'It TIIK DEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1900. r CRAIJi AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Nerroni and Higher, Opening at aa Adrance. PMHWIST STBENGTH D0E3 IT l 1111 Mlllta Desaaasl la MappMed hilkr Markets with laware. Trends Art to Be I,eokeel For. OMAHA. Oct. 18. 199. Wh'-at was nervous and hlsher this moin- Itig aid op raj at a strong advance owing to th4) sirenath In the north estern mar kets yesterday. The dinanrt from mlllln consumers la still active and until mm ar mund Is supplied nervous markets with an upward tr. nd art tin, cted. Corn was Hold freely and prices were affected loner, and this d. ( line Is a result of free country offering; of old corn. Wheal waa active and strong, wlih the m.llli.Bj demand atill taking all offeilnas. Hliun.i have been covering freely deapue the liberal receipt and prices have been wnikln.; steedlly hUher. flume reaction is In orii r. bh prominent traders are taking the other side. The corn market was Weak and did not how the actlveness displayed In wheat. Too much selling ia ct edited to country shippers, and. while the cash markets are steady, the undertone la ruling weak and further declines are probable. Primary wheat receipts wera 8,298,000 bu.. and shipments were 1.K74.000 bu.; against receipts last year of S4s,000 bu., and ship men Is of 3.M2.O0U bu. Primary corn receipts were 1.270,000 bu., and shipment were 848.000 bu. ; against re ceipts last yar of 112,000 bu , and ship ments of &0.000 bu. Clearances were 34.000 bu. of corn, 8,000 bu. of oats, and wheat and flour equal to er.9.000 bu. Liverpool closed 4fcd higher to Hd lower on wheat, and unchanged to Vid higher on corn. Loral range of options: future nulet; December,."! 10d; March. 7s d; My, Tn H'-id. lOll.N Fool quiet; now mw irn.- (via tialve.ton). be Id; futures quiet; Octo ber, Da lVfcd; lecember, .B 2d. 1SKW YORK taBMCHAI. MARKET NEW YORK. STOCKS AND BONDS Stock Market Relapses Into Quiet and Day"i Sales Fall to Low Mark. Articles.! Open. li1gh. Low. Close. Yea' jr. Wheat. I n-o.... 91 7U fK'il 97H May... eV, SI ' W) Mts Corn ' . : Dec... M tt R4 54H U May... 67 ; 67 67 87 67 Onts leo... S7H 874 74 t7 May... 887s '" ' ! H JSr-i Otnaka Cash Prlee. WKEAT-No. I hard. 61 0&1.04V4 : No. S hard, fl.019103; No. 4 hard, tooll.OO; No. I spring, 11.024! 1 03; No. apiilMT. 11.001.02. COKN No. 2, 6Vc; No. 8, 6u6t'4c; No. 4. 66VA yellow, WHc; No. 3 yellow, 66n,e; 15; I white, 6;4c. No. S white. 67c. OAT8?-No. I mixed, 36Vtftfic; No. S yel low, 87i&.T7fcCi No. 8 white, 8744,3Se;' No. 4 white, 37V.c; standard, 38'4'53h;(i.o. IlIK No. a, WfcMc; .No. a, tfctatc, Ou Lt Receipts. ... W'heat. Com; Oats. Chicago Minneapolis Omaha Iuiulh ...til ... 24 ...425 ' So2 '24 Sli CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Tradlag aa Closing Prices OB Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct. 13.-In response to do mestic and foreign conditions, the wheat mumet advanced sharply on the Board of Trade today, and with a falling otl of -n.c from the high, figures, cloned; steady, with a l'ule gam over Monday's final figures. Corn, under the influence of guod harden ing w earner In the corn belt, dropped 01 f, and oata were a trlfla lower, while pro visions fell , off under 'the pvesvure of a droo of lOulftc in live hogs. 1 , A strong market for wheat was built up by heavy buying by northwest, millers, 1 he rough weather yesterday started fears for the spring wheat, and In some quarters was credited with causing Itiereased wrying, forclna- the cash wheat u. rContinental markets were strong and the demand for main was not affected by the liberal off erings of Hi) apian wheat.' Continued re ports of lessened Argentina output strength ened the loreiKn quotations' and had a re flex effect lbcallv. The corn market was heavy throughout the day. December closed a lower, and May Via lower than Monday a. Iinai tiuoia tliinS. ' I ". I ' m ' f viiiu'awr4twen the strena wheat, and the heavy-i corn' market,' oaU" remained firm. December closed at SDVio, where the market stopped Monday, and May at1 Vio lower than Monday's closing prices. Provision anawejtlng to Uia break Id Hvs hogs, fell off. Closlna- prices twnRed frem 12Vio to K lowar f rtbs to Iftfic lower for porM, ' ' : ' The leading otuwe closed as follows: Hansie ef Prlees of arloas t o m mod ifies oat Dearil of Trade. NEW yorWv, Oct. IS. FLOrn rtecelpls, 71.27S bbli. ; enports. 3i,S0 bbls. ; maikt active. lth pric firmer; Mlnne-ita stents, Sr 2.35 50; Mlnnennta bakers, I4.4.VA 4 nr.: winter patents, 8.,.au4B.i; winter Ktrslshtx. 510i!,5.; winter cxtnts. 4 winter low grsaes, H JWH,, ju g flour, sirai'y. Buckwheat flour, dull at U.i& per l0 pounds. i.uu.N m bAU-uareiy sieaay. 11YK Kull. HAKI F. 1 -Steady. WHEAT Keo. Ipts. 412.MO bu.: exports. 1 4ni lu. ho t market firm: No. I leJ. $1 2ik-.il. 22 . tloiiiesiic. elevator; No. 2 red, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern lu luih, l UVt. nc.minal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 8 hurd winter. Sl lK't. nominal. I. o. b. afloat. An early advance In wtwat today, based on I inner nonnwest prices, resulted n new nign 1 v is r r tne season. It was followed bv sharD af ernoon renrtlnnn and a Hecoml Jump mar the close, due to bull support and eport buslnt-as. iMrt prices were t'j c net hiEiier: Iecember. Il.l0ral.ir4 ilose.r at II 10': Mav. Sl.ll B-ltail.U. closed at 81 11 13-16. CORN Hecelnts. E S2S bu.: einnrts. IS 66 du. cpoi mantel easy. iso. 1. WW, eleva tor, domeie, and Sc. delivered; No. S, Ulc f o b. afloat! No. 1 vellow. t'J c. nominal. Op Ion market was without trans act., n. cosing I'ac net lower: December cloe d at e. .-j t K. c mts. 154.32.", hu.: exports. 34.- bu. Kpot market steadv; mixed oats. ft to-32 pounds. . 4J'u43e; natural white, 2(1 to 32 poum s 43'r4E.'Jc; clipped white, 34 to -.8 pound-, 13 it)48o. i Htil S Firm. HlDliS Firm. LKA T II UK Quiet. OOL Steady. FliOVlSlONb Href, steady. Cut meats. t eady. l.ard. eaj-y; middle west, 812.40. 