Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1909, Page 7, Image 7
"1 v. t ) y ? V -4 !1i OFFERED FOR RENT Firalkr4 Knas CoatiaaadU room for rent 2542 Chicago, Tel Douglas $277. NICELY furnished front room; close-In- 11111.) fnw nn nr tain . v?; -...-n. .... Vj iVO room. modern, private rmit klklng distance; gentlemen preferred! nowra pi. i'none Harney 4v$o. :W!SHKD room. 2828 Webster 8t 'tammy su. TLY modern roomn, hot and cold lectrlc light. Mre. Seroy, jj t til 8t. 'Phone Doualas 71(i7. f 1 Tr'T '"-n'hl room In a nice, Ji lrn flat. In walking dlatanra and II iV.J" lr; Pr'vate ramlly. tall flh 27th St. 'Phone Harney 7. Parta.eata Flats. nJ v, . -room Tata, -cargo Bldg. $1H N. Mth St.. South Omaha. Tilall. 43J Rama Bid,. Both 'chonea. NEW, room and reception hall; all modern flat; block from car. 1121 Case Bt. Inquire next door. CLOSE IN APARTMENTS. 4 and (-room a pari men m at 6.15-37 S. 31st Bt.; new open plumbing and electric light: only $16; small family only. PAYNE, HOKTWICK A CO.. . Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. CORNISH APART MKNT8. J Just finished 8. K. ( or. 10th and William, f Each apartment contains four or five rooma " and bath, with private pnrchee; both fur nished and unfurnished; 10 to $100 a month; barn for automobiles. Agent at apartments VERY handsome modern new J-room St Louis brick flat, second floor, 321 Park Ave., $27.60. . Tel. Red 6148. . Hoasekeealaar Roams. THRF.B furnished housekeeping rooms, all modern, new and clean, gas ranee. 2ui) N. Utb 81 FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or un furnished for light housekeeping. 17U N. FOR RENT Rooms, furnished pr un furnished for light housekeeping. 1711 N. ,J 4th. MODERN furnished front parlor, 602 South 22d. CLOSE-IN. extra large furnished rooms, newly papered and painted; cook on gas: separate quarter meter . fop eaub room.' 116 Cuming. kep.n"8u,V22dh'n VriyUe"f r TOUR unfurnished. Inquire 104$ 8. $oth. THREE strictly modern unfurnished rooms foi hi housekeeping. 4758 N. Mth Bt. 1 HEATED housekeeping rooms; close In. 1010 Davenport street. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Omaha Pillow Co., 18u9 Cuming St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. HOS Cuming. THREE large room and one small room. 1028 South 23d. WELL-FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. $67 8. 2Mb Ave. t MODERN furnished rooms for light housekeeping; private family. 63$ 8. 24th Ave. Tel. Douglas 4364. Va.fa.ra.laB.ed Room. FOUR nloe unfurnished' rooms for rent, j 1560 North 17th. I TWO or three unfurnished rooma for light housekeeping; modern, Kit 8. 19th Bt. 1MB WEBSTER One unfurnished room, n ground floor. TWO unfurnished rooms, $$, 2230 Leaven worth. ...-. TWO modern rooms. IBIS Webster. FOUR rooms, modern, unfurnished. 2121 Clark St. THREE rooms, first floor, 102$ B. Z$d fit. Phone D. 4038. I ROOMJS for housekeeping. $11.00; " rooms, 8.00. Call 261$ Davenport, or Tel. Douglas 86. r FOR RENT Three nicely fusnlshed rooms for the winter. References required. $324 Fowler, Web. 1637. FOUR unfurnished rooms and two fur nished rooms. 2707 Dodge. Hornsea. 8-ROOM house nicely furnished for rent Cheap. Tel. Harney 115$. Hoases aad Cottagre. HOUSES, flats. Oarvln Bros., t N. T.l CLOSE In, two commodious, all modern houses, new sidewalks, floors, stable; spe cial arrangement to steady tenants. Apply 611 Brown Bile MODERN sis-room brick. Telephone Har ney 12. First Prize Story How a Want Ad Helped Prineo By Bertha McEvoy, Missouri Valley, la. Route $. Father, E. P. McEvoy. Ulghth Ocade. Teacher, Miss Divelbess. I LIBERAL reward for small black pony colt; atar In forehead; web halter. Phone Webster - My nam la Prince. J am a. bay horse. I weigh about 900 pounds. I am gentle. I have good cause to be gentle, because I have the best mistress In the world. She is kind and good te me, . bhe gives me apples Mid sometimes sugar. I think sugar Is gtbout the best thing In the world. Borne times she rides horseback, but she Is so tight I don't feel her weight; then some times she drives me to the buggy. I am Second Prize Story. The Good Ijiuck that Was Brought by a Bee "Want Ad. Agnes Ltinaberg, $43 I Street, Fremont. Neb. Father, O. E. Luhdberg. Grade 7th B., Central School; Teacher, Miss Haas. Aged, 11 Years. FOR 8 ALE Restaurant and bakery in nun t. v.., ..... vt.-w. 1. .1 1 . . 1 v. . . ........ . v.b. 111 Ll Ulllllg UtN UVIOI- rtetti; price from $l,su0 to $2.u00; reason. 111 , 1 ''ill ,oui 1 f;,ww, imivii, 1 1 health: f 1 n I v ,.,), n ....(, .......I. )-.. 4 - - - wo., . 1 v. .Itluil ,u Mr. and Mrs. Erlo Lomond and children occupied their eautifu home In the north- rn part of 8an Francisco. They were very wealtky. owning a large portion of the buildings In San Francisco. One day when they were visiting rela tives In New York, a terrible earthquake , broke out la therm home city. On hearing of this . Mr. Lomond at once started for ) borne, but only to find that his property was destroyed. His beautiful home was biurned to the ground. With the little -a, ni.r and belongings the family had they mude their way to a city in Nebraska, and . here, after four months Mr. Lomond es ' tablished a restaurant, and later a bakery. He kept (his business up for over two years, but at tke ea4 Mt this time his Wealth began to fall aud at last be could OFFERED FOR RENT aa$ lottaaee rsstlaael. OMAHA Van A Storage era., pack, move, 'ore. H H go.j.As; storehouse. 