Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Ball Flayer I
ics of Injuries
xi Ticket a Bival
V Player.
om a Staff Correspondent.) ,
OIXEH. Oct. (Special Telegram.)
Kvana, ii(Pd H,-(ull hark on the
county High srhnol foot ball tcsm.
Methodist hospital here today
of an Injury received In the
mora a week ago with the Tale
tam. Eii-ma(le a lackle
unner and the two went down
Yale, player's kne' striking
the fall, the fifth, slirMi and
rtebrae were Injured. He ai
the Methodist hospital at once
iratlon performed without suc
( body wan taken to Pnnora to
il ,
ck Tllark of the Central col
!had his right hip dislocated In
t Pella yesterday .against. jcc-
"rom Drake university.
. run
( rtel
,ur claim to your approval upon
rr of our work. We don't auk
iage as a favor, but an a right.
la of a quality that commands-
; s beauty Ih not all on the out
e right through,, for we do our
uglily. Our prices are the aajne
her wall paper house, but as
if so much superior we are the
S should patronise. H. Borwlck,
Main street.
temnn Instantly Killed.
:h CITY, la.; Oct. 9. (Special
A. Young. brakeman on tin
tern was killed ' at Osage this
tween two cars. Hla head was
.1 he died Instantly. , .
.7. wrklnsnri. who formerly held the posi
tion at that place.
fiI.F,."VHl Xet Monday. OcTobrr 11.
the good people of (leriwo.1. are preparing
to celehrite Apple day. at the Burlington
depot, and treat every pHr-nff'T and the
train crew a. to san.plis of' Mills futipty
apples, "without rivney and without price.''
fc o K (lr m ral Manager J. L. Hlnke of
lha Knrt IHKlire. Pi Moines A Houlhetn
railroad ha JiiFt made an automobile rec
ord betw-en Koone and Trs Molnea which
will piohahly aland for many a day. He
outdistanced otic of hla own Interurbun
rum. ijeavii'K ii'i" ciiv artcr tne car nan
departed nnd be!nz In I e Molnea enjoying
the sights there when the car amvea,
CHAItLKK f'lTY-In the laat month or
ao thirty new house have been started in
Charles City mid a good many more are
being planned. The Mnrt-l'arr company,
the Inruft trnctlon engine works In the
world, which la located here, will put up
thirty houses In thrlr new addition before
the first of January and other people
around town will build -at leawt twenty
five by that date.
CUKSTON Mrs. J. II. Ijirlmer. Mra. H.
W. Klllott. Mra. H. H. button, all of thla
city, and Mian Minnie Matthews of Jorfha-
town. Pa., were thrown from a carriage
yesterday when the vehicle, was atruck by
an automobile attempting to pass the cai
iiukc and failing to clear tins rear wheels,
caused the rig to turn over. Mrs. Lari
mer and Miss Matthews sustained broken
anna, but the other women escaped with
severe bruises, and bad frlnht.
Council Bluffs
There la nothing nicer In a home than
music. We have on hand a big stock of
organs, ranging In price from f: up. Buy
an organ now and we will take it back as
part pay ori a piano later. A. Hosp Com
pany, Z Pearl street, 2H South Main street,
Council Iiluffa, la.
Council Bluffs
' (Continued from Sixth Page.)
yea do not feel comfortable It
1 you need' glasses, or perhaps
u are wearing do hot suit; In
you are Inviting headache and
i. I will .examine . your . eyes
and tell you at nee where the
'i Eye-sight la my specialty. W.
. tlKLls optometrist. 206-208 City
( Bldg. Council Bluffa, la.
a News ote.
-Mra. B.' K. Berry, wife of
well known men of thla oiry
fiy morning, after an Illness of
FjlLLK K. K. Ryan, for some
fie station agent at Fonlanelle,
'inaierrea to cHrnaru, iu., vnu
ucceeded at Fontanelle by W.
the fullnwlng acting as pallbearers: Peter
Wlea. James Whkham, sr., Jacob Neu
mayer, George M. Iayi, Wililttrn S. Kee
liii and George F. Hughes.