12wi; refined, br Iv steady; compound, v "ie. I'ork, steady. TALLOW F.rni. RICK S. ady. A'OLASSK.S-Steady. SUtiAK Haw, firm; fair refining, SSOc; C n nfLgdl. l6 test. 4.30c; molasses sugar, i.iAt; reilned. s:tudy. HL'T'i . K Sieaoy; creamery specials, 31 lHc xtra, 30(i 30 .c. 1 K I-11 in, s.ate full creams, spe- L.ai , ll .4ib .0; lancy, 1&V4C. rJOGrf r 11 111; v.ciern extra flists. 2tV3 Z7c; IliSiB, ii'iui .c; seconds, 23'u24c; stor age, -ic, muikB, .iujj .c; iiiarkH, r.iBtH. i $2i'ic; marks, loner grades, l!'u2Jc. POi. LTUY AUvv, dull; Wt.st. rn chickens, 14.; fowls. lfc; turkeye, 15c. itrissed. easy; He-tern cl.Kkcns, H'vl'.C, fowls, la.slw;. St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 13. WHEAT Track: No. 2 red cash, 81. 22 j 125: No. 2 hard. II. iW fet 12j; Decemlwr, 10tc; May, ll.u.'vj. COKN Dower, canh hIKher; tiH.k; No. 2 cash, ol'yu.'c; December, bM'MC; Hay, ovc; No. white, 62c.. OATS Firm: track: No. 2 cash. 39c: December, 8uvc; May, 41c; No. 2 white, 41lc. . KYE-Nominal; 73c. POULTRY unlet: chickens. 11c: springs. Wiici turkeys, lol5e; ducks, 10c 1 geese, 7Hc. - . . miTTEK Steady; creamery, 2a30c. KCiOS Higher, 22c. METALS-Dead firm at H.2ri4.27'A; spelter, held strong at fG.OO. kduuk steady ; rid a truer patents. iA.40 (io. 76; extra fancy and 'Mralrht, 84.So'ati.40; hard winter clears, i.OOTt4.:40.' SFJE1 Timothy, 82.7b5jJ.60. CORN MEAL 13.20. BRAN Dower; sacked, east track, 983 Si. 00. HAY-Quitft; timothy, S12.0031B.50; prairie, llO.0lVfjll.6t). IRON COTTON TIES-8O0. HAGOINO 7c. HKMP TWINE 10c PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, 823.00. Lard, lower; prime steam, 811 MiiU.W. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts, 812.50; clear ribs, S12-37Vt; snort clears, 812.614. Bacon, unchanged, boxed extra nhort. 812.37; clear ribs, 818.87 short clears, fl3.lU. Receipts, flour1, 20,0uu bbls.; wheat, 21b. iX) bushils; corn, '21,0u0 bushels; oais, Ui.wo bushels. Shipments, flour, lD.uoo bushels: wheat, nD.uu) bushels; corn, ' 42,300 bushels; oats, 41,300 bushels. , t ' . - - : . BE0KEES BID FOR TIME LOANS Rates for Moat Metarules Advance In Moaey Rirkssge- Private Dlseonat Rates ta Loadon Rise Above Bank Rate. NEW YORK. Oct. U-The stock market relapsed Into quiet today, the day's sales falling to IIih smalie.t total In over a week. The fact that this subsidence of ac tivity came after A cneck to the decline had been accomplished, became more pro nounced as the level ot pilots advanced, and gave an impression of technical weak mtis In the market position. Tnere was ac tive selling during tne morning in continu ation of liquidation. The low prices wnlch resulted during the first hour was lower generally than In the active selling 011 Monday and. coiish qin.iiiiy, the lowest toucnid on the re action. Cash holdings of the New York banks comuiue to diminish before the de mands of tne Interior for currency, thoso demands finding a scope also In t lie shin ing of payment to the gov. rninoni on tlio New tork banks by means ot oralis which were responsible tor the drain to the eubtreasury, ine sum taken by that Institution from the banks tor the bans. ng week lias arisen to 8.t.tK.oX), whlcu is several hundred thousand dollars In excess of tne mm lost to mo tame point in tne corresponding period of last week the lightening ot the money market was operative In tne time loan division today where rates for most securities weru ad vanced to 4) per cent and the asking rate to 6 per cent. Prune grades of coni' mercial paper commanded i to 64 per cent.. Stock brokers who have depended on call loans in the confidence tnat money would remain easy througnout the fail, are active bidders for time loans. The call money branch was less affected. the Uuiiiund tuere suosidlng wltu the slock narket Iniuidaiion whicti had been ef fected. Foreign money markets continued to ulur their warning agaiiiHL furiher in roads from Amer.can borrowers by putting tip aiscimnl rates, privaie discount rales in Lonuoii rose well above the banK rate, pointing clearly to the proaput of another lino 111 tne ouiik rate tomorrow, curcisu exchange rates here weru responsive to uie haiueu.ug money rates abroad rather man here, and rose strongly away trom the gold Import point. It is piooaule accumu lation ot coinage has beun against some of the heavy maturities of American in debtedness which tell due about Novem ber 1. Attempts at renewal of maturing loroiun loans are obstructed by the later deVL-.opmetus In the money markets. SuplKiuber exports 01 agriculture prou- ucts siiovted some improvement, thauks lo the li.uli mice of cotton, but the sus tained vatue of Imports la believed to be sufficient to keep lue balance against this country In the torvign exenange iiiarxeu Not much ailcniion Mas paiu to general news developments. Strength in Missouri, Kansas and lexas was said to be due. to accumulation, but the demand died oik wnen the general movement turned up wards. The southern storm and tne west ern' cold wave, Willi the property damage Involved were nol 111 tavor ot values, ine market later had a somewhat unsteady appearance, but last prices were umy eiighily below the best. Donus were irreguiar. -total Bales, par value, S3,h3u,0u0. Lulled States bonds were unchanged on call. iu...u..r 01 baies ana leading quotations on stocks today were as (oiiows: galea. HIKH. low. ihom. Artlules.1 Qpep.1 tilgh, Low, 'j Cloe. Yes'y: Wheat Dec, May July Corn. Peo. May July Oats Dec. May Pork- Oct. Jan. LaroV- Oct. N lieo Ribs Oct Jan. May 1 9U WSJ ksn' .' 0"l TV aW IS OR ct. tllin ovk In 70 h SO 21i! C2V IS 47' uos 11 70 10 82Vil U SO 5 1 tH'i't 06feH 1 04HB BOVsl b8 89U 41V.I Waif 674 60li 89'4 11 95 11 S7H1 10 7J ykl U00 0 6ft S 62s! 58A eoit 41;41(U'i4 33 00 18 30 U 74 11 62Vi 23 00 18 63 12 07t W K7 h) Vi 10 66 11 00 8 66 11 25 70 9 C7'-i r V No. 8. A Asked.- B. Did.'. Cash quotations war as follows; FLOUR-rFlrm. RYK N. 2, 73c. ' ' : " ' BAULK Y-Kecd or mixing, 4&363c; fair to choice malting, Mfttoo. SEEDS Klax, No. 1 southwestern, 8153; No. 1 northsvestoriv. 