Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Omaha dee
I the most powerful business
KeUer In tho wt, beraaM It goes
to the bom of poor and rich.
For Nebraska rartly cloudv.
For Iowa Partly cloudy.
For weather report see pane 2.
Des&erado Firei Bullet Into Mouth
Thtn Driven to Bay by Posse
J or Citizens.
Daring Bobber Held Up B " ;. Chi
cago Suburb and Was 1
Automobile Brought Into P t.3
Bandits in Plot to Bob Vaults.
IW Conducted . In Deliberate m3
Spectacular Mmmiw. -Five Han
ilrrd Secured lr Thief Rrr.
ered from III Corpse.
CHICAOO, Oct. 13. A faahlonably
dressed bandit, who early this afternoon
robbed the savings bank of D. M. Ersklne
fc Co.. In Highland Iark, III., an arlrfo
cratlc village on the lake shore, twenty,
five miles north of Chicago, committed sui
cide by shooting himself In the mouth
when driven to bay by the Highland Park
marshal and a posse of oltlxena.
A companion of the robber, who had
driven him to the bank In an automobile,
was captured Immediately following the
robbery of the bank, forcing- the principal
perpetrator In th daring, daylight crime to
flee on foot. He engaged In a running duel
with Town Marahal John Bheehan, who
wan the target for many bullets from the
fugitive's revolver, one of which went
throfi the sleeve of his coat. After run
ning aeveral blocks and failing to drive
back his pursuer, the robber ran Into a
ahed, closely followed by Sheehan. When
he aaw Sheehan enter the shed with his
revolver levelled at bis head, the fugitive
put the muscle of hla own revolver In hla
mouth and fired a shot which resulted In
his death, almost immediately.
Mystery la Identities.
Neither ha nor his companion Is known.
The man arrested, who appeared In the
guise of a chauffeur, positively refused
after his arrest to discuss the robbery with
the authorltlua or to disclose anything con
cerning hla own or hla companion's iden
tity. ,
The robbery waa conducted In a deliberate
and- spectacular manner, the bandit ob
taining about fMM In gold coin and bills
after he had forced John C. Duffy, cashier
ofthe bank, and Miss Nellie Fitzgerald,
the bookkeeper, and Joseph F. Richards,
the receiving teller. Into the cashier's cage,
Just after the closing of business for the
day. : "' ' '
In the morning the automobile bearing
tli3 robber and hla chauffeur drove up to
the bank. The man, who Is rkw dead, en
tered the tank and InqAilreui of T?hler
Duffy whether a "Mr. -Williams" . ws In
the bank. Duffy said he Knew of a Mr.
Williams at Ltbtrtyvllla, III., some miles
west of Highland Park.. The visitor thanked
him and left the bank. He drove away
and returned a llitle after I p. m. He en
tered the bank while his companion re
mained outside In the automobile.
"Did you find Williams?" asked Duffy
when his visitor re-entered.
"No, he waa not there," the stranger rc
plltd. ' '
Cashier Becomes Suspicious.
Cashier Duffy then became suspicious and
his visitor ' went . to the street and con
versed with the chauffeur. Returning again
to the bank he stood In a remote corner
of the room v.hlle Duffy closed the front
doors. The side door he left open for the
stranger to depart. Fearing something
wrong, Duffy hurriedly took a large amount
of money and locked It In the vault.
Several hundred dollars still remained In
bis cage. As he entered the cage Duffy
was confronted by the robber, who cov
ered him with a revolver.
"CiU everyone In here Into that cage,"
ti tt bandit. "or 111 blow your head
otf. Hurry up."
Duffy, unarmed, compiled with the de
mand. Miss Fitagerald and Rlcharda came
into the cagd, while the' Intruder helped
himself to all the' money In sight. He care
fully tucked the gold and bills into his
Vockeu and then exclaimed:
"If any of you attempt to follow me I
v ill kill you."
ilj vtaitcd for the door and Duffy lm
uuUlntuly telephoned the marshal's office
aeiosu the Stieet. By the time the robber
rta-htd the automobile Marshal Sheehaa
viua running' toward the bank. At the
siht of him tho robber broke Into a run
and cltttens held the chauffeur.
The chase after the fugitive was a thrill
ing one, but ended in his suicide within a
few minutes. All the money taken from
the bank was found in his clothing.