J. XV. Stone, a well dressed man, said to
be a.Chioago Board of Trade operator, was
before Jurtjse Snyder In police court yester
day mornliiK. charged with havlnir Imbibed
too freely of Council Bluffs liquor. Stone
shed copious tears while explaining to the
court how It was that he happened to fall
by the -wayside. As the city needed the
.money,. Judge Snyder assessed Stone $5 and
Pr. V. T. Scybert Is laid up at hla home
on First avenue with a badly cut foot re
ived while hunting at Lake Manawa
riday evening. While attempting to ad-
Just the cover of his gasoline launch, l'r.
Seybert lost his footing and his right foot
caught In the screw propeller of the boat.
He was first -taken to Mercy hospital.
here the Injured member was dressed.
and later removed to his home.
LIQUOR CO., 619 S. Main, 'Phones 3321
s on Teeth
Garland base burners, with the two-
piece revolrlng fire pot. now on display.
Prices te.00, $00.00, S6&.00. P. C. DeVol
Hardware company.
Bailer oil heaters, no smoke, no smell,
will heat ymif cold room. $4.50, $,", $. P.
C. DeVol Hardware company, 604 Broadway.
olar . Method of. restoring
i -th la a practical plan.
j copied as closely after a a
oBlble. ao aa to make Al
'. h not only natural looking,
V al aotlng. practical "'food
! firm as a rock In the mouth
Vful to look at as well.
', Vt success of the Alveolar
stirred up" the , profes
an extent that from end
Wy , t,he continent! there are den
ilslng something in tne way
ethod" of restoring missing
bout plates that is supposed
st as good" as the only orlg
, olar. But each and all lack
aethlng" necessary to make a
ieec of work.
.n see now necessary it is to
?the right office, for it teeth
destroyed by bungling den
are gone forever.
, tne Alveolar Method is a
w restoring fmissing leetn wun-
Id of partial plates or ordln-
'e work..' All that we require
more teeth, no matter which
; ,lther jaw to work from.
ee teath are' loose we' ran
; lem by means of this method
' lien the work Is done then
be happy. You will feel and
Miger, for beautiful teeth en-
e beauty as well as make for
'.' ..1th. ;
iy not make. an effort to have
vk done by us?
vrellmlnary examination costs
Iiing In money or obligation
last see what the condition of
ith is before we can promise
. piece of work.
for our book if you are not
!ugh to call, and read It care
. you will want to call.
Otf-BlO New York Life Bldg
j Tel., IKug. 3773.
' Oiiialia, Neb. '
.vantane f!o. 4
i) ilting Your Money With The
Loan & Building Ass'n
iiast Cor. 16th A Dodge Sts.
. HTH; Besides having It safo. get
lx per cent Interest, you are at
.fndA and rr trnnhlA
i mall mau brings the interest
' to your floor each six months.
' customers are so pleased with
' ethod that they are constantly
r their friends here to deposit
over 11.800,000 1 all loaned
. l ninrtcaee on hompi tha ufuat
( otortgage loans.
I ilj.800,000 Reserve (69.000
Loomls. Pres.
. Natttnger, Sec;' & Treas.
W. R. Adair. Ass't. Bocy
Various Club Hesnme Activities of
Fall Season.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Swan have gone for a
short vlalt tp Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Hennessv are hnm
iroin meir weaaing trip to Colorado.
Mrs. Oeortre T. Phelps left TueHdav fnr
a visit with friends at Brazoria, Tex. ,
Miss Elisabeth Soulre haa as her guest.
her cousin. Miss Ward of New York.
Mrs. I. N. Kent of Chnrter Oak la mot
the guest last week of Mrs. C, XV. Senlft.