81.13. Timothy, U.tet SW. , PHOVISIONaU-Mees pork, per bbl.. S24.00. Lard per 100 lb., 8l2.OOu42.0tV Short ribs, sides 1 loose!. Si.dV7tt4ll.i2ti; sliort clear Sidts tbaed. 8l3.0vMl2 i. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to M,ouu bu. Primary receipts were 3.H.Ut)0 bu.. compared with S tx.0u0 bu. the ooiTtw pond lug aiy last year. The world s visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's, Increased . s.mjo.Oiiw bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, (5 oars; coin, 21!) cars; oals, 237 cars; hogs, W.OtW head. , POTA'ioKPsdmig: fholee to fancy," 48 fililk , lair in gKl, to . til.'T 1 r.U-h. t-nuy ; ei 1 uiiieries, )c. dair ies, 2(ic. . . KtlUS Receipts'. f VU cases; steady: al mark, cases ii. eluded, l-.c; firsts, 22lc; prlmo flmts, i4Mjt'. 1 t'HKKHI - F111111 daisies, V.? liit;c; twins, ir-'uli-c; itnii( Americas, liyifi'e; long horns, liidi liic. IHJL'LTUY-Stencly; turkeys, l.Tlftc; chickens, 1214c; vpriugs, 13c. VKADKteady; 00 to CO-lb. wts., 8.'uitc; ft to S5-lb. wts., SlOc; 8S to 110-lb. wis., 10SU12O. Arallabl (applies of Grain. . NEW YORK. Oct 13. -Special cable and telegraphic communications received by tiraitKtieets snow the following changes in avaiiuble supplies, aa compared with pre vious account; Axalluble supplies:' WUEAT-t'nlted States, east of Rockies, Inereused 8,l(,ou0 bu. Canada increased, !. 0u bu. Total United States and Canada In crease sjit.ouo bu. . Afloat for gnd In Europe Increased l,w.wi uv, - . Total Atnrrlenn and European supply In. creased tf.(CJ mO bu. COKN-l'n ted states and Canada In creased lfA.OUV bu. OATS-Uniud states and Canada In creaaea w.,iui du. The leading Increases and decreases xt- porieti inn lonows; l.VCRKAPF.S Manitoba, 44 000 bu. Midland. 4)7.0uO bu. Ooderlch. 1H1.000 bu. Port Colburne. 156 out bu. Minneapolis pjivate elevators IflO.OJO bu. I ECRKASES;Kort Worth. 1 ouo hu Ths vlsirle supply of wheat In CanWa last Saturday was T,te.000 bu.. an Increase Of IH.WI DS. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. U-eWH BAT De cember, Sl-OlStll.OlJi; May, ll.OtJil.W; cash. No. 1 hard, $1.041 ; No. 1 northern, i-UJi; xso. nortnern, l.0l. FLuVX-Closed, $1.68. . BKAN In l.O Pound Sacks. 813.50. . FLOUR First patents, i.3on5.4; second patents, u.My5.2u; first clears, $4.4u44.ti6; suoona oitara, as.nxguiiut jr , MUmankea. Urstln Market. - ' MILWAUKEE, Oct. 13.-FL0UR Higher. w 1 lrjAi io. 1 northern, xi.uvtt; io. oertheTtv- $l.t4Uv7r: leoper, SttWH.j OATS-40Vii(U41c, v --BARLEY-Sajnples, 4965c. " l . . ' Metal Market. NEW TOIIK; Oct. . ' 13.-JJETALS The market for standard cqpper on the New York m6tal ' exchange was dull today, no sales being . reported, liput and later da liveries up to the end of January . closed at $L2.2au 12.50. The English market closed steady, with spot quoted , at 67 7s 6d and futures at uti 7s 6a. Sales there Included 400 tons of spot ami 700 tons of futures Local dealers .quota lake copper at 8l3nj Wr'Jfif electrolytic, 812.6012.06; casting, $18.60 W12.I5. j The tin market was . easy) with spot closing at 830 2fl"u30.25; October, 830. dv.KTH: November IM :awaM.zb: December, $:0 S-U'30-40; January. $W.2W30.4S. Sales were reported on the metal exchange of 25 tons October at 83U.20. The London market closed steady, with spot quoted at 137 7a td and futures at 138 17a ltd. Lead was quiet, with spot quoted at 84.30w4.37V4; New York 84.'SO(!4.27V4. east St. Louis delivery. The London market closed at 1S Ss. . spelter was quiet, but firm, with spot quoted tii.tM) j.lt); New York, S5.85ij6.96 East St Louis. The London, market was unchanged at .23 6a. Iron was hlger In the English market, with Cleveland warrants Closing at 51s Sd. Locally the market Is steady; No, 1 foundry northern. $.OOSifl8.60i No. 2. 818 .60 ti1l.O0; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, ll9.2Sm9.75. , , Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct. 13. WOOL With the local supply of wool leas toan a third of normal amount and svltcttcn becoming broken, the market Is quieter than for some months. Values are holding Very firm. The leading domestic quotations range aa roiiows: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX, 2titJ7c; X, 34 i; 35c No. 1 washed. 4WMic; iso. 1 washed. 40c fine unwashed, t.'v'lnc: half blood, comb' Ing, 800; thre. .-eighths blood combing, a,e ouarter blood combing, W(b36c: delaini washed, 4AI41C. Mlc'hlgan.' Isconsln and New York fleeces, fine unwashed, 2&ij6c; delaine unwashed. 814 32c: half blood unT washed. :4'u36c; three-elirnths Mood, un washed, S4"jito; quarter blood, 33)?4c. Ken tucky. Indiana and Missouri, three-eichth blood. S4c; quarter blood. 32!33e. Scoured values: Texn, fine twelve months. 7,j78c; fine fix to eicnt montns. mku'.uc; rme fall, f..fiA California, northern, 6S'70cj mid dle county. 3fi; fall free. r4V'i62c. Ore ron eastern No. 1 stanle 7;f'': eastern clothlnir. 7ili72c; valley No. V 5Ti&58c. Ter ritory, fine staple. 77ie; fine medium staple. 70'"!e; fine clothing. 7072c: half blood 73'7"'o; three-elgh'hs blood. 6g70e; imarfer Mood. r7insc. Pulled extra, Vl 75c; fine A. tl.r"iV: A suners. 604ti4c. . Pe-erla Market. PKORIA. Oct It CORN Hlrher: Va. ye; low, trQ, no. rtuw. . omr; ko. a, auk.c. OATS Firm: No. I white stsndard. S9c; No. S wiiit, sto no. wnita, ss'q. Llvernool qraln Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. U WHEAT Spot quiet; Nv I red western winter, .a smi I4.ri6.2y2: current liabilities, .611. .3S; Working balance In treasurey oitlce, "ii.'M; in banks to credit or treasurer or I'nlted Slates. 8mi.021.H67; subsidiary silver coin. 41 iv.M 1 1. total balance In general fund, SJ..!4,515. ew Tork Money Market. NEW YORK, Oct 13 MON E Y n call, strong 4ift per cent; ruling rate 4tl olos Ing bid offered at 4 Time loans very strong and active; sixty days. 4S per cent; ninety days, 4Gt per cent; six months, 4Vj4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER to 54 per cent. STERL1NO EXCHANGE-Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at 84.83tf 84 .0.125 for sixty day bills and at $4.xfi06 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.H2V:4.2T4i. SILVER Bar. 61c; Mexican dollars. 