Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1909, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee The Omaha dee la th moat powerful busings Itetter Id th went, bwiuM It gog to tbe homes of poor and rich. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska ColJr. For Iowa Colder. For weather report aoe pane S. VOL. XXXIX-NO. 100. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1W0. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 1 LITTLE CHANCE OF GAME TOD VY ptin it Falling at Detroit ,( v casier uives no tncoura for a Letup. BOTH TEAMS EEADY FOE 1 e Pittsburg: Flayers, Contrary to Expe tations, Come to Detroit Sunday. DETROIT'S HOPES PUN HIGH Easy Victory of Saturday Gives Them Added Confidence. GOSSIP OF NEXT PITCHERS Detroit Will Use Either Bummers or Mullln and Plttabnrg Probably Either Adams or Maddoi, bat Nothing Certain. UETROIT. Mich., Oct. lO.-The chances of playing the third same of the world'! championship aeries between Pittsburg and Detroit hero tomorrow are extremely 'doubtful, because of a heavy rain that began shortly after noon and continued without intermission for hour. According to the local forecaster, the rain will con tinue ateadlly all night and possibly all day tomorrow. The rain may be steady tomorrow or may come In showers and there will be brisk winds to accompany It. Wlilla the Infield at Bennett park In protected by an Immense tarpaulin and a game may be possible If the rain stops tomorrow morning, there Is little likelihood of Its being played. This will put the Detroit games over until Tuesday and Woesday and will delay' the next game atl ttsburg until Thursday. A the rain Is said to be general over the country, there Is also a chance that the stay In Detroit may be prolonged be yond even Wednesday. The Pittsburg and Detroit teams arrived here today on the National commission's special train. Manager Clarke of Pitts burg derided to bring his champions over last night Instead of waiting until this morning, as he originally intended. The nttsburg headquarters were established at the Pontchartraln hotel. The majority of the Pittsburg supporters will not ar rive until tomorrow morning, but there Is a sprinkling of them here now. Detroit's Hopes nan High. ine uetrolt team arrived at an early hour, but there were some enthusiasts on hand to give Jennings and his men a few oheers as they drove through the streets In automobiles. Jennings wore a happy smile and there was a general air of con fidence among the Detroit players. Their decisive defeat of Pittsburg Saturday has causod a marked rise In their hopes, as they are certain Summers and Mullln will win their games. ll mere is a game tomorrow the De troit cnalre ot-pitchers .will probably lie between Mulllii anal Hummers. If It la a dark day Jennings will likely use Mul lin because of the veteran's great spend, which will be doubly effective In the darkness. Bummers may be given a chance if the conditions are more favorable, as he warmed up In excellent' shape before Saturdays game when Jennings chose Donovan, manager wiai'Ke. rerusea to make any prediction as to his selection of a twlrler, but he Intimated that his choice would probably be between Aditma and Maddox. The youngster from the American associa tion did so well In the opening battle that there Is a good chance he may be sent back. Great Interest will be added to the game If the two pitchers who did such excellent work In the opening game were sent In. The return of the Iwo teams,' each with a victory to Its credit, has aroused the Interest here to a fever heat. Predictions are being made freely that the crowd at the first game here will beat all records for world's series In this city. All the reserved seats were sold soon after the sale opened and thousands have been un Vl'le to get them. ,Ttie' National commission la scheduled to hold a meeting here tomorrow and It Is expected soma action will be taken on the Murphy-Pfeffer case. The commis sion has twice postponed action on this case, but It is likely It will be setttled to morrow. HEADING OFF FATAL ACCIDENTS Concerted Effort to Stop Practice of "Ages nasal nv( on Railroad Property. CHICAOO, Oct 10. Following the re markable record made last year by at least half a dosen of the largeet railroad systems In the country In not killing a alngle passenger, five state railroad com missions and several of the railwayano tably the Pennsylvsnla. have Instituted a vigorous campaign against trespaaslng on railroad property. The commissions Interested In the move ment are those of Illinois. Indiana. Wis consin, Michigan and Ohio, and It was an nounced here today that In all these states more rigid laws will be urged against stealing rides on trains and trespassing cn railroad property. The state commissioners have statistics showing that In ten years a total of 47.411 persons who were trespassers on railroad property were killed by trains. The