Mr. and Mra. J. V. Suulre are home from
Colorado, where they, spent the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bell of Den Moines
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F, A. Morgan.
Mrs. T. O. Turner hiM as her guest her
mother, Mrs. M. E. Williams of Atlantic,
Mrs. B. Stevenson of Verdlcris. Neh.. Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. F. McCaf-fery.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Vanlnwe:en are
home from an extended sojourn In New
Mrs. Fred Gelsa and daughter Marie are
home from a two months' sojourn In Colorado.
Mrs. V. C. Jacobson. 2-101 Avenue B. en
tertained the Idle Hour club Thursday afternoon.
Miss I.aura Shoemaker. 205 Grace street.
was hostess to the Sigma Delta club last
Miss Edith Neunaa left Mondav for Car
roll, la., where she entered St. Angela's
Mitts Addle Jasenh of Vandalla. Mich.. Is
the guest of her uncle, Mr. N. Jaseph, 30S
Williams street.
Miss May Bennett of Los Angeles. Cal..
Is the guest nf Mr. and Mrs. L. Beardsley,
102 I'ark avenue. ;
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Crockwell left Thurs
day for San IHego, Cal., whore they will
spend the winter.
Mrs. Bavard Ixiomls of Fremont. Neb,. Is
tha guest of Mrs. Blanche McNlece, "35
Washington avenue.
Mrs. E. A. Huihart nf Atlantic, la., is
visiting the family of her brother, Mr. J. O.
iison, on h irst street.
Mrs. M. E." WIllltK 490 Itarrlson afreet
has as her guest her daughter, Mrs. A.
ii. mus or i-rossen. wash.
Mr. J. E. Garble of Nana. Cat., who was
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mra. XV. K.
Marble, returned home Tuesday.
Mr. Porter E. Oreen of Jefferson. Ta..
was the guest lsst week of bis sister, Mia.
A. K. Hollls, 742 West Broadway.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rogers of Willow avenue
re home from a trio to New nric citv
and othr eautern points of Interest.
Mrs. E. If. Junes of Anthon. In., was
the guest last week of Mrs. Thomas V.
MeCalfery. M North Twenty-sixth street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Linincer and dauerh.
ter have returned from a four months'
wagon and camping trip through CuUiado.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Cavln of Park avenue
are visiting their daughter. Mrs. Merrick
ami thilr son. Mr. Harry E. Cavln, In Chi
cago. Mr. and .Mis. Asa Jones nf Charter Onk.
la., are visiting Mr. J inn' uncle. Mr.
J. C. Haker,' and family, of North Seventh
strei t. -
Mr. and Mrs. C. H Copson arrived home
Monday Ihilmh, Minn., where they I
spent the summer with their daughter, Mrs. !
F. II. Hell.
Mis. M;intm MrCune of Denver has
come to sper.d the winter with her daiiKh- '
ter-ln-law, Mrs. W. J. McCune, 2W Uia- I
ham avenue. I
The literature department of the Council
Bluffs Woman's club will meet Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. Charles Swaine, 410
South EiRhth stiert. .
The current topics department of the
Council Bluffs Woman s club will meet
Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Coot on I'ark avenue.
Miss E. F. Taylor left Tuesday for her
home In Cheshire, England, after a three
months' visit with her sister, Mrs. L.A.
Smith, 17 Canning street.
Miss Flora Cooper, who la a teacher In
the public schools of Vlllisca. la.. Is spend
ing over Sunday with her parents. Jus
tice and Mrs. J. K. Cooper.
Mr. I,ron Adrot of Port Hamilton. Staten
I-liird. N. Y., wns the guest lust week of
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. P. Froom enroute horn
from a trip to Alameda. Cal.
Miss Emma Baker Is homo from Bloom
fUld, Neb. She was accompanied home by
the Misses Minnie and Amanda Ecker, who
will be her guests for a week or two.