43c' BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. The following are the closing quotations on stocks and bonds: t'. S. rf. U, reg 0S I C. rt nt 4t do coupon lS Interb'sh. Met. 44 V, S. H. res 10: 4 Inlet. M M. 4Vii... do coupon llWJPn J- V. 8 4. re 1 1 S V do 4"4s do coupon tWK. C. 1st J.,... Allls-rhal. lt U S L del). 40 (.Ml). Am. Airlr-ulturol ss..1"1u Nssli. en. to 70 tT 7i S Am. T. A T. c. 4i..l"fiM . K. T. Irt 4... !"4 Am. Tobocco 4o 04 do gn. do 11l)S ViMiurl Piclflc 40 .. ,.uj Armour A Co. Io... 1'4N Rf. of Me. H0. MH Atrhlion son. 4o V. Cent. sen. Jo l do ct. 4o 118 do deb 4o 16 do ct. to IK N. T.. N. H. A H. Ail-intle C. L. lot 4o V4 ot. 142H B O. 4 W( N A W. Ut con. 4s. H do 3Hs KSt o ev. 4 ' "4 do g. w. IHi Northern PocKlc 4o..1n1 Miook. Trsnili ct. U 87 do lo T3H C. ot GeoroK Bo 110 Ore. 8. L. rT.ls. to.... 3 Centro! lthr 6.... -.4Penn. ct. !', (11.. W C. ot N. J. gen. to . .IM'4) do con. 4 104 Ch'O. A Ohio 4V40...15 Heading gen. 4s P do nf. 4o 14' St. U A 8. r. fg. 4o. MS4 Chl on ft Alton IHo do gen. to C B. Q. Jt. io.... M'48t. L. 8. W. Con. 4.. H't do gen. 40 "''o 1st tuld 41.... 4 C., M A . 8U P. iesboord A. L .) gen. JHi So- Politic col. 4o.... 1X C, R. I. A P. col. 4o 77 do ct. 40...... 1 J do col. 6o t do R. R. lot W. 4 I H do rf. 4e SO Po. Rollwor Go iVH Cnlo. InduetHol ts... 2 do sen. 4 s" . ol. Mlfllond 4o... l4 I'nion PoclOo io.s P A 8. r-f.-ejt. 4Ho. : do CT. 4 1161 Polo. A Hud. ct. 4s..li:uj 'do lt A rof. 4b.... : D. ft R. ( 4o 7 ' S.,Rubbor .... .106 do ref. to 4t4,r 8. Hteel :d us l iSH rllstilleo im 74 Vs.-Osr. Chcm. io.... W Eilo prior Hen 4s.... J r'obsh 1st r,o I12 do gen. 4 7 do lot ft ext. 4.... 7 u, do cv. 4s, oerieo A 81 Wsotorn Md. 4n M do CT. 4o. oorleo B. 7SH Elerlrle ev. Bo. HI Hen. El-e. cv. to. . .1S5 Wlocontin Central 4a. ti, Bid. Offered. 011AUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Steady Prices Paid by Packew for Ha tire or Range Steers. HOGS ABE FIFTEEN CENTS LOWER Bayers Deetraolne Masamer Mar. ket ta Pieces Heavy Rasi of keep, Selllas; at Wcloro-a-ay's Rise. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 18. 10. Receipts were: Cattle, nogs. Sheep. Official Monday 8.363 1 866 S6.,J Utticai 'lue.iay H.iHi 8,bli 1W.7K4 Estimated Wednesday .. D.8U0 4.m0 82.0W Three days this w eek..r7 1 M 01 Sama days last week....81.tSS 18.768 6,98 ciaine daa 2 weeks a,0. .o.m4 1j.nI ei.eoJ Sams days 3 weeks ago.. 26.810 11.48 Ti KM hams days 4 weeks ago.. 14 88 . 74.SW Same days laet vear.... 24.660 16.2T8 6 S31 The following taoie snows uie receipt of cattlJ. hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compend with last year: 1908. ISO. Inc DC t'attle S.T0.6T.1 7S2.44 48.18S Hogs 1.84T.7; 1.9M0I8 138.2S4 Sheep 1.64S.C 1,.3S 87.680 Ths following table shows the average pric of hogs at South Omaha for tbs last several days with comparisons: Date. ' 1908. lflO8.l!J7.78O.l06.l04. 1908. Oct S....I 82 s si 27 s w; S 73j 8 46 5 .HI S Z3 S W Oct 4.... $7 8214 Oct. 6....I 7 80 ! Oct. S.. Oct 7.. Oct. 8... Oct. .. Oct. 10.. Oct. H.. Oct 12. Oct 13., Itooton Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Oct. 13. Money, call loans, 6 64 per cent; time loans. 4,'i6 per cent. ( l.i ing quotations on stocks and bunds were: ..KBntte Coalition V ..l'Hl Tolumot A Arliona..1on ..12S Cilumet A Hoclo 040 . rontennlsl S7 . PI copper Range , 74 . ,16-fl Paly Weat R ..l Frankllfr ... WH ..13.) Oroiibr SB ..80214 tlreene Cononos 1"4 .. 48 Isle Royala U .. "S MoaV Mining 4U, ..130 - Michigan ti ..12.1 Mohawk ,, &9 ..141H Ncvodo .. 84 Old Dominion .. B On eolo ' 1WH ,.ln2V. Parrot !) .. I4 uulncy .. JW Shannon C4 Tains rock Atchison ad, 4 ... do 4o Alchlaon R. R do pfd Rortna A Albony... Rcaton ft Maine.... Ronton Elevated.... Pitch burg pfd t'nlon Pociflc Am. Argo. Chem... Am. Pnou. Tubs.... Am. SuKRr do via Am. Tel. A Tel.... Am. woolen Pomln. I. ft 8 Oen. Electric i Moot. Electrle do pfd. ... Mans. Gaa t'tllted Fruit Vnltrd Dhoo Mach.. art pfd V. 8. Stool do pfd Adventure Alloues . Amalgamated Arizona Com Atlantic Allla-Chalmero pfd..... Am.iaauuued CbplKO. . American Agricultural Amtirican IJcot tiugar Auirluan Con pid American cor ft rounury.. American umon oil Am. Hide A Leather pfd.. Amerloan loo Soourllioo.... American Linaoed Aiuran LuuoiueiiTo Aid. Suwlilug c Kel'ng.... Am. Smelt, ft Hel'ng. ptd. Amoricaa Sugar Heluiiiig.. American J el. ft Tel.:..'... Ameticon Tomwo )id a Amorioaa Wooion Auaoondo Mining Co...... AicUmob . Aumeon pfd Atlantic Cvast Line Baltimore ft Ohio Baltimore ft IHilo pfd tteiltlvniB Bteol Bruulyn lUp.4 - Trall.lt I onou.on Paulfio Coutrol leather Central Leather pftl Central of Mew Jereer Cheompeoke A Ohio.. Chluao ft Alton Lhlcego Great Wtslern.'..., Chicago A Northweelern... Otllcego, Mil. ft St. Paul.. C.. C, C. ft bl. Louio...., Colorado Fuel ft lronS Colurado ft SouUiorn Colo, ft Southern lot pid., Colo, ft Southern. Id pfd.. Conaolldated Gao ' Corn producto .: Ueloware ft Hudooo Lenver A Klo Uiondo Denver ft Klo Grande pfd.. Diotllloro' Securities trie Krle lot pfd Erie 2d pid General Electrld .......... Groat Northern pfd Ureal Northern On. ctio... lllinula Central Ituareorough Mot. , Imeroorotigli Met. pfd.... lnternailonol iiarveeior...., Inter. Marino ptd lnternotlunol ' Paper International Putifb ll.ooVi , aU 7iw loo S.kuil 1.6'W Hla 1U) 2U0 frl 20, jot bin 1Vo 46 4H4 111 W-k 47 24 14 6X' "t 1.1 4a ' 47 Bl el4 " . 47 24 14 Wi-H 4i 4.H al 7in 4V lo 40 06 IJ 112 Ul 1114a l.HiRI lWVi Lt ,w) 141! 141M ,4isi 41 W - - l.tu U 1 S4 ' KH l.lua 4SU, 4444 4 It), 1U0 1IU lUHt 12.144 104 I'M 1SS in ut 3,4tO 1164 1 6"4 110 l'K) Dt 4'i H 200 31 ad o 7.V.U IHttj 7.T4 It-A 1.4U0 lluvo H"t .lw 7,.uu 4n4..4,j i4 200 lvll 1U'4 lull HI) 17.U0 US 464k i , ' M 14' UK 14 uo inn 10,9.l 1..S14 1-1 loitt LN 1 V it l.Uutt 44Vfe 44 44 61 600 7 ih1 ', 1.10 T4 7t4 lH 141 '4 luio oo 'ii ' I S ti 1.7.Aj IS, 1S6 lHj'o 1,IM0 me l.l'Si 4,4.10 .00 44 J 34 (4 Sf. 24V4 4.H 600 108 - 141 ,t0 1m)44' 14. 