sent to Union station on a tip to the police that the man seen with Frankland was there. They arrested John son, who was searched and examined at the station by Captain Moatvn. Sold Victim's Gold Watch. A valuable watch carried by Frankland was found by detectives In Hascal Segal's (Continued on Second Page.) conflict and would hold an office of great Importance. Shortly after Ihls the medium said there came to her a spirit, a friend of the min ister, who was not one of his own country, but an American. This spirit gave to the medium the name of "William" and finally, after some nesltatlon she uttered the last namo as "McKinley." The "control" remarked that tho spirit had left this earth eight years ago. Assuming a dignified at titude the medium bowed respectfully to Dr. Wu and In the deep clear masculine voice said: "How are you, my friend T I am William McKinley, former president of the United States. I have Just heard what the little Indian girl predicted to you about a great war for China. I sincerely hope no such war will ever take place. I am for peace and I know you also are for peace, are you not?" "res," said the Chinese statesman, "I am for peaco always." "I am sure you will do all you can to prevent this great war, my brother, and I, too will continue to work for peace," said the medium. This ended the communi cation. Dr. Wu. apparently, was too astonished at what he heard to assume his character istic role of rapid fire Interrogatory, for he failed to question the spirit of the for mer president. He showed every evidence of being profoundly Impressed. Tigers' Victory Means Seventh Game in Trophy Battle. DETROIT PLAYERS CRIPPLED Tom Jones Badly Injured Schmidt and Moriarity Also Hurt MULLIN PITCHES GREAT GAME Twlrler Unmercifully Hammered In First Inning-, bat Overcomes Bate mep with Revrlatloa Work Schmidt Also a Hero. Handing of tbe Teams. nayea. won. joet. ret. Flttabarff Detroit . .600 .600 DETROIT. Mich., Oct. 14. Detroit kept In the great fight for the world's base ball championship by defeating Pittsburg, 5 to 4, today in a battle full of sensa tional and thrilling situations and to night the two teams are tied, with three victories each. The seventh and deciding game will be played here Saturday. A fear-lnsplrlng rally In the ninth Inning by Pittsburg Was stopped after one run wai scored, but three Detroit players were Injured in stemming the rush of Pitta burg runs. Tom Jones, the Detroit first baseman, was the most aerlouily hurt. His neck and spine were Injured In a collision with Wilson at first bane and tills re sulted in Pittsburg scoring Its run of that session. Charles Schmidt, the catcher, had hii rig leg badly , gashed In blocking Absteln off the t plate In the final Inning.' The play that finished the threatening rally of the National league champions resulted in the Injuiy of George Moriarity when he caught Wilson trying to steal third on Abbattlchlo's strikeout.. In the same inning Molar ity's left knee was badly hurt when Wil son slid into the base. Tom Jones was so badly hurt that he was carried from the Held In an un conscious condition. He recovered con sciousness in the club house and Insisted that lis be taken to his home, rather than to a hospital. He was taken home In an ambulance and it is practically certain he will not be able to play In Saturday's game. Schmidt, It Is thought, will be able to play and there la no doubt that Moriarity will be In the decisive battle. The Injury to Jones necessitated the shifting of Crawford to first bae. fD. Jones to center flold and the sepdlng oi Mcintyre to lert. Plttsbnrer Gets Early Start. The Pittsburg team "got awaj In this lead by smashing out three runs- on four sue- ' ccssive hits off Mullln In tho first Inning. After that the great Mullln was invincible until the ninth, when he weakerted enough to get Into a dangerous situation, only to extricate himself by another marvelous ex hibition of pitching. Detroit put up another of Its wonderful uphill games. The American league cham pions scored one run In the first Inning and batted Willis off the slab by scoring two runs in the fourth and one more in the fifth by terrific batting. Camnltx suc ceeded Willis, and Detroit batted him hard enough to get another run In the sixth inning. Camnltx was withdrawn when Hyatt batted for him In the Seventh and the veteran Philllppe stopped the Detroit team scoring. The ninth Inning rally of Pittsburg teemed with tense momenta and dramatic Incidents. At one time a hit meant the probable winning of the world's champion ship by Pittsburg when , a single would have tied the score and a two-bagger, per haps, would have put Pittsburg In the lead. Pittsburg went to bat with 4 Score of S to S against It In the last Inning. Miller started with a single to right and Absteln put another In the same place, sending Miller to second. Wilson placed a bunt In front of the plate and Schmidt fielded it to first, but the collision With Wilson caused Jonea to lose the ball, Miller scor ing and Abstln moving to third. The de lay occasioned by Tom Jones' Injury gave Mullln an opportunity to recover his bal ance. Gibson grounded to Crawford, who had succeeded T. Jones at the first base, and the star fielder made a great stop and tl.row to the plate. Absteln was out when Schmidt blocked htm off the p'ate and tagged him, but the Detroit catcher was badly spiked. He continued gamely, however, and few In the crowd kbew that he had been Injured. Mullln Proves His Mastery. Manager Clarke sent Abbattlcchio In to bat for Phtilippe. With Wilson on second and Oibson on first, a hit by Abbattlcchio meant a tie score at least. Here la where Mullln arore to the occasion and made himself another niche in the Detroit base ball hall of fame. He performed a feat that nearly equalled his great performance of striking out Clarke and Wagner In Tues day's game. Abbattlcchio waa a stubborn batter and It required nearly everything Mullln hail to strike him out. On the third strike Wilson tried to steal third, but was caught, Schmidt to Moriar ity, ending the game With a victory for Detroit. The crowd rushed upon the field and the players were Justled about by the mob of cheering Detroit supporters anxious to shake their hands and congratulate them. The injured Moriarity was surrounded by a croud of sympathisers and an attempt was made to carry George Mullln off the field., but the big pitcher evaded his would-be captors. To lay's wonderful game has set Detroit base ball mad again. Tho Interest In the series was beginning to wane a bit be cause of the long, drawn-out fight and the decisive victory of Pittsburg yesterday, but tonight conditions are changed. Every one in the city believes Detroit will be the next world's champions and capture the title after two unsuccessful attempts against the Chicago Nationals. The waning interest In the Series was clearly shown by the fact that only 10.U6 pVsonB saw the game. The receipts for the day were $12,617 .60. Of this the national commission will receive Sl.25i.'H and each club owner, tr,.t32.87. New Record for C'rowda. This brings the total attendant e. for the series up to lJT.fcl, for six games. This Is (Continued on Fourth Page.)