C. U. Bedwell Made Member of Board
( Control of .National
O. E. Bedwell, secretary-treasurer of the
E. E. Bruce company, wholesale druggists
of umah, yesterday was elected to the
Board of Control of the National Wholesale
Druggists' association. In session at Rich
mond, Va.
RICHMOND, Va., Oct. IS. There was no
marked Improvement in the drug and oil
and paint trades of the country in the last
jeer, according to a report by W. C. Shurt
leff of Chicago, read before the National
Wholesale Druggists' association conven
tion here today.
Charles 8. Martin of Nashville, Tenn.,
was elected president. The new board of
control Is: C. K. Red well, Omaha: Albert
Plaut. New York; Charles Olbson. Albany,
N. Y.; William 8. Strong. Milwaukee; A.
J. Clear. Charleston, 8. C.
Other cities which want the neat con
vention besides Dallas. Tex., and Rochester,
N. Y.. are St. Doula, Niagara Fella, Atlantic
City, Cedar Point, o., and Toledo, O.
Kin Mrs Are "I'aaaed" from I al
verslty of Malao for llaalaa;
OUONO. Me.. Oct. 13. Nine members
nf the sophomore class of the University
of Maine were suspended today for a period
not leva tlian the college year for participa
tion lu basing of freshmen. In violation of
a pledge to abstalu thsrefrow.
Eleven Sailors
Sink with Boat
in Gulf Storm
Further News of Disaster Reaches
Miami and Toll of Death
MIAMI. Fla., Oct 13.-News reached here
lata this afternoon of the sinking of the
tugs Sybil and Sadie at Rahla Honda dur
ing Monday's hurricane, and the loss of
the eleven members of the crew of the
Sybil, Including Captain Parker.
The crew of the Sadie escaped. This
news was brought here by the relief ex
pedition sent out by the Metropolis, the
local afternoon newspaper.
The Metropolis' yacht met R W. Carter
of the engineering corps of thr Florida
East Coast railway extension launch El
more off Shell Key. He gave the Informa
tion of the sinking of the two tugs. The
loss of life on the tug Sybil Includes be
sides Captain Parker, Engineer Fox, Pilot
Whltmore, Engineer Peterson and seven
deck hands.
The following statement was given out
today by Engineer Earnest Cotton of the
Florida East Coast railway:
"The loss of life on the Florida East
Coast extension Is limited to the crew of
the tug Sybil and Timekeeper Brown at
Marathon, a total of twelve persons. The
floating equipment of the road and uncom
pleted work was badly damaged. There
waa, however, no damage to the concrete
work at any point. All our camps were
more or leas wrecked, but the large forces
of workmen are being cared for and have
sufficient supplies of food. The men be
lieved well and already every gang has
gone, to work clearing away the wreckage
and preparing for reopening tlte extension
to traffic."
Divorce Given
to J. M. Barrie
NoTelist Granted Decree Without Op
position on Ground of Miscon
duct of His Wife.
LONDON, Oct. 13. James M. Barrie, the
novelist and playwright, was today
granted a divorce from his wife on the
grounds of the letter's misconduct with
Gilbert Cannan, a young author. The suit
was not defended. Mrs. Barrie was for
merly Mary Ansell, an actress.
Barrie himself took the stand. He said
that In 1908 he had permitted the co-respondent
the use of a cottage which he
owned at Furnham. It was at this cottage
that the alleged misconduct took place. The
plaintiff said that the matter first came
to his ears from the servants and that
when the accusations were made known to
his wife she admitted their truth.
Barrie said -he- offered to forgive the
offense on condition that defendant break
off her acquaintance Hh k Carman. He
also, said he -houM , oosieent o jn agree
ment of separation. Both,frfeee offers
were refused by Mrs. Barrie, who pleaded
with her husband to set her free, de
claring that Cannan was the only man In
the world for her. No damages are asked
by .the .plaintiff,- but Cannan must pay
the coats. . ' .
One Killed, Eight
Injured in Wreck
Texas Train Plunges Into Burning
Bridge Heavy Mist Obscures
View of Impending Danger. '
M'NEIL, Tex. Oct. It Fireman O. J. Sut
ton was killed and eight persons were in
jured today when an engine and two cars
of the Austin &. Northwestern railway
plunged into a burning bridge over Watters
creek, near here.