2.1IM 01 e It (OS 1 .1414 .149 4.1U0, II, loU ' j 44 4T0 404, 8H4t loUVt s 7,a) t'JO UU S.KJ f : two loo 41 H4 17. 4 24 444 71 8 J - 474, ' S'V. 43H 71 4 Xi oW Mt4 48 17 4.1 'TO-) L4U0 u 4 iMS4.;iitt CuO u3 - - 62.4 , . 4U 1JV4 1S 13kt l . ki4. 44L,.451 lUVt no 4 ruffe Market. NFW YOtlK. Oct. IS TOFFFI1: The market for of fee futures was Inactive to day and after oncHn from at an ad vance of 6 to 15 points net RRin on local hull support and covering, due to the strength of Ruronean markets, the local snot situation, reduced estimates of the Rras'llan crop, and expectations of a fall ing In prbnaiv . receipts. ' the Frenrh mar ket closed at a net advance of While the small supplies of Klo coffees avallnhle In the local market eem to he disturbing local shoi's. shout SO) baes nf the dtv'i business represented .chaoses from Ootober to later months. The market closed stesrtv. St a net advance of 20 to 5R nolnts. The sales were reported of 717SO bugs Incliu'tne October ot S 6f..70c: I"eeemher St 5 5c; March at eOmtllOc: May at 0V(jj6rK-; July at VJiM: September at Otic. Snot coffee firm: Snnto No. 4 Tic; mild coffee, steadv; Cordova. 8CH14C. Oils aad Roola. SAVANNAH. Oa . Oct. 18 OILS Tur pentine, firm: RTc; soles, none; receipts. 814 hhm ; shipments. 123 bbls. ROSIN' Firm; sales. 1 fc'4 bbls.; receipts ?3 bbls.; shloments. 7i bbls ; stocks. 140 J bbls.. Quote: B 83 S5: 1. 84 ; K 84 l: F. 84 2P: O. 84.25: H 84 JS; I. 84 B; K. S-YSR: M. :fj 9; N, S3 8O-0S 00; W. Q., S4.60; W. S7o. NFW YORK, Oct. IS OILf-Oottonseed. strong; prime crude. 85 83 bid; yellow, pal western markets yesterday: stesdv Tnepenf'iuj easy, 81c. p. )SIV Steady. TuLKIK) ix-. 1 OlLe-North IJma, 86c; rkiuth Lima and Indiana. 81a lies want-ads are business boosters. Iowo Control Konaao I'll Southern Kaiieae cur 8a. pta LoulavllMt ft Noohvllla.... Muuiettpoils A St. Louts. M , St. F. ft Souit SI. M. Miooourl Pa.lfic Mioaourl, Kanaaa A la4o. (2.4UO 4!V M., K. A T. pfd ,juO ,76, National Biscuit J lu li:i Notional Lead v.... 8,0v0 ati'i Not' 1. Rja. at Max. lot ptd. ' 100 6oV New York .Central .j0- JH 1JS New Toik. Ontario A W.. l,u0 41 . 44 Norfolk ft 'Weewrn 2,700 ik'4 North American ,...i...' go 74 7 Northern Paclllc I. 4,ioo 1T.1 t-lfta, lo,,. rociiio man ,jo . jju .it Pennorivonlt IS.tud 141 s4j l4a People'o Gaa 4,M 1M 114 1.4 4 I-ioauurg, . u. at at. L,. , M va ' U0 ua rrta.ta steel cr l,uo to 41 io ..lu... r.Mw vr. , ..... ..... lai Hallway Heel Spring eJ 44 . ii 4i Reading ll.luO i24 loji, long n.HUU.1. D...I ........... hepubno Stool pfd........ Rock laland Co Hock If land Co. pid St. Li.u.a ft S. F. ad pfd St. Leuta Southwestern... St. Louie 8. W. pfd Kloee-ohetfleld S. A I.... Southern Faelflo boultiern Hailwor touthorn hollwo pfd leuneoaeo Cotjper TeiHo ft Pacific Toledo. St. Loulo A WaoC Tu.eoo. St. LftW. pfd.. I n lull p&clflo Colon Factllo pfd I'nlted Btateo Heoltr I'nlted Slateo Rubber I nited Stotee Steel 4.0 44 '.ot l'S .'U0 3414 n 6"0 0 44 64 2 4Uj VI 13.7110 12 2.700 LK14 6.1 i.ilU l,3.aj 40) 41V loo . 80H 72'. 44 164 e r27 63 34 'o M 674, 40 tX OH 34 3.1'i (1 lK lll.eo itan 44) 1.44 H U.100 44 2.1. j.0 hT V. iu',u, , okateo steel pia 11 174 14 .i Luviwr Vlrginla-Csrulino Ctlaml Wabaah Wabeeh pfd Wealtrn Maryland , Weetlnghouao locuio.. 41 est em t'nlon Wheeling ft Lake Brio. Wteoonaln Central Total aulas (or the dar. 170, liu oharoa. 1.4M 44St 4414 1.400 4.,, 46 ..0 lai 8.1' ill 44V, 2'") II il 1,7.) i j0 77 So ni ' 4.4 21 4 u4 61 4'H 102 104 63 .' 127 .4 4'0 41 lav. t M V Local Srcarltlea. Local securities quotations, furnished by Samuel Burns, Jr., 614 New iork Life uuiiuiiigr, ui'iina; Did. Pity ot Omaha 4ts, I lur Cudahy Pocking l o Columbua INeb ) Bloc. Llglit to, 1434.. 44V, Independent Tele. 00 (Omana) to International conotructlon Co 42 Laclede Gao Light Co. 6a, ltlt 101 Morria 4 Co. 4S0. Ut tl'o Nebraake Tele. Stotk. 6 per cent Omoho Oao 6a, U17 Omaha tlleo. Light and Power 60. M3I..MW Omoho Bloc. Light sod Power pfd 62 Oniaua ft C. B. St. Re. ee, tu gav, Omaha A C. B. St. Ur aa. 1;4 luv Oavako A C. S. St. Rt pfd g er ct. 43 Omaha ft C. B. St. Rr com . 4 per ct. 1 Omooa ft C. B. Kv. A bridge ,I4 ... 0) Omens Water Co. 60. 144 g4Va Omaha Wsler Co. 6a. 1,14 t,v, Oaiana Water Co. lot pfd . Sootk Osioho aewor 4loo. 11.4 l-v, sioui Cur stock Varoo pfd. 4 per cent 66 In Ion Stock Yoxdo (Omana) g per sent 7 Wooura Poslflo 60. 1144 mv4 Aoked. 100, K 26 eg 1" ft ki l.aiv. 04 I'M Ivl 1 14 04 4 Ik. 12 101 60 u ee Treaaarr tatwaseat. WA8HINOTO.V. Oct. 11-The condition ui tne treasury at the beginning of bust ojs today waa: Trust funds, gold coin SiTO.SM.aus; silver dollars. S4.&.mmi i.. .11,.. dolUra of lu. S4.UF.2 ia); silver certlflcatea outHiunning. S4).:.u.lJ. Ueneral fund slaudard silver dollurs In geneia) fund. ,ji iriniijr ,. 6S i'nlted Copper. . n V 8. Mining... ,. 8, tfU ; .127S t'tah . g'lg VlrteHa ,, f.i Winona ,. 78 WolTerlno . 414k Norln Butts..., .. l'14' ' ,. m 16 46 11 4 M44 30 42 144 64 London Stork Market. LONDON, Oct 13. American securities were quiet during the early seKSiun today. Prices generally were unchanged from yes terday's level, which showed declines rang ing from 4 to below Monday's New York closing. London nosing stocks: t ' " Conoolo, money 62 Loatovillo A N :1E4 do account. ..... .63 11-iaM., K. 'T '..44 Amal. copper I 414 N. T. ttentrol 133 Anaconda Norfolk ft V.'.., so 43 44 74 .. 8 82 ....... ie JkCl(lc..,..131 46-l.'nloo Taclfic J1'4 .. ei ao pia. ....... ...,,.lui .. t4U. 8. Stool.'., H .. 0 do pf4.'......v,....13u .. 4iWobooh .............. 13 .. 21 do pf0 ). 43 ..164 Btonlati 4a .....36 MLVKlt liar, steady at 23 816d per ox. MON hi Y ltf lVg per cent. inn lave ot u.bcouiu 111 the open market for short bills is 8 per cent; for three months bills, 30 3 y, per cent 7 6?V 7 54 7 67V4 7 614 7 67 Vt 7 70 I 5 nni 311 6 15 lb 6 24) 6 15 7 61 S 70 6 K 9 6 07 6 11 ir. 6 11 811 I 03 ID us 5 82 6 80 6 2V b tw1 8 06 6 78 5 03 a 6X 5 54 o S 53 60S 4 sr 8 0. 