The L,. C. ";VI0" club will meet Ttieaday
efternoon at the home of Mrs. George
Gibson on Souih Ninth street at which
time It will reorganize for the winter sea
son. The card party planned to be given
October 12. by the members of the Flower
Mission, has been postponed until October
-i), wnen it will be held at the home of
Miss Cecelia Wlckham.
Mrs. T. K. Townaend and Miss Sue John
son of Lincoln, Neb., who have been the
guesta of their brother, Mr. J. D. Johnson
and family, left Friday for Los Angeles,
Cal., where they will spend the winter.
Mra. J. E. Swan. Mrs. K. XV. Miller and
Miss Mary Poole attended the golden wed
ding celebration of Mr. and Mis. W. II.
Wendell at Plattsmouth Wednesday even
ing. While In Plattsmouth they were the
guests of Mrs. A. E. Goss.'
Mrs. Claude B. Matthal has issued Invi
tations for a miscellaneous shower, to be
given Thursday afternoon, October 14. at
her home, .176 North First street. Ill honor
or Miss May Yates of Omaha, who will be
one of the November brides.
The regular meeting of the Oakland Ave
nue Beading club was held Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs, J. P. Green
shields. The club haa taken up Mexico as
the ttiplo for the season's study. The club
will be entertained Friday afternoon by
Mrs. F. W. Miller.
Mrs. W. A. Maurer was hostess to the
Monday Bridge club Monday afternoon at
her homo, 831 Second avenue. The prize
for the highest score was awarded to Mrs.
XV. 8. Stillman. The club will be enter
tained Monday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. R. E. Montgomery.
- The University club held an Informal
meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Kobert Ingram. No program was
given, the afternoon being devoted to the
diBCUSSlon Of Dlans for the veur'a wnrk
The club will begin the Bayvlew course of
stuay next Wednesday afternoon.
The Pocahontas club was entertained
Thursday afternoon by Mrs. George Wes
ley. Three tables of "M)0" were pluyed and
th club fork was won by Mrs. Albert
Norene who substituted for Mrs. Spare.
The club will meet next Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Will Johnson on
South First street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morris of Mornlng
slde had as their guests over Sunday Con
gressman and Mrs. W. B. Jamieson of
Shenandoah, la. MrJ and Mrs. JamleBon
were enroute home from Lincoln, Neb.,
where they attended the celebration of the
wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Jennings Bryan.
The opening rtieetlng of the modern lan
guage department of the Council Bluffs
Woman's club held Thursday morning In
the club room In the library building was
devoted to reorganization and the diseiiM
slon of plans for the season's work. Re
gular class work in the study of French
will be commenced next Thursday morning.
TJie Wednesday Bridge club was enter
tained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. A.
W. Cassady. Three tables were used for
playing. Mrs. Ed Canning was awarded
the prize for the highest score. The club
had as Its guests Mrs. Louis Zurmuehlen,
Mrs. Lucius Wells and Miss Cherrle Wells.
At the close of the game a course luncheon
was served. The club will meet next at
the home of Mrs. Pettlbone.
The first general meeting of the Council
Bluffs Woman's club for the season was
held Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Catherine Smith. About forty women were
In attendance and a most Interesting ses
sion was held. The question of organizing
a Young Women's Christian association
was discussed, and the sentiment of the
members was In favor of the proposition.
Mrs. Walter I. Smith was nnmed as chair
man of a committee to Investigate the mat
ter. Mrs. Thomas Metcalf, sr.: Mrs. Page
Morrison. Mrs. Thomas Q. Harrison and
Miss Mary DeVol attended the state con
ference of the Daughters of the American
Revolution In Sioux City last week as rep
resentatives of the Council Bluffs chap
ter. Mra. Metcalf was honored bv being
elected vice state regent. Mrs. Drayton
W. Bushnell, vice president general from
Iowa, was unable to ro to Sioux Cltv,
having been called to Washington. D. C..
to attend a meeting of the national board.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First Con
gregational church entertained at Its regu
lar monthly kenslngton and business meet
ing Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
J. H. Strock, when about thlrtv members
were present. Plans ror a birthday dinner
to be given some time In November were
diFcusfed, also for a muslcale to ho plven
the last of this month at the home of
Mrs. P. J. Montgomery. At the close of
the business meeting a social hour wns
erjoved and light refreshments were nerved
by the hostess.
