THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14, 900. SOLVING TflE BEEF PROBLEM A) BJWW A... ' m , ,- - ' " till III II I "I "- ,, j AY IS TO QRQSIS Corn Show Will Teach People Science U of Cutting and Buying. 8 a si is m jSFALL AND I WINTER. jrOOTWEAR Have shape-holding quali ties claimed by no other maker of fine shoes for wo men. and leath- The styles, patterns ere are the newest. Ask to see the suede top, ename! kid, foxed button boot. Cloth tops on all popular leath ers $3.50, 4 and 5 custom styles. Monograms, $3.00. 1 SHORTAGE MOSTLY DUE TO WASTE THE "ARA-NOTCH" takes the place of the buttonhole and makes the Collar sit in a way a buttonhole never could. Ask for the "BELMONT" an Arrow Collar J cants ch-1 lot cent. Cluett, Pes body Ac Co., Makers ARROW CUFFS. 25 cents pair rrodarers' Association Ceadactlna; rampalarn of Rdaratlon to Cor rect Abases that Are Menae lag and Alda Corn Gipo. CONNELL CALLS FOR I1ELP Health Officer Want Physicians to Aid Against Diphtheria. SAYS EPIDEMIC MAY BE GEEAT Ansloas for People to Understand tbat Diphtheria EiUli and Will Become Dana-erons I'nless Properly Checked ow. ritOVKN KCZKMA CURE. A Trial Bottle of Oil of Winter-green Compound is Offered at 25 CenU. By a special arrangement with the D. D. D. laboratories of Chicago, we can at present offer the D. D. D. Prescription for enema in a special trial bottle at one quarter of Its usual price. The oil of wlnterrnf-TO compound will surely con vince the moat skeptical. With the first application you will get Irstant relief from the itch' and soon you will see signs of cure. No matter how many salves and other so-called skin remedies have failed, this oil of wintergreen liquid (unlike salves) will penetrate to the inner skin, killing tho eczema germs. Will you not on our special recommendation call at our store? and get a 25 cent trial bottle of D. D. D. Prescription. Sherman tt McConntll Drug Co., Owl Drug Co. DYSPEPSIA "Havine taken yonr wonderful "Cases rets' for three months and being entirely Cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia, I think a word of praise la due to 'Cascarets' for their wonderful composi tion. ' I tare taken numerous other so called remedies but without avail, and I find tbat Cascarets relieve more in a day than all the other I have taken would in year." James McGune, loS Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. Plea.ant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, pa Good. N.v.r Sicken. Wsske a or Gripe. 100. eSe. SOe. Never (old In bnlk. The fro. alne tablet .tamped CCCi Guaranteed to oars or your meaer bans. US Quality liWIBJlU aWiiTittftaafWIfl Is Our Guide 5 m m I(UPDI ) 1 inmtr its f inY 2 V.AnA,NtU. PLEASETHE MOST CRITICAl At all grocers UPDIKE MILL! NO COM PANT. OMAHA. SaEsQBS 5T? PaaaasaaW Rough, Pimply Faces made deer, smooth, beautiful, blotches, blarkhssdt, sunburn, un. tkiu-rouihn.M and redness quickly removed. Safest, pi... - aniM. vmi auecuve couei pr.pai.uon on me maiket. Sure to plcue. On Uul proves Its merits. SO Cents a Bottls. Manufactursa and for (ale by Sherman McConrtall Drug Co. ltk and Dodge, Omaha. OWL DRUQ CO. ISth aad Harney. fectlon, until the seriousness of the cases can be ascertained. India Will Send an Exhibit to the Corn Show Solution of the -"shortage of beer prob lem is to have a large place In the scheme of education promulgated by the domestic science department of the National Corn exposition In Omaha in December. How to treat cattle and how to treat meat so as to Improve and perpetuate the breed and Increase the production and domestic utility of the beef are the principles to be fostered. The Beef Producers" association is go ing to co-operate with the National Corn exposition In this important work. Gen eral Manager Sturgess of the exposition Is In receipt of a letter from Fred P. Johnson of Denver, assistant secretary of the association, advising him of the eager desire of that association to aid the ex position In this undertaking. The work will be promulgated largely through the domestic science department, of which Miss Jessica Bcsack of Columbia unlver- Far Away Land Will Display Grain "' a . , -r "r i . I 'TIa ana aiso famous riciures oi Mythology. "There will be 1.000 to 6.000 esses of diph theria in Omaha; and we will have a dis astrous epidemic on our hands unless we take very rigorous precautions," said Health Commissioner Connell. "We took fifty-six cases from the Kellom school last week, and we have taken eleven cases from the Saundera school for examination. 