8 40 6 18 6 19 6 22 o S 20 4 89 6 4ti' 211 5 07, 6 311 6 21 6 M 6 to! 5 171 5 37 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union block yards, bouth urnaha, for tHenty-iot.r hours ending al i o ciock yes terday afternoon: ' KECEIPT8 CARS. Caitta. Hogs. Bheep Hrs. C, M. oV St P. Wabash Missouri Pacific 6 Union Pacific 61 C. & N. W., east.... 1 O. A N. W. west. ...131 C, St. P. M. & O.... C. B. & Q., eaBt C, H. & west. ...216 C, R. I. & P., east.. 7 C. R. I. & P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 1 O. O. W 1 1 20 11 17 3 64 Atchison 1231S do pid. do pfd 1 Oniarlo,,A W. Baltimore A 0 113 Pennoylvonlo tanad.on Pacific. ,..18u Band Mlnoo.. Oeeepeek A O Rending, C'hicogo O. W 1(V SouiherS' ltyV. , ki u.i a. a. o Itti.u . ')U e Beero. . ,'. .8 Soutlfertf Denver A Rio u.. do pfd Erie do lot pfd do 2d pid Grand Trunk Illinois Control, New York Mining: Atocks. NEW YORK. Oct. 13. Closing Quotations on mining stocks were as follows: Alice 176 eeLeadvillo Con llrunawlck Con 5 Little chief ... Com. Tunnel Block... 14 Mealcoa do bonds 14 Ontario ..V..... Con., Cal. ft Vo 170 Oi.hlr Horn Silver 70 Blandard ...... Iron Silver lw Yellow Jacket . Offered. . t . 4 . .8.5 XSi . 60 .1(0 Bank Clearlugs. nuiui . rti, to ii .. i. ..aU.iHH a. day were i2itj,9.2vt and for the correspond ing date last ear. 82,227,644.87. CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Receipts and Qnotatloas of at Day 1st Ictdy city Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 13. C ATTLE Reeel n ts. estimated at 2,100 head; market steady: steers, S6.60i7j8.SO; heifers, 8i.6oji8.00; bulls, S3.uo((t4.S6; cm vis, So.0o4iji.00; Blockers and feeders. 3.75(i5.dO. ... moos Kectipvs, estimated at 23.000 head; market . weak; choice heavy. Sl.oOruTW; butchers, 87.7i(u7.liO: iinht mixed. S7.lMs7.4t! choice ilBht. 7.obti7.ti6; packing, 87.twxtr7.76; k.kb. w.wui.w, uuiK. ot saies, ' g.4i)ia7.bv. -SHEEP AND LAMHM Receipts esti mated at 48,000 head; market steady; sheep, 84.ooti6.5o; lambs, o.ou4j7.10; yearlings, 85.00 Total receipts ....432 DISPOSITION HEAD, Omaha Packing Co 407 Mu.Ui and Company l.tmt) Cudahy Packing Co i.'4 Armour A Co 1,427 Cutiahy, from country..'. Armour, from Denver..'. 108 Benton, Vansant at Lush. iM W. B. Vsnsant Co.. Stephens Bios Hill ot Son r'. ti. Lewis ......... Huston He Co J. U. Rool 4E Co J. H. bulla L. P. tiuxz , L. Wolf McCteary & Carey... S. Wenheiiner 4u3 H. P. riainuion H56 M. Hegariy i4 builivan Uros h2 Lee Hoilibciuld ...... C, K. et ti iseb.-K.an. Calf Co.. Oiner buyers ........ 6 1 24 25 108 777 1,121 Ms 2.717 1,00 2,647 2.u42 5t 24 lbO ltt) 302 U 116 100 104 341 421 18,140 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 1.1 PATTI.p re ceipts, 20.000 head, lncludinif 1.3U) aomh. erns; market steadv to unk: .im,.. cAirt ana aressea oeer steers, 86 U to.76; tmr to good, S4.oofi.4u.26; western sleers, 83..iOXi6.60; stockers and feeders, 83 20 fc5.;.0; soutliem steers, 83. 4a4. So; southern voe, f...Aii w; native cows, S3 2.u4 30' native heifers. 83.00Sj6.25: bulla. 12.2nr2 tk- calves, S3.76y7.76. ilOijS Ron ipis. 13.0U0 head: markot lira 20c lower; lop. 87.60: bulk of sales, .87.20i 11 feeders . S46 S 7ou; heavy, 8i.40Sj7.60; pickers and butchers. , 25 feeders.. 914 4 IE v.tio; lignis, 8.ioii7.o; pigs. 8C0o4j73. HilliKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 13.000 neiui. marKet sieauy; idmbs, 6.76fit7 10; yearlinrs, 84 5uroo; wethers. 84.2ii(a4 7fi? wes. 84.0Oij4.oU; stockers and feedeVs, 83.00 U4.76. ToUls .....S.SuS 4,036 2s,8uO CAi xut There was anoiner uoeral run of came louay anu, as on yetruayr arge snare ui tne receipts were mts in ar riving, so that me market was a utile Slow in opening, Pauaeis had liberal orders to fill and reuuiiy paid tuny strauy prices for any. thing at ail dean able in the way ot eilaer uitvik-e or range - oeei. uood to cnoica rahgers had tne prefererice, but as tnese weie comparauvety scarce, tns packers took more kindly to n shorl-rea and uanneu-up natives than recently and prices Were generany well sustained, lucre was less competition from the feeder buyers tor tne uivu.uin giaues of cams and the trade was mure or less uneven and unaausXae lory on this class ot stuff. Butcher stock and camiers generally sold in aoout tne same noicues aa on yesterday although the trade lacked a good deal of the Bhap that characterised yesterday's uiurket. Local packers were all good buy era and there waa a ood Inquiry from eastern butchers as well as from feeder buyers, so that ths movement was reason ably active from start to finish and ths early offerings were all disposed of In good season. Ths market for veal calves v.as reasonably active at steady prices and tne same was true of buns, stass. sto. In stockers and feeders there was not a very brisk trade and ths general trend of values was lower all around. For ssveral days the demand from ma country has been somewhat disappointing and country buyers have taken a very bearish view of ths situation, so that dealers have found it difficult to move the ordinary run of light and medium weight steers, while even the heavy kinds have to sell at a sharp dis count from recently comparatively high values. As compared with a week ago, values are anywhere front lOo to Sto lower, and prospects are not favorable for a clear ance for the week. Quotations on cuttle: Good to choice cornfed steers, 87.2.'VgK.OO; fair to good corn fed steers, 86.2f.ti7.efil common to fair corn fed steers, 84.75ft4j.26; good to choice range steers, 85.2566.40; fair to good range steers, 84.405.25; common to fair range steers, 83.60$ 4.40; good to choice cornfed cows and heifers, 84.0OU5.O0; fair to good cornfed cows and heifers, 83.26'u4.40; common to fair cornfed Cows and heifers, 82.0013 26; good to choirs range cows and heifers, 83.760 4.26; fair to good range, Cows and heifers, S3.26ij3,75; common to fair range sows and heifers,, 82.263.26; good to chotea. stockars and feeders, 84C3o36; for to good, stock ers and feeders, 84.40U4 0O; common to fair Blockers and feeders, 8'75(i 8.40; stock heif ers, 82.864jD.Mi; veal calves, sS.60v6.7a; bulla, stags, etc., S2 75&4.76. Representative salest WESTERNS NEBRABKA. 