Mrs. C. G. Saunders of Oakland avenue
entertained the repuhv monthly meeting
of the Woman's Christian association last
Monday afternoon. The greater part of
the afternoon was taken tip with routine
business snd the reading of the monthly
reports. Further plnns were made for the
shower to be given for the benefit of the
Jennie Edmundson hospital. At the close
of the business meeting a social session
was enjoyed and refreshments were served
by a committee composed of Mrs. C. S.
Bvirs. Mrs. J. B. Atkins. Mrs. .C. A.
Mencfec and Mrs. William Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Blair were tendered a
surprise party and tin shower Tuesday
evening al their home on Third avenue by
a number of young people of the First
All sizes fnmous nir tight
heaters burns any kind of
fuel like cut enoh,
A S4.25
Sideboards, Tables
mid general dining
room furniture sale
elegant side
boards starting as
low as, ea. $11.50
1 Pays
J t0
fe' Trade,
U-Ot at the
X Central
1 , j'V
f H V-'':';v
l lit I .v V
Dasc Ournor
Famous Garland medal
Dckash ' and Prince
Beaver lines Vlalt our
new store room Aa
cut fully ?1 5fl
9x12 Axmlnster Kug 822.60
9x12 Imperial Velvet $10.50
9x12 Riverside- Rug SS.20
BPSiMll.jl..ll.l Jll 1 I L "
tUL twtq.
- Kitchen cabinet. Best of workman
ship and finish in light wood; 2
'flour fins, fully guaranteed $2.00
Extra Dressers
Large, full sized
French plate mir
rors; rubbed and
polished, solid oak;
low as $8.25
"Ptgr a tfe down on a Big at ffie
Out of the
niWPu Ss- SPif Rent '
lJ&m NlSbW District.
SfM One Block West of
I to rntm. . ' Thompson, Belden
JiSM.; & C6.'s. ; ;
'.. ' .. i. .i ! t
i i in - - - - , ,im . inmr- '
Seventeenth and Howard Sts.
The purchase of furniture, the furnlsh
lf of a home is always of supreme in
terest to the householder. In no other line
T domestic expenditure is so much time,
thought and care exorcised. The Control
kind of furniture is the kind that lasts,
not for a season, but for years Perma
nent, Useful and Beautiful.
Try the Central Way.
It's Easy.
Seventeenth and Howard Sts.
Thla range Ih
fully guaran
teed good bak
e r. duplex
frratea for
wood or coal;
aHlesto lined,
nickel trimmed
complete with
high warmlnK
Priced at $24.
Lectures on Civic Reforms
,4' .
" ..1 ' .
Worcester, ilua.
liaptlat church. Games and Aiualo fur
nished the entertainment for the evenlnK.
supper being aerved at a late hour. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Lanham,
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Hardlns, Mr. and Mra.
N. E. Meneeray, Mr. and Mrs. CJuy nialr.
Miss Day, Miss Hwanson. Mls Nellie Harl.
Miss Claudia Harl, Miss Olive Harl, Miss
Totter, Miss Huston, Miss Ida Johnson.
Miss Fmlly Vuagnlaux. Miss Eva Olmstead,
MIsb Sarah Larson and Miss Jessie Llnln
ger.. Mr. and Mrs. P. t,. Ialnson entertained
at a family dinner Tuesday evening at
their home on Canning street In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Lalnson of this cltv
and Mrs. A. J. Glfford and Miss Pearl
Olfford of Miller. S. D. The guesta were
seated at one long table, which was effec
tively decorated with flowers and frui.