The injured:
Benjamin Coyne, mail clerk, Austin, Tex.
H. Withers, brakeman. ,
Phillip Clark, com! actor, Austin, Tex.
R. J. Harts, engineer.
Rev. Dr. Lee, Llano, Tex.
Mia. Roberts, Llano. Tex. -
O. J. Cluplon. LISeity Hill, Tex.
R. H. Hawkins. Chllllcoihe, Mo.
A heavy mist obscured the bridge and the
engineer could not stop his train in time
to avert the accident.
The Aunt In & Northwestern Is under the
management of the Southern Pacific rail
Father of Boy Trattftes Resrardlaa;
Black Hand" Letter and
Demand for ft O.OOO.
BOSTON. Oct. II Jamea P. Whltla of
Sharon. Pa., whose son, Willie, waa the
victim of a sensational kidnaping last
March, was a witness before the fnlted
States district court today at the trial of
Ernest H. Martin of Boston, who Is charged
with sending a letter to Mr. Whltla de
manding 110.000, under a threat to kidnap
his son. Mr. Whltla identified the letter
he had received, which was signed "The
Black Hand Bocjety,'" and which directed
that the money b3" sent to Arthur Howard
Brown, Station "A," Boston; and also a
decoy letter he sent to the same address
Klvm. Martin was arrested when he re
ceived the decoy letter' In Boston.
Foul Play Now
in Death
The conditlona surrounding the death of
Wtlllum Vlssard of St. Edwards, who ex
pired on the Tenth street viaduct near
Union station Monday evening, led rela
tives to the belief that there la a mystery
back of the caae yet to be unravelled.
At the time of hla doath. Mr. Vlssard had
just X cents In his clothes, yet he is a
man of wealth, accustomed to carrying
a comfortable sum.
J. C. Vlssard, special agent for the Union
I'aclflc In Omaha. Wednesday morning
indontlfled ths dead man at Coroner
Ileafey'a morgue as his brother from St.
Edwards. He la directing his attention
toward an Investigation of the case.
"I never knew my brother to be out with
less than a roll of from fifty to aeveral
hundred dollars," said Mr. Vlssard. . "He
was a horseman and recently had been
following fairs about with bis animals.
Great Northern Will Not Attempt to
Invade Territory of the
Golden State.
Says His Road Will Not Enter Cali
fornia, Despite News to Contrary.
Says There Wu No Meeting of Rail-
road Men During Eastern Visit.
Ml lea are to Be Extended la State,
with No . Idea, However, of
, Fraaeleco- Mentions
Hawley'a Name.
ST.' PAUL, Minn..' Oct. IS. -James J. Hill
today denied that toe Great Northern rail
way was trying to enter Harrlman territory
In California by, extending the Or' nt,
Trunk line to San Francisco. He alsu a
niod that during hie visit In New
there had been a conference of railroad
magnates attended by himself and J. P.
Morgan and by Harrlman and Hawley
"My visit was connected only with busi
ness relating to our own companies. "All
I saw of Mr. Morgan was a short personal
call." said Mr. Hill, "and we did not dis
cuss Mr. Hawley's plans at any time. Mr.
Hawley la an energetic railroad organiser,
and If he desires to connect aeveral of his
roads into one system, I cannot see why I
should object or approve."
The stories published along the Pacific
coast to the effect, that the Oregon Trunk
line proposed to build Into San Francisco
were emphatically denied by Mr. Hill. "All
the building which' that line will do will
be done In Oregon," said he. "There is
plenty of room for new feeders in that
state and the mileage which we expect to
add to the system will be confined to that
state. We have no Intention of entering
Oregon Short Line Election.
SALT LAKE CITY. Oct. 13.-At the an
nual meeting today of the stockholders of
the Oregon Short Line railroad, the follow
ing directors were elected: Oliver Ames,
Boston; Oordon H. Buck, New York; Sam
uel H. Carr, Boston; L. H. Cornell. New
York; F. V. 8. Crosby, New York; Oeorge
R. Downs, New York; Maxwell Everts,
New York; Robert L. Gerry, New York;
R. 8. Lovett. New York; W. 8. McCormlck,
Salt Lake City; William Mahl, New York;
Alexander Millar, New York, ; Oliver W.
Mink. Boston; W. V; 8. Thome, New York,
and P. A. Valentine, Chicago.