'Physicians, with a few notable excep tions, are not co-operating with this de partment as they should. For Instance, after an examination of a child, when called by the parents, I should think it Is not the proper thing to assure the parents there Is no danger Just because there are few constitutional symptoms and the child does not appear sick. This Is for the reason that no doctor can diagnose dlph therla. Indications may be wrong or may be right and to say there la not diphtheria existing la a mistake easily made. But the culture tube never makes a mistake. Bo physicians should reserve their Judgment until they have taken a culture tube. KxUtlaa- Condition 1 Serious. In spite of Impressions to the concrary, this department haa nsvsr established quarantine until a culture tube showed the presence of diphtheria. The existing condition Is mighty serious as to numbei of children involved, but It not so serlou at present as to tho character of Infection. But it must be born in mind by every body that this nasal diphtheria Is exact!) the same thing as the disease that kills in forty-eight hours; that is, it can de velop Into the worst form of the disease If not stamped out in time. It is very hard to make parents realise this, when the child is not so sick as to be noticeable, and they wonder why we send the young ones home from school; but they should not be allowed to attend while the danger of Infection exists. Diphtheietlc Infection attacks any membrane, and while In the nasal form there is not the same chance for absorption Into the system as In the pharynx. It can and will develop Just as malignantly if neglected. . Constitutional symptoms are not as pronounced In Uie nasal form as In the other, but the two are Identical in their nature." Turning to a pigeon hole, the health commlaaiuner produced eleven reports of diphtheria cases from Omaha physicians that came into hta office Tuesday and Wednesday. It was then that be requested the publio be warned of the possibility of serious epldemlo and asked for better co-operation from the general run of physi cians. Cornell Still Asleep. I have been trying for a long time to secure health inspection In the schools, said Dr. Connell, "and The Bee haa strongly advocated It, but it aeems Im possible to get the council to wak up and follow In the footsteps of every city in this country that amounts to anything." The health commissioner is today going through the Saunders school thoroughly and will remove every pupil who shows In- India Is to make an exhibit at the Na tlonal Corn exposition. Thus the scope of the big show reaches from "Greenland's icy mountains to In dia's coral strands." Shiavak.sha H. Contractor, custodian of the government exhibit for India, has Just closed an arrangement with the exposition management for space where this exhibit will be shown, and It will be shipped once from Bombay, India. Besides the grain exhibits, the India booth will show many pictures Illustrating Indian mythology. These are the paintings which attracted wide attention In the last Franco-British exposition, in the Imperial International exposition and other exhibit tlons of world interest held in Dresden, St. Petersburg, Winnipeg and Edinburgh. Mr. Contractor, who brings the exhibit to Omaha, is a member of the Royal Geo graphical society, a fellow of the Scientific society and has won, on this exhibit. string of medals from the world's fair in Chicago to those awarded by the Liverpool Colonial Products exposition. His honors have come not only from the exposition management, but the Society of Science and Letters of Great Britain, the Fine Art society of Madras and similar organ' Ixatlons, which had their attention called to his exhibits. Woman in Nighty Runs Down Street Escapes from Hospital and Gives Husky Officer Hard Eace to Catch Her. A woman attired in a night robe raoed up Farnam street. Half a block behind a rotund police officer was hitting his best gait In heated pursuit. The chase began at the Omaha General hospital. Fourteenth and Capitol avenue, when Mrs. L. Steinberg of Tenth and Har ney streets, under treatment for mental de rangement, escaped. She slipped through a window, down on a shed and out into the alley. The policeman overtook the fleet-footed woman at Thirteenth and Far nans streets. There the blushing officer with his charge draped in robe de nuit boarded the ambulance bound for the hospital. The adventure pleased the patient greatly She was content to return. Grave Problem. Both General Manager Sturgess and Sec retary Johnson are endeavoring to Im press on the people the importance