1 LAV 14 K. Uth; office aot So. 17th au Tel. Doug. 1568. HOU8EH. Insurance. Rlratwalt. Barker Blk, ROOMS, modern except heat. 1$ N. Eith. $22 and wafer rent. CHRIS ROTER, $2d and Cuming St. 7 ROOMS, modern. In (rood repair; onlr a. km r. sotn Ave.; now vacant. F. C Beet. 1008 N. Y. Life. HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Wig G rooms, G01 So. 18th St. Phone Harney 4G0G. VACANT Nov. 1. Elegant three-story brick residence. 511 S. 24th St. Twelve large palatial rooms. Numerous smaller rooms. Elegantly furnished and decorated throughout. Every convenience. Swellest place In town. Only high-grade people "V "'". oo, ax meville Big. Phone Ked 5170. FOR RENT I-room mr,rf.- kn.... .-.n o. ztin Ave. lei. Ked 2177. NEAT 4-room flat, pleasant, convenient, rent reaaonable. 3004 8. 17th Bt. FOUR-ROOM modern aptrtment, second floor, 261$ Bt. Mary s Ave. References. WARM, COMFORTABLE HOUSE TO LET 1613 N. 20th St.. $ rooms and bath, full modern, upper and lower hall, front "and back stairs, large closets, two pantries, big cellar, built for comfortable home, all newly decorated, large new furnace. See T. J. Hook, office 1101 N. Uth St., to 8 o'clock. WEST HARNEY St. and th; finely finished; modern -room houne; $ bed rooma. Tel. Harney 2687. FOR RENT Modern brick house. 7 rooma. 41$ 8. 28th. Inquire F. P. Klrkendal & Co.. 11th and Harney. MODERN, 7 rooms and reception hall; oak finish; fine corner lot. 3229 Lafayette Ave.; $40 per month. A. C. . Busk, Phone Harney 9W. 130i 8. 21ST BT., 7 rms., all mod, $27.50. 24D0 Decntur St., $ rms., all mod., $27.50. 2-M Kmrnett St., $ rms., mod. ex. heat $17.60. 2fiSl Spencer St., 5 rms., mod. ex heat $15 222 N. 2Mh St., 3 rms., all mod., $42.50. t.ib 8. 26th Ave., 6 rms., all mod., $30. frL'S Capitol Ave., 7 rms., all mod., $27 50 2310 WebBter Ht.,'8 rms., all mod., $2r. 004 S. 2ih St., 7 rms , mod. ex. heat $17 50 M'CAOUE 1NVE8TMENT COMPANY. ' 150$ Dodge St. Tel. Doug. 415. MAQOARD Van Storage Co. Tel. Doug I40. Ws guarantee moving, pianos, house hold goods. 7 ROOMS, modern house. 1608 Spruce St. H. I. Plumb. 110 8. Uth 8t. 4-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; fine location, good repair; cistern water; water rent paid, fc per month. 'Phone Webster 3(02. 8-ROOM, modern, 3114 Woolworth Ave. ..$3$ $-room, modern, Dundee 44 W. L. 8ELBY, 4M Board of Trade Bid's. FOR RENT-Close In, 8-room house; all modern; 61$ N. 2id St; $32 60. 4-rooin cot tuge. modern except furnace; 2211 Cali fornia Bt. ; $26. Both In complete repair. Apply at 07 N. 19th St. HOUSES if " P"'" of ,h uy "uuot"3 Crelgh Son. A Co.. Bee Bldg NEW. E-run m afrlf-tlv mruA-n. -. 1 ,rc light, furnace; nice yard, 'shadetrees; .s.tpv iiiomn; a snap. s?n 30th Boulevard. Tel. Webster 3182. TO RENT Two new modern dwellings All Mth fit mnA nnm I. 1J" , t ., will lease for one year If satisfactory. IF T" tlf , T T ' t . . u SI 484 Brandeta Bldg. FOR RENT 9-room, all modern houae. 2004 Willis Ave.,.$2t.00. C. M. Baohman. 43S Paxton Blk. MODERN I-room house. $13 S. 36th Ave. 'Phone Douglas 4637. BRIC7C house ti.Tiu i ... 1 . modern. Moyer Stationery Co., ion Far num St. 4-ROOM mndern ,l,.hl ki.k 1.. mj and Nicholas; key at 1116 N. 22d St. Pat terson. 1623 Farnam. NEW modern 7-room house, finished In hardwood throughout. 119 P. 4Id St. $42 60. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 Farnam St. 6-room modern house. 2709 Yates, $16.50. 6-rooin 6-room 8 -room 8-room 8 -room 8-room with furnace, $021 8. 21st St-. $2 nflrtlv n, 3115 Burt, $16. modern house. 601 8. 28th St., $35. modern house, 1313 8. 28th, $26. modern house, 1117 8. 31st, $35. modern house. 950 N. 25th St.. $30. THUMA8 W. HAZEN. 105 8. l$th. 'Phone Doug. 1T00. OMAHA Track. Van and Hcarage Co. Doug. 14IM. lad B-$4A. Office Tul Web stsr street. Zffll Wflnlwnrth A ... B . $27 60 iuui, nwitrn, N. 20th, $ rooms, modern except neat, $23, N. Z6th, 4 rooms, $12 60. RING WALT BR03.. $0$ S. Uth BU not afraid of anything. One day when my mistress was out riding she left me outside of a store while she went to do some trad ing. Borne mean men took me away. They were very mean to me. I thought I would never see my mistress again. But that night I heard them say they Just took me for the reward they knew would be offered. The next day they looked In the papers. They found the above ad In The Omaha Bee, which my mistress had put In. They took me back and got the reward. I was very glad to see my mistress again. I belleve-lf she had not put the ad In The Bee I would never have seen my dear mistress again, for I have heard that The Omaha Bee brlnga best results; at any rate, I heard the ntun say that If my mistress did not put an ad In they would sell me. I am now at home,. happy as can be, thanks to The Omaha Bee.. ( not attend to his business. His physician said he must have another climate. So it was decided to sell the bakery and restaurant. They advertised In several papers and had it for sale almost one half of a year, but could not sell it. Mr. Lomond was about to give up, when, one evening as they were sitting by the fire, waiting for their two daughters to come they came In laughing merrily and exclaimed: "Oh, papa!" I know how you can sell them, Mrs. Nyeksy just told us that we should advertise in The Bee, shall we?" "I don't know," ssld he. "We might as well try that," ssld Mrs. Lomond. "Yes, lets," said Marie, Mrs. Nyeksy said for us to read the want ads and see bow- many people advertise." "Very well," said Mr. Lomond. 