61 Cows M3 8 60 82 oows .... D46 S 60 19 feeders.. 1147 S 30 24 cows 1012 S 46 7 cows.. S cows.. 23 steers.. ..1226 6 10 11 bulls :...IT S 05 14 feeders.. M4- 4 35 70 feeders.. 10C6 4 65 8 cows 848 S 78 St. l.onls Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 13. CATTLE Receipts, 6.I11O head, Including 2.400 Tex mis; market steady; native shipping and exporlt steers, Jit.Tii u8.25; dressed beef sn.l butcher steers, 85.60eMi.75: Steers under l.OUO pounds. S4.0o$ 1 40; slorkers and feeders, 83.600400: cows and heifers, $3.00.1 6. 40 ; cannera. $2.0041 2 50: bulls. 8J.60; calves. $1.50r8.25; Texas and 1 lie l l n sleers, $3 6oyi6.4o: cows and heifers. $2004(3. SO. 11UUS Receipts. 11.300 head: market Ife. lower; plus and HkIuc S.i)i7 jii: paces. 4 i Joui.au; Dutcners ana Pest heavy. Si-oof. 7.70, MIEEP AND LAMMS Receipts, 4.W head; market steady; native muttons, 83 50 4(4.75; lambs, 85.75 7 25: culls and bucks, $2.oVj4.iHJ; Blockers, $3,254(4.00. It. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. S2U0 head; murket steady; steers, 84 'u7.00. eows and heifers, $2.50a,.0u: calves, $3.0041. 00. HOiJS lltcelpts. 8.000 head; market ltV 1 lower; top, $7.66; bulk of sales, $7.30 iT 56. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 3,000 head; market steady; lambs, $4 duj7,O0. loot City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Oct. 13.-(Speeial Tele gram). ""ATTLE Ruelpis 100 head; mar ket ote.1y; beeves. $4 0V.i7.75; cows H fti 4.80; feeders. $4.0Ojj5 25; yearlings. 83 0004.25. IlOGS Receipts 2 2U) head; market 10c to 15c lower; revise of prices, S7.264f7.7B; bulk of sales, $7 C.7.50. 20 steers.. 14 cows... 12 feeders 14 cows... 20 heifers... 674 S 40 16 cows 40 3 00 7 calves... 352 4 25 S calves... 135 8 75 .1017 S 20 . W5 8 40 SOUTH DAKOTA. 11 GO 6 16 10 oows 1008 S 35 24 feeders.. SI 3 4 55 26 feeders.. 23 4 15 ID cows 921 8 66 12 cows 832 S 35 8 calves... 852 4 50 S calves.... Us) f 08 VII S 00 874 4 40 . 887 3 SO Stock In ttlgat. Receipts of live stock st ths six princt $6 45; December, So 44-!td 46. Petroleum, Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City St. Joseph .... Kansas City ., St. Louis Chicago . . . lN.ll ... 1 6.0 ... 3 ) ...20 0.4 ... 81O0 ...21.out 4 fcW t 2U9 8 out) 11 Ootf H.OoO 2o.OU4) 82.000 sin) 13 f0 8 boo 48 OUO Totals 61.700 66.500 100, SOD Be want-ads art business booster F. M. Stewart 8. D. 7 cows &40 S 86 52 cows 974 $ SS J. E. Sheffield 8. D. 36 calves... 266 4 50 41 calves... 166 6 Sfi S. O. Sheffield-8. I). S3 cows 1000 4 05 29 steers. .. .1078 4 70 O. H. Conrad-Neb. 20 steers.... 770 3 55 6 steers.... 820 S 86 N. E. Cody-Neb. 6 cows 852 S 60 20 steers.... 711 S 65 H. Hoefa Neb. S cows 1024 3 70 cows 862 S 60 10 cows 1000 S 00 J. Fenenga Neb. 10 feeders.. 1127 4 00 10 feeder., Vfl 5 6 feeders. .11D6 4 35 6 eows IOuO 8 60 J. B. Kennedy Mont. 30 feeders.. 87 4 50 30 feeders.. 965 4 16 12 steers.. ..1211 4 50 Scows 911 $30 18 cows 10H8 4 00 8 calves... 110 t 00 Frank Orube 8. D. 1 feeders.. 1014 4 25 16 cows 1023 8 90 40 steers... .1130 4 66 H. B. ClapoNeb. 22 feeders.. 1140 4 76 17 cows K5 S 60 J. H. Baker Neb. 53 feeders.. 41 1 4 46 14 heifers... SS2 S 56 Bank of Hyannls Neb. S2 feeders.. ltri 4 26 28 feeders.. 1012 4 26 R. M. Moran-Neh. 25 feeders.. 80S 4 56 3k cows 818 S 70 It E Falrchild Neb. . 821 S 50 Stewart A S 8. D. .817 4 60 t steers.... 86S 4 4t) .12J0 S HO C. II. Sheffield B. D. . kDO 3 75 11 cows S4S S 71 . 133 6 26 Howard ac 8. D. .1045 3 86 87 steers . ,.1180 4 86 W. Lamberson Wyo. IS feeders. .1259 6 ' 14 oows 1187 4) 00 38 feeders. .1087 4 85 D. R. Whltaker Wyo. 4 bulls 1280 8 10 106 steers.. ..12S45 I Sf Western Ranches H. D. -29 Steers.. ..1145 4 25 147 steers.. ..1171 4 86 18 cows 1018 4 15 Ik oows 87T 4 ib IS 6WWS 84 I'i 25 cows. S steers.. S bulls... S cows.... calves.. M cows.. ll' I ssoooogajaoyr. iwayr-iooisgoooooooooaao ,m l,m T IN ITS THIS BANK IS 53d YEAR 1 1 . . c 9 Duriug nil this timo it has conimnnded tho coi-, , fidence of the people. This confidence is still ,eyi-' , ' denced by the daily opening of new accounts nnd ' ' the constantly increasing volume of business. - Your account is invited. SIM MUCH better service to Texas Not only better in schedule, but also better in service. .... 7;,;.",' V Many hours have been saved and many comforts ( have been provided to transform your trip from . . along tedious journey to a short delightful one. ' 1 ' This has been accomplished by The Katy Limited 'This limited train of unlimited comforts, began 7" , ' service September 26th, and immidiately cut down the schedule a business day, between . Kansas City and Texas "vU It is brilliantry lighted, from , pilot; tor ob$ev.j tion end, and is equipped wiiH ' ' ' ' Chair Cars brighter, more attractive , and mor ,5 , comfortable than you have seen. Sleepers that the best future Pullmans will be patterned after for some time to come. . . Cafe Car with tempting menu service a la carte. What it Means to You Morhinj trsihs from, Omahk, make tjood connection n Kansas City' with jthe Katy . Limit td which leave ".. Kansas City Union Station at 6:20 p. m.(St. Latrit 10:05 ti rh.) " and 'arrives; with Katy purtttlialitjr, at Oklahoma City , ' T.rVt- n i.nfi in. m nollseOfl.t a 'iri' ff.Wortlt 9:35,4. xn WacoJj2:5S p. m Austin 5:10 p. sn.,,Saa . . Antonio 8:15 p, m., Houston 9:50 pi ..-; yr "XTul Thrpugh sleepers sind chair tin Kansas City td Okla ' v " horns antl Texas. Cafe ear Kansas; City to Psnwlns ; North bound, the schedule is equally favorable i..; . : ;' ' The 'Katy Limited "is a new train and with', the.',.'',:'.". ." Katy Flyer gives the Katy' double daily fast ser- -- !' vice from Kansas City and St. Louis to Texas kttd ' 7 ' Oklahoma. '. . , In planning a trip to the Southwest all you need say to your local agent is one little word "Katy, ...... h. Full information retarding any trip Southwett cost ol ticket, schedule, etc., will gladly b ' furniihed by . Geo. A. McNutt. District Passenger Agent. 