of this work. l . "Beef shortage Is a graver problem than people realize," says Mr. Sturgess. "It will take a systematic course of education to solve the problem. Not only Is it neces sary to increase and Improve the breeds of cattle, but It is equally as important. If not more so. to teach the people who use meat, how to buy it and how to use It. We waste too much of a beef. We know nothing but two grades, the loin and ribs. Every part of the beef Is good and should be used and must be used If this problem Is ever solved. And we pro pose to set in motion a system of educa tion that will sweep over this country and end In a tidal wave of enlightenment and the ultimate solution of the problem, which today Is really menacing." . Campaign of Education. Along these Identical lines Mr. Johnson, In his letter to Mr. Sturgess, says: 'Apparently the country . Is confronted by a shortage of beef." The object of the Beef Produc err association Is to conduct a campaign of education to encourage breeding and feeding of cattle. If the people are fam iliar with the situation It must centalnly result In putting a stop to the indiscrimi nate slaughtering of calves and spaying of heifers. Here In the west cows are already advancing very rapidly and I would not be surprised If next spring cows are not worth as much as steers. I believe the threatened shortage is much more serious than appears on the surface at the present time. We are arranging as part of our cam palgn to inaugurate some publicity work to educate the beef customer. You know that the average American labors under the idea that all there Is fit to eat on a beef carcass Is the loin and ribs. We are interesting the domestic science schools of the country in devising recipes, for cooking and preparing the cheaper uts of the beef, The prices of loins and ribs is advancing so steadily that unless something of this kind Is done the large majority of the people will have to stop eating meat oon." THE RELIABLE STORE "Can be depended upon" Is an expression we all like to hear, and when It Is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It means that It never falls to cure diarrhoea, dys entery or bowel complaints. It is pleasant to take and equally valuable for children and adults. Sold by all druggists. Remedies are Needed Were we perteot, which we are not, medicines would not often bo needed. But since our systems have be come weakened, impaired and broken down through indiscretions which have (one on from the early ages, through countless generations, remedies art needed to aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise aoqiiired weaknesses. To reach the seat of stomach weakness and eonsequent digestive troubles, there is nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, a glycene compound, extracted from native medio- inal roots sold for over forty yeers with great satisfaction to all users. For Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Fain in the Stomach alter eating, Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chrnrto Diarrhea and other Intestinal Derangements, the ' Discovery" is a time-proven and most etticieut remedy. The genuine ham on Urn outaido wrapper the Signature Yoa can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alos holio, medicine or known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sujar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. Squatters Must Get Off Streets People Who Are Obstructing Thor oughfares Are Advised by City Engineer to Move. City Engineer Craig is going to reclaim the streets of Omaha Tor the puouc, so far as possible. There are possibly seventy-five to 100 cases that I know of where fences, houses, sidewalks, gardens and other obstructions have been found In the streets," says the engineer. "We have sferved notices on aliqut all of the obstructionists that they must get out of the streets and the city legal department is co-operating with us In the effort to reclaim the streets. "In the paved street area, for instance. the roadways have been narrowed, but that doesn't mean that the width of the street has been reduced. In many cases, however, we find that the sidewalk has been pushed out, or new walks laid fur ther out than they ought to be. Next, the fence is moved out to the walk and a claim to possession Is set up. In some cases squatters have gone In and built shacks right In the middle of the street, or have fenced in the highway and where this was done twenty or more years ago we may nave some . irouoie. cut aiong about llOS, If I remember correctly, a law was