80 the above ad was sent In and two days later several men appeared to see It It was sold to Mr. Schumaker of Indiana. He had come all that way to purchase It The next day the Loraond family were on their way to California. Mr. Lomond's health ia of the best and he la now the oner of several buildings In . Callfoxgla. When asked how he gained his fortune, he always replys: "It was brought to me by advertising In that dear paper, Ths Omaha Bee." You may be sure The Omaha Bee paper lis lu his home today THE BEE: OFFERED FOR RENT Hoases and ( attaaes ( oatlaaaed HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing Etpreasmen a Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 34 $17.(0. six large rf.oms. 1915 Elm street. Part modern. C. M. Rylander, $23 N. Y. Life. ELEOANT 4-room Tat. located at $19 a $7th. all modern, price $J6. Bemia, Brandels Uldg. Balldlaga. WILL rent a portion of first floor and all of basement In bullJIng at 914 Far nam. Thin ha trackage and In good wholesale location. Inquire F. E. Jordon A l.o.. 914 Farnam St. Of flees. STEAM heat, single and en suite. In the Wlthnell building, 15th and Harney. N. P. DODGE A CO., 1714 Farnam. THE M'CAOUE INVESTMENT COM PANY has two or three offices and stores for rent. 150 Dodge St. Tel. Doug. 415. Stares. STOREROOM and basement In "cargo block. 8. O.. 690 N. 24h. Hall. 43$ Ramas Bldg.. both Bhonea. RMck store, 1116 Burt, $28. Two brick stores, 1719-21 Cuming St.. $25. THOMAS W. HAZKN. 105 8. lth. 'Phone Doug. 1100. GOOD locstlon for s meat market for rentcheap. 1701 8. 10th. OFFERED FOR SALE Farattare. OKR White mtchlB. Amw V... cot $40 Will sell for $28 cash. Tel. Hi 41s, or mi . aiary s Ave. FOR SALE Two large second-hand stoves, suitable for office or warehouse. Inquire Kaapke Grocery Co., 1403 Harney GOLDEN OAK hall tree, good as new, at less man nair price, sm Webster St. FOR SALE tl-hole range, gas stove. arensers, mattresses etc. 1117 So. 32nd St Maslcal Instruments. REAL BARGAINS in slightly used and second hand pianos. 1 Kimball upright, $90.00. 1 Everett upright, $140.00. 1 Howard upright, $100.00. 1 Emerson upright, $145.00. 1 Chickering upright, $1!J0.00. Many other well known makes easy payments. CORL PIANO CO., 1615 Farnam St PIANO BARGAINS Three sample pianos, discontinued styles, new Instruments, for sale at factory cost. Upright Kimball piano, second-hand, $86. THE BALDWIN CO., " 106 McCsgue Block. Typewriters. RVFRTTHTVfl In tvnwplt,H 4,,.. few of our bargains: Rebuilt No. 2 Smith rreraur, di; o. Oliver, Jt; No. Remington, $23. Machines shipped on ap- nrovalr tin jfennsit , 1 1 1 1 r-.4 T,mAf!. . - ' - . . . . . . . ,rai,iiD Equipment Co., 30S fi. 12th St Central Typewriter Exchange. 1U07 Farnam! Typewriters All Makes 1 Sold and Rented Rent Applied If Purchased All the standard makes. Prices U to Vi manufacturers'. Kent a ma chine, test It If right buy it Olivers, Underwoods, L. C. Smiths, Remingtons, etc. Broad 1 years' guarantee wltlt each one sold. Examine our stock or write for bar gain list before buying. B. F. Swanson Co., 417 So. 15th St., Omaha. Neb. Miscellaneous. ' DRT7GS at cut prices, freight paid on aft $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McCennali Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. TRY G. C. Dlmmock Sons. South Omaha, for lumber. 1,000 Angora Goats For Sale H. T. CLARKE, Her Grand. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water oi asnes. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. FOR SALE New and 2d-hand blllard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruns-wlck-Balke Collendsr. 407 a. Mth St. COATj. Fubllo Market Special. (-. UUAH Best value In Omaha. J Partridge-Thompson Co., 1610 Harney. D. tt42 HALL'S safes, new, ad-band. 11X3 Farnam. SAFES, new and second-hand. 1110 Earn. 8s5 CO Tj lt'" KOoi' Yukon egg or lump, HARMON A YVEETH. Both phones. WORTH SEEING. MUST SSrJLL 3u0 STOVES. Used only one season, for storage charge Also furniture. 14U Dodge Bt Doug. 4.S7 Come early for your choice. FOR SALE-A good self adding cash register: will sell un av ... dress P 471. Bee. ' ' ' t2!.wA,-L.ENATIONAL CASH regis- HUTESON OPTICAL CO.. 213 South 16th St. v,15,8.!5 BURNER, good condition, $10. 1506 IN. utn tot. Second-Hand Boilers We will sell two boilers that have been in ,n B ""dlng. Tney are each 175 horsepower return tubular boilers 7S inch diameter by 1$ feet long. They have IS C. I. tubes $ inches by 1$ feet. Work ing pressure 150 pounds per square inch Heat surface In. 000 square feet. Urate aroa 324 square feet. We are very anxious to dispose of these boilers immediately and will sell at a bar gain If taken at once. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY 17th and Farnam Sta. Omaha. Neh OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS.. 4U N. Y. U Tel. D. 1M4. Dr. Katheryn Nlckolaa. $0$ N. Y. U bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Bi. Te! Zd 7U7. HUFFMAN. $18 Neville Bldg. Book free. PERSONAL STRICTLY private home urine- eanfln. mints; cxcelleut cmj. babies aduutad: trained Burse. 1$ Davenport SI OMAHA. MONDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1W9. PERSONAL CORS our "orn comes out or your quarter enmes back when you ue Corn Jelly. Haines Drug Co. lfclO sr. f AflKFTIf! 'aniaBt Mme Smith. MAUiNLilb i2 8 J6ln aLt third f1CK)r. JAME" RUBY ran get Insurance money by writing John or Chsrley. A HOME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies where mothert cannot care for them. Babies boarden. For terms, address Mrs. Martha A. Lee. 4tt nancroii hi., umiti jseo. fnone Dvua las H12L I LADIES wishing to obtain the latest dress cutting system. Learn cutting. Call 311 No tb 8t. 't'hone. lougla lull. PRIVATE home babies for adoption; itorlum. 740 1st Ave.. during confinement; Uood (Samaritan San Council Bluffs, la. DR. KGOKK". private confinement home bl Martha at- YeL Douglas $; MRS. R1TT EN HOUSE, vibratory mas sage and electrio baths. R. 3uM 4th floor Old Boston Store Bldg., 16th and Douglas. THE fsmous Velvetlna Toilet Goods. For sale by all druggists or phone Dougiaa W03. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castotf clothing; in fsct, snythlng you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 413$ and wagon will call. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramge Bldg. MAGNETIC Treatments. Emmeriin Brott m S. Mth St. Doug. $131 ANYONE knowing the present where abouts of James C. Ballatd. - who resided In Douglas county In 1SS7. or any of his relatives, will please communicate Willi H 32$. care Qmalia Bee. Omaha, Neb. Private confinement home. sir. Dr. King. lf4 N. 24th. TeL. Web. 2G69. lnd. B-lfcl WTflSt ond tus for men. GRIFFITH. " U and 14 Frenser Blk. BATHS, massage, magnetic treatment. 1617 Dodge St.; basement flat. Hours 10-8. Miss La Grane. W'E RENT and repair all makes of sew ing machines. 'Phones: lnd. A 163; Doug. 1963. Neb. Cycle Co., corner ISth and Har ney. HPI FV AUrtrci " n- v. i ... rv P manscurlng and niatage. 1724 Capitol Ave. A NEW ROOK, the "Underworld Sewer." by Josle Wsnhburn; price, $1 50. Sold by Swarls & McKelvey, 109 8. 16th St., be tween Douglas and Dodge. POULTRY AND EGGS PULLETS Thoroughbred White Wyan dotte pullets for sale. 'Phone Harney 325. ' 1 - PAINTING PHONE IND. A-3620 for good printing Lyngatadt Printing Co.. Uth A Capitol Ave, HYATT A LONUACRE. PRINTERS. 1703 leaven worth bt. Tel. Doug. 3647. REAL ESTATE HSAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT C CT CO., Est. ISM; prompt priceaA 1710 Farnam St. service; get our GANGE8TAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. $347. PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Ufa BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. J HA 8. E. WILLIAMSON' President CITY PROPERTY FOR BALK TWO BARGAINS oi truing muuri ii rsiit-ijt iui iiun, iii'W, now vacant, only J2,aW). 2506 Saratosa St. Svn rooms, fully modern," in Dundee; cava 11113 IIU BigULiy. uu sre ,11, uiiu niHKtr offer; eauy terms; now vacant 830 N. 50th A ra Uclnu tl (Vafs F, C. Beet, 1008 N.,Y. L. $500 Cash Payment will buy that beautiful new bungalow, 1509 Frederick St.; 6 living rooms, parlor and dining room, mission finish, ' floors all po lished for rugs, vestibule, nice bath room with enameled tub, lavatory, toilet, medi cine cabinet combination . fixtures, good cellar, large attic, cement sidewalks. Price $2,6j0; $500 cash, balance monthly. You can move right in and be happy. Let us show it to you at once. Payne, Bostwick &Co. Sole Agents. Main Floor, N. Y. Life. HANSCOM PARK HOME 8 rooms, nearly new, all modern, with HOT WATER HEATING, paving paid. Owner leaving city; will take $6,6o0. TERMS. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Floor. N. Y. Ufe. FOR SALE BY OWNER, Five-Room House. Can be made Into a aeven-room house; modern ; except furnace; ground 132 feet front and 120 feet deep; fruit and shade trees; house built little over three years. $1,200 cat h, balance on time. S5!4 Avenue A, one of the best locations In the west part of Council Bluffs $500 CASH PAYMENT Will buy that beautiful new bungalow, 1509 Frederick St.; five living rogms. parlor Hnd dining room: mission finish: flnora all pollKhtd fur rugs: vestibule, nice bath ro m with enameled tub, lavatory, toilet, medi cine cabinet, combination fixtures, good cellar, large attic, cement sidewalks; price, $.' 0. $;0 cash, balance monthly. You can move right In and be happy. Let us show It to you at once. PAYNK. BOSTWICK & CO.. Sole Agents, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Must Sell Five-room cottaife at 1115 S. 27th St.. all modern except heat. $2,tJ0, easy terms. Seven-room house at 1111 s. 27th St., $3,200 completely modern; easy terms. C G. Carlberg 9H N. Y. Life Bldg. Farnam St. Property 133 feet, near 24th $35,000. 110 feet, near 2M, $2')0 a foot. 24 feet, near 2id, Improved. $17,000 l7 feet, near 2Ui. $42,000 (Improved). 90 feet, east of 20th, $75,000. 