Music was a pleasant feature of the even
ing. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Lainson and son Elden. Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer F. l,ainson, Mr. and Mra. F. X,.
Lalnson and femllv, Mrs. George J. I,ain
son. Mrs. A. J. Glfford, Miss Pearl Glfford,
Miss Florence Lalnson. Miss Ruth Lainaon
and Mr. William Lalnson.
Mrs. T. O. Turner was hostess to the
Book Lovers' club at Ita opening meeting
of the season Wednesday afternoon. The
study of Helglum was begun with a geo
Braphlcal description of the country by
Mrs. D. T.. Palley. Mra. I. N. Fllcklnger
contributed an Interesting outline of the
history of the country from the early days
down to the eighteenth century, while Mrs,
Metcalf told of the character of the peo
ple. Mrs. J. G. Wadsworth described some
of 4he rivers and Mrs. J. T. Hamilton
gave aome interesting faotB concerning the
climate. Tha program closed with the dis
cussion of current events led by Mrs. H.
XV. Tllton. The club will meet v cdnes
day at the home of Mrs. Turner.
Invitations have been Issued for the wed
ding of Mlsa Edna Kcellne, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Keellne of Park
avenue and Mr. Conrad Spens of Omaha'
which will take place Snturday evening,
October 23 at St. Paul's EpiS'l'nnI church
and will be followed by a reoeVInn at the
Grand hotel. Mrs. Glenn- VI"rton of
Omaha Is to br matron of honor, and Miss
Elizabeth Adair of Atlantic. Ia.. maid of
honor. Mrs. Arthur Keellne and Miss Jean
Elwood of rekalb. III., will bo the other
attendants of the bride. Mr. Pilffer of Chi
cago will be beat man and the ushers will
be Mr. E. M. Fairfield. Mr. John T.
Stewart. 2d, Mr. A. M. Jeffrey, Mr. J. E.
Pucklngham and Mr. Arthur Keellne.
Tuesday evening, at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Mattle Orrell, l.i04
Eighth avenue, Miss Edyth May Orrell and
Mr. Charles Lee Crewdson were united In
marriage, the ceremony being performed by
Rv. Edgar Price, pastor of the First
Christian church. The rooms were prettily
decorated with autumn flowers, leaves and
berries. The bride wore a dainty gown of
white swtss trimmed with German Valen
ciennes lace The bridal couple were at
tended by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caughey of
Oklnhoma. Following the ceremony ret
freshments were served bv Mrs Ogl Jen
pen, Mrs. I. Frederlckson. Mls Paulson,
Miss Laura Herr and Miss M'llle ll"rr
There were about forty guests present. Mr.
and Mrs. Cr wdson went to Kansas Cltv
for a wedding tr'p. and on their return
will make their home at Bllghth and Myn
ster Htreets.
The Ideal rlub met Tuesday afternoon
at the home o' Mr John P. Onran. Re
norts from the biennial at Davemort
furnished an Interesting rrotrram fnr the
nfternoon. Mrs. Lewis Cutler gave nn
interesting account of the practical work
done by the Iowa federation, together
with -an outline of the aerial side of the
meeting. Mrs. Orfiii spoke of the gen
eral linpresxlnns left hy the blrnn'al, tell
lnr esneclallv of the poise and grace
with which the women presided end of
the wonderful progrfss and Intellectual
growth of lews rtvh . woman during
recent vears Mrs. Orir.m also gave a
humeroiis account nf the club women's
rtn to pRvennorf. whl"!) afforded much
amusement. Current evonls wcr given
In response to the "oil cnll. Th rlub
will meet Tuedav. when t will ske un
Hie studv nf the wnnon of the R-lble and
famous women of hlstrv.
The Atlna club held Its openln meet
ing for the seon fuesdav afternoon
at the home of Miss Emms Reebe. presi
dent of the club The club hognn the
study of Indli wl'b a ffneral description
of the country, which was given bv Mrs.