killed were tramps and men using railroad tracks as thoroughfares. CHOLERA THREATENS SEOUL City Still Unsanitary In Unite Kfforta of Japanese to ( Iran It In. of SI50UL. Oct. 11. Cholera threatens to be come seriously epidemic here. The authori ties are taking every precaution, but Seoul Is not a sanitary city and the disease has spread rapidly. The palace of the ex-om-peror has been Invaded, and the home of the resident general has not been Immune. The sohools are closed regularly for fumi gation. t For a year, the sanitary authorities ap pointed by the Japanese resident general, have been cleaning up the city, but only those who have gone Into the alleys and byways of Seoul can know the uncleanil ness ot the place. Two yeara ago cholera nould have swept Seoul, as the city then was without drainage of any kind. The rain waa the only scavenger. Now there la reasonably good water supply, and some kind of operetta drains have been rt.ade- Hundred Years Church Activity to Be Observed Fifty Thousand People Expected to Attend the Christian Church Jubilee. . 'SBURG. Pa.. Oct. 10. - What Is will be the largest religious cele on and convention ever held In this .ountry will begin here tomorrow when the International centennial celebration and conventions of the Disciples of Christ (Christian churches), convenes. Three ses sions will be held dally until October 19. It Is estimated that fully 50.000 delegates and visitors from all parts of the world will be In attendance. So large Is the con vention that It has been divided Into three parts and meetings will he held simul taneously In the Oakland Methodist Kpls copal' church, Carnegie Music hall and Luna park. The preparations have been going on for the last four years In perfecting the arrangements for the centennial and dur ing the next week men prominent In every walk of life will come here and address the various meetings. One of the noteworthy events will be the launching of a missionary steamer In the Allegheny river. After the ceremony the boat will be dismantled and shipped to the River Nile, whero it will be used to carry on the missionary work of the Christian church. A majority of the delegates and visitors are lodged In private residences In Pitts burg and a great many of them are being given room and board free of charge. In this connection it was found necessary to fit up a large downtown .building formerly used as a department store, with cots. In an endeavor to Immediately take care of the visitors upon their nnlval In the city. Big Reception for Gompers Thirty Thousand Laboring Men Ex pected to Be in Line at Washington. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. As a tribute to the home-coming from abroad of Presi dent Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor, one of the most representative gatherings of organised labor ever assembled In this country will welcome him. To signalize his return ar rangements were completed today for a mammoth parade of organised labor and a reception In his honor. Participating In the parade, which Mr. Gompers will head, will be more than 30,000 laboring men, and at the reception at Convention hall will be assembled International officers of labor bodies, the executive council of the Feder ation, government officials, delegates from labor bodies from all parts of this country, from Canada, and even from Cuba. President Gompers will arrive here at o'clock pext Tuesday evening, when he will bo met at the station by. a com mittee of flvo and esuorted to a hotet to await the start of the parade at 7 o'clock. Btjartlng at the Peace monument, the route will be on Pennsylvania avenue to Fifteenth and G streets, where a halt will be made until Mr. Gompers can ascend to a hotel veranda to review the parade, which will proceed up New York avenue to Convention hall and there disperse. At the hall a reception will be held and addresses will be made by District Com missioner West. Commissioner I.ane and Secretary Mosely of the Interstate Com merce oommisslon, Becretary Morrison of the Federation and John Mitchell. Czar to Visit King of Italy Utmost Secrecy Observed as to Where the Two Sovereigns Will Meet. ROME. Oct. 10. It Is expected that Em peror Nicholas of Russia will visit King Emanual within a week. Slgnor Melegarl, tbe Italian ambassador to Russia, already has returned to Italy In- ojrder to receive iian reiurnea 10 naiy in- oraer to receive hi. majesty. The strictest secrecy Is being maintained a. to where the meeting be- , ,., . . . ,, .... tween the emperor and king will take plaoe.'