The only-new name on the l'lrt Is that of
F. 'V, 3. Crosby, who succeeds & H, ,Harrl-
Eskimos Know,
Says Dr. Cook
Polar Explorer Declares He Will
Bring Living Witnesses from
North at Own Expense.
BUFFALO, Oct. U.-"I can only say
that the actual living human witnesses of
my Journey to the pole will themselves be
able to disprove the distorted declarations
put Into their mouths In the statement by
Commander Peary," said Dr. Frederick A.
Cook, who arrived here today, to The As
sociated Press.
"There could not be better testimony than
that given by the men themselves before
an unbiased body of Inquirers. Commander
I'eary evidently regards their evidence as of
:he most profound Importance and so do I.
It seems to me that he might have brought
them along with him. If he was so confi
dent that they would corroborate his story.
"He, however,' chose not to do so. I will
therefore send for them as soon as possible
and place them at the disposal of any
tclentlflc or other body that may desire to
examine them with the aid of any com
petent interpreters, whom the . examining
body may appoint."
Asked whether he would make, reply to
Peary's statement as had been Intimated
In an Interview at Cleveland last night,
Dr. Cook eaid:
"There is nothing to add to what has
been said. I do not intend to enter a
newspaper controversy with an one. I
shall depend upon the witnesses who have
already been brought Into the case and
prove my caje by them."
A. J. Pothler Renominated and Gen
erous Praise Is Given Senator
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Oct. .-The
Rhode Island Republican convention as
sembled today and nominated the following
Oovernor Aram J. Pothler (renomln
ated). Lieutenant Governor Zenas W. Rllss.
Secretary of State J. Fred Parker.
The main feature of the platform waa
the endorsement of the Payne-Aldrlch tar
iff bill and praise for Senator AUlrlch.
of W. Vizzard
He cairled a fine stop-watch which is also
Mr Vlssard was coming to Omaha from
his home In St. Edwards to visit his
brother James, who came here for treat
ment at the Methodist hospital. He left
8t Edwards at 11 o'clock In the morning
In apparently normal condition and dropped
dead a few minutes after hla arrival here
at t o'clock. The cause of death was de
termined as hemhorrage from the lungs
at the coroner's Inquest held Wednesday.
The body will be taken to St. Edwards
for burial. Funeral arrangements has not
been completed. Mr. Vlssard s wife died at
St. Edwards two years ago. Their two
daughters, Mrs. Cecil Compton. St. Ed
wards, and Mrs. Amos QUI, Heyburn. Ida.,
together with a son. Thomas Vlxzaid of
St. Edward, have arrived. The other son.
John Vlssard. has not yet been located.
From the Washington Star.
Crosses the California Desert and is
'. Welcomed to Arizona. ,
Goes to Grand Caayoa of the Colorado
from There and Will Spend
Today Viewing; the Sights
' . at that Place.
YUMA. Aria., Oct. li President Tart to
day Is speeding 'across thousands' of Arl
sona, well started on his journey back from
the Pacific. He crossed the Colorado river
at Yuma shortly after o'clock this morn
tg""'aWat1r'o;eede(J WllhcPV1' lpauixe. for
Maricopa, the railroad Junction town where
the train left the main- line and continued
northward toward Phoenix and other prin
cipal cities of the territory. The president
was met at Yuma by Governor Sloan of
Arizona, accompanied by the other ter
rltorlal officials and prominent citlaens of
The formal ceremonies of welcome by the
governor took place at Phoenix, which was
reached shortly after noon. Here a stop
of one hour was made and the president
delivered his principal addresa In Arizona.
A short automobile ride through the valley
was taken and tho president visited the
Indian school and other points of Interest.
Leaving the capital the train proceeded
still northward tuwurd the mountains and
the Grand canyon, .which the party will
reach tomorrow. The special Ik scheduled
to reach Prescott at 6:20 o'clock, where a
stop of an hour will be made and the
president will deliver a public address. The
president continues In excellent health
and spirits. . The arduous days spent In
California in complying with the demands
of the people of the score or Nuore of
cities he haa visited told but little upon
him and he appeared today fresh and
Passport fiioaes Tronkle for A ru er
ica n In St. Petersburg;
Appeals to Kmbasay.
ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 13. -Ralph Wil-ner-of
New York, an engineer, was ex
pelled from his hotel by the police today
upon the expiration of his permit of sojourn
in the country. Wllner faces a nlht In
the street unless the American embassy,
to which he has appealed, succeeds in
bringing about, a mitigation of the the
police order. When evening came the offi
cials had not relented.
Wllner, who Is traveling In Russia as a
representative of an American firm, got
Into trouble through his misapprehension
of the Intent of his passport.
Noted Suffragette of London Sails
for ew York to Brain
Lecture Tour.
SOUTHAMPTON, Oct. ll-Mrs. Emme
llne Parkhttrst. the noted suffrc.ettc. sailed
for New York today. She will tour the
I'rlted States in the interest of woman's
The man who
doesn't want your
trade enough to ask
foritwon'tdo much
to hold it.
Advertising la an Invitation to you
to buy from the advertisers, lou
will find It pay to buy exclusively
from advertisers. Tbej are the
firms who sell the most goods and
at the closest prices.
Under the head of "An
nouncements" are half a hun
dred small ads that are of
interest to buyers. Read them.
Have you read the want ads yet,
today T
" T w . . .. MMO itAnV .aw MM S I
Crane Episode
Stirs Official
Circles in East
Resignation of Chicago Man Tendered
Directly to President and Action
by Him Expected.
WASHINGTON, Oct. IS. - What will
President Taft do with the resignation of
Charles R. Crane as minister of the United
States to China 1
Mr. Crane t stinging reply last night to
the statement of Secretary Knox yeater
day announcing that he had Informed the
minister designate that . hla. resignation
would beacoepted. Including, aa the-reply
did, .lie. Crane's lucid telegram -of vlrtuaj
resignation to the president, was read and
reread with the keenest sest. Little doubt
was expressed that the resignation of Mr.
Crane would be accepted by the president.
It waa asserted without qualification by
those In the confidence of the secretary of
slate, that Mr. Knox was perfectly assured
t the approval of the president; that he
vas not the Kind of man to take so drastic
i step without knowing In advance that he
would be supported in it.
One of the possible Indirect results of the
whole Incident was discussed with much In
terest ' In ' some diplomatic quarters last
night and today and that Is - the unmis
takable notice that Japan has incidentally
received, even In the words of . Mr. Knox's
statement of yesterday, that this govern
ment looks with disapproval upon Its gains
In Manchuria through the two new treaties
with China which have been so much dis
cussed In connection with . the Crane af
fair. . . .
The statement that "the Crane Incident
Is closed,'! ' was the only response made
today at the White limine aud the State
department to the Inquiry as to whethei
President Taft had accepted the resigna
tion of Charles Crane aa. minister desig
nate to China.
Pardon Asked for
Banker Morse
Petition Requesting Clemency to Be
Presented to President Taft by
Business Men.
NEW YORK, Oct. 13.-A petition asking
President Taft for clemency toward
Charles W. Morse, the former banker, is
being prepared for circulation among prom
inent business men and financiers. .
Morse's attorneys are striving to have
the United States supreme court grant him
a new trial, but in case of defeat an ex
ecutive pardon will be his only means of
escape from the sentence of fifteen years'
imprisonment. Morse showed Improvement
today after his attack of illness In the
Tombs yesterday.
Reports of KIlllnaT Frosts In Booth
t'snse of New Hisrh Marks
for Season.
NEW YORK, Oct. 13-Ueports of killing
frosts in the south were followed by ex
cited buying In the cotton market today,
and prices made new high records for the
season, with December deliveries selling at
13.59c and March at 13.70c, or twenty-seven
to twenty-eight points above Monday's
South Omaha
Not Kansas
Earl Bullock, formerly of South Omaha
and now of Omaha, rises to remark that he
Is not the real Earl Bullock whom the
Kansas Police and posses are hunting for
the robbery of a bank. Mr. Bullock la
about the same age as the young Kansas
bandit, and the similarity of names and a
guess that he might be the same person
has caused him a good deal of embarrass
ment. He resides at 1111 South Eleventh
LAWRENCE, Kan., Oct. 13.-Earl Bul
us w
lrlT &
Daughter of Convicted Spanish Revo
lutionist Appeals to King.
Condemned Man an Edaeator of Note
and Ills Fate Causes a Sensation
In the Principal Centers
of Europe.