E W. Kev l-Mla'a de-pe-nt thmuffh suc
cexlve generations w"h lnsrtd plsode
and accretions narrative of ancient and
mythlca' India were "'so given ti?Mr
Keya. Mrs Frank IlTiglind described
the tbree-rsce uraircci of India, namely,
the KcytMnns, non-Avrians and the
Avrlnns Mrs. R If. Itloomfr arave n
! outline of Sanscrit literature, telltnv of the
1 three clases the vedie, the er1c. and the
, dramatic. Mrs. O. r. Wheeler acted as
leader of h discussion of the current
I events, which closed the program. The
! rlub wIP meet October 19. at the home
i of Mrs. Hoagland on Oakland avenue.
The Tuesdsv Hlstorv rlub held Its first
meeting of this season Tu"sdav afternoon
at the home of Mrs. .1. K. Cooper. The
club besan the studv of Holland with a
geographical description of th country
and a consideration of the eaHv In
habitants, given hv Mrs Charles Pnrdum.
Mrs C. CI Sounders told of the struggle
between the Iutrh an 1 the Romans, and
Mr. W. C Joseph told of the Saxons
and the FrsrVs In Holland. An In
teresting account of the missionary
work done In the Ne'herland by fit. Ronl
face. was given bv Mrs J. K. Cooper In
connection with her topic. "The Introduc
tion of Chr'stanlty " Mrs A. W. Ask
wlth told of the drslnln of the lakes,
and Mm. T. .1. Splrjdler told of the flooda
and Inundations against which the In
habitants struKrled Mrs S R. Snvder
described the canals of Holland and Mra.
I "ell Morgan gave a description of the
city of I'trecht. At the close of the
program, light refreshments were served
tk. K mm t . Th. MMlIu f tkkM
club will be at the home of Mrs. Ak
wlth, October 1
Pon't wait till It gets too cold to have
your fall wall paper work done. Right
now la the time. Our stock lu complete,
freRh new and up-to-date. C. Jensen,
Masonic temple.
Free Christian Science lecture by Mrs.
Sue Harper Mims of Atlanta, Ga., Sunday
afternoon at S o'clock In Star theater. All
The Fashion, ladles' tailoring, R. II. Em
leln, proprietor, late fitter Orkln Bros. I
do first class work reasonable. I make
suits fur $15, skirts $5. I also do altering
to suit. Would you give me a trial? S3
South Main street.
You want ypur money's worth when you
buy a piano. You are not aure of this un
less you buy It of A. Hospe Company, 23
Fearl Btreet, 28 South Main, Council Bluffs.
See Sperling & Trlplett.
for gasoline engines.
S27 Broadway,
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 2S0. Night. L-1701
The best time for painting a house on the
outside Is now. See Jensen, Masonic
LM for Buddhist Temple.
When It leaves Llnnton for China
the steamer M. S. Dollar will have on
board one of the most singular cargoes
of lumber that has ever left the port.
Its deck load Is composed of huge unsawed
logs which are destined to go into a
Chinese temple.
There are about twenty-flvt of these
logs, and they range In length from 105
to 106 feet. They average auout forty
three inches to the butt, and each weighs
in the neighborhood of fifteen tons. They
will be discharged somewhere along the
river between fhangh.-fc and Hankow,
after which they will have to be taken a
long distance Into the Interior of the
country, where they will be used In mak
ing repairs to a Buddhist temple which
Is many centuries old.
The work of transferring them from
tha coast to their destination will be
an enormous task, as for most of the
way thev will have to be transported bv
some primitive methods, and It will be the
work of month to get them to their
destination. Oregon Journal.
The Weather Man will now
do a few Stunts
While lie is busy we want to supply you with
''lrv: lis
( c ( 'V i A
xy la
K " i nw.Hi S
from our big new yard at the south end of Sixteenth street
viaduct. A large stock of carefully selected heat producera--each
the host of its kind. Prompt deliveries always.
o. mmi co
Reflection of a Bachelor.