-hut It probably will be at Racoonlgl, the summer castle In Piedmont, where the Italian sovereigns this year have made a prolonged stay. According to some persons It will occur at Barl, on the Adriatic, northwest of Brlndtsl, whloh Is rich in Rus sian memories. The Empress Alexandria, who still Is 111, will not accompany her husband to Italy. Emperor Nicholas abandoned the Ideatof a voyage to Italy by sea because Turlcey granted permission for his ship to pass through the Dardanelles only on the condi tion that he would visit the sultan, while the emperor took the ground that under the rules of precedence the sultan, having ascended the throne at a later date than llmself, should be the first to pay a visit. MISSOURI TOWN CELEBRATES St. Charles Aaraln Plays It Is the Capital of the Commonwealth and Haa a Legislature. ST. CHARLES, Mo.. Oct. 10-Thls city the first capital of Missouri, begins the celebration cf Its centennial tomorrow with an elaborate program of entertainment. The state legislature will be called to order Tuesday In the old, weather-beaten build ing which It occupied years ago. Six parades have been arranged for the benefit of the vlsltora. Governor Had ley, Congressman Champ Clark and Sena tor Warner will be the principal speakers during the week. Florida City Sees Real Blue Sunday for Once PENSACOLA. Fla., Oct. 10. Today was blue Sunday In Pensaoola, the Law and Order league enforcing the Florida laws parsed fifty years ago, relating to Sunday law violations, to the letter. Not even a newspaper or cigar could be purchased, while those housekeepers who failed to provide themselves with bread and neg lected their marketing Saturday had to rely upon restaurants for thtlr Sunday dtnn CRANE MAY NOT GO TO PEKING Reason for His Sudden Eecall on Ere of Sailing Has Leaked Out. CHARGE OF BEING INDISCREET Paper Prints Confidential Matter Re garding Position of Government. THOUGHT TO COME FROM CRANE Conference with Secretary Knox Will Settle His Status. MINISTER IS NONCOMMITTAL Arrival at Washington States He Does Not Know Why He Waa Summoned to the Capital. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. Charles R. Crane's sudden, unexpected and hitherto mysterious recall to Washington by Secre tary of State Knox, as he was at the point of sailing from Pan Francisco to assume his duties as minister of the United States to China, was occasioned by developments Involving the question of Mr. Crane's fit ness for that post. This much Is known tonight In well Informed quarters In Wash ington. Unless Mr. Crane Is able to clear himself In the eyes of Secretary Knox of an accusation of a serious breach of what the State department regards as the first principle of diplomatic discretion- the con ference with his official chief may result In the abrupt termination of Mr. Crane's connection with the diplomatic service. Minister Crane arrived in Washington late this afternoon from his hurried Journey across the continent, reiterating his declar atlon of Ignorance as to the' occasion for his rather dramatic call from the waters' edge of the Pacific, and declined to discuss the matter In any of Its aspects, beyond saying that while he expected to be here several days, he had reserved new accom modations for the transpacific voyage on the steamer sailing from San l-'ranclsco on October 20, a week from next Wednesday. The State department has In hand. It Is raid, what It regards as more or less con vincing evidence that Minister Crane, on the eve of his departure for the far east, became responsible for the publication In a Chicago newspaper of what the depart ment views as a most Indiscreet discussion of the attitude of the United States toward the . two treaties recently negotiated be tween China and Japan. This the depart ment holds to havo been the more serious because that attitude Is still under con fidential consideration, no decision having been arrived at. What Tronble la Abont. While the speeches delivered by Mr. Crane before the American Asiatic asso ciation and at a dinner given In his honor at Chicago, are viewed at the State de partment as having been at best, unwise and undiplomatic, they had been carefully considered after their delivery and before Mr. Crane started for San Francisco, and although deprecated were not regarded as Justifying any change In his plans. The Chicago publication falls, however, In the eyes of the department. Into a cate gory very different and far more serious. China and Japan early last month en tered Into treaties which contained pro visions regarded by the State department as very surprising and posslMy objection able to this government. By these treaties Japan would secure tights In Manchuria which are held by some diplomats to be In direct violation of both the letter and spirit of the Portsmouth treaty. China has agreed In the treaties now under consider ation, that before extending the present railway system In Manchuria, It shall con sult Japan, and, presumably, obtain Its consent thereto. This provision Is regarded as Inharmonious with the declaration of Japan In the treaty of Portsmouth that it will not obstruct any measures taken by China for the development of Its empire. Violate Open Door. Another provision relating to the opera tion of coal mines on