16.4 feet, corner 20th, $42,000. Harrison & Morton SIX-ROOM HOUSE, $2,300 Good location; one of the best built houses In Omaha; plenty of shade and shrubbery; large barn; convenient to car line; owner leaving city and will sacrifice; place is worth at least $3,000. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, $1,400 In southern part of town, owner wants to sell at once. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. INVESTMENT Two St. Louis flata, built 1 year, monthly rental $102; corner lot. paving paid In full both streets, first Clsss location; BIGGEtfT SNAP IN OMAHA: $v wO. Could handle with 1.1 ViO cash. OLOVER REALTV SYNDICATE. Ground Floor. N. Y. Life. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRT FOR IALI (Continued.) FOR 8AI.H-Nw. strictly modern 7-room house, 2 stories, attic, full basement osk finish, hot ht h-at; terms easy. 61J8 N. 24th. near Ftrt St. FOR fALR Cluse In, two detached houses, six and einht rooms, good barn, ex tra deep lots; fine lawns; concrete walks. Paved street near high school. See owner, W. H. Griffith. 2M3 Chicago St. -Rmim strictly modern, all on one floor; splendid neighborhood, paved street, paving paid, elegant home. $3,2oaiO 5-room new. never occupied; Just com pleted, modern except furnace. $2,200.00. Special Lot at Mat St. and Military Ave. $3rd.UU, Phune Web. 3Tt or !H2. REAL state for sale; 110-acre farm, partly Improved; good log building, good meadow and small stream water running throuch land. Price $.1,000; easy terms. This is a snnp. J. I. Martin. Staples. Minn. SPECIAL Modern house of 6 rooms, almost new. In splenotd condition, east front on 2Mb St., just north of Parker, fir $3,000. Hest house tin r Hi ii on north side. Payment plan to reliable buyer. Paved street and good sur rounding. House No. Iisi8 N. 2Mh. Harrison & Morton 911 N. Y. Life. Both telephones. INVESTMENT A good, ssfe, sure Income-hearing prop erty; no gingerbread about lt ; not show property paying over IS per cent net and will increase in value. Can be bought for $9,000; $5,001 cash and $4,000 long as you want it to run at 5 per rent. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 24 N. Y. Life Uldg. $1,175. $50 cash buys a good little cot tage, all on one floor Close In. near rar and paved street. Shopen, 620 Paxton Blk., louglas 4240. BOULEVARD HOUSE, C4$ N. 19th St, ro -nn. modern, only $2,500. Thomas Brem nan Room 1. New iurk Life Bldg. FOR quick returns. )'.: your real estatt for pale end exchsrge with me. no sale, no pay. W. W. Mitchell. Board of Trade :dg., Omaha Neb. LOTS in Gering. Choice lots In Gering, Neb., where Union Pacific survey Just run through; railroad expected in this winter. For a bargain write Bos 2116, Mitchell, Neb. FARNAM ST. SNAP. Thre-story brick store, Twelth and Farnsm. rentlnir for 11 7-'a nee nnntu If sold at once, priced reduced to $12,500. 105 S. 16th. 'Phone Doug. 1TO0. Owner Leaving City Must tell 7-room modi rn home on h Ave., south of Leavenworth, near the Field club; large lot. east front, with shade tree.; nouse duiu i or years; price cut to $3,200. Act quickly. House No. 10,20 S. 3oth Ave. Harrison & Morton $13 N. Y. Ufe. Both tcliphones. BEMIS PARK New house, $ rooms and large reception hall, oak finish, hot water heating, nice south front lot; snap at $5,500. TERMS. GLOVER REALTY SYNDI CATE. Ground Floor. N. Y. Life. A choice building lot, "Hillsdale." $1.00 cash. $1 a week. Prices $100 to $200; no In terest, no taxes. See us. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH t-tlttl FOR 4 LB Coloradu. FOR. SALE Good 280-acre ranch, good water right, 6 miles from Boulder; good markets 8-room house, granary, barns. Address owner. R Axelson, R. F. D. No. 1, Nlwot, Colo. PUBLIC LAND DRAWING. 22,000 acres of Irrigated government land In Arkansas Valley, Colorado, will be thrown open for settlement October 21, 1909, under the Carey act. Opportunity to get an-Irrigated farm at low cost on easy payments. Only short residence required. Send for book giving full Information. Two Buttes irrigation and Reservoir Co., Lamar, Colo. II ebrasVa. SOUTHEAST quarter, 6-11-7, S miles north of Lincoln on 40th St., 3 miles from Davey; fine location; good build- irigB. If you want a farm worth the money, investigate this. Price $10,51)0. E. N. Christiansen, owner, Davey, Neb. ROLLING farm and stock land; good soil; section 25, Twp. 10, K. 27; ti-iO acres, Lincoln county, Neb.; price, $S,0u0; one third cash, balance, ten annual install ments; 6 per cent interest. Address owner, James McNamara, 1U05 20th Street, Rock Island. 111. NUCKOLLS County, Nebraska. Land Bargain 320 acres near Edgar, gootl house, barn, hog house, hog pasture, 30 acres alfalfa. 