Politics and religion are habit; morals,
Pride can take Its fall and think It was
an ascension.
The reason a woman can go mad ovenJ
a man Is he outht to over her. Y
What gives people Keenness aDour inings
Is the danger thev may turn Its edge.
You can tell when a girl Is pretty by
the way she will believe you If you say
so 1
The deeper a man could fall In love with
a girl the deeper aha would want It to be.
We can work for our own bread and
butter or we can play for the delight of
the devil.
One of the justifications for the way a
girl makes a fool of a man Is he never
dreams It. ,
A woman wants to gi t better clothes than
her neighbor, knowing the other will go
and get better than hers, when she can
do II again, too. New York Press.
Victims of Hih Pricea.
Weary Wilklna Say, Blinky, wot do you
tlnk of dis? 1'e cost of llvln' has advanced
49 1 per cent In de las' dlrteen years.
Blinky Blake Well, well, well! An' yet
dere are a lot o' people who go right along
thlnkin' we gits our livln' cheap an' easy.
Weary I'at's right. Let 'em remember
wot de liand-me-outs coat now compared
v Both Phones.
"Homo of the Long Ton."
Best equipped dental olfice In the middle west.
illKheRt crude dentistry at reasonable nrlces.
4 Porcelain fillings, just like the tooth. All lnstru
menta carefully sterilized after each patient.
Cor lflth and Farnam Sts.
nnk . An
to wot dey cost in lssW! It's somrthln'
awful. Cleveland Plain HeaUn
When Opportunity Knocks.
A new Jersey farmer, whone furm la
near a school for hoys, was treatly in-
$icyed by the depredailons of the young-
Htfrs. Klnfling, two or the boys helping
themselves to his cholee apples, he ushered
them from hla premises, ably assisted by
the toe of his boot.
The following day he finind the .same
boys loitering lu the vicinity of hla orchard
f nee. '
"What you young scamps hangln round
here for?" he shouted. "I told you yester
day what you'd git if I caught you on my
land ag'ln."
"Yes, air, we rememher," explained the
spokesman. "We d'dn't come, for appieu
Mils time. - We came to ask you to Join our
'out ball eleven." Harper's Weekly.
"No, Alice," counsels tha fond mamma,
"you should not marry Mr. Leftover. If
you do you will regret It."
"Why, mamma, because he Is a wid
ower?" "Not exactly. But he will not make a
good husband."
"Why,- mamma! Everybody knows that
while his wife was alive he was a. shining
model for all the other husbands In town.
He never drank, smoked or swore; he
never stayed out late at night; he never
danced with anyone but her he was sim
ply perfect."
"I know, my child. And I want to tell
tell you that a man who haa been held
down that way during hla first marrlaga
will know how v to dodge such rules tha
second time." Life. r
K Viper In t:ie Stomach "
la dyspepsia, complicated with liver and
kidney troubles. Electric Bitter help all,
such cases or no pay. jOc .'"Id by Beaton
Drug Co.
Social Thinks.
find that their heads are too large to fit
Blessed an- the meek, fur When tha last
trump sounds a great many people will
into an aureole.
The man who Rtanda In his nwti way la '
not necessarily bio. king the traffic.
No man ever got the better cif hla wife
In an argument without regretting It.
A rolling atone gathers no moss, but who
wants to be a musshack?
Whoso mocketh a mauled man, let him
lake heed, for a fool Is born, every minute
and he mocker himself falleth by the way-slde.-nmart
lOO IMortli lGtli Street
Omaha's Newest Clothes Shop
with a Brand New Stock of latest styles in Clothing,
Furnishings, . Hats, Caps, etc., assuring you always of the
very best values for your money, we respectfully '
solicit your patronage.
lOO Norm lOtti St.. Opp. Rostofflcc.