both sides of the Antung-Mukden and South Manchurlan railway, It is thought, may be objectlon- -K1 . . ., t ' ... t " v of h- ,.?vernm1ent .." V olat,n ' ! ' "Pn door " '"''ted , by the United States and subscribed to by Japan as well as by all of the leading powers of Europe. This "open door policy" is Intended to assure "equal opportunities" to all nations to assist In the development of China without Impairing Its territorial Integrity. ' Matters of a highly confidential nature with respect to the position of the United States regarding these and other provisions of the treaties between China and Japan are alleged to have been divulged In the Chicago publication and for these dis closures the State department is disposed In the absence of proof to the contrary, to hold Minister Crane responsible. Accord ing to authentic Information obtained here today, ' Mr. Crane has been summoned to Washington from San Francisco to explain his reported statements. The officials of the State department are extremely reticent on the whole subject, most of them affecting entire Ignorance of It, and all referring inquirers to Secretary Kncx. who. up to a late hour tonight was Ir accessible. Meanwhile tomorrow's de velopments are awaited with an Interest which may fairly be described as Intense. Crane Sees Knoa. Late tonight It became known that dur ing the evening Mr. Crane had had a "preliminary conference" with Secretary Knox and Henry M. Hoyt, special counsel to the secretary. When Mr. Crane returned to his hotel (Continued on Second Page.) Meat markets, bakeries, fruit atands, cigar stands, book and newspaper stores, theaters and other classes of business here tofore wide open kept closed. One man deflett the laws and the league a theater proprietor who opened his doers this afternoon and ran uninterrupted I'ntil ths closing hour tonight. Ths sheriff, however, refused to act In making arrests unless members of the Law snd Order league make affidavits, then he will arrest upon warrants only. From the Washington Herald. TAMMANY TURNS SEW TRICK Captures the Name and Emblem of the New Hearst Party. LATTER IS NOT DISCONCERTED His Campaign Manaarer Says Neither Name Nor Emblem la Material to His Candidacy for the Mayoralty. NEW YORK. Oct. 10. Already enlivened by two Tammany tickets and the re- entrance of William Randolph Hearst as candidate for mayor, the local political campaign will be marked with a crescendo this week which will be maintained until the grand finals on election day, Novem ber 1 The speechmaklng. whidi began last week with democratic and republican rati fication meetings, will become general to morrow 'night, when Hearst will appear before a raasa , meeting . In . Caroegle hall to formally accept' the., nomination of his new party and to outline the platform upon which he will make the race. The latest "Issue" of the campaign Is Tammany's kidnaping or attempted ab duction, at least, of the title,, "civic al liance," and th! emblems thereof consti tuting the new pnrty designation under which the Independents had rallied to the support of Heurst. As a result of this move, the democratic ticket may appear under the emblems of three different parties on the official ballot, the straight democratic, the old Independence league, recently captured at the primaries, and lastly, the new civic alliance. While Hearst may yet qualify under an altogether new party name, the coup. If successful, ulti mately w-lll give Tammany a 3 to 1 ad vantage In the matter of publicity on the ballot and will doubtless cause some con fusion to voters In the Tiger's Interest. The final retention of the "civic alliance" as a Tammany title, however. Is a legal question which must be settled this week. MoC'nrren Tnrns Trick. For this latest plan to disconcert the Hearst followcts. Charles F. Murphy, the Tammany leader, has to thank State Senator Patrick H. McCarren, the demo cratic leader of Rrooklyn. It was while the promoters of Hearst's candidacy were getting signatures to put their ticket In the field under the name of "civic al liance," that the Rrooklyn senator, accord ing to reports, hod his lieutenants at work on a similar document, except that demo cratic candidates were substituted for the Hearst ticket. Just before 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon three of McCarren's men rushed Into Ue offlco of the president of the board of elections In New York and unfolded a petition by "Independent voters." who had adopted the name of "civic alliance," but who named the democratic candidates. Nineteen minutes later a Hearst lieu tenant also appeared with a petition, name and emblem of the civic alliance. Since neither petition had more than fifty signatures they were not complete, for the law requires 2.0U0 names. In case both the McCarrenltes and the Hearst fol lowers complete the list of names, It Is a case for the Hoard of Elections to decide. Charles