20 acres timothy and clover, 120 acres other cultivated land, balance fenced in fasture. If taken soon, $50 per acre. Terms. Box 76, Edgar, Neb. CHEYENNE COUNTY WHEAT LAND. 45 bushels wheat land, $20 an acre. The purest and richest of soli and heaviest crop yielding county In Nebraska for years. Write for full particulars. Agents wanted everywhere for our proposition at once. FUNDINSLAND & KEVERSON,, Land Brokers, Sidney, Neb. BARGAIN IN FARMS. Ten thousand acres alfalfa, winter wheat and corn land for sale In small and large larms, in Sherman, Buffalo and Custer counties. J. T. Campbell. Litchfield. Neb. 6S0-ACRE farm, 235 In cultivation; house 30x30, two-story; barn. 26x 40; hog house, granary, corncrlb; orchard; peach orchard; 20-acre hog pasture; 10 acres timber, bal ance pasture and hay land; soil black loam. Snap at $15 per acre. For further Information address, A. C. Hubbard, Ewing, Neb. Oklaiosia. OKLAHOMA Land $45 Per Acre No. 2991,320 acres timber and grazing land, on Illinois river. In Adair county; nearly all black oak timber, will make from two to four railroad ties to the tree: some white oak saw timber; some white pine, 16 to 24 Inches In diameter and Ml to 100 feet high; 3U0 to 400 acres of this land can be cultivated; about 60 acres now under cultivation; ten miles of Westvllle, and new railroad now building within three miles of land; the timber alone ought to pay mure than we ask for the land. Price, (5 acre. No. 542 3.530 acres timber and grass land in Cherokee and Adair counties, at $5 per acre. No. 545130 acres timber land within three miles of Peggs, Cherokee county, at $5 per acre. Can you beat these offerings? nowata Land and lot co., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Texas. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS. Over 5t).tAjy acres coming on market. You can buy iW acres at $2 per acre; pay $X2 caf-h and balance after 40 years; fine farming and fruit lands, and a healthy climate. For further Information send 6 rents postage. Investor Publishing Co., Dept. 4, Ainarillo, Tex. M iscellaaeous. FOR Oregon, California and'ldaho lands, mines and timber address Clem,ents-Baslsr Realty Co.. Giarts Pass. Ore. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and home build era with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. No communion. W. H. THOMAS, $03 First National bank Bldg. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAa BKENNAN Room 1. New York Life Bid; $50$ to $5,000 on boraes to Omaha. O' Keefe Real Estate Cu.. luul N. Y. Life. beu. ut A -2151 UOIEY TO LOAN Payne lavesroent C REAL ESTATE LOAN (Continued.) $10 to t1 ,000 made promptly. T. D. Wea Wead bl.'.g . 18th and Farnaav Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on hand and for sale In amounts from $.M to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. T. Life Bldg. WANTEO-City loans, patera Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1220 Farnam tfk PAYNK. ROSTWICK CO.. N. T. L4ts Private money. $500 to $6,000; low rate. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-U First Nai l bauk Uldg. Bell 'Phone, Dougiaa U1A. LOWEST RATES tiemla Brandels Bldg. GARVIN BROS.. $1$ N. Y. Life. $W to $200,000 on Improved property. No delay. FARM LOANS 6 and $H per cent optional payments; no delay. L SIB BERN SEN. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR $, $ and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property tor you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite K4 N. Y. !' Bldg. WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for furniture, eto. BELL S Furn. Store, 1406 Dodgo. Red $631. BEST price paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothes and shots. TeL Doug. $971. WANTED TO BUY I wish to buy a used desk; flat top preferred, but I do not wtsh to pay a fancy price for lt. I can use, also at the right price, a cahlnet or compartment case that would serve to store away cuts, electrotypes, catalogues, etc. Would also buy an air brunt! and ar tist's tools, etc,, at the right Juice Ad dress E-47S, Bee. BALTIMORE Zd-hand store pays best price 2-hand furniture, clothes, eto. D. 4265. BEST price pall for Id-hand furniture, stoven, clothing W. Rosenblatt- Tel. D. $401. WANT Jd-hand shoes and clothes. D. 27.S5. ONE LIGHT delivery wagon for grocery. C. F. .Shaw Co., 1333 Park Ave. WANTED SITUATIONS LADY with several j an' business train ing desires posltlun sclllnft either In city or will travel. Al references. Address W E07. care Bee. WANTED By young man, place to work for board while attending Boyles oollega Both phones. WANTED Plnce to work for room and board and attend night school. Address W. Batson, Hastings, Mich. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Sep tember 13, l'AW. Healed proposals In trip licate, will be received at this office until 9:.I0 a. m., mountain time, Wednesday, Oc tober 13, 1909, at which time they will be opt ned In public for the Installation of sieam heating plants complete In officers' quarters No. 1 to No. 8. Inclusive, and No. 31 and No. 83, post plans, Foit D. A. Rus- seii, yoming. t'lans and specifications for the inspection of bidders are on file in this office, also in the office of the Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Nebraska; Chief (Juai- termusttr. Department of the Colorado, Denver. Colorado, and the office of the Secretary of the .Builders' exchange. St, rain, Minnesota. The government re serves the right ta reject or accept any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be . Indorsed "Proposals for Steam Heating Officers' Quarters, Nos. 1 to 8, Inclusive, and Nos. 31 and 33, Post Plans, Fort D. A. Russell, Wv'.irnliiir " awA .4 .1 ......... .1 i .r t ' 1 1 . J . B i a.iu I c.nru 111 . JV . nitll. Captain 15th Infantry, Acting Quarter master, U. S. A., in charge of . construction, Room 3, Keefe Hall, Cheyenne, Wyoming. rSept. 