BARCELONA, Oct. 13.-Prof. Francisco
Ferrer, the Spanish educator and convicted
revolutionist was shot today. The execu
tion was at the fortress of Montjulch,
where the prisoner had been confined
since his condemnation by court-martial;
The 'dodmed man faced the firing squadron
without flinching and fell dead at the first
Ferrer, except for a momentary expres
sion of emotion Immediately preceding his
death,' retained his composure to tho last.'
His attorney, M. Oalceran. who had de
fended the prisoner so loyally as to bring
about his own arrest for Improperly ad
dressing the court, had obtained permission
for a brief talk with the revolutionist bei
fore the latter was led to the ditch, where
he was to die. To his attorney Ferrer
spoke feelingly of the work for which he
had sacrificed his life, and future of his
daughter, whose brave attempt to save
hla life touched the father more deeply,
apparently than any p'.her Incident of his
trial and conviction.
On, Ferrer' arrest, his family was left
dependent upon this daughter, who at
once found employment In a biscuit fac
tory. When It was known that her father
had been sentenced to death, the daughter
made a personal appeal to King Alfonso,
calling upon him In the name of his known
generosity to spare her father's life. When
this fact was related by Oalceran, Fer
rer broke down. It was but a passing emo
tion and presently the undaunted revolu
tionist .was again himself.
' Refuses Sacrament.
Ferrer declined to receive the last sacra
ments aud turned away from the two
priests of the Order of Peace and Charity,
who had been sent by the prison author
ities to offer him the final consolation of
tho church.
Many petitions for clemency were ad
dressed to King Alfonso, who also was
threatened with death should he not spare
Ferrers lite. Ferrer waa formally a di
rector of the Modern School of Barcelona
and waa repeatedly accused of teaching
revolutionary doctrines. In 1906 he was ar
rested, charged with complicity in the at
tempt upon the llfo of King Alfonso on
the day of the royal marriage. On trial
he was acquitted. On September 1, last,
he was arrested, charged with having in
cited the rioting In Barcelona last sum
mer. This outbreak was In the nature of
a protest against the aending of Spanish
troop against the Moors on the Riff coast.
At this trial documents were submitted
alleging lo have related to the proclama
tion of a Spanish republic.
Creates Sensation In Paris.
PARIS. Oct. 13. -The news of the execu
tion of Ferrer at Barcelona created a tre
mendous sennet Ion when printed here to
day. The newspapers Issued extra edi
tions with glaring headlines, some of them
expressing the belief that King Alfonso
had compromised his future by falling to
Interviews printed show that many per
sons prominent in the scientific and pollt-
(Contlnued on Second Page.)
Earl Bullock
Bandit of Name
lock, the robber, boarded a freight train
on the Ottawa branch of the Southern
Kansas two miles out of Lawrence yester
day, according to a statement to the po
lice today by James Hlgglns, a carpenter,
who knows the boy well. As a result,
Chief of Police Hurd and several other
men started out at noon today In a motor
car In search of him. .
Hlgglns' excuse for not notifying the
officers earlier was the'. "he telephone
waa out of order, and I thought it would
be all right to tell you this morning."
Pittsburg Defeats Tigers, Eight to
Four, and Forge to Front in
World's Pennant Race.
Youngster Now Has Two Games to
Credit in Great Post Series.
Today'a Contest Will Be Last of Big
Series if Pittsburg- Wins.
Aa Tourney Neara End Kntlr Sport.
Inar World Turns Kyea Toward
Detroit Receipts from antes
Reach Enormous Figure.
Standing- of the Teams.
Pitt.bviir s 3 a .eer
Detroit a a
FITTSBl'RO, Oct. 13-1
lead In the great battle now being waged
ror the worlds base ball championship by
defeating letrolt. S to 4. in the fifth
of the big series at Forbes field today.
inis gives the National league champions
three victories to two for the riniun e '
the American league pennant.
The scene will shift to Detroit unln
morrow, where the sixth, and possibly the
last, game of the series will be played. By
winning tomorrow Pittsburg will clinch
me world s championship, but If Detroit
wins the series will be tied again and a.
seventh game necessary.
Despite the announcement h it ..,!.
meet In Detroit tomorrow to decide where
the seventh game Is to he t,.
commission met today and decided to' play
me crucial game. If It is needed, In De
troit. Garry Herrmann fllnned a nntn mnA tt...