K. Gehrlng, who Is Hearst's po litical manager, said he w&a not at all put out by the scheme. He was positive that Hearst's rights had been fully protected by the filing of name and emblem with the Sfcretary of state at Albany on Friday. Hearst's representatives will appear to morrow before the Board of Klectlons tu protest formally, and It Is said they will carry the case to the courts, If necesnary. "Anyway," said Mr. Gehrlng, "It won't (Continued on Second Page.) Now is the time to pick up a bar gain in a used auto mobile. At this season many people who do not want to carry their ear through the winter try to sell them. . Many of them are advertised on the Want Ad page under tbe head of "AutomoMlea." Have you read the want ads yet toda.vf . THINK A tSf suuilaiUMineiaSiMjiiiiiiti'lliinii"'"'""'""''"''''"''' ' "" Indian Race is Not on Decline in This Country Statistics Show There Are Forty Thousand More Than Two Decades Ago. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10-The popular Idea that the American Indians arc decreasing In number Is dissipated by official figures showing that today there are more than 300.000 red men In the United States. The Increase In population of about 40,000 during the last two decades Is attributed to the government's constant effort to up lift the Indian to the level of contemporary civilization. Three and one-third million dollars Is being expended by the United States annually for the education of more than 30,000 Indian boys and girls. To encourage the Industry of the Indian, the government has found feasible the plan to cut down the number of approved leases on mllan .allotments, and thousands of Indians have become competent to con duct their own affairs free from .govern mental aid. During the present year' the 'eases approved numbered about 1,000 less than during 190S. During 13OT about 1.000 Indians were given the privilege of, hold ing their own allotments, although the legal title was retained by the government. Tubllc men whose work has brought them Into close touch with the Indians are Im pressed with the view that the race is pro gressing so rapidly, that eventually the gox-ernment will lift Its guardianship over them. Before his retirement from office, former Indian Commissioner Leupp as serted that the Indians at no far distant date would reach such a standard of civil ization that It would be deemed wlBe to abolish the Indian office. . BRIAND OUTLINES HIS POLICY Special and Immediate Attention to Re Paid to Social foc . tlons. PERIGUEUX, France, Oct. 10. The first Important speech of M.- Ralrd since he at tached the premiership, was made here to day and was characterized by great mod eration. He announced that the govern ment would pay special and Immediate at tention to social questions, Its first care be ing to remodel Hhe laws of the trades un ions, giving them the right to hold and ad minister property, thus transforming them from political agitation centers Into useful and practical bodies. M. Rrland also prom ised legislation to facilitate and promote the participation of workers In the profits, which, under the law at present. Is im possible. WOMAN GIVES MORE THAN MITE darns Money by Washing and Gives Sixty Dollars to Mission i Fond. NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Although she ekes out a living by taking In washing, Mrs. Sophia Llchtcnfield contributed S60 today at the annual convention of the Christian Missionary alliance, which Is being held at the Gospel Tabernacle in this city. Urged by Rev. A. B. Slmson, famous as a collector of funds for the church work, the, crowd In the Tabernacle pledged a total of Jtf.,072 for the annual "missionary offerings," St. 80S of which was in cash. The contributions pledged ranged all the way from 50 cents to $7,M0. None of the individual contributors' names, excepting Mis. Lichtenf ield's. n as made public. lteelnse Found ordered. WALLING FORI), Vt., Oct. 10. Watched over by fourteen cats, vhlrh were her only companions in life, the body of Miss Mary J. Johnson, 87 years old. was found today In her lonely home under circum stances Indicating murder. Robbery Is the only suspected motive. An autopsy has been ordered by the authorities. Fond of rats, so that their care became her hobby, and seemingly her only interest in thn world. Miss Johnson had lived the life of a recluse for years. City Comes to the Rescue of the Owners of Big Hats CHICAGO. Oct. 10. In order that the women of Evanston, III., may wear the prialling styles of gigantic millinery In t'ne shaded thoroughfares of the city In safety and comfort Joueph K. Paden, mayor of the city, has ordered the enforcement of an ordinance providing fur the trimming of treea and shrubbery overhanging the sidewalks. PRESIDENT'S VISIT TO TEXAS Two Notable Events Scheduled for His Tour of Lone Star State. GOES TO MEXICO TO MEET DIAZ Will Spend gome Time Resting; i the Ranch of His Urother