enacted, which makes it impossible for anyone to acquire ownership in public property by the squatter sovereignty method." i at the right price. A piano that will last ron a lifetime. There is a Reason Why When the piano business vt as, dull last summer and the great piano factories were running on half time, as they always do during the sweltering hot days of July ..anil August, WE INMTIU'CTKH otif IMANO EXPERTS togeUier .with cur buyers TO HE ON THE LOOK OIT K)B SNAPS. WE HAD THE CASH The manufacturers needed the money and our buyers knew this. t WE BOUGHT AT OUR. OWN PRICE And now during the busy season we are able to offer to our patrons , ; BETTER PIANOS BETTER VALUES For less money than they can get elsewhere. AR.E YOU GOING TO BUY A PIANO SOON? '; IT WILLY AY YOU to get that piano now from HAYDENS'. We will make TERMS TO SUIT YOU and sell you the piano at the CASH PRICE. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. And we give you a fair, square deal, AND IF WE CAN'T PROVE IT WE HAVE NO RIGHT TO ASK FOR YOUR TRADE. JUST READ THESE PRICES. They tell part of the story, then call and look over the big stock and pick out your choice. THESE ARE NEW PIANOS and FULLY GUARANTEED 12 Mahogany Pianos each $120 10 Oak Pianos, each '. . . . .1?8 5 Plain Mahogany Pianos, each . . . .Sjl-'.lj 15 Walnut Pianos, each .126 $1G3 18 English Oak Pianos, each 4 Rosewood Pianos plain style- each $180 25 Assorted Cases, all woods, each. .$205 HERE ARE A FEW SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS IN OUR EXCHANGE AND RENT DEPT. 1 Adam Schaff Piano for $100 1 Henning Piano for $80 1 Brohman Piano for $105 1 Kelso Piano for $125 1 Baldwin Piano for ; . . . $265 1 Steger & Sons Piano for ......... .$130 1 Baley Piano for $135 1 Schirmer Piano for $130 1 Milton Piano for -.''. . .'. . . .$190 Free Stool and Scarf With Every Piano, 1 Hardman Piano for $175 1 Hanner Piano for $155 1 Regal Piano for .$165 1 Bordman Piano for $180 1 Kranich & Bach Piano for $285 1 Vose & Sons Piano for .$150 1 Smith & Barnes Piano for . . ;. .;.$185 1 Schaff er Piano for .$260 1 Gerhard Piano for ............ . . .$135 Write if you cannot call. All Mail Orders attended to personally by the Manager of the Piano Department. fflAYDEM9 si la MTITF I ADr.rCT PI A Kt IIAIICt? I XI THE- tvrcTi) uu sjnsxws. a i iniiu uuwdii lis I ilu 11 LsiJ I A It T I K I C 1 A L EYES Made to order in our store October 21, 2:. 21. H inclusive, by a German expert. All work positively guaranteed The only satisfactory way to get the best results from an artificial eye. Call or write for price and full particulars. GLOBE OFTIOAI. CO, sis Bo. let a. Open Until Midnight Comet CompoBBAare of Presorlptloas SARATOGA DRUG CO., 4th ana lau Are. TeL Web. lie. B. 101 D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Suecaaeor to Dr. E U RamaoclottL) SSZSTAJrT BTATB Offlee aad X capital, asie BUT Calls Promptly Aaswered at Alt Hours, OfrVeeatarBey 97. n-,,.. JHHUIM ua TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Omm Dwllas Year. Conductors itfotormen Able-bodied men, between the ages of 23 and 40, above five feet six inches in height, and well recommended, for permanent positions as conductors and motormen. Residents of Omaha and vicinity preferred. Apply from 9:30 to 11 a. ra. and 2 to 4 p. m. daily, al the office of superintendent of transportation, 2d floor Merch ants' National Bank building. ) Guy Liggett is Sued for $15,000 Held Besnontible for Death of John M. Campbell by the Widow. Ol - r ;.fni r,m,t m - y.-.T - jl j 1 I . f" Bewwatraraw ina i mill iiih n iiiBWiiiiiiiaraa :l DOGGONE DAN BUTLER, AND CITY CLERK ADMITS II, I UU Bat Jest tbe Same lie unjecta i Serious Business Relnsr Inter rupted b' Howls. Speaking of 247. the oog that kept the telephone hot," said City Clerk wutier. I have ascertatned that he is high bred In fact, traces his pedigree plumb bacK to the Adam and Eve of. his tribe. 80 some of his idosyncrasies may be thus accounted for. 'But here's a new one. A blustering man telephoned in that a big Newfoundland dog was bothering him to death. I asked him in what w-y he thought this office was responsible. 'Well, he's trespassing." the man said. Then says I, 'Can't you for give him his trespass,' and he Intimated thst he heard enough of that at church and didn't want any of It from the city hall. The man. I discovered, was raising a howl simply because the dog .was occupy ing the front porch of a vacant house he owned that Is, the man owned the house, but not the dog and I don't think the dog would own the howl the man put up. 'Vet, that's neither here not there. I have eaten a hot dog myself on divers oc casions, and a warm man doesn't saw much wood In my nervous system. "But there's Judge Berka, councilman from the First ward, whom Lee Bridges, councilman from the Second ward, says Is 'cool, calm and dispassionate," even when fathering reduced fare . ordinancea. The judge is master of all the wiles of diplomacy, yet here he assigns me the delicate task of making this coup de nickel, without a diagram, too. I must perforce, because of being popular with the voters, take up the task of framing proper and felicitous notes to the burgomasters of twenty-five cities, and find out how they handle fares, passengers, ordinances, per mits and time cards on their street railway systems. And with all this, the council bats out a home run on every veto I read from hlzzoner and kicks a goal on me when Goodley Bruckor is away. There is no council discipline like there used to be when Frank Muores was king, and if I were a spiritualist in wager the big game of Saturday that the ablent air of this architectural pile waa blue and noisy above our earthly heads on a few occa sions recently." "But, any way, Dan,", Bald the philoso pher of the city hall, "It's not at all a bad thing to be mixing with the mighty, even If a dog breaks In occasionally." "Oh, doggone it all," snapped Butler, with a dangerous look. "Doggone you," said the philosopher. "I guess it is, ail right," said Butler, and went back to his den in one end of the big barn he works In. PRISONERS SUFFER IN COLD City Jail Ooonpants Rave Streao ona Time with Mr. Jack Frost. The dilapidated condition of the city jail has forced the prisoners into a state of siege from the cold. Missing windows and loose fitting leaves the holdover open to every wandering draught. Wednesday night most of the bedding was taken from the bunks snd stuffed into the chinks to keep out the cold winds. 'We have several prisoners who were actually suffering from the cold." declared Captain Mostyn. "Those old windows are In such shape that they can't well be repaired." 'There Is only one curfl for the condi tions that exist at the city Jail." said Chief Donahue, "and that Is a new Jail." The present Jail building- was originally a school house. It was erected In tlm 'Ton WHY MANY WOMEN' SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION The Natural Remedy. The delicate and Intricate eharacter ot the female organs makes them most sus ceptible to Irregularity, and it Is most important that each one should be kept in condition to perform Its duties in a normal manner. When womankind la per forming the functions peculiar to her sex there is a decided tendency to sluggishness of the bowels. Nature then requires a gen tle assistant. No powerful and expenslva remedies which are so drastle as to damage the tender lining of the bowels and do more harm than good, but a pure and harmless laxative, such as HCNTADI JANOH Water, the famous Natural Laxative, tumblerful taken on arising will move the bowels gently but copiously and In a nat ural manner. One bottle contains many doses and cdsts but a trifle. At all Druggists but look out for 'un unless you ask for HUNYADI JANOS. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company Guy 11. LlRKc-tt has been sued for 115,000 In district court by the widow of the man killed In an automobile accident when Lla gett was driving the car. Mrs. Mary Campbell, who was the wife of John M. Campbell, is Bulng as the ad ministratrix of his estate. Her petition avers that her husband met death through Liggetl'a carelessness last August, It recites that Liggett was an In experienced driver, that he caused his car, an electric, to trail a street csr and that he not only knocked Campbell down when the latter got off the street car, but that LiKgett's csr struck him a second blow, which was the caute ot death. A.X.NOt MKME.M, perlal Sale Baas aad Ma. Carpets ttna-s. 6 to (.000 yards of mattings, velvet and Ingrain Carpets, art squares, and Rugs used the night of the Ball at the Den. These goods are not hurt a bit for wear and will be priced at a fraction of the regular value. There Is a variety of pat terns, all to go on Special Sale, Monday Morning. October 18th, at 8 o'clock. Carpet Iepartment Second Floor. See Sunday papers for full particulars. OKCHAKD & WILHELM. BBVamBaVs If you have anything to sell or trade and want qtuck action, advertise it la The Bee Want Ad. Culumii n -x 1 mm v r r 1 ..lUV hAsBURN-CR0SBYC0- GoldMedal Flour CoryrigUt 11H1 Y ash burn -Crosby Co., Sliaueayolls, Mi