Ident B. B. Johnson of the American league
won and chose Detroit.
Snappy Rase Hall Weather.
The game was played with the thermnm.
eter hovering between 36 and 40 hv. .o
A chilling wind from the southwest swept
across me neid, but the Immense grand
stands protected the great majority of the
spectacle. Despite the untoward condi
tions. 21,706 persona saw the game and
the receipts were X1,173. Of this sum the
National commission receives $1,217.30 and
eacn club,owner, $14,4.77.4.
Tho players no longer are In the receipts,
the first four games being their limit. Thla
makes the receipts ot the five gamea $1M.
108 and the total attendance waa 117,347.
Each club owner has now received $36,786.15
and the National commission $11,610.80.
A home run by Manager Fred Clarke,
which scored Byrne and Leach in front of
him. turned the tide of vlotory to Pitts
burg in the seventh Inning, after Detroit
had tied the score at S to. $ by .souring two
tn tho sixth. ; - -
Detroit had two- home runs to Its credit,
but neither came with anyone on bases. D.
Jones, the first man up, in the first inning,
hit the ball into the enclosure which had
been built around the outfield for the over
flow. There was no overflow' from the
permanent stands and It appeared easy to
hit the boll over the low fence. Sam Craw
ford made the other Detroit home run In
the eighth.
Leach Koreipes Injuries.
Crawford's home run nearly deprived
Pittsburg of the services of the brilliant
Tommy Leach. Leach gave chase to
Crawford's long hit and while running
backwards at a good clip, struck the low
leuco. i tie impact of his body smashed
the boards and he shot over the fence
head first and turned a complete somer
sault. A groan went up from the crowd
as it appoared imposKible for the little
centerflelder to escape Injury. After a short
delay he returned to his place tn the field,
apparently none tho worse for his spec
tacular mishap. '
Charlea Adams, the youngster of
PUteburg team, achlnvrri th. i.i.i.
tlhctlon of being the onlv nltfhr
twice In the serins, by annexing today's
game. Adams clearly outpltched Summers,
who worked the first seven Innings for
Detroit, but he was lucky In having the
tenm behind him, as he allowed the
losers four runs. Adams allowed six hits,
two homo runs, two two-baggers and two
slnpleH, while Summers was hit sifely ten
times, Including one home run tnd one
double. , .
Davy Jones' home run gave' Detroit a
run In the first Inning, but Plttsburf
Immediately tied the score, because Sum
mers gave a base on balls with the bases
full. A wild pitch by Summers allowed the
second Pittsburg run to score In the
second inning and another In the third.
Ths score remained 8 to I In Pittsburg's
favor until the sixth, when Detroit bunched
a single and a two bagger and aided by
vancrs costly bad throw, sc.or.4
runs. Then came Clarke's hnm. nln
the seventh and the National leaguers
assumed a commanding lead. Each team
scored one more run In the Ighth Inning.
Wasner Has Bad Day,
The mighty Wagner had a bad day In
the field, making two errors In five
chances. His first error waa a bod throw
of Delehanty's grounder, in the sixth and It
allowed Crawford to score from second. HIS
other mlwplay was a muff of Tom Jones
Pop fly Into short left In the ninth.
At baj. Wagntr made one hit In four
times up, but reached first three times.
The first time he drew a baae on balls, but
was left on second and In the 'third Inning
he singled to left, but was on third when
the inning was ended. In the fifth he was
an easy out and in the seventh he was
hit In the back by a pitched ball. He
dropped to the ground and was evidently
in great pain, but he soon recovered and
trotted to first base.
Cobb made one hit. a single to left In the
sixth, in the field he did not have
chance. '
, single
After getting three balls and two strikes
Davy Jones hit the bull Into the center
field stand for a home run. Bush walked,
but Cobb filed to Leach. Crawford's single
to lert sent Hush to third aa It was i
and run play. Crawford stole second.
Delehanty struck out and Morlarlty popped
to Abstetn.
Pittsburg tied the score In the first half
of the first. Byrne hit bv Bush
laid a safe bunt along the first base foul
line. Clark sacrificed. Wiener iir
pass and the bases were filled.
struck out. but Absteln worked Summers
for a pass and Byrne was foroed across
the plate. Wilson ended the Innlnv h
striking out. The winners added another to