and See a Town Kamed After Himself. . SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Oct. 10,-Presldent Taft's -Journey through Texas, beginning October IS and ending October 24, opens with the most formal of all the affairs that have characterized his swing around ths United States. At the border of the largest state in the union, he will greet the presl dent of another republic. He will Just shake hands with President Diss of Mexico on the Texas side of the Rio Grande. After an all-day stay at El Paso, the president starts on another long Jump, Ban Antonio being his next stop,' and there he Is to accept on behalf of the United States army g magnificent chapel and library ouildlng, the gift of San Antonlans, as an appreciation of the American soldier. , Following a day's visit in San Antonio th nro.M.nt 'will IxavA fnr hlM hmlhpr'l v " ranch at Corpus Chrlstl for four days of rest. Then hf will make, In quick succes sion, stops at Houston and Dallas, on his way to St. Louis. Texas will uphold its end In the way of breakfasts, luncheons and banquets, and the president should find much diversion, because of the varied and Interesting fea tures of the Texan program. .On his brother's ranch the president and members ot his party will have the oppor tunlty to relax after their strenuous trip. Formalities will he eliminated as far as possible when the president goes ranching. On the ranch he is expected to Join In a hunt for wildcats. Town Named for Hint. He will visit for the first time the town of Taft, named In his honor which now has a population of GOO. The climax feature of the 13,000-mile tour of President Taft comes at El Paso, where he will meet the executive of the Mexican republic. General Porfirlo Diaz. For the first time during his long reign as the presl dent of Mexico, Diaz is to leave the con fines of his domain, cross the Rio Grande river at El Paso, and there set foot on foreign soil. It required a special conces sion from the Mexican congress In order that the Illustrious Mexican might giusp the hand of the man mho has been honored with thu highest office of the United Stales. Eleven o'clock Is the hour set for the meeting of the two presidents on American territory. Preceding that hour there will be some, formal ceremonies, Including the singing of both ths American and Mexican anthems by hundreds of children stationed on this side of the boundary of the two countries. There will be salutes for these high dignitaries, In which the armies of both republics will participate. Soldiers to The Border. From San Antonio, more than 600 miles east of El Paso, where Is located one of the large military garrisons of this coun try, will come to the border In ten trains, the Ninth Infantry, which has a magnifi cent war record, the Third regiment of cavalry, one-half of the Third field artillery regiment, the signal corps and the hospital corps. Their number will be augmented at El l'aso by the Nineteenth Infantry from Fort Hllss. These troops, under command of Brigadier General Albert L. Myer, will stand at attention on the bank of the river, facing Mexico, while General Diaz Is cross ing to United States, where he will re ceive the presidential salute. Mexican troops. In similar formation and on their home territory, will accord like honor to President Taft while he Is visiting Mexico. Immediately after President Diaz returns to his country, the troops brought from Ssn Antonio will board trains for their illa tion and prepare for the great review for (Continued on Second Page.) Because of many complaints to the mayor from fashionable women of Evanston that limbs of trees Slid low hanging shrubbery caused them great annoyance and were re. sponsible In many cases for serious damage to costly hats, the condition was brought to the attention of the council and the chief of police was ordered to remove the limbs hanging within eight feet of the grgund- TAFT ADDRESSES CROWD AT FRESNO For the Third Time Darin; His Present Trip the President Preaches a Sermon. SELF-RESTRAINT IS THE TOPIC Security of Government Cannot Exist Without It. JAPANESE SEND GREETING Express Best Wishes for Both the President and Nation. CROWD A COSMOPOLITAN ONE I. o Angeles, Where the President Arrives This Morning;, la Prepar ing; to OtTe Him Great Reception. FRESNO. Cel.. Oct. 10.-Fiom the snow capped Sierras yesterday President Taft plunged today Into the summer heat of the Snn Joaquin valley and arrived here shortly after 3 p. m. with the thermometer hovering about the nineties. He was greeted by the entire population of the city and surrounding country snd after a short automobile trip through the busi ness section, addressed a gathering of many thousands In the court house square. The president's speech was in reality another Sunday sermon, the third he has prenchod since his trip began. His text, quoted from memory, was "He who con ciuereth himself Is greater than he who taketh a city," and from It the president drew the lesson that popular government must always be - a failure unless It Is based upon sound common sense and the belief In restraint that oges to make the good loser. He drew an analogy between the American people In this respect and those who In their attempt at self-government follow an election with a revolution. On his way here President Taft stopped at Merced for three houra and attended morning service at tho Presbyterian church. His greeting at Fresno came from prob ably the most cosmoiKilltim community he has met In all his travels. In the throngs that lined the sidewalks a comming ling of Chinese, Japanese, Armenlnns, Por tuguese and a dozen other nationalities. In fact. It waa told to the president that In one of the public schools twenty-six nationalities are represented. One-half of the Armenians of the entire community are said to be gathered here. Having the reputation of being the hot test city In the United States, with a summer temperature ramtlng between 10J and 115 degrees, Fresno haa attracted many peoples of the world who follow the sun. Greetings from Japanese. A feature of the president's visit to Fresno was the presentation of an addreca of good will from the Japanese residents as follows: ... Pre8llcnt We. the Jnpanese residents of hresno city and sutrounding country have the great honor to offer to you our sincere and most friendly greetings and to accord you a most Joyous welcome to our community. We hall you. sir, as the hon ored chief of a great nation which we are glad Is on the friendliest terms with ours, and wo ulso rejoice that our beloved coun try, Japan, has the honor and great privi lege of recrlprocating such fraternal re gards. The president left here at 6:20 p. m. for Los Angeles. Ho stopped at Bakersfteld tonight for a few minutes to make a car end address. Mr. Taft was a little stiff from his long mountain walk of yesterday, but declared he would like to have a similar experience every day. The meeting held In the court house square was arranged by the Ministerial as sociation of Fresno, and nearly all of tha churches of the city were represented. The president spoke for the first time since last Wednesday noon. He was Introduced by Mayor Howell, and aald, In part: Forced to Torn Preacher. "It has nol been my part until I began this trip. In religious exercises, to do other than form one of the audience; but I hav found It impossible under the urgency of the ministers of the gospel who occasion ally desire a lay substitute to keep from taking their place and attempting to preach a sermon. , "I want to say first, with respect to this audience, that the presence of the veterans of the civil war is always a great Inspira tion to higher thoughts, to higher moral standards and to everything that goes to make our country worth living for. "There Is a text, I don't know that I can quote It exactly, but to these gentlemen before me who have taken part In the bat tles of the war It will come by reason of Its comparison, with great significance: 'He that conquereth himself Is greater than he who taketh a city.' "Now, the homely application to the in dividual of that text I need hardly to point. There are so many Instances In little things. I like to dwell upon the importance of little things In life, for life Is not made up of one great series of grandstand plays. It Is made up of the little things that go either to make others happy or to make them unhappy. "It Is the conduct of the husband as he comes home from a tiresome day, In re drawing himself when he Is met by his eager, curious wife, who wants to know how he has been living during the day and what haa happened. Perhaps some thing has happened thru does not please him or that he does not like to refer to and he cuts her off with a short answer. Oh, I know It, and so do you. You have done It. So have I Now. It Is the over coming of that disposition, the keeping constantly In your mind and heart her happiness and yet your comfort and your disposition. That is what makes you greater than taking a city. Liberty Menna to an End. "But I am supposed to look at things from a polltlral and governmental stand point, and the text applies to ms more strongly In that regard. I think we fre quently mistake ends for means. We talk about liberty as something to be accom plished as sn end. We think of popular government as something to bs accom plished as an end. Well, neither Is true. Liberty is a means In the pursuit of hap plnefs. Popular government we have be cause we believe In the long run that It gives the best government, that It Is the government that makes most people happy, "Rut you cannot run a popular govern ment merely by calling It no. You have got to have some means of determining what shall dlrei t ths course of government; mhat shall decide; what Is the majority. I don't know any other msthod In popular gov