14-16-16-17-Q. 11-J2. OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING quartermapter, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Oc tober, 5, 1909. Sealed proposals In trip licate, will be received at this- office until 9::i0 a. m., mountain time, Friday, No vember R, 1909, anf then opened In public tor furnishing all material and labor re quired for constructing an "Independent Outlet Sewer, for Sewer System," at Fort I). A. Russell, Wyoming, (estimated quanti ties, !4;f2 lineal feet of 12-inch sewer pln; twenty-six manholes). Plans and specifi cations for the Inspection of bidders are on file In this office, and in the office of the Chief Quartermaster. Department of the Missouri fimih. xiai.Bui.n. . , . ' . ti ii n n ii . v mm Quartermaster, Department of Colorado, v-omraao, ana in tne orrice of the hteretary of the Builders' exchange, wt. l aul, Minnesota. The government reserves the 1 lit hit In HPIatil ru. ...... ... ... bids or any part thereof. Envelopes con- . ' pi uosa is siiouiu ne indorsed "Pro posals for fi.,)... ... Constructed at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyom ing, and addressed to Captain V. K. Hart Infantry. Acting Quartermaster. U. S A., Room 3, Keefe, Hall. Chevenne, Wyom ing. (I. 1 l.l m a LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed pro Posals will be received by the secretary of the Fifty-fifth JnfiuiTry bund, riarinda, iuu .V moiiuay, October, 2a, IH tit f( II- I ha i n . . , ' - "iiniiuLtiun ui a i-mory oricic armory biiilJiti. bUxllU tt from th PllflPIOla f ..ii I ... i ,i . . . " 'it, up, in . lurnnia, owa, ".' un- ijiuii. unii Himc n- trt rilZl"re'l hy W' W- Wtlch- '''- ..ii l r,V c un. re or me secretary of fald building committee in Clarlnda Iowa, after October )2. Ym. A Certified Sil.HCkh.T!'.de Panl u 'no secretary of aid building committee for 5 per cent of ,aKUnt of the ,,ld' must accompai"; will tn,'l,ar,a. K"arn'" that the bidder i, ; .u ana rurnlsh a rril . 'uilHIIHU-e, .1 uiiii unit- or open ng, and L'TllJl1)':':, th. contract iji "i'r" vni, fromnwmi,lnl!!Pi'lci'tl'n" may be cured in h'm" "crMarr" y d-losit- .. - .... uw.iain int. i0 le refunded If u ans urn ii,, r.u,i i., i . ' 'u,i"ei ir j ,,, hm.u eotioil lull with n ir. forward'eT " tJEORGK W. LANDERS w.'iy;1" 'HAUDSON, EDWAHI) F. HOSK WILLIAM OUR, ' WMlliain orr. Secretary of Ziul.Tm. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION 10TI1 SIASOX Ualoa raetfle T Overland Limited a 7:20 am China and Japan Mall.. a 4.00 pin Oregon & Washington Limited al2:01 am Los Angeles Limited. ,.al2:6a pm Portland Special el3: pm Colorado Special a 1:46 am North Platta I ir'u I B u-ic - Arrive. all.i.9 pm a :30 aia a 6:45 am a l:5o pm a .6 pm a $ 45 am a 4:46 pm a 6:00 pm ara b 1.20 pto b 1:20 pm a $:30 pm a $. pm a $.oo pm a U mm a $:$ ara aU:U pra tlO U ant a $ 4$ pm a 1:1$ aia a'Y'uam bU:N am Colorado Express a 3.50 pm Grand Island Loral a t:2j pm Lincoln Beatilce Loeal.bU:4v pin Valparaiso & Central t-'Hy Vr.bl2.40 pm Chlcasu Great IVcetera Chicago Limited a 8.15 am Twin City Limited .a i.l am .a $.30 pm .'a 00 p in Chicago Kx press ... Clarion Iirsi Twin city Express Wtksik ft Louis Ex a 6:30 pm (from .......a $.00 am (from b S:00 pm tt Louis Local Council Bluffs). 6ianberry Local Council Bluffs). llllaole Ceatral Chlcasa Kinross m l a m . Chicago Limited a 4 00 pm Mn.n.-Si. Paul Exp b 71. am iliun.-bu Paul Ltd. a . 00 pin Omaha-FL Dodge Loe.b 4:14 pa RAILWAY TIME CARD0"""' Chleage m Hartawseeera, Leave. Arrive. Colorsdo-Chlcsgo a 4 H) am 1 .K am Chicago Daylight Spl..aT:00am all: am Omaha-Chicago Local.. .aU.Ubpm, all. .16 pin .'olotado-Chlcago a 4 20 pm a I K pm Omaha-Chloago Si,....a vt pm a 7 DO am Pacific Coast-Chicago.. a 4.U6 pm a $.2 pm Loe Anaeles-Portland Limited $10 pm . all 06 pm Overland Limited al2 1 am a 7 05 ara Carroll Local a 4.16 am a I.&6 pra b'ast Local Cedar Hapids-omaha a $.li pra NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH. Twin City andDakoia Daylight a 7:46 am alO.N pm Miunehota and Dakota. a 7 00 pm Twin City Limited a s.uupm. a 1:10 aut Sioux City Local a 1.4b pin a i.M pin Dakota-Sioux City Omaha a $ 1$ am Mimieaota-Sloux City- Omaha all OO m NORTHWESTERN LINE WEST. Norfolk-Honesteel a I 50 am alO 30 pm Lincoln-Long Pine a J:' am lU N mi Norfolk-South Platte., b $:1 pm b &.20 pm Hastings-Superior b I lk pm b 6:20 pm Deadwuod-Hot Springs.. a 3 55 pm a 3 JO pm Casper lender a $ 46 pm all 00 am Freniont-Aimon a :w pm o i n pm Catraaa, $4oels lslaa raetfle EAST. Rocky Mountain L t d. .alj 40 ara al0:M pm Iowa laical a 4 40 am a 4 SO pm The Mountaineer a :4J am a 1 U arm l'ts Moines Local a 4:00 pra alJ.M pra Iowa Local blO.Jb am b $6 Pin Chicago-Kastern Ex. ...a 4 40 pin a 1:10 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd a 4 OH pm a $:06 ara The Mountaineer al0:40 pm a 7.36 am Chicago-Nebraska i-td. , for Lmcoln) a 4:30 ara a $.47 pm Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:20 pm a 4:30 pm Okla. and Texas Ex. ...a 4:40 pra a 1:00 pm Rocky Mountain L i d. .all. u pin all .