805 Walnut St, Kansas City . , ,, : 3 .'it ..,'.' 1 )'. VI 1 ,.1196 t 18 ,, &li 2 8 848 1 00 8 00 4 66 5 50 4 00 5 60 4 00 D. Owens S. D. 12 OOWS... -1026 4 00 .10 Steers.. 7 COWS..... 807 8 16 10 cows... II. a. Wttara a. P. SO tesrs....H48 4 75 W. 8. Bsrtlns 8. D, It steers. ,,.1200 8 85 h. Brownfleld 8. D, 20 steers.. ..1224 4 68 : P. Bchmele 8. D. 10 oows.' .'j ST71 2 40 licowa... - William Schuiela e. D, ss steers. .iii4 6 45 ... M. Rlondan Wyo. t COWS.....10U8 4 00 4 COWS 1012 4 00 1 bull 1420 8 16 4 steers.... 87 4 10 B steers.. ..1135 6 00 4 Steers. .121 J steers. ...md S 00 7 steers.. ..106 L. N. Kennedy Mont. 80 feeders.. 877 4 80 20 feeders. .1075 11 steers... .1168 4 46 21 cows llnil 18 steers.. ..1215 4 80 42 cows S47 86 cows M0 4 00 6 rows KVS K, George Neb.. , IS feeders.; 848 4 05 S stas..j.135S S JO i Hsrt Rebsr Nebi IS feeders.. 1015 4 40 8 feeders.. 828 8 75 l. It. Whittaker Neb. 81 heifers... 1005 4 80 81 ca. ft hfs .1060 8 80 Mllldale Cattle Co. Neb. 29 feeders.. 801 4 60 HOQA Tho market went to pieces this morning worse than It has at any Urns this sesson. Reports from tne easi were de cidedly unsatisfactory to begin w.th and continued to come lower from time to lime, so that w hile supplies at (his . point wars not eaoesslve. oondltions were suclt that buyers could take advantage of Ilia situation, with the result tnat they ham mered out the sharpest ntH-a of ths sea son touay. A tew rriv .ss luoacd about 15o lower than yesterday's ceneral averaa-e, the decent stuff oeinna around 87 66. Later prices dropped to at least 20o lower than yesterday, where the big bulk of ths offerings finally had to sell. While the market U in very poor snaps here, It Is no worse than at other points, buyers seaming determined everywhere io hammer cut a bU dciilie In p Ices. The outside trice reached this morning was 87.67 a.-, agalnat 87 80 yesterday, while Ihe general bulk sold around 87 nO, as against a bulk yesterday around 87.70. Jlepifeeeiuati.e sales: Derbcrl L Gooch Co. Brokers and Dealers SsaVZIf. SaVnVlsUOafat. TOOstSV dauaaa Officii 810 St. T. sails B14J.' ' U VeisphSBS. Doaglas MS. Sadssaalsat. A-aia'8isra-aias, pities, aaa iavaeat oSuuse, s) tfs ava. No. At. gb. ' Pr. No. A. 40 144 10 )w la vii 40 7 44 t (.'.0 t 46 40 M 7 47 74 K,l 7 41 44 ill 1 40 44 IU 7 40 ' UI .44 IS 4! 14 f te 4 2,4 t 40 40 310 40 tl tS4 7 4u 74 tel M 44 IM I fc. 71 174 7 40 14 144 47 244 7 0 44. I1 7 40 24 Lot 7 4U W IM 7 44 14 144 1 44 M (2 7 OS M ; 7 40 71 teS lie 14 7 4 M4 7 40 47 444 7 40 . II tot 7 a tl Ui 7 bl HKhF-Fresh shipments totaled about WhO hi ad this morning, aa compared with 22 0)0 head of last Wedaesday and aalmost oa head of a year aso. There waa prao tlcally nothliMf left over Ixwia yeetswlay'i 71.. 14.. 74.. 41.. 74.. 74 . u . 41.. 44.. 24.. 71.. 71.. 44.. 71.. 74. . 44.. 71.. 11.. 87.. 14.. 74... 47... 14... AT. .144 ...bl ...114 ...ll ...10 ...141 ...8 4 ...I'J4 ...It ...14 .1,1 .. 8 ...Oil ...171 ...117 ...ia. ...IM ...Ml ...4 .. t34 ...1.4 ...140 ...IM ...nai ...no ...UI ...U4 ...UI so 1 40 w is) KM leu 40 40 IM luo fr. 7 40 7 (. 7 U. 7 ilvt 7 t!H 1 lis, 7 (it 7 41 7 14 7 42 I 44 1 44 7 44 7 44 7 44 1 44 7 44 7 64 . 1 4 . 7 14 7 44 1 " 7 U 7 46 7 44 7 44 7 47 7 47 ' nc, inn nuia v imc.yi. ' evv.ua Kood-season at tte kdvtate MitttA in yes teruav's rei.nrt ' - -'i iiere-were no Bw" features' ol isf oou aeMuence no.lceabls In early rounds today. 1 lie looeriinaT trada waa noturallv rati.ar oljW, owniat to tlia delay uticaaioned In siiaplug up the bis: run In selling form, but tii inquiry lor good kinds of both killers and feeders was very active and 'h as were eoid brtiuant aeiierallv stea.lv p. lie.. Htialiy goud graues of killing slock, eepioialiy tat lamoo, were in uieaer sup ply anu If tnere was any change wormy of no.e lu tula hrai.uh of i... tm ll was in an easier direction. TliA demand itxw f.1 .... .., . -" .wv. nmm via.'l- ouo and prices well maintained all aiong Ui. 1 1 11M A u a r.ilA ,.,.nipw ,. . , . ...... . dcciduuiy back v aid aooui maami pur- ciia.es or trasn and "tripe" ana in tne in Jo. uy ot co prefer the fairly fat nuality ..,., an tail mere are nol a tew in sisnovs lately when tney nave oeen known to "nickel out" tne paoaer af strings of medium flesh sheep and fatahs that par ticularly suited tlieir fancyv . iuotailoiis on fat slisvp and lamba; Good to cnolce iambs, Sti. 0O4, t.su; fair., to good iambs, 4ti.jOao.ijO. good light yearlings, 85.04) ua.l; good heavy yearlings, 84 .0a.ul good lo choice weihers, 84.1(44.45; fair to good wethers. H u4.1fc; good to. cholo , ewes. 44 ku4 2i; fair to good ewes, SJ.euUlO. oi4 canner ewes, l.0u2.oa r. , Quotations x on -feeder' stock: Good ta choice lambs, So lsti.Ui fair 10 good lamba k.40u6i6; light yearlings, S4 W.i5.lS; heary earllngs, 84 bt,a4 ; eld w-elhera. 84 0028; t cnoice ewes, sa. O'a'Zft; breeding SJ. 754,4.50; yearling breeding ewes. eytf.oJV'lj. W. No. Son Colorado lambs 5l8 Colorado ewes . 4:4 Colorado lambs IM Colorado ewrs . 478 Colorado ewes . V I'tah lambs 1:35 1'u.h lambs 3(j0 I'tnh liin.ha 1H7 t'tah lambs, feelers Iii7 1'iah ewes, feeders 7 Wyoming lambs 831 Wyoming lambs i0 Wyoming lambs y Wyoming lambs, culls... 11.2 Wyoming ewes 162 Wyoming ewes 81 Ctwh lambs 48 I'tah lambs, feeders.... 218 Utah yearlings V.A irtah weihers 447 Wyoming iambs, feeders. 141 Wyoming lambs, culls... 178 Boulh liakota wethers... Av. ... 68 ... W ... 6 ...104 87 7 60 l'K) 6 00 58 44 ......112 .7.... 6a 8 .115 t.J CI 70 Pr. 28 S 80 5 50 8 76 8 75 6 60 2 60 6 50 t 76 8 85 s HO 8 40 8 4 50 4 10 5 86 6 50 5 7s , ' I 1 ' 4 M 6 10 S 2b 4 26 (irolo Market. lX-WHEAT-Deosmber, Unlatk Dl'Ll'TH. Oct. 8101'.; May. 1104. No. 1 northern. 8104; No. t northern, 8102; Octuber, iivcember. 6i-W4. liar. 8104'V OAT8-SCH'U37iiu. l: