THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOHKK 10. 1W. f tl II tl H l 1 Mefatok dDimi I Mr Ml tois Irsimids Every well informed woman in Omaha realizes the great advantages in buying her apparel here. The fact that a hat or a garment comes from Brandcis Stores is positive proof that the style is authentic Brandeis Millinery and Brandeis Ready-to-Wear Suits and Coats arc always examples of perfect taste. Brandcis varieties are much greater than other stores and Brandeis prices are always moderate on strictly dependable goods. 1 mm i? 1, 1 inn rn A Sale of Kid Gloves "Women's two-clasp kid gloves all the newest shades for fall, in French lambskin and real kid Paris point or single row stitching; every pair fitted regular counter, q Shert Kid Gloves Two clasp fasteners. In tan, brown, gray, black and white. Bargain square, worth up to $1.00 LQ a pair, at, pair UC Women's Heavier Underwear Sole &.gertti for Muoiing Uaderwe.r Vests, pants and union suits cotton and wool, in fall and winter weights complete assort- $1.98 Boys' and girls' Munsing underwear vests, pants, drawers and union suits fine riblAd cotton, fleecy lined, all sizes, at, each. . . .49c "Women's silk underwear Italian silk vests white, pink and blue in all sizes, at. .1.98 Misses' and children's vests, pants and drawers; fine ribbed, fleecy lined in ecru and silver gray, at, pair 15c Two Special Hosiery Bargains Women's flno. cotton hoae, some lisle finish, also women's, misses', chil dren's and boys' -fine and heavy ribbed school hose. worth up to 25c, at, pair. 12ic Women's and men's fine lisle and cotton all over lace and lace boot and em broidered , boot patterns, worth 60c, c at, pair DC 15 Brilliant All Silk Taffeta. and Satin Taffeta Ribbons Six inches wide all colors worth 30c a yard, at, yard Fine French and German Val Laces Fine French and German Val. laces and inser tions, Plat Vals., linen torchons, cluny and cro chet effects many to match worth C up to llPl'C a yard; at, yard JC Great Bargains in Rugs We buy our rugs in great quantities and pay cash for them. We therefore get the best bargains in the United States and every rug you buy here means a saving of money for you. $25.00 Axminster Rugs for $17.50 9x12 All new patterns This Is an Cl7 Cft extra special, at Pl JU Brussels Rugs at $15.98. High class, full 10 wire Brussels, in soft, rich colorings and new patterns a $84.50 r QO value, at JO Room size brussels rugs all sizes, all 9x12 Wilton velvet rugs 30 patterns, Monday only, a7?.?2.17.98 colors, at English Wilton Rugs 9-12 and all seamless- finest Wilton rug made a $55.00 value, at Axminster Carpet, new I Brussels Carpet; spec patterns, yd., $1.15 I ial at, sq. yd G9c J9.98 amless $39 WW II al 'ui rsr sc i f i i m . wi v u u u It a 1 01 l -'JLiaUSe A SPECIAL SALE of SKIRTS A great purchase of high grade skirts from a New York manufacturer at a great concession in price enables us to offer the fol lowing great values for Monday: Women's Fall Walking Skirts, in all the corijjv rect styles and colors, worth up to $ r $8.50. at '. O , Women's Fall Skirts in all styles and colors; new fabrics worth up to $12.50, , women s newest jyioaei mns ail new de signs, colors and materials, worth. $ A up to $16.50, at I U The moBt complete showing of waists ever dis played In the west New features for evening wear and practical new fall waists as well. THE AUTHENTIC STYLES FOR FALL Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel You are positively certain of correct stylesHn everything pertaining to women's apparel if you make your selections at Brandeis. We present a splendid array of women's . high grade suits all copies of exclusive imported models and every one a stun ning example of the designer' art. These suits are made up in cloths and colors that differ much from the ordinary. t The styles have real individuality and the tailoring C is perfect. Made to sell up to $75.00, at fJ ' Women's Smart Tailored Suits The Famous Faahionscnl Suits Charming new styles are in- The real faU Bt ,e ai.l8t0crat8 eluded in this- group. Splendid tailoring, and every suit has a newest styles and colors super swagger metropolitan CC ior to other lines of $25 COC air, at ,PJj suits in everyway $&J THE NEW LONG COATS FOR FALL Broadcloths, fancy materials and diagonals the styles are newer and smarter than ever, at $i5, $19, $25 up to $50 Stunning New Covert Coats Fashionable and practical fall and winter coats all the newest style features, at $25.00 and $35.00 A special showing of the "Brownell" dresses for misses, at Charming new cloth dresses, late styles, at, $12.50 p $39 m H5 and $19 A Remarkable Showing of FURS In Scarfs, Muffs. Sets and Coats The newest shapes in scarfs and muffs of ermine, natural Siberian squirrel, brook mink, Ttelrrirm Ivtiy. dnnndinn mnrtin pt.p. Tlio tiaw . graceful scarfs and the .large rug or pillow muffs. i ou are always certain oi strictly reliable and high grade fur in every piece you buy at Brandeis. In pony, Hudson and Aleutian seal, mink, car acul, Alaska seal, brook mink, etc. The long graceful 52-inch lengths a splendid show- ZL.Dg.!n. p.ric.! . $50 $6 98 omama" ; 5 October Sale of Dress Goojs 52-inch shrunk and sponged broadcloths st shades, catawba. wisteria, new blues, en olives, myrtle, smoke and French grays, lea - browns, navys, Copenhagen blue TK 1 and black Dress OnnHa TWf ''D MOt' 'I i met, Iher and black Dress Goods Dept., per yard nal, bax- kt- Special High Clati Suitings Satin Directoire, satin Trunella, drap diagcl new weaves, Travers (Bayadere) suitings, a ony cheviots, tailor suitings, Theodora imp! ed mannish effect suitings; $1 fn Ss ij iuvucd n mt) at, -' Our Theodora Venetian 54 inch Droadcloth See this beautiful broadcloth. $ Comes in 37 difrerent shades, including pastel tints; at, yard. .. 1 $2.5Q Black broadcloth Black dress goods Den $1.69 a yard Full 62-inch, manufactured la Oer high lustre, beautiful finish, shrunk and Bpongd, at, yard t. at nany, 159 $1.00 Black IVench Voile Monday, at, yd jfjc)c In the basement 36-inch dress goods, good pal - (rafna and the wanted shades positively flQ n1 worth double the price, yard u$t ultU A SPECIAL SILK SArjj The celebrated Salome silks, Ottoman, nan tungs, Robespierre, Mikado, diagonal dres an( coat silks, Raymonds, Paris Belvoir Pnte(j Cachemire de Soie and exclusive patten special line of the newest dress silks i " are placed on sale, main silk depart- ment 36 and 27-inch; at, yard. . ... . ... . . .1 LL 9 in Brandeis Artistic Millinery The fall hats that come from Brandeis have an individuality that marks them instantly as has of the higher class. Many of the designs we show this year are 1 the favorite creations of French style authors, bought through, our own Paris office while the prod uct of our own staff of millinery experts is more beautiful than ever. Brandeis stunning new turbans, the new hats with side roll, the tricorne effects, all have that touch of smartness that distin guishes the correct hat from the ordinary; special group, at A Special Group of Dress Hats and Tailored Hats that reveal the CI C cleverest new fall styles, at , Brandeis is the only establishment that sells the most exquisite millinery at the same time offering hats of genuine style excellence to sell at moderate prices. No other designers create such charming hats to attract those who wish inexpensive millinery. $25 !&c,o, Blankets and Comforters $B and $6 strictly all wool blankets. full 11x4 size, in plain white, grey, tan and plaids, worth up to $6, at . .' St. Mary's blankets, best blankets made from the finest grade of wool grown, full size, never were St. Mary's blankets sold so cheap, at Strictly all wool medicated scarlet blankets, fine all California wool, made for large size ' bods, at, pair $3.98 $2.50 Woolnap Blankets Full 11x4 and 12x4 sizes; white, gray and tan, hard to tell from all wool blankets weight 4 ft lbs. to a pair, worth 2.60, at ..$1.59 Baby Crib Blsnkels and Robes Beacon's complete line, at 15c, 59c, 75c, 85c, 08c, $1.39 and ..$1.50 Wool crib blankets, at, pair $1.08, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.50 1 3 Imported German bath robes or wrapper blankets. Cfcf3f at. each Our Stock of Comforters is the Largest In the West The North Star Woolen mills make the finest grade of white blankets. Prices are, pair, $4.08, $5.50, $0, $0.50, $7 und up to $20 Full stia French aatecn and best grade vtlkollne covered comforter, at 9 So, 1.10, ai.S3, 11.39, 91.69, 91.73, ii.ta and np to as.00 Home made extra large comforters,' t $1.50 RE $1 Silk, at 69c Yard 27-inch seeded effect with jacquard patter) new shades positively worth $1.25; on bargain square, at, yard. ........ $1 Taffeta Rye at 59c Yard Plain and glace combinations in the best Lcl autumn shades. Price was $1.00; iiv . ' for Monday only, at, yard C Yard Wide Lining Satins i Yard-wide Brandeis Special guaranOt jor Yard-wide Opera Satins .y rrnn rated satins A-e Uli- Yard-wide Skinner celebrated f erent shades S XT T 11' fl1 lara-wiae an biik lining serge jpj k(v 1.25 BARGAINS IN LINENS Odd Pattern Cloths 100 all Dure linen table clothl size, Irish manufacture, worth f2, at Best German linen table clotbs, 2V4 yards long, $ ues, at 8, Table Damank Round thread German linen tablt ask, full 27 Inches wide, $1 quality, yard All pure linen table damask, extra fine, heavy worth 60c, at, yard All pure linen dinner size napkins, worth up to dozen Drummers' Samnlea Table damask samples, wo to 12 yard, at. each 15t ' Fancy Linens Fine Renaissance lace scarf b, 20x2 30-lnch centerpieces, at, each 76c extra fine damask scarfs, 18x54, hemstitch each Place your orders now with limndrts new coal department, main floor, for the very best grade of COAL We are perfectly equipped to satisfy every patron. We sell Plymouth, Scran ton. the best coal that is mined. Ol'H SPKCIAli "Brandeis Ileal" The most satisfactory soft j; f ' coal that can be bought all sizes, at, a ton O.DU Special Bargains 0r Basement Fine Flannels for White silk warp wool flannels, linen warp wool flannels and all wool flannels 27 to 36 inches wide large new stock of very high est grade flannels here at prices lower than elsewhere, at, yard 19c up to $1.10 Silk Emboidered Wool Baby Flannels hem stitched, plain and scalloped finished edge at, yard 49c up to $1.69 All Wool Twilled Flannels, in every color, at, yard 35c, 45c and 59c Heavy Wool Skirt Patterns 2 inches wide; plain colors and stripe, enough in each pat tern for entire skirt, each, 1.25, $1.50 Every Purchase Wool Skirting Flannel, in all shades of gray, brown, blue, black, red, wine, green this 28 inch wool flannel at, yard 25c Beacon flannel for making robes, smoking jackets, etc. the colors are washable and the styles are beautiful, at, yard 29c Swansdown and Arnold's superfine flannels new and exclusive patterns. The most de sirable flannels for kiirionos and dressing sacques, at, yard 8V2C and-10c Cinderella flannels, shaker flannels, canton flannels, outing flannels, Daisy flannels stocks here are the greatest and prices posi tively the lowest, yd. 5c, 6Y2c, 7xAc to 15c Sheets and Pillow Cases There are no better sheets and pillow cases made that we can recommend as highly as the well known Wamsutta and Utica brands. We show a complete line plain or hemstitched, every wanted size in sheets and pillow cases. Prices here are always lowest. 85c 81-99 large size, Sunray sheets, each, G5c 75c 81-90 size Sunray sheets, at, each. . .55c 18c 42x36 and 45x36-lnch Pillow cases, including several well known brands, each 12 Material for Making' Comforters "Westphalia cretonne for making comforters ' is without an equal. It is heavier than silk oline, finer than sateen the colors are light, medium and dark, 36 inches wide, yd., 10c Large rolls cotton batting snow white makes large fluffy, warm comforters. Ask for Ifookwood, per roll 15c On Ilurgnln Square Soft finished pastel prints for making comforters, at, yard 3i" On Bargain Square 36-inch wide, very good grade, full standard 12 Vic dress percales, at, yard ....6 and up to .' Full size lace curtains white and Arab, pair 98c Colonial and Mission Curtains, up to 60 inch $1.50 Tapestry Portieres Fine and medium grades per pair at.... $2.50 up to $20.00 Special Sale of Lace Curtalns $7.00 Brussels Net and Irish Point Curtains, a pair. . . . Jtfc()o Better grades of Lace Curtains at $7.50, $10, $15,coe $5b.oo Cluny Curtains, real Hneil edge, pair $1.98 $4.00 Filet Net and MariCj. toinette Curtains, pr. $93 Rope Portieres T a p e t r v bands, velour, etc. per at. . . .$1.US up w iplfy.oo Complete lines of window shades and drapery good Our Special Demonstration and of the Celebrated La Vida Corsets We will continue throughout this coining week. ' We urge the wo) of Omaha who wish to perfect or retain' the lines of their figures to our corset department and see what great advantages La Vida offers the ordinary corset. MISS M. K. NOLAN. Special representative of the makers, will be present, and hei pert advice is at your disposal. There is a La Vida model that is clally adapted to your figure. Yot should investigate by all means. ,8x4 I I one I ? An I "flatly. f 49 of 3, at, 11.08 lib up 11 -H 1 41 5. 1 ft 1 4 L c )