(0 am Mlssoart Faelfle K. C. and St. L. Ex a 9:00 ara a TKM am K C. and St L. Ex. (lv. Sat 12 p. m ail:l pm a :54 pm Chicago. Milnaskte A t. raal . Overland LlnU'ed el2;15 am a 7:06 am Overland hacial a $ S5 am a 1:30 am Chicago -omaha Special. a T:20 am a 6 56 am Colo.-Callfornia Ex a 6.00 pm a 3 35 pm Perry-Omaha Local b 6:15 pm bll.06 pin BURLINGTON IT, tOTH MA SOX Bnrltagtoa Lmvs Arrive, a $ 46 pm a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm a 7:10 am a 4:10 pm all:15 pm a 6:10 pm b 9.08 am a 1 60 pm bl0:20 am a 8:50 am a 2:40 pm a 7:10 am all:$ft pm a $:66 pm a 8:00 am all 30 am all:) am a 6:4$ am a 6:10 pm Denver and California.. a 4:10 pm Puget Sound Ex a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Ex el If pm Nebraska points a $:20 am Lincoln Fast Mail b 1:20 pm Nebraska Ex a 9:16 am Lincoln Local Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm Schuyler-Flattsmouth ..b 1:06 pm plattsmouth-lowa a 9:18 ain Bellevue-Plattsmouth ..S12.S0 pm Colorado Limited all:60 pin Chicago Lltmted a 7:20 am Chicago Ex a 4:20 pra Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm Iowa Local a 9:1a am St Louis Ex ..a 4:40 pm Kansas City and St. Jo.al0:48 pm Kansas City and St Jo.a 9:15 am Kansas City and St Jo.a 4:40 pin WEBITBR TA 15TH WEBSTER Chicago, St. Paal, Ulaaeapelle Omaha Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Express b 2:00 Dm bll:46 am Omaha Local e 4:20 pra Sioux City Passensjer b t.JU Dm Twin City Passenger.. ,.b I SO am , Sioux City Ixical o $:$b ara Kmereon Local b k'te pm ' b ;10 am Mlssoart Paclfla Auburn Local b $40 pra bll:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o Bun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Omaha-Carron bocal...a $ 46 pm a 8:30 ara OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN rACIFIO WBEKLT SAILINOS BBTWRIN MONTtlAU 0UK11B0 AND LIVERPOOU Nothing better en th AtUstto tktn cur Bsip Iii1ms on all steimers. C.B. bENJAMIN, o. A. Ittl So. Clark at. Chlugw I1L NUMBER 9 LINKED WITH LUCK Has Always Been Particularly Favor able to Scientific Ho. search. Years terminating in "9" appear to bo fa vorable to scientific research. This year, WhiCh has Witnessed tha mnniiMl' .e tl, sky und the discovery of the North pole, nas Deen no exception te the rule. Scores of distinguished' scientists were hnrn nr n. compllshed their grandest achievements In such years, most notable among whom was Charles Darwin, the naturalist who cre ated a new heaven and a new earth was born In 1W9. and in lRr,4 he hi. great celebrity through thu publication of nm- urigin or species. A similar coincidence nv h nnta i the life of that great scientist, Alexander von Humboldt, famous ihrminhmii world for ills xoologlcal, physical and geo graphical investigations. He was born In "ii iw years ago, JiUtf. The career which made htm h rr..i.. naturalist of his time, and one nt the or). et-t of all time, was commenced at Goellln gen In 1789. He made visits of sclentlfld ex ploration to tne Harti and the banks of the Rhine, and his Investigations resulted In his first book. Later he entered ti Min ing Academy at Freldburg, where he had me Dentil oi the private instruotlons of Werner. He was afterward an offlcs In the mining department. In the meantime publishing several solentiflo trea tises dealing with his discoveries: He also -carried on physiological researches, .which he laborated In a. work on "Th t.rii.k , --- - " ..iiawuiijr of tpe Muscular and Nervous Fibers." In 17S3 he began a series of explorations which extended all over the world, partic ularly in America. The record of his trav el was published in his great and mono- ' mental work, consisting of nearly three score volumes. In which ha set forth with minute detail his discoveries as a natural ist. After a residence In Paris, . in 1S29 he becamo a traveler, the Emperor Nicholas placing him at the head of a well-appointed expedition to the north of Asia. This ex pedition resulted in many Important dls caverles, notably of an Increased knowledge of the earth's magnetism. He spent the latter years of hi life In Russia, and tiled Muy 6. lsJ3, again eon. firming the circumstances . of "nines." Clncl.iiisil Fnijulrer. Both Boys dared. Louis Boon, a leading merchant of Nor way. Mich., writes: "Three bottleg of Foley's Honey and Tar absolutely cured my boy of a severe cough, and a neigh bor's boy. who was so ill with a cold that the doctors gave him up, was CUied by taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Nothing else la as safe and certain In result. B-iid uy rll druggists Washing Without l.anaoaares. The new laundress had Just returned the week's wash. Said th woman of the apart ment: , "Delia, these clothes are don up verv well, indeed." "Yes, I was taught laundry work '"ftt Hampton school." , "So you went to Hampton, did vou? ir. i a very good school." "Oh. yes, fa a very good school," re plied the dusky wanherlady, Judicially, "but they teach no languages there." New York Times. Your rnmpii xlon as wn as your temper is rendered miserable by a disordered liver Bjr teklng Chambeilaini otoinacb and Liver Tablets you can Improve both. Bold by all druggu-is. If you have anything to at-ll or trade and want qluck action, advertise It la The Bee Want Ad. Colur f